103 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Red Black / Miraskill & Variations
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Stewart James Miraskill
Related toVariationsAlso published here Sep. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 24)
Stewart James The Candy King Miraskill with candies
Variations Sep. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 24)
Stewart James Miraskill reprinted from Jinx
1937 330
Walter B. Gibson Pay Off spectator deals half the deck and tries to separate red and black, you predict the relations of the cards to the other half, two phases
Related toAlso published here Jan. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 1)
Gerald Kosky Matchaskill miraskill with matches
Related toAlso published here Feb. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 145)
Stewart James Miraskill No. 90
Also published here 1950 168
Walter Behm Auch ein Rot-Schwarz-Kartenkunststück one phase
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 16 No. 6)
Walter B. Gibson Pay-Off spectator deals half the deck and tries to separate red and black, you predict the relations of the cards to the other half, two phases
Also published here 1956 97
Stewart James Stewart James' Color Prediction Miraskill, three phases, magician predicts outcome each time
1956 13
William P. Miesel Another Impromptu Out of this World doing Miraskill for separating red and black cards
Related to Mar. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 6)
Howard A. Adams Straight Curve Miraskill with ESP cards
May 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 357)
Edward Marlo Basketball Miraskill Presentation
Oct. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 27)
Allan Slaight Magnetic Miraskill
VariationsAlso published here Dec. 1965
Ibidem (Issue 31)
Macco Glück im Spiel three phases / three predictions
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 27 No. 1)
Karl Fulves Future Perfect Miraskill with face-up/face-down instead of red/black, previous selection found in odd-colored pile
Related toVariations 1968 58
Bruce Cervon OOTW Anecdote deck shuffled, so proceeded with Miraskill
July 1968
Ibidem (Issue 33)
Edward Marlo Impromptu Repeat Miraskill Miraskill effect with face-up/face-down cards instead of red/black cards
July 1969
Epilogue (Issue 6)
Roy Walton Predicted Galbreath "Predicted Gilbreath", deck shuffled face-up/face-down, spectator deals in pairs and makes heaps according to orientation of pair, choses one heap, its red/black composition is predicted
Also published here Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Peter A. McDonald, Rolf Andra Four Square Prediction prediction of amount of red and black cards , two less than other spectator
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 5)
Karl Fulves Mini Miraskil eight cards, two methods
1973 44
Edward Marlo Impromptu Repeat Miraskill Miraskill effect with face-up/face-down cards instead of red/black cards
Related to 1973 74
Joseph K. Schmidt Impromptu Miraskil with face-up/face-down
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1973 87
Gerald Kosky The Dream prediction of chosen pile, chosen word and relation of black cards in a pile to red cards in another pile
1975 174
Gerald Kosky Tape Recorder Prediction prediction on tape of a number, a card and the relation between black and red objects (Miraskill)
1975 179
Gerald Kosky Matchaskill Miraskill using matches with different colored heads
Also published here 1975 234
Stewart James 2. Miraskill
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 40 No. 4)
Stephen Clark Mira-kil face-up/face-down
Inspired byVariations 1980
The Chronicles (Issue 27)
Bob Hummer Mother Goose Force to force a page, based on the Miraskill idea
Related to
  • Martin Gardner's "Mother Goose Mystery"
1980 99
Jack McMillen, Charles Nyquist The San Francisco Shuffle deck is separated by red an black, performer and spectator give the deck a riffle shuffle and colors do not mix, Tamariz "accidental Zarrow Set-up"
1981 11
Joseph K. Schmidt, Karl Fulves Miraskil No. 5
Inspired byRelated to 1984 7
Karl Fulves, Roy Walton The Unmatch Game No. 67, piles made, suit pairs build and remaining cards predicted
1984 99
Roy Walton Another Prediction Trick deck shuffled face-up/face-down, spectator deals in pairs and makes heaps according to orientation of pair, choses one heap, its red/black composition is predicted
Also published here 1988 94
Al Smith Wells Farogill two phases
Inspired by 1991 18
Karl Fulves Second Approach Miraskill-type effect, but repeat has different outcome with same make-up of cards
Inspired byRelated to 1992 51
Karl Fulves An anti-Miraskil card problem Miraskill-Gilbreath-combination posed as problem
1992 52
Karl Fulves Mira, Mira Miraskill variations and problems, final pair's condition named
1992 76
Karl Fulves Balancing Act - Second Approach further comments
Related to 1992 84
Karl Fulves You Go First without adding or taking cards
1992 85
Karl Fulves Black List without adding or taking cards
1992 86
Karl Fulves Mirage riffle shuffle, after each matching pair next pair is placed aside unseen, one pile is all red the other all black
1992 87
Peter Duffie Mixed Reaction Miraskill & Gilbreath
Variations 1995 182
Stewart James Miraskill
1997 26
Peter Duffie Acquiescence two spectators lay out pairs, red-black matching total predicted
Variations 1997 1
Peter Duffie Auto-Match Prediction 2 blank cards with different mixed backs, eight pairs made, three of them match which is predicted
1998 6
Stewart James Miraskill Miraskill
Also published here 1999 63
Karl Fulves Future Vision No. 2, face-up/face-down cards instead of red/black
Related to 2001 3
Karl Fulves Repeat Miraskill No. 58
2001 131
Karl Fulves Double Roulette Miraskill with actual number of matches predicted, Omega Bet principle
Variations 2001
Discoverie (Issue 5)
Gabi Pareras Intuición Magica two packets are cut, numbers of cards are divined in Miraskill fashion
2001 ca. 30
David Williamson Aunt Mary's Terrible Secret three-phase red-black game combining Miraskill and Magnetic Colors
  • History
  • Credits
  • Requirements
  • Method
2003 3
David Williamson Aunt Mary's Terrible Secret three-phase red-black game combining Miraskill and Magnetic Colors
  • History
  • Credits
  • Requirements
  • Method
2003 5
Robert Cassidy Dreams and Devices confabulation type effect mixed with Miraskill, prediction of dream in envelope, name of person, zodiac sign, amount of money and amount of red cards, Himber Wallet
  • The Dream
  • Opening Script
  • The Checkbook
  • Judah meets Big Red
2003 3
Harrison Kaplan Mirrorskill method for "Accurate Miraskill", three phases
Related to Feb. 2004
The Penumbra (Issue 7)
Stewart James Miraskill
Feb. 2004
The Penumbra (Issue 7)
Allan Slaight Magnetic Miraskill
Feb. 2004
The Penumbra (Issue 7)
Stewart James Miraskill
July 2004
The Penumbra (Issue 8)
Wesley James Devine Miraskill "alpha"
2004 433
Marty Kane Mirakill based in the Utility Cutter
2004 22
Michael Weber, Dean Dill Here are some things to think about with this deck. various suggestions, applied to Miraskill, separating suits (Out of Escorial)
2005 12
Karl Fulves Grudge Match Miraskill type bet with red-red, black-black and mixed pairs done with about half the shuffled deck, winner still known
2005 61
Karl Fulves Mirasequel performer separates the mixed pile at the end of Miraskill
2005 66
Karl Fulves Latent Ability Miraskill prediction correct even though only part of deck sorted by spectator
2005 84
Max Maven Mirasqueal
2006 179
Michael Weber Bipolar Magnetic Miraskill first Miraskill, then Slaight's Magnetic Miraskill with face-up/face-down mixed deck
Inspired byAlso published here Aug. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 8)
Allan Slaight Magnetic Miraskill
Also published here Aug. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 8)
Bob King Miniskill three-phase routine for Stewart James' "Miraskill"
2007 57
Stewart James Miraskill Magician can predict number of red and black cards in two piles
Also published here
  • Marketed by SJ, July 1935
2007 22
George McBride Mirakill
Also published here
  • Cardville, Jan. 2002
2007 6
Nick Trost Color Prediction with Three Spectators Gilbreath based, Miraskill
2008 131
Karl Fulves Singularities "kind of anti-Miraskil"
Prolix (Issue 4)
Allan Slaight Magnetic Miraskill
Also published here 2008 31
Allan Slaight, Max Maven Silent Moraskill
Inspired by
  • "Moraskill" (Stewart James)
Also published here
  • The James File, 2000
2008 140
Allan Slaight Miraskiller Miraskill and Shuffle-board combination, shuffled deck
Related to 2008 171
Michael Weber Bipolar Magnetic Miraskill first Miraskill, then Slaight's Magnetic Miraskill with face-up/face-down mixed deck
Inspired byAlso published here 2008 5
Michael Weber Bipolar Magnetic Miraskill first Miraskill, then Slaight's Magnetic Miraskill with face-up/face-down mixed deck
Inspired byAlso published here 2009 12
Sam Mayer Up & Down spectator deal deck so that four face-down cards alternate with four face-up cards and so on, one card remembered, located
  • no-touch Miraskil suggestion by Karl Fulves
Prolix (Issue 6)
Nick Trost Miraskill with the Equalizer Shuffle two phases
Inspired by
  • "Simple Miraskill" (Bob Longe, The Magical Math Book, 1998)
2009 448
Nick Trost Miraskill and Psychic Ability face-up/face-down Miraskill, two phases
Related toVariations 2009 451
John Bannon View To A 'Skill two phase Miraskill with outcome predicted
Also published here 2009 19
Darwin Ortiz Limitless kind of impromptu shuffle-bored
2012 171
Michał Kociołek Colors "Miraskill" as a game, with prediction
Inspired by 2012 49
Joe Fendel Miraskill Scissors-Paper-Stone Miraskill with cards printed for game of Scissors, Paper and Stone
Inspired by 2012 184
Alberto Reyes El Misterio de Rojas y Negras packet of cards is shuffled and pairs bild, amount of black cards is used to get to a card in the deck, performer divines card, amount of black, red and black/red cards
  • Sugerencia e interpretación
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 20)
Ryan Swigert Moraskill partial stack
Inspired by 2013 26
John Bannon View To A 'Skill two phase Miraskill with outcome predicted
Also published here 2013 69
Tomas Blomberg Deal the Way using cards which are printed black or white in the face, some spectators pick two cards each, which can change between them afterwards. Depending on the cards, they are distributed in two sides, magician is able to predict the difference in the number of spectators between sides
Inspired by 2014 124
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Mail Dominance Miraskill with copper and silver coins
Sep. 2014
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 30)
Michael Weber House Advantage number of blackjack wins predicted, Miraskill with number/face-cards
(Real Secrets Bonus sheet)
Also published here Oct. 2014
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 31)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Color War game presentation for Miraskill
Nov. 2014
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 32)
Michael Weber House Advantage number of blackjack wins predicted, Miraskill with number/face-cards
Also published here 2015 9
G Checkmate (将军) Miraskill with Chinese Chess pieces
2015 37
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Miraskill prediction on Zoltar Medaillon
Mar. 2015
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 36)
Nick Trost Face-Up, Face-Down Routine
  • Phase One (Miraskill)
  • Phase Two (Chaotic Mixed Reaction)
  • Phase Three (Pre-Deck Ability)
Inspired by 2015 1303
Nick Trost Predicting Pairs
  • Phase One (Double Roulette, Miraskill with actual number of matches predicted, Omega Bet principle)
  • Phase Two (Acquiescence, number and color of matching red-black pairs predicted)
Inspired by 2015 1307
Max Maven Miraskill Lite done with white and black spheres, two phases
Inspired by 2016 7
John Hostler Alligator ten red and ten black cards shuffled, pairs dealt according to rules, outcome predicted and added value of chosen pair divined
Inspired by 2016 116
Michael Weber House Advantage number of blackjack wins predicted, Miraskill with number/face-cards
Also published here 2017 10
Ramón Riobóo The Prophecy of the Absent Magician Based on Miraskill, prediction of competition between two spectators
Inspired by 2019 139
Jon Racherbaumer Miraskill to the Max starts with dealing off twenty-six cards face up, several prediction phases
Related to 2020 206
Joe M. Turner Zarrowskill with three written prediction
Inspired by
  • Herb Zarrow's "Minimal Miraskill" in David Ben's "Zarrow: A Lifetime of Magic"
2020 88
Ramón Riobóo Mira-Thrill
2020 147
William Goodwin Alterations first prediction about red/black composition, then also suits
Inspired by
  • Miraschool chapter, The James File Volume 2, 2000, p. 1883
2023 58
Jon Racherbaumer Almost No Miraskill Required
  • Exhumations
starts with dealing off twenty-six cards face up, several prediction phases
Related to Jan. 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 1)