564 entries in Cards / Principles / Gilbreath Principle
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Strictly Straight performer always gets a straight, from five to two hands, then performer deals and can chose if dealer gets top or bottom card, progressive poker deal, Gilbreath precursor
Inspired by
  • Lin Searles's "The Straight Gambler"
Related to
Feb. 1957
The Cardiste (Issue 1)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Scrambled Straights straights, all hands, Gilbreath precursor (see Fulves' "When Psychics..." reference)
Related toVariations May 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 8)
Tom Ransom You Did It!!! deck riffle shuffled once, dealt into two pile (one face up, one face down), one spectator follows the dealing of reds and blacks with the face-down pile and thus separates his cards
Inspired by
  • "Magnetic Colors" (Normal Gilbreath, Linking Ring)
Related to
Mar. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 16)
John Hamilton Thanks Norm after riffle shuffle performer recites the red/black order of half the deck with his back turned
Inspired by
  • Ron Edwards's handling of Magnetic Colors in The Linking Ring
Oct. 1960
Ibidem (Issue 22)
Dai Vernon New Super Countdown red-black alternating set-up, Gilbreath
1962 55
Tom Ransom A Trick Worth Two of That!! deck riffle shuffled and dealt into two piles which are spread on table, spectator turns over cards in one half and performer turns card up of matching color in other half
Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
James G. Thompson Jr. Norman's Ark Gilbreath Principle idea, shuffling face-up and face-down
Oct. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 30)
Allan Slaight Magnetic Miraskill
VariationsAlso published here Dec. 1965
Ibidem (Issue 31)
Roy Walton Lesson In Larceny ten card packet, spectator deals cards from top or bottom and gets a straight, performer aces
Related toVariationsAlso published here July 1966 47
Karl Fulves Black Magic effect about matching pairs of red and black, related to Gilbreath Principle, fifty-two double facers (!)
Related to Nov. 1967
Epilogue (Issue 1)
J. W. Sarles Posi-Negative Cards Magnetic Colors variation
Related toVariationsAlso published here May 1967 99
Karl Fulves Incorporated Color Control
  • Part One: pairs attract each other after riffle shuffle (RBBR-RBBR-...)
  • Part Two: spectator lays out pairs on table, performer knows which ones are black and which red
  • Part Three: number of color-matching pairs kind of predicted
Related toVariationsAlso published here July 1967 111
Paul Swinford Opus Thirteen Gilbreath Principle & Faro Shuffle, new deck order
1968 37
Paul Swinford Fantasia number of red/black cards drawn by spectator are predicted, new deck order
1968 40
Karl Fulves The Odd Event red-black matching thing with two card location
Related toVariations July 1968
Epilogue (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Riffle/Reverse combination of riffle shuffle and reverse faro, related to Gilbreath Principle
Related to July 1968
Epilogue (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves ESP + Math ESP cards are shuffled and distributed, performer knows who has a pair in his cards, see also p. 728 for comment, p. 840 for comment by Jerry Fulton
Related toVariations Feb. 1968 162
Karl Fulves, Charles Hudson ESP + Math non ESP-version, cards are shuffled and distributed, performer knows who has a pair in his cards
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here May 1968 178
Gene Finnell Color Prophecy performer predicts which red-black pairs will match when two halves are dealt after a shuffle
Also published here July 1968 189
Peter Alexis Scarlock's Card phoned person knows dealt poker hands
Inspired byAlso published here Oct. 1968
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Karl Fulves Some Special Cases "Basic Position Control", riffle shuffle set-ups, including an unusual derivation of the basic Gilbreath principle in Example 6
  • Example 4 - 6
1968 34
Karl Fulves The Rue Morgue Problem cards riffle shuffled by spectators and dealt in pairs to players, they remove red or black poker chips according to red-black distribution, chip values and cards added, the total is 28 and predicted
1968 54
Karl Fulves Riffle/Reverse Notes combination of riffle shuffle and reverse faro, related to Gilbreath Principle
Related to 1969
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue The Triple Faro)
Karl Fulves Black Magic Notes effect about matching pairs of red and black, related to Gilbreath Principle, see also Addenda on page 60
Related to 1969
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue The Triple Faro)
Gene Finnell Riffle-Shuffle Set-ups some Gilbreath Principle applications and handling
Mar. 1969
Epilogue (Issue 5)
Gene Finnell Red and Black Challenge red-black separation after riffle shuffle with location combo, gilbreath
Mar. 1969
Epilogue (Issue 5)
Gene Finnell Face-up Face-down Duplication face up/face down order of two piles match, gilbreath
Mar. 1969
Epilogue (Issue 5)
Gene Finnell Influential Pairs Variation some red-black matching occurs, gilbreath
Inspired by Mar. 1969
Epilogue (Issue 5)
Edward Marlo The Odd Event red-black matching thing with two-card location
Inspired byVariations Mar. 1969
Epilogue (Issue 5)
Roy Walton Miracle Location two card location with red black alternated deck
Also published here July 1969
Epilogue (Issue 6)
Karl Fulves The Compleat Gamester proposition bets
  • Birthday Bet (see p. 292 for Mel Stover comment)
  • Red And Black (Martin Gardner)
  • License Plate Poker
  • Ace-Deuce-Jack Variations
  • Black And White
  • Coin Swindles
  • 3-Card Poker
  • Odds On Favorite (Omega Bet, card pushed in reversed and pairs dealt off)
Related toVariationsAlso published here July 1969 272
Roy Walton Predicted Galbreath "Predicted Gilbreath", deck shuffled face-up/face-down, spectator deals in pairs and makes heaps according to orientation of pair, choses one heap, its red/black composition is predicted
Also published here Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Roy Walton Cheaters Galbreath "Cheaters Gilbreath", twenty cards with square and circle, performer matches order
  • Alternative Presentation
Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Roy Walton Game Law deck mixed face-up/face-down, deck riffle shuffled twice by spectator, groups of four cards each are dealt, spectator never gets a packet with four cards in same orientation
  • Elaboration (an alternative presentation)
Also published here Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Roy Walton Second Thoughts on Galbreath color matching routine in which the spectator and performer deal cards alternating
Also published here Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Roy Walton Found-Two Cards two card location with a riffle shuffle by the spectator
Also published here Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Roy Walton Second Thoughts on Galbreath "Again" color matching routine in which the spectator and performer deal cards alternating
  • Alternative Presentation (no seconds required)
Also published here Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Roy Walton Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are
Also published here Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Karl Fulves New Light on Black Magic face-up/face-down shuffled deck, effect with matching pairs of face-down and face-up cards with several phases
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue First Supplement)
Paul Swinford Pairs Foretold three mates removed by spectator are predicted
1971 42
Paul Swinford, Norman Gilbreath Gilbreath Revisited deck cut in three piles, one pile looked over, performer knows number of red and black cards in other piles, handling for Gilbreath's "Separating One Deck With One Shuffle" (Linking Ring, July 1958)
1971 44
Nick Trost High Card Poker Deal poker deal from packet of high cards, spectators receive Ace-high straights, performer gets winning four of a kind, uses Gilbreath principle
VariationsAlso published here 1972 157
Edward Marlo Out of the World
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 4)
J. W. Sarles Posi-Negative Cards Magnetic Colors variation
Also published here 1973 2
Karl Fulves Attraction after riffle shuffle cards are dealt in pairs, matching red or black pair is always followed by pair of other color
Related to 1973 3
Karl Fulves Incorporated Color Control number of color-matching pairs kind of predicted after riffle shuffle
Also published here 1973 4
Karl Fulves Black Magic effect about matching pairs of red and black, related to Gilbreath Principle, fifty-two double facers (!)
Related to 1973 6
Karl Fulves ESP + Math ESP cards are shuffled and distributed, performer knows who has a pair in his cards
Related to 1973 8
Gene Finnell Color Prophecy performer predicts which red-black pairs will match when two halves are dealt after a shuffle
Also published here 1973 12
Peter Alexis Scarlock's Card phoned person knows dealt poker hands
Also published here 1973 13
Karl Fulves The Odd Event red-black matching thing with two card location
1973 16
Karl Fulves Riffle/Reverse combination of riffle shuffle and reverse faro, related to Gilbreath Principle
1973 17
Gene Finnell Gilbreath Claim claims that he discovered the principle in 1953
1973 63
Gene Finnell Red and Black Challenge "Magnetic Colors" as set-up for divided deck location
1973 63
Gene Finnell Face-up/Face-down Challenge face-up/face-down condition of one pile matches that of another pile
1973 65
Gene Finnell Influential Pairs Variation
Related to 1973 66
Edward Marlo The Odd Event red-black matching thing with two card location
Inspired by 1973 67
Roy Walton Miracle Location two card location with red black alternated deck
Also published here 1973 73
Marvin Johnson Logical Odd Event two selections found and red-black separation
Inspired by 1973 77
James G. Thompson Jr. ESP + Math + Thompson ESP cards are shuffled and distributed, performer knows who has a pair in his cards
  • Adding Another Factor
  • Phase II
  • Phase III
  • Added Notes by Thompson
Inspired by 1973 92
Michael Boden Deck Memorization OOTW with the performer dealing as a memory stunt, gilbreath
Also published here 1974 90
Jerry Mentzer Notes on the Gilbreath Principle credit information
1974 93
Paul Curry Don't Lie To Me two spectators get half the pack and either lie or say the truth about each card, magician spots all the lies
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1974 47
Paul Curry The Red And The Black spectator arrange the deck, cards are in red/black pairs except the Aces
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1974 53
Paul Curry Odds And Evens spectator always gets two cards and decides whether they have an odd or even total
1974 106
Peter Kane, Gustave Southall Gil's Game spectator cannot win in red-black game in which he has to select groups of one color
Related to
  • New Pentagram, June 1970
VariationsAlso published here
1975 4
Peter Kane, Gustave Southall Gil's Spiel spectator cannot win in red-black game in which he has to select groups of one color
Also published here June 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Nick Trost False Deal Deluxe pseudo false deal of a straight after one honest riffle shuffle
Also published here 1975 3
Nick Trost High-Card Poker poker deal from packet of high cards, spectators receive Ace-high straights, performer gets winning four of a kind, uses Gilbreath principle
Also published here 1975 21
Nick Trost Odd Man Wins!
Also published here 1975 5
Nick Trost The Horse Race
  • The Repeat
  • Horce Race - Riffle Shuffle Method
Also published here 1975 10
Nick Trost The Lone Stranger Spectator locates own card by unknowingly placing it with a group of cards of a different color
Also published here 1976 5
Roy Walton Lesson in Larceny No. 14, ten card packet, spectator deals cards from top or bottom and gets a straight, performer aces
Also published here 1976 25
Frank Garcia Grand Slam gilbreath, duplicate spade cards
Inspired byRelated to Mar. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Simon Aronson The Aronson Artifice spectator stops anytime during dealing, takes two cards, then one of those, it is divined and predicted, Koran meets Gilbreath
Also published here 1978 49
Bruce Bernstein Couples always two cards used, spectator decides if red pair, black pair or mixed, also with discard pile
Also published here 1978 1
Roy Walton It's a Set Up several cards dealt in hands of five, performer is able to guess if cards are red or black from chosen hand
Also published here 1979 8
Nick Trost ESP 7 Card Draw spectator takes cards from two piles, set of cards is predicted
1979 11
Nick Trost Million to One ESP five cards chosen, they make up a full set of ESP cards
1979 14
Paul Swinford Magnetic Coincidence selection by spectator and performer are found next to each other by stop procedure, marked and half forcing deck, gilbreath
Related to 1980
Arcane (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby The Constant Straight Routine straights show up despite shuffling and mixing, seven phases, with packet
Related to 1980 21
Jeff Busby Polar Repulsion Straights "The same as Constant Straight Routine only more so!"
Related to 1980 24
Karl Fulves By Two And Two one riffle shuffle, then pairs turned up, when odd-colored, the next pair is also odd-colored, when match, then the next is match
1981 54
Karl Fulves Centering one riffle shuffle, five cards considered, center card named when seeing some of the others
Related to 1981 55
Roy Walton It's a Set Up several cards dealt in hands of five, performer is able to guess if cards are red or black from chosen hand
Also published here 1981 171
Bob King All-Fair Poker real shuffle, yet straights for all and royal flush for performer, gilbreath
Variations 1982 267
Reinhard Müller, Justin Branch "Mish Mosh" gilbreath and dealing procedure to separate suits, non-faro method of a Justin Branch effect
Variations 1982 314
Philip T. Goldstein The Hawk two cards noted while back turned, one found by shouting stop, other named, part of the "Birds of Prey" locations
Variations 1982 1
Alex East Cardputer using number cards, numbers on both sides
Inspired byRelated to June 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Paul Curry Rot und Schwarz spectator arrange the deck, cards are in red/black pairs except the Aces
Also published here July 1982
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 2)
Karl Fulves Trackinback old new deck order (picture cards together, all others from Ace to Ten) deck dealt into four piles, spectator removes a value pair from any pile which is divined by performer, riffle shuffle connection
Inspired byAlso published here 1983 3
Karl Fulves Impromptu Faro Box red black betting game
1983 29
Doug Canning, Tom Craven Straight Slam spectator shuffles, yet top thirteen cards are straight from ace to king, gilbreath
Apr. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Doug Canning, Tom Craven Straight Prediction spectator shuffles and deals a bit and ends up with five cards: Ten-high straigt, predicted
Apr. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Reinhard Müller Gilbreath in the Escorial sorting in four suits
Variations 1984
Arcane (Issue 11)
Philip T. Goldstein Counter Feat spectator finds his card at some position
1984 6
Karl Fulves Stack a Pack No. 33, explanation of Gilbreath principle with only the top and bottom two cards of the deck
1984 45
Norman Gilbreath Magnetic Colors No. 34, "This routine was independently devised by Gene Finnell, Norman Gilbreath and others"
1984 46
Self-Matching Colors No. 35, alternated red-black stack shuffled, when a pair matches, the performer knows the color, kind of opposite Gilbreath
1984 47
A Devilish Secret No. 36, deck riffle shuffled once, pairs turned up, when a color match occurs, the next pair is a match of opposite colors
1984 47
Karl Fulves ESP + Math No. 37, packet of cards is shuffled and distributed, performer knows who has a pair in his cards
Related toAlso published here 1984 48
Gene Finnell Color Prophecy No. 38, performer predicts which red-black pairs will match when two halves are dealt after a shuffle
Also published here 1984 49
J. W. Sarles Posi-Negative Cards No. 41, Magnetic Colors variation
Also published here 1984 53
Karl Fulves Incorporated Color Control No. 42, number of color-matching pairs kind of predicted after riffle shuffle
Also published here 1984 54
Karl Fulves Why You Can't Win No. 43, deck riffle shuffled and dealt into four piles, top cards turned over by player simultaneously and red-black outcome used for betting game
1984 55
Karl Fulves The Omega Bet No. 73, card pushed face-up in center and deck dealt in pairs, pair with face-up card matches or not, multiple phases
Related toVariations 1984 107
Roger Crosthwaite Sepearations Effect 1: Reds and Blacks
four hands dealt, and two cards placed on table, performer matches color sequences of all hands by dealing cards as well, reds and blacks are dealt and eventually colors are separated
Inspired by 1985 38
Philip T. Goldstein The Mockingbird missing card divined, part of the "Birds of Prey" locations, Palindromic Rosary Stack
1986 1
Karl Fulves The Diagonal Relationship after riffle shuffle spectator takes pairs, turns one over and guesses color of other card, performer is always right
1986 2
Karl Fulves Pristine after riffle shuffle pairs are dealt, all have matching colors
1986 6
Karl Fulves Nexto two positions in deck decided upon by spectator and performer, after riffle shuffle those positions are counted to and the prediction that one is of each color is verified
1986 7
Karl Fulves Memory Mix after riffle shuffle performer memorizes order, deck dealt into two heaps, performer announces number of matching color pairs in one heap
Related to 1986 8
Karl Fulves Chain of Events discussion of red-black pair relationship properties after riffle shuffle
1986 10
Karl Fulves Smart Modem twelve red and twelve black cards, cards shuffled and dealt into two heaps by spectator, paper slips with "match" and "no match" used to predict whether pairs match in color, with variations:
  • Smart Alek (getting some pairs wrong on purpose)
  • Which Colors? (predicting colors as well)
  • Machine Dream (incorporating money machine prop)
  • Read This First
1986 12
Karl Fulves Colorite after riffle shuffle and deal into two halves, performer divines color of top card of spectator's pile, repeated for all cards
1986 20
Karl Fulves The 5-6-9-10 System discussion of riffle shuffle of alternating set-up
Related to 1986 28
Philip T. Goldstein Humthing cards with names of different songs, chosen one is played / divined, using non-existent titles that sound plausible
Related toVariations
  • Chester Sass' "Music Was My First Love" in "120% Chestosterone"
1986 2
Philip T. Goldstein The Schizoid Rosary two piles created from deck, number of red card in one and court card in other pile predicted
VariationsAlso published here 1987 1
Philip T. Goldstein ESPrit property about order in ESP deck predicted after shuffle
1987 9
Philip T. Goldstein Calvinist Poker spectator chooses five cards after shuffle, prediction about cards made
Variations 1987 14
Peter Duffie Worlds Apart one riffle shuffle, pairs laid out
Variations 1987 17
Dai Vernon Vernon On Gilbreath
Also published here 1988 212
Ben Harris, David Faulkner Invertz pairs are deal after one riffle shuffle, top cards turned over, two chosen and exchanged, later located
Inspired byVariations 1988 24
Roy Walton Game Law deck mixed face-up/face-down, deck riffle shuffled twice by spectator, groups of four cards each are dealt, spectator never gets a packet with four cards in same orientation
  • Elaboration (an alternative presentation)
Also published here 1988 56
Roy Walton Another Prediction Trick deck shuffled face-up/face-down, spectator deals in pairs and makes heaps according to orientation of pair, choses one heap, its red/black composition is predicted
Also published here 1988 94
Roy Walton Found-Two Cards two card location with a riffle shuffle by the spectator
Also published here 1988 102
Roy Walton Second Thoughts On Gilbreath color matching routine in which the spectator and performer deal cards alternating
Also published here 1988 130
Roy Walton Second Thoughts On Gilbreath "Again" color matching routine in which the spectator and performer deal cards alternating
  • Alternative Presentation (no seconds required)
Also published here 1988 134
Roy Walton Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are
Also published here 1988 135
Philip T. Goldstein Mocha removed ESP card divined with other cards
1989 1
Philip T. Goldstein Interrupted Gilbreath Principle
1989 2
Philip T. Goldstein Encounter duplicate found in second deck when number is counted down, "Interrupted Gilbreath Principle"
1989 2
Philip T. Goldstein Knowker performer divines high card in poker hand, then full hand
1989 8
Philip T. Goldstein The Schizoid Rosary two piles created from deck, number of red card in one and court card in other pile predicted
Also published here 1989 87
Bob King Order Please deck shuffled face-up/face-down, performer arranges half the deck to match face-up/face-down sequence of other half
Inspired byAlso published here 1989 5
Harry Lorayne Straight Away despite spectator's shuffling, two straights are dealt, gilbreath
Variations 1990 251
Philip T. Goldstein Humthing cards with names of different songs, chosen one is played / divined, using non-existent titles that sound plausible
1990 5
Philip T. Goldstein Janushuffle double sided ESP cards, "polyhedronal approach to the Gilbreath Principle"
1991 37
Philip T. Goldstein A Clash of Symbols three phase ESP routine with cards in envelopes which also have symbols, "three-sided approach to the Gilbreath Principle"
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1991 41
Philip T. Goldstein Humthing cards with names of different songs, chosen one is played / divined, using non-existent titles that sound plausible
1991 4
Philip T. Goldstein Zenvelopes ten ESP cards in envelopes are sorted in pairs by spectator
Inspired byVariations 1991 8
Roy Walton The Honest Cheat spectator tries to match suit distribution of a poker hand that is set aside, spectator is allowed to cheat but loses, performer wins
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1991
Swindle Sheet (Issue 4)
Al Smith Wells Farogill two phases
Inspired by 1991 18
Peter Duffie Miracolour red cards are shown to have "red" written on their back and blacks "black", spectator cuts and shuffle and deals two piles, yet both piles end up in same order
Related to 1991 22
Karl Fulves A trick fragment predicting that all pairs come off with a red and a black card after riffle shuffle in off-beat way
1992 26
Karl Fulves An anti-Miraskil card problem Miraskill-Gilbreath-combination posed as problem
1992 52
Karl Fulves A Martian Chronicle
1992 75
Karl Fulves Witness six spectators with cards and pens, one of them writes an X on his card behind performers back, those with red cards must speak truth, black must lie, performer finds murderer
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1992 78
Philip T. Goldstein Some Indifference two cards chosen, sum and difference of those values, number of cards as prediction
Inspired byRelated toVariations June 1992
Profile (Issue 8)
Roy Walton Fair Play pairs taken from two halves, pairs of same suit give a point, performer wins, reverse Gilbreath
Variations Sep. 1992
Opus (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Peter Duffie Lucky For Some spectator riffle shuffles deck once and takes top thirteen cards, those cards are predicted or divined
1992 22
Karl Fulves "Missing Pair" Notes No. 41, old new deck order (picture cards together, all others from Ace to Ten) deck dealt into four piles, spectator removes a value pair from any pile which is divined by performer, riffle shuffle connection
Inspired byAlso published here 1992 47
Peter Duffie Straight From the Bottom after one riffle shuffle, two straights are dealt (bottom deals)
Inspired by 1992 10
Peter Duffie Straight From the Top after one riffle shuffle, the spectator fails to deal himself a straight but does on the second try
Inspired byVariations 1992 10
Peter Duffie Mixed Reaction Miraskill & Gilbreath, two phases
Also published here 1992 7
Peter Duffie, Alex Elmsley Gilbreath Reset going through deck once after a riffle shuffle to reset the red/black alternating color order by taking pairs singly or at once
1992 9
Peter Duffie Game, Reset, and Match deck riffle shuffled, twenty-six cards placed back-to-back to other half, pairs pulled off by taking top and bottom cards, pairs are distributed into piles on the table for red-black separation/matching surprise
Inspired by
  • "Regimentation" (Roy Walton, The Linking Ring, Oct. 1968)
1992 10
Peter Duffie Four Play four spectators get five cards and only keep those of the suit that has more than one card in the hand, performer divines the suits
1992 16
Steve Beam Gentleman's Bet bet, red / black or pairs, performer wins always, gilbreath
Variations 1993 7
John Riggs Unbeatable red / black or pairs, performer wins bet all the time, is able to let spectator win on his demand, gilbreath
1993 9
Steve Beam Color Vision performer always guesses color of cards correctly
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1993 11
Karl Fulves Guess Again eight cards are placed outjogged into tabled spread, cards dealt in pairs, color matches with out-jogged cards
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Guess Again explanation of the principle at work, with variation in which five cards are put into five packets, packets dealt in pairs and color matches are found
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Peter Duffie Principles and Deceptions "An Easy Look Through The Arithmetical Principles Of Card Magic - Part 1"
  • The Gilbreath Principle
  • Gilbreath's "Second" Principle
Related toVariations Apr. 1993
Profile (Issue 13)
Peter Duffie Principles and Deceptions "An Easy Look Through The Arithmetical Principles Of Card Magic - Part 2"
  • The Gilbreath Principle (Continued)
  • Gilbreath Without the Shuffle
Related to June 1993
Profile (Issue 14)
Peter Duffie Straight Shuffle Variation twenty-card packet, spectator cuts and removes five cards from top or bottom as he pleases, repeated two more times, all have royal flushes
Inspired by June 1993
Profile (Issue 14)
Steve Beam Color Vision performer always guesses color of cards correctly
Also published here 1993 14
Philip T. Goldstein Shufflegram
  • First Avenue (with fishing)
  • Second Avenue (where spectator looks at a word in a dictionary as tell)
Inspired by
  • "Webster Had A Word For It" (Stewart James, Linking Ring)
1994 38
Philip T. Goldstein Chromagnon memory demonstration of red/black order
1994 121
Karl Fulves Red Square guessing color of next card, spectator has chance score, performer all correct
1994 51
Roy Walton Suitcase four-card groups made after shuffling procedure, they all contain one of each suit
Inspired byRelated to Feb. 1994
Profile (Issue 18)
Peter Duffie Principles and Deceptions "An Easy Trip Through The Arithmetical Principles Of Card Magic - Part 6"
additions and corrections by Jeff Busby and Max Maven on previous columns, idea of cutting between a red or black pair in Gilbreath tricks
Related to Feb. 1994
Profile (Issue 18)
Simon Aronson The Aronson Artifice spectator stops anytime during dealing, takes two cards, then one of those, it is divined and predicted, Koran meets Gilbreath
Also published here 1994 53
Peter Duffie Mixed Reaction Miraskill & Gilbreath, two phases
VariationsAlso published here 1995 182
Peter Duffie The Vegas Connection red cards are shown to have "red" written on their back and blacks "black", spectator cuts and shuffle and deals two piles, yet both piles end up in same order
Related to 1995 190
Philip T. Goldstein The Mockingbird missing card divined, part of the "Birds of Prey" locations
1995 2
Simon Aronson Point Spread red/black game in several phases played by two spectators, performer predicts difference between number of red and black cards, repeat, shuffle-bored finale
1995 3
Bob King Perfect Match deck shuffled face-up/face-down, performer arranges half the deck to match face-up/face-down sequence of other half
Inspired byAlso published here Apr. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 4)
Philip T. Goldstein The Mockingbird missing card divined, part of the "Birds of Prey" locations
1996 3
Philip T. Goldstein Zenvelopes ten ESP cards in envelopes are sorted in pairs by spectator
Inspired by 1996 6
Peter Duffie Draw Poker Gilbreath principle in the form that cards are taken from two piles to make up poker hands, two spectators do this and get straight flushes
Inspired byVariations 1996 9
Peter Duffie Blakjak some cards exchanged, yet perfect blackjack hands show up
Variations 1996 19
Richard Vollmer Last (Gil)Breath gilbreath, face up face down mess
Dec. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 12)
Nick Trost False Deal Deluxe pseudo false deal of a straight after one honest riffle shuffle
Also published here 1997 87
Nick Trost Odd Man Wins! presentation by Mack Picknick
VariationsAlso published here 1997 93
Nick Trost, Al Thatcher The Omega Bet - Updated Multiple prediction of whether selected cards matched color, last phase uses Gilbreath
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1997 96
Nick Trost Second Method alternative method for "Horse Race" using Gilbreath Principle
Also published here 1997 102
Nick Trost High-Card Poker Deal poker deal from packet of high cards, spectators receive Ace-high straights, performer gets winning four of a kind, uses Gilbreath principle
Also published here 1997 113
Nick Trost Calling the Hands
Inspired by 1997 115
Nick Trost Psychic Poker similar to previous "Calling the Hands"
1997 117
Nick Trost Seven Card Draw Prediction predicted number of red/black cards selected, taking cards from top and bottom
1997 123
Nick Trost Double Poker Hand Prediction Comes from Bill Miesel's notes, performed in 1968
1997 124
Nick Trost Subtle Location with the Gilbreath Principle
1997 137
Nick Trost The Lone Stranger Card located by being in bank of opposite colors
Also published here 1997 138
Nick Trost Lineup Gilbreath Principle, arranging face up/down cards in same order
Variations 1997 149
Nick Trost Blind-Sight Gilbreath principle, shuffle two decks together
Variations 1997 162
Nick Trost, U. F. Grant Three Chances in 26 Updated handling of "One Chance in 26" (Nick Trost, The New Tops, May 1965) with Gilbreath and two more selections
Inspired by 1997 175
Nick Trost The Tic-Tac-Toe Divination deck of 'X's and 'O's, match order of 'X's and 'O's.
1997 185
Nick Trost Gilbreath Aces Four Aces lost in deck, spectator deals through deck and locates Aces
Inspired by
  • an Ace opener described by Oscar Weigle Jr. (The Dragon, June 1939), credited to Steve Belchou
1997 225
Nick Trost, Al Thatcher Crooked Dealing Pseudo gambling demo for seconds, bottoms and centers
Inspired by 1997 228
Nick Trost Zens-Gilbreath Poker Deal Any poker hand called for
Inspired byRelated to 1997 232
Nick Trost The Perfecto Bridge Deal duplicate Spades
VariationsAlso published here
  • The New Tops, Feb. 1969
1997 235
Nick Trost Straight Poker Deal deal from shuffled deck, spectators get straight, performer get full house
VariationsAlso published here
  • "Poker Demonstration with Special Pack" (New Tops, June 1969)
1997 236
Nick Trost Pinochle Deal uses Pinochle deck
1997 239
Nick Trost Gin Rummy Deal
1997 257
Nick Trost Coon Can Deal Gives description and history of game
1997 261
Nick Trost Special-Deck Blackjack-Poker Deal Blackjack and poker combined demo
Related to 1997 265
Nick Trost Canasta Deal
Related to 1997 270
Nick Trost Uruguay Canasta Deal
Related to 1997 273
Nick Trost International Canasta Deal
1997 274
Norman Gilbreath Gilbreath Principle
Related to
  • "Magnetic Colors" (Norman Gilbreath, The Linking Ring, July 1958)
1997 316
Wesley James SympathOrder half deck face-up and face-down, spectator shuffles, dealt in two piles, they have same face-up/face-down orientation
1997 65
Peter Duffie The Short Deck Baffler Challenge location, card freely selected and shuffled, magician finds it
1997 82
Philip T. Goldstein The Mockingbird missing card divined, part of the "Birds of Prey" location
1997 5
Marty Kane Mish Mosh Tell-A-Vision suits of cards are divined, with fingers, then separation by spectator
Inspired by 1997 1262
Philip T. Goldstein A Credit To His Race horse race plot, with particular rules and playing cards, performer wins, Interrupted Gilbreath Principle
Inspired by
  • "Derby" (Tony Koynini, 1952)
VariationsAlso published here
1997 95
Karl Fulves He Has Followers No. 1, spectator riffle shuffles once and then deals into two piles part of the deck, follow the leader type presentation for color separation, colors marked on backs
1997 2
Karl Fulves Ruse et Noir No. 2, as many red in one pile as there are black in the other pile
Variations 1997 6
Karl Fulves Follow Me No. 3, spectator follows dealing pattern of performer, backs marked for color
Related to 1997 7
Karl Fulves Color on Contact No. 11, after some dealing and calculation, the number of red cards in two packets match
1997 19
Steve Beam Color Vision performer always guesses color of cards correctly
Also published here 1997 18
Aaron Fisher, Lee Asher, Mike Strange Basic Math spectator removes four cards from deck, values are added up to make "lucky number", deck is spread and Four-of-a-Kind that matches "lucky number" is face up in deck, force of number is essentially the Gilbreath principle although not credited as such
Labyrinth (Issue 6)
Roy Walton Company of Four pack is divided in four packets which are shown to be the suits, Gilbreath principle
Winter 1998 147
Karl Fulves Expansionism memorizing color sequence of 32 cards, but really only sixteen
Related to 1998 38
Philip T. Goldstein The Mockingbird missing card divined, part of the "Birds of Prey" location, in english and french
1998 3
Philip T. Goldstein A Clash of Symbols three phase ESP routine with cards in envelopes which also have symbols, "three-sided approach to the Gilbreath Principle", in english and french
Also published here 1998 6
Marty Kane Cigar Club eight picture cards and eight number card are shuffled and cut in half, always one picture and one number card, then spectator removes some cards and does a down under deal with the rest, last card tells amount of removed cards
Inspired by 1998 1451
Jeff Busby The Hi-Lo Stack intro on High-Low separated deck combined with Gilbreath principle
1998 110
Jeff Busby Magnetic Blackjack High-Low separated deck combined with Gilbreath principle
Related to 1998 111
Bruce Bernstein Couples always two cards used, spectator decides if red pair, black pair or mixed, also with discard pile
Also published here 1998 22
Peter Duffie ParaNorman deck riffle shuffled and two piles dealt, cards of one color are counted in both piles, bottom card of one pile remembered and all assembled, the two numbers and one named by the performer are added to find selection
1998 3
Richard Osterlind Viewed ESP Prediction cards taken from two packets, matches prediction
Related to 1999 47
Steve Mayhew The Routine stack for two hands, both are good but performer wins, spectator can riffle shuffle
Variations 1999 9
Steve Mayhew The Principle Angel Shuffle principle, spectator's riffle shuffle does not influence the stack
1999 9
Steve Mayhew The Ultimate Double-Duke stacking four hands, spectator gets flush, performer full house or four of a kind, gambling demonstration
1999 11
Steve Mayhew The Ultimate Gardner-Marlo spectator shuffles between rounds
Related toVariations 1999 16
Steve Mayhew Ten Card Finale spectator shuffles again and still loses
Also published here 1999 19
Steve Mayhew Blackjack spectator can decide if dealer should draw or not, while performer looks away, he still wins
1999 22
Philip T. Goldstein A Credit to His Race horse race plot, with particular rules and playing cards, performer wins, Interrupted Gilbreath Principle
Inspired by
  • "Derby" (Tony Koynini, 1952)
1999 3
Philip T. Goldstein Humthing cards with names of different songs, chosen one is played / divined, using non-existent titles that sound plausible
1999 2
Philip T. Goldstein A Clash of Symbols three phase ESP routine with cards in envelopes which also have symbols, "three-sided approach to the Gilbreath Principle"
Also published here 1999 7
Nick Trost "Seven Card Draw" Prediction predicted number of red/black cards selected, taking cards from top and bottom
The Fine Print (Issue 10)
Nick Trost High Card Poker Deal poker deal from packet of high cards, spectators receive Ace-high straights, performer gets winning four of a kind, uses Gilbreath principle
Also published here 1999 60
Michael Boden Deck Memorization Out of This World with the performer dealing as a memory stunt, g=Gilbreath
Also published here 1999 72
Jerry Mentzer Notes on the Gilbreath Principle Tips on Gilbreath, how to avoid the problem of spectators cutting to matching colors before the shuffle, tips from Gus Southall / Gene Finell
1999 74
Bill Taylor The Shuffled Prediction deck shuffled, spectator chooses a pair of cards and then one of them, it is predicted
Related toVariations Mar. 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 7)
Norman Gilbreath The Bellweather do-as-I-do type procedure in which spectator and performer both shuffle a deck and deal it in pairs, then select one of the two cards, they match
Inspired by May 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 9)
Philip T. Goldstein A Clash of Symbols three phase ESP routine with cards in envelopes which also have symbols, "three-sided approach to the Gilbreath Principle"
Also published here 2000 6
Philip T. Goldstein A Credit to His Race horse race plot, with particular rules and playing cards, performer wins, Interrupted Gilbreath Principle
Inspired by
  • "Derby" (Tony Koynini, 1952)
2000 3
Philip T. Goldstein A Clash of Symbols three phase ESP routine with cards in envelopes which also have symbols, "three-sided approach to the Gilbreath Principle"
Also published here 2000 5