321 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Location / Face up Card is used to count down to selection
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Floyd G. Thayer The Mystic Number selection lost, four cards thrown on table, one chosen, its number indicates position of selection
1915 4
William Larsen, T. Page Wright A Self-working Mystery spectator takes card and its value leads to previous selection, stripper deck
Also published here 1928 11
Theodore Annemann Count Your Card! spectator stops dealing, uses this value to count down twice, third time selection shows up
Related toVariations 1931 17
Ralph W. Hull Topsy Turvy Cards: (1) A Card Detective reversed card appears in deck, its value is used to count to selection
Also published here 1932 10
T. Page Wright Move for Self-Working Mystery
Inspired by 1933 12
Theodore Annemann A Quaint Happening two decks, spectator selects card from one, performer finds duplicate in other deck by counting down value of selection
Related to 1934 36
Theodore Annemann A Cute and Quick Location value of another card is used to count down to selection
Nov. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 14)
Francis Carlyle The Card that Finds Itself reversed card shows up and is used to count to selection
Variations 1936 152
Phenominal Thought Cards selection is found by sense of touch blindfolded, punch marked key card
1937 83
The Mystic Cut
1937 99
Frank Lane Count-Down see no. 9, stranger card
1937 102
U. F. Grant The Spotter Cards card reverses itself and indicates position of selection, double facer
1937 131
U. F. Grant Sure Locator locator card turns over
1937 169
Divining Deck chosen card indicates position of selection
Related to 1937 191
Count Your Cards some cards are counted down and then selection is found, set-up
Variations 1937 194
William Larsen Self Working Mystery spectator takes card and its value leads to previous selection, stripper deck
VariationsAlso published here 1937 196
Theodore Annemann A Quaint Happening two decks, spectator selects card from one, performer finds duplicate in other deck by counting down value of selection
Related to 1937 214
Face Up Location top card is fed next to face up card beneath spread
1937 333
A Good Impromptu Trick value of top card is used to count down to selection
1938 237
William H. McCaffrey A Self Working Trick using a no-touch force
1938 237
Sam Leo Horowitz The Diving Pasteboard one of four random cards is thought of, they're shuffled back, Three-spot locator used to locate selection
Related toVariations 1940
The Jinx (Issue 105)
Martin Gardner Six of Spades Count Down one of seventeen cards thought of, Six-spot stabbed reversed in deck by performer, it locates selection
1940 14
Edward Marlo Card Counted To spectator counts down, uses this value to count down again, third time selection shows up, impromptu method for "Count Your Card!"
Inspired byAlso published here 1941
Early Marlo (Issue Amazing, Isn't It?)
Diogenes' Card a card helps finding two thought-of cards (card and their position remember-procedure)
1941 27
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Mystic Cut card cut to by spectator is used to count down to selection
1941 27
Edward Marlo Card Counted To spectator counts down, uses this value to count down again, third time selection shows up, impromptu method for "Count Your Card!"
Inspired byAlso published here 1941 3
Warren Wiersbe Numerical Discovery
Variations 1944 12
Edward Marlo Future Reverse spectator peeks at a card, indicator face up in deck, locates selection, six methods
Variations 1945 3
Bert Allerton Name Your Number one of six cards chosen, its number used to count to selection
Related to Aug. 1945 139
Warren Wiersbe Wiersbe Super Countdown top card is used to count down to peeked selection
1946 25
Frank Shepard You Could Have Selected That One one of six previously tabled card indicates position of selection
1946 36
Jerry Kogan Jerry Kogan's Indicator reversed card's number indicates position
1947 42
J. B. Bobo Four Ace Routine (a) four piles build by shuffling and being stopped by spectator, Ace on top of each
(b) Aces lost, number cards selected and their value used to count down to Aces
(c) "Cutting the Aces"
1947 65
George G. Kaplan Au Naturelle magician says "stop" at a card whose value is used to count to selection, "Natural Card" (see next item)
1948 48
George G. Kaplan The Captain Kidd Card (First Version) card lost, spectator deals through cards and performer stops him at a card whose value indicates position of selection, Natural Key
1948 101
George G. Kaplan The Captain Kidd Card (Second Version) card lost, spectator deals through cards and performer stops him at a card whose value indicates position of selection, Natural Key
1948 103
Bert Fenn, Neal Elias 10-6-9-4 four values are counted to, aces found, inspired by Stanley Collins trick from "A Conjuring Melange"
Variations 1948 6
Bill Simon Dual Discovery two selections are found via countdown of their values
1949 16
U. F. Grant The Spotter Card Trick a Four spot reverses and is used to count to selection
Jan. 1949 8
Carmen D'Amico Rapid Revelation selection lost, spectator stops the performer's riffle and value at that position is used to count to selection, name spelled "Carmen Da Mico"
1949 23
John R. Boyko Strike Three and Out Variation card found by counting down three times to apparently random values
Inspired by
  • "Strike Three and Out!" (Bob Longe, The Invisible Deck, 1948, p. 9)
Related toVariationsAlso published here
Oct. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 214)
Cliff Green Magic in Your Own Hands No. 29, spectator names a number between five and ten, card of that value produced and selection found at that number
Related toVariations 1950 53
Bill Simon Double Surprise No. 61, card remembered at chosen position, card not found by counting to the value of another card, then card shows up reversed in deck
Related to 1950 108
Paul Rosini Indicator Card one of four random cards is thought of, they're shuffled back, Three-spot locator used to locate selection
Inspired by 1950 29
Paul Rosini The Ten of Diamonds nine cards removed and listed on a piece of paper, one of them freely chosen, performer stabs a card into the deck to find it
1950 57
Edward Marlo Casino Count Down
1952 105
Edward Marlo The Secret Number card counted to from reference card
1952 105
Edward Marlo The Magic Four multiple out location with an openly reversed Four-spot
Related to 1952 107
Al Leech Get Set, Stop!
Also published here 1952 40
Lu Brent A Prediction Supreme face-up card placed in face-down spread, used to count/spell to random card, which is predicted, The Trick That Cannot Be Explained
VariationsAlso published here 1952 44
Mike Kanter A Location Supreme same impro procedure used to find a selection
Inspired by 1952 45
Edward Marlo Magic Total:
Eight-Two Locator
Ace-Three-Five Locator
Three-Three-Three Loctaor
using some cards to count down to thought-of card, multiple out counting procedure, three methods
1953 141
Harry Lorayne Fourtitude Four-spot as locator, faro
VariationsAlso published here Oct. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 318)
Lu Brent A Prediction Supreme face-up card placed in face-down spread, used to count/spell to random card, which is predicted, The Trick That Cannot Be Explained
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1956 9
Lu Brent A Location Supreme Same as A Prediction Supreme, but as a location instead of a prediction
Related to 1956 10
Ken Beale Take Nine spectator remembers card and its position from the top, performer takes the cards behind the back and brings them back out, the card's value at the original position is used to count down to selection
Inspired byVariations Sep. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 7)
Edward Marlo An Out Shuffle Effect using faro shuffles
Related to 1958 21
Edward Marlo Two Disclosures
  • 1) another card is selected, its value used to count to selection
  • 2) stop effect
1958 45
Edward Marlo Uses of Partial Faro Check - Faro Fooler #9 face-up card is sandwiched by two selections, or used to count to them
1958 57
Al Leech A Dishonest Mistake card found reversed in the deck leads to selection, Aces produced as climax
Variations 1959 21
U. F. Grant The Spotter Cards card turns face-up that indicates position of selection by its value
1959 26
Rolland Hamblen, Charlie Miller, U. F. Grant Fifteen Card Trick Routine - 9 spectator remembers card and its position, card stabbed in deck, its value used to count down and find selection
1961 20
Edward Marlo "Chosen Card Count Down" value of free selection is used to find fair selection, estimation
1962 13
Edward Marlo A Three Locator set-up and multiple out, estimation peek
1962 46
Edward Marlo 7-5-2 values of three cards are used to count down to fingertip peeked at card
1962 50
Harry Lorayne Fourtitude Four-spot as locator, faro
Also published here 1962 112
Harry Lorayne Mathematical Affinity two cards at thought of positions are found via locator cards
Variations 1962 134
Ken Krenzel Magnetic Reversals two selections, mates of two other selections turn face up and previous selections are counted to
Variations 1962 142
Edward Marlo Numbered Tilt "Nineteenth Effect", value of top card used to count to selection, top card is selection, sucker
1962 26
Edward Marlo Ace Finders values of four unknown cards locate Aces
1964 42
Theodore Annemann Another Stop Trick from "Annemann's $50 Manuscript" (ca. 1932), with annotation
K to A set-up and countdown
Oct. 1967
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Allan Slaight The Eclectic Deck stack for seventeen effects, see also p. 29 for comments
  • 1. one of five cards thought of and located
  • 2. card location
  • 3. face-up deal stopped, value used to count to selection
  • 4. spelling to thought-of card
  • 5. open prediction
  • 6. card from packet to pocket
  • 7. two-card transposition
  • 8. card from hand to pocket
  • 9. Aces stacked, then Royal Flush dealt
  • 10. five good hands dealt
  • 11. blackjack demo with rubber-banded deck
  • 12. bridge demo with all Spades
  • 13. three-way transposition
  • 14. two selections reverse
  • 15. card chosen, spelled to and some matching cards found
  • 16. Ace assembly (not explained)
  • 17. Mind Mirror challenge location
  • Final Thoughts
  • Closing Credits (credits for all effects)
Also published here July 1967
Ibidem (Issue 32)
Dai Vernon Hidden Count-Down
Variations 1968 48
Paul Swinford Hidden Countdown using Ed Marlo's Incomplete Faro Control
Inspired by 1969 64
Karl Fulves Example 11 selection from packet, shuffled, value of top card used to count down to selection, gray code and faro
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Gray Codes)
Edward Marlo Marlo's Psychedelic two methods "Psychedelic" without stack, see note on page 165
Inspired by Winter 1969 94
Bruce Cervon Face Up Count faro shuffle
Also published here Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Karl Fulves At The 17th in small packet two selections are located with an odd-backed joker that transforms in a three-spot, then four-spot, faro
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Second Supplement)
Edward Marlo Pre-Determined Four four effects, magically reversed card is used to locate two selections (neighbors or by counting to them)
1970 106
Edward Marlo Casino Countdown with or without faro
Related to 1970 112
Edward Marlo The Latest selection is found by counting down to value of freely chosen card from a bunch, small set-up
1970 118
Edward Marlo A Complex Problem two cards turn over and are used to count down to three selections in two piles
Related toVariations 1970 127
Edward Marlo Reversed Selected Locators four cards selected, two turn over and their value counts to other two selections
Related to 1970 134
Harry Lorayne Roll Your Own dice are rolled and number used to count down to the aces, last ace found via indicator card
1971 91
Bruce Cervon 18-31-35 Farrow selection replaced reversed, two more face-up cards show up and are used to count to selection, faro
1971 5
Roy Walton Ten Paces to the Right selection ten cards away from face-up Ten spot, faro (see page 8 for non-faro suggestion by J. Stewart Smith), see page 16 for correction
Inspired byAlso published here Jan. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Peter Alexis Strange reversed Ace of Spades ends up next to selection, then changes back color
Inspired by Aug. 1971
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 10)
Lin Searles Reversal Track card reverses itself and its value is used to count to selection, match occurs along the way
Related to May 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Stewart Judah Favorite Card Trick card from row chosen, its value used to count down to selection
1972 42
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Quick Trick No. 150, a reversed card shows up and its value is used to count to selection
1972 39
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Top Card Indicator No. 151, top card indicates position of selection
1972 39
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Special Indicator Card Trick No. 155, value of forced card used to count to previous selection
1972 40
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Do It Yourself No. 165, card chosen from one half, its value is counted down in second half to find selection, bottom deal
Related to 1972 41
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Follow-Up Horowitz Ace 20 King Set Up No. 185, should be "Ace to King Set Up", spectator cuts into secret straight and card is used to count to selection
1972 45
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Version Of Horowitz's Two Pile Effect No. 324, card chosen from one half, its value is counted down in second half to find selection
Related to 1972 84
Paul Rosini, Sam Leo Horowitz Rosini's Wrinkle For Four Ace Trick No. 366, "I think it is Horowitz", during Ace production a wrong card is found, then its value is used to count to Ace
1972 102
Francis Carlyle Finnerman'e Stop Trick Improvement No. 409, 1-0-1 straight set-up
1972 111
Ace Prologue To Routine No. 518, top card used to count off a pile of that number, done four times, Aces found on bottom of each
Related to 1972 145
Lin Searles Prophet out-of-hand selection procedure, two handlings, second one with pseudo duplicate pairs
Autumn 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 8th Folio)
Lin Searles Countdown Aces performer cuts to Ace, Two, Three and Four on top, counting down to the Aces according to values, inspired by Ed Marlo routine
Variations Autumn 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 8th Folio)
Edward Marlo Cam Free Alternative reversed 7 spot is used to find selection, distant key card
1974 146
Edward Marlo The Cam Under The Faro Spell quote: "It's the kind of effect bad enough to be used by the majority of Faro Fooler Arounders."
1974 147
M. D. Overholser A Letter From M. D. Overholser four cards removed, those values counted down to, those are the Aces
Inspired by June 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 8)
Harry Lorayne Triple Mate one removed and two thought-of cards found
Related toVariations 1976 25
Frederick Braue Count-Down Triumph wrong card used to count to selection
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1976
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 11)
The Controlled Cut No. 65, spectator cuts and this value is used to count down to selection, Ace through King of Hearts set-up, Al Baker credit given
Related to 1976 98
Frederick Braue Counting On Triumph wrong card used to count to selection
Also published here 1976 3
Burling Hull The Two Fold Miracle spectator shuffles deck and cuts to any card, its value used to count down in second deck, same card found there
1976 49
Frederick Braue The Topdowner
1978 37
Simon Aronson, David Solomon, Edward Marlo Stop Perfecting Triumph! first selection used to count down to second after Triumph
  • Dave Solomon Handling
Inspired byVariations 1978 27
Frederick Braue Deal-down Triumph
Also published here 1978 43
Simon Aronson Simon's "Favorite Card" Trick spectator names a card and selects a card, Twisting Ace through Four, last card transforms into spectator's named card, Four is reversed in deck and used to count to selection
Inspired byAlso published here 1978 1
Simon Aronson Aces Up, Countdown selection lost, Aces put in different places, they turn over together in the center except the one with matching suit, value of selection used to count to Ace, reversed card in Ace packet is selection
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1978 19
Simon Aronson Lucky 7 two cards peeked at, Seven turns face up, both cards are counted to from the Seven
  • First Method
  • Second Method
  • Third Method
  • Fourth Method
  • Fifth Method
Inspired by
  • Michael Skinner performance
VariationsAlso published here
1978 33
Simon Aronson Symmethree three cards peeked at, first selection turns face up, both remaining selections are counted to from the first one using its value
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1978 38
Harry Lorayne Triple Header three cards found reversed, via countdown, etc, two handlings
1979 246
Roy Walton The Caretaker face-up card in deck is spelled to find selection, incomplete riffle shuffle control
Inspired byAlso published here 1979 4
Nick Trost Significator Five-Spot Significator Five-Spotface-up five used to count to selection, counted cards are the four Aces
Also published here 1979 6
Roy Walton Lucky Seven reversed Seven spot used to locate selection
Also published here 1980
The Chronicles (Issue 25)
Roger Smith Oddly Unexpected odd-backed duplicate of selection is found at cut-off point, value of selection is used to count down and find actual selection
1980 5
Al Smith Trio two cards chosen from one deck are located with an indicator card chosen from another deck
Inspired by 1980 22
Ken Simmons Touch Any Card reversed card changes into selection, value used to find other card, two methods
1981 42
Dr. Stanley Jaks Ich weiß es vorher card placed aside as prediction, spectator stops dealing, value is counted down to mate of prediction
Dec. 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 4)
Roy Walton The Caretaker face-up card in deck is spelled to find selection, incomplete riffle shuffle control
Also published here 1981 168
Roy Walton Circulation two cards chosen from half the deck, a face-up nine is used to count to both of them, faros
1981 225
Larry Jennings Count Me In top card turned over, value used to count down, selection reversed
Variations 1982 88
Ian Land Imperfect Triumph? another card ends up reversed and its value is used to count to selection, without stack
Inspired by Sep. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 17)
Peter Kane The Magic Eight number and card at that position remembered, ein eight-spot is seen face up and used to find selection
1982 87
Allan Slaight FairRow Faro reversed indifferent card is used to count to two selections on either side
Inspired byAlso published here Aug. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 8)
Edward Marlo A Bonus Item three selections, one turns over and its value is used to count to selections on either side
1983 81
Paul Harris Bad Estimate performer "accidently" does bad estimation about where the selection lies
Also published here 1983 32
Richard Vollmer, Christian Scherer Mystery of the 7 Suspects sandwich cards surround seven cards, down-under-deal to arrive at card, its value is counted down in rest of deck to find selection, faro
Variations 1983 127
Frank Simon The Card that Finds Itself reversed card shows up and is used to count to selection
Inspired by 1983 32
Frank Simon Cut and Count spectator cuts and value of that card used to count to selection
1983 32
Frank Simon You Shuffle as I Shuffle card remembered in upper half, another reversed in lower half, both halves shuffled by performer and spectator, then both halves riffled together, the reversed card's value indicates position of selection
1983 39
Frank Simon Numerical Affinity value of touched card determines position of selection
1983 111
Richard Vollmer, Christian Scherer Jacks Down Under off-beat sandwich effect, faro
Apr. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Bill Kalush Double Find face up selection is used to count to second selection, using FIRP
May 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 21)
Stephen Tucker The dance master First card found by fancy cut, second card found by counting down value of first selection + other random cards
Inspired by 1984 29
Steve Beam Puzzler two indicator cards
Inspired byAlso published here 1984 99
Jon Racherbaumer Deck-ing Hofzinser Aces turn up in center except one which is no selection, value used to count to missing Ace
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MUM, Sep. 1977
1984 89
Ralph W. Hull Die Detektivkarte reversed card appears in deck, its value is used to count to selection
Also published here Jan. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 3 & 4)
Steve Beam Middle-Guage Spread card spread on the table two cards turned over and value is used to count in the spread, both end on same card which turns out to be selection
Related toAlso published here 1985 126
Steve Beam Double Prophecy two cards stabbed in the deck, value is used two find two selections, see p. 160 for corrections
Related to 1985 132
Card Detective reversed card's value used to count down to selection
1985 4
Justin Higham Counter-Revelation a Ten turns face up in spread and is used to count to selection
Related to Oct. 1987
Inside Out (Issue 3)
Dai Vernon Four Options multiple out location with an openly reversed Four-spot
Related to 1988 41
Dai Vernon Why am I Here? card found by counting down three times to apparently random values
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1988 122
Frisbie Saunders Location by the Numbers counting thing, intersting
1988 127
Karl Fulves Four-Way Prophet No. 59, one of four cards forced, some face-up cards added together to arrive at same card in another deck
1988 176
Karrell Fox "Short-Cut's" with small knife or dagger, two phases, locator card and count in second phase
1988 64
Edward Marlo Incomplete Double Disclosure two cards selected, one turns over and it's next to other card or it is found with it
1988 20
Edward Marlo Reversed Locator using incomplete faro control
1988 119
Edward Marlo Off Center Miracle
1988 121
Roy Walton Ten Paces to the Right selection ten cards away from face-up Ten spot, faro
Also published here 1988 9
Roy Walton Simple Coincidence spectator stabs prediction card in deck, its value is counted down from that spot to arrive at mate of prediction
1988 100
Lawrence "Larry" Grey Cut to Perfection
1989 199
Karl Fulves Flying Colors with airplane sight gag
1989 2
J. W. Sarles Fourth And One selection lost, top card turned up, Four of Spades, four cards counted down, Four of Spades again and original Four of Spades is selection
1989 24
J. W. Sarles, Karl Fulves Twos Much selection lost, indicator Two-spot turned up, but selection under eight cards, other three Twos under original Two
1989 24
Lucky Seven a Seven turns over and is used to count to selection
1989 28
Larry Jennings Hip Pocket Prediction value of prediction card chosen by spectator indicates position of selection
Also published here 1990 22
R. Paul Wilson Randall Flag calculation with three cards used to count to selection
Inspired byAlso published here Oct. 1991
Profile (Issue 4)
Tom Craven Down The Ladder value of selected card is used to count down to it
Mar. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 3)
Jack Birnman Four-Sites face-up Four is shuffled in deck and locates two selections
1992 219
Follow Down "Why Am I Here?"
Related to 1992 27
Emil Jarrow Jarrow's Indicator indicator card leads to selection, Ace through Ten set-up, Kruskal-type counting
Related to 1992 30
Peter Duffie Variation "or Savings" two cards found by using the value and spelling the name of the performer's lucky card (Seven of Diamonds)
Inspired byAlso published here June 1992
Profile (Issue 8)
失敗は成功のもと (Failure is a stepping-stone to success) Five-spot found reversed in deck, count down to find selected card
1993 24
Aldo Colombini A Kick Out Of It Christ force, Six-spot cut to, counting down to selection, the five counted cards are a Royal Flush
Also published here 1993 89
Dai Vernon, John Murray, Jerry Mentzer One Hand Bottom - Applications
1993 227
Philip T. Goldstein Trisectarian two cards found, one by counting down value of other cards
1994 96
Karl Fulves, Dai Vernon Devious
Inspired byRelated to 1994 121
Gene Maze The Zodiac Card card placed reversed in deck, its value counted from this position leads to selection
Related toVariations 1994 63
Gene Maze Miss-Matched two cards stopped at, they're not mates, but mates are found when dealing twice to their added value
Variations 1994 70
Gene Maze Mirror Image indicator card is counted down to from both sides of faced deck, mates, center deal
1994 128
Mitsunobu Matsuyama Magic Teaching card selected, down under deal with a packet, last card used to count to selection, every other card Ace through King
Verbatim (Issue 10)
Simon Aronson Simon's "Favorite Card" Trick spectator names a card and selects a card, Twisting Ace through Four, last card transforms into spectator's named card, Four is reversed in deck and used to count to selection
Also published here 1994 17
Simon Aronson Aces Up, Countdown selection lost, Aces put in different places, they turn over together in the center except the one with matching suit, value of selection used to count to Ace, reversed card in Ace packet is selection
Also published here 1994 31
Simon Aronson Lucky 7 two cards peeked at, Seven turns face up, both cards are counted to from the Seven
  • First Method
  • Second Method
  • Third Method
  • Fourth Method
  • Fifth Method
Also published here 1994 41
Simon Aronson Symmethree three cards peeked at, first selection turns face up, both remaining selections are counted to from the first one using its value
Also published here 1994 45
Harry Lorayne Fourtitude Four-spot as locator, faro
Also published here May/June 1994
The Magic Menu (Vol. 4 No. 23)
The Shamus Card chosen card is found in the deck by a randomly determined shamus card
1995 80
Peter Duffie Lucky Card, This Deck
Nov. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 11)
Michael Goldman The Magic Nines production/location combo
Dec. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 12)
Larry Jennings Coincido No. 22, card remembered at total of cut-off packet, values used to find selection
Also published here 1995 40
Dai Vernon A Card Is Found No. 25
Also published here 1995 46
Steve Beam Middle Guage Spread card spread on the table two cards turned over and value is used to count in the spread, both end on same card which turns out to be selection
Inspired byAlso published here 1995 27
Steve Beam Puzzler two indicator cards
Inspired byAlso published here 1995 125
Steve Beam Puzzler II two indicator cards
1995 127
Aaron Fisher, Jack Birnman The Long and Winding Trick Aces lost, four indifferent cards found, their values used to count down to four cards, they are the Kings, Aces found on other side of counted packets
Also published here 1995 2
Edward Marlo Prediction without Doubts Variation No. 5
spectator stops performer's deal, value used to count to selection, no set-up
Inspired by
  • "Prediction without Doubts" (Bill Simon, Nov. 1954)
1995 394
R. Paul Wilson Taurean Misfit card used to count to selection, original spot card changes to selection
Inspired by 1995 37
R. Paul Wilson Randall Flagg calculation with three cards used to count to selection
Also published here 1995 53
Steve Beam Middle Guage Spread card spread on the table two cards turned over and value is used to count in the spread, both end on same card which turns out to be selection
Also published here 1995 15
Aldo Colombini Kick Out Christ force, Six-spot cut to, counting down to selection, the five counted cards are a Royal Flush
VariationsAlso published here 1995 19
Michael Skinner Top and Bottom Blackstone two selections
Related toVariations 1996 70
Karl Fulves Stop Sign cards turned up until previously named card is reached, its value counted down to find spectator's selection
1996 57
Blair Bowling Breathing Heavy selection under table, spectator reverses card anywhere, it is used to count to selection
Related to
  • "The Serendipity Deck" (David Regal, Magic Manuscript Vol. 7 No. 3)
Facsimile (Issue 4)
Peter Duffie Diploid two piles, two cards cut to in one half are used to count to selections in other half
Inspired byRelated to 1996 2
Peter Duffie Forced Entry two halves, one half shuffled and a card chosen and another one reversed, faroed together and cards next to reversed card give position of first selection, 13/14 stack
1996 10
Lou Gallo Fourth Down two selections found by counting down four cards
Variations 1996 89
Lou Gallo Fourth Down Plus same with four-of-a-kind kicker
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Precursor II, 1993
1996 91
Nick Trost Significator Five-Spot Significator Five-Spotface-up five used to count to selection, counted cards are the four Aces
Also published here 1997 134
Bob Longe Strike Three and Out! card found by counting down two times to apparently random values, reprinted from "The Invisible Deck"
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • The Invisible Deck, Bob Longe, 1948
1997 106
John R. Boyko Strike Three and Out Variation card found by counting down three times to apparently random values
Also published here 1997 112
Martin Joyal Scratch It dealing cards until stopped, value of bottom card used to count again, one card predicted
Inspired by 1997 175
Bruce Cervon My Mind Keeps Wandering faro shuffle
1998 125
Bruce Cervon Face-Up Count faro shuffle
Also published here 1998 127
Larry Jennings, Bruce Cervon Face-Up Count II faro shuffle
Related to 1998 129
Peter Duffie Bilocation two cards found by using the value and spelling the name of the performer's lucky card (Seven of Diamonds)
Also published here 1998 13
Ken Simmons Simplex Locator Card top card turned over and put face-up into deck where spectator stops during riffling, it is next to selection
  • First Method
    • Second Handling
    • Third Handling
  • Second Method (Countdown Version)
  • Third Method (Bluff Version)
July 1998
Onyx (Issue 4)
Tony Bartolotta Soft Touch Three-spot shows up reversed in deck, counted down three cards to selection
Variations 1999
The Fine Print (Issue 10)
Joshua Jay Counting On It! Four turns over and is used to count to selection, other three mates of selection show up
Variations Jan. 1999
Onyx (Issue 6)
Aldo Colombini Variations of "Counting On It" Four turns over and is used to count to selection, other three mates of selection show up
Inspired by Apr. 1999
Onyx (Issue 7)
Peter Duffie Millennium Count Down some dealing and cutting with packets, selection located with value of top card of a packet
Related to 2000 3
Peter Duffie Hand Picked five poker hands dealt, a card chosen, all gathered, two cards produced and their value used to count to selection
Inspired by
  • Tom Sellers item
2000 11
Michael Skinner Interlock Countdown
Nov. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 11)
Michael DeMarco Does Spelling Count? Four turns over and is used to spell to selection, other three mates of selection show up
Inspired by Mar. 2000
Onyx (Issue 10)
Luca Buzzerio Dai Hard card found by counting down three times to apparently random values, selection with incomplete faro control
Inspired by July 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Barry Price Three Ring Circus two cards turn over and are used to count down to three selections in two piles
  • A New Solution
Inspired by 2000 51
Dave Robertson Misdirection Countdown spectator cuts to wrong card, its value is used to count to selection
2000 38
Roy Walton Lucky Seven No. 4, reversed Seven spot used to locate selection
Also published here 2001 6
Karl Fulves, Tony Bartolotta Triple Enigma No. 36, pair of invisible dice used to select card, card found and card with dice sum turns up, Ace to Nine set-up
Inspired by 2001 52
Karl Fulves Would I Lie? No. 43, three piles, card in center one remembered, cards taken from outer two piles in any combination, values added to count down to selection, no-shuffle Gilbreath
2001 97
Harry Lorayne Doublocation locating two selection with randomly selected indicator cards, impro
Inspired byVariations 2001 67
David Regal Control Yourself two cards are found
2002 70
Aaron Fisher Three Kings one of four cards is chosen and use to count down and find a selection (king), the other three change into the missing kings
Variations 2002 94
Aaron Fisher, Jack Birnman The Long and Winding Trick Aces lost, four indifferent cards found, their values used to count down to four cards, they are the Kings, Aces found on other side of counted packets
Also published here 2002 116
Michael DeMarco Semiquaver spectator counts cards, down-under-deal, final card used to count to prediction, sixteen-card principle, with variation by Karl Fulves
Inspired by 2002 267
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Fingered card placed aside, its value is used to count to later selection
2002 90
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Double-decker two decks, one card chosen, two cards from other deck used to count down to it, 13-14 force stack
2002 105
George McBride Missed Match two cards dealt to with named numbers, they're not mates, but mates are found when dealing twice to their added value
Inspired byAlso published here Feb. 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Roy Walton Sweet Seventeen two face-up cards indicate the position of two selections, faro
Also published here Feb. 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Karl Fulves Delayed reaction using Tom Sellers's "Card Flip"
Discoverie (Issue 8)
Dai Vernon, Roberto Giobbi Countdown Stop 1-x-1 set-up
Inspired by 2003 1170
Bruce Cervon, Richard Vollmer, Jon Racherbaumer Insured Prediction predicted by two cards and found by their values
2003 1311
Tony Bartolotta The Real Difference spectator removes two cards and selects a card, two differences of card values calculated to count down to selection
Related to 2003
Off The Books (Issue 4)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Faith Counter wrong card cut to, its value counted down to find selection which is reversed
Inspired byRelated to 2003 21
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson GB Center Countdown card found face-up when counting down value of another card
2003 101
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Sequencer spectator produces Ace through Four of Spades, used to count down to selection
2003 104
Max Maven Just a Little Off the Top, Please - Bonus Effect with location of second selection
Inspired by 2003 158
Gergely Bökényi NaMental random card is spelled and value of new card used to find selection
2003 17
Al Leech Get Set, Stop!
Also published here 2004 24
Karl Fulves Bouncer card jumps out of rubber banded deck, another is reversed and leads to second selection, four Aces show up
2004 28
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Combined Forces two selections lost, a Five used to stab next to one selection by spectator, then five cards down is the second selection reversed, using BMT and Henry Christ Force
Related to 2004 14
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Leo-Ben Stop Trick value of card stopped used to count to selection, "perfect stop trick"
2004 74
Roy Walton Please Pass two cards selected, one turns over and is used to find second selection
Jan. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 1)
Larry Jennings Hip Pocket Prediction value of prediction card chosen by spectator indicates position of selection
Also published here 2005 36
Peter Duffie Old Timer a Five is reversed, then a card is chosen and lost, the Five locates it
2005 56