339 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Transposition / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Das mysteriöse Taschentuch two cards in handkerchief transpose with two cards outside, duplicates
1896 64
Eduard W. Lufa "Ihnen fliegen alle Herzen zu!" eight cards noted down and wrapped in handkerchief, eight Heart cards, the packets transpose, packed of divided cards (connected with a thread for security so it is not fanned to widely)
Nov. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Mariage "Hofzinser's Kartenkünste II."
King and Queen of Hearts put together in deck, they appear at top and bottom and are tabled, then appear back on top and bottom and tabled cards are indifferent, Jack of Clubs added to King and Queen, monte type routine with those three cards, they all change into Jacks of Clubs, Kings and Queen produced from deck again
Mar. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Das Geheimnis des Lucifer two selections tabled, two Aces used to cover those cards, other two Aces under a plate, selections transpose, then the four cards on the table are the Aces and under the plate are the two selections
Feb. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Stanley Collins The Wooden Slab and Flying Card Experiment Cards attached on a board with rubberbands, spectator peeks at a card and remembers the value, then he counts to that value in a fan and remembers the card. Card transposes from the deck with the peeked card on the board
1915 9
Charles T. Jordan The Spirit Aces No. 1, four Sevens and four Aces in piles on table, two Sevens put on top of deck followed by two Aces, yet Aces are on table and all four Sevens on top of deck, two extra Aces and step gaff
Also published here 1920 3
Stanley Collins Pictures and Pips packet of picture cards and packet of number cards transpose
1925 27
William Larsen Cold Deck Demonstration red and black cards transpose as pseudo deck switch demo, no method
1931 6
Ralph W. Hull The Jumping Jacks four Jacks on table, one covered with three cards, others lost in deck, assemble
Inspired by 1933 11
Louis Lam The Movie Colour Cards blue deck put in red box and vice versa, decks change place in boxes
1935 16
Laurie Ireland Ireland's Four Ace Trick spectator thinks of ace in pocket, then three aces found in pocket and indifferent cards on table
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1936)
Franklin M. Chapman Red and Blue blue-backed deck shown and case, then red-backed deck shown and a card selected, eventually the red deck is the blue one and vice versa, the two decks transposed
1936 3
Movie Color Cards two different colored decks change places, two red-blue double backers
1937 287
Transpo Color Change two different colored decks change places in different pockets
1937 288
Arthur de Mello G-Men story trick with two blue and five red cards, thieves sheep
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1937)
Edward Victor A Royal Exchange twelve court cards change places with twelve spot cards, with two glasses
1937 22
G. W. Hunter G. W. Hunter's Twelve Card Transposition twelve picture cards in one glass, twelve spot cards in other, one card exchanged, rest follows, written up by Max Holden
1937 50
Al Baker The Migrating Cards odd backed, all at once in spectators' pockets
Also published here 1938 292
Theodore Annemann Annemann's Aces Aces change to Kings, reappear somewhere else and the Queens show up as well, begins like a regular Ace assembly
Variations 1938 365
E. Leslie May Pocket Presto nice transposition presentation
Mar. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 54)
Jack Vosburgh Stalemate
The Jinx (Issue 113)
T. Nelson Downs Marvello transposition with extremely strange procedure, mathematical
1942 223
Eddie Joseph Esta Kard Mystery three cards stopped at and tabled, they change into indifferent cards which are then sealed in envelopes, they transpose with the selections
1942 35
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue A Palace Revolt twelve court and spot cards transpose in one phase
1943 22
Harlan Tarbell Red and Black Transposition ten red and ten black cards change places, rough and smooth
1945 177
Sigmar K. Hofeller There'll Be Some Change Made! red cards change places with black cards, in the pockets of two spectators
1945 37
Greer Marechal Jr. Technicolor Transpose cards transpose from two different colored decks
1945 38
Paul Rosini Ace Transposition Aces on table change to indifferent cards, Aces face-up in pack, apparently by Charlie Miller see HMM Vol. 6 Nr. 10 p. 521 for credit
Related toVariations 1948 121
Paul LePaul How Close Can You Watch? Transposition of two complete decks
Variations 1949 131
Al Leech Ace King Transposition Aces under spectator's hand, transpose with the kings in the deck.
1949 5
Al Leech Alternate Method for "Ace King Transposition"
1949 7
Al Leech Ace-King Turnover
Related to 1949 8
Red and Blue cased blue deck transposes with red deck
1949 38
U. F. Grant Grant's Card Trick three cards change places, two under hand of the spectator one in performer's pocket, duplicate
VariationsAlso published here
  • "Grant's Card Trick" (marketed 1929)
July 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 207)
Francis Carlyle Carlyle's Migrating Decks No. 104, two decks change places except for the two selections
1950 197
Al Leech, Edward Marlo Ace-King A La Marlo
Related to 1952 26
Don Tanner Trio Plus One four selections in four envelopes, fifth card torn and pieces put in fifth envelope, when spectators open their envelopes they find a piece and the selections are all together in the fifth envelope
Aug. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 288)
Audley Walsh The Perfect Deck Switch pseudo deck switching, presentation
Nov. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 294)
Bill Simon The Cards and Dice - 1. The Transposition Ace to Four of Clubs face-down on table with a die on top of each with one to four to top, dice exchanged and cards follow
Related toVariations 1954 14
Bill Simon 2. The Big Change Ace to Three with three dice on top, they transpose and eventually all change to Threes and back
Variations 1954 16
P. Howard Lyons No Switch Switch fake deck switch demo with different-colored decks
June 1955
Ibidem (Issue 1)
Edward Marlo Third Effect packet of red cards and black cards transpose, Switchless Switch application
1956 20
Brother John Hamman Face Up - Face Down Surprise cards separated in reds and blacks, triumph with reds, black selection found in red pile, red and black piles change place
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1958 32
Brother John Hamman The Chameleon Colors reds and blacks separated, some red cards change to black and back, then halves transpose
Variations 1958 37
Jack Avis Right Card - Wrong Color card chosen, wrong color proclaimed by magician, cards separated in reds and blacks, black selection found in red pile, red and black piles change place
Inspired byAlso published here 1958
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1958)
Arthur Rasper Kartenpaar-Wanderung von Glas zu Glas two Aces in one glass transpose with King and Queen of Clubs in another glass, partial rough-smooth
1962 30
Jochen Zmeck Schwarz-Rot black cards with blue backs put in one case, red cars with red back in another, they transpose, partial rough-smooth
1962 12
Edward Marlo Quick Acembly "Second Effect", three Aces buried, top three cards placed on last Ace, they change into Aces
1962 9
James Steranko One-Eyed Jacks selection placed between two Jacks and put on table, sandwich changes into three Aces and original sandwich found reversed in the deck
1962 45
Nate Leipzig Acrobats two halves of the deck change places, duplicate
Variations 1963 157
Helmut "Kalanag" Schreiber Die dreifache Tour three cards transpose, one in pocket
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 28 No. 4)
Allan Slaight The Eclectic Deck stack for seventeen effects, see also p. 29 for comments
  • 1. one of five cards thought of and located
  • 2. card location
  • 3. face-up deal stopped, value used to count to selection
  • 4. spelling to thought-of card
  • 5. open prediction
  • 6. card from packet to pocket
  • 7. two-card transposition
  • 8. card from hand to pocket
  • 9. Aces stacked, then Royal Flush dealt
  • 10. five good hands dealt
  • 11. blackjack demo with rubber-banded deck
  • 12. bridge demo with all Spades
  • 13. three-way transposition
  • 14. two selections reverse
  • 15. card chosen, spelled to and some matching cards found
  • 16. Ace assembly (not explained)
  • 17. Mind Mirror challenge location
  • Final Thoughts
  • Closing Credits (credits for all effects)
Also published here July 1967
Ibidem (Issue 32)
Philip T. Goldstein Piper transposition of red and black halves
May 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 61)
Tom Batchelor Ace Transportation
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
Charly Eperny Das Schwarze Schaf in der Familie three playing cards with hole in center are threaded on ribbon, they change order under handkerchief
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 1)
Ian Baxter Quadruple Transmigrationalism four quartets from different decks transpose while inside deck, odd-backed
Variations 1969 69
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Kings And Queens Kings and Queens separated on table, then both piles consist of two Kings-Queen pairs
Winter 1969
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 5 No. 3rd Folio)
Charlie Miller Color Switch two decks, color of backs change places
The Cardiste (Issue 13)
Brother John Hamman Face Up - Face Down Surprise cards separated in reds and blacks, triumph with reds, black selection found in red pile, red and black piles change place
Also published here 1970
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 31 No. 3)
Jerry K. Hartman Twin Twist two selections, red Aces tabled face down, black Aces sandwich two cards in deck which turn out to be the red Aces and tabled cards are the selections
1970 15
Juan Tamariz ¿Es Azul? ¿Es Roja? ... Es Sorpresa backs of red backed card and blue backed card change places, then they change into two different colors
1970 101
Jim Christopher Topsy Turvy red and black Ace in the hand and other Aces on the table, red Aces end up together, three phases, duplicate
Apr. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Charles T. Jordan Spirit Aces four Nines and four Aces in piles on table, two Nines put on top of deck followed by two Aces, yet Aces are on table and all four Nines on top of deck, two extra Aces and step gaff, see p. 424 for correction
Also published here May 1971 417
Jerry K. Hartman Free Trade two cards in bottom half transpose with 1 card in top half
Variations 1972 20
Brother John Hamman Ace-Sational four Aces, placed face-to-face with both hands, the change places when hands are pulled apart, change to queens in the end, stripped double facers
Inspired byRelated to Summer 1972
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 7 No. 7th Folio)
Roy Walton A Switch in Time four red cards and four blacks cards, swap one, two, three cards around, always remain separate, as a climax the packets transpose
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1972 1
Roy Walton Strange Assembly assembly, but instead of the Kings the four Aces are found in the last packet and the Kings reversed in the deck
Related toAlso published here 1972 2
Roy Walton Instant Interchange packet of red cards and one of black cards, two selections are interchanged between packets, then packets transpose
VariationsAlso published here 1972 7
Bridge Hand Trick No. 460, thirteen court cards and number cards transpose, Oct. 1936 Jinx reference that doesn't fit
1972 129
Frank Garcia Double Lift Feint apparent switch
1973 161
Karl Fulves Straight Across aces and 2C, 3C, 4C, aces become A-4 of clubs, other cards 5-7 of clubs
Mar. 1973
Epilogue (Issue 17)
Brother John Hamman Odd-Even-Odd two odd and two even cards change place, two then change to Jacks
Related toVariations July 1973
Epilogue (Issue 18)
Karl Fulves Variations off-beat transposition problems
1973 26
Roy Walton The Bridge transposition of red and black cards
Also published here May 1973
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Edward G. Brown, Ralph W. Hull The Intelligence Quotient Test Improved several phases, first ace has to be guessed, the three cards are added with the same suit and suit has to be guessed
Inspired by
  • Ralph W. Hull's "Intelligence Quotient Test" in "The Testament of Ralph W. Hull" 1945
1973 84
Edward G. Brown The Military Problem four packets, with Kings on the bottom, first followed with three Aces, second with three Twos, third with three Threes and fourth with an Ace, Two and a Three, organize themselves
Variations 1973 106
Jerry K. Hartman Hip Switch Two Jacks find three selections - finds first selection, then transposes with the other two selections
Also published here 1973 44
Jerry K. Hartman Switch On A Switch Card moves from between black to red Jacks, but in the process the Jacks also change places
Also published here 1973 46
Edward Marlo Color Transposition red backed Queens and blue backed Kings, backs change places, not faces
Related to 1974 229
Karl Fulves Odd Cards two odd cards put n the case transpose with two even cards on the table, finally an extra card is found in the case with the contact information of the performer
1974 7
Martin A. Nash Turncoat two cards from two different decks, see p. 444 for additional crediting
1975 105
Jerry K. Hartman Switch on a Switch black jacks on table transpose with red jacks reversed in deck
Epilogue (Issue Special No 1)
Roy Walton Carousel
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here Apr. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Jerry K. Hartman Transfourence II Four Queens and four Kings, Queens change to Kings, but Kings change to Aces
Inspired by 1975 29
Jerry K. Hartman ColoraToura Packet of red cards transposes with packet of black cards (with one red card inside)
Inspired byAlso published here 1975 34
Roy Walton Standortwechsel four picture cards and four number cards, swap one, two, three cards around, always remain separate, as a climax the packets transpose
Also published here Feb. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Roy Walton Ein Seltsames Treffen assembly, but instead of the Kings the four Aces are found in the last packet and the Kings reversed in the deck
Also published here Feb. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Roy Walton Blitztausch packet of red cards and one of black cards, two selections are interchanged between packets, then packets transpose
Also published here Feb. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Charles T. Jordan The Bewitched Aces four Aces and four Sevens removed, two Aces and Sevens each are placed on the deck, the other two Aces and Sevens on the table, then the four tabled cards are the Aces and all Sevens on the deck
Also published here 1975 88
Charles T. Jordan The Spirit Aces four Sevens and four Aces in piles on table, two Sevens put on top of deck followed by two Aces, yet Aces are on table and all four Sevens on top of deck, two extra Aces and step gaff
Also published here 1975 188
Fabian Transpo Ink four cards with a black spot change places with four cards with a red spot, one by one
Related to May 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Bob Driebeek, Fabian Aenigma Variations
Inspired by Aug. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Bernard Bilis Joking Illusion Jokers change back color, transpositions and then change back to original color
1976 5
Harvey Rosenthal Unexpected Sandwich sandwich cards transpose!
1977 127
Frank Garcia Mix and Match four cards cut in half, halves exchanged, they still match, two double facers
1977 63
Kevin Davie Red-Black Surprise see p. 531 for corrections
Inspired by Aug. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Eric Mason Brainwave brainwave, triumph and deck transposes with an other deck as a kicker
Related to Sep. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Bob Farmer, Bert Allerton, Jerry Mentzer Jazz Pieces - Body & Soul a red and a black jumbo card are cut into four pieces, the pieces change places, oil and water, missing part of the description is published in "Jazz Pieces"
Related toVariations Oct. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Philip T. Goldstein Relative Interchange Ace to Four transpose one by one with four red cards
Related toAlso published here 1977 6
Paul Harris The Ace Trap Leader Ace is placed with three indifferent cards while other three Aces are placed reversed in the deck. Aces vanish and assemble with the leader Ace
Related toAlso published here 1977 3
Rolf Andra 4. Ein 4-Damen-Problem transposition of red and black Queens
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 1)
Richard Kaufman Dream Deck Switch two half decks with different back transpose, deck switch presentation
Variations May 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Bob Farmer Jazz Pieces missing part of text and illustrations
Inspired by Jan. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Paul Curry Spaced Out blue-backed and red-backed card with different suit symbol holes punched out, holes switch places
1978 1
Karl Fulves Hide Out AC to 9C removed, selection placed among them, all dealt face-up except selection, a club vanishes, selection becomes this club and selection is reversed in deck, "temporary transposition"
1978 8
Karl Fulves Pocket Cards red Twos change place with black Tens and back, two methods, "Tens Routine"
1978 13
Karl Fulves Mass Transit spectator choses card from black pile, performer finds it from red pile which turns out to be the black pile
1978 56
Richard Kaufman A Dream Deck Switch, too two half decks with different back transpose, deck switch presentation
Inspired by 1979 26
Philip T. Goldstein Wolf Trap packet trick, ace and two change places
July 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 7)
Karl Fulves The Nyria Effect Ace of Spades in case, Ace of Clubs sandwiched between red Fours outside, then visual transposition so red Four inside and black Aces sandwich with other four outside
1979 50
Philip T. Goldstein Tearable two cards are torn, halves transpose several times
VariationsAlso published here 1979 1
Paul Harris Drop-Shot corner and rest of card transpose with use of glass, inspired by "Corner in the Glass"
Also published here 1979 52
Father Cyprian A Two Deck Brainwave Deck chosen and reversed in blue deck matches card reversed beforehand in red deck, then the decks switch places
1979 1
Karl Fulves Back Bay Blues two rubber banded sandwiches, the sandwich cards themselves transpose
The Chronicles (Issue 26)
Karl Fulves The Hired Hand aces exchanged with other poker hand one by one, but still remain in original hand, with weird poker variation presentation
1981 72
Roy Walton Switch In Time described with jumbo cards, four red cards and four blacks cards, swap one, two, three cards around, always remain separate
Inspired by 1981 2
Ben Harris, Woody Meltcher Magnetic Aces three cards made into triangle card castle configuration, three of four Aces lost in deck, castle collapses and consists of other three Aces
Related to 1981 121
Roy Walton A Switch in Time four red cards and four blacks cards, swap one, two, three cards around, always remain separate, as a climax the packets transpose
Also published here 1981 106
Roy Walton Strange Assembly assembly, but instead of the Kings the four Aces are found in the last packet and the Kings reversed in the deck
Also published here 1981 107
Roy Walton Instant Interchange packet of red cards and one of black cards, two selections are interchanged between packets, then packets transpose
Also published here 1981 113
Peter Duffie Inside Job spectator has hand on top of Jokers sandwiching a selection, the sandwich is then in the deck and the four Queens under the spectator's hand
Related toVariations 1982 6
Paul Harris Three-Fourths quarter (torn off) transposes with rest
1982 19
Simon Aronson Twice Removed Transposition two selections reversed in deck transpose with two Jokers, each sandwiched between Aces, two double facers
Variations 1982 96
Christian Scherer Traumhafte Wanderung red kings transpose with black kings, and on their place the two selections are found, missing kings reversed in deck
1982 47
Shiv Duggal Belladonna four Aces are divided in red and black, two cards dealt on top of each pile, then red and black Aces transpose, eventually all aces are found in one pile and Kings in other
Inspired by
  • Phil Goldstein's "Overture" in "Genii" Marchi '81
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Edward Marlo The Un-Stapled Cards two faced Cards change place with 2 other faces cards
Inspired by 1983 296
Geoffrey Latta Dazzling Interchange collectors set with kings in middle of deck, Aces on top change one by one to kings
June 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Paul Harris Transposed Perfectionist reds and blacks transpose
Also published here 1983 61
Peter Duffie Royalty In Your Pocket four queens are produced, then reds and black change places and selection is found sandwiched in between red queens
Variations 1984 51
Roberto Giobbi Spielkarten & Würfel Ace to Four of Hearts face-down on table with a die on top of each with one to four to top, dice exchanged and cards follow
Inspired byRelated to 1984
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 45 No. 1)
Louis Falanga Casino Kings two kings travel to the top, take the identity of three random cards and change into two selections, the kings are found reversed in the pack
1985 43
Jay Sankey Once is Never Enough two jokers paper clipped face to face transpose with 2 signed selections
1986 56
Edward Marlo Olram's Clarified Routine ten red and black cards, one card travels from packet to packet, then packets changes places, eight methods
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1986 3
Ken Simmons, Peter Duffie Diamond Heist two and two with transformation kicker
Inspired by 1986 5
David Regal Mirror Image transposition of two torn pieces folded
Variations 1987 186
Randy Wakeman Needed a Jump ten red and black cards, single card jumps from packet to packet, then packets transpose
1987 26
Jerry Sadowitz Discrepancy Transposition: 2 red Aces transpose with two other cards, pair of pseudo duplicates
Variations 1987 5
Jerry Sadowitz Matching Pairs three selections, the three mates are found, then they transpose to follow the exchanged selections, Eight shown as Seven
1987 70
Pat Conway Chameleon Cards red and blue cases transpose after being wrapped in two handkerchiefs, sucker presentation
Also published here
  • Abracadabra, 1975
1987 41
Dai Vernon The Loving Couple three cards transpose in the deck with story presentation
Related to 1988 94
Nate Leipzig Two-Deck Transposition
1988 221
Edward Marlo The Ninth Method three methods, variation of Walton effect, ten red and black cards transpose
1988 230
Edward Marlo Detailed Slow Motion Aces ace of spades tabled with three x cards, other aces outjogged in deck, four methods, ungaffed and with duplicate
1988 285
Mike Bornstein Rainbow Transposition odd-backed
Feb. 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 2)
Rick Silberman The Catalyst three change palce with three set in card case
July 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 7)
Larry Jennings Hofzinser Sans Wallet business card in pocket changes place with selection
1988 196
Karl Fulves Staple Diet two cards stapled together, staple travels to another card, posed as problem
Interlocutor (Issue 49)
Kevin Reay No-Touch Transposition two selections lost, red Aces pocketed, Aces appear on deck and selections in pocket
Related toVariations Nov. 1988
Inside Out (Issue 5)
Roy Walton The Bridge transposition of red and black cards
Also published here 1988 83
Roy Walton Carousel
Also published here 1988 95
Jerry Sadowitz Aces in Kings red and black Aces transpose despite the pairs being isolated between Kings
Variations 1989 17
Brother John Hamman The Lollapalooza Hand in effect two pokerhands transpose
1989 118
Brother John Hamman False Witness Ace to Three of Hearts jump around, so does selection
Variations 1989 121
Edward Marlo Touched-Up Transposition two Aces transpose with two selections
Inspired by May 1989
Inside Out (Issue 6)
Justin Higham Nice-Touch Transposition two Aces transpose with two selections
Inspired by May 1989
Inside Out (Issue 6)
Juan Tamariz The Triple Colors Routine reds and blacks separated, one card chosen in each half, identified, cards change places, then whole packets change places (one in pocket)
1989/91 159
Juan Tamariz Captured Red/Black Aces two red Aces are taped together, still red and black Aces transpose, using ladder/staircase switch
Inspired by Oct. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 10)
Philip T. Goldstein Overture black Aces sandwich reversed red Aces, they transpose
VariationsAlso published here
  • "Overture" in "Genii" March, 1981. P. 158.
1990 3
Philip T. Goldstein Troublebacker transposition routine with 6 cards, cards with red and blue backs
Also published here
  • "Troublebacker" in Goodliffe's "Abracadabra" Vol. 68, No. 1755. September, 1979. P. 290.
1990 44
Philip T. Goldstein Tearable two cards are torn, halves transpose several times
Also published here 1990 112
Jean Garance Variationen zu den fünf Donnerkarten von Frank Garcia black card vanishes among four red cards and appears in pocket, trick is repeated with less cards
1990 11
Jon Racherbaumer Fuddle Aces two Aces are turned face up, all turn face up, selection found at the end, red and black Aces trasnpose as well
Inspired by 1990 36
Karl Fulves Deep Thot Transposition two packets stuck into both ends of a book, transposition
Cheat Sheet (Issue 1)
Justin Higham More Than One Transposition an Ace and a King placed on each side, two cards transpose so that two Aces are on one side and two Kings on the other, two more phases
Oct. 1990
Technomagic (Issue 4)
Alex Elmsley Double Swap two selections with two Aces in breast pocket
1991 293
Edward Marlo I'll Do It Again! two halves on table, face-up card travels from half to half, repeat, red and black sections transpose, three stranger cards
Oct. 1991
The Olram File (Issue 10)
T. Page Wright A Couple of Bridge Hands packet of thirteen picture cards transposes with packet of number cards
1991 305
Jerry K. Hartman Switch on a Switch card moves from between black to red Jacks, but in the process the Jacks also change places
Also published here 1991 176
Jerry K. Hartman Hip Switch two Jacks find three selections - finds first selection, then transposes with the other two selections
Also published here 1991 321
Peter Duffie The Evil Within selection placed between two jokers, sandwich put unter spectator's hand, then sandwich found in the deck and under the spectator's hand are the three cards matching the selection
Inspired by 1991 9
David Wax, Richard Kaufman King Flight black blue-backed kings change place with red red-backed kings
1992 xvii
Arturo de Ascanio Los Dados mandan y las Cartas obedecen routine with cards and dice, four parts, elevator, Bill Simon routines and selection is found
Inspired byAlso published here 1992 14
Terry LaGerould Make a Wish three cards under spectator's hand, one of them signed, four Queens change into Threes, Queens under spectator's hand and signed card in pocket
1992 76
Peter Duffie Taking Pictures selection placed between two jokers, sandwich put unter spectator's hand, then sandwich found in the deck and under the spectator's hand are the three cards matching the selection
  • Epilogue to Taking Pictures
Inspired by 1992 17
Charles T. Jordan The Spirit Aces No. 78, four Sevens and four Aces in piles on table, two Sevens put on top of deck followed by two Aces, yet Aces are on table and all four Sevens on top of deck, two extra Aces and step gaff
Also published here 1992 95
Charles T. Jordan The Bewitched Aces No. 108, four Aces and four Sevens removed, two Aces and Sevens each are placed on the deck, the other two Aces and Sevens on the table, then the four tabled cards are the Aces and all Sevens on the deck
Also published here 1992 135
Peter Duffie A Moment in Time sandwich with Jokers and Ace of Spades is placed face down on table, card and its position in deck are remembered, later the sandwich cards show up in the deck again and the tabled sandwich has changed into three cards that complete a Royal Flush
Inspired by 1992 11
Karl Fulves Crime Pays Naught credit information
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 9)
Karl Fulves Freeze Out two decks, performer signs one in his deck and spectator in his, decks exchanged but each still has the original deck color (decks switch places)
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 9)
Ron Ferris, Allan Ackerman The Almost Perfect Transposition two for two
Related toVariations 1994 135
Jay Wright The Quad Transposition
1994 158
Allan Ackerman Wright On three card transposition, odd backed
1994 160
Alex Elmsley The Red and the Blue two decks change place except for two selections in them
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1994 131
Gene Maze Uncle Charlie's Aces ace assembly, then 3 card transposition
1994 173
Karl Fulves Crime Pays Naught four Kings and four Sevens, one card exchanged but nothing changed, then two and three
Related to 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 9)
Dan Tong A Transposition two and two cards, table, application of Pad Vanish
1994 149
Aldo Colombini Back to the Future two black Aces produced and tabled, two face-down cards are shown in face-up spread, they are the black Aces and tabled Aces are now red Aces
1994 23
Aldo Colombini Can't Play Your Game ten red and black cards, two selections are told to transpose, packets transpose instead
Related to 1994 28
Miguel Gómez Ladies of Spain two Queens transpose with two random cards
Related toVariations 1995 1062
Alex Elmsley The Red and the Blue No. 53, two decks change place except for two selections in them
Also published here 1995 106
Aldo Colombini Nice Salad 4&4, red and black cards transpose, then mix
Variations 1995 83
Jerry K. Hartman Coloratoura small packet of red cards and small packet of black cards, red card is placed into black packet and given to spectator and performer takes red packet, spectator’s packet becomes all red and performer has black packet with the red card in it
Also published here 1995 78
Jerry K. Hartman Which and Switch three selections face down on table, three Jokers are placed onto each selection and removed and then performer can name them, then the three Jokers change into the selections and the three tabled cards are Jokers
  • simplified handling
  • alternate ending: the three tabled cards do not become Jokers, they become blank
Inspired by 1995 90
Paul Harris Ace Trap three indifferent card on table transpose with three aces distributed in deck
Also published here 1996 155
Paul Harris, Matt Schulien Drop Shot corner and rest of card transpose with use of glass, inspired by "Corner in the Glass"
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Entertainer)
Paul Harris The Perfectionist
  • The Perfectionist (red and blacks are apparently mixed but remain separated)
  • Transposed Perfectionist (reds and blacks transpose)
  • Mixed-Up Perfectionist (reds and blacks mix themselves)
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Close-up Kinda Guy)
Frederick Braue, Theodore DeLand Nox-Em-All four Aces and Sevens on table, two Aces & Sevens put in one case and also in another card case, yet Sevens and Aces are all in one case each, two double facers
Inspired by
  • "Nox-Em-All" (De Land, 1908)
1996 15
Peter Duffie Caprice two Jokers placed in in the two side pockets, two selections transpose with those Jokers, pocket ruse, then selections travel to the pockets once more
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 6
Peter Duffie M.I.M.C. two spectators sign two cards with different backs, the two signatures on the faces transpose
Inspired by 1997 106
Peter Duffie Torn, Folded, and Sealed torn, folded and sealed cards transpose
Inspired by
  • "Triple Restoration" (John Ramsay)
1997 162
Peter Duffie Jax in the Bocks black Aces put in box, red Aces outside change to black Aces and in box are now four Jacks
1997 13
Dave Campbell Dotty Spots two blank-faced cards with red spots on them transpose with two cards with blue spots, repeated with spectator's signature, three phases (trick with same name in Campbell Legacy is different)
Inspired byAlso published here 1998 23
Michael Sibbernsen Chaotic Transposition two cards reverse and transpose in various ways, then transpose with two Jokers that have been pocketed at the beginning
Apr. 1998
Onyx (Issue 3)
Tomas Blomberg A Black Jack Effect two for two
Inspired byVariations Oct. 1998
Onyx (Issue 5)
Ken Simmons A Black Jack Effect (Second Method) two for two
Inspired by Oct. 1998
Onyx (Issue 5)
Milton Kort Heir to the Throne four Kings change places with four Aces, then three Kings and three Aces, then two, then one. Combination of four different tricks.
Inspired by 1999 19
David Regal Inclination Four Sevens on the table are placed back in the deck and replaced with random cards, but then the Sevens are shown to be back on the table
1999 22
Baltazar Fuentes Indian Giver red and black packet, two cards transpose, then packets transpose
Inspired by 1999 9
Ellis Stanyon Chromatic Cards No. 22, blank cards in envelope, normal cards in hat, then blank cards in hat and normal cards in envelope
1999 138
Aaron Goldberg Transit Poison '98 one pocketed, the other sandwiched, surprise triple transposition with card seen at the beginning
Inspired by 1999 84
Peter Duffie Elvis has Left the Building named King sandwiched in black Aces and put in case, sandwich reproduced from deck, three Kings found in case
Related to 2000 14
John Hostler The Wild Exchange black Seven sandwiched between red Sevens in left hand, other black Seven in right hand, they change places so that a red Seven is in right hand and other red sandwiched between blacks in left hand
2000 86
Aldo Colombini Interchange two Queens transpose with two random cards, identical with Miguel Gomez routine
Related to 2000 3
Ken Simmons Another Clarified Routine ten red and black cards, one card travels from packet to packet, then packets changes places
Inspired by Mar. 2000
Onyx (Issue 10)
Dave Campbell Ricochet three signed cards, one put in pocket, one in tabled sandwich and one in deck, card shoots out of deck, but it is one of the others as a triple transposition took place
Also published here 2000 9
Gene Maze Peeping "Tom" Hotel Mystery version with four Queens, four Kings and a Joker, four Queen/King pairs become two Queen pairs and two King pairs
VariationsAlso published here 2000 31
John Scarne Transpo in Seconds six red and black cards are alternated and put on deck, then dealt into two piles, red and black packets transpose
Discoverie (Issue 5)
Ryan Swigert Kickback two cards found with sandwich cards, when they are turned over, they are the actual sandwich cards which have changed into selections when looking back
VariationsAlso published here Dec. 2001
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 4)
William Goodwin King Brand red Kings between black Fours, they transpose two times, then Daley's Last
Variations May/June 2002
The Penumbra (Issue 1)
Allan Ackerman, Darrin Martineau One Good Winner red Kings between black Fours, they transpose two times, then Daley's Last, all change to Kings
Inspired by July/Aug. 2002
The Penumbra (Issue 2)
Aaron Fisher The King Is Gone, But He's Not Forgotten red Kings between black Fours, they transpose two times, then Daley's Last, without extra card
Related toVariations Sep./Oct. 2002
The Penumbra (Issue 3)
Andi Gladwin Resets in an Instant red cards transpose with black cards, with card case
Variations 2002 228
Steve Beam Red & Black Widow red half transpose with black half, with card case
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2002 236
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Split Change Transpo "Transplit", named even card (e.g. black Eight) is visibly split in two Fours, repeated with other black Eight, tabled black Fours from first split turn out to be the black Eights
2002 16
Euan Bingham Continental Drift red half and black half transpose
2003 8
Karl Fulves Transformism two cards chosen from red-backed deck, blue-backed deck in pocket, duplicates removed by touch, then decks transpose
2003 32
Karl Fulves A Crossed Xchange card from black packet transferred to red packet, red packet becomes red, using a variation of the Daley Delight Switch
Related to 2003
Off The Books (Issue 8)
Karl Fulves UnCrossed Xchange aka "NotXd Xchange"
card from black packet transferred to red packet, red packet becomes red, using a variation of the Daley Delight Switch without arm crossing
Related toVariations 2003
Off The Books (Issue 8)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson, Marty Kane Repelling and Attracting transposition sequence with Queens and two Aces
  • Phase 1a: The Kosky Switch
  • Phase 1b: Pure Gall
  • Phase 1c: Daley's Delight
  • Phase 2: Marty Kane's Version
  • Phase 3: Queens Gather Aces
Inspired by
  • "Ms. Matches" (Marty Kane)
2003 29
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Bad Guys Wear Black two Kings transpose with an Eight and Seven
2003 39
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Ringmaster Ace to Three are move around, then they change around to original order again
Inspired by
  • "Triple Change" (Robin Robertson's website)
Related to
2003 45
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Return to Sender different method for Ringmaster
Related to 2003 48
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson I'm So Confused three-way transposition between red Aces, black Aces and two selections
2003 147
Mark Elsdon Boxed Tekel two cards pocketed, the Jokers whisper the names to the performer, Jokers put in case, then pocketed cards shown, then they transpose with the cased Jokers
Inspired by 2003 26
Ryan Swigert KickBack: The Original two cards found with sandwich cards, when they are turned over, they are the actual sandwich cards which have changed into selections when looking back
  • Handling Tip (dummy signatures, Chris Korn)
Also published here 2003 4
Ryan Swigert KickBack: Signed Version I two signed cards found with sandwich cards, when they are turned over, they are the actual sandwich cards which have changed into selections when looking back
Inspired by 2003 6
R. Paul Wilson KickBack: Borrowed Deck Version I two cards found with sandwich cards, when they are turned over, they are the actual sandwich cards which have changed into selections when looking back
Inspired by 2003 10
Ryan Swigert KickBack: In Color Version I two cards found with odd-backed sandwich cards, when they are turned over, they are the actual sandwich cards which have changed into selections when looking back
Inspired by 2003 12
David Acer Mad Card Disease card torn into quarters, index corners transposes with non-index corners repeatedly
Variations 2004 120
Wesley James Catch-Ace-Trap-ee "sewt", transposition effect involving four Queens and two black Aces
Inspired byVariations 2004 23
Wesley James Chameleon Colors Revisited "alpha", reds and blacks separated, some red cards change to black and back, then halves transpose
Inspired by 2004 144
Dave Campbell Ricochet three signed cards, one put in pocket, one in tabled sandwich and one in deck, card shoots out of deck, but it is one of the others as a triple transposition took place
Also published here 2004 121
Dave Campbell Transpo Dots two blank-faced cards with red spots on them transpose with two cards with blue spots, repeated with spectator's signature, three phases
Also published here 2004 161
Dave Campbell Dave's Dotty Spots four cards with red spots and four cards with blue spots, swap one, two, three cards around, always remain separate, as a climax the packets transpose (trick with same name in Five times Five is different)
Inspired by 2004 183
Jason Alford New Brand red Kings between black Fours, they transpose two times, then Daley's Last, no extra card
Inspired by 2004 26
Bob King Kickback Up a Notch two cards found with sandwich cards, when they are turned over, they are the actual sandwich cards which have changed into selections when looking back
Inspired by 2005 6
Arthur Trace Spatial Exchange torn corner transposes with torn card
Also published here 2006 21
Karl Fulves Real Secret Stuff Aces removed from deck with an indifferent card, this packet riffle shuffled into deck and left outjogged, two poker hands dealt from outjogged cards alternating with top of deck, Aces end up in other packet
Prolix (Issue 1)
Jack Avis Double Cross Transpo black Aces placed aside, red Aces catch two cards, they are the black Aces and apparent Aces are selections
Inspired by 2006 50
Jack Avis Outside In red Queens between black Aces, they transpose two times
Inspired by 2006 107