353 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Transformation / Color Changing Deck
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Charles T. Jordan, William McGrew Speaking of Pink Elephants No. 8, named card changes back color, then the whole deck, card spelled to, card travels from one half to the other, red-blue peek deck cards
Related toAlso published here 1920 16
Louis Lam "Coloro" - the Colour Changing Pack of Cards
1935 12
Franklin M. Chapman Red and Blue blue-backed deck shown and case, then red-backed deck shown and a card selected, eventually the red deck is the blue one and vice versa, the two decks transposed
1936 3
E. L. Whitford Red or Black cards are shown all red or black, or all blue backed, then red backed, also rough smooth, end stripper deck
Related toAlso published here 1937 281
Charles T. Jordan Speaking of Pink Elephants color changing backs, then a card travels from one half to the other, glued pairs
Also published here 1937 289
Jean Hugard "And the Spectator Blew"
1938 293
The Hindu Color Changing Deck
Variations 1941 208
John Scarne Rapid Transit two decks, performer matches selection then both deck change back color
Sep. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 135)
Tan Hock Chuan, Edward Bagshawe R. & S. Optica Deck deck shown, then it changes back color and all cards are alike, partial rough-smooth
Inspired byRelated to 1948 12
Norman Houghton A Study in Frustration humorous presentation, spectator has to chose 51 cards from the deck, deck turns blank
Related to Nov. 1948 477
Clayton Rawson The Blankety-Blank Color Changing Deck backs change and faces vanish and return
Dec. 1949 607
Bert Fenn Jokerneurosis rainbow deck of jokers, four cards transform into aces, then the faces into a normal deck
May 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 202)
Blanca de Jugo Chameleon Cards necktie and handkerchief change colors too
Aug. 1950 693
Robert Lotz Red and Blue (Improved)
Related to 1952 11
Milton Kort Color Change & Follow Up Two red decks, one changes to blue, and then a Chicago Opener style routine is performed (blue card placed in red deck, spectator picks it out from face up spread), red/blue card
Related to Aug. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 288)
Audley Walsh The Perfect Deck Switch pseudo deck switching, presentation
Nov. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 294)
"Senator" Clarke Crandall A Backward Effect to rainbow deck
The New Phoenix (Issue 328)
Dai Vernon Dai Vernon's Colour Changing Pack
Variations 1959 25
Ken Brooke Colour Change Pack
1959 16
Harry Lorayne Fantasia Aces are found without looking at faces, then deck changes color
1962 255
Edward Marlo K. M. Move as a Passer - Second Idea sequence, showing cards to have wrong back color
1962 15
Jochen Zmeck Non Plus Ultra "Mein Verwandlungsspiel"
deck shown normal, then all cards are alike and back changes as well, then back, partial rough-smooth
Related to 1962 11
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) B. The Colour Changing Deck delaying strategies, doing other tricks (like Travelers) with the deck that is ready for the color changing deck routine
Apr. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 28)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Travelers before Color Changing Deck as delaying technique
Apr. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 28)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Ravelli's "Acrobatic Surprise" faced deck rightens itself, color changing deck kicker
Apr. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 28)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Ravelli's Colour Changing Deck Routine
Apr. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 28)
Edward Marlo Chameleon Deck Routine all-backs and all-faces routine with color changing back kicker
Early Marlo (Issue Oddity & Other Miracles)
Lu Brent A Pack Gone Wild cards change into forcing deck and back into normal
Aug. 1964
The New Phoenix (Issue 392)
Norman Houghton Idea for Shuffling a Colour-Changing Pack riffle shuffle with slip cut
Nov. 1964
Ibidem (Issue 30)
Harry Lorayne Color Coincidence all cards except two selections change color
1965 8
Roy Walton Fellow Travellers two cards initialed and put in one half each, one placed below table and then both cards are found in upper half, color changing deck kicker
1967 198
Theodore Annemann The Color Changing Deck from "Annemann's $50 Manuscript" (ca. 1932)

Dec. 1967 147
Ronnie Gann Bare Faced performer finds selected card by looking at the backs, all other cards are blank
Mar. 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 59)
Philip T. Goldstein The Little Palmed Card That Wasn't
May 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 61)
Ian Baxter Favorite Color Changing Pack
1969 72
Charlie Miller Color Switch two decks, color of backs change places
The Cardiste (Issue 13)
Aldini Harlequin Deck No. 1 Color changing deck: back changes color from red to blue and back, faces have changed from mixed colors to all red, then all black, including reversed-color suits, then back to normal
1969 27
Aldini Harlequin Deck No. 2 Color changing deck: back changes color from red to blue and back, faces have changed from mixed colors to all red, then all black, including reversed-color suits, then back to normal
1969 29
Juan Tamariz, Ramon Varela Sinfonía en color four phases
1970 90
Allan Ackerman Color Triumphant color changing deck climax
1971 32
Paul Curry, Harry Lorayne The Color-Changing Deck Lorayne's handling for Curry's routine
1971 239
Bruce Cervon All Shook Up color changing Triumph, red-blue double backer, including "Non-Gimmicked Method"
1971 3
Derek Dingle Color Triumphant color changing deck climax
Related toVariations 1971 3
Edward Marlo Prediction Surprise & Clock Combination card chosen with cut & count procedure has odd back, re-counting force, ambiguous color changing deck
Related to 1971 10
Roger Smith Twisting the Red Aces (Blue) color changing back finale, deck changes color as well, red/blue double backer
1971 17
"Magic" Christian Stelzel Surprising Jokers four jokers change backs, then deck
Variations 1972 68
Derek Dingle Master Poker Demonstration combination, color changing deck climax, simplified handling
  • Getting Ready
  • Cutting the Aces
  • The Second Deal
  • Dealing from the Bottom
  • Stacking
  • Patter
  • Notes for Card Experts, Historians and Anyone Else Who Might be Interested
Inspired byRelated to 1972
Innovations (Issue 1)
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Variation Of Vernon's Coloratura No. 197, single cards change back color than whole deck
Inspired byRelated to 1972 48
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Simplified Coloratura Effect No. 257
1972 64
Louis Zingone Zingone Coloratura With Two Decks No. 363, selection put in another deck, then whole deck changes color
1972 101
Coloratura Wrinkle No. 479, extra phase with back-change of Joker
1972 133
Dr. Jacob Daley Coloratura Variation No. 542
1972 152
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz Notes No. 593
1972 165
Frank Garcia New York Opener
1973 13
"Senator" Clarke Crandall Crandall's Rainbow rainbow deck
Also published here 1973 139
Karl Fulves Double Chameleon double color changing deck, posed as a problem
1973 21
Derek Dingle All Backs Aces lost and found in process, color changing backs kicker, twenty red-blue double backers
Related to Nov. 1973
Epilogue (Issue 19)
Karl Fulves Chameleon Deck all backs and color changing deck combo
1973 35
"Senator" Clarke Crandall Crandall's Rainbow rainbow deck
Also published here 1973 25
John Carney Color Triumphant...Again triumph, then all cards except selection change color of the back
Related to 1973 (ca.) 4
John Carney Chameleon Aces Aces cut to, Aces change back color, then rest of deck
1973 (ca.) 6
Edward Marlo A Routine of Surprises with color changing deck
Inspired by 1974 45
Michael Boden Marked packet trick with color changing deck
Related toVariations 1974 5
Michael Boden, Ed Smeal Marked! - Alternate Handling with lapping deck switch by Ed Smeal
Inspired by 1974 10
Dr. Richard Cook Color Changing Deck all backs phase, then aces and faces appear, all backs change colors except aces
1974 48
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Trick #4 backs change from red to blue, cards become blank and back to normal
Also published here
  • in "Random Conceptions with Cards" (ca. 1930)
Sep. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Karl Fulves Technicolor Cards performer cuts to four Aces, but they have different back color, then he cuts to correct Aces but then deck changes color
  • The Magician Cuts to the Aces
  • The Gambler Cuts to the Aces
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1974
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Alex Elmsley Der ehrgeizige Fremde ambitious card has different back, in the end deck changes color
Also published here Jan. 1974
Intermagic (Vol. 1 No. 3)
André Robert Le Joker fabuleux joker transforms into selection, then backs of all cards change
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 5)
Charles T. Jordan "Speaking of Pink Elephants!" named card changes back color, then the whole deck, card spelled to, card travels from one half to the other, red-blue peek deck cards
Also published here 1975 198
Ken Krenzel, Derek Dingle, Matt Corin Visual Reverse and Color Change tunnel effect, card reverses, back changes color and eventually whole deck changes color, misspelled "Matt Coran"
Related toVariations 1975 (ca.) 5
Derek Dingle All Backs Routine aces lost and found in process, color changing backs kicker, twenty red-blue double backers
Related to 1975 (ca.) 13
Roy Walton, Paul Swinford A/Rainbow
  • Three For Ascanio
small packet then deck change back color
Also published here 1976
Epilogue (Issue Special No 4)
Jon Racherbaumer, Stewart James Taking Further Than That Too Far production of selection, Royal Flush, and other stuff
Related to 1976
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Doug Alker The Useless Pack all backs then all faces, then all backs again but with different color
Related to Apr. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Eric Mason, Frank Everhart Eca Tuoba Ecaf borrowed deck, transforms into a rainbow deck
Related to July 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Karl Fulves 52-Card Monte gag presentation with two single cards and rest of deck as third card, color changing deck kicker
Inspired by
  • Bob Still's Monte Routine
Also published here
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #5)
Paul Harris Joker Poker triumph with color changing back kicker, Color Stunner
1976 33
Paul Harris Color Stunner color changing deck triumph, credit to Dingle for plot
VariationsAlso published here 1976 41
Paul Harris Tap Dancing Finale color changing back finale of "The Infamous Tap-Dancing Cards"
Inspired by 1976 51
John Carney Chameleon Aces aces cut to, aces change back color, then rest of deck
1976 2
Nick Trost Color-Changing Pack
1976 34
Edward Marlo Complete Revised Routine effect combo with twisting and back change
1977 128
Edward Marlo Notes on the Color Changing Deck Routine
1977 133
Larry Jennings Transmutation
Related to 1977 42
Karl Fulves Carte Blanche cards become blank
1977 322
Barry Govan Perplexed
1977 84
Doug Alker One In Four
Inspired by Mar./Apr. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 7&8)
Jean Faré Triumph Color Change Handling of Color Triumphant by Derek Dingle (uses Marlo's Hung Card gimmick)
Inspired by 1977 35
Harry Lorayne The Color-Changing Deck
Variations 1977 111
Jay Malbrough In Sequential Order Ace to Four turn over and change suit, color changing backs kicker of cards and entire deck
  • Technicolor Aces
Inspired by 1977 4
Allan Ackerman, Derek Dingle Thinking it Through color chaning deck climax
1978 37
Ken Krenzel Ken's Kolor Finesse selection changes back color, then whole deck, with some handling finesses
Variations 1978 164
John C. Wagner J.C.'s Color Changing Deck Routine
Inspired by 1978 36
Doug Alker Rainbow Triumph three cards, triumph, rainbow deck as a kicker
Jan. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Edward Marlo Swindle Triumph color changing deck, single odd-backed card used
1978 12
Roy Walton Caper starts with gag
1978 1084
John F. Mendoza Impossible Poker Demonstration aces cut to in named order, shuffled back and cut to again (Estimation Aces), roll-over production with Royal Flushes, ten handed deal first with aces, then two royal flushes (Marlo-Gardner principle), optional color changing deck kicker
Inspired by 1978 7
E. L. Whitford Rot oder Schwarz all cards shown red turn into black cards, end stripper, as Withford
Also published here 1978 123
Jerry K. Hartman Trick Pix Quick 3 Way with color changing deck, extension of Peter Kane's trick
Inspired byAlso published here 1978 19
Jerry K. Hartman Read All Over Color Changing deck
Also published here 1978 65
Steve Beam Comeback off-beat prediction, same back design
1978 22
Steve Beam Borrowed Deck Beauty to switch a borrowed deck in the context of a routine
1978 30
Steve Beam Visual Brainwave color changing deck, with signed selection
1978 33
Paul Curry The Color Changing Deck one red/blue double backer
Also published here 1978 1
Bruce Jensen, David Stahl Simplified Color-Changing Deck chosen card is only odd card, color changing deck
1978 3
Richard Kaufman Number Nine Blue values of three selections add up to previous selection, they transform into mates, then back color of deck changes, colorchanging back addition
Related to 1979 12
Richard Kaufman HaLo Changes Color Again Ace cutting with color changing deck kicker
1979 78
Philip T. Goldstein A Simple Mutation
1979 15
Bob Brook R & B selection matches odd-backed prediction, than the back colors change of deck and prediction
Inspired by 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 17)
John F. Mendoza Timing of "Color Triumphant" see also p. 69
Related to 1979 14
Roy Walton The Helensburgh Triangle card vanish from queens then apparently deck should vanish, color change of deck
Also published here 1979 21
Karrell Fox Gamblecture ideas for a gambling lecture
  • loaded dice gag (exploding sound)
  • baby shoes gag
  • false cuts with three colored woods
  • pseudo deck switch (nudist)
  • "bottoms" gag, pin-up girls
1979 317
Earl Nelson Color Changing Deck featuring a deck switch in the lap at the end of an optional preliminary All Backs routine
Also published here 1979 17
Father Cyprian A Two Deck Brainwave Deck chosen and reversed in blue deck matches card reversed beforehand in red deck, then the decks switch places
1979 1
Rainer Teschner Ein blaues Spiel verwandelt sich in ein rotes
1979 23
Edward Marlo Pseudo Deck Switch apparently deck switch is demonstrated
1980 277
Gene Maze, Richard Kaufman Where, Oh, Where? (Everywhere and Nowhere No. 2) all blank climax
1980 85
Paul Harris Double Decker presentation for color changing deck
VariationsAlso published here 1980 1
Rovi Are You Colour Blind? two cards taped together, used like a pocket card
Related to 1980 6
Andrew Galloway The Bluff Colour Changing Pack two card selected from red deck, then cards are found and it turns out, that selections are only two red backed cards in blue backed deck
1980 20
Roy Johnson Farbtriumph color changing deck climax
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Everyman Cards, 1979
1980 11
Don England Color Changing Deck Triumph with kicker
1981 41
Stephen Tucker Geiger Find selection is found by using other card as Geiger Counter, deck ends up blank and geiger card becomes "52 on 1" card
Oct. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Stephen Tucker Fantasia four cards are cut to, which are predicted with miniature cards, cards have different colored back than rest of the deck which is blank on the face too
Dec. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Ben Harris Dimensional Relativity signed cards turns inside-out so that it has blistered rough surfaces on the outside and when peeled apart the signed surfaces show up again, deck also changes color for some reason
VariationsAlso published here 1981 3
Steve Beam Color Changing Deck 1 more a gag than an effect, case changes color as well, but in the pocket during the rest of the show
Variations 1981 2
Steve Beam Color Changing Deck 2
Inspired by 1981 2
Roy Walton The Helensburgh Triangle card vanish from queens then apparently deck should vanish, color change of deck
Also published here 1981 183
Derek Dingle Deluxe Anytime Color Triumphant color chaning deck kicker
Variations 1982 196
Derek Dingle Color Triumphant II color changing deck climax
Related to 1982 199
Derek Dingle Technicolor All Backs color changing deck climax
Variations 1982 200
Derek Dingle Triple Color-Changing All Backs Aces
1982 202
Derek Dingle Master Poker Demonstration combination, color changing deck climax
Variations 1982 207
Derek Dingle Double Color-Changing Deck
1982 209
William Goldman Joker-Mania three cards are selected, blue backed card changes into selection, all cards change into jokers
Jan. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Stephen Tucker Eraser Blazer four kings are produced then deck turns white and kings too, face of selection appears on eraser
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Reinhard Müller FF Color Catchers
Inspired by July 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 15)
Paul Brignall Cracker color changing deck, Aces turn blank and backs are from a rainbow deck
Dec. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 20)
Edward Marlo Color Changing Backs first packet, then full deck follows, red-blue double backers
1983 24
Richard M. Gamble Kicker Colour Change color changing all backs
Related to Mar. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Ben Harris Super Cruel Triumph Triumph effect with color changing back kicker, half the deck is of different color
1983 72
Michael J. Gerhardt Color Changing Deck four Queens cut to, they catch selection, Queens change back color, rest of deck as well
1983 13
David Britland Unbeatable spectator selects card twice, put between two jokers, then entire deck consists of jokers
Also published here Feb. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 22)
Charles T. Jordan Speaking of Pink Elephants ad from 1916 with color changing deck, glued pairs, later 1919 variation with glued pairs and also normal cards in between like in Menetekel, also with spelling and across phase
Related to 1983 15
Edward Bagshawe The Optica Deck pairs held together with cut-outs and raised parts, all backs can be shown either blue or red, and face cards change to all the same
  • The Optica Technique
with reproduction of ad and original instructions, 1928
Variations 1983 35
Frank Simon Odd Color Out transposition of back of two odd-backed duplicates, in the end deck changes color
Inspired by 1983 98
Michael Powers Color Changing Deck using Power Case
1983 83
Derek Dingle The Rainbow Deck
VariationsAlso published here 1984 36
David Regal Audacity Based deck changes back color and suits are changed to reverse colors printing (spades and clubs red, hearts and diamonds black)
Sep. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Pascal Monmoine Chameleon
May 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 6)
Roy Walton Rainbow Road with three colors and with rainbow deck variation
July 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 7)
Stephen Tucker Empress Blue deck sandwiched between two random cards, the two random cards end up sandwiching selection, rest of deck turns red
1984 45
Paul Harris Blue Tattoo changing back color of deck one by one
Variations 1984 87
Edward Marlo Marlo's Color Changing Deck Routine cards selected and found, then deck changes back color
VariationsAlso published here
  • MUM, Mar. 1976
1984 106
Peter Duffie The Short Sharp Shock
Variations 1984 30
Keith Breen "Wild!" a four-climax double color-changing deck/card routine, deck switch with lapping
Aug. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 8)
Gerald Deutsch Colorful Spell card is spelled to, reversed itself, color changing backs kicker
1985 110
Color Changing Pack red-blue double backer, "running-cut optical illusion"
1985 22
Richard Bartram, Jr. Color Coordinated Triumph! color changing deck climax
1985 32
Ben Harris Instant Ink deck shown blank, blank card progressively transforms into picture card (Apparition), faces appear and backs change color
Related to 1985 31
Ben Harris The Return of the Alien combo of odd-backed elevator, universal card, three-card vanish, color changing backs
Inspired by 1985 7
Don England Peek-a-Boo Color Changing Deck visual color change of the back
1985/93 21
Don England Technicolor Inversion Color Changing Deck Kicker
1985/93 25
Don England, Richard Kaufman Peek-a-Boo Inversion Color Changing Deck Kicker
1985/93 26
Ken Simmons Triumphing for a Change color changing deck kicker
1986 33
Peter Duffie Valediction Xs appear on the back of whole deck
1987 101
Karl Fulves Visible Spread Color Change deck spread face-down on table, card waved over spread and spread visibly changes back color, or single card turns over or changes in middle of spread, posed as a problem
1987 80
Jamy Ian Swiss The Obligatory Card Trick
Inspired byAlso published here 1987 7
Jamy Ian Swiss The Moron Deck rainbow deck
Inspired byAlso published here 1987 26
Pat Conway The Colour Change Pack with changing card case
1987 48
Pat Conway The Colour Change Pack (Second Version) with changing card case, using a face-to-face gaffed hinged card
1987 53
Bruce Cervon Three Way Color Changing Deck prelude effect for color changing deck routine
1988 208
Bruce Cervon All Shook Up Color Changing Triumph
1988 242
Bruce Cervon All Shook Up - ungaffed Color Changing Triumph
1988 247
Darwin Ortiz Greek Poker poker stacking triumph, color changing deck kicker
Variations 1988 66
Nate Leipzig Two-Deck Transposition
1988 221
Christoph Borer Eine halbe Sache back of selection changes back color, only half of the back changes color, eventually all cards change back color
Also published here 1988 14
Doug Bennett Kreuz und Quer crossed interlocked cases, red-backed deck put in, then blue-backed deck removed
  • Effekt Nr. 2: Die Doppel-Vorhersage
  • Effekt Nr. 3: Doppel-Brainwave
  • Auf der Bühne (with jumbo decks)
Also published here
  • "Criss-Cross Cards", Genii, Vol. 49 No. 4, Oct. 1985
July 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 5)
Roy Walton, Paul Swinford A/Rainbow
  • Three For Ascanio
small packet then deck change back color
Also published here 1988 110
Shigeo Takagi Reddish-Blue Triumph Color Changing Deck Kicker
Also published here Mar. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 3)
David Williamson The Hypnotist red hot mama / chicago opener with full deck color change climax
1989 69
Christoph Borer Eine Halbe Sache back of selection changes back color, only half of the back changes color, eventually all cards change back color
Also published here 1989 28
Randy Wakeman Did You Get The Odd One? ten cards removed from blue-backed deck, one red-backed card placed among them, spectator choses blue-backed one from face, all others change to red-backed
Inspired byVariations 1989 8
Juan Tamariz, Luis Garcia, Gabriel Moreno Half-Escorial half the cards dealt face up, half face down, face up cards change back color
Related to 1989/91 180
John Bannon, Larry West Strangers' Gallery
1990 3
Ben Harris Through the Universe - Backwards odd-backed prediction card changes (turns out to be) selection, then transposes with it, then deck changes back color, "Structually, the effect is subtle, yet at the same time fully cocked."
1990 17
Ben Harris Dimensional Relativity reprint of effect, card reversed on both sides is placed reversed in deck, rest of deck changes back color, then selection turns "inside out" and becomes kind of a double blank card with both signed sides inside
Also published here 1990 76
Shigeo Takagi Color-Shift Triumph color changing deck climax
Also published here 1990 53
Alex Elmsley Ambitious Stranger ambitious card has different back, in the end deck changes color
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1991 299
Alex Elmsley A Strange Story great presentation about a poker game
1991 401
John Carney Slow Fade to Red first cards in a small packet, then full deck change color
1991 215
John Bannon, Larry West Strangers' Gallery
Related toVariations 1991 68
Christoph Borer Eine Halbe Sache back of selection changes back color, only half of the back changes color, eventually all cards change back color
Also published here 1991 20
Gene Maze Cards cards dealt and turned face up one by one until spectator stops, all other cards change back color
Also published here May 1991
Opus (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Jerry K. Hartman Trick Pix Quick 3 Way with color changing deck, extension of Peter Kane's trick
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 359
Jerry K. Hartman Read All Over Color Changing deck
Also published here 1991 597
Doc Eason Color Changing Deck Opener
Inspired by 1991 ca. 8
Jack Carpenter West Coast Cooler deck switch as skill demonstration, secret switch possible in course of routine
1992 123
Arturo de Ascanio Azul, Rojo, Blanco (Análisis de una Construcción) all backs, normal, color changing back and nudist deck as climax
Also published here 1992 125
Charles T. Jordan, William McGrew Speaking of Pink Elephants No. 206, named card changes back color, then the whole deck, card spelled to, card travels from one half to the other, red-blue peek deck cards
Also published here 1992 243
Edward Marlo Color Changing Case and Deck
1993 80
Ken Simmons Triumphing for a Change color changing deck kicker
Related to 1993 24
Jerry Mentzer Color Change Deck Routine Triumph with four Aces, deck changes back color
1993 197
Paul Green It's Amazing (Spectators Are The PITs) spectator divines card from other spectator, when repeated all cards turn blank for a moment, reverse fan force
Jan./Feb. 1993
The Magic Menu (Vol. 3 No. 15)
Vicente Canuto 6.- El Virus Informático deck turns blank
1993 360
Alex Elmsley The Red and the Blue two decks change place except for two selections in them
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1994 131
Alex Elmsley The Shy Chameleon triumph routine in which backs are not seen to delay color changing deck effect
1994 136
Gene Maze MindBreaker spectator choses card in blue-backed deck, rest changes to red cards, inverted Brainwave
Also published here 1994 76
David Neighbors Colorful Rip-Off Triumph cards shuffled face up / face down, face up cards are "ripped through" deck except selection, with color changing back kicker
Inspired by Sep. 1994
The Minotaur (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Doug Conn Chameleon Sandwich sandwich effect followed by color changing deck surprise
Also published here 1994 4
Aldo Colombini Follow This! card chosen, Triumph in which deck except selection changes back color
1994 4
Peter Duffie A Hint of a Tint Universal Card with color changing deck kicker
Inspired by 1995 97
Karl Fulves The Color-Changing Deck chapter intro
1995 102
Robert Lotz Reverse Colors No. 51
Related to 1995 102
Alex Elmsley The Red and the Blue No. 53, two decks change place except for two selections in them
Also published here 1995 106
Bill Simon, William P. Miesel, Karl Fulves The Forgetful Gambler No. 54, deck shuffled face-up/face-down, they right themselves except for Royal Flush, rest of deck changes back color
1995 107
Karl Fulves 52-Card Monte No. 55, gag presentation with two single cards and rest of deck as third card, color changing deck kicker
Also published here 1995 111
Wayne Kyzer Memorable Magic one red/blue double backer and blank card
Inspired by 1995 57
David Acer Flying Colors deck changes color except selection, another selection signed, it changes back color
1995 95
Bob King Radeckal Change selection changes back color, then whole deck
Inspired by 1995 10
Claude Rix Le jeu qui change de couleur
1995 90
Paul Harris Color Stunner color changing deck triumph
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue The Magic of Paul Harris)
Paul Harris Double Decker presentation for color changing deck
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Fantasies 1 & 2)
Paul Harris Blue Tattoo (revised) changing back color of deck one by one
Inspired by 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Close-up Seductions)
Gary Plants "Killer" Poker-Deal Demo color changing deck climax
June 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 6)
Karl Fulves Department of Corrections red-backed card in blue-backed deck, spectator deals face-up and turns one card face-dwon, it's blue, rest changes to red
Inspired by
  • "Remote Control" (Annemann)
1996 42
Michael Kaminskas Rainbow Connection rainbow deck climax
Inspired by 1996 24
Bob King Color-Changing Deck optional with "Color-Changing Acro Card" (Bob King)
1996 16
Oliver Erens Chicago - und mehr chicago opener, deck changes color and then back to original color as climax
Also published here 1996 39
Larry Jennings The Transmutated Deck
Related to 1997 119
Nick Trost The Observation Test
Related to 1997 17
Nick Trost, Earle Oakes Technicolor Change First appeared in Precursor X by Bill Miesel, 1986.
Inspired by
  • trick performed by Father Paul Zipfel for 1966 IBM Convention Close Up Competition in Indianapolis
1997 187
Pete Ottaviano Back to the West four Three of Diamonds are cut to in a deck, then their backs change color as well as the backs of the rest of the deck
Inspired by
  • Larry West's "Backgambit" in "Lecture 2"
Related to
1997 25
Doug Conn Chameleon Sandwich sandwich effect followed by color changing deck surprise
Also published here 1997 2
Dave Robertson Totally Gone two cards signed and lost, one travels to wallet, second does not but is the only card without "GONE" written on its back
Inspired byVariations 1998 83
Milton Kort Kort's Color-changing Deck Two red decks, one changes to blue, and then a Chicago Opener style routine is performed (blue card placed in red deck, spectator picks it out from face up spread)
Related to 1999 65
David Regal The Wrong Ones Produce four Aces, then deck changes color (includes variation where deck goes back to new deck order as well)
  • Routine One
  • Routine Two
1999 37
Doug Conn Chameleon Sandwich sandwich effect followed by color changing deck surprise
Also published here 1999 1
Justin Higham Corrected Prediction card peeked at, it matches a prediction in wallet
  • Method One (prediction same color)
  • Method Two (prediction odd-backed)
  • Method Three (deck changes back color as climax)
Inspired byRelated to 1999 87
David Stone The Red Sail cards with question marks on the back, color changing deck meets Red Hot Mama
Inspired by 1999 9
John Guastaferro Fifth Application: Visual Color Changing Deck Joker is produced from deck, entire deck changes color as deck is given flashy cut which brings reversed Joker to middle, face-up Joker is removed and its back has also changed
Inspired by 1999
Labyrinth (Issue 11)
Chas Roberts Deja Blue card selected, back color of rest changes, deck sorts itself to new deck order with selection missing, Stripper Svengali Principle
Inspired by Dec. 1999
Onyx (Issue 9)
Oliver Erens Chicago - and Beyond chicago opener, deck changes color and then back to original color as climax
Also published here 2000 29
Barry Price Kaleideckscope ambitious card routine with color changing deck kicker
  • Phase One: And Brutus Said Caesar Was Ambitious
  • Phase Two: A Short Rise
  • Phase Three: Another Nifty Nuance
  • Phase Four: Throwing For A Change
  • Phase Five: The Visual Rise
  • Phase Six: Further Expanding The Action
  • Phase Seven: An Impossible Transposition
  • Phase Eight: Igniting The Pilot Light
  • Phase Nine: Setting The Room Ablaze
  • Phase Ten: All Cleaned Up - Even The Ashes!
2000 48
Steven Hamilton Stressed Out Card in-the hands, deck changes into rainbow deck
Inspired byAlso published here 2000 19
Don England Phase 51 - Revisited and in Color card to pocket with 51 to pocket climax and C.C.
Inspired by 2001 26
Paul Curry The Color-Changing Deck one red/blue double backer
VariationsAlso published here 2001 71
Bob Kohler $100 Challenge Color Changing Deck bet theme in which spectator has to find the odd-backed card, magnet in wallet
2001 4
Karl Fulves One Second Flat No. 46, gag sequence in which apparently gambling secrets are exposed, finishes with color changing backs and a Royal Flush deal
Related to 2001 105