87 entries in Clothing / Necktie
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Albert Fellows, Stanley Collins The Acrobatic Tie tie placed in a bag changes into a bow, then same again on table
1920 99
Al Baker The Cut and Restored Necktie using change bag
VariationsAlso published here 1941 134
Walter B. Gibson, Danny Morris Gaglet Department
  • card coding with name badges (Gibson)
  • card in balloon gag (Morris)
  • cut and restored tie performance at army shows without a stooge (Morris)
  • bar bet, naming three numbers of a serial number on a bill
May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 10)
Eddie Joseph The Tie Hold-Out slit in tie
1942 42
Cut and Restored Necktie once own tie
1945 69
Eugene Gloye Glen Gloye's Necktie Trick tie with picture of rabbit holding selection
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1945)
Larry Arcuri Cut and Restored Necktie anecdote
July 1945 136
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on the Pop Up Tie, R. C. Buff, Jay Marshall, John Booth, Audley Walsh
July 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 109)
That Necktie Again knot in necktie unties itself
Dec. 1946 280
Robert Emerico The Never Ending Tie tie is stretched
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1948)
Hen Fetsch Not Far Fetsched ideas for the pop up tie
  • Pop Bell (spirit bell)
  • Pop Spots (luminous paint)
  • Pop Brush (spectator feels ghost brushing on face)
Nov. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 164)
Dick Lee Cut and Restored Necktie method to plant duplicate necktie
July 1949 563
Blanca de Jugo Chameleon Cards necktie and handkerchief change colors too
Aug. 1950 693
Frank Garcia Garcia's Bow Geste using bow-tie to steal fake cigarettes for manipulation routines
May 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 256)
Don Tanner Don Tanner's 4 Items: Item #4 tie gag, hula girl on tie
Mar. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 276)
Ben Berger The Foolproof Necktie Trick cut and restored
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1954)
Karrell Fox Multilated Tie multilated handkerchief with tie
1954 32
Karrell Fox Tie-Riffic bow tie changes into long tie
1954 37
John A. M. Howie Ring on Necktie penetration
1955 25
Neue Ideen aus magischer Literatur brief notes
  • gag with tie
  • idea by D'Hotel, glass behind bottle ?
  • stain on card becomes smaller, multiple transformation of cards
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 17 No. 2)
John Gannaway Tips on This and That
  • Liquids
  • Think Ink
  • Cut and Restored Tie
  • Paper Restorations
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
Idea for Pop-Up Tie Gimmick gag
Aug. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 360)
Dr. William Weyeneth Die Zauberkravatte loading a card on the deck from under tie
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 22 No. 1)
Marconick Cut and Restored Necktie
Also published here 1967 78
Fred Stocke Freddie's Funny Tie Trick comedy routine with assistant, tie is cut, then partially and eventually fully restored
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Roy Johnson Tootal Tie tie makes a sound, gag
1970 33
Roy Johnson Hypno-Tie tie follows movement of hand, similar to hypnotic handkerchief
1970 35
Marconick Cut and Restored Necktie
Also published here 1970 19
Val Andrews Another "Rising-Card" Gag No. 22, tie rises instead of card and card is seen on shirt behind tie
1970 (ca.) 10
Robert "Robelly" Rouet Un Tour de Cravates three different colored neckties in three containers, one is chosen and other two placed in a box, necktie appears tied between other neckties, but chosen necktie did not vanish fro container but change into necktie which is multi-colored
Also published here
  • in Robelly's "Trucs et Prestiges"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 6)
Bob Driebeek Der sichtbare Topit slit in tie
Also published here
  • New Pentagram, Sep. 1974
Nov. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2)
Charles T. Jordan The Negligee Coin Vanish coin vanishes under handkerchief, dummy coin sewn into tie
1975 207
David Berglas Tie-Tie one-handed knot in tie
1976 31
Karrell Fox, Roy Kissell Fox's "Rope-Tie" cut and restored necktie, accidentally cut during rope cutting
Inspired by 1976 123
Bobby Bernard Tidy coin vanishes in tie, pinch vanish
The Talon (Issue 2)
Ken De Courcy Die Taubenkasserole - Ein Kurzseminar ideas for the dove pan
  • Bandsprudel
  • Das tanzende Skelett
  • Kartenhaus
  • Kartenproduktion
  • Klappwürfel
  • Kindervorstellung
  • Kravattenzerschneiden
  • Tauben
  • Zigaretten
Also published here
  • Magigram, Vol. 2
Oct. 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Don Tanner Utility Item using cloth bag for restoration of cut rope or tie
Also published here 1978 16
Jochen Zmeck Wilson-Krawatten traveling tie from box with selection of ties to collar, free choice
1979 27
Marconick Cravate coupée et raccommodée
Also published here 1979 3
Ken Brooke Tied card sticks to tie
Also published here 1980 186
Don Tanner Cravates using cloth bag for restoration of cut tie
Also published here 1981
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 2)
"Magic" Christian Stelzel My Tie Cut - The Cut and Restored Tie tie placed in folded jumbo card
1983 19
Ron Dowse Tidier coin vanish under handkerchief, magnet in tie
Also published here Feb. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 34)
Robert Cassidy The Modern Billet Holdout knot of necktie as a holdout
1984 74
Al Bertini Al Bertini's Geistesblitze: Das Kravattenmirakel cut and restored tie
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 45 No. 1)
Jeff McBride Necktie Party tie is removed, knot un-does itself, vanishes, reappears around neck
1985 50
Karrell Fox "Tie N' Bow" tie is pivoted up as a giant bow tie
1986 87
Meir Yedid Bow Tie Routine handkerchief is formed into bow tie and split into two silks, then real bow tie appears
1986 11
Meir Yedid Slip On Bow Tie to make a bow tie appear, metal band
1986 17
Pat Conway The Tie Matchbox Vanish matchbox vanishes behind tie
1987 147
Pat Conway Tie and Die die vanishes after being rolled up in necktie
1987 149
Richard Osterlind Tie Back secret writer attached to tie
Apr. 1988
Magick (Issue 404)
Ron Dowse Krawitschko coin vanish under handkerchief, magnet in tie
Also published here Oct. 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 1)
Roy Johnson A Lesson in Tiemanship cut and restored tie, two routines
Also published here 1989 60
Jay Sankey Ring Around the Collar borrowed finger ring reappears at the end knotted in necktie
1990 59
Karrell Fox Stretch-a-Tie growing necktie
1991 145
Karrell Fox Give-Away Tie Clip making tie clip out of plastic stirrer
1991 146
Doc Eason Real Men Tie Their Own Bow Ties method to tie a bow tie, no effect
1991 ca. 3
Roy Johnson Eine Lektion in Schlipsologie cut and restored tie, two routines
Also published here June 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Michael Close Look Ma, No Sleeves, No Topit clean vanish of salt shaker or similar object, necktie vanisher
Also published here July/Aug. 1993
The Magic Menu (Vol. 3 No. 18)
Michael Close No Sleeves, No Topit clean vanish of salt shaker or similar object, necktie vanisher
Also published here 1994 42
Michael Close No Sleeves, No Topit clean vanish of salt shaker or similar object, necktie vanisher
Also published here 1994 10
Doug Conn Neck-Tied Dollar coin folded into bottom of tie vanishes
Also published here May 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Karrell Fox The Static Tie necktie moves up instead of paper in hand, nailed to stomach
Inspired by
  • Jack London's "Pop-Up Tie"
1995 74
Felix Farrell Warm Up tie penetrates neck
1995 69
Joel Givens Tying One On three cards are found, last one appears under tie clasp
Related toAlso published here 1996 1165
Karl Fulves Ouch "Unsolved Mysteries"
tie tack removed, it is very long, posed as a problem
1996 77
Karl Fulves Knot There "Unsolved Mysteries"
Hunter knot mentioned (without letting go), knot is in tie instead, posed as a problem
1997 146
Ken Brooke Kravatten-Bekanntgabe card sticks to tie
Also published here 1997
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 1)
Doug Conn Neck-Tied Dollar coin folded into bottom of tie vanishes
Also published here 1997 20
Doug Conn Fit to be Tie'd coin folded into bottom of tie vanishes
Also published here 1999 24
Kurt Herfurt Krawatten-Zerschneiden cut and restored necktie
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 3-5)
Eric Mead Tie One On performer's tie hidden, one chosen from several matches
Also published here Apr. 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 8)
Al Baker The Cut and Restored Necktie using change bag
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
Eric Mead Tie One On performer's tie hidden, one chosen from several matches
Also published here 2003 7
David Acer Get Bent! as magician tries to bend spoon, tie becomes bent - then spoon suddenly bends
Also published here Sep. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 9)
David Acer Get Bent As magician tries to bend spoon, tie becomes bent - then spoon suddenly bends
Also published here 2004 285
Nathan Kranzo Homing Tie card travels folded up behind the performer's tie
2004 2
Bob Ostin Squeaker tie squeaks
2005 21
Eric Mead Tie One On performer's tie hidden, one chosen from several matches
Also published here 2006 195
Christoph Borer Krawatte using the tie to produce / vanish objects
2006 171
Tom Stone Tie Clipper black art idea for cut and restored tie
2007 8
Joel Givens It's a Tie three cards are found, last one appears under tie clasp, see p. 128 for performance
Also published here 2007 145
Camilo Vázquez ¡Clips! pips of a card appear on tie
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 14)
Charlie Miller An Unbelievable Restoration Of A Gentleman's Cut Necktie necktie is not removed from spectator's neck
Also published here
  • Genii, July 1967
Nov./Dec. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 11 & 12)
George Sands Sun and Moon - Comedy Tie and Rope Routine comedy routine, cut and restored tie
Also published here
  • George Sands' "54 Years of Magic: Volume 5" 1991.
2014 79
Pedro Lacerda Ring in Tie borrowed ring vanishes and is found in performer's tie knot, threaded onto the tie
2023 134