241 entries in Coin / Sleights / Vanish / Single Coin Vanishes / With Props
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
La Piece de Monnoie Enfermée Dans une Boîte, d'ou Elle Sort Sans qu'on y Touche coin vanishes from a box audibly and appears in shoe of a spectator, rattle box with spring feather, assistant
1784 22
Pass 8 with wand in same hand
1876 153
Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin Wrapping Coin in Handkerchief fake wrapping, two methods
Related toAlso published here 1876 166
To make a Marked Sixpence vanish from a Handkerchief, and be found in the Centre of an Apple or Orange previously examined coin stuck to knife
1876 178
The Rattle Box "To make a Coin vanish from the Box, through still heard to rattle within"
1876 189
The Pepper-box for vanishing money
1876 190
The Brass Money-box for vanishing a coin
1876 191
The Brass Box for Money, known as the "Plug-box" to vanish, reproduce or exchange coins
1876 192
The Handkerchief for Vanishing Money coin sewn in corner
1876 194
The Demon Handkerchief (Le Mouchoir du Diable)
1876 195
To Wrap a Coin Apparently in a Handkerchief
1890 144
Fr. Maubach Der wandernde Thaler ditching coin into breast pocket while removing wand from under arm, or ditching coin between neck and collar
Aug. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 8)
Carl Willmann Das Thalerkästchen coin placed in metal box, can be vanished, produced or switched
Related to June 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 6)
Carl Willmann Der Magnetismus und seine Wirkung coin vanishes from glass of water (glass disc), reappears in mouth of spectator (coin wand), then travels into orange
Jan. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XIX. Suggestion eines Obolus
  • 1. Ein Autodafé (coin folded in paper vanishes in a flash)
  • 2. Phönix (coin appears in glass, covered with silk)
  • 3. Die wahrsagende Münze (coin in glass jumps, to answer questions, coding systems)
  • 4. Der Karzer (glass and coin are covered with silk and placed inside a box where they vanish)
1903 178
The Disappearing Dollars dollar coins dropped into vase disappear, small bag on pull inserted into vase
1909 261
Charles T. Jordan The Vanishing Coin No. 4, coin dropped into glass under handkerchief cover vanishes, no glass disc
Related toAlso published here 1920 8
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Diskus, Ring und Obolus. No. 2, coin placed inside a ring on the table, then covered with paper and coin disappears and appears again
1926 14
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Verschwunden und wiedergefunden coin vanishes wrapped in paper and appears inside hat
1927 106
Joe Berg The Coin Disappears coin folded into trouser cloth above knee, spectator feels coin, it vanishes
Related to 1930 24
Nelson Hahne Another Method coin folded into trouser cloth above knee, spectator feels coin, it vanishes
Related to 1930 25
Harry Valcarte The Wand Er Er vanish using a wand
1933 29
Coin Vanish from Handkerchief
1935 21
Sleeve Button Vanish coin hidden between buttons from sleeve
1935 29
Jack Vosburgh Money in the Pocket marked coin vanishes in trouser fold and reappears in pocket, repeat
Related to 1936
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1935/36)
A Vanish with a Pencil pencil clip
Variations 1938 671
The Wand vanish with wax
1938 675
Another Vanishing Dime simulated pick up from pile of coins
1938 684
Franklin M. Chapman Smart Coin Trick coin vanish and ap, with handkerchief, coin on back of hand
Related toVariations Oct. 1938
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Sam Margules A New Impromptu Coin Vanish with handkerchief, complete, with pocket ditch
1939 53
Art Lyle Coin Go idea for coin vanish from trouser leg
Mar. 1940
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Vanishing Coin in Handkerchief
1941 88
James F. Herpick The "Pencil" Coin Vanish and Reappearance complete vanish and recovery
Also published here 1941 94
Otto Waldmann Coin Vanish from Glass
Aug. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 146)
Lloyd W. Chambers Coingo inside mini vase, card is covering a penny, penny vanishes and card prediction is in vase
1941 15
Eddie Joseph The Strop Vanish coin in left palm stroked with card or business card, vanishes, ditch in breast pocket
1942 10
Eddie Joseph The Sweat Band Vanish coin dropped in hat, vanishes when hat is turned over
1942 11
Eddie Joseph The Tip Vanish coin covered with handkerchief and taken, vanishes, back clip in other hand
1942 13
Eddie Joseph The Pencil Vanish coin balanced on pencil, right hand strokes it and it vanishes, left under arm pit
Related to 1942 16
Eddie Joseph The Container Vanish spectator drops coin into container, stolen out as lid is replaced with upward jerk
1942 16
Eddie Joseph The Salt Mound Vanish coin vanishes from under card piece that is covered under salt, on pull
1942 17
Tom Sellers Coin and Handkerchief coin vanishes in handkerchief, duplicate produced from elsewhere
1943 12
Nate Leipzig Kneesy! as Nate Leipsig, coin on knee vanish
Related to Sep. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 69)
The Great Fataque In the Fold coin vanishes in trouser fold, also as a penetration into pocket
Related to Mar. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 79)
Dr. William Weyeneth Das verschwindende Geldstück coin vanishes on table, with handkerchief, followed by french translation "La pièce envolée"
Mar. 1945 2
Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin Coin Through Handkerchief
Also published here 1945 11
Senor Charles Mardo A Move with the Coin Rattle Box standard coin vanish from rattle box, new concept of ditching coin on bottom of box by pushing it into “lip” of frame on bottom
1945 26
James F. Herpick Inner Tube handkerchief with tube, to produce and vanish coins and small objects
June 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 107)
The Automized Coin coin dropped inside matchbox transforms to smoke and vanishes
Inspired by
  • a trick by Bardini in "The Owl"
Apr. 1946
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Arthur H. Buckley A Very Pretty Disappearance with handkerchief
1948 56
Arthur H. Buckley The Vanish of a Coin from the Fold of a Pants Leg
1948 63
Arthur H. Buckley On the Leg Pass with a Silver Dollar two more methods to vanish coin from trouser fold
1948 64
Jean Hugard Hypnotized? coin under handkerchief vanishes and appears over selection in the deck, with sucker element, apparently coin sewn in corner of handkerchief
Feb. 1948 396
Paul Morris Coin Vanish From Trousers Fold
Oct. 1949 588
Jack Miller Discless coin under handkerchief is dropped in glass and vanishes, impromptu method
Related to Dec. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 218)
Royal H. Brin, Jr. The Wrist Watch Vanish
1952 40
Vanish with the Aid of a Handkerchief
1952 43
Milton Kort With a Handkerchief - Number Three coin is thrown into outer pocket
1952 56
Art Lyle Papered Half coin vanishes from piece of paper
Sep. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 290)
Novel Coin Vanish in handkerchief
1954 123
Eddie Joseph A Rapid Vanish with handkerchief
1954 5
Eddie Joseph Slow Coin Vanish coin in handkerchief vanishes, tabled people can apparently feel coin until last moment
1954 6
Eddie Joseph Gone with the Wind coin vanishes from inside a glass, with handkerchief
1954 23
Norman Houghton The Evanescent Coin coin vanish under handkerchief
Oct. 1955
The New Phoenix (Issue 331)
Wraparound Vanish coin disappears in trouser fold, appears in pocket, penetration
1956 37
Fadeaway coin vanish on knee, in trouser fold
Related to 1956 39
Nate Leipzig Leipzig's Coin on the Knee
Related to 1957 94
Hans Trunk Das Wunder des Frankens marked coin vanishes in glass under handkerchief and appears in spectator's breast pocket
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 6)
Bobby Bernard Goofy Gun coin vanish with small toy gun
1958 3
John Murray Pad Vanish coin put on a pad of paper, one sheet is torn of with the coin and coin vanishes
Also published here Aug. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 360)
James Dickson Tip on Weisenheimer Coin Trick rings on paper, one covered with business card, coin vanishes
Related to
  • "The Weisenheimer Coin Trick" in Jay Marshall's "Jay's Jinking Rings" P. 21.
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1965-66)
Silent Mora The Waiter's Tip retention vanish underneath corner of handkerchief
1966 386
Stewart Judah Half Dollar Vanish coin vanishes when stick is pushed through hand, sticky
1966 417
George Davenport To Vanish a Coin under a Matchbox
1966 11
John Benzais A Simple Vanish on handkerchief
1967 39
John Benzais Not so Simple covered by handkerchief on right palm
1967 43
Dr. William Weyeneth Magische Feinkost peg on card used to cover coin, coin vanishes and appears again
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 5)
Floyd Shotts, Frank Novotny A Visit From Space coin vanishes in water and starts to bubble, knife is placed inside and glass with water can be liftet with knife, then water vanishes in tube (Liquidair)
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Roger Smith Will I Never Again coin is placed inside a triangle of matches and covered with a playing card coin vanishes
Oct. 1970
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Fred Kaps Coin Change & Vanish in Silk with tape and a handkerchief
Also published here 1972 9
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Hank Fold For Coin And Tube Slide Sleight No. 615, Gypsy Switch, then coin slides secretly in hand
1972 171
John Scarne, Sam Leo Horowitz Scarne's And Horowitz Hank Change And Vanish No. 663, coin vanished or switched with handkerchief, not enough details
1972 181
The Dissolving Coin coin dropped in glass of water
1974 31
The Impromptu Dissolving Coin coin dropped into glass under handkerchief cover vanishes, no glass disc
Related to 1974 32
Patrick Page An Impromtu Coin Vanish with handkerchief
1974 41
Patrick Page The Magic Matchbox coin placed in matchbox vanishes
1974 46
Eddie Joseph Coin Vanish from Silk
Nov. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2)
Gerald Kosky Another Coin Vanish dropping coin in outside pocket, choreography
1975 99
Charles T. Jordan The Vanishing Coin coin dropped into glass under handkerchief cover vanishes, no glass disc
Also published here 1975 214
Charles T. Jordan The Latest Vanishing Coin from Envelope
1975 214
Lawrence Nudelman The Back-Handed Coin Vanish coin placed on back of hand, covered with handkerchief, it then vanishes (under wrist-watch)
1975-1978 ca. 13
Harvey Rosenthal Jacket Sleeve Miracle coin rolled into jacket sleeve near shoulder and vanishes, ditch in breast pocket, also as transformation or transpo
  • The Vanish
  • Miracle Coin Change
  • Copper Silver Transpo
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #1)
Paul Harris Hi Ho Silver! coin vanishes and appears under selected card in the deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1977 17
Rolf Mayr Münzen + Becher à la Chop coins in cup vanish and appear, two magnetic cups are used
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 4)
Ken Krenzel Four Coin Vanishes: 1. Rear Exit using pencil that is pushed through fist
Feb. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Ken Krenzel, Paul Harris Hi-Ho Silveroon!
Inspired by May 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Ross Bertram Yank-a-Hank coin vanishes from spread-out handkerchief, then reappears in knotted handkerchief
1978 7
Stephen Tucker Music to My Ears coins in a box, box secured with rubber bands and held by spectator, chosen coin disappears and appears in performer's hand
1978 5
James F. Herpick The "Pencil" Coin Vanish and Reappearance complete vanish and recovery
Also published here Mar. 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Coin Vanish under Silk pocket ditch
Mar. 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Arthur Setterington Ein Münzverschwinden coin in handkerchief placed in box with hole on top, coin vanish
Also published here
  • "Abracadabra" March, 1976.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 39 No. 2)
Coin Vanish with Handkerchief
1978 132
The Rattle Box also briefly explained for coins across
1978/76 134
Earl Nelson Coin from Deck Vanish coin apparently tossed from top of deck in left hand dealing position into other hand
Also published here 1979 76
Jean Faré Vanish with Playing Card coin scooped up with card and it slides into other hand
Related toAlso published here 1979 82
Karl Fulves Inter-Silver Coin is tossed in deck of cards and vanishes
1980 31
Ben Harris Coin Slide-off Vanish coin slid off deck, dropped onto injogged cards in lapping fashion
1980 26
Salomon Cohn Coy Nintoop En shirt pocket, using pencil, complete
July 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 7)
David Roth The Kick Move Roth does not claim the idea of kicking a coin under an object, but claims the mechanics described here
Also published here 1981 65
Edward Marlo The Scoop Vanish Coin Vanish using cards
1981 161
Mark Levy Erase a Way Eraser Vanish
1981 209
Coin Vanish to outer breast pocket
1981 8
Horace E. Bennett, Scotty York The Sound of Magic coin vanishes in a cup, match thrown into cup
1981 10
John Mulholland Der Brief des Herrn Beelzebub signed coin vanishes under handkerchief and appears inside sealed envelope
Also published here
  • "The John Mulholland Book of Magic", 1963.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 4)
Ross Bertram Sucker Vanish
1982 192
Harry Lorayne Ultroon coin vanishes when picked up from deck
1982 545
Steve Beam The Coin Star using wand or pen
1982 9
Bobby Bernard The "Trouser-Vanish" Coin trapped in material of trousers, spectator can feel it, vanishes
1982 29
Bobby Bernard Coin in Tie "Vanish" Coin folded into tie vanishes
1982 34
Phillip Young Coin Flair coin vanish with pen
1982 65
John Brown Illusion coin vanish in bag, snapping a paper bag combined with Himber coin vanish
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #2 (Xmas))
T. Nelson Downs The Kick Move under purse
1982 17
Curtis Kam Snap Back Vanish in Purse
1982 3
Paul Taylor Retention Scoop coin apparently scooped up and put in other hand
Related to 1982 42
Jean Faré Shovel Move coin is scooped up with card and put in other hand
Apr. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 4)
Geoffrey Latta Clipped coin vanish using a pen, see credit correction on page lxix
June 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 1 No. 10)
David Williamson Striking Vanish
July 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Ross Bertram The Elusive Coin in Handkerchief coin vanishes from handkerchief which is then knotted, coin reappears in knot
1983 54
Jean Faré Shovel Move coin is scooped up with card and put in other hand
1983 102
Tom Gagnon The Scoop-Displacement Coin Vanish coin is scooped up with card and put in left hand, vanishes, empty hands, using Ed Marlo's "Scoop Move"
1984 83
Slide Under Vanish coin is flicked under napkin
July/Aug. 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 23 & 24)
Patrick Snowden Snowden Clink click pass using playing card
1984 70
Martin Gardner Impromptu Vanisher coin vanishes from paper napkin
1984 2
Ron Dowse Tidier coin vanish under handkerchief, magnet in tie
Also published here Feb. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 34)
Peter Duffie, Edward Marlo The "Tip In" Coin Vanish coin scooped up with card and apparently slid into other hand
Related to 1984 5
Edward Marlo Above And Below coin picked up from deck vanishes, coin appears next to selection, then selection vanishes and appears under coin
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • MUM, Mar. 1984
1984 135
Edward Marlo Tip Move coin apparently slides from card into hand
1984 46
Kick Vanish kicking under card
1985 41
Kick Move credited to Jennings, coin flicked under purse
1985 2
Scoop-Up Vanish coin scooped up with card and apparently slid in hand
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Joaquín Navajas Kick Move Variation
1985 47
Eric DeCamps Coin Vanish stolen out of fist when brushing a card over hand
1985 7
Karl Fulves Snap Vanish coin vanish under cover of dollar bill
1985 13
Karl Fulves Getaway I complete vanish of coin with bill, servante at belt, also as transformation
1985 62
Karl Fulves Getaway III "playing the shirt" with coin under cover of bill
Related to 1985 68
Karl Fulves Getaway IV sleeving a coin under cover of a dollar bill
1985 69
Karl Fulves Evaporation coin wrapped in dollar bill vanishes completely
1985 83
John Murray Block-Verschwinden coin put on a pad of paper, one sheet is torn of with the coin and coin vanishes
Also published here Oct. 1985
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 1)
Jeff Moche Really Clean Coin Vanish in silk
Mar. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Mac McDonald The Weisenheimer Coin rings on paper, one covered with business card, coin vanishes, various ideas
1986 22
Mac McDonald The Coin in Glass presentation for coin vanish, coin dropped in glass under handkerchief
Related to 1986 26
Henry Mayol Catapult Coin clean vanish of coin from silk
Mar. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 3)
Amedeo Vacca Amadeo's Vanishing Coin vanish from handkerchief
Related toAlso published here 1987 19
William P. Miesel Coin Vanish from Tabled Deck flicked in lap
Inside Out (Issue 2)
Edward Marlo A Coin and Cards borrowed coin vanishes and travels next to selection, waxed card, three methods
VariationsAlso published here
  • The New Tops, Apr. 1965
1988 149
Edward Marlo Impromptu Coin & Cards borrowed coin vanishes and travels next to selection, three methods
Inspired byAlso published here
  • The New Tops, Aug. 1965
1988 168
Amedeo Vacca Amadeo's Verschwindende Münze vanish from handkerchief
Also published here Oct. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 1)
David Williamson Cello-Feign coin repeatedly penetrates card case cellophane
1989 45
Jean Faré, David Williamson Shovel Move variation
1989 52
Ananth Viswanathan Will 'O' the Wisp Retrieval retrieval after Will 'O' the Wisp vanish (Bobo) from back of hand
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Tony Kardyro Never Was No. 8, coin vanishes with handkerchief, unload under band of wrist watch
1989 10
John V. Hope, Robert Olsen Hot Silver No. 14, marked coin vanishes from handkerchief and reappears in another handkerchief in paper bag, featuring sleeving while wrapping coin
1989 19
Twist No. 50, coin vanishes from handkerchief, reappears under salt shaker
1989 53
Karl Fulves Down Under No. 53, coin wrapped in handkerchief apparently tossed through ceiling, it come back from below table
1989 57
Ron Dowse Krawitschko coin vanish under handkerchief, magnet in tie
Also published here Oct. 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 1)
Edward Marlo Marlo Vanish as coin is scooped up and put in hand
1990 55
Ken Krenzel The Hollow Card using Double-Card Gimmick to hide coins
Inspired by 1990 36
Ken Krenzel, Paul Harris Hi-Ho Silver Vanish Variation fake pick-up from deck
1990 39
Edward Marlo Marlo Improves Marlo coin picked up from deck vanishes
Inspired byRelated to
  • Scotch and Soda - Part 3
1990 43
Shigeo Takagi Coin Vanish with Card coin stolen out of hand under card
Also published here 1990 62
David Harkey Hot-Handed Principle a bit like Striking Vanish
Also published here
  • lecture notes "From the Depths", 1988
1991 40
Steve Dusheck Penny Pincher coin in clothespin, it is dropped into other hand where it vanishes
1992 49
T. Nelson Downs New Vanishing Coin From Handkerchief finger ring simulates ring under handkerchief
Sep. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 1)
T. Nelson Downs A Coin Vanish coin put under handkerchief vanishes, secret ditch into side pocket from back palm
Sep. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 1)
T. Nelson Downs The Napkin Ring Coin Vanisher borrowed ring vanishes when covered with two napkin rings, is found in pocket
Sep. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Brian MacCarthy, Patrick Page Eine Münze verschwindet coin vanish from handkerchief
Also published here 1993 33
Shigeo Takagi Coin Vanish with Card coin stolen out of hand under card
Also published here Dec. 1993
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Nate Leipzig Coin on Knee note from Hilliard's notebook
1994 1091
Paul Fox Paul Fox's Coin Vanish in handkerchief
1994 1243
Paul Gertner Pick-Up from Deck Vanish coin apparently picked up from deck, palmed card loaded on top instead
1994 62
Coin Vanish with Card
1994 171
The Kick Move
June 1995
The Minotaur (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Karl Fulves Bare-handed Vanish No. 56, coin vanishes in handkerchief, ditch into rolled-up sleeve
1995 78
Karl Fulves Cloak of Invisibility No. 59, coin dropped in glass under handkerchief cover vanishes, reappears audibly in glass again
1995 83
Edward Marlo Coin Slide Vanish coin slides from card into hand
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1995 217
Curtis Kam Snap Back Vanish in Purse
1996 30
Ken Krenzel Fake Pick-Up from card case
1997 87
Simon Lovell The Coin-Eating Pack coin put on deck of cards, it vanishes
Inspired by 1997 212
False Transfer with Card
1997 15
Coin Vanish from Handkerchief
1998 15
John Derris Hockleys' Coin Vanish with a wand
1998 35
Mark Rumsey The Rumsey Vanish Coin vanish with handkerchief
1999 191
David Williamson Striking Vanish
1999 137
Doug Conn The Purse'n'l Vanish coin vanishes in purse frame
1999 79
Kick Vanish coin flicked under purse
Oct. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 2)
Thomas Fraps Fan-Tum Vanish coin balanced on card fan, coin dumped in other hand where it vanishes
Jan. 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 5)
David Williamson Striking Vanish
Also published here Mar. 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 7)
Shigeo Takagi Coin Vanish with Card card stolen out of hand when fist is stroked with card
July 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 11)
Mark Aspiazu Bomb Door Sleight card case in left hand dealing position, item like coin vanishes after it has been picked up, lapping into palm of hand
Mar. 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Al Baker Vanishing Coin from Handkerchief
2003 760
Thumb Flick underneath napkin
2003 16
Earl Nelson Coin from Deck Vanish coin apparently tossed from top of deck in left hand dealing position into other hand
Also published here 2003 85
Jean Faré Vanish with Playing Card coin scooped up with card and it slides into other hand
Also published here 2003 88
Davide Costi The Small Coin small coin sandwiched between two bigger coins, emphasis on the vanish
2004 131
Paul Harris Hi Ho Silver
2004 148
Joshua Jay Three-coin Vanish Vanishing three coins with flipper, expanded shell and watch holdout
Inspired by
  • "Squeezed Away" (Troy Hooser, Destroyers, 2001)
Related to
2005 56
Thumb Flick underneath napkin
2006 56
Paul Harris "Hi Ho Silver" move
2007 140
Label/Wallet/Napkin coin kicked under tabled item as it is apparently picked up
2007 12
Fred Robinson Shake-it coin tossed in outer breast pocket, using handkerchief, complete vanish
2009 260
Miguel Ángel Gea Desaparición del trilero coin vanishes under glas, system, stealing and adding coin from pile
2009 39
Bernard Bilis Falso depósito de Bernard Bilis using a card
2009 109
Miguel Ángel Gea, Bernard Bilis Variante de Gea del falso depósito de Bernard Bilis using a card
2009 110
Al Schneider Thumb Flick the coin is flicked under a prop while pretending to pick it up
2011 108
Brian MacCarthy, Patrick Page A Coin Vanish coin vanish from handkerchief
Also published here 2011 132
Pencil and Coin Vanish classic, behind ear
2011 10
David Williamson Striking Vanish brief
2012 169
David Williamson Striking Vanish
2013 19
Edward Marlo Tip Move coin slides from card into hand apparently
2013 166
Tom Gagnon, Edward Marlo Scoop-Up Move Variation coin slides from card into hand
Inspired by 2013 193
Tom Crosbie Napkin Coin Vanish coin vanish from silk, muscle pass with handkerchief
2013 69
Karl Fulves Pocket Flexagons alternate construction, folded paper piece can be used to vanish a coin and similar things
Related to 2015
Errata (Issue 1)
Joshua Jay (Watch) The Final Vanish watch holdout
Related to 2017 137
Geoffrey Latta Clipped pen pushed through hand
Inspired by 2017 15
Chong Huang Coin through Ring Vanish coin vanishes when pushed through ring, breast pocket ditch
July 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 7)
Arthur Finley Flibbertigibbet coin vanishes, loaded back in hand from sleeve, credit information on sleeve load while taking something out of inside pocket
2018 277
Coin vanish from deck coin on top of packet is made to vanish, secretly being transferred beneath packet
2018 159
Joaquín Navajas Kick Move Variation
2019 51
Carlos Vaquera The Traveling Coin coin vanishes and appears in shirt fold
2019 247
Michael Rubinstein Fake Insertion of coin into envelope
2020 105
Edward Marlo Scoop Vanish coin slides from card into hand
Also published here 2020 264
Nabil Murday Murday Move vanish into purse frame
Inspired by
  • Cultural Xchange, DVD
2020 430
Tim Feher Pinched Rotation Move vanish into purse frame
2020 431
Michael Rubinstein Quarter Steal as it is inserted into coin envelope
2020 476
Rune Klan, R. Paul Wilson Fake Coin Placement under Bottle auditory illusion
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Jan. 2006
2022 462
Yoshihiko Mutobe Purse Lapping coin apparently picked up from hand-held purse
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Feb. 2006
2022 474
Pick-Up Vanish coin flicked under ribbon spread of cards
Also published here
  • MAGIC, June 2006
2022 509
David Kaye Paper Towel Wow coin vanishes from sheet of paper towel, reappears anywhere
Also published here
  • MAGIC, May 2013
2022 1203
David Williamson Striking Vanish
Also published here 2022 1247
Al Schneider Schneider pick-up move to vanish coin off hand with card
2022 284
Gregory Wilson The Fake Take bowl with coins, vanish routine as coins are (apparently) picked out of bowl
  • The First Vanish
  • The Second Vanish
  • The Third Vanish
June 2024
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Wilson Issue)