40 entries in Ring / Finger Rings / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Carl Willmann Der Vexirschlüssel borrowed finger ring put onto ring even though it does not fit
Dec. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 12)
Joseph Michael Hartz The Egg and Rings Trick egg produced from borrowed hat, three finger rings put into beaten egg, poured into hat, then flowers with rings on ribbons removed from hat along with bird cage
Also published here 1911 733
Joseph Michael Hartz The Egg and Rings Trick egg produced from borrowed hat, three finger rings put into beaten egg, poured into hat, then flowers with rings on ribbons removed from hat along with bird cage
Also published here 1911 197
Same Ring - Same Finger performer is tied to chair with hands behind back and holds ring between lips, behind screen ring travels to selected finger
1941 ca. 353
Eddie Joseph Anything You Say watch and finger ring are placed inside pocket, one is named and appears in hand
1952 6
Eddie Joseph Which? coin and finger ring on table, one named and penetrates table
1952 9
Eddie Joseph A New Expanding Texture using a coin and a finger ring
1952 9
James Dickson Tip on Weisenheimer Coin Trick rings on paper, one covered with business card, coin vanishes
Related to
  • "The Weisenheimer Coin Trick" in Jay Marshall's "Jay's Jinking Rings" P. 21.
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1965-66)
Paul Maurer Der Malatja Ring using the Malatya ring for ring and string effects, ring consists of four linking parts
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 5)
Gerald Kosky To Lie or, Tell the Truth? four rings in a box, two are removed and by asking one question performer knows which rings are selected, one has to lie
1975 131
Uriah Fuller 2. Bending nails, spikes, rings and what-have-you
1975 23
Erwin Schussel Mood Magic chosen audience member is divined with a mood ring, changes color
Magick (Issue 148)
David Kaput Mental Mood mood ring placed in box changes color
Magick (Issue 156)
Karrell Fox A "Ringer" performer tries to remove his finger ring, apparently it is stuck, when removed it turns out to be three inches large, gag
1979 39
Uriah Fuller 11. A Ring Squashing Scenario finger ring bends, assistant
1980 64
John Bentz Thumb Switch ring is switched on other thumb
1982 125
Ronald Zollweg The Broken and Restored Ring stone is broken out of ring and restored again
1984 138
Jerry Mentzer Commercially Available Effects with Rings brief list
  • Chain Reaction (Steve Dusheck)
  • Ringer (Steve Dusheck)
  • Grind a Ring (B.A.R., England)
  • Ringo (Walt Rollins)
  • Ring Flite (Paul Stone)
  • Rattle Box
1984 80
Jerry Mentzer Other Selected Reading - Magic with Finger Rings list of references
1984 82
The Genius Test No. 33, puzzle in which a paper, string and finger ring arrangement has to be taken apart
1985 59
Mac McDonald The Weisenheimer Coin rings on paper, one covered with business card, coin vanishes, various ideas
1986 22
Patrick Page The Ring Pull reel for finger rings
Also published here 1987 32
Michael Weber Broken Engagement gemstone from borrowed ring is removed, and restored back on ring. It is then shown the gemstone is loosely attached, before restoring it being firmly attached.
1987 1
Patrick Page Der Fingerring-Zieher reel for finger rings
Also published here Dec. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 2)
Dr. Zina Bennett, Senor Charles Mardo, Stewart Judah, John Braun Double-Ring Ceremony No. 32, two borrowed finger-rings put on rope, a knot appears around each
Related to 1990 61
Ben Harris, Geoff Pearce Knuckle Buster borrowed finger ring stuck on performer's finger, finger is broken at its knuckle to release ring
1990 50
Felix Farrell Puttin' on the Ritz spoon visibly pulled out of center of finger ring
1991 129
David Harkey Goldfinger Tangents further ideas for Goldfinger principle, threading on a finger ring that is too small, jumping ring from finger to finger
1991 251
Mark Edward Cold Seance spectator's ring becomes ice cold
Apr. 1995
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 10)
Doug Slater Spiritual Attraction one of several rings is selected, cut photo as prediction
Inspired by
  • James Delman's "Grave Decision"
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Gregory Wilson Ring Fright ring tossed in air and caught on finger
Inspired by July 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Jon Allen The Hole pen through coin, with a ring
Also published here 2003 2
Alain Nu Nu-Sense Hummer Monte using ring, watch and key, with prediction
Variations 2003 11
Arthur Ward Mystic Ring coin marked with sticker, tossed in container with other coins, performer's ring tossed in as well, marked coin is suddenly permanently welded to top of ring
Prolix (Issue 5)
Jon Allen The Hole pen through coin routine, with finger ring
Also published here 2009 44
Troy Hooser The Prize Plastic capsule and toy ring, ring vanishes and appears multiple times, objects start appearing under the cap, including jumbo coin and an explosion of paper money
Variations 2010 17
Troy Hooser Second Prize Shorter version of The Prize, ending is producing many rings
Inspired by 2010 26
Walt Lees Ringmaster ends of ropes are sticking out of a bag, spectators pull out ropes except one, the last one has a finger ring knotted onto its end
  • Die Alexander de Cova Variante (bill instead of ring)
VariationsAlso published here
  • Peter Duffie's e-book Mindblasters
Aug. 2013 24
Nathan Kranzo Nifty Ring Force Thought of card appears at exact position inside a loaf of sliced bread
2021 54
Brett Bishop My Precious finger becomes invisible and vanishes and pushed through finger ring
Related toAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Jan. 2009
2022 819