17 entries in Ring / Finger Rings / Penetration / Finger
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Tom Sellers The Dissolving Ring ring through finger, half ring
1927 4
Henry Hardin The Four Wedding Rings four finger rings vanish from fingers and reappear in hand
The Jinx (Issue 97)
The Penetrating Ring fingers trapped with rubber band, yet finger ring gets on finger
1941 131
Dr. William Weyeneth La bague qui passe à travers le doigt ring penetrates finger under handkerchief, with gaff, followed by german translation "Der Fingerring der den Finger durchdringt"
1947 10
Jay Weiler Finger Ring ring penetrates finger, finger bases covered with silk
Winter 1967
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 1-4 (Vol. 3 No. 1st Folio)
Gary Ouellet The Supersonic Ring vanish of a ring using Vernon's method (cups and balls) , other hand is slapped on fist which holds ring, ring is back on finger of the other hand
1983 13
David Harkey The Goldfinger Trilogy finger ring through finger
  • The Goldfinger Principle
  • The Penetration
  • The Transposition
  • The Vanish-Appearance
Related to 1991 13
David Harkey In the Grasp spectator feels finger ring penetrating the performer's finger, Goldfinger principle
1991 246
David Harkey Satin Finish finger ring penetrates from finger into small satin purse, Goldfinger principle
1991 246
David Harkey Pincer finger torn off to release ring and put back on, Goldfinger principle
Inspired by 1991 250
David Harkey Goldfinger Tangents further ideas for Goldfinger principle, threading on a finger ring that is too small, jumping ring from finger to finger
1991 251
Meir Yedid Ring through Finger from third to fourth finger
Also published here Apr. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 4)
Bob Davis The Ringmaster ring vanishes from finger and appears on finger of the other hand, then it penetrates ring finger and lands on pinky
1995 1058
Wayne Osinski F(R)inger through fourth finger
Sep. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 9)
Meir Yedid Ring Through Finger from third to fourth finger
Also published here 2000 11
J. Tank The Ring Thing apparently pulling a finger ring through finger
Jan. 2001
Pabular (Vol. 9 No. 5)
Patrick Schlagel Business Trip ring penetrates finger
Jan./Feb. 2003
The Penumbra (Issue 5)