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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Henry Hardin The Princess Card Trick (First Method), one of four thought of, performer places one in his pocket and it's the though-of card
1909 80
Henry Hardin The Card and Hat spectator notes top card of deck, it's covered with hat, then top card changed
1909 127
Henry Hardin The Trance Vision First Method, Q&A
1909 344
Downs Change here credited to Henry Hardin, "Super-Force" in Burling Hull's "Bulletin of Latest Sleights"
Related to 1916 6
Louis F. Christianer The Flying Card selection travels from packet to envelope which has been shown empty by holding a candle behind, duplicate
Inspired by 1919 11
Henry Hardin Under-the-Spread Force from bottom, card slipped into position when spread is separated
Also published here
  • Bulletin of Latest Sleights
1923 7
Satan's Mail card to envelope, sticking to it with wax, stripper deck
Related to 1937 270
Henry Hardin The Princess Card Trick
1937 339
Henry Hardin Satan's Mail card to envelope, sticking to it with wax
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1937 346
Henry Hardin Hindu Miracle reading cards with fingertips
1937 361
Henry Hardin Mystic Perception divined whether serial number on dollar bill is odd or even
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 97)
Henry Hardin The Appearing Card in the Pocket showing pocket empty with card in corner of pocket
The Jinx (Issue 97)
Henry Hardin The Ghost Hand living dead with rough smooth edge
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 97)
Henry Hardin Monte-Cristo Cards forcing deck with divided cards
The Jinx (Issue 97)
Henry Hardin The Hypnotized Bird bird "plays dead"
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 97)
Henry Hardin Aladdin's Box paper travels from nest of boxes to another box
The Jinx (Issue 97)
Henry Hardin Houdin's Dream one-way faces via pips, no-touch reversal method with book used as plate
The Jinx (Issue 97)
Henry Hardin New Handkerchief Production with thread gimmick
The Jinx (Issue 97)
Henry Hardin Spirit Slate showing slates empty
The Jinx (Issue 97)
Henry Hardin The Dissolving Card one of five
The Jinx (Issue 97)
Henry Hardin Divination of the Nile
The Jinx (Issue 97)
Henry Hardin Trance Vision flashlight in bag to put over head to read in the dark
The Jinx (Issue 97)
Henry Hardin The Finest Sealed Letter Test impression device
The Jinx (Issue 97)
Henry Hardin The Oriental Bowl seeds in glass bowl become flowers
The Jinx (Issue 97)
Henry Hardin The Four Wedding Rings four finger rings vanish from fingers and reappear in hand
The Jinx (Issue 97)
Henry Hardin King's Kards fifteen double facers
The Jinx (Issue 104)
Henry Hardin Hindu Dream cards in hat, shaken and top card removed four times
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 119)
Henry Hardin Henry Hardin's Cards in Hat Discovery deck in hat, performer removes cards and names them
1941 245
Henry Hardin The Ghost Hand living dead with rough smooth edge
Also published here 1944 57
Henry Hardin Mystic Perception divined whether serial number on dollar bill is odd or even
Also published here 1944 240
Henry Hardin Forcing Deck every card is half forcing card, half indifferent
1945 244
, Henry Hardin The Quick and the Dead nine methods
1945 248
Henry Hardin Hindu Dream cards in hat, shaken and top card removed four times
Also published here May 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 25)
Henry Hardin Hindu Dream Variation cards in hat are mixed, performer removes selection
Also published here 1972 5
Henry Hardin Satan's Mail card to envelope, sticking to it with wax
Also published here 1972 92
Philip T. Goldstein, Henry Hardin, William Lindsay Gresham Satan's Nightmare prediction of tarot card and three digit number
Inspired by 1977 10
Karl Fulves, Henry Hardin Snapper No. 41, spectator writes real and fake weight on paper, a duck folded from paper divines correct one
1985 75
Karl Fulves Interrogative double ender deck, new deck order on one end, Walsh's Dream Deck on other side, Mind Power Deck
Inspired byRelated to 1996 64
Ellis Stanyon, Henry Hardin The Princess Card Trick No. 26, ungaffed, two methods
Variations 1999 141
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note further handling and ideas
Inspired by 1999 141
Henry Hardin Hardin's Method with an Ungimmicked Bag
Also published here
  • "An Original Egg Bag" (Mahatma, Vol. II No. V, Nov. 1898, p. 165)
2002 114
Karl Fulves Monte Cristo Background on the history of Henry Hardin's Monte Cristo Deck, Domer Scaramucci's card stand addition
2003 37
Henry Hardin Princess Card Trick
2003 63
Theodore Annemann The Hypnotized Bird
  • 63 Years Ago
on Henry Hardin, bird "plays dead"
Also published here June 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 10)