1,284 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Location / Challenge Locations / Challenge Single Card Location / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Pack being divided into two Heaps on the Table and a Card taken from each Heap and placed in the other: to discover such Cards two methods (odd/even or bridge)
1889 81
Das Erraten einer gedachten Karte spectator remembers card and its position
Related to 1896 62
The Lost Found performer removes sets of four cards from behind back and asks whether selection is among them, once the spectator says yes the card is located, estimation of position of card
Related to 1897 71
Free Choice & Deck Switch card freely chosen, then deck switched and card returned, card located because it is twice in the deck
Apr. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 4)
David Tobias Bamberg "Die wievielte Karte?" spectator cuts to a card and replaces, then remembers its position from the face, performer claims to make it the twenty-sixth card, count started from remembered position
Related toVariations July 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 7)
Francis King Das Erraten einer gedachten Karte card and its position remembered, performer removes a card and places it in his pocket, position counted to and card is gone, it is shown to be the one in the pocket
May 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 5)
A. J. Gedankenerraten mit Hülfe eines Kartenspieles card and its position remembered and later card found and three other selections produced from pocket
Nov. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 11)
Ben-Zur Unglaublich, aber wahr! deck shuffled, spectator cuts anywhere and remembers bottom card and replaces top half, performer removes sets of four cards from behind back and asks whether selection is among them, once the spectator says yes the card is located, estimation of packet thickness
Related to July 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 7)
Ein nie versagender Trick card and its position remembered, dealing procedure, number asked for and card then located
Inspired by Aug. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 8)
T. Nelson Downs Fourth Method spectator peeks at a card in his own hands and it is found, estimation and stack (for practice only), "the bungling and unobserving performer will meet his Waterloo in this experiment"
Variations 1909 152
C. O. Williams To Discover and Pocket (Before Asking Any Question) the Card Thought of by a Spectator spectator remembers card and its position, performer removes it and puts it in his pocket
Also published here 1911 573
C. O. Williams To Discover and Pocket (Before Asking Any Question) the Card Thought of by a Spectator spectator remembers card and its position, performer removes it and puts it in his pocket
VariationsAlso published here 1911 19
Charles T. Jordan Close Range Mind Reading No. 1, cards riffle shuffled once, low values removed, remaining thirty-two cards dealt into two piles, one card moved over and located, interlocking chains
Also published here 1919/1920 11
Charles T. Jordan Long Distance Mind Reading No. 2, card trick performed via mail, deck riffle shuffled once and cut in two halves, one card moved from one half to the other and either half mailed back
VariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 12
Charles T. Jordan The Premo No. 3, card located after three riffle shuffles, interlocking chains, optional with marked deck or blindfolded
Also published here 1919/1920 17
Charles T. Jordan A Novel Detection No. 4, spectator counts down cards and remembers the last one, halves riffle shuffled together, interlocking chains
Also published here 1919/1920 22
Charles T. Jordan The Dealing Dovetail Detection No. 5, card is found after lots of real shuffling
Also published here 1919/1920 25
James J. Moren With the Mind's Eye No. 8, card chosen while the performer is blindfolded, performer deals through cards and stops at and names selection
Also published here 1919/1920 35
Charles T. Jordan The Bare-Faced Detection No. 13, card chosen by cutting, found with the faced towards the spectators at all times
Related toAlso published here 1919/1920 45
Charles T. Jordan Divino No. 5, deck dealt into two piles, card at position in one half remembered, deck pocketed, number named, card at that position is selection
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1920 11
Charles T. Jordan The Life Saver No. 8, single card location, from new deck order
Also published here 1920 17
Charles T. Jordan The Five Guesses No. 10, by asking five questions selection is found, sorting strategy with "can you see your card?"
VariationsAlso published here 1920 23
Charles T. Jordan A New Card Discovery key above and below selection and fair riffle shuffle, added in 1947 reprint (in the original advertisement there was "Just a Square of Paper" instead of this effect)
Related toAlso published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Charles T. Jordan The Dead Easy Location divided deck
Also published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Charles T. Jordan The Nifty Key
VariationsAlso published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Charles T. Jordan The Take a Peek Card Trick four groups shuffled, card chosen and by looking at the section it came from it is divined
Also published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Louis Nikola To Pick Out Any Card Called For Behind The Back
Also published here 1927 41
Louis Nikola To Pick Out A Card Chosen And Replaced
1927 41
Louis Nikola To Produce Cards Called For From the Pocket
Also published here 1927 41
William Larsen, T. Page Wright A Rapid Fire Detection some pile-making and dealing as distraction to simple force
1928 6
A Face Down Detection cards dealt in piles, a card remembered, all without the performer looking, he then deals through deck and stops before selection, two key cards
Also published here 1928 7
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Out of Sight card chosen behind back from stacked deck, key card palmed and glimpsed
Also published here 1928 23
Mental Telepathy deck dealt into six piles, any card chosen and lost by assembling the deck
1928 10
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine gezogene und in das Spiel zurückgemischte Karte herauszufinden
1930 64
Joe Berg Lost in the Shuffle spectator remembers card and its position in shuffled deck, performer shuffles once more (riffle faro), selection eventually found
1930 37
Theodore Annemann Whichever You Please
1931 16
Theodore Annemann The Four-Pile Location one-way backs
1931 30
Theodore Annemann The Genii Cut-Deck Location deck cut behind performer's back, one-way pack
Related to 1931 33
Tom Sellers Card and Number card found at number the performer says
Related to 1931 22
William Larsen A Count Down Detection spectator count down to a card near the top, remembers it and shuffles deck, performer locates card
1931 1
William Larsen The Cut In Detection spectator choses any card, puts it in center and cuts, performer locates card
1931 2
Ernando Veneri The Veneri Discovery crimping selection as it is pushed into deck
1933 65
Crimp and Riffle Location deck is crimped
1933 70
Tommy Tucker The Card Miracle
1933 19
Herbert Brooks A new card trick cards dealt in piles, a card remembered, all without the performer looking, he then deals through deck and stops before selection, two key cards
Also published here 1933 6
T. Page Wright The Spread Detection bottom card hidden under table spread and used as key card
1933 12
T. Page Wright Location Aces at top and bottom of both halves, spectator shuffles, selects card, shuffles again, four Aces as keys
Related to 1933 13
T. Page Wright One Way Location interlocking chain principle with one-way deck and key card
1933 13
Al Baker The Finger Points reading body language, thought-of card
Also published here 1933 28
Al Baker Out on Location interesting
Also published here 1934
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Cardially Yours)
Al Baker A Dirty Trick stacked, daub
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Cardially Yours)
Theodore Annemann A Card is Found Once More one-way backs
Related toVariations 1934 9
Theodore Annemann Annemann's Eight-In-A-Row Location location from a packet, one-way backs
1934 13
Theodore Annemann The Mind in Retrospect
Related to 1934 16
Theodore Annemann The $ 1,000 Test Card Location stacked, risky
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1934 43
Theodore Annemann The Face Up - Face Down Location using one-way faces and backs
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1935)
The Six Piles six cards on top and bottom of a suit
1935 12
Thought Card Discovered pin marking through handkerchief
1935 13
A Test Discovery nail punch, naming position of selection
1935 13
Various Presentations of the One Way Deck Principle
1935 20
Dual Attraction No. 30, card chosen by dealing heaps on the table
1935 30
Just a Teaser No. 45, quick shuffle in key card location
1935 41
Frank Lane, U. F. Grant Now Back to the Cards spectator remembers card at small position, it is later found, number is asked for
1935 16
Frank Lane, U. F. Grant The Piles card ends up at chosen number
1935 35
Al Baker Lost and Found divided deck, one riffle shuffle by spectator
Also published here 1935 25
Al Baker Pass the Salt using salt, one card of three
Also published here 1935 29
Theodore Annemann Trickery! one of five cards is located under fair conditions, duplicates
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1936)
Franklin M. Chapman Under Cover spectator reverses any card while performer is out of the room, performer covers deck with handkerchief, selection rises under handkerchief, deck cuts at natural break of reversed card
1936 2
Al Baker The Finger Points muscle reading, thought of card
Also published here 1937 29
Walter B. Gibson Surpasso selection is inserted in cased deck by spectator and divined, deck pressed together in case
1937 32
New Card Discovery two key cards above and below selection, spectator overhand shuffles briefly
Related to 1937 32
Tommy Tucker The Card Miracle - Certain: 1. Tucker's Version spectator cuts anywhere and remembers bottom card, estimation, card is on top or in pocket in this handling
Related to 1937 37
Percy Abbott 2. Abbott's version. "The Certain Card Trick." spectator cuts anywhere and remembers bottom card, estimation, dealing out in packets and asking in which one it is
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1937 37
T. Nelson Downs 3. The Nelson Downs Original. spectator cuts anywhere and remembers bottom card, estimation, card is on top or in pocket in this handling
Related to 1937 38
William Larsen Cut in Detection estimated floating key card
1937 39
William Larsen Face Down Detection cards dealt in piles, a card remembered, all without the performer looking, he then deals through deck and stops before selection, two key cards
Also published here 1937 90
Charles T. Jordan The Nifty Key
Also published here 1937 91
Charles T. Jordan Demon's Detection two key cards, out of hand selection procedure with dealing
VariationsAlso published here 1937 94
The Half Moon Location slick card as distant key card
1937 96
Divination Supreme out-of hand selection, one-way back
Related toVariations 1937 139
Charles T. Jordan Premo Detection one-way backs, alternating
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1937 143
The Deck That Isn't for insiders, one-way backs with red in one way and black the other
1937 145
Theodore Annemann The Four Pile Location one-way backs
1937 146
Theodore Annemann The Cut Pack Location one-way backs
1937 146
Theodore Annemann A Card is Found Once More one-way backs
Related to 1937 147
Theodore Annemann A New Kink method for reversing selection in one-way deck
1937 149
Theodore Annemann Eight in a Row location from a packet, one-way backs
1937 149
Second Card Location edge one-way backs
1937 150
The Super Spread edge one-way backs
1937 151
U. F. Grant A Count Down Discovery one-way backs
1937 153
Wimborough Ne Plus Ultra Location divided one-way backs
1937 156
Card Location Supreme one-way backs that must not be set in one direction
1937 158
Instant Mindreading
1937 159
A Counter Location any card the spectator upjogs can be found, one-way key cards at intervals
1937 160
Harry Vosburgh A Principle in Disguise divided one-way backs
Inspired by 1937 160
Knock Out Counting Trick selection via counting to a secret number and counting again later
1937 177
A Card and A Number Automatic Placement procedure
1937 177
Easy Card Divination
1937 180
Frank Lane Easy Card Discovery selection found via card counting
1937 181
Al Baker Out on Location
Also published here 1937 186
Charles T. Jordan Stop and Think odd/even system for divided deck
Also published here 1937 196
Charles T. Jordan Novel Card Discovery odd/even system for divided deck, spectator riffle shuffles
Also published here 1937 197
Charles T. Jordan Improved Marvelous Prediction odd/even system for divided deck, spectator riffle shuffles, set-up in front of spectators by openly dealing into some heaps
Also published here 1937 197
Charles T. Jordan Dead Easy Location divided deck
Also published here 1937 199
Charles T. Jordan Cagliostro's Vision complicated key card placement with dealing of a chosen number of piles
Also published here 1937 201
Charles T. Jordan Mephistopheles' Touch divination with a stacked 32-card deck
VariationsAlso published here 1937 203
Theodore Annemann One in Fourteen selection from cyclic set-up (Eight Kings, Si Stebbins, ...)
1937 204
Shark Food stacked deck
1937 206
Dai Vernon Super Count Down thought-of number is dealt, performer finds it out, also with selection, red-black alternating set-up
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1937 208
Charles T. Jordan The Wizard's Dream free selection in riffle shuffled deck is found, full stack and interlocking chains
Also published here 1937 210
Theodore Annemann $1,000 Test Card Location stacked, risky
Related to 1937 215
Charles T. Jordan Premier Card Discovery odd/even
Also published here 1937 227
A Simple Location thirteen cards of one suit together
1937 227
William Larsen Out of Sight card chosen behind back from stacked deck, key card palmed and glimpsed
Also published here 1937 228
Naming Chosen Card odd/even divided deck, spectator riffle shuffles
1937 232
System finding card after 2 riffle shuffles, stacked deck
1937 234
A Prearranged Pack of Cards that can be Shuffled long-short deck with pairs that fit together via Si Stebbins system
Variations 1937 235
Six Piles twelve card set-up
1937 236
Charles T. Jordan New Pack Detection divided deck principle with new deck order
Also published here 1937 239
William Larsen Count Down Detection partial stack and fishing
1937 242
Out of the Room Discovery stripper deck
1937 267
Charles T. Jordan Neat Card Detection only with Bicycle backs from the old days and a printing irregularity, uncredited
Also published here 1937 299
Dai Vernon Miracle Card Location daub on case
Also published here 1937 302
David Devant Thought Card Discovered punching selection secretly
1937 306
Charles T. Jordan Impromptu Detection scratching a line across side of deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1937 307
Charles T. Jordan It's Up to You impromptu punching some key cards, spectator selects cards and cuts it back into the deck, then deals deck in several piles and performer finds card in pile with selection
VariationsAlso published here 1937 308
U. F. Grant Behind the Pack counting procedure, short card
1937 313
Walter B. Gibson Master Card Location counting while spreading
1937 331
Ben Erens Miracle Card Location nail nick while inserting card in fan
1937 331
Watch His Elbow spectator's elbows betray counting procedure, "moving elbows" principle
1937 349
Two Pile Trick
Variations 1937 349
Charles T. Jordan Faces or Backs, Which? one-way principle applied to both faces and Bicycle League Backs
Also published here 1937 351
Stuart P. Cramer Les Cartes par Hasard card thought of from the middle while riffled, multiple out after dealing into four piles
Inspired by 1937
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1936/37)
Sidney Margulies One in Fifty-Two working range down to 6-7 possible cards, then fishing
Feb. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 29)
Theodore Annemann Locatrik location with two keys and two outs, Gemini Twins precursor
Variations Dec. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 39)
Joe Berg Berg's Miracle Spread card chosen and lost cleanly from shuffled deck, later removed from face-up spread, performer locates card in another deck
1937 4
Joe Berg Mistakes Will Happen card is lost face up in deck behind performer's back with a few more reversed cards for confusion, card should travel to pocket but wrong card travels, it changes into right card, riffle shuffle with key next to a reversed card
Variations 1937 6
Bob Haskell Contact spectator deals row of cards, remembers last card, and deals same number of cards on all cards and collects them, performer locates selection, two keys
1937 2
Franklin M. Chapman Just Peek card peeked at behind performer's back, deck immediately shuffled, performer locates card
1937 7
Yank Hoe Location with Crimp magician inserts card
1938 47
Theodore Annemann Sixth Method. (Crimp and table spread) crimped distant key
1938 55
Jack Merlin Jack Merlin Crimp Technique crimping selection while pushing spread forward
1938 57
"It's Up to You" impromptu punching some key cards, spectator selects cards and cuts it back into the deck, then deals deck in several piles and performer finds card in pile with selection
Also published here 1938 64
The Knife-Blade Detection scratching the face
1938 65
Al Baker A Problem in Plumbago stacked and daub
Also published here 1938 67
The Divided Pack: The Red and Black Location with note of mixed-suit separation
1938 85
Red and Black Location with Riffle Shuffle spectator cuts off cards, remembers bottom card and riffle shuffles packet into rest
Variations 1938 87
The "Reversible" Location using one-way feature of faces
1938 88
John Northern Hilliard Experiment in Mind Reading key and shiner
1938 92
The Top Card Location key card starts on top
1938 95
The Top and Bottom Location having two key cards
1938 96
The Master Card Location two key cards on top and bottom, spectator riffle shuffles
Related to 1938 97
The Incomprehensible Detection full stack
1938 103
7. Red and black location featuring Jordan's false shuffle, Telltale Color glimpse of odd-backed card
1938 174
A Mental Discovery - First Method by dealing
1938 227
Carl Waring Jones The Three Pile Trick spectator notes position of mentally selected card, first card is key card
VariationsAlso published here 1938 234
A Miracle Discovery hands off key card placement
1938 246
George G. Kaplan The "Impossible" Location using Natural Card
Related toVariations 1938 269
Dr. Buell A Test Discovery one-way pointer cards
1938 287
One from Five one from five memorized card is chosen and located by touch
Related to 1938 342
Dai Vernon With Unprepared Cards. A Method by Mr. Dai Vernon spectator selects card in other room, subtle crimp
1938 347
H. Adrian Smith It's in the Bag - Effect No. 2 really blindfolded, short card
1938 465
H. Adrian Smith It's in the Bag - Effect No. 3 really blindfolded, short card
1938 466
H. Adrian Smith It's in the Bag - Effect No. 5 really blindfolded, short card
1938 467
Paul Rosini The Daub. A Miracle Location daub transferred from performer's finger to bottom card of cut-off packet as it is replaced, button storage suggestion
Also published here 1938 495
To Make the Spectator Reverse the Card Himself one way deck
Related toAlso published here 1938 497
Ralph W. Hull The Tuned Deck six phases, two corner shorts
Related to 1938 517
Al Baker Red-Black Detection method to set up during trick
Also published here 1938 542
Paul Rosini A Great Location Trick subtle key card location
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1938 570
Theodore Annemann The Ultra Find handling for interlocking chain location that avoids obvious studying of order
Variations Jan. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 40)
Martin Gardner Three Piles
Related to 1938
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1937/38)
Al Baker Nufind two key cards
Also published here May 1938
The Jinx (Issue 44)
Theodore Annemann Found Out two keys and bank of one suit
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1938)
Al Baker Effect 2 double backer, Christ Force type challenge location, setting double back key card
Related to 1939
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Effects 1, 2, and 3)
Theodore Annemann Eagle Location risky location in which spectator shuffles his own card back
Related to May 1939
The Jinx (Issue 56)
Julian J. Proskauer Smeero
Sep. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 60)
Joseph Dunninger Nomenclature three random names are spelled, selection found, automatic placement procedure
Related toVariationsAlso published here Oct. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 64)
Howard Warringer Fingeraura challenge location using scotch tape secretly applied to card
Dec. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 73)
Frederick Braue A Two Pile Mystery
Related to 1939 38
Orville Wayne Meyer The "Last Word" Location two key cards, multiple out procedure in placing one of the keys
1939 43
Charles Bertram The Bridge Location bridged deck
1940 127
Charlie Miller The Bridge Location bridged deck
1940 128
The Eighteenth Card using 18-35-faro-principle with honest shuffle, risky
1940 150
At the Top risky
1940 153
Double Less One faros and crimped key
1940 154
Paul Rosini The Gamblers Outwitted daub transferred from performer's finger to bottom card of cut-off packet as it is replaced
VariationsAlso published here 1940 217
Paul Rosini A Rosi-Cruzian Mystery daub, button storage, two phases, red-black separation during first phase that is used in second phase
Variations 1940 219
Jack McMillen Mind Mirror one suit on top, two honest riffle shuffles
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1940 223
Charlie Miller The Danbury Deviler fingertip peek, four cards with edge-marks
Related to 1940 307
Impromptu Location saliva
1940 322
The Wheel Location card peeked at, fan, card withdrawn
Related to 1940 325
Wheels within Wheels saliva used as daub
1940 327
Risk Location Shuffle Tracking
1940 339
Faced Deck Reverse Location fair control, faced deck
1940 342
The Twenty-Sixth Location get-ready trick to get key in center, spelling
Related toVariations 1940 397
Percy Abbott The Certain Card Trick
Also published here 1940 403
Edward Marlo Two Pets - A. First Pet bridged deck
Early Marlo (Issue Pasteboard Presto)
Edward Marlo B. Second Pet bridged deck
Early Marlo (Issue Pasteboard Presto)
Edward Marlo The First Miracle spectator looks at any card in table spread while performer looks away, self-crimp
Related toVariations 1940
Early Marlo (Issue Pasteboard Presto)
Hubert Elliott Sky Sense selection moved from pile to pile, divined by performer, key card
Variations Mar. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 83)
Henry Hardin Houdin's Dream one-way faces via pips, no-touch reversal method with book used as plate
The Jinx (Issue 97)
Walter B. Gibson Key Location Medium finds selection in shuffled deck, coding using stacking principle
The Jinx (Issue 121)
Louis Lam Amazo card cut to is revealed, with a deck with 32 cards
1940 4
Martin Gardner Two Piles and Subtract spectator remembers a card and its position, two piles made and card eventually found
Inspired by 1940 15
Joe Berg Joe Berg's "Count Down" Card Mystery spectator does some dealing and remembering, then finds his own card via fan force
Related toAlso published here 1941 213
A Baffling Discovery 1 out of 5
1941 234
Herb Runge Duo Locato Finale
Aug. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 145)
Frederick Braue Card Instinct Ace to King of one suit on top
1941 31
Frederick Braue The Challenger full-deck set-up
1941 32
Jack McMillen, Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Mind Mirror with stripper deck
Related to 1941 16
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Phenomenal touched card found, distant key card
1941 18
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue A Subtle Location spectator counts down and remembers card, two handlings, stripper deck
1941 21
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Stripper Key
1941 23
Bob Hummer A Possible Impossibility deck under handkerchief, packet cut and shuffled, bottom card remembered and packet replaced on deck, card is located, nail edge mark of entire deck
Also published here 1941 12
Dr. Lazlo Rothbart Die Gedachte Karte card selected and placed on top of the deck, value of selection is used to add cards on top
Inspired by July 1941
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 3 No. 7)
Al Baker Concentration spectator crimps his card without knowing
Also published here 1941 84
Paul Curry Turn of the Century Location setting short double backer as key card, out-of-hand selection procedure
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1941 8
Bob Hummer Fantastric single card location, back turned for procedure, secret 10/9/8 count to find indicator card
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1941 (ca.) 1
Bob Hummer And Now an Improvement single card location, back turned for procedure, variation in the secret 10/9/8 count to always get a matching card
Also published here 1941 (ca.) 2
George G. Kaplan, Audley Walsh, Al Baker A Clever Card Discovery mathematical, based on Telephone Mystery
1942 208
Henry Christ The Perfect Card Location setting double back key card, "by no means new", for impromptu method see footnote
Related toVariations 1942 8
Henry Christ, Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Perfect Card Location - Impromptu Method see footnote
Inspired by 1942 9
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue A Salted Card deck cuts itself at selection when thrown on table
1942 29
Eddie Joseph The Corner Riffling Location deck riffled and card replaced, gap seen
1942 16
Eddie Joseph The "Nick" Location punch-like nick made in key card, deck in hand or on table with pointing motivation
Related to 1942 16
Eddie Joseph Another Card Discovery spectator counts off cards and stops, remembers card and replaces rest, either counting by ear or key card
1942 19
Eddie Joseph Daub Deception location tricks with daub
  • Preparation for the Daub
  • First Method of Daubing
  • Second Method of Daubing
  • Third Method of Daubing
  • Fourth Method of Daubing
  • Fifth Method of Daubing
  • Sixth Method of Daubing
  • Seventh Method of Daubing
  • Eighth Method of Daubing
  • Ninth Method of Daubing
  • Tenth Method of Daubing
  • Eleventh Method of Daubing
  • Twelfth Method of Daubing
  • Thirteenth Method of Daubing
  • Fourteenth Method of Daubing
  • Fifteenth Method of Daubing
  • Sixteenth Method of Daubing
  • Seventeenth Method of Daubing
  • Eighteenth Method of Daubing
  • Nineteenth Method of Daubing
  • Twentieth Method of Daubing
  • A Few Words of Advice
1942 48
Eddie Joseph The Somersault spectator cuts off packet from tabled deck, remembers bottom card and replaces, deck hit off table edge into air, all cards land face-up except selection face-down near spectator
Related to 1942 56
Eddie Joseph A Kute Kard Konception spectator cuts off pile, remembers card and replaces, card located after shuffle by appearing in performer's sleeve, two spectators hold both wrists of performer
1942 78
Dr. Lazlo Rothbart Impossible! Si Stebbins is used but any stack possible
Aug. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Martin Gardner Use Your Head spectator shuffles packet, remembers bottom card ans spells it, packet pressed against performer's forehead where selection sticks
1942 10
Eugenia Braue The Miracle Divination ungaffed method
Inspired byRelated to 1943 14
Clyde Cairy Ode to The Jinx three piles, one card from one pile selected and packet counted, card is found in performer's pocket
Nov. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 47)
Theodore Annemann Locatrix selection is located behind back
1943 5
Stuart P. Cramer Les Cartes Par Hasard card thought of from the middle while riffled, multiple out after dealing into four piles
1943 17
Al Baker Nufind two key cards
1943 33
Warren Wiersbe Miracle Discovery
1944 9
Arthur Johnson The Migrating Card with dealing and spelling
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1944)
Bob Hummer By Mail (nail) packet extracted from case, bottom card remembered and shuffled
Also published here 1944 6
Bob Hummer Impossible Location impossible location, with hair
Also published here 1944 7
Theodore Annemann New $1000 Test Card Location stacked, risky
Also published here 1944 303
Edward Marlo The Peek Location spectator peeks himself
1945 5
Edward Marlo Spectator Peeks Again
1945 5
Edward Marlo The Spectator Cuts daubed key card