237 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Super-Senses / Memory / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Further Illustration naming position of any card or card at any position
1890 79
Das mathematische Mischen - 4. fourth application, deck "shuffled" two times, then card at any position named
1896 120
Der Gedächtniskünstler im Salon order of cards read off to medium who then directs the spectator to lay out the cards so that they end up sorted in new deck order, three methods
Related to Jan. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Der Gedächtniskünstler im Salon continuation of explanation
Related to Feb. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Der Gedächtniskünstler im Salon continuation of explanation, verbal code method
Related to Mar. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Magic versus Mnemonics thirty-two numbered slips and cards are distributed among audience, performer later recalls them, secret assistant
1897 61
Mnemonics Applied to Cards deck really remembered, with application in which the performer re-orders the cards face-down into numerical order
Variations 1897 177
Hugo Schröder Der Kartenkünstler als Hellseher "by Hugo Sch., Dresden", layout of all cards on table, performer can name any of the cards
Related to Jan. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Francis King Der Kartenkünstler als Mnemotechniker apparently thirty-two-card deck memorized, position named by spectator and performer names card, three key cards memorized throughout deck and the closest one brought to correct position with pass
Related to July 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 7)
Die natürliche Gedächtniskunst - das Spielkarten-Kunststück mnemonics for playing cards, thirty-two cards memorized by performer
Related to May 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Arthur Toskana Das Riesengedächtnis order of shuffled deck read to performer who can repeat it, deck switched for "memorized" deck with easy system
Related toVariations Sep. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 9)
Arthur Toskana Noch einmal "Das Riesengedächtnis" clarification
Related to Jan. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 1)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Das Riesengedächtnis card removed and rest of deck read off for performer who then names the missing card, then number named and performer names card at that position, clocking for both value and suit mod 10 (for thirty-two cards), also clocking with fifty-two cards without mod
Inspired byRelated to Mar. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Das Riesengedächtnis second part of explanation, card at any position named by memorising four cards and bringing the closest one to named position by pass
Related to Apr. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Hugo Schrader Mnemotechnik und Kartenkunst thirty-two spectators with number cards also take a card and read number and card off, performer memorizes everything apparently and takes the cards out in order after they have been shuffled, hidden assistant sorts a deck behind stage
July 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 7)
Charles T. Jordan The Suits Unscrambled No. 10, all four Royal Flushes are shuffled together, performer memorized them apparently and brings out named suit from behind back
Also published here 1920 21
A Prediction shuffled deck is put in performer's pocket, small number named, performer names card at that position, also as memory demonstration
1928 16
Eric F. Impey Synchrono - A Mechanical Pack stacked peek deck
  • To gain knowledge of any card freely selected
  • To name the cards one after the other
  • To reverse the positions of the two uppermost cards
  • A further effect (card to case)
1931 4
Effect 4: To Tell How Far From the Top Any Card Is Si Stebbins application
1935 46
Walter B. Gibson Improved Super Memory apparently twenty selections and their positions are remembered
Variations 1937 175
Theodore Annemann Card Memory shuffled deck is memorized by performer
Also published here 1937 211
Billy O'Connor A Memory Feat naming any card at any number
1937 365
Louis Nikola A Subtle Game arranging memorized deck stack in front of spectators
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1937 402
Louis Lam Number Please a number in corner of every card, spectators name any number, performer knows the card (as memory demonstration)
1937 25
The Up-to-Date Prophet spectator names number, performer card at that position, stacked deck
1938 289
H. Adrian Smith Mnemonics with Cards
  • An Outline of the System
  • The Table of Fixed Ideas
  • The Card List
  • Association of Ideas
  • Memorizing a Shuffled Pack
1938 902
Locating the Cards card at any position is named by performer,stacked
1940 198
H. Adrian Smith Card System DeLuxe system for memorizing a deck on the fly
  • Personal Requirements
  • An Outline of the System
  • The Table of Digits
  • The Table Of Fixed Ideas
  • The Table Of Fixed Ideas For Playing Cards
  • Association of Ideas
  • Recalling The Cards
  • A Typical Example
  • Some Variations
  • Strengthening The Association
  • Some Suggetions
1940 5
Arthur Monroe Hypocritical Memory deck switch in mirror glass
Dec. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 151)
Eddie Joseph How to Prepare for a Series of Astounding Tricks Through "My System" knowing every card's position and vice versa in a memorized deck
Also published here 1942 96
Eddie Joseph The Card Fiend deck is cut and dealt out face-down in four rows of thirteen cards each, position of named cards are given, then spectator is directed to pick up cards, they are in new deck order
Also published here 1942 100
Paul Stadelman Phenomenal Memory memory demonstration, cards moved from half to half
Also published here
  • 1933 book by Paul Stadelman
1946 35
W. F. "Rufus" Steele Bridge and Poker Demonstration memory stacking (last cards remaining in each spectators's hand after card-calling are the selections) followed by poker and bridge demo
1946 51
Edward Marlo The Prediction performer knows card at named number, partial stack, part of "Marlo's Miracle Routine"
1947 15
Jean Hugard A Nikola Presentation starting with a shuffled deck
  • Naming the cards at any numbers called
  • Naming the position of any card called
  • Naming the number of cards cut by a spectator
  • A hand at poker
June 1948 427
Dai Vernon Judgment spectator peeks himself and remembers a card, performer looks through cards, spectator names card and performer names position
Related toAlso published here 1949 59
Gus C. Boerner New Memory Stunt
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1950)
Si Stebbins Si Stebbins' Master Memory Test No. 132, Memory demonstration
1950 253
Eddie Joseph Memory Phenomenal card and its position named as apparent memory demonstration
Variations 1950 8
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Rotator prop to write down the order of a shuffled deck and use it as a memorized deck
Related to May 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 256)
Memorizing the Deck apparently whole deck memorized, card at any position is named, cards at positions ten, twenty, .. fifty are memorized
1952 40
Hans Friedrich, Rolf Andra Eidetik card named at called out number, repeated
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 16 No. 6)
Edward Marlo On the Memorized Deck
  • four spectators each cut off a packet, remember the bottom card and shuffle the whole packet, after seeing the faces of the packets for a few seconds, the performer names the cards in all packets leaving the selection to last
  • then any number is named and performer names card at that position and vice versa
  • second deal and poker deal demo if Ireland stack is used
Variations Dec. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 8)
Edward Marlo Mexican Solitaire shuffled deck, deck dealt into four piles according to rules, one of each value in each pile, memory demonstrations, all four-of-a-kinds together or controlled, can be followed by poker deals:
  • Progressive Poker
    • First Game
    • Three-Handed
    • Four-Handed
    • Five-Handed
    • Second Play of Five-Handed Poker
  • Royal Flush Control
    • Second Royal
    • Third Royal
    • Fourth Royal
    • Alternative Procedure for Four Royals
Variations Dec. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 8)
Edward Marlo The Chain Calculator how to calculate position of any card after faro shuffles, memorized deck
Related to 1958 12
Milton Kort Gambling Expose long routine, including memory, poker face, false dealing demo, stacking demo, in the end cards vanish under a handkerchief except four aces
Related to May 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 8)
Hans E. Trixer Photo-Memory shuffled deck, spectator names a position and performer tells the card
VariationsAlso published here 1959 308
Eddie Joseph Objects in the Dark various people select object and playing card, when they name playing card performer can name object
1959 7
Eddie Joseph Locating the Page playing cards are chosen and placed between pages of a book, performer memorizes page of each card
1959 8
Eddie Joseph Double Dealing deck is dealt in two piles, performer remembers both and names order of chosen pile, suit is chosen and all cards from that suit are named in second pile
1959 8
Eddie Joseph How to Prepare for a Series of Astounding Tricks Through "My System" knowing every card's position and vice versa in a memorized deck
Also published here 1959 16
Eddie Joseph The Card Fiend deck is cut and dealt out face-down in four rows of thirteen cards each, position of named cards are given, then spectator is directed to pick up cards, they are in new deck order
Also published here 1959 19
Harry Lorayne Pseudo Memory #1 apparently order of shuffled deck is remembered
Also published here 1965 59
Harry Lorayne Pseudo Memory #2 apparently order of shuffled deck is remembered, position of cut-to card is named
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1965 65
Harry Lorayne Out of this World Memory presentation for OOTW as memory stunt
Also published here 1967 55
Edward Marlo Pseudo Memory position of named card is called out, stack and faros
Nov. 1968
Epilogue (Issue 4)
Theodore Annemann Das Riesen-Gedächtnis shuffled deck is memorized by performer
Also published here 1968
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 3)
Dai Vernon A Mental Discovery apparently deck is remembered, then position of selection named
Related to 1970 38
Harry Lorayne Pseudo Memory #3 apparently order of shuffled deck is remembered
1971 97
Harry Lorayne Four by Four four spectators with four cards each
1971 168
Harry Lorayne Pseudo Memory -or- Location Fooler memorizing two groups, one card is displaced
1972 5
Harry Lorayne Red/Black Memory memorizing the position of reds and blacks apparently
1972 6
Paul Maurer Photo Memory spectator names a number and performer names card at position of shuffled and memorized deck
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 6)
Dai Vernon Daley's Estimating Peek: 2) Vernon Estimate No. 337-2, fingertip peek, performer looks through cards, spectator names card and performer names position
Also published here 1972 94
Al Koran Twenty Card Memory twenty cards are selected and each person gets a number, cards are placed inside pocket and performer finds cards blindfolded
1972 29
Roger Smith How to Memoize the Whole Deck in an Instant naming position of selection, when deck is riffled in front of eyes, apparently memorizing the order
Jan. 1973
Necromancer (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Michael Boden Deck Memorization OOTW with the performer dealing as a memory stunt, gilbreath
Also published here 1974 90
Jack Kent Tillar The Pill! super memory presentation, memory pill, letters, numbers and order of playing cards
Magick (Issue 111)
Jack Kent Tillar Card Memo Plus behind back, entire deck
Magick (Issue 111)
Gerald Kosky, Walter B. Gibson Tricky Mentalist - Without Cards apparently twenty selections and their positions are remembered, using business cards and words
Inspired by 1975 142
Charles T. Jordan The Suits Unscrambled all four Royal Flushes are shuffled together, performer memorized them apparently and brings out named suit from behind back
Also published here 1975 86
Barrie Richardson Memorable Memory Stunt shuffled deck, someone names a position, performer instantly names the card, faced deck
  • Pseudo-Memorized Deck
Related to Dec. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Gustave Southall Instant Memory cards at three named positions are named by performer in shuffled deck
1978 38
Harry Lorayne A Lorayne Storm spectator moves selection from pile to pile, you tell him from where to which
Inspired by
  • idea in Jinx
Also published here
Jan. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Harry Lorayne A Lorayne Storm card forced and shuffled back, its position remembered and named as pseudo memory demonstration
Also published here Nov. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Terry LaGerould Pseudometry
Variations Dec. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Arthur Setterington Thanks for the Memory
Mar. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 3)
L. De Bevere Mnemodexterity routine with ABC cards or twenty-six design cards
  • missing card named
  • sequence of cards held by three spectators recited
  • position of any card named
  • deck cut at any letter called for
  • spelling to letters
Related to
  • "Pseudo Memory Act" (Tom Rigby, Magigram, Vol. 10 No. 3)
  • "Any card called for" (Louis Histed, The Magic of Louis S. Histed, 1947, p. 35)
1979 1
Ray Grismer HIP ESP - How I Practice ESP naming some cards from shuffled deck
Variations Aug. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 8)
Val Evans Memoria Prodigiosa Efecto N°10, apparently memorizing half of the deck, other half as memory aid
1980 48
Val Evans Memoria Prodigiosa II Efecto N°11, apparently memorizing half of the deck, other half as memory aid, spectator names card and performer can name position
1980 50
Val Evans Memoria Prodigiosa III Efecto N°12, apparently memorizing half of the deck, other half as memory aid, spectator names number and performer can name card at position
1980 50
Harry Lorayne Das Gedächtniswunder spectator moves selection from pile to pile, you tell him from where to which
Also published here May 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Harry Lorayne Noch so ein Kunststück card forced and shuffled back, its position remembered and named as pseudo memory demonstration
Also published here May 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Terry LaGerould Pseud-O-Mem spectator names his card, magician its position
1982 147
Larry Jennings Try To Remember out of hand selection, faro, performer knows position of card
1982 504
Pseudo Memory No. 90, bluff-memorization of order of deck
1983 117
Larry Jennings Memoreverse apparently order is remembered, a chosen card is found reversed on the magician named position
1985 55
Barrie Richardson Psi-Clops number is named and performer names card at that position (faced deck)
Related to May 1985
Magick (Issue 351)
Ben Harris Memoree position of selection named after order is apparently memorized
1985 114
Karl Fulves Memory Mix after riffle shuffle performer memorizes order, deck dealt into two heaps, performer announces number of matching color pairs in one heap
Related to 1986 8
Rich Bloch The Eyes of Cheops spectator cuts deck and remembers a card, performer apparently memorizes entire deck, convincing pseudo-demonstration
Related to Jan. 1987
Magick (Issue 384)
Edward Marlo As a Memory Gag spectator places Aces in deck, positions apparently memorized, "First, second, third, fourth", they are shown on top
1988 238
Edward Marlo Mexican with a Memory card moved from one half to another is located, apparently cards in one half remembered, using Mexican Joe Crimp
Related to 1988 260
René Lavand There are Many Legal Tricks for a Resourceful Gambler memory demonstration, quickly looking through one half of the deck and naming all cards in other half
Also published here 1988 80
René Lavand Another Routine with an Ordered Deck memory demonstration, partial deck switch in context of routine
1988 81
Ted Lesley Memory Bank apparently memorizing deck and naming position of selection
Mar. 1989
Magick (Issue 419)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Card Counter spectator notes sequence of cards, performer names sequence again later
June 1992
Magick (Issue 473)
Charles T. Jordan The Suits Unscrambled No. 177, all four Royal Flushes are shuffled together, performer memorized them apparently and brings out named suit from behind back
Also published here 1992 177
Steve Beam The Forgotten Trick shuffled deck behind back, number is called and card named at position
1993 869
David Britland, Marc Russell Cul-de-Stack high/low alternating deck for memory demonstration and bridge deal
Nov. 1993
Opus (Vol. 4 No. 12)
René Lavand There are Many Legal Tricks for a Resourceful Gambler memory demonstration, quickly looking through one half of the deck and naming all cards in other half
Also published here 1993 159
Sid Fleischman Flash Mnemonics No. 1, order of shuffled deck apparently memorized
1993 76
Hans E. Trixer, Vicente Canuto Memoria Fotográfica pack is apparently memorized, number is named and performer knows card
shuffled deck, spectator names a position and performer tells the card
Also published here 1993 136
Allan Ackerman Ackerman's Opener stack, combination
1994 100
Philip T. Goldstein Chromagnon memory demonstration of red/black order
1994 121
Karl Fulves Remember This shuffled deck apparently memorized, one riffle shuffle, performer checks and then names cards at 3 different positions, "Spread Correction"
Inspired by 1994 59
Basil Horwitz Challenge Super Memory Test Number 1 spectator names number from one to twenty-six, performer names card
1994 71
Basil Horwitz Challenge Super Memory Test Number 2 apparently memorizing the deck, able to name card after chosen position
1994 81
Micah C. Lasher Memory Man full deck apparantly memorized
Variations June 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 6)
Edward Marlo Two Memory Bits - Bit Two spectator names card, performer names number, with new pack order and straddle faros
Facsimile (Issue 3)
Mental Countdown No. 14, deck apparently memorized, spectator points to card in face-up spread and performer names its position
1995 23
Karl Fulves, Bob King The Memory Expert No. 16, number thought of, card at this position remembered, cut, performer memorizes deck, new position of selection named and card at original position as well
1995 27
David Malek The Instantly Memorized Deck position in shuffled deck is named and performer knows card, memory presentation
Also published here 1995 29
Robert Cassidy Card Memory deck is shuffled and memorized, two spectator get half the deck and performer names every card
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1995 29
Louis Gombert Les cartes en poche cards placed in various pockets, named cards are quickly produced
1995 20
Claude Rix Je suis formidable! deck is memorized and named numbers or cards are known by performer
1995 68
Raimo Patronen Super Memory memory presentation, after shuffle performer is blindfolded and sorts red cards out and then divides them into suits
Mar. 1995
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 9)
Michael Skinner The Monkey's Paw memory demonstration, memorized deck, ending in new deck order
1996 37
Harry Lorayne Pseudo-Gedächtnis Nr. 1 apparently order of shuffled deck is remembered
Also published here 1996
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 2)
Harry Lorayne Pseudo-Gedächtnis Nr. 2 apparently order of shuffled deck is remembered, position of cut-to card is named
Also published here 1996
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 2)
Harry Lorayne Out of this World Gedächtnis presentation for OOTW as memory stunt
Also published here 1996
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 2)
Dieter Ebel Das Wahnsinnsgedächtnis order of deck remembered, shuffle and deck switch while taking out rubber band
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 2)
Edward Marlo The Lost Integrated Deck long-short Si Stebbins stack and ideas with it
  • Showing Cards To Be One Color
  • The Lift (double lift from long-short deck)
  • Calculating The Position Of Any Card
  • First Effect (calling all cards from a cut-off and shuffled packet)
  • Second Effect (like before, as memory demonstration)
  • Third Effect (divination of selections with help of Joker)
  • Fourth Effect (divination, pseudo x-ray deck procedure)
  • Fifth Effect (naming color of cards at named number)
  • Sixth Effect (spectator chooses only red card)
  • Seventh Effect (deck changes to all-red/all-black)
1997 140
Karl Fulves A Magical Effect think stop, then in next effect the color of all cards in top third are named
1998 2
Karl Fulves Expansionism memorizing color sequence of 32 cards, but really only sixteen
Related to 1998 38
Karl Fulves Cross Checking using one-way backs to expand combo memory system to four suits or other features, challenge location application
1998 40
Karl Fulves Silent Speech memorizing sixteen cards after spectator's riffle shuffle, interlocking chains
1998 49
Karl Fulves Remote Viewing spectator shuffles cards once and deals about a third, then names a number and removes card from this position, performer names it, interlocking chains
1998 51
Karl Fulves Count Without Words "The Second Layout", blackjack memory demonstration
1998 23
Karl Fulves Line of Thought demonstration of memorising all twelve court cards
Related to 1998
Underworld (Issue 9)
René Lavand I Know Them and I Don't Know How (A Standing Ovation) all cards are named in order
1998 101
René Lavand The Deck is Feminine II (A Second Standing Ovation) cards are named and divined
1998 104
Ellis Stanyon Forty Cards Dealt Faces Down, to Pick Up the One Named No. 44, cards dealt in square on table, any spot card named and performer knows where it is
1999 79
Ellis Stanyon To Give the Position of Any Card No. 49, calculation method for new deck order type stack
1999 83
Ellis Stanyon Rapit Memorization (?) of Half the Pack No. 17, half the deck switched, order known or cue sheet
1999 91
Michael Boden Deck Memorization Out of This World with the performer dealing as a memory stunt, g=Gilbreath
Also published here 1999 72
Barrie Richardson The Quasi-Memorized Deck deck is shuffled, two spectator get half the deck and performer names every card after apparently memorizing
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • Club 71, Autumn 1993
1999 93
Barrie Richardson Close-up Memory Demonstration move-a-card, then a number is named and performer names card at that position (faced deck)
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • Club 71, Winter 1987
1999 107
Chuck Smith, Michael Skinner Mighty Memory third of deck stacked, multiple phases
2000 19
Michael Boden Deck Memorization OOTW with the performer dealing as a memory stunt, gilbreath
  • Notes on the Gilbreath Principle
Also published here 2000 62
David Malek The Instantly Memorized Deck Revisited position in shuffled deck is named and performer knows card, memory presentation
Also published here 2001 42
Harry Lorayne What A M-E-S! "Memory Estimation Sleight-of-hand"
shuffled deck, card removed (force), divined after dealing deck into four piles, one of each value in each pile, memory demonstrations, all four-of-a-kinds together, faro
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2001 631
David Berglas Memories are Made of This deck is memorized, entire deck named in order
2002 344
Mick Ayres Speed-Reader performer apparently memorizes deck, names position of selection
Variations 2002 150
Al Baker To Perform with a Borrowed, Shuffled Pack naming card at any number in half pack, real memory
2003 753
Al Baker To Tell the Name of any Card in a Borrowed, Shuffled Pack card at any position named, memorizing every fifth card
2003 754
Pit Hartling Unforgettable three phase memory routine, faro
Related toVariationsAlso published here 2003 78
Karl Fulves Court Case memory demonstration with the twelve court cards, card located that is moved from pile to pile, tactile markings
  • System Two
  • System Three
  • Face Value (selections reversed in court card packet, found by touch)
Related to 2003
Off The Books (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves The Automaton twelve court cards oujogged, performer memorizes their order at a glance, they are taken out and shuffled, performer restores them into original order
Related to 2003
Off The Books (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Memory Poker 5x5 layout of face-up card, two cards exchanged while performer is not looking, those are divined
Off The Books (Issue 6)
Jamie Badman Mr. Memory Man missing card named by looking through the rest, then three mates found face down, they're the wrong cards but change into the right ones
Inspired byRelated to 2003 113
Grace Ann Morgan The Ultimate Weapon two decks, two spectators select one from each, performer apparently memorises the decks, names position of selections in other decks, then another removed card named
Inspired by 2004 10
Steve Beam Flash Memorization apparently deck is memorized, spectator names a number and card at position is revealed by performer, Killer Count
2004 63
Peter Duffie, Aldo Colombini, Robin Robertson Marked & Memorized order apparently memorized, card at named number named, it has large X on its back, using Killer Count
  • Variation
2004 19
Peter Duffie, Aldo Colombini, Robin Robertson Memorized Again deck apparently memorized, cut into three piles, three numbers named and cards an those positions named, using Killer Count
2004 20
Juan Tamariz Total Memory (Two Versions) memorizing entire deck, second version has three phases and uses Mnemonica specifics (The Eight Mnemonicas)
  • A. The Classic Version
  • B. My Version - Triple Threat Memorization
Variations 2004 89
Val Evans, Burling Hull, Theodore Annemann, Juan Tamariz Prodigious Memory half of the deck is memorized, performer in other room names cards at correct positions
  • Reassembling the Stay Stack
2004 168
Juan Tamariz Total Memory memory demonstration, order of cards can be named after several shuffles or deals
  • Version with Faros
  • Version with Deals (Antifaros)
spectator can note down any sequence with date and anytime in the future the performer will be able to recite the cards
Related to 2004 201
Robert Cassidy Card Memory deck is shuffled and memorized, two spectator get half the deck and performer names every card
Inspired byAlso published here 2004 35
Karl Fulves Rite Minded card moved from one half to the other, then deck assembled and card found, fast clocking
2005 29
Karl Fulves Kinship system for remembering suit order of packet (twelve cards), court cards dealt out in four piles to separate suits
Related to 2005 21
Barrie Richardson The Modest Memory Routine fifteen cards are selected and memorized together with the audience by explaining a peg system, either for real or with switch
2005 29
Barrie Richardson Fifty-two Cards in Succession order of deck called off, deck switch
2005 303
Barrie Richardson Synergistic Memory Demonstration first phase is "HIP ESP" (color sequence called off), then a number is named and performer names card at that position (faced deck)
Inspired by 2005 308
Iain Girdwood Total Recall red-black order of deck apparently memorized, Gilbreath combined with binary Combo system
Related to 2005 48
Iain Girdwood Total Recall red-black order of deck apparently memorized, Gilbreath combined with binary Combo system
Related to 2005 48
Karl Fulves Mock Memory a selection is named, then two cards are moved, performer apparently memorizes cards, spectators name the two cards and performer their positions, using Riffle Shuffle Control
Prolix (Issue 1)
Jack Avis Fake Memory Routine - Avis Handling position of selection named, very simple
2006 55
Lewis Jones KHAN I performer can name card at chosen position, pseudo memory
2006 138
Jon Racherbaumer Speed Reader III performer apparently memorizes deck, names position of two selections, faro divider
Inspired by Aug. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Benjamin Earl Fingertip Memory named card instantly produced from shuffled deck
2007 16
Jason Alford A Cunning Odyssey Pseudo memory demonstration, match number of cards cut off by spectator, then able to find mates / four of a kind, Penelope
Inspired byVariations 2007 31
R. Paul Wilson Memory Can Pseudo-memory routine - performer can name three cards at three named numbers, followed by naming selection's position
2007 104
Karl Fulves Erdnase Cheats memorizing short sequence of cards
2007 10
Joel Givens More Memory Man full deck apparantly memorized, position of selection named as well as some other cards and four-of-a-kind produced
Inspired byVariations 2007 112
Michael Weber Memorease deck memory demonstration, performer knows in which half a named card is
Also published here 2008 8
Michael Weber Memorease Deck Memory demonstration, performer knows in which half a named card is
Also published here 2009 8
Luke Jermay Mixing Mentalism with Other Genres
  • The New Mind
spectator shuffles deck, performer runs through it and apparently memorizes its order, then cuts to four Kings followed by dealing a full house
Related to Jan. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 1)
Patrick Dessi Une mémoire phénoménale finding named cards, memory presentation
2009 88
Steve Beam Tricycle three missing cards are named as memory demonstration, stack and interlocking chain principle
2010 52
Roberto Giobbi Card Counting Demonstration card counting demonstration with small set-up
Secret Agenda (Issue Sep 6)
Roberto Giobbi Card Counting Enhanced card counting demonstration with small set-up
Secret Agenda (Issue Sep 7)
Robin Robertson As a memory demonstration
Prolix (Issue 8)
Román García Memorable deck is shuffled by spectator, one card removed, deck is memorized and every card named including missing card
2010 99
Scott Grossberg Speed Cards Sorta deck distributed among two spectators, memory demonstration which cards of a suit are where, rounds and angles
  • Alternate Working
2010 43
Fogel's Stacked Deck Idea same as Nikola's Subtle Game, arranging memorized deck stack in front of spectators
Related to 2010 111
Tony Cabral The Memory Expert at the Bridge Table overhand stacking demonstration, bridge deal in which performer names all cards in one hand and saves selection for last, thirteen memorized cards set-up
Inspired by 2011 46
Barrie Richardson Quartet deck is shuffled, four spectators get a quarter the deck and performer names every card after apparently memorizing them, using Rounders
Inspired byRelated to 2011 34
Harry Lorayne Less of a M-E-S! "Memory Estimation Sleight-of-hand"
shuffled deck, card removed (force), divined after dealing deck into four piles, one of each value in each pile, memory demonstrations, with non-faro ending
Inspired byAlso published here Dec. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 12)
Darwin Ortiz Best of the Best position of thought-of-card named, center dealing any named card, memorized deck
2012 23
Darwin Ortiz Best of the Best 2 memory demonstration, memorized deck, faro
Inspired by 2012 31
Darwin Ortiz Billion Dollar Brain number of face-down cards in mess named, then actual order
2012 189
Karl Fulves Star Lite cards in two halves exchanged, found apparently by memory, Fulves's Riffle Shuffle Control
Related to 2012
Prolix (Issue 10)
Alan Rorrison Coffee House gag message is shown on coffee gift card after memorization routine
2012 38
John Born, Jed B. Smith Slugged Memory demonstration for a game of poker, tracking a memorized slug
2012 91
Pit Hartling Unforgettable three phase memory routine, faro
Also published here 2012 117
Shiv Duggal Four Will Ride order apparently remembered, card chosen and lost, performer cuts to selection and its three mates
Sep. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 9)
Benjamin Earl Pseudo-Memory Deal pseudo memory
Inspired byVariations 2013 31
Justin Higham Pseudo-Memory Deal/Location
Inspired byRelated to 2013 32
Joseph Barry A Two Card Location card cut to and card thought of small pile, one's position named and other card produced from pocket
2014 6
Joseph Barry A Memory at the Card Table card chosen, deck apparently memorized, blackjack and poker hands apparently riffle stacked, rest recited and last card is selected one
Also published here 2014 24
Joseph Barry A Memory at the Card Table card chosen, deck apparently memorized, blackjack and poker hands apparently riffle stacked, rest recited and last card is selected one
Also published here 2014 10
Colin McLeod Mesmerised Deck cards are shuffled and numbered from 1 to 52 with a pen, memorized by performer, teaching list of objects
2014 60
Patrick G. Redford The Evolution of A Rain King magician proves he can quickly memorize deck by naming card at named number, then proves spectator can as well
  • Multiple Card in Phase One
  • Additional Smoke
  • Using Multiple People
  • The Double MC Kraser Force
  • The Memorized Stack
  • Variations
    • Variation 1: Card Counting Combination
    • Variation 2: The Formal Performance
    • Variation 3: GT vs GT
    • Variation 4: Paul Vigil's Photographic Memory
    • Variation 5: Memory Prison
Inspired byRelated to
  • “Rain King” (Patrick G. Redford, Triangle, 2007, n. p.)
  • “Memory Prison” (Patrick G. Redford, Heptagon+, 2010, n. p.)
2014 37
Garrett Thomas GT vs GT performer memorizes deck and names card at named position, every tenth card secretly jogged as visible index
2014 50
Paul Vigil Photographic Memory taking secret photo of face-up tabled spread to be used for a memory demonstration
2014 52
Patrick G. Redford Memory Prison memory demonstration performed over phone, order noted down
Related to
  • “Memory Prison” (Patrick G. Redford, Heptagon+, 2010, n. p.)
2014 52
Patrick G. Redford Storm after one quick riffle through deck, performer names selection’s position and the cards surrounding it
Variations 2014 57
Harry Lorayne Less Of A M-E-S! "Memory Estimation Sleight-of-hand"
shuffled deck, card removed (force), divined after dealing deck into four piles, one of each value in each pile, memory demonstrations, with non-faro ending
Related toAlso published here 2015 64
Nick Trost Bridge Memory all cards of one suit are given to performer, memory presentation
Inspired by 2015 1281
Chris Rawlins Pseudo three phase memory demonstration, first red black, then suits, then naming missing card
Also published here 2016 (ca.) 1
Pit Hartling Memory Maven card removed and peeked at in shuffled deck, performer looks through cards and names missing card as well as position of second selection
Inspired by
  • Max Maven effect
Winter 2017
Quarterly (Issue 5)
Pit Hartling, Denis Behr Memory Maven Variation method variation of Pit Hartling's effect
Inspired by Winter 2017
Quarterly (Issue 5)
Chris Rawlins A Bonus (Pseudo Memory) three phase memory demonstration, first red black, then suits, then naming missing card
Also published here 2017 63
Patrick G. Redford Cast deck is shuffled and divided, performer knows which cards are where and all are named, arranging stack in front of spectators
  • Verity
  • Openly Stacking the Deck
  • Further Thoughts & Variations
  • With Three Participants and Three Packets
  • Theatrically Useful (But NOT Impromptu) Method
  • Final Thoughts
Inspired by 2017 74
Jean Hugard, Patrick G. Redford A Subtler Game arranging memorized deck stack in front of spectators
  • Forcing Four Cards and Distributing Four Piles of Cards
  • Calling Cards by Way of Elimination
  • Further Thoughts & Variations
Inspired by 2017 78
Patrick G. Redford O.F.M. deck cut in 10 piles and spectator remembers a card from any pile, performer memorizes the deck and names position of selection, repeated but this time performer names position before spectator names the card
Inspired by
  • Moe's move-a-card plot in "Moe and His Miracles with Cards"
2017 166
Áriston El Biatlon spectator names number, card at position matches prediction, from shuffled deck, apparently memorizing second deck
2017 34
Áriston Mazo Memorizado deck is apparently memorized, performer names card at named position
2017 103
John Hostler Paradromic Delusion two deck, one person names a card and a number, second person selects card, performer looks through deck and names position of selection, first person finds card and number in other deck
Inspired byRelated to 2018 54
Denis Behr Photographic Memory
  • First Phase - Move-a-Card
  • Second Phase - The Missing Card
  • Third Phase - Half the Deck (spectator takes phone picture of order, after shuffling the order the performer can still recite it correctly)
Inspired by 2018 59
Pit Hartling Updated Handling alternatives for all three phases
Inspired by 2018 98
Ryan Murray Ultra Memoria three cards chosen from thirds that are shuffled together by performer, apparently memorized, numbers of first two named, third selection found to be previously cased card, using Triple Faro
  • Arranging the Set-up (from new deck order)
Related to 2018 36
Patrick G. Redford H.A.A.R.P.S. Pseudo memory demo, magician can name position of selected card, along with the order of about half the deck
Inspired by 2019 128
Alberto de Figueiredo Memorización de la baraja card is removed and placed inside spectator's pocket, then packet cut and shuffled, performer memorizes packet and knows colors, repeated with suit and eventually entire deck, missing card is named as a climax
  • Primera fase: Los colores
  • Segunda fase: Los Palos
  • Tercera Fase: Todas las cartas
  • Encore: falta una carta
2019 297
Steve Forte Short-Term Memory memory system for instantly memorizing ten cards in order, combined with half a memorized deck to pseudo demo, Sal Piacente story
2020 1021
Steve Forte Rain Man memorizing the whole deck as pseudo demo, one real shuffle, interlocking chain principle
2020 1024
Andi Gladwin Castle Jacks
  • Even More Memory Man (shuffled deck apparently memorized, naming position of selection, finding four-of-a-kind)
  • Glassical Assembly (Jacks signed and put in glass, three removed one at a time to make them vanish on deck, reappear in glass)
  • Travelers (with deck vanish finale)
Inspired by 2020 187
Mike Pisciotta The Natural positions of two names cards are known by performer in shuffled deck
2020 13
Larry Jennings LJ on Vernon’s Weight Guesser performer knows position of spectators's fingertip peeked card, estimation
Inspired byRelated to 2020 380
Erik Casey, Paul Cummins The Memory Test order apparently memorized, spectator cuts off a pile, performer names how many and at which card
Related to June 2022
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Florida Issue Part One)
Josh Arroyo A Trick For Three Nice People memory demonstration involving red-black order, selections, a four-of-a-kind
Inspired by June 2022
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Florida Issue Part Two)
Francisco Mousinho Shereshevsky Approach ten cards taken from shuffled deck and distributed amongst spectators, rest apparently clocked and missing cards divined, positions of a three-of-a-kind matching the last card is named as climax
2022 85
Cyrille Savelief Impossible With a Twist spectator cuts off and remembers bottom card, cards shuffled, performer memorizes order and names position of card once named, marked deck or impromptu
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Feb. 2012
2022 1097
Pete McCabe Connecting Columns thoughts on the routine, spectator cuts off and remembers bottom card, cards shuffled, performer memorizes order and names position of card once named, marked deck or impromptu
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Sep. 2012
2022 1145
David Malek Malek's Instant Memorized Deck position in shuffled deck is named and performer knows card, memory presentation
  • Additional Handling (convincer by Darwin Ortiz)
Also published here 2022 12