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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Theodore Annemann A Card in Hand card changes in spectator's hand, stabbing presentation, backdated for ten years
Related toVariationsAlso published here Feb. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 80)
John Scarne Scarne's Drunken Poker Deal No. 68, Poker hands dealt from deck shuffled face up/down, final poker hand transformation (drunk man presentation)
Variations 1950 124
Dai Vernon Emotional Reaction key card
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1959 7
Roy Walton Travellers in Time red and black cards are separated, each half mixed face-up into face-down and top card placed into center, time machine plot, cards again on top, all cards face-down and mixed
VariationsAlso published here 1971 22
Martin A. Nash Up-the-Ladder Cut Display
Related to 1975 81
Ken Krenzel Turn Blue
Variations 1978 70
Jerry K. Hartman Top Draw-er Spectator replaces odd card in a poker hand with the correct card, forming a Royal Flush
VariationsAlso published here 1978 33
Roy Walton The Smiling Mule two parts, first gag then surprise twist, named card ends up sandwiched between aces in the middle of the deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1979 13
Daryl Martinez Puerto Rican Cutting Display
Variations 1980 61
Paul Cummins Oiled and Watered 3&3
Oct. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Paul Cummins The Flutter Change
Dec. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Derek Dingle Four-Way Backfire Coin Assembly international coins
Related to 1982 190
Paul Cummins Up-the-Ladder Cut Display
Related to Sep. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 9)
Paul Cummins Penetrating Thoughts box through hand
Oct. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Paul Cummins Cross Changed coins across, four silver coins change to copper
Variations Dec. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Edward Marlo Nouveau 21-Card-Trick
  • The Work
  • Third Phase
  • Fourth Phase
  • Fifth Phase
  • Sixth Phase (Gag)
  • Blow-Off Phase I
  • Blow-Off Phase II
Related toVariations 1983 146
Larry Jennings, Roy Walton Morlock's Revenge red-black shuffle, Triumph, single ambitious phase, time-travel presentation
Inspired byVariations 1983 56
Paul Cummins Top Billing using two bills (instead of cards) and coins
Sep. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 9)
Paul Cummins Second Billing using one bill (instead of card) and coins
Sep. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 9)
Bill Herz, Paul Cummins The Hedonists Make Up All the Rules forcing a card with verbal magician's choice
VariationsAlso published here 1983 39
Paul Cummins Counting On It number named, this many cards are rapidly produced, with selection
Related toVariations 1984 132
Paul Cummins Plausible Possibility TNT Bottom Deal Handling
Sep. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Paul Cummins Just One More deck is put in case and yet still found in magician's hand
1985 81
Paul Cummins Deck apparently placed into Case
1985 82
Paul Cummins Small Packet Reversal reversing one of four cards as they are displayed
1985 137
Paul Cummins Short Sheeted short changing routine, palming bills in gambler's cop
1986 131
Paul Cummins Overtwist Minor
Mar. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Paul Cummins Knihc-a-Knihc
Oct. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 10)
Dai Vernon, Laurie Ireland The Slap Trick any number
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1988 20
Steve Rogers, Paul Cummins True Triumph haphazard mixing on the table
Related toVariations May 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 5)
Mike Gallo Box Jumper three half dollar travel to a coin box, they change into chines coin and the silver coins are found in the box, eventually thee copper coins appear in the box
Inspired by 1989 452
Randy Wakeman How Did You Know? number named, this many cards are rapidly produced, with selection
Inspired by 1989 29
Paul Cummins On Call magician cuts pack in four piles with Aces on its faces
1990 63
Stephen Minch On Paul Cummins short biography
1990 63
Paul Cummins, Martin A. Nash Honest Aces Shuffle Variation
1990 64
Jerry K. Hartman Apocalypse Variations Or Additions
Inspired by Jan. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 1)
Paul Cummins The Workingman's Wild Card
Nov. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 11)
Paul Cummins Sequestered Collectors nice conditions, two double facers
Variations Nov. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 11)
Paul Cummins Flasher spectator selects a card (cut deeper), then removes an invisible card and tosses it next to the selection
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here July 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 7)
Jon Racherbaumer Kick-Counting On It!
Inspired by June 1993 21
Peter Duffie Thoughts on the Bottom estimation & Bottom Deal
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1995 232
Darwin Ortiz From the Cellar bottom deal demonstration with sucker element
Inspired by
  • Micky MacDougall's "Confounding the Critics" (Card Mastery, p. 37)
Related toVariations
1995 175
Paul Cummins Personal Triumph
1996 1
Paul Cummins Six Packet Display Variation new choreography
Inspired byVariations 1996 2
Paul Cummins Counting On It number named, this many cards are rapidly produced, with selection
Related toVariations 1996 4
Paul Cummins The Trick that never happened red and black cards are separated, each half mixed face-up into face-down and top card placed into center, time machine plot, cards again on top, all cards face-down and mixed
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 7
Paul Cummins The Invisible Card
1996 9
Paul Cummins The Workingman's Wild Card
1996 11
Paul Cummins Prevarication Detection
1996 14
Paul Cummins Overtwist four cards change
1996 18
Paul Cummins Spinning Double Lift showy
Related to 1996 19
Paul Cummins Old Faithful
1996 20
Paul Cummins Bar None duplicate
1996 22
Paul Cummins Casebreak deck is put in case and yet still found in magician's hand
Variations 1996 24
Paul Cummins Ace Production four times stop trick
1996 25
Paul Cummins Visual Retention Bottom Deal with packet held in right hand
1996 25
Paul Cummins The Pasteboard Substitution Trunk Mystery with sandwich
1996 27
Paul Cummins Flasher spectator selects a card (cut deeper), then removes an invisible card and tosses it next to the selection
Also published here 1996 28
Paul Cummins Pips!
1996 30
Paul Cummins The Bottom of the Barrel pseudo bottom deal demonstration
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 32
Paul Cummins The Multiple Location Routine thorough discussion
1996 36
Paul Cummins Commercial Universal two spectators
1996 1
Paul Cummins Another Sequestered Collectors
Inspired by 1996 3
Steve Rogers, Paul Cummins True Triumph mixing hapzardly on the table
1996 6
Paul Cummins Smoother Stevens cutting to four Aces in one run
1996 8
Paul Cummins Overtwist Minor two versions
1996 11
Paul Cummins Play it to Scale mates are tossed above and below selection
1996 14
Paul Cummins Almost Open Prediction
1996 16
Paul Cummins Intuitive Poker spectator chooses Royal Flush from spread deck
Inspired byVariations 1996 18
Paul Cummins Personal Slop... using slop shuffle
1996 20
Paul Cummins Deliberate Oil & Water 4&4
1996 22
Paul Cummins Top Billing bills instead of cards
1996 25
Paul Cummins The Revolve Load
1996 26
Paul Cummins Double Cross Changed
1996 28
Paul Cummins Penetrating Thoughts box penetrates hand
1996 30
Paul Cummins Multiple Choice
1996 32
Paul Cummins Pitchin' Penetration with dollar kicker, backclip, clean
1996 34
Paul Cummins Reverse Matrix international, two cards
1996 35
Paul Cummins Four-Way Reverse Backfire
Inspired by Summer 1996 96
Paul Cummins, Bill Herz The Hedonists Make Up All The Rules forcing a card with verbal magician's choice
VariationsAlso published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Brainstorm in the Bahamas)
Steve Rogers, Paul Cummins Blushing Ambition color changing back kicker
Aug. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 8)
Lou Gallo Coins of the World production of twelve coins plus four jumbo coins from Okito box
Inspired by
  • Paul Cummins routine
1996 35
Paul Cummins Overtwist Transposed combo with Hofzinser Problem ending
1997 124
Simon Lovell Frank's Fave number named, this many cards are rapidly produced, with selection at chosen number within this packet
Related to 1997 185
Jim Sisti (reviewer) From a Shuffled Deck in Use (Parts One and Two) by Paul Cummins Nov./Dec. 1997
The Magic Menu (Vol. 8 No. 44)
Michael Close (reviewer) ...From a Shuffled Deck in Use... by Paul Cummins Feb. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 6)
Paul Cummins Pitchin' Penetration half dollar through performer's hand three times, second half dollar appears, they change into a single silver dollar
July 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Paul Cummins Hugger Mugger Replacement
Oct. 1997
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Paul Cummins Flasher spectator selects a card (cut deeper), then removes an invisible card and tosses it next to the selection
Also published here 1997 131
Paul Cummins Bottom of the Barrel pseudo bottom deal demonstration
Inspired byAlso published here Jan. 1998
Onyx (Issue 2)
Paul Cummins Just a Thought three spectators think of a card in a packet each with Emotional Reaction procedure, collectors done with those
Inspired byAlso published here Apr. 1998
Onyx (Issue 3)
James Swain The Twenty-One Card Trick
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1999 23
Paul Cummins Count on It ten to twenty, first packet of that size is produced
1999 102
Paul Cummins Paul's Acknowledgements
Paul Cummins Introduction
Doug Conn Tight Triumph Display four packets
Inspired by 1999 10
Paul Cummins Credit Information
1999 20
Paul Cummins Historical Comments credit discussion and bibliography
1999 142
Paul Cummins Fusion Bibliography
1999 174
Paul Cummins Final Remarks
1999 191
Paul Cummins, Doug Conn Conn in Print
1999 192
Gordon Bean (reviewer) Up in Smoke by Paul Cummins Nov. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 11)
Marty Kane Excelling in Spelling Foretelling three phases, using one suit
  • Tabled Version
  • Packet Version
Inspired byRelated to July 1999
Onyx (Issue 8)
Peter Duffie Phantom Stab reversed card appears with two selections on either side
  • With Three Selections
Related toAlso published here July 1999
Onyx (Issue 8)
Paul Cummins From Paul Cummins
Related to Dec. 1999
Onyx (Issue 9)
Paul Cummins Onyx Convention Coverage Dan MacMillan, Allan Ackerman, Jerry Andrus, Ernest Earick, Ken Simmons, Roger Klause
Dec. 1999
Onyx (Issue 9)
Paul Cummins Triumph '93 in the hands
Also published here Dec. 1999
Onyx (Issue 9)
Paul Cummins Just A Thought three spectators think of a card in a packet each with Emotional Reaction procedure, collectors done with those
Also published here 1999 15
Michael Close (reviewer) Up In Smoke by Paul Cummins Oct. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 2)
Lee Asher Touchez " what you say !!", number named, this many cards are rapidly produced, with selection
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2000 12
Paul Cummins Lunch Crunch cracking credit card in two pieces and restoring it again
Jan. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 1)
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) Tricks of my Trade: The Magic of Doug Conn by Doug Conn (written by Paul Cummins) June 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 6)
Michael Close (reviewer) Tricks of My Trade: The Magic of Doug Conn by Doug Conn (written by Paul Cummins) Apr. 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 8)
Paul Cummins Phone Home over phone
Inspired by 2000 12
Paul Cummins Revolve Load for Collectors
2001 3
Paul Cummins Books personal introduction to first review column
Feb. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 2)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) My Canes and Candles by Fantasio Feb. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 2)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Card Concepts, An Anthology of Numerical & Sequential Principles within Card Magic by Arthur F. MacTier Feb. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 2)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Pockets Full of Miracles by Diamond Jim Tyler Feb. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 2)
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) Fusillade: A Treatise on the Multiple Selection Routine by Paul Cummins, Doc Eason Mar. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 3)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Concertos for Pasteboard by Oliver Erens Apr. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 4)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Misdirection for Close-up Magicians by Tom Crone Apr. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 4)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Quarks & Quirks: An Exploration Beyond the Tear by Ben Harris Apr. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 4)
Paul Cummins James Swain: A Gift for Grift and the Sense to Novelize It
May 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 5)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Apocalypse, Volumes 6-10 by Harry Lorayne June 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 6)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Semi-Automatic Card Tricks III by Steve Beam June 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 6)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) The Complete Jarrett by Guy Jarrett (written by Jim Steinmeyer) Aug. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 8)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Ron Bauer's Private Studies Series by Ron Bauer Oct. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 10)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Ron Bauer's Gadabout Coins by Ron Bauer Oct. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 10)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Ron Bauer's Sudden Death Gypsy Curse by Ron Bauer Oct. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 10)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Ron Bauer's Hornswoggled Again! by Ron Bauer Oct. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 10)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Ron Bauer's Owed to Poker Dan by Ron Bauer Oct. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 10)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Ron Bauer's The Cursed Ring by Ron Bauer Oct. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 10)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Ron Bauer's Mechanical Deck by Ron Bauer Oct. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 10)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Paul Chosse's Bar Bill Stunt by Paul Chosse (written by Ron Bauer) Oct. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 10)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Xerox Money by Ron Bauer Oct. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 10)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Don Alan's Devano Card Rise by Don Alan (written by Ron Bauer) Oct. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 10)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Personal Collection by Harry Lorayne Dec. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 12)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) The Magic Menu, Years Six through Ten by Jim Sisti Dec. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 12)
Paul Cummins Stumped! three peeked at cards are immediately named
Also published here Dec. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Michael Close (reviewer) Fusillade by Doc Eason, Paul CumminsRelated to Feb. 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 6)
Michael Close Erratum and Omission Department
Related to Apr. 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 8)
Paul Cummins A La Annemann indifferent card is inserted by spectator, it changes into selection, multiple changes
Related toVariations 2002 1
Paul Cummins Stumped! three peeked at cards are immediately named
Also published here 2002 7
Paul Cummins Bottom Bubble Glimpse bottom card of face up deck
2002 10
Paul Cummins A La Tullock with two selection, worker
2002 14
Paul Cummins, Steve Reynolds A Total Triumph new presentational twist
2002 20
Paul Cummins Beating the Heat half pass version, two decks
2002 28
Paul Cummins AACAAAN 1 Amost Any Card At Almost Any (small!) Number, selection
2002 38
Paul Cummins Lift Get-Ready out of ECT
2002 41
Paul Cummins Movin' On Up three cards
2002 44
Paul Cummins Tabled Hinge flipping a double on a tabled deck
2002 47
Paul Cummins Box Topper three selections travel on, under and in box
2002 54
Paul Cummins Just in Case multiple under/in box, full deck under box climax
2002 60
Paul Cummins No Joke two Jokers under spectator's hand for four Queens
2002 70
Paul Cummins, Chad Long No Mercy longer routine, swindle cut the Aces
2002 77
Paul Cummins, Peter Duffie Red Herring Location
Inspired by 2002 87
Paul Cummins AACAAAN 2 selection, any number, double deal
2002 92
Paul Cummins Under Spread Handling "moveless" touch
2002 92
Paul Cummins Choice elimination process, thought-of touch
2002 97
Paul Cummins Triumph '93 in the hands
Also published here 2002 102
Paul Cummins O'Henry Ace Assembly with throw offs for magicians
2002 107
Paul Cummins Overtwist Transposed combo with Hofzinser Problem ending
2002 117
Paul Cummins Trick Shell coins are produced out of another coin, one-handed
2002 125
Allan Ackerman, Baltazar Fuentes An Ungaffed Ted do as i do type location often done with marked cards, memorized deck
VariationsAlso published here 2002 21
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Dunninger's Brain Busters by Joseph Dunninger (written by Joseph Atmore) Feb. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 2)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Stephan's Card Production by Stephano Pascale Feb. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 2)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Miss Charming's Book of Bar Amusements by Cheryl Charming Feb. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 2)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) The M.C. Bit Book by Algonquin McDuff (written by Rhett Bryson) Feb. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 2)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Video Promotions for Magicians by Fred Becker Feb. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 2)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) The Encyclopedia of Egg Magic by Donato Colucci Apr. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 4)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) The Houdini Code Mystery, A Spirit Secret Solved by William V. Rauscher Apr. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 4)
Paul Cummins Speaking Volumes
Related to June 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 6)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) The Underground Change, The Move and Its Applications by Jamie Badman (written by Colin Miller) June 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 6)
Paul Cummins (reviewer) The Magic Mirror by Robert E. Neale, David Parr June 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 6)
Andi Gladwin Ripped Casebreak deck is put in case and yet still found in magician's hands
Inspired by June 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Paul Cummins The Trick That Never Happened red and black cards are separated, each half mixed face-up into face-down and top card placed into center, time machine plot, cards again on top, all cards face-down and mixed
Also published here May 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 9)
Jon Armstrong Collectors Solution selections loaded as seven-card sandwich is shown
Inspired byAlso published here June 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 10)
Michael Close (reviewer) FASDIU II by Paul Cummins July 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 11)
Paul Cummins Punken Droker poker game dealt from deck shuffled face up/down
Inspired byAlso published here 2003 20
Paul Cummins Optical Revolve Handling with riffling
2003 24
Jason Alford, Mark Aspiazu, Andrew Wimhurst, Paul Cummins, Joshua Jay Hold 'Em open hold-out on top of tabled case
  • Wimhurst Variation
  • Cummins Variation
  • Jay Subtlety
Also published here Mar. 2004
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 7)
Trini Montes Flashed spectator selects a card, then removes an invisible card and tosses it next to the selection
  • Paul Cummins' Suggested Handling #1 (memorized deck)
  • Paul Cummins' Suggested Handling #2 (memorized deck)
Inspired by 2004 10
Paul Cummins Cummins Cut ends with out-jogged block
2004 12
Paul Cummins Turnover Subtlety in the hands
Feb. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Joshua Jay, Jason Alford, Mark Aspiazu Hold 'Em adding extra-cards from top of tabled card case
Also published here 2005 35
Paul Cummins Tap a Lack one thought-of card by performer and one by spectator, performer finds spectator's card and vice versa
Also published here 2005 36
Paul Cummins Clocking a Deck
2005 37
Dustin Stinett (reviewer) The Side Steal: Declassified by Paul Cummins Jan. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 1)
Paul Cummins Personal Slop Revisited Standard slop shuffle type of Triumph routine
2007 53
Paul Vigil Diplopia one thought-of (and removed) card by performer and one by spectator, performer finds spectator's card and vice versa
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 2007 3
David Solomon Very Dicey selection in deck, two pairs of dice thrown, both numbers counted to, the cards there match the total, both numbers added, packet of that size produced with selection as last card
Inspired by
  • version on "Solomon's Mind" DVD
Related to
2007 16
Jerry K. Hartman A Case for Change Kings are placed into card case and case is set on top of spectator’s selection in his hand, selection transposes with Kings
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 2007 96
Jason Alford Body Count number named, this many cards are rapidly produced, with selection
Inspired by 2007 15
Jason Dean Convince Me Not selection lost in top half which the spectator shuffles
Inspired by
  • "The Trick That Never Fails" (Paul Cummins, The Second Deal website, July 2003)
2008 10
Daniel Garcia Math One quarter jumps from one hand to join another quarter in the other hand, then they fuse visually into a half dollar
Inspired by
  • "Pitchen' Penetration" (Paul Cummins)
2009 10
Arie Vilner The Thumb-less Double Lift flourishy spinning action of double off the deck
Related to 2009 53
Paul Cummins, Ken Krenzel, Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Mechanical Reverse Variation
2010 50
Scott Robinson The Plucker number named, this many cards are rapidly produced, with selection
Inspired by 2010 201
Gary Plants Mentally Count On It number thought of and selection at this position remembered, this many cards are rapidly produced, with selection
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2011 22
Gary Plants Count Me In number named, this many cards are rapidly produced, with selection, number predicted with four cards
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2011 25
Jon Armstrong Balls to the Walls Collectors selections loaded as seven-card sandwich is shown
Inspired byAlso published here 2011 42
Tyler Wilson, Paul Cummins, Bill Herz Verbal Force of Four of Diamonds
Inspired byAlso published here 2014 20
Tomas Blomberg À la Cummins spectator pushes Joker into deck to find selection, instead the Joker changes into selected card, then it changes back
Inspired by 2014 58
Nick Trost Nu-Way Intuitive Poker spectator chooses Straight Flush from spread deck after riffle shuffle
Inspired by 2015 1240
So Sato Bushfire Triumph with open tabled layout
Related toVariations 2016 108
Tyler Wilson, Paul Cummins, Bill Herz Verbal Force of Four of Diamonds, see reference for credits
Also published here 2017 12
Gary Plants Mentally Count On it Spectator thinks of a number, counts down and looks at card. Magician cuts out exact number of cards as the thought of number, then produces selection
Inspired byAlso published here Dec. 2017
Elixir (Vol. 1 No. 3 (Winter #1))
Paul Cummins A No Case Change four Queens transpose with selection
Inspired by Oct. 2018
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer #2))
Paul Cummins Discharged card case clings to hand
2018 19
Paul Cummins Double Up selection ends up next to reversed card, invisible cards presentation
Inspired by 2018 53
Scott Robinson, Chris Sage Who's Counting number between five and twenty is named, that number of cards is plucked from the deck and the final card of the count is selection
Inspired by 2018 99
Jon Racherbaumer The Blind Leading the Blind
  • Exhumations
performer finds spectator's touched selection while spectator finds performer's thought-of selection
Inspired by Nov. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 11)
Erik Casey, Paul Cummins The Memory Test order apparently memorized, spectator cuts off a pile, performer names how many and at which card
Related to June 2022
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Florida Issue Part One)
George McBride Cummins and Goings Kings and selection transpose
Inspired by 2022 36
Paul Cummins The Trick That Never Happened red and black cards are separated, each half mixed face-up into face-down and top card placed into center, time machine plot, cards again on top, all cards face-down and mixed
Also published here 2022 80
Jason Alford, Mark Aspiazu, Andrew Wimhurst, Paul Cummins, Joshua Jay Hold 'Em open hold-out on top of tabled case
  • Wimhurst Variation
  • Cummins Variation
  • Jay Subtlety
Also published here 2022 278
Paul Cummins Expertalk: Paul Cummins on the Mechanical Reverse
Also published here
  • MAGIC, May 2004
2022 300
Joshua Jay It's Paul Cummins Time
Also published here
  • MAGIC, July 2005
2022 414
Paul Cummins Tap A Lack one thought-of card by performer and one by spectator, performer finds spectator's card and vice versa
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2022 415
Paul Cummins Punken Droker poker game dealt from deck shuffled face up/down
Inspired byAlso published here 2022 418
Paul Vigil Diplopia one thought-of (and removed) card by performer and one by spectator, performer finds spectator's card and vice versa
Inspired byAlso published here 2022 1076
Scott Baird Tap-a-Stack one selected card by performer and one by spectator, performer finds spectator's card and vice versa
Inspired by Jan. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 1)
John Bannon Back in Blackstone
  • Dealing With It
spectator names number, performer produces packet of same number but is off by one, Ace production kicker
Inspired by Aug. 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 8)