33 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Animation / Cards Cling to Hand
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Die Macht des Fluidums No. 9, cards cling to hand and drop on command, needle through thick part of skin
1895 12
Cards Cling to Hand needle through skin
Sep. 1895
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Das magnetische Kartenspiel needle in skin
Related to 1896 67
Gravity Defied cards cling to hand, pin
Related toAlso published here 1897 97
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XX. Ein anderes Bild
  • 1. Das magnetische Kartenspiel (cards cling to hand)
  • 2. Bibifax (hole cut into hat, hat is then fully restored)
  • 3. Sympathie (card penetrates hat visibly)
  • 4. Ein Meisterschuss (cards are torn and loaded into gun, they appear restored inside hat)
  • 5. Die verschwindenden Karten (cards vanish under silk)
1903 186
Stanley Collins Will! fifteen cards stick to the hand, all fall except three selections, gaffed card and ring
1915 36
Tom Sellers The Magnetised Cards cards stick to hand
1927 7
Dr. A. L. Smith Mesmerized Cards cards cling to hand, sticky card
1937 106
Burling Hull The Magnetized Cards card attached to hand, three methods
1937 353
Tom Sellers The Magnetized Cards card attached to hand
1937 353
George Delaney A Magnetic Personality
  • magnetic/mesmerised cards
  • buzzing sound when touching metal
  • fire flash in the dark
Oct. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 61)
Ralph W. Read Control hinge
The Jinx (Issue 118)
Edward Victor The Magnetized Cards (Sleight of Hand Method) 24 cards are built into giant fan in one hand and stick, un-gimmicked
1940 ca. 42
Tom Sellers Magnetised Cards cling to hand
1943 5
Nate Leipzig The Magnetised Cards
1963 183
Alan Alan The Mesmerized Cards cards cling to hand, thread from sleeve ("Dual Control" gimmick)
1972 112
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Magnetized Cards No. 311, ungaffed with flat palm
1972 80
Roterberg New Era Card Tricks No. 685, cards cling to hand, pin
Also published here 1972 186
Jerry Andrus The Balancing Deck deck laid out onto table in large area, whole thing picked up and balanced on one finger, also as revelation
1973 49
Philip T. Goldstein Nucleus all spread cards are attached to hand, eventually all fall down except the signed one
Variations 1977 13
Karl Fulves Oil & Water Suspension Finale all cards cling to hand, one color then falls off
1980 40
Karl Fulves Mesmerism reds & blacks mixed, they cling to card box, then one color drops free
1980 45
Ray Grismer Gift of the Illuminati pencil and cards adhere to hand
Magick (Issue 262)
Ali Bongo Revolving Card Fan / Revolving Anything cards, bill, pack of cigarettes revolve on palm-up hands
1983 11
Steve Beam Charged Cards several phases, apparently cards are charged with electric energy
  • 1. single card rises from deck
  • 2. half of a card stands on table on the long end
  • 3. half of a card stands on table on the short end
  • 4. four quarters of a card cling to the fingers
  • 5. card spread is picked up (Jerry Andrus)
see also p. 243 for additional idea by Jim Surprise
Related to 1985 161
Steve Beam Charged Cards several phases, apparently cards are charged with electric energy
  • 1. single card rises from deck
  • 2. half of a card stands on table on the long end
  • 3. half of a card stands on table on the short end
  • 4. four quarters of a card cling to the fingers
  • 5. card spread is picked up (Jerry Andrus)
Related to 1993 101
Nob Yoshigahara Magnetic Aces four Aces face-down on table in a row, right first finger presses on first Ace, it clings to finger, places it on next Ace, both cards cling to finger, and so on
Related toAlso published here 1998
Underworld (Issue 9)
John E. Mintz Magnetic Aces - Notes cards cling to finger and are picked up one by one
Related to 1998
Underworld (Issue 9)
Nob Yoshigahara Static Cling "an offbeat ace assembly"
four Aces face-down on table in a row, right first finger presses on first Ace, it clings to finger, places it on next Ace, both cards cling to finger, and so on
"in Science Magic Martin Gardner credits it to Nob Yoshigahara of Tokyo"
Related to 1998 232
Barrie Richardson Mental Magnetism deck spread on table and hands placed on spread, cards cling to hand, eventually all fall down except selection
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Club 71, Easter 1990
1999 49
Attraction Aces No. 58, Aces cling to performer's palm
2001 87
Karl Fulves Motion Magnets "Unexplained"
cards scattered on table move towards card under hand and then cling to it when lifted, posed as a problem
Prolix (Issue 5)
Paul Cummins Discharged card case clings to hand
2018 19