35 entries in Bill / Animation / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
A Flying Bill gag in which bill flies back into performer's hand, reel
1937 21
Dave Roberts The Climbing Bill climbing up the wall, reel
1938 771
Al Baker The Erectile Dollar Bill lengthwise folded bill moves to stand upright, thread attached to thumb tip
VariationsAlso published here 1941 50
Flying Dollar Bill
1941 43
Flying Dollar Bill Across a Room
1941 47
Gershon Legman Lotus and Bow-Tie bill folded to bow-tie and Lotus
Related to
  • Mitchell Dyszel's "Bow Knot Money" in "The Jinx" 1942
Also published here
1956 33
Patrick Page The Balancing Note on the nose and on the finger
1974 14
Lawrence Nudelman The "Reel" $5 Bill spectator bends down to pick up bill, but it jumps into performer's hand, gag
1975-1978 ca. 6
Cardini Crawling Bill bill crawl over floor, routine made available via Milton Tropp, wrist reel
Variations 1978 1114
George Kemp, Nita Kemp PK: By the Numbers bill in glass moves, then with aid of spectator part of serial number is divined
Magick (Issue 213)
Tom Gagnon Educated Dollar Bill bill crawls underneath wallet in tent configuration, then under ashtray and back
  • The Bill and Wallet
  • Gaining Slack In The Thread
  • Himber Plus Cardini
  • The Bill and the Ashtray
  • Notes by Karl Fulves
Inspired by 1980
The Chronicles (Issue 27)
Neal Thomas Bang! stack of bills, tapped and one bill jumps out
1982 41
Ali Bongo Revolving Card Fan / Revolving Anything cards, bill, pack of cigarettes revolve on palm-up hands
1983 11
Mike Bornstein Standup Bill bill stands on hand
1984 24
Eugene Burger Catching a Spook lengthwise folded bill moves to stand upright, thread attached to thumb and second finger
Inspired by 1986 152
Joe Givan Suspendabill lengthwise folded bill balanced on two salt and pepper shakers, one pulled away and bill remains suspended
1987 24
Stefan Schutzer The Self Folding Bill thread
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 9-12 Paul Harris: The Act)
Mike Bornstein Impromptu Standing on Edge dollar bill stands on its edge
1988 28
Eric Mead, Steve Beam The Legend of Alesha bill is flying away, then zipper is going down by itself
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 3 No. 1-5 Aspen Bar Magic)
Stefan Schutzer Der sich selbst faltende Geldschein translation from reference
Related to June/July 1991
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Martin Gardner Hydrick's Bill Trick "four psychic tricks" No. 1
bill spins on needle under inverted glass tank, also spinning pencil on table
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Spook Slate small slates, bills cling to them and move, then bill prediction appears on one slate, off-beat use of flap
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 9)
Bill Malone By Simple Means - The First Way random card change into selection, using Throw Change and bill on reel
Nov./Dec. 1993
The Magic Menu (Vol. 4 No. 20)
Ted Lesley Origami-Telekinesis bill in envelope folds itself into origami figure, using Teleport-Envelopes and Glorpy
Also published here 1997 25
Jon LeClair Erectile Bill bill folded lengthwise
1997 75
Steve Bass Anti Grav tube over paper cup with dollar bills, bills are removed from very top of tube, suggesting that they floated up
1998 220
Karl Fulves Traveling Money "Unsolved Mysteries"
rolled up bill into ring, on first finger, travels onto other hand as soon as fingers touch, posed as a problem
1998 268
Ted Lesley Origami - Telekinesis bill in envelope folds itself into origami figure, using Teleport-Envelopes and Glorpy
Also published here Apr. 1998
Mind & Magic Magazine (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Robert E. Neale A Hair of the Dog bill folded into dog
  • Bonus Number One - Bob's Presentation
  • Bonus Number Two - Magic Doggie! (dog stands up by himself)
2000 151
Stefan Schutzer Daphnean Dollar bill folds itself on the palm, thread
Mar. 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 7)
Charlie Frye Eccentricks bill apparently kept in the air by blowing on it
July 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 11)
Al Baker The Erectile Dollar Bill lengthwise folded bill moves to stand upright, thread attached to thumb tip
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
Al Baker Spirit Dollar Bill short thumb tip, thread
2003 738
Jon Allen Ghost crumpled bill moves, then jumps out of glass into other hand, ear hook-up
Inspired byRelated to 2009 23
Ichiro Moriya Money In Circulation bill balanced on rolled up paper starts to move
2013 151