216 entries in Slate / Flaps & Moving Parts
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Die Geisterschrift à la Conradi numbers added on pad, sum appears on slate without cover
Related to Oct. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Die Geisterschrift in Verbindung mit "Hypnose à la Hansen" No. 5, card chosen and pushed into book, name of chosen card and page numbers appear on previously empty slates, book with same page numbers on every double page
1900 120
Die Doppeltafel mit ausziehbarem Schiefer two slates tied together and sealed, writing appears inside
Jan. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Die Doppeltafel mit loser Einlage flap
Related to Jan. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Die Doppeltafel mit loser Einlage part two
Related to Feb. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Die mechanische Doppeltafel mit beweglicher Einlage
Related to Mar. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 3)
Die mechanische Doppeltafel mit beweglicher Einlage
Related to Apr. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 4)
Henry Slade, Dr. Med. v. Rutkowski Zur Slade'schen Schiefertafel
Related to May 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 5)
Al Baker My Method of getting rid of flap while in audience see title
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue The Twenty-Five Dollar Manuscript)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Mit dem Seherblick der Pythia number of rolled dice, domino, name of playing card and chosen color appear on empty signed slates
1922 55
Oswald Rae The Miracle Slate sum appears on initialed slate under individual numbers
1926 43
Oswald Rae The Spirit Slate sum and name of actor appear on slate in paper bag, marked slates, Eureka flap
1928 68
Tom Sellers A Surprise Slate Trick selected word appears on flap slate
1931 14
Theodore Annemann, Al Baker The Perfect Club Slate Routine name written up secretly on paper appears on slate
VariationsAlso published here 1934 22
The Super Slates method for appearing message
Also published here Oct. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 13)
Jean Hugard The 20th Century Slate Test flap handling
Also published here 1936
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1935/36)
Sigmund Krumgold Color Blindness color of writing on slate changes
Dec. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 27)
Theodore Annemann Two Card Slate Prophecy two cards divined and written on slates, stacked deck and forcing deck
1937 348
Theodore Annemann Slates and Aces message on slate changes itself
Also published here 1937 357
Robert Gysel The Gysel Slate handling for flap slate with hook
Also published here July 1937
The Jinx (Issue 34)
Robert Parrish A Slate-Writing Method card and name of dead person appear on slate
1937 18
The Empty Frame Idea
1938 836
R. M. Jamison Ghost Writer appearing writing on slate
Also published here Apr. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 43)
Henry Christ Fatal Number coincidence with name list and name cards, slate writing
Also published here Aug. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 47)
Dr. Jacob Daley The Answer! silicate slate flaps
Related toAlso published here Sep. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 48)
James G. Thompson Jr. Gabbatha
Also published here Nov. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 50)
Peter Warlock The Satchel book test with slates
Also published here 1939
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1939)
Theodore Annemann The Perfect Club Slate Routine name written up secretly on paper appears on slate
Also published here Oct. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 63)
James Thompson X-Add-Ray number written on paper divined, pocket slates gimmick
Nov. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 65)
Oscar Weigle, Robert Parrish Transposed Minds two people remember things from two slates they are shown, yet when they recall the items they are on the other slate
1939 21
Oscar Weigle, Robert Parrish Comedy "Color-Changing" Slate "black cats at midnight", "white swans in snowstorm" appear on slate
1939 23
Tom Sellers The Name of the Slate slate is covered with white chalk, when washed, name of card remains, flap
1939 23
Theodore Annemann Slates and Aces initialed message on slate changes itself
Also published here 1939 14
Ein Tafeltrick pips from chosen card vanish and appear on slate
Also published here
  • "Magikeren" January 1939.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Dr. Jacob Daley Never Fail instructions to rope trick appear on slates
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 85)
Stanley Collins Psychic Type several names written on cards, one selected, it appears on previously empty slates
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 108)
Joseph Ovette Slate Message Reading three pieces of information are written on a slate and divined by performer
1940 24
Stanley Collins Nonpareil free selection (and switched) appears on marked slates
Also published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 137)
Clarence Hubbard "My Case" word from ten selected, appears on previously empty slate, flap with corner cut
Also published here Aug. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 144)
Clayton Rawson Ghost Writer card reversed behind back, name appears on slate
Also published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 147)
Theodore Annemann Headline Hunter magician's choice strategy
Also published here Dec. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 151)
Al Baker Seeing Through Solid Matter numbers written on slate which is wrapped up, assistant can name total and numbers
Also published here 1941 79
Al Baker The Baker Slate Easel for appearing writing
Also published here 1941 87
Al Baker The Number and Book Test numbers on billets in changing bag
Also published here 1941 90
Al Baker Kiddie Party Slate name of two children appears on slates, preshow, flap slate contruction
Also published here 1941 129
Clayton Rawson Slate Sleights with small slates, two routines
  • The Great Oriental Enigma (selected card appears written on slates, two flaps)
  • Ghost Writer's Cramp (four messages, one on each side)
May 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 35)
Clayton Rawson The Backward Ghost two slate mysteries, different working and preparation
  • A Merlini Mystery
  • The Message From Nowhere
June 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 37)
Willard S. Smith Special Sale coins and slate idea, with defense stamp
Oct. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 45)
Jean Hugard The Flap Slate
July 1943 7
William S. Houghton "Miracle Slate" Presentation
1943 55
R. M. Jamison The Oracle Speaks answer to a question appears on slate, from Thayer Oracle Numbered Question Book, with change box for billets
July 1944 57
Theodore Annemann The Perfect Club Slate Routine name written up secretly on paper appears on slate
Also published here 1944 175
Theodore Annemann Headline Hunter magician's choice strategy
Also published here 1944 183
Theodore Annemann, Robert Gysel The Gysel Slate handling for flap slate with hook
Also published here 1944 186
Dr. Jacob Daley The Answer silicate slate flaps
Also published here 1944 193
Dr. Jacob Daley Never Fail instructions to rope trick appear on slates
Also published here 1944 195
Dr. Jacob Daley Ultra Addition
  • Dr. Daley's Variation with Mechanical Slate
Related toAlso published here 1944 196
Len Sewell Tribal Try paper wrapped between boards / slates, prediction or something else appears on paper inside
Also published here 1944 200
Theodore Annemann The Super Slates method for appearing message
Also published here 1944 209
James G. Thompson Jr. Gabbatha
Also published here 1944 210
Clayton Rawson Ghost Writer card reversed behind back, name appears on slate
Also published here 1944 211
Stanley Collins Nonpareil free selection (and switched) appears on marked slates
Also published here 1944 212
Clarence Hubbard My Case word from ten selected, appears on previously empty slate, flap with corner cut, tray to add envelope
Also published here 1944 214
Jean Hugard The 20th Century Slate Test flap handling
Also published here 1944 216
Peter Warlock The Schoolbag book test with slates
Also published here 1944 216
R. M. Jamison Ghost Writer appearing writing on slate
Also published here 1944 220
Henry Christ Fatal Number coincidence with name list and name cards, slate writing
Also published here 1944 223
Stanley Collins Psychic Type several names written on cards, one selected, it appears on previously empty slates
Also published here 1944 227
Double Slate Writing flap slates, forcing deck
1945 375
Two Messages on Slates flap slate
1945 378
Numbered Double-Slate Writing flap slates
1945 386
Single-Slate Writing flap, big envelope
1945 390
Harry Dobrin Double Locking Slate moving part
Related to 1945 392
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Larsen and Wright Double Message one slate, flap, large envelope
1945 394
Roger Barkann Multiple Slate Writing four slates, flap
Related to 1945 399
Walter B. Gibson A Spooky Message flap, "Before Your Eyes" wipe-away prediction
Related to 1945 402
Message on Paper message appears on paper between slates
1945 406
Chinese Comedy Slate Message message appears on signed slate, corner cut flap
1945 408
White Chalks of Many Colors white writing changes color, flap
1945 411
Roger Barkann Multiple Slate Writing several slates, on every slate appears a message
Related toAlso published here 1945 219
Harry Dobrin Double Locking Slate
Related to 1945 228
Harry Dobrin Double Locking Periscope Slate with mirror, design duplication
1945 229
C. L. Boarde Prophetics mini slate, two flaps
Apr. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 81)
Paul Curry A Period of Darkness selection in the deck and a signed slate turnover in the dark, while spectator secures them on the table
VariationsAlso published here June 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 86)
Howard A. Adams Cheap Look into the Future flap
Apr. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 149)
Bruce Elliott Slate of Mind flap that can be palmed off
May 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 150)
Harvey P. Graham, Bob Somerfeld Future Minus sum divination with slates, flap
Oct. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 161)
Milbourne Christopher Name Transmission name of spectator vanishes from large slate and appears on small slate, slates in two paper envelopes
Oct. 1949 589
Joseph C. Keller Spirit Slates & Rising Cards effect combo, deck fastened to slate and card rises, then name of card appears on slate
May 1949 7
U. F. Grant Slate-of-Clock alarm clock set to any time by spectator, chalk clock face on slate becomes the same time
June/July 1949 10
Bob Somerfeld Loaded Spook
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1950)
Eddie Clever By Chance Alone two selection put on slates with written predictions match
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1950)
Jimmy Pring Slates Once Again word is written on slate with chosen color, then erased and dust thrown on other slate where same word appears in same color
Apr. 1950
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Ormond McGill A Climactic Test prediction of sum, flap
1951 23
Milbourne Christopher The Backward Card Slate drawing of a person on slate holding reversed card, card turns over and matches selection
May 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Don Alan Keep Your "I" on Your Hat two pocket slates, signatures of performer and spectator on one side, hat size on the other, hat sizes change places
1951 12
Theodore Annemann A New Slate Writing Wrinkle flap added
1952 14
John Hamilton Annemann's Slates and Aces in Miniature prediction of an ace, slate in envelope
Also published here Apr. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 279)
Gene "Phantini" Grant The Ghostly Hand name of a dead person appears on slate, flap
1955 9
Jack Yates Astral Headline medium divines words from newspaper
1956 24
Tot O'Regan Ultra Citation chosen words, symbols appear on slate, special slate design, two methods
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Bill Hendricks My Hero name of spectator appears on slate
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Charly Eperny Eperny's Geistertafel special design of slate, movable part
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 6)
Bert Douglas Make Safety a Habit for safety school show, slate message transforms
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Robert A. Nelson Spirit Portraits portrait of selected VIP appears on a slate
1959 22
Harry Stanley Unique Book Test flap index
1960 30
Cyro Brighton Think of a City several cities are written on a slate, one thought of and performer divines it by marking an X next to it, moving part
1960 60
Len Belcher Radiopathy writing duplication on slates by medium, slates in bags
1960 62
Jochen Zmeck "Perfekt" - ein neuer Buchtest book chosen, two digits named (range force) to select page and word, both predicted
1960 28
Eugene Gloye, Billy McComb Surprise Prediction McCombical Prediction variation, with slate
Apr. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 356)
Paul Marcus The Tehunga's Secret comedy routine, question is answered, answer appears on unknown language on slate and performer translates
Mar. 1963
The New Phoenix (Issue 378)
Dr. William Weyeneth Ein genialer Schiefertafeltrick sum prediction on back of slate, gaffed slate
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 2)
Ace Gorham Biblical Numbers number prediction using the Bible, Baker flap slate
May 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 13)
North Bigbee Jumbo Prediction prediction of Jumbo ESP card, on Slate inside bag
Oct. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 18)
Aaron Wainer Doubles two slates, message on one, spectator chooses right one, flap
Dec. 1965 6
Eddie Clever Influence of Evil five ESP symbols on slate, one spectator rubs out four of them behind back, another selects ESP card from deck, they match
Related to
  • p. 35 for suggestion by Peter Warlock
Jan. 1966 13
James Porter, Karl Fulves Little Albert Slate Variation
Inspired by Oct. 1968
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 3 No. 12)
W. G. Prunty Simple Newspaper Test word chosen with playing cards (cut force), it is predicted on a slate
1968 83
Roger Barkann, Paul Maurer Multiple Slate Writing several slates, on every slate appears a message, slightly modified by Paul Maurer
Also published here 1968
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 1)
Paul Maurer, Paul Curry Der Mitternachtstrick selection in the deck and a signed slate turnover in the dark, while spectator secures them on the table
Inspired by 1968
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 2)
George B. Anderson Duplicating a Drawing frames with cardboard
1968 29
Albert Spackman Miniature Rapping Hand miniature doll hand in box rapping and answering questions, different routine ideas,
  • word and card divination and with spirit slates
  • stop trick with cards
  • whistle put into the box and the hand moves and the whistle blows
  • gipsy thread is restored in the box, while hand moves
  • in conjunction with "The Thing"
  • card turnover

Related to 1969 74
Paul Sweetman New Slate Flap flap rolls itself up
Aug. 1969
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Alan Shaxon In Person! MC trick, a name is chosen from a booklet containing artists as well as his telephone number, the number appears on a slate, the picture of the artist in a frame and the artist performs next, forcing the artist
1970 70
Gene Nielsen Slato using slates to make personalized message appear, to end show
May 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 13)
Al Baker Spirit Sum flap slate
July 1971 430
Roy Johnson, Peter Warlock On the Slate two signed slates with different symbols, one put under spectator's foot and one in envelope, symbols change places, flap
Variations 1971 53
Orville Wayne Meyer Spirit Transposition designs on miniature slates change position, flap
1972 29
Billy McComb, Ken De Courcy Uncle's Will Slates messages appear on slates, comedy
1972 13
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Adding Slate Flap Effect No. 159, seems to be a secret flap turnover as one approaches a spectator to add up numbers on slate
Related to 1972 41
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Spirit Effect Supreme No. 276, q&a thing with flap slates, probably "The Answer"
Also published here 1972 68
Slate And Spirit Trick (Jinx #32) Improvement No. 471, how to write, idea of using flap
Inspired by 1972 132
Flap Slate Top Change Effect No. 522, doing a top change with a slate flap (presumably transferring the flap from slate to slate, not clearly described) to affect later appearance of chosen drawing or similar
Related to 1972 147
Top Change Slate Gag With Extra Sensory Perception Cards No. 523, same as previous entry it seems
Related to 1972 147
Elmer P. Ransom Elmer Ransom's Flap Slate Wrinkle No. 721, as addition pad
1972 193
Jochen Zmeck Drei Wünsche children routine with drawing transformation on slate, dream story presentation
Inspired by
  • Theo Doré routine
1972 23
Charles Ostin Trance Slate sliding slate used for a word divination by spectator
July 1973 637
Ben Christopher Dead Slate living dead test, names written on a slate, assistant divines
Sep. 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 11)
John D. Pomeroy Dr. Q Slate Routine locking flap, duplication of word, number and color
1973 9
Robert Parrish Great Slate Test chosen card divined on slate and duplicate writing appears on another slate, repeated with random name written down by spectator
Inspired by
  • Laurie Ireland's "Three Slate Routines" (1930s)
Summer 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 9th Folio)
Jochen Zmeck Die J. Z. Anziehpuppe chosen clothes appear on figure on slate
Inspired by
  • Eddie Clever routine
1974 27
Al Mann Retrospective excerpts from future Al Mann manuscript on slate effects, part two
  • The Flap Slate
  • The Baker-Gysel Flap
  • Other Flap Slates
  • Keeler's Baffling Slate Test
  • Spirit Slate
  • Spirits By The Numbers
  • Fourth Dimensional Math
  • Dunninger's Miracle Slate
  • Mental Epic
  • The Mystic Slate
Related to July 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 9)
Al Baker, Robert Gysel The Baker-Gysel Flap
July 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 9)
Pierre L. O. A. Keeler Keeler's Baffling Slate Test theory by Al Mann
July 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 9)
Peter Warlock Gap In The Curtain three predictions on slate are correct
Also published here
  • Mode For Mentalists series, 1940s
Sep. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 11)
Faucett Ross Books and Slates Freely chosen word from a book appears on slate
1975 108
Joseph Dunninger Dunninger's Addition Slates add-a-number slate, flap
1975 125
Gerald Kosky Mass Hypnotism pseudo hypnotism act, audience is apparently hypnotised, things written on slates are different, scarfs are not knotted and cards are different then remembered
1975 194
Philip T. Goldstein Geometric Shape on Slate suggestion
1976 8
Al Mann The Flap history of the flap, locking flap, flap designs
1976 19
Robert Gysel, Al Baker The Gysel-Baker Flap
Also published here
  • in "The Sphinx" Vol. 22 #10, 1923
1976 21
Robert Gysel The Hook Flap
1976 21
Al Mann A Magnetic Flap
1976 21
Al Mann, E. J. Moore The Cloak of the Unseen camouflage pattern on slate, flap
1976 22
Al Mann The Telepathic Artist design divination of five people, with slate, flap
1976 23
Al Mann The Locking Flap Dr. Q slates
1976 25
Al Mann Multiple Slate Writing with Dr. Q Slates with stand
1976 25
Al Mann The ESPrit Message chosen ESP sign appears on slate
1976 26
Al Mann Minute Man's Locking Flap rubber cement coating
1976 27
Burling Hull, U. F. Grant "The Spirits Know All" - A Living and Dead Combination name of dead person appears gradually on slate
  • The Grant Method
  • Burling Hull Method
  • Another Hull Materialization
  • Volta Name Appearance
  • The Daring Volta Method
  • Mediums Dead and Alive Discovery
Related to 1976 82
Burling Hull A Mind Reading Number Divination number chosen, it appears spelled out on slate
  • With a Flap
  • Without the Flap
  • Another "No Flap" Method
1976 89
Burling Hull Spirits From China Chinese characters appear on slate, performer translates into anything he wants
1976 92
Peter Wilker Geistertafeln numbered slates
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 37 No. 3)
Ken De Courcy Die Erbschaft four messages appear on two slates
Also published here
  • The Gen, Dec. 1951
Mar. 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Thomas Alan Waters The Psychic Coercion of the Interrupted Schoolboy slate in envelope, first the name of a card appears then a number, flap, Mental Masterpiece gimmick, chalk band-writer
Related to 1979
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue New Thoughts For Old)
Hiram Strait Four-Letter Words four scrabble pieces are selected and a word is formed, prediction on slate
Magick (Issue 247)
Karrell Fox Colormixtrick performer writes the words RED, YELLOW, BLUE and GREEN with white chalk on slate, they change into colored writing
1979 175
Bayard Grimshaw Die Blitz-Transpo Tafeln two slates, one with writing by performer, one spectator, they transpose
Also published here
  • New Pentagram, May 1972
Aug. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Tommy Wonder Pocket Slates Routine
Related toVariations May 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 5)
Martin Gardner Euclid's Vanish number of objects drawn on a slate changes from seven to six, sliding part
Variations 1980 11
Thomas Alan Waters Variant Routine answer appears on slate, Double-Locking Addition Slate
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Thomas Alan Waters Variant Routine (With Dobrin Slate) flap to hide center
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Peter Warlock Das Wicks' Thema time turned back, illustrated with
  • Triumph (cheek to cheek)
  • linking ropes
  • transposing balls in glasses
  • numbered dice
Inspired by
  • "Lost Time" (Charles Wicks, The Magic Wand)
Also published here
  • Pentagram, 1955
May 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Die Klein-Täfelchen-Routine three slates
Dec. 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 4)
Thomas Alan Waters Elementeerie the four elements are written on a slate by spectator and the slate put in an envelope, three elements are chosen and found to be crossed out on the slate, clear flap
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Grymwyr)
Hen Fetsch Die Mehrfarbkreide performer writes different colors with chalk as gag (RED, GREEN), words then change into correct colors on slates
Oct. 1982
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Joseph Dunninger The Miracle Slate Test (The Baffling 16 Digit Effect) closing effect, four four digit numbers are added and sum divined, flap
Variations 1983 9
Al Mann The Spirit Artist No. 41, two picture cards are placed between slates, picture appears on slate and cannot be removed
1983 12
Thomas Alan Waters Palimptest subtlety for appearing message on a slate
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Spyryt)
Thomas Alan Waters Tranceplant hallucination theme, spectator writes word on a slate, word is selected from a book and it matches word on slate but spectator complains, that this is not the word he wrote down, both words are found on a prediction
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Thynk)
Thomas Alan Waters, Stanley Collins Kineslate gag divination, won turns into one on a slate
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Fynys)
Valerie Nielsen Dark Side of the Mirror! lipstick writing appears on mirror, mirror inside envelope
Feb. 1986
Magick (Issue 365)
Eugene Burger The Halloween Spirit ten cards with names, one chosen, name appears on mini slates
1986 143
Roberto Giobbi Nepomuk name of chosen card appears on slate, flap with card back on one side
1987 5
Peter Wilker, Christoph Borer Die Wonder-Tafeln two slates, multiple things appear on various sides
Inspired by 1987
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Bruce Cervon Pocket Slate Routine "Prediction" appears
1988 138
Juan Tamariz The Slates magazine test with slates
Variations 1988 69
Karrell Fox Confuscious Say routine in which name of selection appears on miniature spirit slates
1991 23
Karl Fulves Spook Slate small slates, bills cling to them and move, then bill prediction appears on one slate, off-beat use of flap
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 9)
Karl Fulves Spook Slate two small slates are initialed, headline prediction by performer and page number by spectator, sealed in envelopes, one kept by spectator, several days later: headline on chosen page is predicted on slate
Related to 1994
Verbatim (Issue 10)
Tommy Wonder And Now a Brief Message four messages on all sides of two small slates appear, two flaps
Related to 1996 86
The Spirit Slates Chinese characters appear on slate as gag, performer "translates" into selection
1996 20
Richard Bartram, Jr. Slated small slates, non-locking
1997 143
Hen Fetsch, Peter Warlock Klapp Klapp two miniature slates, two designs by spectator and performer transpose, flap lapped
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 3)
Paul Curry A Period of Darkness selection in the deck and a signed slate turnover in the dark, while spectator secures them on the table
Also published here 2001 258
Christoph Borer BOE spectator's name written on slate transforms into chosen word from a newspaper
Also published here 2002 16
Peter Warlock Miracle Slate sliding section on slate, part of slate covered with paper, can be filled in from behind for any prediction
Related to 2002 230
Al Baker Seeing Through Solid Matter numbers written on slate which is wrapped up, assistant can name total and numbers
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
Al Baker The Baker Slate Easel for appearing writing
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
Al Baker The Number and Book Test numbers on billets in changing bag
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
Al Baker Kiddie Party Slate name of two children appears on slates, preshow, flap slate contruction
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
Al Baker Spirit Slates - Master Addition Slate locked flap
Also published here
  • marketed 1929
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Instructions)
Al Baker Spirit Slates - Lock Spirit Slate slate with moving flap
Also published here
  • marketed 1940
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Instructions)
Al Baker Slate Trick
2003 737
Christoph Borer Geistertafeln spectator's name written on slate transforms into chosen word from a newspaper
Also published here 2006 118
Jim Steinmeyer Timmy & The Spirit Slates "A Ghost Story with Spirit Slates"
words appear on slates to a told ghost story, ambigrams
2009 103
Alberto de Figueiredo Más Allá chosen word from magazine appears on slate
2013 73
Alexander de Cova Eine Routine mit den Geistertafeln name appears on slate from scrambled letters
Inspired byAlso published here Oct. 2013 5
Dr. Stanley Jaks Miniature Metathesis symbol on slate changes to other
2014 191
Alexander de Cova Die Geistertafeln name appears on slate from scrambled letters
Inspired byAlso published here 2015 197
John Lovick Little House on the Scary illustration selected from book appears on slates
Inspired by 2016 167
Christoph Borer Die wichtigste aller Fragen spirit slates, symbols to name, storytelling presentation, fairy tale
2016 205
Gene Anderson Picto Transpo performer draws spectator and vice versa on poster boards, signed pictures change places in envelopes
  • A. Performance
  • B. Introduction
  • C. Set-up and handling
  • D. Gene's script
  • E. Props
Inspired by 2016 17
Eugene Burger Dr. Slade & The Night Visitors presentation for slate routine in which writing appears on all four sides of two slates
  • Interview Excerpt
  • Performance
  • Method
  • Discussion about Presentations
2019 179
John Carney Great Leon's Haunted Doll House doll house used for seance effects
  • "Spiritual" Inspiration
  • The House and Hookup
  • The Effects
    • Jump-Rope
    • Milk-Go Glass
    • School Slate
    • Doll's Hand
    • The Wind-up Monkey
    • Flash of Light
    • Gimmicked Frame/Floating Ghostly Face
    • The Tray
    • Wand/Thread Hooking Up
  • The Routine
Inspired by
  • "Miniature Haunted House" (Leon, manuscript)
2020 222
Ghislain Lavoie It's Nothing slates shown empty except word "NOTHING", changes into "THANK YOU"
Conundrum (Issue 1)