73 entries in Paper / Envelopes / Window Envelope
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Theodore Annemann, Al Baker The Perfect Club Slate Routine name written up secretly on paper appears on slate
VariationsAlso published here 1934 22
Theodore Annemann The Modernized Reading for single reading or getting one ahead
VariationsAlso published here June 1935
The Jinx (Issue 9)
Robert Parrish A Slate-Writing Method card and name of dead person appear on slate
1937 18
James G. Thompson Jr. Who Killed Mr. X? written name is divined with story presentation
Also published here Apr. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 43)
Theodore Annemann The Perfect Club Slate Routine name written up secretly on paper appears on slate
Also published here Oct. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 63)
Oscar Weigle, Robert Parrish Comedy "Color-Changing" Slate "black cats at midnight", "white swans in snowstorm" appear on slate
1939 23
Theodore Annemann Modernized Reading for single reading or getting one ahead
Also published here 1944 148
James G. Thompson Jr. Who Killed Mr. X written name is divined with story presentation
Also published here 1944 162
Theodore Annemann The Perfect Club Slate Routine name written up secretly on paper appears on slate
Also published here 1944 175
Fredric Kolb Dead Name Duplication name is written on a card and sealed in an envelope, performer does the same, and they match
Related to 1945 10
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley The Open Window divination of a city, written on paper and sealed in envelope
1947 90
C. L. Boarde The Thumb Writer various models, on how to write numbers and letters, various designs of window envelopes
1947 63
C. L. Boarde Predictions - Variation A prediction of numbers etc. in envelope
1947 95
George B. Anderson Getting the Impression questions are written on paper and put into envelopes, after the questions have been answered the envelopes are burnt in a bowl
Variations 1949 15
C. E. Young The Invisible Window special design for window envelope, peek
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1951)
Gene "Phantini" Grant Challenge Dollar Bill Test bill in envelope and between slates, still performer divines serial number
1955 10
Theodore Annemann (b) The Window Envelope in combination with a swami
1958 12
Tony Corinda (e) Preparation of the Prediction for window envelopes and other swami predictions
1958 13
Tony Corinda No. 14. The Week Ahead Prediction window envelope in second envelope, sent prediction
1958 21
Tony Corinda (3) The Window Envelope
1959 345
Fredric Kolb Dead Name Duplikation name is written on a card and sealed in an envelope, performer does the same, and they match, simplified from original 1945 publication
Related to 1959
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 6)
Howard A. Adams Tenvelopes three digit numbers are divined, with small envelopes
Mar. 1962
The New Phoenix (Issue 367)
Alan Shaxon In Person! MC trick, a name is chosen from a booklet containing artists as well as his telephone number, the number appears on a slate, the picture of the artist in a frame and the artist performs next, forcing the artist
1970 70
Charles Cameron Shrieking Skull of Kabbalah one question is answered with Tarot cards and a skull, question written down on business card
Magick (Issue 49)
Charles "Cicardi" Scott The Mimic Brain prediction of color, city, and number, on one card, spectator's card in envelope
Magick (Issue 65)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini The Spirit Behind the Wheel prediction of a number miniature roulette wheel, business card in envelope
Magick (Issue 72)
Barrie Richardson From A Mentalist's Notebook ideas on mentalism, Q&A, nail writer
June 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Thomas Alan Waters Beyond Chance spectator's question on business card changes into answer, in nest of envelopes
Magick (Issue 168)
Burling Hull Complete Mind Reading Acts and Systems for Club, Banquet and Parlor
  • Burling Hull Sealed Message Reading Pyramid
  • "Mind Devination"
  • Puhl's "Sealed Letter Reading Supreme"
  • "The Unique Question Reading Act"
  • The Stylus and Envelope Method
  • The Hull-Poole Try Reading Method
  • The Envelope Package Reading Idea
  • The Book Reading Device
  • Gysels Envelope Pile Method
  • The Burling Hull Sheet Readings
  • "Reado Method" Sealed Readings
  • "The Famous $25.00 Sealed Letter Test"
  • The Burling Hull Improved Letter Test
  • The Fay Readings
  • Burling Hull's Club Stationary - Crystal Gazing Act
1976 143
Richard Mark Sealed alternate type of window envelope
Variations 1977
Magick (Issue 183)
Larry Becker Some Total sum prediction in envelope, close-up and stage versions
Inspired by
  • Will Dexter's "Computer Mind" in "Feature Magic for Mentalists" p. 113
Related toVariations
1978 11
Larry Becker Card Flash number is formed, card in the deck at the number predicted in envelope
1979 207
Henry H. Fields The Rose prediction of a name, presentation
Magick (Issue 257)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Peg O'Mind spectator solves puzzle, prediction of ending
Magick (Issue 280)
Joseph Dunninger Simplicity Itself Method 7 (window envelope)
1983 13
Al Mann Note: The Window Envelope brief history of the window envelope
1983 14
Dr. Stanley Jaks The Ultra Prediction name of city predicted in envelope
1984 4
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Psi-Kazoo different colored Kazoo (instruments), chosen one is predicted in envelope, humorous routine
Nov. 1984
Magick (Issue 342)
Thomas Alan Waters Swindow presentation and method for a prediction sent to a member of the audience beforehand
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Fynys)
Fredric Kolb Insight three pieces of information are written down and placed inside envelopes, divination by performer
Inspired by
  • "Fourth Dimensional Telepathy" (Theodore Annemann, marketed 1930)
June 1985
Magick (Issue 352)
Bruce Bernstein Croiset Affair performer's vision is written down in envelope, where he describes a person, people in the audience are eliminated until several people remain and they say what they think the password is, description of person and correct password is found in envelope
Related toAlso published here 1985 15
Bruce Bernstein Just In Case prediction of name of heckler
Also published here 1985 19
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Strange Powers question written on business card, then placed inside envelope and burnt, performer divines question and answer appears on palm using the ashes
Aug. 1986
Magick (Issue 376)
Charles Reynolds Reynolds Rap: One prediction of rune stone in envelope
Also published here June 1988
Magick (Issue 406)
Charles Reynolds Reynolds Rap: Two one of six colored dice is selected and one number chosen, prediction of color and number in envelope
July 1988
Magick (Issue 407)
Paul Hallas Problematic pile is cut and placed in pocket, top card placed in another pocket, performer divines amount of cut cards and has identity of selection predicted
1990 23
Bruce Rudolph Peek-a-Boo using a packet of envelopes
Nov. 1991
Magick (Issue 463)
Diabelli Runen spectator draws a rune symbol on piece of paper which is then sealed in envelope, other spectator selects rune stone with same symbol
1991 27
Charles Reynolds Reynolds Rap prediction of rune stone in envelope
Also published here 1991 84
Larry Becker Terminal Psycho chosen ESP card inside envelope is divined
1992 235
Ed Loveland Envelope Fan-Fair divination of written down information in envelopes
Apr. 1993
Magick (Issue 487)
Jack Yeager Tempus Fugit prediction of number and Tarot card, using imaginary dice to select number
June 1993
Magick (Issue 490)
Al Mann Who Invented the Window Envelope?
Related to July 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Al Mann Who Invented the Window Envelope? - Part 2
Related to Sep. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 3)
Al Mann Who Invented the Window Envelope? - Part 3
Related to Oct. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 4)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Premo Two with written prediction of missing card in envelope
Nov. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 5)
Tony Corinda Beyond the 13 Steps: Let's Look into the Window on the window envelope, Canasta, Fogel, Koran, Tremaine, Romark
  • The Corinda Envelope
Related to Jan. 1995
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 7)
Tony Corinda Beyond the 13 Steps: Let's Look into the Window - Part 2 on the window envelope
  • The Corinda Envelope
Related to Feb. 1995
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 8)
K. H. Fossgreen Minefild six cards with parts of a map, spectator marks x and seals cards in six envelopes, after envelopes are shuffled spectator finds his map again, map and x predicted by spectator
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 7)
Mark Strivings "What A Great Out!" ideas for pocket writing, loading in window envelope
1996 22
Bruce Bernstein Mentalist's Insurance Policy prediction of named word in form of an insurance policy
Also published here 1997 12
Bruce Bernstein Getting Ahead of Myself mental epic, with insurance where last word is predicted
Also published here 1997 15
James G. Thompson Jr. Der Gedankenfänger spectator thinks of an umbrella word, five spectators write down a word belonging to that category, performer divines category and gives words back to correct spectators
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 1)
Bruce Bernstein The Croiset Affair performer's vision is written down in envelope, where he describes a person, people in the audience are eliminated until several people remain and they say what they think the password is, description of person and correct password is found in envelope
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1999 26
Richard Mark Sealed Prophecy dream card presentation, confabulation type
Inspired by 2000 39
Basil Horwitz Challenge Body Language Zodiac Test divination of a chosen zodiac, zodiac cards, one put in envelope
2004 17
Max Gordon Slightly Off Target during show spectators name two-digit numbers, later one is closest to a prediction and in the prediction is a description of that spectator
Inspired by 2007 70
Bruce Bernstein Just In Case prediction of name of heckler
Also published here 2012 51
Bruce Bernstein Mentalist's Insurance Policy prediction of named word in form of an insurance policy
Also published here 2012 54
Bruce Bernstein Getting Ahead of Myself mental epic, with insurance where last word is predicted
Also published here 2012 55
Bruce Bernstein The Croiset Affair performer's vision is written down in envelope, where he describes a person, people in the audience are eliminated until several people remain and they say what they think the password is, description of person and correct password is found in envelope
  • Sample Prediction for The Croiset Affair
Also published here 2012 141
Alexander de Cova Eine Routine mit den Geistertafeln name appears on slate from scrambled letters
Inspired byAlso published here Oct. 2013 5
Alexander de Cova Die Geistertafeln name appears on slate from scrambled letters
Inspired byAlso published here 2015 197