160 entries in Slate / Appearing Writing
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Die Gedankenübertragung No. 8, name of chosen cards appears on previously empty slate which is wrapped in newspaper, rope held to forehead of two spectators as comedy prop, mirror writing in chalk on newspaper
1895 11
Übertragung der Gedanken von einer Person auf die andere card appears in mirror writing on slate, comedy connection of spectators with rope on foreheads
1896 227
Jenkins Die Geisterschrift writing appears on slate, chemical and pre-written words in mirror image on wrapping paper
Feb. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Die Geisterschrift à la Conradi numbers added on pad, sum appears on slate without cover
Related to Oct. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Das spiritistische Schreibmedium numbers added on pad, sum appears on slate without cover
Related to Nov. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Henry Slade Slade's Geistertafel piece of chalk under nail of thumb, or sticky invisible writing and chalk powder
Related to Nov. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Henry Slade Slade's Geistertafel second part
Related to Dec. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Neueste Geistertafel writing appears on ungaffed slate, soft chalk writing on wrapping paper
Jan. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 7)
C. Wichmann Geisterschrift nach Wichmann writing appears on one of two slates, apparently all sides shown
Feb. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Die Geisterschrift in Verbindung mit "Hypnose à la Hansen" No. 5, card chosen and pushed into book, name of chosen card and page numbers appear on previously empty slates, book with same page numbers on every double page
1900 120
Die Spiritistentafel oder "Das spiritistische Schreibmedium" on spirit writings on slates, Henry Slade
Related to Nov. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Die Spiritistentafel part two
Related to Dec. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 12)
Die Stiftspange nail writer, for slate, only on finger tip
Related to Jan. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Die Stiftplatte nail writer, for slate, only on finger tip
Jan. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Die Doppeltafel mit ausziehbarem Schiefer two slates tied together and sealed, writing appears inside
Jan. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Die Doppeltafel mit loser Einlage flap
Related to Jan. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Die Doppeltafel mit loser Einlage part two
Related to Feb. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Die mechanische Doppeltafel mit beweglicher Einlage
Related to Mar. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 3)
Die mechanische Doppeltafel mit beweglicher Einlage
Related to Apr. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 4)
Henry Slade, Dr. Med. v. Rutkowski Zur Slade'schen Schiefertafel
Related to May 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 5)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XIV. Telepathie
  • 1. Die Geisterschrift (slates, multiple versions, total of chosen number appears)
  • 2. Die Fernschrift (message appears on paper sealed in envelope, remote writing)
  • 3. Die Rosenverwandlung (rose changes from red to white, red writing appears on paper)
  • 4. Das spiritistische Kartenspiel (deck appears under box and vanishes again, hollow card deck imitation)
1903 146
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Mit dem Seherblick der Pythia number of rolled dice, domino, name of playing card and chosen color appear on empty signed slates
1922 55
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Im Rapport mit Spirits answer to question and sum of numbers appear on cleaned and numbered slates
1927 118
Oswald Rae The Spirit Slate sum and name of actor appear on slate in paper bag, marked slates, Eureka flap
1928 68
Tom Sellers A Surprise Slate Trick selected word appears on flap slate
1931 14
Theodore Annemann, Al Baker The Perfect Club Slate Routine name written up secretly on paper appears on slate
VariationsAlso published here 1934 22
The Super Slates method for appearing message
Also published here Oct. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 13)
Edward Bagshawe The Materialized Message spirit message, blank card placed into a windowed case and is covered, when uncovered, writing is on card and is immediately visible through the window
1936 ca. 43
Edward Bagshawe The Recurring Name writing appears on sealed-up card, naming a chosen celebrity
1936 ca. 57
Edward Victor An Idea for Slates - A Novel Production of Names and Drawings on Two Ordinary Slates tied with ribbon
1937 102
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Comedy Slate Test humorous message appears on one of two slates
1937 33
Stewart Judah Slate Writing Without a Flap writing appears on slate
1938 836
R. M. Jamison Ghost Writer appearing writing on slate
Also published here Apr. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 43)
Dr. Jacob Daley The Answer! silicate slate flaps
Related toAlso published here Sep. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 48)
Theodore Annemann The Perfect Club Slate Routine name written up secretly on paper appears on slate
Also published here Oct. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 63)
Dr. Jacob Daley Never Fail instructions to rope trick appear on slates
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 85)
Stanley Collins Psychic Type several names written on cards, one selected, it appears on previously empty slates
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 108)
Stanley Collins Nonpareil free selection (and switched) appears on marked slates
Also published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 137)
Clarence Hubbard "My Case" word from ten selected, appears on previously empty slate, flap with corner cut
Also published here Aug. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 144)
Clayton Rawson Ghost Writer card reversed behind back, name appears on slate
Also published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 147)
Al Baker The Baker Slate Easel for appearing writing
Also published here 1941 87
Al Baker Kiddie Party Slate name of two children appears on slates, preshow, flap slate contruction
Also published here 1941 129
Tom Sellers New Slate Writing writing appears on examined slate
1943 26
Clayton Rawson Slate Sleights with small slates, two routines
  • The Great Oriental Enigma (selected card appears written on slates, two flaps)
  • Ghost Writer's Cramp (four messages, one on each side)
May 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 35)
Clayton Rawson The Backward Ghost two slate mysteries, different working and preparation
  • A Merlini Mystery
  • The Message From Nowhere
June 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 37)
Jean Hugard The Flap Slate
July 1943 7
William S. Houghton Spirit Writing Wrinkle numbering the sides of two slates, also for blank cards
1943 59
Theodore Annemann The Perfect Club Slate Routine name written up secretly on paper appears on slate
Also published here 1944 175
Dr. Jacob Daley The Answer silicate slate flaps
Also published here 1944 193
Dr. Jacob Daley Never Fail instructions to rope trick appear on slates
Also published here 1944 195
Len Sewell Tribal Try paper wrapped between boards / slates, prediction or something else appears on paper inside
Also published here 1944 200
Theodore Annemann The Super Slates method for appearing message
Also published here 1944 209
Clayton Rawson Ghost Writer card reversed behind back, name appears on slate
Also published here 1944 211
Stanley Collins Nonpareil free selection (and switched) appears on marked slates
Also published here 1944 212
Clarence Hubbard My Case word from ten selected, appears on previously empty slate, flap with corner cut, tray to add envelope
Also published here 1944 214
R. M. Jamison Ghost Writer appearing writing on slate
Also published here 1944 220
Stanley Collins Psychic Type several names written on cards, one selected, it appears on previously empty slates
Also published here 1944 227
Simplex Double Slates no flap
1945 389
Transfer Single-Slate Writing transfering chalk from newspaper to ungaffed slate
1945 391
A Visible Message writing appears while rubbing surface with chalk powdered brush
1945 392
Jack Miller Jack Miller Slate Routine two slates, no flap
Related to 1945 396
Chinese Comedy Slate Message message appears on signed slate, corner cut flap
1945 408
Roger Barkann Multiple Slate Writing several slates, on every slate appears a message
Related toAlso published here 1945 219
Norm Cummins Clean Out Slate Test four cards added, number appears on slates
1945 26
C. L. Boarde Prophetics mini slate, two flaps
Apr. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 81)
Jean Hugard The Slate Trick normal slates, change of slates to let both examine
Apr. 1945
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Peter Warlock Pieces of Slate writing appears, version without a flap, chalk can write permanent and nonpermanent
Sep. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 134)
C. L. Boarde Question and Answer - Variation A with message appearing on slates
1947 76
George G. Kaplan The Spirit-Slates and Magazine Test for close-up work
1948 218
Milbourne Christopher Spirit Slates producing three messages on one side of a slate, Massey Slate
Feb. 1949 509
Milbourne Christopher Name Transmission name of spectator vanishes from large slate and appears on small slate, slates in two paper envelopes
Oct. 1949 589
Joseph C. Keller Spirit Slates & Rising Cards effect combo, deck fastened to slate and card rises, then name of card appears on slate
May 1949 7
Bob Somerfeld Loaded Spook
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1950)
Jimmy Pring Slates Once Again word is written on slate with chosen color, then erased and dust thrown on other slate where same word appears in same color
Apr. 1950
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Gene "Phantini" Grant The Ghostly Hand name of a dead person appears on slate, flap
1955 9
Don Tanner The East India Card Trick basket and rope drawn on slate, rope on drawing begins to raise and picture of selection appears, Cardographic
Related to 1956
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Tot O'Regan Ultra Citation chosen words, symbols appear on slate, special slate design, two methods
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Bill Hendricks My Hero name of spectator appears on slate
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Bill Hendricks The Spirit of Christmas gag
Related to 1958
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1958)
Bill Hendricks Blood from a Turnip gag with slates
Related to 1959
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Tony Corinda (1) Spirit Writing on slate, chemical
1959 280
Tony Corinda (29) Spirit Writing on a Slate writing appears, with assistant
1959 299
Robert A. Nelson Spirit Portraits portrait of selected VIP appears on a slate
1959 22
Harry Stanley Ghost Writing writing appears on side of a slate
1960 106
Jack Posetary The Fifty Minute Hour Q&A with answers given via spirit writing on slates
Oct. 1967 125
Roger Barkann, Paul Maurer Multiple Slate Writing several slates, on every slate appears a message, slightly modified by Paul Maurer
Also published here 1968
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 1)
Dr. E. Raymond Carlyle After Glow banded slates, message appears
Magick (Issue 11)
Roger Smith A Glorpy Routine two slates are numbered and covered with folded handkerchief, ghost appears under handkerchief and as image on slate
Aug. 1970
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Gene Nielsen Slato using slates to make personalized message appear, to end show
May 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 13)
Burling Hull Slate Trick Master Slate Writing, writing appears on slates, described thanks to Mickey Hades (see p. 460)
Inspired by Sep. 1971 441
Billy McComb, Ken De Courcy Uncle's Will Slates messages appear on slates, comedy
1972 13
Paul Siegel Dart Delirium word from a newspaper is selected by throwing a a dart, word appears on slate
1972 32
Frederick M. Shields Something Old; Something New names of cards appear on green chalk boards, Elmsley count to hide writing, multiple svengali
Magick (Issue 62)
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Spirit Effect Supreme No. 276, q&a thing with flap slates, probably "The Answer"
Also published here 1972 68
Flap Slate Top Change Effect No. 522, doing a top change with a slate flap (presumably transferring the flap from slate to slate, not clearly described) to affect later appearance of chosen drawing or similar
Related to 1972 147
Top Change Slate Gag With Extra Sensory Perception Cards No. 523, same as previous entry it seems
Related to 1972 147
Robert Parrish Great Slate Test chosen card divined on slate and duplicate writing appears on another slate, repeated with random name written down by spectator
Inspired by
  • Laurie Ireland's "Three Slate Routines" (1930s)
Summer 1974
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 9-10 (Vol. 9 No. 9th Folio)
Frederick M. Shields Lilith drawing appears on canvas, postcards with famous places and sights
Magick (Issue 109)
Jochen Zmeck Die J. Z. Anziehpuppe chosen clothes appear on figure on slate
Inspired by
  • Eddie Clever routine
1974 27
Faucett Ross Books and Slates Freely chosen word from a book appears on slate
1975 108
Al Mann Retrospective excerpts from future Al Mann manuscript on slate effects, part one
  • The Evolution Of Slate Writing
  • 1850
  • 1852
  • Dr. Henry Slade
  • Slade's Impact
  • Slade's Method
  • Truesdell and Slade
  • The W. S. Moses Sitting
  • Eglinton and S. J. Davey
  • 1877
  • 1882
  • 1882
  • 1884
  • 1888
  • Final Notes
Related to June 1975 971
Al Mann To Read a Question with nine normal slates, wrapped in newspaper
1976 9
Al Mann Many Voices nine small slates and a bigger one, messages appear on two slates
1976 9
Al Mann The Uproar nine small slates messages appear on five slates
1976 12
Al Mann The ESPrit Message chosen ESP sign appears on slate
1976 26
Frederick M. Shields Rear-Vision Mirror name of card appears on pocket mirror
Magick (Issue 146)
Stan Blumenthal 98-Cent Divination ESP symbol appears on business card, invisible ink
Magick (Issue 158)
Burling Hull The Invisible Hand Writes writing appears on slate (visibly), Burling Hull Chemical Chalk
Related to 1976 79
Burling Hull, U. F. Grant "The Spirits Know All" - A Living and Dead Combination name of dead person appears gradually on slate
  • The Grant Method
  • Burling Hull Method
  • Another Hull Materialization
  • Volta Name Appearance
  • The Daring Volta Method
  • Mediums Dead and Alive Discovery
Related to 1976 82
Burling Hull The Performer Presents a Number Test row of numbers written on slate, a number arrived at by calculation, numbers wiped away and calculated number appears (1089)
1976 86
Burling Hull The "Spirits" Correct a Mistake slate filled with letters, wiped clean, name of chosen card appears on slate
1976 88
Burling Hull A Mind Reading Number Divination number chosen, it appears spelled out on slate
  • With a Flap
  • Without the Flap
  • Another "No Flap" Method
1976 89
Burling Hull Spirits From China Chinese characters appear on slate, performer translates into anything he wants
1976 92
Burling Hull Combination with Dunninger Slater Number Feat combined with visible appearing writing
Inspired by 1976 94
Burling Hull Thrilling Colored Spirit Paintings Burling Hull Chemical Chalk, visible appearing writing in colors, with forced picture card
1976 94
Peter Wilker Geistertafeln numbered slates
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 37 No. 3)
Dr. Franklin Matula Rememory! Slate message appears on cardboard, tied with ribbon
Magick (Issue 178)
Ken De Courcy Die Erbschaft four messages appear on two slates
Also published here
  • The Gen, Dec. 1951
Mar. 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Jochen Zmeck Die J. Z. Mini-Geistertafeln small slate, writing appears on both sides, no flaps, flexible slate surface moves
1977 25
Thomas Alan Waters The Psychic Coercion of the Interrupted Schoolboy slate in envelope, first the name of a card appears then a number, flap, Mental Masterpiece gimmick, chalk band-writer
Related to 1979
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue New Thoughts For Old)
Theodore Annemann, Burling Hull Spirit Writing No. 48, message appears on one of two slates, false count
1979 76
Tommy Wonder Pocket Slates Routine
Related toVariations May 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 5)
Jean Hugard Die Maske Cagliostros blank slates shown, blank piece of paper put in envelope, card selected, all cards appear written on slates, in paper appears a message and pattern with holes, when pattern is placed on slate the correct card is visible through holes
Also published here
  • Hugard's Magic Monthly, Vol. 18 No. 3, 1960
Nov. 1980
Intermagic (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Thomas Alan Waters Variant Routine answer appears on slate, Double-Locking Addition Slate
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Hen Fetsch Die Mehrfarbkreide performer writes different colors with chalk as gag (RED, GREEN), words then change into correct colors on slates
Oct. 1982
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 3)
The Lappone Move (with pocket slates) No. 40, message appears on tied slates
1983 12
Al Mann The Spirit Artist No. 41, two picture cards are placed between slates, picture appears on slate and cannot be removed
1983 12
Thomas Alan Waters Palimptest subtlety for appearing message on a slate
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Spyryt)
Eric DeCamps Slate of Hand card chosen, name of it appears on one of two ungimmicked small slates, card itself travels between slates
1985 26
Valerie Nielsen Dark Side of the Mirror! lipstick writing appears on mirror, mirror inside envelope
Feb. 1986
Magick (Issue 365)
Karrell Fox "Company Spirit" company name appears on spirit slates
1986 156
Eugene Burger The Halloween Spirit ten cards with names, one chosen, name appears on mini slates
1986 143
Peter Wilker, Christoph Borer Die Wonder-Tafeln two slates, multiple things appear on various sides
Inspired by 1987
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Bruce Cervon Pocket Slate Routine "Prediction" appears
1988 138
Juan Tamariz The Slates magazine test with slates
Variations 1988 69
Karrell Fox Confuscious Say routine in which name of selection appears on miniature spirit slates
1991 23
Ali Bongo Tafel mit zwei Botschaften slate wrapped in handkerchief, writings appear on both sides, similar to Instant Art
Related to 1991 14
Harry Anderson Dybbuk bill burnt in envelope appears between two slates, corner matches, numbers add up to last four digits of serial number, message appears on slates
1993 45
Tommy Wonder And Now a Brief Message four messages on all sides of two small slates appear, two flaps
Related to 1996 86
The Spirit Slates Chinese characters appear on slate as gag, performer "translates" into selection
1996 20
Richard Bartram, Jr. Slated small slates, non-locking
1997 143
Jack Avis Slate of Hand card of selection appears on one of two miniature slates in chosen chalk color
1998 115
George G. Kaplan Der Geistertafel-Magazin-Test two slates shown and placed aside, six cards chosen to locate page in magazine, headline appears on slates
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 2)
Al Baker The Baker Slate Easel for appearing writing
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
Al Baker Kiddie Party Slate name of two children appears on slates, preshow, flap slate contruction
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
David P. Abbott Best of All Slate Writing Introduction and Epilogue by Teller
several slates wiped clean, message for a spectator appears on one
Aug. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 8)
Docc Hilford Raven's Slate writing can be heard from slates, name appears
  • The Slate Move
  • Sounds of Writing
2005 5
Diamond Jim Tyler Ghost Writer "NO" gag with named number, number later appears on bill when it is heated with a lighter
Dec. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 12)
Jim Steinmeyer Timmy & The Spirit Slates "A Ghost Story with Spirit Slates"
words appear on slates to a told ghost story, ambigrams
2009 103
Spirit Writing making writing look like shaky spirit writing
Prolix (Issue 9)
T. Page Wright, William Larsen From the Notebook gag message appears on slate
Also published here
  • "From the Notebook" (Genii, Feb. 1939)
Oct. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 10)
Alberto de Figueiredo Más Allá chosen word from magazine appears on slate
2013 73
Alexander de Cova Eine Routine mit den Geistertafeln name appears on slate from scrambled letters
Inspired byAlso published here Oct. 2013 5
Dr. Stanley Jaks Miniature Metathesis symbol on slate changes to other
2014 191
Alexander de Cova Die Geistertafeln name appears on slate from scrambled letters
Inspired byAlso published here 2015 197
John Lovick Little House on the Scary illustration selected from book appears on slates
Inspired by 2016 167
Christoph Borer Die wichtigste aller Fragen spirit slates, symbols to name, storytelling presentation, fairy tale
2016 205
Eugene Burger Dr. Slade & The Night Visitors presentation for slate routine in which writing appears on all four sides of two slates
  • Interview Excerpt
  • Performance
  • Method
  • Discussion about Presentations
2019 179
Ghislain Lavoie It's Nothing slates shown empty except word "NOTHING", changes into "THANK YOU"
Conundrum (Issue 1)
Christoph Borer, Oliver Scheer Todsünde und Tugend word on two slates changes into name of freely chosen card with deadly sin or virtue
2023 19