245 entries in Mental Magic / Principles / Marking Systems
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Der Hellseher several spectators chose cards and seal them in envelopes, performer divines the cards inside, marked envelopes
Related to 1896 80
X Rays cards in envelopes are divined, two methods, envelopes marked visually or haptically
Related to 1897 144
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Hellsehen three different colored cones, covered with thimbles and colors are divined by performer
1927 82
Tom Sellers A New Idea for the "Living and Dead" Effect watermark system
1933 11
An Envelope Mystery forced cards put in envelopes with punch marks, including "A Variation"
1935 14
Oscar Weigle Alias Divination several spectators write names on slips which are later correctly assigned, one of the names divined as well
1937 11
Tom Sellers Graphology Supreme five spectators write the same word
1941 12
Walter B. Gibson Clip Color four different colored cards are cut into different amount of pieces and sealed in envelopes, chosen color is spelled and found
Also published here Feb. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 2)
Eddie Joseph Money Sense three different coins in three glasses, performer can name coin when he is handed a glass blindfolded, or when a coin is dropped into a glass
1942 106
Eddie Joseph Stop! Fire! several cards chosen, highest card noted, all cards written on billets and burned one by one, performer stops burning of highest card's billet and names it
1942 24
Jerry Sorensen "-and having writ-" sealed message reading, mixed with psychometry and handwriting analysis
Oct. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 45)
Cyril Marriott Mark It way to mark a deck, plus one way
Nov. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 73)
L. Vosburgh Lyons Graphology spectators write on paper cards, performer assigns them correctly, pseudo-psychometry, graphology presentation
Also published here 1944 47
Henry Hardin The Ghost Hand living dead with rough smooth edge
Also published here 1944 57
Eddie Clever Answer to a Mentalist's Prayer indetectible method to mark an envelope and several applications
1945 202
Richard Lindahl Psychic Match Mystery card is selected which has the same value as the amount of secretly moved matches
1945 9
Andrew Smythe Mentalism With Alphabet Cards word is divined
1945 60
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Psychometry blindfolded performer, psychometry and Q&A
1947 29
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Second Sight at First Glance performer is blindfolded, accurate description of the people who put a personal object in an envelope
1947 54
Dr. William Weyeneth Tour de clairvoyance four cards wrapped in pieces of paper, performer finds selection, marking system for paper, followed by german translation "Hellsehtrick"
1947 6
C. L. Boarde Marking the Billet various methods, physical, rough and smooth, paper choice, how to tear paper, by writing, daub, different flames when burnt
1947 51
C. L. Boarde Living and Dead - Variation A
1947 79
C. L. Boarde Psychometry - Variation A graphology, names written on billets
1947 89
C. L. Boarde Psychometry - Variation B four billets, initials of male and female friends, rough smooth billets
1947 90
C. L. Boarde Psychometry - Variation C eight symbols on billets, matching routine
1947 90
George B. Anderson The Human Equation living and dead test with signatures, cards in envelopes, spectator lets a coin fall on the right envelope
1949 39
Hugh Carroll, Charles Hopkins Out!
May 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 202)
Theodore Annemann Envelope Marking Method
1951 18
Hen Fetsch, Cy Keller Hexappeal pseudo psychometry with names of famous people
Aug. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 261)
Milbourne Christopher Out of Town living and dead test with people who live in town, one out of town
1952 6
Milbourne Christopher Super Psychometry blindfolded, objects in envelopes
1952 8
Aage Darling Pin Up Girl Test five men select a picture of a girl and put them in envelopes, medium divines who chose which picture
1953 22
Aage Darling Symbol Test spectator selects a ESP card and puts all five cards in envelopes, performer finds correct envelope and divines symbol
1953 30
Gene "Phantini" Grant A Miracle Mental Routine messages in envelopes reading routine, drawing duplication as climax, blindfolded
1955 1
Fitch Cheney Magic Montes divination of a chosen card, cards with months written on it
Dec. 1955
The New Phoenix (Issue 334)
Theodore Annemann Impromptu Frame Up two cards are selected and blindfolded medium divines them, then three cards are selected and put in an envelope each, the envelopes are shuffled and the medium divines the cards again
1956 6
Walter B. Gibson Clip Color four different colored cards are cut into different amount of pieces and sealed in envelopes, chosen color is spelled and found
Also published here 1956 200
Mel Stover Two Cues three different-colored envelopes and paper cards, spectator puts cards in envelopes so the colors do not match, envelopes distributed by spectator in two pockets and one left on table, performer picks up tabled envelope and divines location of all colored cards, Free Will
Variations July 1956
Ibidem (Issue 6)
P. Howard Lyons Ambiguous Cards three different-colored envelopes and paper cards, spectator puts cards in envelopes so the colors do not match, envelopes distributed by spectator in two pockets and one left on table, performer picks up tabled envelope and writes down the color distribution (with ambiguous statements)
Inspired by July 1956
Ibidem (Issue 6)
Tony Corinda (1) Sujan Location colored card is divined
1958 43
Tony Corinda (2) With a Pinch of Salt!
1958 43
Tony Corinda (15) Marking of Billets
1959 185
Dr. Raymond L. Beebe My Favourite Living and Dead Test spiralbound block marking
1960 38
The Amazing Maurice Mental Currency one of four bills is put in an envelope, performer divines which, olfactory method
1961 17
Clettis V. Musson Predicto cards with four digit numbers, two numbers added, sum was predicted
1961 45
Robert A. Nelson Nelson Notes on the marking of the cards for predicto
1961 46
Ken Allen Paper Clip Marking System
Aug. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 360)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks Kuvert-Mysterium several spectators get an envelope, three cards are added and total written on a fourth card, those cards are put in one envelope along with a ribbon, color of ribbon, total, fourth card and person holding the cards are divined
Also published here 1961 71
Felix Greenfield Witch Doctor's Ritual using a Gee-haw whammy diddle / hui-stick to find chosen ESP card
June 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Felix Greenfield True Love spectator writes name of partner on a business card and random names on other, calculation is made with the last digit of two phone numbers and number leads to business card with name of partner
Aug. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 16)
Paul Siegel Spectra-Ception seeing colors with fingertips, colored cards under handkerchief
Aug. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 28)
North Bigbee Psychicolor seeing colors with fingertips
Aug. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 28)
Victor Marsh Paper Clip Marking Idea
Apr. 1965
The New Phoenix (Issue 395/396)
Paul Siegel Vates Sacer several stamps from stamp booklet are signed, correct allocation by performer
Apr. 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 36)
Paul Siegel Living Color
Dec. 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 44)
Albert Spackman Voodoo cards with outline of a person and x-marked on different places, spectator choses one of the cards where the person is injured, prediction
Related to 1967 167
Ned Rutledge Singin' in the Brain people summing songs in their heads, performer divines them, spectators write songs down, as a climax two people think of same song
Also published here 1967 55
Jules Lenier Psychometric Detective four people, rough smooth edges of torn paper to code
Also published here Mar. 1968 167
Don Nielson, J. W. Sarles Dead Test marking with tape
Winter 1968
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 1-4 (Vol. 4 No. 2nd Folio)
George B. Anderson Pseudo Psychometry Improved spectator can chose some envelopes from a bunch, cyclical marking system
1968 24
Tom Sellers Envelope Marking System just to mark the different one
1969 49
Tony Griffith Pseudo Psychometry six envelopes, pencil dots
1969 64
Dr. Richard Strausberg The Legacy of Samuel Butler cards with several humorous New Year's resolutions, several spectators chose one on their card, psychometry and comedy character reading
Magick (Issue 13)
Bascom Jones The Book of the Damned three phase routine with twelve zodiac cards, spectator select cards which match their personal sgin
Magick (Issue 29)
Tan Hock Chuan The Quick and the Dead blindfolded, card is found and name revealed, see Bigbee in #41 for other sources
Related toVariations 1971
Magick (Issue 34)
Blake Edward Maxam Dagger of the Dead! dagger moves to card with dead person's name
Magick (Issue 38)
Ed Schuman Sightless Sight several business card on table, one turned over by spectator, divined by performer, tactical marking
1972 37
Paul Siegel Marking System using birthday candle, wax
1972 22
Milbourne Christopher Tuning In! people write down their favorite TV shows and performer allocates all correctly
Variations 1972
Magick (Issue 41)
North Bigbee Quicker Quick and the Dead credits and variation for The Quick and the Dead, Fillman Principle
Inspired by 1972
Magick (Issue 41)
Sam Dalal The Skull of Tamoa-mi-ber as Sam Delal, skull pendulum, card found by spectator
Magick (Issue 42)
Sid Lorraine Think Dot different marking system than Tuning In!
Inspired by 1972
Magick (Issue 47)
Gerald Kosky Travel Agent cards with names of cities, spectators chose and sign them, performer allocates them correctly
Also published here 1972
Magick (Issue 53)
Arthur Emerson A License to Lie license plate numbers written on name tags, special one is divined by other spectator
Magick (Issue 67)
Bob Ostin Vampire- A Method for a Living & Dead Test small cards on one is written "Vampire", cards are folded and stapled, see also page 87 for additional ideas by Bob Ostin and Bob Byrne
Related toAlso published here Dec. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 4)
George Blake On Vampire other marking system
Inspired by Feb. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Dr. Spencer Thornton In the Bag... pseudo-psychometry with paper bags, apparently same marking system was also used by Dr. Jaks
Magick (Issue 119)
North Bigbee Fillman Re-Visited ideas for the Fillman principle
Related to 1975
Magick (Issue 127)
Gerald Kosky Crime Detector several jobs are correctly assigned, Pseudo Psychometry with murder game plot
1975 122
Gerald Kosky Travel Agent cards with names of travel destinations, people write their names under it and tear cards in halves, performer takes parts with the names and can allocate the correct destinations
Also published here 1975 137
Gerald Kosky Mentalist Question Cards spectators gets stack of cards with questions, selected question is divined
1975 139
Gerald Kosky Touch E.S.P. divining reversed ESP card behind back
1975 165
Philip T. Goldstein, Arthur Emerson 'tis the Season to Be Lying four name tags, spectator finds the one with the real name, based on Arthur Emerson's "Liar's License" in Sam Dalal's Swami magazine, marking method
1976 10
Nathan Stark Menta Five! graphology reading with five spectators, pseudo psychometry mixed with ESP card divination
Magick (Issue 191)
Will Dexter Positive und Negative Markierungen on marking decks, or other objects
Also published here
  • The Gen, Feb. 1953
Dec. 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Bobby Hughes Pocket Pad gaffing, marking and using a spiral-bound pad for Pseudo Psychometry, predictions and add-a-number
Related to 1978
Magick (Issue 210)
Larry Becker The New Math Miracle six cards with numbers on both sides in envelopes, shuffled and turned over by spectator, total is divined
Inspired by 1978 29
Larry Becker Perplexing ESP Plaques marking system for ESP cards, business cards etc., address
Related toVariations 1978 33
Larry Becker Effect No. 1 Esp divination / duplication
1978 35
Larry Becker Effect No. 2 five symbols drawn on cards and put in envelope, selected one is predicted
1978 37
Larry Becker Effect No. 3 five blank cards, name written on one side and cards turned over, spectator selects one and murder is written on side, it's the same card
1978 41
Philip T. Goldstein Teamwork card with names of famous couples, performer and spectator select two that match
Magick (Issue 242)
Larry Becker Ultimate Psychometry with invisible ink pen
1979 69
Grain Marking soft or hard grain in one corner
1979 10
George B. Anderson The Signature Effects five spectators sign a file card, tear it in half and mixed all together, the corresponding halves are found with the pendulum
1980 6
George B. Anderson One of Five living and dead with male female theme, pendulum finds female
1980 8
Richard Mark Pendulum Power! personal items in boxes used as pendulums, pseudo psychometry
Magick (Issue 250)
Thomas Alan Waters Eraser's Edge method to mark an envelope
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Psychometry)
Thomas Alan Waters Stampede method to mark an envelope
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Psychometry)
Thomas Alan Waters Post Facto method to mark an envelope
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Psychometry)
Thomas Alan Waters Cornered method to mark an envelope
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Psychometry)
Thomas Alan Waters Branded method to distinguish different envelopes
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Psychometry)
Thomas Alan Waters Printsiple objects are wrapped in pieces of newspaper
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Psychometry)
Thomas Alan Waters Seequence objects wrapped in paper and scotch tape
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Psychometry)
Gene "Phantini" Grant Myracrypto 1981 several objects (charms) are chosen and divined, then sealed in envelopes and chosen one predicted, princess card trick with objects
Related to 1981 7
Gene "Phantini" Grant Bacon and Eggs with two sets of ESP cards (two times wavy lines, two times rings), order is correct twice
1981 14
Gene "Phantini" Grant Knockout ESP Test with two sets of four ESP cards, three phases
1981 32
Gene "Phantini" Grant The Audience Hits Back ESP cards sealed in envelopes and divined, majority of spectators guess always correctly
Inspired by
  • Ned Rutledge's "Mass Miracle"
1981 63
Gene "Phantini" Grant Supreme Psychometry pseudo psychometry, different objects in envelopes, serial number divination of a bill
1981 71
Gene "Phantini" Grant A Sense of Color five envelopes with different colored sheets, spectators guess them correctly
1981 77
Basil Horwitz Challenge Publicity E.S.P. five ESP symbols are sealed in envelopes and the envelopes are numbered, spectator divines symbols by matching them to a second set of ESP cards on the table
Also published here 1981 14
Karl Fulves, Oscar Weigle, Bob Hummer The Borgia Cup No. 53, three cups, poisoned glass is found
1981 64
Ein Lebend und Tod Test fibers of paper
Related to
  • Tan Hock Chaun, The Sphinx, 1938
June 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Norman Houghton Love Match spectator and performer shuffle envelopes and pair them up, inside are names of celebrity pairs, they match
1982 65
Thomas Alan Waters Grayce spectator selects one picture card, which is divined later
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Mindscript 3: The Symbol Test)
Ormond McGill Name-Sakes nine cards with names, one is selected and divined, as a climax name is spelled and last card is selection
Mar. 1983
Magick (Issue 317)
Piet Forton Der Wunderschlüssel keys in envelopes
1983 7
Piet Forton Der zauberhafte Farbensinn divination of different colored balls in a bag
1983 8
Thomas Alan Waters Tri-Beaut sign, birthdate and selected tarot card are divined, with envelopes
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Thynk)
Jules Lenier Psychometric Detective No. 19, four people, rough smooth edges of torn paper to code
Also published here 1985 38
Bruce Bernstein Word Test letters of three letter word are written on three billets, two of them are destroyed and remaining letter is predicted, word is revealed as a climax
Also published here 1985 26
Bruce Bernstein Clinical PSI all possible combinations of three coin tosses are written on various billets, performer and spectator each select one and performer wins with at about three to one odds
Also published here 1985 31
Bruce Bernstein 21st Century Psychometry pseudo psychometry, envelopes
Also published here 1985 35
Bruce Bernstein The Force of Emotions emotions written on five cards, performer divines who thinks of which emotion
Also published here 1985 40
Magnetic Shim Marking
1986 4
Rich Bloch The Gemini Factor spectator signs one of several business cards and all cards are placed inside envelopes, second spectator finds envelope with signed card, Fillman principle
June 1986
Magick (Issue 372)
Craig Karges The Love Connection names written on business cards are allocated, one in envelope is divined
Feb. 1987
Magick (Issue 385)
Bob Ostin Postmaster words noted on billets, performer divines words on folded billets
Also published here May 1987
The New Talon (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Bob Ostin Araby Location spectator choses one of several billets, each billet has a name, performer divines which was selected
Also published here May 1987
The New Talon (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Ned Rutledge Gedankenmelodie people summing songs in their heads, performer divines them, spectators write songs down, as a climax two people think of same song
Also published here Dec. 1987
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 2)
Glenn G. Gravatt Der Drei-Tassen-Trick, Version Nr. ? object is hidden under one of three cups, object is located by performer
Also published here
  • Glenn Gravatt's "Coin and Cup Divination" in "Genii" 1982.
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Richard Webster Triskaidekaphoboia thirteen business cards with words written on one side, spectator selects only one with positive word
Apr. 1988
Magick (Issue 404)
Loren Pankratz Love Affair using a couple, person writes name on paper and hides it in one of several film canister, partner locates it
Aug. 1988
Magick (Issue 409)
Charles "Cicardi" Scott, Mike Schwartz, Bob Syrup Mind Storm objects and words are noted before the show by spectators and placed inside envelopes, information is revealed during show and enveloped allocated correctly
Oct. 1988
Magick (Issue 411)
Ray Grismer Pseudo-Psychometry punch-marked envelopes
1988 20
Charles "Cicardi" Scott 'T' Party graphology presentation for pseudo psychometry
May 1989
Magick (Issue 422)
Michael Schwarz Color Tarot divination of chosen Tarot card, reading
Sep. 1989
Magick (Issue 428)
Jules Hirsch Impromptu Psychometry wrapping objects in Kleenex tissues
Variations Oct. 1989
Magick (Issue 429)
Roy Johnson D.D.D. "Design and Digit Detector"
a chosen ESP card and a chosen plastic sleeve are divined, prop-heavy
Also published here 1989 18
Richard Webster Destination Unknown two piles of cards with holiday destinations, two spectator select same destination
Jan. 1990
Magick (Issue 433)
Billie Rean Pop Gallery several people draw something on a cardboard, drawings are shuffled and handed out, performer sorts the drawings to the people who actually drew them
Related to Feb. 1990
Magick (Issue 435)
Rudy T. Hunter Revelations spectator write initials on pieces of paper, correct allocation, with reading
June 1990
Magick (Issue 440)
Ben Harris Mental Photography three photographs are introduced, three spectators each select one, performer divines who has which one
1990 34
Basil Horwitz Publicity ESP five ESP symbols are sealed in envelopes and the envelopes are numbered, spectator divines symbols by matching them to a second set of ESP cards on the table
Also published here July 1990
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 3)
Philip T. Goldstein Digression: Concealed Cards rough-smooth marking method (through handkerchief)
1991 12
Bob Fillman, Tan Hock Chuan Tan/Fillman Principle distinguish papers by grain (the way they bend)
1991 12
Steve Dusheck Experiment No. 5 thumb tack at tip of thumb tip to mark cards or paper
  • bill pierced behind back at certain position
1991 48
Jules Hirsch Eye of a Child pseudo-psychometry with drawings from a spiral-bound steno pad
Mar. 1991
Magick (Issue 453)
Tommy Tucker ESP Quotient Test two sets of five cards
1991 72
Charles "Cicardi" Scott Insight psychometry with graphology presentation, on business cards
Mar. 1992
Magick (Issue 469)
Ford Kross A Touch of Color cards with colors, chosen one is divined, Fillman principle
Sep. 1992
Magick (Issue 477)
Roy Johnson S.Z.D. a chosen ESP card and a chosen plastic sleeve are divined, prop-heavy
Also published here June 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Larry Becker Sneak Thief pseudo psychometry with drawings, last drawing is duplicated
Related toVariations 1992 65
Larry Becker What Goes Around on the Zip Code marking for business cards and envelopes
Related to 1992 385
Larry Becker Mini-Deck playing cards are written on business cards, chosen one is divined, using Zip Code marking
1992 386
Larry Becker Jeopardy ZIP pseudo psychometry using business cards and chosen TV shows, ZIP marking principle
1992 387
Larry Becker Psych-ZIP objects in envelopes, pseudo psychometry, using ZIP marking principle
1992 388
Larry Becker ZIP-Lock performer writes numbers on business card, chosen one opens lock, ZIP marking principle
1992 388
Larry Becker Emotional ZIP emotion written on business card, performer locates card, ZIP marking principle
1992 389
Timothy Hyde Zip-Lock Psychometry using clear plastic zip-lock bags, various presentations
  • Watch This
  • Lie Detector
  • Murder
Inspired by Oct. 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 4)
Charles "Cicardi" Scott Card Sense playing cards written on index cards, allocating them correctly, graphology presentation
Aug. 1993
Magick (Issue 493)
C. James Rainho Ouch! nail under one of twelve cups, all but one cups are smashed
Nov. 1993
Magick (Issue 496)
David Lederman Poor Man's Pseudo-Psychometry marking pages on a spiral bound pad of paper, holes
Related to Jan. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 7)
Raimo Patronen Psychic Gift as Raimo Patronen, eight cards with wishes for Santa Claus, spectator select a gift, write their name on the bottom and tear gift away, performer divines who has chosen which gift
Aug. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 2)
Leo Boudreau The Mind's Eye: The Tactile Tarot tarot card under handkerchief is divined, reading, using tactile marking system
divination of a four letter word from a list, with handkerchief and alphabet cards
Inspired byRelated to Sep. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 3)
Leo Boudreau The Mind's Eye: Necessary Roughness alternative tactile marking system, Gray Code
Related to Oct. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 4)
Al Mann The Secret Marks with paper clips
1994 5
Basil Horwitz ESP Challenge Mind Control blindfolded, three spectator select an ESP symbol and seal it up, performer hands correct envelope to each spectator, divines symbol and shows correct prediction
1994 31
Lynda Lovecraft Give the Lady Credit Psychometry using cards from spectators wallets
Syzygy (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Tom Stone Guidichar living dead test with lies and truth presentation, billets are stapled
Also published here 1994
Syzygy (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Allen B. Brannum Graph-ometry checklists are handed out and spectators have to write a sentence, performer allocates handwritings correctly
Syzygy (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Ted Lesley Effects for an Invisible Author ideas with "Magic Pens", invisible ink becomes visible when drawing with other pen over it
  • The Book Test
  • Living an Dead
  • Pseudo Psychometry
Related to
  • Larry Becker's "The $5,000 Challenge Prediction"
1994 125
Ted Lesley Crimmerian Psychometry pseudo psychometry, method to mark envelopes during performance, blindfolded
1994 173
Ted Lesley Black Magic² Pseudo Psychometry, information written on business cards, last information is a number which is divined by doing a magic square
Inspired by 1994 177
Marking by Paper Grain can be differentiated by feel inside envelope
1994 72
Timothy Wenk Tune Psychometry songs written on index cards are assigned to correct spectators, last one divined, punch markings
1994 13
Karrell Fox Dream Girls five photos of actresses chosen, performer divines them
1995 61
Larry Becker No-Brainer Q & A several cards with question about zodiac, favorite color etc., performer allocates them correctly and gives a brief reading
Syzygy (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Tony Devine Payday check inside one of several envelopes is found by performer
Syzygy (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Chase Goforth A Savory Tip odor marking system for envelopes
Syzygy (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Alan Nguyen Voodoo Redo spectator randomly chooses where three pins are pushed into a voodoo doll, performer has correctly predicted the locations on a second voodoo doll
Inspired by
  • "Voodoo II" (Christian Chelman, Capriconian Tales, 1993, p. 52)
Labyrinth (Issue 4)
Bob Fillman Fillman Principle
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 7)
Dr. Juris Juris Prudence all but one objects from a box are selected by spectators and placed inside bags, performer allocates them correctly and last item turns out to be a dangerous one
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Larry Becker Zip Code Marking
1996 37
Basil Horwitz The Super ESP Body Language Test pseudo psychometry with writings and ESP card divination
1997 66
Morley Budden Pyramid Power spectators write secret fantasies on business cards, the performer know who wrote what
1997 117
Joseph Curcillo Time is of the Essence russian roulettes type using a hammer and five paper bags, four contain a light bulb and one a spectator's watch
Syzygy (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Andy Nyman Take The Money & Run nine empty film canisters, spectator chooses one and drops any coin in it and mixes the containers, performer divines the canister, the coin and the date on it
Also published here 1997 11
Andy Nyman Magicians Graphology three spectators make drawing on the back of business cards, performer looks at two and assigns them to the correct spectators, last drawing is divined
Inspired byAlso published here 1997 16
Peter McCahon See-Thru Psychometry pseudo psychometry using blindfold and clear ziploc bags
Syzygy (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Bob King Basic Routine with explanation of soft/stiff corner Fillman Principle (tactile one-way principle for cardboard pieces)
1998 3
Jas Jakutsch The Marked Cards marked billets
1999 29
Joshua Jay Psychometry and Me Magician able to match nametags to five spectators based on their names alone
1999 143
Bruce Bernstein Pseudo-Telepathy four spectators get an index card with instructions to think of a name, city etc., performer knows who thinks of what category and also exact thought, dual reality covering parts of index card as basic method, variations in method
  • The Stage Presentation
  • Alternate Stage Presentation (with a different basic method)
  • Variation #2
  • Variation #3
  • Variation #4
  • Variation #5
  • Alternate Handling #1
  • Alternate Handling #2
Also published here 1999 4
Richard Mark Psychometric Affinity pseudo psychometry, spectators write names of people they admire to be
2000 26
Richard Mark Muscle Reading Pseudo an Subtle envelopes with descriptive images are handed out to members of the audience, two are duplicated
2000 79
Chuck Hickok Demonstration Three: People Reading Plus five people draw something on cardboard
Inspired by 2002 81
Tom Stone Giudichar living dead test with lies and truth presentation, billets are stapled
Also published here 2002 21
Robert Cassidy Dr. Crow's Billet Routine several billets, name appears on arm
2002 25
Lee Earle Sense of Intuition five envelopes with pictures of situations that trigger different emotions, divination of content, scent/aroma marking method
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 14)
Robert Cassidy Find the Dead Guy! on business cards, name is divined as climax
2004 241
Massimo Tira Remote Viewing of Some Kind fives spectator on stage and performer blindfolded, spectator chose an ESP symbol and one spectator is silently selected by the others, performer divines person ans symbol, using Silver Bullet
Also published here
  • "Remote Viewing of Some Kind" in "Werewolf"
2004 24
Massimo Tira Arcanum Nine Point Zero divining chosen Tarot card from Major Arcana using pendulum, Silver Bullet
Also published here
  • "Arcanum Nine Point Zero" in "Under a Silver Moon"
2004 27
Wonder Man Fred My Desire spectators write destinations on a business card, five write a place where they have been and one a place he desires to go, all cards are correctly attributed and the last, desired place is named without looking at it, variation
Inspired by 2004 268
Paolo Cavalli, Massimo Tira Patetogy number from one to nine secretly written on card by spectator, then same numbers are written on nine pieces of paper and all eliminated but one which matches
2004 18
Mark Strivings Business Cards on the use of business cards in mentalism, markings systems, Fillman principle
2004 16
Bob Ostin Vampire small cards on one is written "Vampire", cards are folded and stapled, see also page 87 for additional ideas by Bob Ostin and Bob Byrne
Also published here 2005 24
Bob Ostin Postmaster words noted on billets, performer divines words on folded billets
Also published here 2005 98
Bob Ostin Araby Location spectator choses one of several billets, each billet has a name, performer divines which was selected
Also published here 2005 100
Christoph Borer Lasset die Musik erklingen! several cards with music titles, selection is predicted with mechanical music box
Related toAlso published here 2006 28
Docc Hilford Thr33 S1d3d Bra1n "Three Sided Brain", three people on stage, one ahead triple prediction, performer not only knows the category of thought but the concrete information
2006 26
Paolo Cavalli The Watermark Codex method to mark envelopes, invisible marks which can be activated when being used
2006 2
Christoph Borer Lasset die Musik erklingen! several cards with music titles, selection is predicted with mechanical music box
Related toAlso published here 2007 3
Jackie McClements Dicychometry four different-colored dice for four spectators, they throw numbers and write them down, later performer divines from the writing who threw which number, papers marked with torn edges
2007 19
Hector Chadwick Keys Psychometry routine with 4 sets of keys, performer able to describe fourth person's keys although they are hidden
2008 17
Hector Chadwick Hector Chadwick's Tossed-Out Q&A
2008 187
Andy Nyman Magicians' Graphology three spectators make drawing on the back of business cards, performer looks at two and assigns them to the correct spectators, last drawing is divined
Inspired byAlso published here Apr. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 4)
Jon Allen Thumb Tack Marking thumb tip with thumb tack to mark envelopes on the fly
2009 132
Michael Weber Soul Searcher information written on paper pieces is correctly assigned to spectator, torn edges marking
Also published here 2010 8
Andy Nyman Take the Money and Run nine empty film canisters, spectator chooses one and drops any coin in it and mixes the containers, performer divines the canister, the coin and the date on it
Also published here 2010 31
Andy Nyman Magicians' Graphology three spectators make drawing on the back of business cards, performer looks at two and assigns them to the correct spectators, last drawing is divined
Inspired byAlso published here 2010 35
Michael Weber Soul Searcher information written on paper pieces is correctly assigned to spectator, torn edges marking
Also published here 2011 8
Jörg Alexander Weber Psychometrie five items by spectators in envelopes
Inspired by
  • "Pseudo Psychometrie" (Stuart Cumberland aka Blair Robertson, Annemann 666 Vol. 1, PDF, 2007)
2011 53
Barrie Richardson My Second Spot with bags, paper or cloth
Inspired by
  • "Second Spot" (Maurice Fogel, In Search of the Sensational, 2007)
2011 21
Michael Weber Soul Searcher information written on paper pieces is correctly assigned to spectator, torn edges marking
Also published here 2011 8
James Alan Psycho2Metry with dog-eared paper
2012 30
Michael Weber Soul Searcher information written on paper pieces is correctly assigned to spectator, torn edges marking
Also published here 2012 13
Bruce Bernstein Pseudo-Telepathy four spectators get an index card with instructions to think of a name, city etc., performer knows who thinks of what category and also exact thought, dual reality covering parts of index card as basic method, variations in method
  • The Stage Presentation
  • Alternate Stage Presentation (with a different basic method)
  • Variation #2
  • Variation #3
  • Variation #4
  • Variation #5
  • Alternate Handling #1
  • Alternate Handling #2 - Psychometric Presentation
Related toAlso published here 2012 1
Bruce Bernstein Word Test letters of three letter word are written on three billets, two of them are destroyed and remaining letter is predicted, word is revealed as a climax
Also published here 2012 17
Bruce Bernstein Clinical PSI all possible combinations of three coin tosses are written on various billets, performer and spectator each select one and performer wins with at about three to one odds
Also published here 2012 88
Bruce Bernstein The Force of Emotions emotions written on five cards, performer divines who thinks of which emotion
Also published here 2012 157
Bruce Bernstein 21st Century Psychometry pseudo psychometry, envelopes
Also published here 2012 163
Robert Cassidy Five Canisters and a Bill five film canisters, in one is a bill in the other are rolled up pieces of paper, performer locates canister with bill, serial number divination as climax
2013 38
Dr. Stanley Jaks Envelope Mentalism several spectators get an envelope, three cards are added and total written on a fourth card, those cards are put in one envelope along with a ribbon, color of ribbon, total, fourth card and person holding the cards are divined
Also published here 2014 143
Michael Murray The Universal Force Technique using six numbered business cards to force an object
  • The Gypsy Peek
Inspired by
  • Ken Dyne's "iThought So"
Related to
2014 151
John Lovick Chic Thief pseudo psychometry with drawings
Inspired by 2016 83
Jared Kopf Impromptu Marking System for pseudo psychometry, originally from "Behind Your Forehead" (Kopf, 2013)
2016 41
Christoph Borer Kloincidence matching routine with toilet signs, male / female
Also published here 2016 39
Dave Forrest Loser! three envelopes, one with a bill and two with Loser-cards, performer repeatedly finds the one with money and also has it predicted
Mar. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 3)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Long Distance Lottery spectator selects a number from several lottery tickets which is divined, long distance presentation for Age Cards, fold marking system
Variations 2021 1
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Handling for a Zoom Show spectator selects a number from several lottery tickets which is divined, long distance presentation for Age Cards, fold marking system
Inspired by 2021 21
Bob Fillman Marking by Paper Grain can be differentiated by feel inside envelope
2022 17
Christoph Borer, Oliver Scheer Todsünde und Tugend word on two slates changes into name of freely chosen card with deadly sin or virtue
2023 19
Michael Murray On the Edge (The Universal Forcing System Updated) numbered business cards, method to force object or topic
Inspired by
  • Ken Dyne's "iThought So"
Related to
2023 3
Christoph Borer Symbolosis matching routine with toilet signs, male / female
Also published here 2024 42