122 entries in Propless / Equivoque
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Right-Left Equivoque
1876 171
Magician's Choice equivoque for three objects
1896 40
Arthur Toskana Magician's Choice one of three cards
Feb. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Equivoque about a dozen items
1903 151
David P. Abbott Magician's Choice out of eight items
July 1939
The Jinx (Issue 58)
Theodore Annemann Headline Hunter magician's choice strategy
Also published here Dec. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 151)
Jean Hugard Forcing the Choice of one of Four Packets several approaches to the magician's choice
Apr. 1944
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Theodore Annemann Headline Hunter magician's choice strategy
Also published here 1944 183
Magician's Choice one of three items
1952 48
Robert Zürcher Ei-Ei Ein Spiegelei prediction of one of four dishes, production of fried egg
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 3)
Jochen Zmeck Three-Books Equivoque
1960 29
Harry Lorayne Force Prediction equivoque out of about twelve cards
1962 100
E. Leslie May, Theodore Annemann Beatrick! four selected cards with names of bands in envelopes, spectators choose their own card, equivoque
Inspired by Aug. 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 52)
Jules Lenier Triangle Prediction performer writes prediction, spectator draws five symbols on billets and choses one, see p. 32 for comment by Monroe Manning
Variations Mar. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Jochen Zmeck Dreimal à la Annemann equivoque procedure for six items, followed by three applications
1972 15
Chester "Dr. DeMille" Miller, Gene Nielsen Money in Mind classic, three coins, prediction on business card
Magick (Issue 140)
Philip T. Goldstein, Arthur Emerson 'tis the Season to Be Lying four name tags, spectator finds the one with the real name, based on Arthur Emerson's "Liar's License" in Sam Dalal's Swami magazine, marking method
1976 10
Philip T. Goldstein Geometric Coin prediction of a shape and a coin
1976 15
Philip T. Goldstein Elemental one of the four elements is predicted
1976 18
Philip T. Goldstein On Equivoque
Also published here 1976 1
Philip T. Goldstein Forcing One of Five Objects
1976 3
Philip T. Goldstein Verbal Overkill Approach
1976 3
Harry Lorayne Three Ways to One magician's choice
1977 236
Karl Fulves In Writing three coins on table, chosen coin vanishes and reappears inside sealed envelope, one out of three force with written instructions
1978 1076
C. L. Boarde Forcing the Book - Variation A "Either or" technique
1978 1
C. L. Boarde Forcing the Book - Variation C fake cover ploy, mixed with equivoque
1978 5
Karl Fulves Replica No. 25, four coins on table, one chosen and put in envelope, it duplicates in envelope, equivoque with written instructions
1979 37
Geoffrey Buckingham Die Gezwungene Wahl equivoque routine with coins
Also published here
  • Genii, Oct. 1976
Apr. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 1)
George Schindler Rubik's Prediction color chosen via six card, only chosen color magically solves itself
1982 12
David Berglas E.S.P. Logie multiple prediction routine, six spectators with envelopes stand behind six numbers, one spectator chooses one object among six and puts the rest in an order, selection matches the number, order matches and selection and number was predicted beforehand
Also published here 1987 3
Bascom Jones The Equivoke Mosaic on the magician's choice
  • Where to Use It
  • The Phantini Variation
  • An Additional Subtlety
  • The Fall-Back Position
  • Equivoke Principle
  • Keep Instructions Flowing
  • How Many Items?
Aug. 1988
Magick (Issue 409)
One-of-Six Force involving spelling the number
1988 32
Ken Weber Real Men Don't Play With Words magician's choice handling, for Hoy book test, three objects
1991 82
Earl Keyser, Amy Keyser Balloon Antics six balloons are distributed, five people sit down, remaining person is the only one with helium balloon
Nov. 1992
Magick (Issue 481)
Jerry Mentzer 3 or 4 Force Using a Special Die forcing an item in a row of six, propless or with mis-spotted die
1994 24
Theophil "Philius" Weidmann Magicians Choice with five objects, thoughts and structure
1995 14
Robert Cassidy Equivoque brief
1995 39
Max Maven Verbale Kontrolle full German translation of "Verbal Control"
Also published here 1996
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 4 & 5)
Terry Nosek A Penny For Your Thoughts one of three coins is selected and predicted on business card
1996 46
Eric Mead Tie One On performer's tie hidden, one chosen from several matches
Also published here Apr. 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 8)
Dean Dill Equivoque Procedure one out of four
Also published here
  • "Aces in their Faces", Bob Kohler, 1997
2002 92
David Berglas Magician's Choice several spectator put objects on the table, two are selected and they match the predictions
Related toAlso published here 2002 79
David Berglas The Press Club Prediction prediction of an object, a word and a number, plus a knocked over bottle by a spectator and a dried up pen
2002 297
David Berglas Shall We Open the Box? spectator puts objects on a tray and choses two, same objects are found in a box
2002 338
David Berglas Pear in a Bottle bottle is knotted on a string and hang outside a window, fruit is selected and ends up in bottle, more brief routines with fruits, banana cuts itself into named amount of pieces
Also published here 2002 387
David Berglas ESPacology multiple prediction routine, six spectators with envelopes stand behind six numbers, one spectator chooses one object among six and puts the rest in an order, selection matches the number, order matches and selection and number was predicted beforehand
VariationsAlso published here 2002 429
David Berglas Drinks Prediction one of several bottles is chosen and predicted, engraved on a sculpture
2002 500
David Berglas Magician's Choice several spectator put objects on the table, two are selected and they match the predictions
Also published here Nov. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 3)
David Berglas Pear in Bottle bottle is knotted on a string and hang outside a window, fruit is selected and ends up in bottle, more brief routines with fruits, banana cuts itself into named amount of pieces
Also published here Nov. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 3)
Eric Mead Tie One On performer's tie hidden, one chosen from several matches
Also published here 2003 7
Jay Inglee Treasure Chest spectator chooses one of four imaginary items, it's a playing card, that choice is predicted as well as whether the card is facing up or down
2003 272
Jim Steinmeyer Pushing the Envelope
  • Conjuring
spectator decides on order of three envelopes that are clipped on a ribbon, order is predicted in the envelopes
Apr. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 8)
Alain Nu Nu Wave ungaffed
Related to 2003 16
Wayne Dobson Conjuror's Choice six magicians depicted on cards, one chosen, it is the performer and all other magicians are dead ones
2004 6
Wonder Man Fred Sanfte Gewalt thoughts and handling details for Equivoque
  • Omnia mea mecum porto
  • Die unsichtbaren Korridore
    • Phase 1: Aus acht mach vier
    • Phase 2: Aus vier mach zwei (und manchmal eins)
    • Phase 3: Aus zwei mach eins
  • Trekantet Forhold
    • Option 1: Die Ehefrau wählt den Zielgegenstand
    • Option 2: Der Zuschauer wählt den Zielgegenstand
    • Option 3: The winner takes it all
  • Nachgedanken
2004 79
Paolo Cavalli Pateo Variation "Point at Three, Eliminate Two", mixed with Equivoque
2004 20
Ron Bauer The Principle of the Equivoque
2005 14
Chuck Hickok Application Idea #1: My Favorite Approach to Equivoque
Related to 2005 35
Jon Racherbaumer Hobsonian Fringe Notes The Artful Ledger
on equifoque
  • Rules of the Game
Nov. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Two-Object Equivoque
Nov. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Three-Object Equivoque
Nov. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Max Maven Maven's Three Book Procedure equivoque
Also published here
  • The Complete Idiot's Guide to Magic Tricks (1999, p. 247)
Nov. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Edward Marlo Marlo's Three-Object Equivoque
Nov. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Max Maven Five-Object Equivoque
Nov. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Docc Hilford Introduction thoughts on the magician's choice, credits
2005 4
Docc Hilford E'Voque seven random objects are placed on the table and a spectator secretly writes down one object, second spectator selects matching object, thorough Equivoque explanation
  • Step1: The Items
  • Step 2: The Prediction
  • Step 3: The Set-Up
  • Step 4: The First Line
  • Step 5: The Second Line
  • Step 5: The Third Line
  • Opening Patter
  • Afterthoughts
2005 7
Docc Hilford E'Voqueing People seven people on stage with different colored balloon hats, other spectator selects on and this person is selected, prediction of color of hat
2005 22
Docc Hilford Dr Cocktail's Party Game seven people on stage with different drinks, bar keeper choses a drink secretly, person is selected by other guest and name is predicted
2005 25
Docc Hilford Adapt. Improvise. Overcome thoughts on equivoque
2005 27
Paolo Cavalli Coinport dated 1992, one of three different invisible coins is selected and materializes in performer's hand, then an ESP card is selected and the matching symbol appears on coin while it is held by spectator
2005 3
Eric Mead Tie One On performer's tie hidden, one chosen from several matches
Also published here 2006 195
Dean Dill Ace Packet Equivoque
Also published here
  • "Aces in their Faces", Bob Kohler, 1997
Aug. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Hector Chadwick The Trouble With Equivoque: Thoughts on the nature of magician's choice
2008 117
Hector Chadwick Equivoque Routine #2 Performer predicts each object that two spectators end up holding
2008 121
Hector Chadwick Sweeties Predict which M&M sweet is left uneaten
Related to 2008 135
Hector Chadwick An Equivocal Miscellany Further miscellaneous thoughts and techniques relating to the practice of equivoque
2008 143
Evan Reynolds May the Force Be With You star wars character is chosen and predicted
Oct. 2008
Antinomy (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Alexander de Cova, Ralf "Braco" Wichmann Die Annemann Force equivoque force from even number of objects
Also published here 2010 5
Pete McCabe Eat Me M&M chosen, color predicted via remaining M&M in the bag
May 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 5)
Dani DaOrtiz Some Thoughts About the Magician's Choice
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!

  • The Importance of the Question
  • The Spectator Anticipates
  • Movement Toward the Background
  • Ambiguity to Afford Alternatives
  • Forcing Decisions
  • Sentence Construction
  • Offering Two Choices and Placing Greater Emphasis on One of Them
  • The Only Option Among Many
  • The Logic of the Sentence
  • Question on a Secondary Layer
  • Direct Request, Final Ambiguity
  • Forcing by Making Use of Expectations or Assumptions
Also published here Sep. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 9)
Alexander de Cova, Ralf "Braco" Wichmann Die Annemann Force equivoque force from even number of objects
Also published here Oct. 2012 5
Jim Steinmeyer Dances with Equivoque
  • Conjuring
Aug. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 8)
John Bannon Ion Man one of three imaginary coins is chosen and flipped, coin and heads/tails predicted
Inspired by 2013 253
Hector Chadwick Equivoque Pronunciation, Magician's Choice, and its flaws
2014 2
Hector Chadwick Problem: Announcing Intentions Alternative:

  • Don't say it
  • Write your prediction, then give the instructions
  • Think
2014 6
Hector Chadwick Problem: Incomplete Sentences Alternative:

  • "Give one to me"
  • "Give two of them to me"
2014 8
Hector Chadwick Problem: Interpreting The Outcome
2014 10
Hector Chadwick Problem: Lack of Purpose
2014 11
Hector Chadwick The "No Questions" Rule Setting the rule so that audience does not ask too many questions during equivoque
2014 12
Hector Chadwick Six M&Ms Breakdown on Sweeties routine, magician predicts which M&M spectator chooses out of six colors, explains how this routine avoids the problems mentioned previously
Related to 2014 13
Christian Scherer Magician's Choice Handling hand palm up / palm down
2014 88
Jim Steinmeyer The Apport
  • Conjuring
necklace appears on spectator's hand under (gaffed) handkerchief
Apr. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 4)
Alexander de Cova, Ralf "Braco" Wichmann Die Annemann-Force nach Braco equivoque force from even number of objects
Also published here 2015 150
Jim Steinmeyer The Six Chair Concert six chairs with plaques at the back, procedure to get five spectators sitting on them, the plaques contain predictions on the choices
Inspired byRelated to 2015 2
Christoph Borer Psychologische Force magician's choice handling, "Vorforce"
Related toAlso published here 2016 27
Andy (The Jerx) Third-wave Equivoque Third-wave equivoque is based on the richness of language rather than the ambiguity of action.
2016 123
Andy (The Jerx) The Use You Gambit "Which item do you want to use?" type of sentence used in equivoque to provide specificity
2016 131
Paul Vigil Determined Choice one of six items chosen and predicted
Inspired by
  • "Mind Control" (Bill Abbott, 2004)
  • "Hypnotic Choice" (Dealer's Item)
2017 13
Harapan Ong On the Fundamental Structure of Routines I: Linear structures
II: Branching structures
  • Equivoque
  • Multiple Outs
III: The Trick That Cannot Be Explained
IV: Conclusion
V: References
2018 211
Michael Powers Flipped Out three imaginary coins, chosen one predicted and also whether it is heads or tails up
Inspired by 2019 286
John Lovick Eliminate the Negative three imaginary coins, chosen one predicted and also whether it is heads or tails up
Inspired by May 2020
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. 1 Part 2 (Spring #2))
John Carey, Michael Powers Simplex Positive Negative three coins, chosen one predicted and also whether it is heads or tails up
Inspired by
  • "Positive Negative" (Max Maven, Video Minds videos)
2020 444
Lawrence Hass, Eugene Burger Eugene's Approach to Equivoque
  • Introduction
  • Interview
  • Eugene's Definition and Principles
    • Additional Principles
    • Some Notes on the Magician's Choice
    • Notes on Equivoque
  • Workshops
    • The Early Workshops (1985-1986)
    • The Late Workshops (Late 1990s-2017)
    • Excerpts
2021 253
Eugene Burger Forcing Sequence for Up to Five Objects
  • A. Forcing One Out of Two Objects
  • B. Forcing One Out of Three Objects
  • C. Forcing One Out of Four Objects
  • D. Forcing One Out of Five Objects
2021 268
Eugene Burger Two Additional Handouts
  • Performance Script for the Magician's Choice (2002)
  • Practicing Equivoque
Related to 2021 284
Lawrence Hass Selected Resources on Equivoque
2021 287
John Carey Equicoins one of five coins predicted
Inspired by
  • "Equivox" (Christian Chelman, Capricornian Tales)
Feb. 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Joshua Jay The Test comment on equivoque effects
  • Doing It isn't the Same as Getting Away with It
  • Five Other Gripes
    • 1. Uhhhh.
    • 2. Meaningless movement
    • 3. Broken sentences
    • 4. Fewer Predictions, Please
    • 5. Breaking the Rules
2022 6
Joshua Jay Premise more comments on equivoque effects and "Inferno"
2022 21
Joshua Jay Passing the Test more comments on equivoque effects
2022 24
Joshua Jay Scripting more comments on equivoque effects and "Inferno"
2022 26
Joshua Jay Mixing Methods more comments on equivoque effects and "Inferno"
  • Confusion vs. Confidence
2022 30
Joshua Jay Three Modes of Equivoque
  • Asymmetrical Equivoque
  • Spatial Equivoque
  • Small World Equivoque
2022 66
Joshua Jay EquivoKat snacks and prices are shouted out and noted down by performer, one chosen, price is predicted and snack produced from empty envelope, miswriting
2022 72
Andi Gladwin People Power six spectators on stage, eliminated until one remains which is predicted
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Dec. 2004
2022 355
David Parr Proof Positive three imaginary coins, chosen one predicted with real coin in hand and also whether it is heads or tails up
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Oct. 2005
2022 437
Christoph Borer Vorforce handling when spectator doesn't name a suitable choice in a magician's choice, brief
Related to 2023 17
Dean Dill Equivoque Procedure one out of four
Also published here
  • "Aces in their Faces", Bob Kohler, 1997
2023 76
Karrell Fox The Tom and Jerry Force forcing one of two items
Unexpected Agenda (Issue July 2)
Jochen Zmeck Totally Improvised three crumpled-up newspaper pieces, three random items by spectators, spectators choose one paper and one item, in the paper is found the same item as a prediction, other papers are empty
Also published here
  • "Völlig improvisiert" (Jochen Zmeck, Trickkiste Nr. 6, 1983, p. 7)
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Nov. 2)
Christoph Borer Psychologische Force magician's choice handling, "Vorforce"
Also published here 2024 72
Christoph Borer Runic Revelation one of several rune stones is selected, prediction of rune symbol on pendant
Also published here 2024 239