126 entries in Food / Fruit
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Transformed Handkerchief "one of Herrmann's favourite tricks", borrowed handkerchief transforms into pieces, reappears in produced lemon, burned and restored once more
Related to 1876 246
Professor Hoffmann Loading a Lemon
1876 248
The Bran and Orange Trick bran put in coffer (special tin box) travels back in other box, orange in there instead
1876 335
Alexander Herrmann The Rice and Orange Trick orange and rice change places, using props (cone and vase)
Related to 1876 337
The Cone, or Skittle also "La quille", cone with shell changes place with ball under paper cone cover, also with larger cone and orange
1876 360
The Die and Orange large die and orange transpose
1876 423
The Obedient Ball (Improved)
  • orange stops on string
  • ball stops and even travels upwards (mechanical)
Inspired by 1890 279
Bartholomäus Gebert Citrone, Tuch und Ring lemon and handkerchief transpose in two borrowed hats, then borrowed finger ring is dropped audibly into glass under handkerchief cover and vanishes, it reappears in lemon
Sep. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Der verschwindende Billardball using cut-off slice of billiard ball to fake existence of whole ball, also possible with a lemon
Feb. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Professor Bellonie Citrone, Ring und Tuch auf Wanderschaft traveling routine with lemon, finger ring, silk and glass with tube cover, ring ends up in lemon
Apr. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Carl L. Curiel Die Südfrüchte oranges appear in hat and are thrown in second hat, then they travel back to first hat
Aug. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Der seekranke Passagier puppet made from orange, wine glass and handkerchief, gag with it
Sep. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 9)
Reis und Orange No. 18, rice in one container transposes with an orange under a cover
1900 150
Julius Kupka Citrone und Tuch lemon in hat transposes with silk in hands
Sep. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 9)
A Novel Way to Slice a Pear non-magical science experiment
1902 312
Hänsel Kastner Ein niedliches Gauklerstückchen knowing the number of separate pieces inside an orange
May 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 5)
Hamley Brothers A Borrowed Watch Changed to a Lemon fake lemon with ticking clockwork
1903 156
The Bewitched Orange long ribbon produced from orange
1903 434
Carl L. Curiel The Wandering Oranges oranges produced from borrowed hat, they then travel to another hat
1903 459
Oswald Rae The Magic Chimney Pot christmas themed routine, three empty socks are placed in a chimney model, socks fill up with food, then silks, flags and flowers are produced from the chimney
Also published here
  • "The Magic Chimney Pot" in "The Magic Wand"
1930 16
Tom Sellers Handkerchiefs and Lemons chosen silk to lemon
1931 12
Frank Lane A Gag and a Banana rubber banana produced from spectator's coat, it is then peeled and eaten after switch
1935 20
Ivor Smith Various Routines 2 Uses a black art table and a tri-color thimble and has a lemon production
1936 33
Edward Reese Banana Bill bill to banana
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1937)
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Egg and Lemon egg and lemon each in silk transpose
Also published here
  • "An Illusive Metamorphosis" (The Sphinx, June 1921)
1937 76
Dr. Edward G. Ervin A Cut and Restored Lemon with lemon shell
1937 80
Jean Hugard b. Insertion of one fruit into another
1937 5
A Bill and a Banana banana is peeled and is found cut in chosen number of pieces with borrowed bill inside as well
1937 42
Hans "Severus" Ernst, Jules "Borosko" Sautebin Aus dem alten Zauberkasten variations for the Obedient Ball / Die
  • using a lemon (Borosko)
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 5)
U. F. Grant Tomato Cocktail tomato vanishes from paper bag, where only tomato skin remains, in cup appears tomato juice
Related to 1940
The Jinx (Issue 103)
Bruce Elliott Fisherman's Fancy goldfish cut out of carrot becomes real
The Jinx (Issue 104)
Bob Pearce A Headline Egg-Bag Routine with lemon, glass of lemonade produced as climax
June 1940
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 2 No. 12)
The Bewitched Banana self cutting banana, number of slices matches selected number card
1941 290
The Magic Orange thread through orange penetration
1941 338
Greer Marechal Jr. Streamlined Hoffmann
Inspired by Oct. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 19)
Eddie Joseph The Coin and the Orange coin and paper-wrapped glass, coin vanishes, orange appears under glass, orange vanishes, glass vanishes, orange found in pocket, coin in orange, no lapping
1942 112
Jean Hugard The Serpent Handkerchief lemon appears, handkerchief in paper changes with fruit of lemon, to dry handkerchief it's held over a candle where it is burnt and eventually found in wrapping paper
Related to Nov. 1943 22
Jean Hugard The Serpent Handkerchief (Continued from November Issue)
Related to Dec. 1943 27
Jean Hugard, Chung Ling Soo II. The Vanish by the Throw Behind the Back explained with a ball, description of Chung Ling Soo's use of the move for the linking rings and the vanish of an orange
Oct. 1944 77
Jean Hugard The Punishment Fits the Crime coin transforms into lemon, under hat
Dec. 1944 86
Senor Charles Mardo Mardo’s Egg Bag Routine egg vanishes and reappears a few times, lemon is produced from bag
Related toVariations 1945 5
Hervel Un tour amusant pour les petits et... les grands! rabbit, fruits and silks vanish and appear in box, followed by german translation "Ein unterhaltendes Kunststück für die kleinen... u. die Grossen!"
May 1946 7
Sid Lorraine, Bert Douglas Watch the Lemon lemon is supposed to travel into glas, only skin remains, lemonade in glass
Inspired by
  • "The 'Lemon Crush' Mystery" (Sid Lorraine, Linking Ring Vol. 2 No. 11, 1924)
Related toVariations
1948 75
Harlan Tarbell Orange and Die die and orange change places, prop magic
Variations 1948 251
An After Dinner Diversion cutting skin of lemon, parts are interlocked
Also published here
  • "Journal de la Prestidigitation" No. 143, July-August. 1948.
Sep. 1948 462
Harlan Tarbell Le Citron de le Dé lemon and large die change places, with hat, followed by german translation "Die Zitrone und der Würfel"
Also published here
  • "Sphinx" April, 1947.
Aug. 1948 10
Eddie Joseph Glass and Orange glass under newspaper cover, orange vanishes, glass vanishes, both found in spectator's clothing, stand-up without lapping
1950 48
Eddie Joseph Live Banana from Volunteer in Auditorium
1950 54
Banana (1)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
slicing banana before opening it, toothpick
Apr. 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Banana (2)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
banana peals itself when placed over milk bottle with burning paper inside
Apr. 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Banana (3)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
party game, trying to feed banana blindfolded
Apr. 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Eddie Joseph Have a Lemon coin transforms into other coin, while doing heads or tails, lemon appears in closed fist, rubber fruit
1952 4
Zum Dessert special way to cut a lemon, peel is linked
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 14 No. 3)
Ein Uhr Mysterium watch vanishes and appears in orange which was inside a bag and a box
Also published here
  • in "Magikeren"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 14 No. 4)
Karrell Fox Pop-Up Banana banana joke, after taking a bite, banana pops back in original form
1954 6
Karrell Fox The Vendor Pitch Act gag bit, production of hot dogs, cigars, bananas etc
1954 44
Eddie Joseph The Vanishing Fruit seated, vanish of an apple or similiar
1954 25
Eugene Gloye Confetti & Oranges Phantom Tube routine, with confetti and oranges
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1955)
George Karger Ghost of the Morro Crab napkin moves over table, orange / lime under it
Jan. 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 340)
Charlie Miller, David Devant A Lesson in Magic with assistant, one claims to teach "handkerchief to lemon", handkerchief changes to small pieces, to ribbon, then to lemon, handkerchief inside, center cut out of two handkerchiefs, mismade handkerchief restoration, handkerchief to liquid, restored handkerchiefs reappear
1961 41
Ali Bongo Fruit Salad two in the hand with miniature fruits, can of fruit salad as climax
1966 31
K. Yost Silk Monte silks and glasses travel behind two screens, as guessing game, as finale silk changes to orange
July 1969 267
Floyd Shotts, Frank Novotny Hot-Banana banana changes to hot dog
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Parker Swan How to Force a Watermelon card or silk in watermelon, gag
1970 3
Art Spring Crushed orange is supposed to travel into glas, only skin remains, orange juice in glass, simplified, see p. 337 for Sid Lorraine reference
Inspired by Mar. 1970 325
Harry George 3x Comedy Macig described by Paul Maurer, three comedy effects
  • 1. button under table
  • 2. revealing a selection using an alarm clock
  • 3. glass through table with a cherry sequence
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 35 No. 4)
Charles T. Jordan The Lemon and Potato Trick potato in stemmed glass is covered with a handkerchief, it transposes with a lemon
Also published here 1975 252
Charles T. Jordan The Lemon and Potato Trick potato in stemmed glass is covered with a handkerchief, it transposes with a lemon
Also published here 1975 263
Frank Garcia Hollow Egg and Lemon Idea
1976 206
Don Tanner Silks two different-colored silks transpose in two cloth bags, then they change into two fruits
1978 10
Don Tanner Rice, Lemon & Checkers rice, lemon and checkers are placed in three cloth bags, they transpose around
1978 14
The Lemon Pig pig figure constructed from lemon and matches
1979 40
Bob Fitch 2 Wrapped Glasses, 1 Coin & 2 Oranges "Extras - Variations - 8)"
coin and orange transpose
1980 7
Ken Brooke The Answers a Lemon coin travels under hat, lemon climax appearance
Also published here 1980 43
Steve Spillman The Banana Stab fruit thrown in the air and named fruit is pierced with sword
1980 16
Rice Vase rice inside a vase change into orange, ball or checkers, various models by Bland, Conradi, Willmann, Thayer, Klingl, John Gaughn, Owen, Mysto Magic, Tayeda
1982 31
The Rice and Orange Trick orange and rice change places, using cones
Related to 1982 39
Vase, Cone, Beans and Orange Trick orange, cone and beans vanish and appear, with vase and handkerchief
1982 77
Fireworks No. 14, orange peeling squeezed over flame
1983 6
The Mystery of the Oranges No. 81, signed orange is mixed with other oranges in a bag, performer locates the signed one without looking
1983 22
Pat Conway Oranges and Lemons fruits appear in a mat that is folded and unfolded several times, fruits attached to mat with string
1987 128
Gary Kurtz Orange red and yellow ball rolled up in sheet of paper turn into orange
Related to 1988 18
Hiroshi Sawa The Lemon Trick spectator picks card with lemon on it, multiple lemons appear on the table one by one
1988 79
Gary Kurtz Orange lemon and tomato change into fruit in cardboard
Related to 1990 43
Ken Brooke Nichts als eine Zitrone coin travels under hat, lemon climax appearance
Also published here Oct. 1990
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 4 & 5)
Alexander de Cova Heba's Fez egg from hand to hat/fez multiple times, two melons as final loads, with spectator on stage
Also published here 1991 3
Chris Moore Moving Napkin Gag paper napkin draped over fruit moves along bar, fruit underneath rolls
May/June 1991
The Magic Menu (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Alexander de Cova Heba's Fez egg from hand to hat/fez multiple times, two melons as final loads, with spectator on stage
VariationsAlso published here 1992 25
Harlan Tarbell Tarbell's Oranges cups and balls routine with flower pots
1993 76
Have a Banana real banana is taken from drawing
1993 207
A Lemon While You Wait lemon is drawn and removed from drawing, it is real
1993 209
Harlan Tarbell Orange Vase Combination orange as ball
1993 234
Roy Johnson Eine magische Lektion borrowed handkerchief changes into destroyed pieces, pieces put in paper bag, they change into ribbon, then in lemon, handkerchief is in lemon but with hole, put in cloth bag, part of the fabric transposes from bag to handkerchief, finally it appears on head of performer or assistant under hat
Nov. 1993
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 2)
Steve Dusheck Bugged stemmed fruit held by spectator changes into ugly creature
1994 128
Robert E. Neale Orange impossible/fascinating object with an orange
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue Astonishing Friends)
Paul Harris The Burbling of a Pea floating a pea above the mouth
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Secrets of the Astonishing Executive)
Robert E. Olson Production of the Lemon from handkerchief
1998 5
Bob King Card in Orange Plus deck changes in lemon, with torn-off corner, with fake bloody fingers as comedy prop
Inspired by 1999 4
Jim Steinmeyer Apples and Oranges
  • Conjuring
piano card trick version with fruit, extra orange vanishes
July 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Kurt Weiss Ghost Detector red and white silk tied together, they untie by themselves, apple in paper bag transforms into two oranges, rubber apple
2001 204
John Carney Astral Projection Hawaii chosen as travel destination, performer transforms into Hawaii tourist, sand from shoe, towel and pineapple production
2002 159
David Berglas Pear in a Bottle bottle is knotted on a string and hang outside a window, fruit is selected and ends up in bottle, more brief routines with fruits, banana cuts itself into named amount of pieces
Also published here 2002 387
Tom Stone Going Bananas two-person comedy act in which fake banana becomes real
Also published here 2002 9
David Berglas Pear in Bottle bottle is knotted on a string and hang outside a window, fruit is selected and ends up in bottle, more brief routines with fruits, banana cuts itself into named amount of pieces
Also published here Nov. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 3)
Paul Harris Orange orange cut in quarters, one quarter is eaten, then rest is shown to have vanished leaving only the peel behind
  • The Peel
  • The Fruit
  • The Juice
2003 247
The Fruit Load From pouch
2004 50
The Hat Load Melon
2004 51
Gazzo Macee Revealing the Melon Presentational idea for revealing melon under hat
2004 51
Jay Sankey Hot Tomato two tomatos produced from tomato seed packet
2004 16
Kostya Kimlat Sweet Cherry Living stem of two cherries is fused together
2006 9
Paul Osborne The Blooming Orange Tree
  • Osborne Illusions
painting of orange tree, oranges appear on it, a flat orange is taken off and put in box where it becomes real, previously signed card appears in orange
Apr. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 4)
Donny Orbit She's Sick, My Cherry Trick stem torn off cherry, knot tied into it with mouth, then re-attached to cherry
Inspired by Aug. 2008
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. Annual 2007)
Tom Stone Flying Fruit apple and inside of orange transpose
2009 6
The Obedient Lemon stop-on-string ball with lemon
Secret Agenda (Issue Oct 19)
Tom Stone Going Bananas two-person comedy act in which fake banana becomes real
Also published here 2011 206
Patrick Page A Green Pair? socks change into fruit, trick based on a pun
2011 297
G Banana (太阳花) Make writing appear on banana, and also make spectator correctly guess what's inside a paperbag (a banana)
2015 47
Pranks with a Mandarin Orange paper is pushed inside an orange, skin used to transport liquid (secretly?)
  • Dan Sherer (additional comments)
Also published here
  • Hōkasen, 1764
May 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 5)
Alexander de Cova Hebas Fes egg from hand to hat/fez multiple times, two melons as final loads, with spectator on stage
VariationsAlso published here 2016 48
Adrian Vega Tequila Güey (Apilamiento Dados) magical dice stacking routine where lemon, salt shaker and glass of Tequila appears
2017 61
John Gaughan The Rice and Orange Trick
  • The Chamber of Secrets
orange and rice transpose with lots of apparatus
Aug. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 8)
Ben Hart Melocation signed tissue (actually white silk) transposes with stone of peach
2020 21
Wolfgang Moser Der Hut und das Ei egg from hand to top hat multiple times, various fruits and a glass of beer as final loads, with spectator on stage, featuring hat loading methods from chair
Inspired by 2021 6
John Graham The Lemon Bookend: The Lemon Vanishes
  • Topit Vanish
  • Topit Vanish 2
  • The Conceptual Vanish
Related to 2021 273
John Graham Lemon Zombie knife stuck in lemon
2021 277
Curtis Kam Lemon Stunner chosen fruit from list appears under cup
Related toAlso published here
  • MAGIC, July 2011
2022 1043