187 entries in Coin / Effect Themes / Transformation / Transformation Coin - Object
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Métamorphose d'un écu en médaille Metamorphosis of a coin into a medal
1786 224
Emil Clauß Eine Geldangelegenheit confetti in glass, changes into coins, twelve coins placed in two handkerchiefs held by two spectators each, four travel across, plate used as coin tray
Feb. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Carl Willmann Die Verwandlung eines Thalers in einen lebenden Vogel tube apparatus, coin changes into bird
Apr. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Wilhelm Grüner Der Thalerfang im Hut coins change into chocolate coins after miser's dream
June 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 6)
Professor Hoffmann The Melting Coin (Improved) coin becomes soft, held into flame, becomes tin-foil ball
Related to
  • "La Pièce Fusible" (Robert-Houdin, Secrets of Conjuring and Magic)
1903 484
Charles T. Jordan The Dollar and the Sucker dollar changes into chip in stiff paper
Also published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Coin and Glass of Water coin under hat changes into glass of water
1935 20
Heads or Tails coin under hat turns into guinea pig
1935 29
Otis Manning Brrr!! (meaning 'very cold'), coin transforms into fake ice cream cone
Jan. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 16)
Edward Victor "Cigar to Money" cigar pushed into the fist changes into four pennies
1937 81
Quick Change wrapped-up bill changes into number of coins that corresponds to value of chosen card
1937 45
Coin Changed to an Alarm Clock
1938 687
Louis Tannen Change, Please! bill into signed envelope, envelope is cut, bill vanishes and two coins fall out
Variations Oct. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 20)
Eddie Joseph The Colorful Transformation coins put in hand change into paper with funny message, then changes into confetti (hidden in egg container) or a lemon
1942 92
Eddie Joseph Curing a Bad Habit cigarette and/or matches change into coin
1942 105
Half and Half bill changes to coins into envelope that is cut
1943 118
Paul LePaul Le Paul's Torn Bill bill torn in half, one half changes to half dollar, restored
Related to 1943 126
A Dollar makes a "Break" bill to coins, bill breaks pencil (outstreched finger)
1943 127
Edward Marlo Triple Dice Routine two in hand one in pocket, with surprises (shrinking dice, coin appearance)
1943 9
Jean Hugard The Punishment Fits the Crime coin transforms into lemon, under hat
Dec. 1944 86
John Mulholland III. Transformation lapping used for transformation, “an olive can be transformed into a lump of sugar, a piece of paper can be changed into a potato chip, a blank domino can be turned into a double six”
1944 43
J. B. Bobo The Ghost Coin and Key
Related to 1945 156
Abril Lamarque Heavy Tipper joke for tipping in a restaurant, coin transforms into small heavy ball
Feb. 1945 101
Paul Morris A Life Saver life saver turns into coins, and is produced from the air
May 1945
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Alfred "Agys" Gysler Ein Ehering kommt zurück... "Das magische Pfand", four coins placed inside purse and change to spectator's finger ring, clever glued coin gimmick
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 7 No. 3)
J. B. Bobo Coin to Ring featuring pumpkin seed vanish as switch
1947 80
Karrell Fox Jam Auction one dollar bill to five dollar bill, then five transforms into a dime
Also published here Nov. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 163)
Frank Cruse Silken Silver coin changes to silk
1948 77
Paul Morris Dollar Metamorphosis bill is torn and halves change into coins
Sep. 1950 703
Clettis V. Musson Flash Dollar Bill Change bill changes into two coins, in a flash
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1951)
Paul Morris "Easy Come? Easy Go" coin transforms into silver confetti, in hand
  • Alternate Method
July 1951 809
The Charmed Coin coin to candy
1952 75
J. B. Bobo Coin to Key
Related to 1952 78
Variation concept for transforming a coin to a small object
1952 119
Kirk Stiles Die to Dime coin to small object
1952 127
Eddie Joseph Long Change coin changes into bill, while doing heads or tails
1952 7
Eddie Joseph How Much Is It Worth? finger ring changes into nickle and back
1952 14
Eddie Joseph Money Silk coin changes to handkerchief
1952 29
Karrell Fox A Sure Bet joke, coin transforms into match
1954 13
Hans E. Trixer Magic Slot Machine two coins pushed into fist, they transform into small bottle or something else
1954 182
Otto "Sasso" Lutz Das versilberte Seidentuch silk turns into coins, with wand
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 17 No. 2)
Carl Ballantine Ballantine's Silver Dollar aluminium foil on bill becomes coin
The New Phoenix (Issue 348)
Jack Chanin Dollar to Dollar dollar coin cleanly transforms into dollar bill
1966 416
Joseph M. White #3 plastic cube covered with metal cube, coffee is poured inside and changes into pennies
June 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 62)
Milton Kort Silver Streak coins travel from hand to hand, then ten dimes become a dollar bill
Aug. 1968
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Bob Ostin The "Sky Hooks" Routine coin is put on invisible sky hook where it also becomes invisible, then it appears again and finally changes into a die
1968 1
Ace Gorham Hot Money bill to cigarette, torn halves then change to half dollars
1969 19
Ger Copper Fancy Change giant coin changes to card case, deck removed and case vanishes
1970 5
Jules DeBarros The Hammam Routine signed coin penetrates table and falls in a glass, transforms and travels under other hand, big medallion appears as kicker
1971 52
Gene Nielsen The Time Machine coin transforms into old coin and then into miniature credit card
June 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 16)
Neal Thomas 5¢ Coke coin dropped in shot glass under handkerchief cover, coin changes to coke, squirting nickel
Oct. 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Jerry Mentzer Poker Chip Chicanery poker chips produced from handkerchief, a chip changes color, then into silver dollar
1973 74
Amedeo Vacca Pinch of Salt salt heap glued on paddle, salt tossed in air and caught on paddle, salt changes to coin
1974 30
Gerald Kosky How to Make Change coin changes to small purse containing coins with same amount, catapult sleeving
1975 105
Charles T. Jordan The Dollar and the Sucker dollar changes into chip in stiff paper
Also published here 1975 210
Lawrence Nudelman The Key that Unlocks the Mystery of the Vanished Silver Dollar coin placed in hand, hand covered with handkerchief, coin changes into key
Related to 1975-1978 ca. 11
Lawrence Nudelman Two Halves into One Half two half dollars, one changes into the torn half of a dollar bill
1975-1978 ca. 14
Karl Fulves Workshop (2) paper discs punched out of bill change to coins, posed as a problem
Interlocutor (Issue 13)
Karrell Fox A "Hair-Raid" coin transforms into cotton ball, wig of George Washington presentation
1976 38
Bob Ostin Spellbound Variation climax for Vernon routine, coin changes to big dice
1976 ca. 7
John C. Wagner Spongeball to Coin
1978 52
Richard Chiswell Coin Transformation copper silver, in the end a match book appears
Apr. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Ross Bertram Hush Money two half dollars change into dollar bill
1978 51
Derek Dingle Flash Coins four coins in box, four matches visibly change into the coins one by one and in coin box are the burnt matches
1978 1105
Karl Fulves Coin Problems (B) coin in drinking glass changes to copper coin or to die, posed as problem
Interlocutor (Issue 22)
John F. Mendoza The Coin Casket marked quarter to brass box, routine for prop in which marked coin changes, then grows, then changes into the box, Benzais China Change
1978 98
John F. Mendoza Interlude III ending for "Interlude II" from Johnson Products
1978 103
Trevor Lewis Time Flies coin to watch
Aug. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 8)
Karrell Fox Geld Auktion one dollar bill to five dollar bill, then five transforms into a dime
Also published here Dec. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 3 & 4)
Bill Woodard Ich möchte lieber Silber bill transforms into two coins of equal value
Dec. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 3 & 4)
Al Schneider Gasp half dollar to african coin to diamond
1980 48
Dick Turpin The Drinks Are On Me coin transforms to full glass under handkerchief
Nov. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Mary Wolf Die to Half Dollar metamorphosis style
1980 121
Steve Dusheck Half a Buck coin changes to bill (perhaps, effect not clear)
Also published here 1980 ca. 7
Steve Dusheck Half a Buck coin changes to bill (perhaps, effect not clear)
Also published here 1980 ca. 11
Steve Beam Number One "Doing it by the Numbers", coin changes into small metal number 1
1981 33
Steve Beam Like One coin changes into small metal number 1
1981 33
Steve Beam Nothing Left coin changes into small metal number 0
1981 33
Steve Beam German Coins German coin changes into small metal number 9
1981 33
Lou Gallo Silver Certificate folded dollar bill visibly transforms into dollar coin
Also published here 1981 18
Michael Ammar Kointakey coin to key
1982 25
Steve Beam Can You Spare a Dime dime transforms into miniature coke can
1982 37
Steve Beam Candy Coins coin to candy
1982 40
David Ben Holy Smoke rolled flash paper becomes cigarette, two half dollars appear and change into bill
Jan. 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 1)
Ross Bertram Hush Money two coins transform into bill
Jan. 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 1)
Bobby Bernard Bernard Switch Coin transforms into a pair of dice
1982 39
John Fealey Polo 2 "Po£o", joke for paying in a shop, pound note is found in a roll of Polo mints, half is torn and changes into a coin
Jan. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Michael Rubinstein Key to Coin Improved borrowed key changes to coin and back
1982 73
Michael Rubinstein Key to Coin Simplified
1982 75
John Kennedy Watch coin vanishes and reappears beneath tables napkin, changes into wrist watch
1983 43
Jay Sankey Time Is Money pocket watch into coins
Variations Aug. 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Michael Ammar Flash Coins three coins appear from flame of lighter, then lighter changes into fourth coin, topit
Also published here 1983 11
Stephen Tucker Escalier steel ball changes into marble and silver coin
Jan. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 21)
Richard Bartram, Jr. Impromptu Ring Flight ring changes to coin and is found in coin purse
1984 77
David Roth The Stamp Trick Stamped pictures of coins move on paper then turn into coins
Related to 1985 349
Karl Fulves For A Penny? coin changes into key and back under cover of collar bill, see also p. 124
1985 17
Johnny Lindholm The Magic Napkin torn off pieces from a napkin change into coins
Oct. 1986
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Fred Kaps Cigarette to Coin
1986 12
Die Strafe folgt auf dem Fuß challenge that the spectator should grab a coin under a hat as soon as the hat is lifted by the performer, coin transformed into a lemon or raw egg
May 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 2)
Alfonso Aceituno Alchemy coin from copper to silver, then to lump of gold, then into ring with gems, spelled Alphonso
Dec./Jan. 1986/1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 5 & 6)
Michael Ammar, Alfonso Aceituno Alphonso's Alchemy Variation copper penny into gold penny, coal into diamond, both into ring with diamond
Dec./Jan. 1986/1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 5 & 6)
Alfonso Aceituno Coin to Bill coin visibly changes into folded bill
Feb. 1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Seventy-Five Persent corner torn off borrowed bill changes into quarter coin, bill folded in spectator's hand, quarter pushed in hand and bill is restored, see also p. xi at back of book
1987 23
Peter Wilker, Jochen Zmeck Fünf plus Fünf ist Zehn bill of 10 Franks is placed inside envelope and cut in two, 5 Frank coins are found in each half
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Christoph Borer Spare in der Zeit.... bill transforms into coin, then a mini piggy bank appears from which a lot of coins are produced
Also published here 1988 13
Karrell Fox Half and Half flash dollar bill transforms into two half dollars when ignited in a flash
1988 23
Jay Sterling The Bill to Coins bill changes into several coins
June 1988
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Alexander de Cova, Jay Sankey Time is Money pocket watch cleanly transforms into stack of coins, using body servante
Inspired byAlso published here 1988 17
Hiroshi Sawa Musical Notes Effect two coins on fingertips are clinked to make a sound, they then change into metal musical notes
1988 11
John Bannon Metal Epic (pt. 1) three half dollars appear one by one, placed in hand, coins appear again and in fist is bill and 2 quarters
1989 11
Simon Lovell Assassination Three bullet holes appear in a coin after magician feigns assassinating Kennedy - coin then changes into a bullet
1989 59
Karl Fulves Half and Half No. 60, borrowed one-dollar bill in envelope, cut in two, two half dollar coins come out
Inspired by 1989 72
Jay Sankey Quartertime Two Dollar bill transforms into One Dollar bill and four quarters
1990 61
Ken Krenzel, Horace Goldin Card-Coin Goldin Change visual
1990 34
Alexander de Cova, Jay Sankey Time is Money pocket watch cleanly transforms into stack of coins, using body servante
Inspired byAlso published here 1990 14
Lou Gallo Silver Certificate folded dollar bill visibly transforms into dollar coin
Related toAlso published here 1991 102
Michael Ammar KointaKey coin to key
1991 258
Steve Dusheck Mum's the Word coin to lapel flower
1991 9
Dan Garrett The Tooth Fairy sponge tooth changes into coin
Also published here 1991 14
Alexander de Cova, Jay Sankey Time is Money pocket watch cleanly transforms into stack of coins, using body servante
Inspired by 1992 144
Dan Garrett The Tooth Fairy sponge tooth changes into coin
Also published here 1992 14
Steve Dusheck Watch This coin travels to pocket, then changes into watch, coin is in watch
1992 72
Ernest Earick Spellbound Coin to Card Change
1993 105
Sol Stone In Your Hands coin to cigarette and back
Oct. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 10)
Johnny Lindholm Die Magische Serviette corner of paper towel torn off, transforms into coin, repeated twice
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Richard Bartram, Jr. French Changed torn Dollar bill is changed into ten dimes
1993 37
Barry Taylor What The Buck! bill changes into silver dollar
Also published here Feb. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Aaron Fisher Hey, Chewed dime visible changes into strip of gum
Also published here 1995 4
Jay Scott Berry Quicksilver coin vanishes, appears, vanishes, appears in purse, then changes into silver streamer, using Diamond Tip
1995 21
Thomas Fraps Just a Pair of Tweezers... three-coin production using tweezers, tweezers change into last coin
Also published here 1995 18
Flip Hallema Flip-Stick Move used as a transformation in this context
1995 20
Michael Kaminskas, Barry Taylor What the Buck Dollar bill transforms into silver coin, see Kaufman for credit details
Related toAlso published here 1996 63
Aaron Fisher Hey, Chewed dime visible changes into strip of gum
Also published here Mar. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 7)
Marvoyan Crazy Cashier coin to key
Sep. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 9)
Thomas Fraps The Tweezers three-coin production using tweezers, tweezers change into last coin
Also published here 1998 17
Flip Hallema Flip-Stick Move used as a transformation in this context
1998 18
David Regal The Great Wall of China Chinese coin turns into wedding band
1999 163
Toby Wessel Pick a Key, Any Key borrowed signed key changes to copper coin, then the coin vanishes on top of deck and reappears as the key next to selection, then key vanishes in trouser folds, ring flight finale
1999 197
Ed Andres Half a Card Trick card changes into half dollar coin, then vanishes and appears in deck next to selection
1999 59
Jeff Haas Engagement Alchemy penny and lump of coal change into a diamond ring
Jan. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 1)
David Stone Cards into 4 coins! one card transforms into four coins
2001 10
Christian Scherer Der neurotische Geldschein 10$ bill turns into a 100$ bill, then a part of the bill is extracted and burnt, in a flash it changes into coins the value of the 10$
Related to 2002 43
Hiroshi Sawa Marvelous Coin to Ring coin changes to finger ring
Also published here Nov. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 11)
Andrew J. Pinard Sweet Cents borrowed coin transforms into a penny, grows, vanishes, reappears, shrinks, finally transforms into several dollar-size chocolate coins
May 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 9)
Rune Klan Coins Across Cards Three Fly followed by coins transforming into cards
Also published here Sep. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 1)
Samina Into Gold lump of lead to gold coin
2003 381
Mark Aspiazu Ink Then Clink pen dropped onto table where it changes into four coins
Also published here Mar. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 7)
David Acer Fresh Mint piece of aluminium foil changed into silver coin
Inspired byAlso published here 2004 269
Jay Sankey Bon Bon copper in one hand and silver coin in other hand, they both change into wrapped candy
2004 47
David Acer Fresh Mint piece of aluminium foil changed into silver coin
Inspired byAlso published here July 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 7)
Rune Klan Impromptu Hit Man with coin/pen transformations
VariationsAlso published here Mar. 2004
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 7)
Rune Klan Flipstick Pen to Coin
Related toAlso published here Mar. 2004
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 7)
Don Nielsen Supercharged Silver ring changes to coin, involving a magnetic coin that is moved from sleeve to hand with magnetic pen
Related to 2005 414
Christoph Borer Spare in der Zeit bill transforms into coin, then a mini piggy bank appears from which a lot of coins are produced
Also published here 2006 42
Gregory Wilson, David Gripenwaldt Tax Bill bill changes into bill with holes, one of the missing pieces is changed into coin
2006 253
Nathan Kranzo Reality Check check for $10.25, corner torn off and changed into quarter in a flash, rest is changed into Ten dollar bill
2006 271
Simon Lovell Splodge card (or photograph) transforms into four coins
2007 327
Curtis Kam Take Us Home coins change to set of keys, gypsy switch
2007 19
Rick Merrill Financial Marker pen transforms into coin
July 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 7)
Hiroyuki Sakai Currency Swap signed bill put in small coin envelope, coin visibly changes into that folded bill, coin now in envelope
Feb. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 2)
Jeff Prace Travel Time coin travels to other hand, then to purse, then becomes new and shiny, then a block of metal
Mar. 2011
Antinomy (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Alexander de Cova, Jay Sankey Time is Money pocket watch cleanly transforms into stack of coins, using body servante
Also published here 2013 70
Hiroyuki Sakai Step 2: A Present coin changes into flowers, with assistant
2013 32
Kazu Katayama Aluminium Coin aluminium foil wrapper from chewing gum turns into coin
2013 135
Hiroshi Sawa Marvelous Coin to Ring coin changes to finger ring
Also published here 2013 234
Christian Scherer Der neurotische Geldschein 10$ bill turns into a 100$ bill, then a part of the bill is extracted and burnt, in a flash it changes into coins the value of the 10$, improved handling
Related to 2014 221
Hiroshi Sawa The Billy Goat hand is transformed into billy goat puppet with rolled up tissue napkins, napkin balls vanish, then bill placed in mouth/hand and it changes into coins
Feb. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 2)
Jeff Prace Gum Ball Recall
  • Left-Handed
chewed gum changes to quarter dollar, coin changes back to gum ball
Oct. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 10)
Wesley James, Scott Robinson Twisting with Victor variation stack of coins changes into folded bill, also see p. 286
Inspired by 2018 105
Joaquín Navajas Moneda a llave coin changes into key
2019 157
Mike Helmer Pocket Forge "Fathom -- Unsolved Problem"
sealing wax sticks with metallic colors used to stamp wax onto paper, the seals become actual coins, posed as a problem
Inspired by 2019
Alarum (Issue 2 (Winter #1))
Michael Rubinstein Smileys drawn face on coin changes, coin changes into large smiley badge
Also published here
  • New York Coin Magic Seminar Vol. 8, DVD
2020 303
Michael Rubinstein 3-D Printing spellbound routine with poker chip, changes to coin
2020 360
Curtis Kam CoinRoll three coins in one hand, one by one a small silver ball is seen rolling over the table from that hand to the other where it changes back to a coin
Apr. 2021
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Joe Cole Through and Chew three different coins through table, one changes to chewing gum at the end and back, one coin is stretched to long shape
Mar. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 3)
Al Bach They Don't Make Money Like They Used To rubber-banded dollar coin changes into rubber-banded bill
June 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 6)
Rune Klan Coins Across Cards Three Fly followed by coins transforming into cards
Also published here 2022 119
Mark Aspiazu Ink Then Clink pen dropped onto table where it changes into four coins
Also published here 2022 171
Rune Klan Impromptu Hit Man with coin/pen transformations
Also published here 2022 281
Rune Klan Flipstick Pen to Coin
Also published here 2022 282
Danny Archer Knee Delay coin produced from behind knee is changed into deck of cards
Also published here
  • MAGIC, May 2007
2022 617
Dave Forrest Clipper Coins three coins produced from flame of lighter, vanish and reproduction, last coin changing into lighter
  • Phase 1: Three Coins from Fire
  • Phase 2: The Coins Vanish
  • Phase 3: The Coins Return
  • Final Phase: The Last Coin Changes into the Lighter
Also published here
  • MAGIC, June 2008
2022 744
Jeff Prace Chocolatier's Coins Across chocolate coins travel into candy bag one by one, then change into purse with real coins
Also published here
  • MAGIC, May 2010
2022 944
Rune Klan Flipstick Pen to Coin flipstick against knee, coin bounces up
Related to May 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Brandon Sheffield Coin to Folded Card Transformation visual
June 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Mortenn Christiansen Stage Coin Vanish + Metal Detector coin vanishes and reappears multiple times, using electronic metal detector, card-to-coin ending
2023 44
Pedro Lacerda A Card or a Coin Trick? signed card to wallet with gag prediction presentation, card changes to jumbo Chinese coin, card is found back in wallet
2023 184