26 entries in Salt, Pepper & Sugar / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Theodore Annemann No Pain fakir stunt combination:
  • burning cigarette on tongue
  • needle through arm (real)
  • eating pepper
  • putting hand in trap
Related to Aug. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 59)
Mitchell Dyszel Salt & Pepper Separation grains mixed and magically separated, static electricity
The Jinx (Issue 101)
Milbourne Christopher Tobacco and Salt tobacco and salt are mixed in the hands and separated again, sleeving of tobacco
Mar. 1948
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Martin Gardner Beery salt spilled in beer rises to top, see also p. 758
Oct. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 188)
Walter Price Catching the Salt salt on knife
1949 7
Johnny Jones Cross of Pepper pepper on water, making a cross with match
1949 24
Emil Jarrow Salt and Pepper
  • Two Table Tricks
separating salt and pepper with the static electricity of a comb
Also published here Aug. 1951 826
Amedeo Vacca Pinch of Salt salt heap glued on paddle, salt tossed in air and caught on paddle, salt changes to coin
1974 30
Salt and Matches salt in hand transposes with matches in matchbox
1975 102
Hen Fetsch Salz und Pfeffer salt and pepper mixed in hand and separated again
Oct. 1982
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Stephen Tucker Gags?
  • Smelling Salts
  • Touch Wood
  • Finding Aces without touching cards (Britland)
June 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 26)
Ronnie Gann Sugar-morphasis as Ronnie Gunn, sugar changes into salt, sugar packet
Aug. 1983
Magick (Issue 322)
Mike Bornstein Sans Thumbtip bill rolled into tube, salt poured in it, doesn't come out at the bottom
July 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 7)
Mike Bornstein The Hydrostatic Dollar Bill rolled bill is filled with salt, turned over and salt remains inside, gaffed bill
1984 5
Martin Lewis Martin's Morton's Miracle Transposition between salt and pepper held in spectator / performer's hands
1985 137
Zucker nine impromptu magic items and gags with sugar
Dec. 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 3 & 4)
Michael Weber A Man for All Seasons rolled up napkin acts as a salt shaker, then pepper is produced and finally sugar from the same napkin
1991 21
Chris "Doc" Dixon The Dry Look joke, apparently urinating white powder because performer is dehydrated
Also published here 1996 1192
Martin Gardner Pepper presentation for the stunt in which pepper in water rushes to the edge of the glass, soap
1997 154
Martin Gardner Two Stunts
  • "Bronx cheer effect" with tv screen
  • tissue around end of tube, filled with salt, tissue cannot be broken
  • affecting television screen with magnet
Underworld (Issue 7)
Tom Stone Salt-X-change white silk in hand changes place with salt in saltshaker
Also published here 2002 18
Anthony Owen, Pete McCahon, Andrew O'Connor, Richard Pinner Recaffinated Coffee performer pours coffee, milk and sugar into a cup and drinks it, then items are spitted out from mouth seperately
Also published here 2007 25
Tom Stone Salt-X-Change white silk in hand changes place with salt in saltshaker
Also published here 2010 191
Emil Jarrow Salt Bet separating salt and pepper with the static electricity of a comb
Also published here Mar. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 3)
Anthony Owen, Pete McCahon, Andrew O'Connor, Richard Pinner Recaffeinated Coffee performer pours coffee, milk and sugar into a cup and drinks it, then items are spitted out from mouth seperately
Also published here 2017 224
Alexander de Cova, Looy Simonoff Der Salztrick für die Bühne salt poured into bowl of water, then brought out dry again
2017 72