151 entries in Liquid / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Henri Decremps Prodige arrivé sur la côte d'Afrique, chez un Peuple demi-sauvage. adventure story of an island and of Helioson who could bring the water of a river back
1785 108
Henri Decremps Machine hydraulique exprimant la circulation du fang dans les veines & les arteres. hydraulic machine to simulate the circulation of the blood in the arteries, variations
1785 173
The Magic Laundry borrowed handkerchiefs are "washed" in water tub and magically dried
1876 258
The New Pyramids of Egypt, or Wine and Water Trick wine and water mixed, separate again, with glass and decanter under cone covers
Related to 1876 377
The Wine and Water Trick - Improved Methods wine and water mixed, separate again
Related to 1890 375
Wine or Water - Another Method chemical
1890 380
Professor Charles Der amerikanische wasserdichte Hut hat borrowed and hands with water and soap are washed inside, water pours out from the bottom, rest changes into flowers, it is given back unharmed
Nov. 1895
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 3)
H. F. C. Suhr "Vermischtes" - Das wunderbare Changement diverser Flüssigkeiten glasses with red, white and black liquid, all poured in glass cylinder, liquids remain separated, then all becomes clear
Related to Oct. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Changement verschiedenfarbiger Flüssigkeiten
  • I. Ausführung
different colored liquids remain separate in glass cylinder, then become clear
Related to Aug. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 8)
Antonio Molini Changement verschiedenfarbiger Flüssigkeiten
  • II. Ausführung
second method
Related to Sep. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 9)
Carl Willmann Der präparierte Flaschenstöpsel hollow glass cork that can release liquid
Oct. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 10)
Atmospheric Pressure liquid remains in glass swung around, non-magical science experiment
1902 301
How Water Deceives non-magical science experiment
1902 312
Phantome Ein moderner Erfinder - 11. liquid catches fire by itself on spoon, chemical
Related to Jan. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Phantome Wie schwamm der Tote über die Donau? water poured on table, gag in which water is hit and everyone gets wet
Feb. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 2)
The Bottomless Tumbler with basic applications, stealing ball out, removing only part of the bottom so an egg stays within until glass is shaken, cover to allow liquid inside
1903 92
Professor Hoffmann A Borrowed Watch Reproduced from a Glass of Milk watch vanishes, milk poured from one glass to another, then watch taken out of milk, dry and functioning, two presentations
1903 157
A Glass of Wine in a Hat red wine poured in borrowed hat, comedy routine
1903 440
Carl Willmann Ventil-Verschluss method to seal holes in containers with liquids
Apr. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 4)
Joseph Michael Hartz The Wine and Water Trick wine and water mixed, they separate again
Related toAlso published here 1911 695
Joseph Michael Hartz The Wine and Water Trick wine and water mixed, they separate again
Also published here 1911 154
Louis F. Christianer Tobacco, Water and Silks tobacco put in glass, water in tobacco can, silks vanish and appear dry from can, water poured out of can, tobacco vanishes from glass and reappears in can
1915 14
Oswald Rae Mixed Drinks stout, beer and milk are mixed in a glass bowl, with three glasses performer removes a glass of each, Sand of Dessert with liquids
1926 47
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Marpinger Wunderwasser water does not pour through sieve, then water appears from funnel, tin funnel with double walls
1927 57
Tom Sellers Neptune's Handkerchief dry silks produced from cylinder of water covered with phantom tube
1935 17
Tom Sellers The Floating Bullet steel ball floats on water
1935 22
Frank Lane, U. F. Grant Why Didn't I think Of This Before? cream/milk poured into rolled up paper, then back
1935 33
Robert Parrish, John Goodrum Some Glassy Ideas suggestions for using glasses with liquid
1937 43
Novel Drinking Cup borrowed bill rolled up, liquid poured into tube and out again
1937 19
Colored Fluids tip
1938 875
Franklin M. Chapman The Human Pump Ching Ling foo water can and magic funnel routine, water from head of spectator is pumped out from elbow
Sep. 1938
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Making Vanishing Ink
July 1939
The Jinx (Issue 58)
Ten Ichi, The Fairy Fountains water fountain raises and falls at will
1939 129
Beer Bet impromptu milk pitcher type thing with celluloid in glass to drink more
The Jinx (Issue 87)
Albert Russell, Theodore Annemann Separate Liquids different colored liquids remain separate, then become clear
The Jinx (Issue 119)
Laurie Ireland The Coca Cola Bottle and Nipple Effect liquid from bottle is filled in tiny baby bottle nipple
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1940)
Art Lyle French Safes using condom to cover glass with liquid, tip
Mar. 1940
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Bruce Elliott Elliott at the Bar deck with selection put on top of beer glass, name of card appears written into beer foam
Related to 1941
The Jinx (Issue 127)
Art Lyle One Drop More bar bet
Aug. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 146)
Vanishing Coffee Steam steam suddenly stops
1941 12
Charles "Think-A-Drink" Hoffmann Beer an Milk Beer peg drawn on paper, spigot pushed through image and beer is poured. Peg is transformed into a cow and milk is poured
1941 33
Lloyd W. Chambers The Great Egyptian Floto steel ball bearing floats in milk
1941 19
Alvin R. Plough Rehydration condensed pieces of "milk" put in water and they rise and fall for several hours
Mar. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 4)
Danny Morris, Doc Hurwitz, Walter B. Gibson Betcha
  • boiling water in a paper bag
  • beer bet
  • coin bet / puzzle ("One is not a nickel")
Variations Dec. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 24)
Eddie Joseph The "Ink-o" Routine two glasses with water and one with ink, covered by cups, monte type game
1942 52
Fred Shadley, Harlan Tarbell Water in the Hat gag, water is poured in borrowed hat
1945 41
Dr. E. T. Ackerman Wild Beer dry ice in beer, gag
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1945)
James Upchurch Cold Fire - The Magic Torch fake blow torch, effects with cold fire (bulb of flash light), melting metal, boiling water and more
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1945)
Joan Brandon The Flaming Punch flame from liquid, piece for a magic bar routine
1945 292
Hen Fetsch "My Best" Club Laugh beer vanishes from paper cone, multum in parvo, gag ending
1945 301
Roger Barkann, Magicana
  • Air Holes (wax pellets to seal air holes)
  • best pencil for marking card
July 1945 138
Hen Fetsch Condenso entire content of milk pitcher is poured into small cream pitcher
1946 15
Hen Fetsch Pump Presto "human pump" routine with milk pitcher instead of Foo Can
1946 24
Billy McComb William Passes On Some Tips on thumb tips, on using milk, on the appearing cane, how to remove paint
1947 36
Milbourne Christopher Pormor Prestidigitation comedy but using Merv Taylor's Pormor Filmor, shot glass filled from pitcher, assistant always drinks shot
Feb. 1947 293
James F. Herpick Rubber Thumb Idea liquid poured inside bill, tip
Feb. 1948 392
Martin Gardner Beery salt spilled in beer rises to top, see also p. 758
Oct. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 188)
Milbourne Christopher Drinking a Glass Full glass fills up while drinking, gag
Oct. 1949 596
I. Q. Test for Waitresses practical joke, filled glass is inverted on table
1949 23
U. F. Grant Magical Extraction glass of milk put in container, then coins, silk and smaller glass of tomato juice produced from it, glass of milk is now almost empty
Jan. 1949 14
U. F. Grant A Free Glass of Milk gag at restaurant with fake milk
Aug./Sep. 1949
Grant's Inner Circle Magazine (Vol. 1 No. 11 & 12)
U. F. Grant Black Coffee stiring cream in black coffee, then complain at the waitress, gag
Aug./Sep. 1949
Grant's Inner Circle Magazine (Vol. 1 No. 11 & 12)
Nelson A. Demers Three Golden Pyramids of the Valley of Oom coffee and milk is mixed in a glass and covered, two other glasses where spectator can decide where he wants cream and where coffee, after they have been covered too, the liquid is separated and is found in the right glasses, with table and pyramid covers, story trick
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1950)
Franklin V. Taylor Wet Dime! water drops fall from between two coins
Dec. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 245)
Beer (2)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
salt appears to penetrate through glass and raises up
Apr. 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Milk Bottles (12)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
simple way to mix milk and cream
June 1951 803
Box (2)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
boiling water in cardboard box
July 1951 815
Broom (2)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
practical joke, broom holds pan of water against ceiling
July 1951 815
Leonard Austin Milk Round milk in glass vanishes and appears, using a Ghost Tube
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Alan E. Beech Audience Participation Comedy Routine magic water funnel routine with milk, using a lot of strange props
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Oran Bailey Dent Trickities several ideas
  • Production Cake (making a cake for dove pan)
  • Puttering with Pins (finding the right pins)
  • Leading Liquids (how to carry small quantities of liquid)
  • Dove Pan Flowers (tip to load the dove pan)
  • Flashy Confetti (how to make sparkling confetti)
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1958)
Bert Douglas A "Refreshing" Lecture using the Egg-In-Paper Plus gimmick, liquid in newspaper
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
John Gannaway Tips on This and That
  • Liquids
  • Think Ink
  • Cut and Restored Tie
  • Paper Restorations
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
Oran Bailey Dent Trickities 3
  • "Watch Pocke" Gag
  • "Gone" Line
  • Production Gag
  • Rope Gimmick Tip
  • Liquid Air Hole Release
  • Balloon Breaking Gimmick
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
Ali Bongo The Printer's Nightmare water put in magazine, water comes out black and magazine is blank
1966 28
P. Howard Lyons Mine Don’t Smell idea for a method involving smell and a chemical that paralyses sense of smell
July 1968
Ibidem (Issue 33)
Charles Cameron The Taste Tells cards with different drinks, one is selected and all put in envelopes, right one is found and divined
1969 52
John Bragoli Licensed Telepathy blindfolded divination of one of ten drinks written on cards
1969 71
Astus Les Boules Capricieuses white balls rise and sink in liquid, chemical experiment
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 4)
Heinz "Durox" Rüegg 4 Tips several brief descriptions of ideas
  • introducing shell
  • paper coins
  • appearing cane
  • milk bottle
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 5)
Roy Johnson Burst comedy routine, stack of picture and word cards, one is predicted and water appears from card
1971 6
Jeffery Atkins Other Lead-in Tricks tricks with liquids
1972 28
Billy McComb Flying Moo milk travels from glass to glass, visible as gag through hole
1972 132
Al Baker Al Baker's Moist Paper Thumb Tip Method No. 625, wet tissue paper is dried in hand, no details
Related to 1972 174
Vaya Cerveza, Amigo! beer starts foaming, gag
1973 103
Drinking Bar Bet performer bets, that he he drink three beers quicker than the other guy drinks three whiskies
Dec. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Drinking Bar Bet performer bets he can drink a measure of brandy from an unopened bottle
Dec. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Jack Gwynne The Invisible Rainbow glass with water, colors are selected and the water turns into those colors, for stage
1974 28
Las Ultimas Gotas bar bet, how many drops of liquid will drop from an empty bottle
1975 41
Escritura Misteriosa name of card appears in foam of a beer
Related to 1975 42
Philip T. Goldstein The Psychic Bartender named drink one is thought of and divined
1977 12
Karl Fulves Comedy Coke in the Hat paper cup in hat, liquid poured in, apparently goes wrong
1977 146
Tan Hock Chuan Milko Multum Im Parvo Milk poured from different sizes glasses, always fill up to the brim. After milk is drunk, final glass vanishes
Related to
  • "Milko Multum Im Parvo" (Benson DuLay, Magic Wand, Dec 1946)
1977 23
Tan Hock Chuan New Brandy and Water Separation Brandy poured into water, remains floating on water
1977 41
Karl Fulves Solid Liquid "Curiosities"
seesaw set-up with two filled glasses, ruler and pencil, it swings when water is pushed and thus water is apparently solid, physics
Inspired by
  • Martin Gardner's "Science Puzzlers"
The Chronicles (Issue 12)
Tieneblas PK sugar cube floats in coffee
Magick (Issue 197)
Coffee and Milk Cups "The Kellar Cups", cups poured with confetti change into coffee and milk
1978/76 248
Martin Gardner Boiling Point "Curiosities"
cold water in glass starts to boil
The Chronicles (Issue 15)
Crash - Diving Submarine raisins in club soda rise up and down, physics
1979 38
The Ghost and the Arrow arrow reverses when viewed through glass of water, physics
1979 40
David Britland Drinking Spell spelling through cards, names of liquids
Inspired by 1980
The Talon (Issue 6)
Ken Brooke Big Squirt syphon bottle held the wrong way and water shoots into performer's face
Also published here 1980 44
Ali Routine for the Six Card Repeat after every phase a mug of beer is emptied by performer
1980 47
Michael Selwyn Heat cold coffee becomes hot again
Magick (Issue 276)
Jack Hughes Liquid Monte three numbered tubes with glasses inside, two selected and one remains is only one filled with whiskey
1981 125
Thomas Alan Waters Thinky seven glass vials in envelopes, spectator finds the one filled with ink
Inspired by
  • Orville Meyer's "Think Ink" in "Magic in the Modern Manner"
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Octasm)
Dr. Peter Moffat Drip milk tumbler as blood transfusion device, attached to spectator, tumbler fills with blood
Nov. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 19)
Al Mann Wind from Java three different dishes are filled with liquid, only liquid from chosen dish starts to spill, ideomotor phenomenon
1982 19
Larry White Ein Stroh-Voller Trick liquid in straw apparently flows upwards
Also published here
  • Genii, Feb. 1978
Jan. 1983
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 4)
Michael Leach Take the Taste Test performer is blind folded and tastes three drinks and names them correctly, prediction of order of drinks in wallet
Feb. 1985
Magick (Issue 347)
Jim Kleefeld Put a Lid on It plastic drink lid, bumps on lid depress one by one
June 1990
The Minotaur (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Ken Brooke Der Große Spritzer siphon bottle held the wrong way and water shoots into performer's face
Also published here Oct. 1990
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 4 & 5)
Michael Weber, Michael Close, Eric A. Maurin Coffee Machine time machine presentation while drinking coffee, sugar packet is restored, coffee free of sugar and spoon vanishes from mug and is resting dry on the table again
Related to 1991 15
Harald Kurz S - Speisefarben food coloring to color liquids or flash strings
1991 36
Diabelli Trank des Grauens "2" with three filled test tubes, aluminium ball is placed in last one where liquid starts to react as proof
Related to
  • "Trank des Grauens" in Diabelli's "Liber Äquinox"
1991 32
Alan Wakeling The Liquid Sands Routine beer, milk and red wine are mixed in a champagne bucket, then glasses are used to take out the liquids separately again
Also published here Dec. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Karl Fulves Water Fall "four psychic tricks" No. 4
water glass on slate, water spills over when no one is looking, secret squirting lighter
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Tony Slydini Water Leak paper on pencil used to catch drops of water from apparent leak in ceiling
Rigmarole (Issue 5)
Alan Wakeling The Liquid Sand Routine beer, milk and red wine are mixed in a champagne bucket, then glasses are used to take out the liquids separately again
Inspired by
  • William Larsen idea inspired by Jack Gwynne's Sands of Egypt, Genii, Dec. 1941
Also published here
1993 77
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Wie entsteht ein Trick? liquid poured in paper tube without tube gets wet, empty glass placed inside tube and when removed liquid is found inside
1993 156
Bob Farmer All YOu Can Bet And Half Of All You Can Bet bet about determining whether a glass is exactly half full
Aug. 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Martin Gardner Der esoterische Glas-Trick air bubbles in upside down glass filled with water
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 2)
Ichiro Moriya The River Styx liquid rises up in straw and vanishes
Mar. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 7)
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Torque coin gets hot, is dropped into drink which boils, bends
Variations 1997 12
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Torque II coin gets hot, is dropped into drink which boils, becomes lump of silver
1997 14
Simon Lovell The Infamous Submarine Card gag routine in which glass of beer is spilled all over the place as a deck of cards is put inside
1997 236
Karl Fulves St. Patrick's Bubbles bet about bubbles in stout beer floating downwards
Charlatan (Issue 3)
Martin Gardner The Water Knot
  • Martin Gardner's Corner
three water streams can be adhered together
Oct. 2001
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 2)
Ali Bongo Vodka Surprise beverages written on backs of cards, named card and beverage is predicted
2002 5
Sid Fleischman H2 Oh! Oh! And Other Parodies "Cut- and-Restored Water"
June 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 10)
John Tudor Chen-Lee Water Suspension Routine water poured in tube, it stays, silks and stick pushed through
Sep. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 1)
Al Baker Strip Tease wet tissue paper is dried in hand, thumb tip & finger tip
Related toAlso published here
  • Genii, Vol. 6 No. 8, April 1942
2003 603
Al Baker Two Ideas of Al Baker ideas for the penetration of one glass through another filled one
Also published here
  • Genii, Vol. 36 No. 11, Nov. 1972
2003 605
Michel Huot Acid Trip sugar stirred into coffee, it starts bubbling and lower part of spoon has apparently dissolved
Inspired by 2003 23
Ted Lesley, Alan Wakeling Alan Wakeling's Liquid Sands with different colored liquids, similar to sand of dessert
2003 27
Jeff McBride Working with Liquids
2003 64
Stewart James Sefalaljia One-man miniature spirit cabinet

Phase one: ball and glass placed in cabinet. When cabinet opened, ball is magically inside the glass now
Phase two: Handkerchief tossed inside the cabinet knots itself
Phase three: Finger ring of spectator magically threads onto a piece of rope that has both ends outside of the cabinet
Phase four: cigar placed inside the cabinet lights up and smokes itself
Phase five: Bottle of milk placed inside cabinet, liquid slowly disappears
Related toAlso published here 2007 31
Anthony Owen, Pete McCahon, Andrew O'Connor, Richard Pinner Recaffinated Coffee performer pours coffee, milk and sugar into a cup and drinks it, then items are spitted out from mouth seperately
Also published here 2007 25
Robert Kraft Refractive wand in glass of water is straight despite physics
Prolix (Issue 6)
Harold Cataquet Calcium Turnings foil folded into an origami kettle and put on spectator's hand with water in it, water starts boiling and smokes (does not get hot)
2009 218
Tyler Wilson Splash roulette routine with three coffee creamers, two empty and one full
2010 128
Patrick Page Milk? beer comes from milk bottle
2011 295
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Drinking With Einstein predicting how much a spectator will drink, The Trick that Fooled Einstein
(Real Secrets Bonus sheet)
Also published here Dec. 2014
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 33)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono The Drink that Schooled Einstein predicting how much a spectator will drink, The Trick that Fooled Einstein
Also published here 2015 3
Michael Weber The UnMixologist presentation of "Making Things Right" in which cocktails are matched with garnishes via diagram instructions
Related to 2015 11
Yet Another Bar Bet liquid in conical glasses
Hidden Agenda (Issue July 21)
Anthony Owen, Pete McCahon, Andrew O'Connor, Richard Pinner Recaffeinated Coffee performer pours coffee, milk and sugar into a cup and drinks it, then items are spitted out from mouth seperately
Also published here 2017 224
Alexander de Cova Liquid Suspension liquid poured into rolled up bill
2017 63
Eric Leclerc, Rune Klan Chug Chug Goose bottle of vodka opened, shot poured for spectator, performer drinks rest in one go
  • Eric's New Preparation
  • The Original Method
  • Rune's Method
Inspired by 2022
Conundrum (Issue 1)
Michel Huot Acid Trip spoon is in drink which starts boiling, bottom part of spoon has then dissolved
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Aug. 2004
2022 323
Eric Leclerc Absolut Idiot bottle of vodka opened, shot poured for spectator, performer drinks rest in one go
VariationsAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Feb. 2008
2022 700