216 entries in Cards / Principles / Spelling
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Charles T. Jordan The Simplicity Speller No. 9, card selected and cut into deck, long phrase with selection spelled, spelling to twenty-sixth card
VariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 37
Charles T. Jordan Spelling Any Card Called For No. 28, full deck stack
VariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 74
Charles T. Jordan The Wizard Spelling Master two banks that spell with nine resp. twelve card each
Also published here 1928 15
Nelson Hahne The Spelling Location four spectators have a packet of cards, remember bottom card, and cards are collected, then all selections spelled out, no set-up
1930 48
A Baffling Spell card put on table is used to spell to second selection
1933 29
Tom Sellers The Cute Speller using packet with cards that spell with same number of letters
1934 20
Mental Spelling progressive spelling set-up
1935 17
George Pearce, Charles T. Jordan Jordan's Spelling Card Mystery - Improved by George Pearce No. 40, card selected and cut into deck, long phrase with selection spelled to locate it
Inspired by 1935 38
Bob Hummer The Puzzling Speller progressive set-up, dealing placement
Related toAlso published here 1936
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1935/36)
Jean Hugard System for Arranging Cards for Any Spelling Combination explained with the effect in which every value in a suit is spelled out
1937 41
A Single Speller four piles of thirteen to place card
1937 45
Arthur H. Buckley Spell It spelling every card with eleven letters except for four exceptions, card is placed at position eleven by simply picking up a break while spreading for selection
Also published here 1937 46
Impromptu Speller system for spelling every card with thirteen letters
1937 46
Charles T. Jordan Wizard Spelling Master two banks that spell with nine resp. twelve card each
Also published here 1937 47
Thought Spelling progressive set-up, three spectators
1937 53
Charles T. Jordan Spelling Any Card Called For full deck stack
Also published here 1937 56
Frank Squires, Lloyd E. Jones Frank Squires' Speller answers to questions about selection are spelt out, selection shows up
VariationsAlso published here 1937 61
Theodore Annemann Spell It Yourself two decks, progressive set-up, out of hand selection procedure
1937 62
Charles T. Jordan Incomprehendo stacked, one-way backs
1937 165
Henry Christ Spell Me! thought-of card, progressive set-up
Related toVariations Mar. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 30)
Robert Parrish The Version used by Robert Parrish as previous routine but setting a selection in spelling position
1937 41
Placing Selection at Spelling Position spread or thumb count
1938 310
Theodore Annemann Magic versus Mentalism thought of card is spelled to from two decks, progressive spelling set-up
Jan. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 52)
Alphonso Much Thought three thought-of cards found by spelling, two decks, progressive spelling set-up
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1938/39)
Multi-Spelling Trick "The repeat Spelling of Mentally Selected Cards"
Variations 1940 347
Herb Runge Pick Up
The Jinx (Issue 121)
Jack Vosburgh Automaton Spell using one-way backs
The Jinx (Issue 130)
Spelling Any Card with 13 Letters
1941 22
Eddie Joseph The Final Speller a few cards chosen, one of them though of, it is spelled to without adjustments
1942 39
Edward Marlo 3. As a Speller Replacement replacing under Twelve Cards for Spelling
1945 4
Edouard Cartier Palm Placement palmed card inserted at certain position when cards are spread through
Sep. 1945 151
Max Katz Formula for any Spelling Trick spelling through the values of a suit, spectator gets it wrong, how to arrive at the formula
Variations Oct. 1945 156
Richard F. McKinney Spelling Trick Formula
Inspired by Jan. 1946 186
Thought Stealer progressive set up
Variations 1948 23
Arthur H. Buckley Spell It spelling every card with eleven letters except for four exceptions, card is placed at position eleven by simply picking up a break while spreading for selection
Also published here 1948 61
John Hamilton Of the Phoenix
May 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 177)
Eddie Joseph Double Prediction two cards are found, spelling prediction
1949 ca. 6
Royal Vale Heath Tap Tap Tap selection and five other cards are put in envelopes, performer taps the envelopes and spectator mentally spells his card, when he stops the performer his hand is on the correct envelope, using deck with different backs (rainbow)
Apr. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 201)
Royal Vale Heath, John Scarne Heath's Master Speller No. 15, Ace to king packet arranged, random card cut to, value spelled repeatedly to get Ace to King in sequence
1950 31
Cardini Cardini's Mind Reading Card Trick No. 16, one of six cards thought-of, shuffled back in half the deck, then spelled to, six duplicates and progressive spelling set-up
1950 33
John Scarne Scarne's Red and Black Speller No. 102, performer locates red and black cards in packet by spelling its colour
Related to 1950 194
John Scarne, Joseph Linman Scarne, Please Help Me No. 103, card is found after spelling "The Chosen Card is Here" and "Scarne, Please Help Me"
1950 196
Martin Sunshine The Twenty-One Card Spelling Trick No. 135, 21-Card Trick using Spelling for Revelation
Also published here 1950 261
John Scarne General Arnold's Master Speller No. 141, magician spells to all the spades cards.
1950 271
John Scarne, Henry Christ Wild Bill Hickock's Hand No. 153, poker hands are dealt, and spectator chooses one hand, and one card. After being lost in the deck, the magician finds the selected card by spelling procedure, and then re-deals the spectator's original hand.
1950 298
Jack Yeager 54 Card Trick done with 54 cards, sentence spelled to find card
Also published here
  • Jack Yeager's "Second Portfolio of Tricks"
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1951)
Bill Simon The Locator Three of Clubs spectator thrusts a known card into a card spread of 28 cards and his selection is found
1952 152
Max Katz Counting the Cards spelling through a deck from ace to king
1957 21
Edward Marlo C. Spelling out an Unknown Card second deal
1959 137
Patrick Page Beyond the Veil cut-to card is spelled out in second deck and produces same card
Variations 1959 316
Ken Beale $pell any coin is used to spell a card
Inspired by
  • Tom Sellers item in The Gen, Nov. 1953
June 1960
Ibidem (Issue 21)
Edward Marlo Mechanical Estimation Effects as a location or spelling effect
1962 10
Edward Marlo Mental Spell (is this Paul Rosini's?) fingertip peeked at card is spelled to, progressive spelling set-up
1962 49
James Steranko The Study of Card Spelling knowing which cards spell with how many letters
1962 14
Felix Greenfield Psychic Spell 50 picture cards, selection is found by spelling name and sentence
Mar. 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 35)
E. Leslie May ESPell spelling to ESP cards
July 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 39)
Alex Elmsley Double Prediction two cards, progressive spelling set-up, one-ahead, sixteenth card principle
Also published here 1967 182
Harry Lorayne Spellbinder any selection is spelled to
1967 17
Edward Marlo Speller Presentation thought-of spelling with progressive set-up and optional prediction (billet index)
1968 86
Paul Swinford Duo Spell two mentally chosen cards spelled out, see p. 206 for references and mention of Swinford & Cairy's "Computer Cards"/"Cyberdeck"
Related toVariationsAlso published here July 1968 194
Roy Walton Helensburg Speller spelling to any thought of card, Phoenix #98 reference given on p. 236, see also p. 254 for references
Inspired byVariations Winter 1968
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 1-4 (Vol. 4 No. 2nd Folio)
Bruce Cervon Perfect Speller
VariationsAlso published here Dec. 1968 227
Paul Marcus A Southern Spell card chosen from six-card packet, another from a three-card packet and its value is used to find the first card via spelling
July 1968
Ibidem (Issue 33)
Edward Marlo Flash Spelling
Variations 1971 30
Gene Nielsen Sweetooth using name of candy bar to spell to selection
July 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 20)
Bill Logan Perfect Packet Spell spectator removes a couple of number cards, performer arranges them instantly so they spell out in wanted order one by one
Variations Dec. 1972 576
Frank Squires Frank Squires' Speller answers to questions about selection are spelt out, selection shows up
Also published here 1972 114
Dai Vernon Vernon's Short Card Index Finger Push Location No. 48, using riffling method to short card for specific placement
Related to 1972 16
Jochen Zmeck Das J.-Z Buchstabierspiel four eight-card blocks repeat itself, all cards spell with eight letters
Inspired by
  • Duke Stern effect
1972 8
Cushing Strout Speaking of Spells setting up for the referenced spelling tricks with location routine
Inspired by Dec. 1974 829
North Bigbee ESPell Mental using Jumbo ESP cards, in envelopes, spelling and down-under deal
Inspired by
  • Paul Siegel's "Colorspell" in "Mentalism a la Mode"
Magick (Issue 114)
Joseph K. Schmidt JKSpell packet, progressive spelling set-up, see also p. 864 for credit information
Inspired by Feb. 1975 861
Gerald Kosky Presto spectator cuts deck and remembers card, then four piles are dealt and spectator looks for pile with his card, word is spelled to find selection
1975 56
Charles T. Jordan The Simplicity Speller card selected and cut into deck, long phrase with selection spelled, spelling to twenty-sixth card
Also published here 1975 13
Charles T. Jordan The Wizard Spelling Master two banks that spell with nine resp. twelve card each
Also published here 1975 141
Charles T. Jordan Spelling Any Card Called For full deck stack
Also published here 1975 225
Thought Speller No. 30, card from small packet thought-of, later found when another spectator says stop as cards are removed from pocket one by one
1976 48
Harry Lorayne Cast and Instant Spell progressive spelling set-up
1977 151
Jay Malbrough Four of a Kind card is found by spelling a city, assembly with named four of a kind, two phases
1977 9
Ken Krenzel The Block-Cover Pass Immediate Spell
1978 218
Larry Becker The 13th Card double prediction, prediction written of card found when spectator's card is spelled to, and duplicate of spectator's card in pocket
1978 63
Larry Becker The Vampire Spell signed card in one of five envelopes, envelopes shuffled and word spelled for times, remaining envelope contains card, vampire presentation
1978 105
Doug Edwards Spell-It random card is spelled to find selection
1978 9
Doug Edwards The Royal Finale card is found by spelling a random card, royal flush is produced as a kicker
1978 12
David Britland Synthetic Spell
The Talon (Issue 2)
Bruce Cervon The Perfect Speller credit information on Lie Speller
1979 14
Karl Fulves Speller Note brief note on Cervon's "Perfect Speller"
Related to 1979 20
Larry Becker Fabulous Gypsy Spell six gipsy cards, one is selected and a chosen word from list used to spell through the cards
1979 75
Steve Beam, Don Morris Spelling spelling as an out
1979 9
Howard A. Adams Spell A Design spectator spells name of selected ESP card to find mate, elimination spelling
OICUFESP (Issue 1 - ten brand new esp card miracles)
Howard A. Adams Thinkard from five ESP cards two are selected, unknown word is spelled by spectator to shuffle, both cards are found
OICUFESP (Issue 2 - ten MORE brand new esp card miracles)
Howard A. Adams Crystal Balls three phase routine with circle ESP cards, Thinkard, finding mates by placing two circle cards face up anywhere in the pile and by placing them on cards
OICUFESP (Issue 2 - ten MORE brand new esp card miracles)
Bob Hummer The Puzzling Speller progressive set-up, dealing placement
Also published here 1980 1
David Britland Drinking Spell spelling through cards, names of liquids
Inspired by 1980
The Talon (Issue 6)
Jeff Altman Short and Sweet progressive set-up
Sep. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Max Abrams Max Abrams version for puzzling speller and highlighting mistake in original description
Related to 1981 112
Derek Dingle Miracle Mental Spell to two freely thought of cards, count-spell principle
Related to 1982 169
Philip T. Goldstein Manhattan Transfer lie speller with automatic control, credit information for Lie Spelling
Inspired byAlso published here 1982 5
Howard A. Adams Packeten Finale spectator finds mates of selected ESP cards by spelling any word
OICUFESP (Issue 9)
David Hambly Magic by David Hambly The 7 Card Spell
selection found by spelling a sentence and always eliminating card until one is left
Feb. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 22)
Brian Flannigan Fagin spelling a number, two outs, prediction with cigarette packet
Dec. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 32)
Philip T. Goldstein, Patrick Page Shuffled Speller cut-to card is spelled out in second deck and produces same card, ungaffed approach for Patrick Page's "Beyond the Veil"
Inspired by 1984 7
Philip T. Goldstein Manhattan Transfer lie speller with automatic control, credit information for Lie Spelling
Inspired byAlso published here 1984 1
Frederick Braue Mental Telepathy Stack four spectators think of a card from a group, they're spelled out, progressive spellers (1935)
1985 1
Frederick Braue Item spelling almost any card with eleven letters
1985 1
Bruce Cervon Perfect Speller featuring Cervon's lie detector strategie
1988 29
Edward Marlo, U. F. Grant Grant's Lost Card Trick spelling principle to divine any thought-of card
1988 299
Stewart James 3 Little Words
  • Two Pile Lie Speller: The Roots
  • Two Pile Lie Speller: The Trick
Related to 1988
The Chronicles (Issue 32)
Edward Marlo No Adjustment Spell with unknown card
1990 19
Edward Marlo I Knew That any card is spelled to (Count-Spell Principle), two methods, with credit information (Mosteller)
Also published here 1990 52
Edward Marlo I Knew That any card is spelled to (Count-Spell Principle), two methods, with credit information (Mosteller)
Also published here 1990 61
Bruce Cervon Lie Speller brief
1990 28
Alex Elmsley A Double Prediction two cards, progressive spelling set-up, one-ahead, sixteenth card principle
VariationsAlso published here 1991 311
T. Page Wright Chapter 9 - The Spelling Card intro on spelling
  • consecutive spelling principle
  • placement by thumb count cull
  • placement by overhand shuffle
1991 217
Charles Cameron Devilish Sorcery progressive spelling with word cards
Mar. 1992
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Frederick Braue Discoveries - The Speller chapter intro
1992 21
Verall Wass Spelling Calculation spelling system, from 1953
1992 24
Charles T. Jordan The Simplicity Speller No. 73, card selected and cut into deck, long phrase with selection spelled, spelling to twenty-sixth card
Also published here 1992 87
Charles T. Jordan Spelling Any Card Called For No. 192, full deck stack
Also published here 1992 229
Edward Marlo I Knew That any card is spelled to (Count-Spell Principle), two methods, with credit information (Mosteller)
Also published here 1993 6
Steve Beam Bottoming Out all values are spelled, selection is found at last letter of last value, sucker element
Related toVariations 1993 17
Speller spelling to any card at position twelve
1994 351
Alex Elmsley Paraspell two cards, faro-version of Stewart James' "Evolution of a Dream"
1994 353
Paul Rosini Paul Rosini's Spelling Trick with a Mentally Chosen Card progressive set-up
1994 1205
John Northern Hilliard Hilliard's Spelling Trick with a Mentally Chosen Card progressive set-up
1994 1205
Sid Lorraine A Percentage Trick
1994 1227
Philip T. Goldstein Symbue color cards, thought of color & design spelled to, progressive speller principle
1994 12
Simon Aronson Spell Check three cards spelled to consecutively starting with random card, selection at end of last spell, declining letter spells
1995 139
Allan Slaight Sly Stebbins spelling color, number, mate always corresponding to the selection
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1995 46
Edward Marlo Flash Speller
Related to 1996 17
Bruce Cervon The Cervon "Perfect Speller"
1996 11
Alan H. Jackson Mathematically Improved
Nov. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 11)
Allan Slaight, Steve Beam Stebbin Up -spelling color, number, mate always corresponding to the selection
Inspired byAlso published here 1997 1332
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Outsmart named card spelled to, twenty-six phrases for every card
1997 82
Allan Slaight Sly Stebbins spelling color, number, mate always corresponding to the selection
Inspired byAlso published here 1997 14
Jack Avis Change in Handling spectator removes a couple of number cards to represent his phone number, performer arranges them instantly so they spell out in right order
Inspired by 1998 83
Edward Marlo Flash Speller
1999 25
Karl Fulves Database further comments and credit information on the referenced items, Card Spelling credit information
Related to 2000 66
Marty Kane V.D. valentines day patter, card is found by dealing and spelling, she loves me / loves me not for down-under deal
Inspired by 2000 73
Marty Kane Symmetrick two suits in order, two cards are spelled, two spectators end up on same value
2000 97
Allan Slaight, Steve Beam Stebbin Out spelling color, number, mate always corresponding to the selection
Inspired byAlso published here 2000 140
Chan Canasta Name Spelling name is spelled and on last card, selection is found, brief
2000 94
Simon Aronson Double Progressive Spell Stack Integrate two "progressive" spell stacks together
Related to 2001 41
Simon Aronson Simon's Flash Speller System to figure out number of letters in any card's name
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2001 131
Simon Aronson Spell It Out Spelling random card to find actual selection
2001 136
Karl Fulves Sherlock's Card No. 6, multiple out spelling to locate selection
2001 13
Allan Slaight, Steve Beam Stebbin Out spelling color, number, mate always corresponding to the selection
Also published here 2001 34
Jim Steinmeyer The King Mystery spelling values to arrive at King, Kruskal
2002 14
Philip T. Goldstein Retinue Reuniter five cards torn (to build stack) and magically paired, Ramasee principle
2002 35
Banked Speller
2004 95
Grace Ann Morgan Spelling Numbers learning with how many letters a card spells
2004 19
Allan Slaight The Deck Will Tell spelling words color, suits and value and always finding matching cards to selection
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2004 155
Steve Beam Mooning the Midnight Speller by spelling
Inspired by 2004 169
Steve Beam Named Location stacking cards so they can be spelled to by using the name of the spectator, as a multiple out
2004 225
Karl Fulves Card Speller credit information on spelling to cards
2005 433
Cushing Strout Taking Another Look at the Dead Man's Hand After spelling some words, magician deals the Dead Man's Hand to the spectator
Inspired byRelated to 2005 27
Walter B. Gibson New Spelling Trick count-spell principle
Also published here
  • The Magician Monthly, July 1918
Prolix (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves On the Count-Spell Principle credit information
Prolix (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Speller Notes
  • A. on locating previous trick
  • B. Instanto Deck and any card spelling
  • C. short routine to spell any named card impromptu, face-up counting and turnover pass
  • D. cutting as deck is dumped from case
Related to 2006
Prolix (Issue 2)
Harry Riser One Way to Spell
Also published here
  • MUM, March 2000
2006 68
Allan Slaight Cards and Letters cards used to spell a name, three predictions, duplicates
Also published here 2006 21
Marty Kane Practical Joker characteristics of cards are spelled, sucker element
Inspired by 2006 26
Doug Canning I'm Okay, You're Ok single card prediction, thought of number is counted and word spelled, flexible method
Inspired by 2006 127
Max Maven Box of Matches six torn cards match when words are spelled, words from card case used
Inspired by 2006 74
Marty Kane Diamonds several spectators select a Diamond card and after spelling and down-under deals they find their selections again
2006 85
Marty Kane Good-Bye spelling of words and down-under deal to find selections
2006 85
Marty Kane Showing the 7 Dwarfs spelling and down-under deal, finding selections with Snow White theme
Inspired byVariations 2006 86
Doug Canning Snow White and the Short Seven spelling and down-under deal, finding selections with Snow White theme
Inspired by 2006 87
Marty Kane Password spelling and down-under deal, password theme
  • Dow Show
  • Sniper
  • The Web
  • Snail Mail
Inspired by 2006 88
Marty Kane Suit Per Suit Pursuit spelling and down-under deal, pile with different suit as kicker
Related to 2006 90
Steve Beam Double Breasted Suit Kane's Suit Per Suit Pursuit with two spectators
2006 91
Marty Kane Mix Master spelling and down-under deal, theme is mixing cards
2006 92
Marty Kane The King of Swing spelling and down-under deal
Inspired byRelated to 2006 93
Marty Kane What's in a Name? spelling names and down-under deal, four spectators find Aces
Variations 2006 94
Steve Beam Nameless spelling names and down-under deal, four spectators find Aces
Inspired by 2006 95
Robert Lusthaus Miss Match spectator selects location from small packet and then mate by spelling a random card, principle of nine and Miracle Mix-Up / Remote Control
Inspired by
  • Jack Yate's "Miracle Mix-up" in "Abbott's Anthology of Card Magic Vol. 3"
2006 193
Karl Fulves First To Tenth spelling any value to get to sixth card, two-card prediction application
Prolix (Issue 3)
Edward Marlo Flash Speller
2007 58
Gene Castillon Random Spell Revelation
2007 157
Bruce Cervon Perfect Speller
Also published here 2008 47
Allan Slaight Sly Stebbins spelling color, number, mate always corresponding to the selection
Also published here 2008 125
Allan Slaight The Deck Will Tell spelling words color, suits and value and always finding matching cards to selection
Also published here 2008 166
Allan Slaight Cards and Letters cards used to spell a name, three predictions, duplicates
Also published here 2008 168
Paul Martin Recycling Si spelling principle in Si Stebbins
2010 169
Benjamin Earl Spell This S...H...I...T... "Ramblings on Card Stuff", opinion
Oct. 2010
Gambit (Issue 2)
Max Maven Vegemental six cards with vegetables, two selections made and spelt, then divined
VariationsAlso published here 2010 1
Michael Weber Under My Spell small packet
Inspired by
  • "Fruitrick" (Phil Goldstein, marketed)
Also published here
2010 6
Michael Weber Tip of the Trunk packet of cards, two selections made and spelt, then divined, part of Spelephant routine
Inspired by 2010 258
Michael Weber Under My Spell small packet
Inspired by
  • "Fruitrick" (Phil Goldstein)
Also published here
2011 6
Woody Aragón The Cheerleader thought of card from a pile of cards is spelled to
2011 107
Woody Aragón Routined Spelling multiple phase spelling trick:
  • a freely chosen color
  • a freely chosen suit
  • a freely chosen card by spelling its name
  • a freely chosen card by progressively revealing the suit and the value from spelling
2011 113
Harry Lorayne Psychic Spell placing the selection with preliminary bluff spell and turnover of whole packet
2011 181
Michael Weber Under My Spell small packet
Also published here 2011 6
Max Maven Courtomancy three picture cards chosen and found with amusing spelling presentation
Inspired by
  • "The Mind of Mephistopheles" (Howard Albright, Advanced Card Magic, 1948)
2013 64
Ramón Riobóo Magic Spell production of two cards, one matches value and one suit
2015 80
Marty Kane Three-Peat Deceit Mathematical spelling routine to reveal a selection.
Inspired by
  • Bottom to Top Principle (Colm Mulcahy, Mathematical Card Magic, 2013)
2015 162
Max Maven Vegemental six cards with vegetables, two selections made and spelt, then divined
Also published here 2016 1
Alexander Hansford A Childish Spelling Trick two selections lost and shuffled in the deck, spelled to cleanly, with demonstration spell & faro placement
2016 48
Consecutive Bottom Deal Count-Down
Related to 2017 55
Max Maven Lucky Stars list of famous people, two are selected and names spelled to determine selections, both selections are located
Inspired by 2018 51
Ramón Riobóo Stellar Speller card is lost and found by spelling
2018 140
Steve Beam Stebbin' Out spelling color, number, mate always corresponding to the selection
Inspired byAlso published here 2019 2
Ramón Riobóo Heart and Fortune Two spectators each think of a card, magician divines both
Inspired by
  • "The Mystery of Cabala" (Ramon Rioboo, Thinking the Impossible)
2019 91
Marty Kane Ascend-Sation! dealing and spelling to end up at selection, over phone
Inspired by
  • Martti Siren's "Off-Center Bottom to Top Principle" in Colm Malucahy's "Mathematical Card Tricks"
2020 207
Steve Beam About the Principle on Richard Bangs Suit Yourself and the principle behind it
Inspired by 2020 289
Joe M. Turner Cross Promotion four words are written on blank cards, words spelled and cards placed on four different parts on the table, divination of location of the words
Inspired byRelated to 2020 295
Steve Beam A Well-Read Mind four words written on cards are spelled and location divined
Inspired byRelated to 2020 297
Doug Canning To Start With suits of four cards are spelled and location divined, using a die,
Inspired by 2020 300
Steve Beam Vacation Helper five cards with different locations, locations are spelled and cards placed in order, message on back of cards
2020 300
Charlie Randall Jump Start using World's Greatest Magician to know 26th card for next trick
Related to 2020 327
Dani DaOrtiz PPT (person, place, or thing) spectator thinks of anything (PPT) and deals a card for each letter of its name, always arrives at force card
2021 45
Dani DaOrtiz The magical blow (as a psychological mistake) force card is made to turn up cleanly at the end of spelling any long name
2021 45
Eugene Burger Perfect Speller
Inspired by 2021 141
David Britland Spellstack
  • Cardopolis
ten chosen cards, performer arranges them so that they can be spelled out in original order as they had been chosen
Inspired by Sep. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 9)
Andy Choy Handy Speller selection spelled to, spelling system
May 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Daryl Martinez Squirmy Spell on knowing how many letters the name of a card has, counting with fingers under the table
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Sep. 25)