199 entries in Cards / Principles / Locator Cards / Short Cards / Short End
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die ihre Plätze wechselnden Kartenpäckchen deck separated in number and picture cards
1930 72
Theodore Annemann A New Thought Card Spelling Effect
1931 14
Victor Farelli Choice Foretold two cards chosen, both cards predicted by two cards each via value and suit in two envelopes
1931 10
Al Baker Al Baker's Pack combo pack
  • 1. One Way
  • 2. Short
  • 3. Wide
  • 4. Si Stebbins
Variations 1932
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Al Baker's Pack)
Cardini Cardini Spelling Trick placement with short card twelfth from bottom
1933 16
Everywhere and Nowhere 1. (using two duplicates)
2. Using a Short Card
3. With a Borrowed Deck
4. With an Ordinary Deck without Duplicates
1935 112
George Pearce, Charles T. Jordan Jordan's Spelling Card Mystery - Improved by George Pearce No. 40, card selected and cut into deck, long phrase with selection spelled to locate it
Inspired by 1935 38
Vincent Dalban The Miracle Speller using short card
VariationsAlso published here Mar. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 18)
Paul Curry Another Stop! spectator stops while riffling, performer knows card, short card and set-up, for credit details reference
Inspired byAlso published here Apr. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 19)
Dick Madden The Modern Eye-Popper short card used to simplify double lift
Oct. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 25)
Lorne de Blois Lazybones card reverses itself and is then spelled out to find second selection, short card, see "Fan Letter" for credit information
Related to 1937 65
A Novel Card Problem replacing cards in short deck for multiple location routine
1937 297
Jean Hugard The use of Short Cards in Magical Effects commentary and history
1937 309
Card from Nowhere card to anywhere with duplicate, card vanishes via short card and riffle display
1937 310
On the Top chosen card comes to top, short card
1937 310
X-Ray Eyes performer know position of chosen card, short key card
1937 310
A Color Change back of chosen card changes, short card
1937 311
Cut Card Force spectator (hopefully) cuts above bunch of short cards
1937 311
Another Force forcing a random card on multiple spectators, short card
1937 311
To Any Number short card
1937 312
Horoscope Card Force short card
1937 312
A Spelling Trick short card
1937 312
James Maxwell The Locator spectator's shuffling while short card stays next to selection
1937 313
U. F. Grant Behind the Pack counting procedure, short card
1937 313
Double Location short key card
1937 313
A Reversed Location short card
1937 314
Vanishing Card short card
1937 314
Short Card Force
1937 384
The Short Card discussing Types of Short Cards, Cutting a Short Card
1938 364
Billy O'Connor Two Card Discovery card stabbed in deck by spectator next to two selections, short card
Variations 1938 469
Mickey MacDougall The Four Aces reappearance in poker deal
Variations 1938 476
Byron Churchill Decepto two faced cards are in deck, performer divines one of them
Aug. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 47)
Short Card & Riffle Shuffle two cards stay together
The Jinx (Issue 121)
Herb Runge Pick Up
The Jinx (Issue 121)
The Riffle Force short card
1941 268
Paul Curry Turn of the Century Location setting short double backer as key card, out-of-hand selection procedure
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1941 8
Eddie Joseph The Electrified Card selected card sticks out of deck after it is shaken, short card, dropping short card out of loosely held deck
Related to 1942 33
Vincent Dalban The Miracle Speller
Also published here 1943 41
Byron Churchill Decepto two faced cards are in deck, performer divines one of them
1943 47
Theodore Annemann The Modern Eye Popper short card used to simplify double lift
1943 49
Russell T. Wise The Card That Isn't wrong tabled card shows up again, see also Fechter's "I've Got A Surprise For You!"
1943 50
Jean Hugard A New Card Stab cards are stabbed with knife, all cards above selection are pierced and packet cut at that position
Nov. 1943 24
George G. Kaplan A Winning Wager five cards shuffled in placed on a stand, selected one is predicted on a slate with houlette and duplicates
Variations Oct. 1944 73
Jean Marc Bujard La carte choisie sort du milieu du jeu chosen carte appears from center of the deck
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 6 No. 1)
Paul Curry Turn of the Century Location setting short double backer as key card, out-of-hand selection procedure
Related toAlso published here 1945 79
U. F. Grant Improved Three Way Forcing handling for forcing three cards with a three way forcing deck
1945 22
Paul Morris Just Think Stop!
May 1945
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Wernoli Liebe Freunde! solution for "Phantom-Trick", selections are found in bag
Related to 1946
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Paul Curry Two Minutes from Now spectator thinks stop at his selection when performer names the cards, position is predicted too
May 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 125)
J. B. Bobo Two Backward Cards performer stabs card reversed between two selections behind his back
1947 42
George G. Kaplan The Short-Card principles for the corner-short
1948 4
Monte by "Bertram", told by Dai Vernon
Jan. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 143)
Ken Krenzel, Don Costello Miracle named card turns over
Jan. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 169)
William Ruesskamp 15 to 30
Apr. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 175)
Edward Marlo Card Thru Table lapping a short card method
Dec. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 193)
Eddie Joseph The Natural Follow-Up out-of-hand key card placement and discovery, blindfolded
1949 10
Eddie Joseph The Principle Defined getting a selection to any position, with key card
1949 11
Paul Rosini The Missing Card spectator pulls out some cards, remembers bottom card and drop cards onto deck, performer fails to locate card behind back, it is found in pocket, pushed up behind back to under arm pit
1949 25
A. Deleport Pocket It reprint from Grant's "The Trixter" from 1933, spectator puts deck in his pocket and picks out his selection
July 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 207)
Eddie Joseph The Mystic Queen fair selection procedure, performer cuts deck a Queen, when this is spelled it leads to selection, five handlings (spelling different things, funny message on card)
1950 10
Eddie Joseph A Tip for Using the Short Card how to locate it by riffling
1950 11
Eddie Joseph One-Eye Joe Kings lost with cut and shuffle procedure and found again
1950 12
Paul Rosini With a Short Card performer fails to find card behind his back, it is then found in inside coat pocket
1950 58
Dr. Stanley Jaks Letter Mystery card is divined with a set of letter cards
Also published here 1951 7
Nate Leipzig, Victor Farelli Using a "Key" Card Leipzig Card Stab with short card
1952 19
Edward Marlo Using a Short in Combination with Peeks or any type of key card
1952 108
Edward Marlo Card Thru Table clean handling due to short card
Variations 1953 15
Edward Marlo Lapping a Short Card
1953 15
Francis Haxton "Inspired" card from 6-card-packet into deck, short card control
1954 67
Stewart James Miracle Location placing a short card next to selection with the Nullificator
1954 8
R. A. Moershall New Face single card location, using dealing and a short card
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1955)
Francis Haxton Coincidental
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 5)
Ronald B. Edwards 1/2 and 1/2 selection travels from one half to the other
Oct. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 18)
Dai Vernon The Use of a Short Card
1961 20
Dr. Stanley Jaks Jaks bester Mentaltrick classic one ahead routine, three billets, card selected at last
Related to 1961 80
Dr. Stanley Jaks Das Buchstabenmysterium card is divined with a set of letter cards
Also published here 1961 86
Edward Marlo Sure Throw #2 and #3 long and short card
1962 75
Dr. Stanley Jaks Q. T. divination of card, deck cased, with peek case with hole in corner
Also published here Aug. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 29)
Karl Fulves Cryptic Calling two effects of a card divination / location wit Si Stebbins
Related to 1965
The New Phoenix (Issue 398)
Dai Vernon Methods of Handling - 1 short card starts on bottom, selection controlled to small position from top
1967 150
Dai Vernon Methods of Handling - 2 short card starts on bottom, card peeked, overhand shuffle and cut to bring selection next to key
Related to 1967 150
Dai Vernon Methods of Handling - 3 short card starts on top, selection in center brought next to it with overhand shuffle
Related to 1967 151
Dai Vernon Methods of Handling - 4 short card starts on bottom, selection in center brought next to it with overhand shuffle
1967 151
Dai Vernon Methods of Handling - 5 short card starts on top, selection in center brought next to it with cuts to table
1967 151
Dai Vernon Methods of Handling - 6 short card starts on bottom, selection in center brought next to it with cuts to table
1967 151
Aldini Lie Detector Deck
1969 12
Aldini Aldini's Nature Deck Mental Photography Deck type of routine, blank deck prints and unprints
1969 31
Edward Marlo Reverse Fingertip Control forcing thick or short card, riffled from the back to the front, two methods
1970 64
Edward Marlo Long and Short Cards from different decks
1970 157
Gaylord E. Hill Click - It is the 'Five of Diamonds'! prediction with hand-labeling device
Magick (Issue 31)
Rolf Andra Eine freche Variante mit der kurzen Karte force and location of selection
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 32 No. 1)
Dai Vernon Vernon's Short Card Index Push Location No. 45, one-handed riffling to and cutting at short card
Related to 1972 16
Dai Vernon Vernon's Short Card Index Finger Push Location No. 48, using riffling method to short card for specific placement
Related to 1972 16
Dai Vernon Vernon's Key Card Contrive No. 51, two placements of key card, probably No. 2 & 3 from references
Related to 1972 17
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Coincidence No. 591, card chosen in one deck is reversed in other, then cards transpose between two decks and backs change again
1972 165
Gene Nielsen Homage to Koran card at number, hands-off version
Magick (Issue 72)
Alma Voyage d'une Carte packet is cut card selected and rest placed in pocket, amount of cards is pocket and chosen card are divined, then selection travels to cards in pocket
Also published here
  • Alma's "Nouveautés Cartomagiques"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 34 No. 3)
Rolf Andra Geheimnisvolles Zusammentreffen two selections end up together
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 34 No. 3)
Cardini, Rolf Andra Ein "bewildered change" card on table transposes with selection at known position from top
Related to 1973
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 34 No. 6)
Jochen Zmeck Das Gehirn des Teufels three cards chosen, positions of all three cards named one by one, last card cut to by performer
Inspired by
  • Howard Albright routine
1974 5
Dr. Gordon C. Peck That Top Card Ambitious card type of sequence with short card
1975 217
Dai Vernon Short Card Location use short card to locate selection, deck can be shuffled
1975 224
Rolf Andra Mit Hilfe der Wahrsagerin location of chosen card
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 2)
Gerald Kosky Psychic Spell card is selected by riffling through the deck, two short cards
1975 80
Gerald Kosky I Spell Your Card card is selected by riffling through the deck, two short cards
1975 81
Charles T. Jordan Mephistopheles' Own using two narrow & short and two wide & long cards as key cards for double location with out-of-hand selection
Related to 1975 180
Edward Marlo Overhand Cull Shorts Aces cut short
Also published here 1976
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 7)
Nick Trost A Prediction and a Date - Updated Cards dealt to any year called for from 1900 to 1975, plus predict a card
Variations 1976 16
Paul Curry "Dirty Tricks" story trick, cards with donkeys (democrats) and elephants (republicans), missing hat puzzle, one card vanishes among four other cards
Related to 1976 1
Hannes Höller Kurze Karte several methods of short cards, corner shorts
1978 130
Short Card
  • How to Use a Short Card
  • Another Method
1978 34
Paul Curry The Color Changing Deck one red/blue double backer
Also published here 1978 1
Walt Lees Nimrod two selected card are found by a wind-up toy, half forcing deck
Related to
  • Peter Warlock's "The Pecking Bird" in "Book of Magic", 1956. P.90
1980 17
Gene "Phantini" Grant Midnight Man deck distributed to spectators, card is selected from second deck and performer finds person with matching card, blindfolded
Also published here
  • "Mystic Word" in "Phantini's Incredible Mental Secrets"
Magick (Issue 263)
Dr. Jacob Daley, Juan Tamariz 2 Rojas - 2 Negras Daley's last trick with long and short cards
1980 68
Karroll Priest Sui Generis one card divination, deck is shuffled by spectator
Magick (Issue 279)
Walt Lees Nimrod two selected card are found by a wind-up toy, half forcing deck
Also published here
  • Magic Info, Vol. 2 No. 11, Jan./Feb. 1976
Oct. 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 3)
Edward Marlo Bottom Deal Tip using short cards
1984 99
Del Copley Challenge Poker Deal four aces are found in selected hand, bottom deal gambling demo
1984 5
Jan Torell Meine Standard-Forcier-Methode
1984 12
Nathan Stark The Ultimate Enigma ESP deck is dealt in several hands, cards are divined
May 1984
Magick (Issue 331)
Use for Short Card count-down placement, spectator shuffles
1985 5
The Floating Key "This is a control which without question is the best of all methods of controlling a chosen card.", key card which is both narrow and short and punched
1985 21
Judson S. Brown Floater Key short & narrow
1985 16
Gary Ouellet Key Cards on different Key Card concepts
1. The Short Card
2. The Corner Short
3. The Long Card
4. The Thick Card
5. The Jimmy Ray Card
6. The Kornwinder and similar cards
1986 13
Edward Marlo Roman Shuffle Plus Short Cards
1988 104
Edward Marlo Roman Shuffle Bottom Cull using short cards
1988 105
Christoph Borer Eine halbe Sache back of selection changes back color, only half of the back changes color, eventually all cards change back color
Also published here 1988 14
René Lavand The Deck is Feminine Aces are found, spectators name numbers
Also published here 1988 72
Christoph Borer Eine Halbe Sache back of selection changes back color, only half of the back changes color, eventually all cards change back color
Also published here 1989 28
Paul Hallas Not So Remote Viewing! card is named and performer names its position in the deck
Inspired by 1990 2
Christoph Borer Eine Halbe Sache back of selection changes back color, only half of the back changes color, eventually all cards change back color
Also published here 1991 20
Ali Bongo Fred und Lulu
Also published here 1991 29
T. Page Wright An Instant Cut at Any Number spectator cuts off cards and counts them, replaces them, then performer cuts off same number
Related to 1991 165
T. Page Wright Another Version with short card for instant double lift
1991 244
Shuffling with Short Card svengali principle
Also published here
  • "Koschitz's Manual" (1894)
Cheat Sheet (Issue 8)
Jonathan Cooke Recycled Thoughts: Business Card Business using stack of business cards, glimpse under handkerchief, short card
Nov. 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 5)
Walt Lees A Spectator Cuts the Aces
Dec. 1993
Profile (Issue 17)
René Lavand Nothing Happens by Chance same card found again by a spectator calling stop while performer deals cards on the table, deck shuffled in process
1993 62
René Lavand The Deck is Feminine Aces are found, spectators name numbers
Also published here 1993 92
René Lavand Reverse Two
1993 115
René Lavand Improvisations apparently improvisational routine, four selections are found and Aces produced as climax
1993 122
René Lavand It Would Be Impossible For Me location of two selections, cutting to two short cards
1993 187
Sid Fleischman Join the A.S.C.T. Michelangelo themed revelation in which all cards are eliminated except selection
1993 150
John Northern Hilliard Original Method of Making an Impromptu Short Card
1994 1213
Dai Vernon Impromptu Short Card credit unsure
1994 1246
Dai Vernon Another Short Card Idea card index with short cards to work with borrowed deck
1994 1246
David Neighbors Colorful Rip-Off Triumph cards shuffled face up / face down, face up cards are "ripped through" deck except selection, with color changing back kicker
Inspired by Sep. 1994
The Minotaur (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Alexander Adrion, Cardini Vier Asse im Visier three short duplicates, attributed to Cardini
1995 11
Nick Trost Duo Brainwave no rough/smooth
Inspired by
  • "Ultra Brainwave Deck" (Patrick Page, Abracadabra, May 1982)
1997 180
Nick Trost Dingle's "Royal Triumph" - Trost Version Four kings with odd backs will change into four selections
Inspired by 1997 182
Nick Trost Nick's Stranger in Paradise spectator thinks of any card he sees and it is removed from blue-backed deck, previously pocketed red deck is found to be missing the thought of card, tabled card is revealed to be red-backed
Related to
  • "Thought Anticipated" (Dave Campbell, The Gen, April 1959)
  • "Premonition Outdone" (Stan Lobenstern, 1968)
Also published here
  • The New Tops, Nov. 1968
1997 189
Nick Trost Telespo Performer matches symbols, spectator fails, and then performer divines symbols from different room
Related toVariations 1997 297
Slide Monte with short card
1997 24
René Lavand Preparation for The Act about the act
  • René's stack as modified for this act
  • The Pocket Divider (a half-deck switcher)
  • The Double Pocket (a full-deck switcher)
1998 14
David Devant Overhand Shuffle Control
2000 76
Don Alan Ranch Bird Deluxe with half forcing deck
2000 85
Walt Lees Royal Ace Cut
2000 28
Paul Curry Another Stop! spectator stops while riffling, performer knows card, short card and set-up
Related to 2001 200
Paul Curry Turn of the Century Location setting short double backer as key card, out-of-hand selection procedure
Also published here 2001 293
Paul Curry Another Stop! spectator stops while riffling, performer knows card, short card and set-up
Also published here Dec. 2001
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 4)
Al Baker Card Force using Short Card not a force but a placement of short card as key
2003 688
Alain Nu Commercial Break three phase routine with stack of business cards, first a card is signed and cut to by spectator then it is placed next to a special card, and as a climax spectator guesses position of certain card
Inspired by
  • Richard Webster's "You Must Be Psychic"
Related to
  • Alain Nu's "Mind Over Matter"
2003 26
Steve Beam Mooning the Midnight Speller by spelling
Inspired by 2004 169
Joshua Jay Part One: Overlap Gaff Basics
  • The "Shared Artwork" Principle
  • Two-Handed Spread
  • One-Handed Spread
  • A Light Touch
  • Orientation
  • Spreading Distance
  • As a Short Card
  • The Locking Overlap Gaff
  • False Signatures
  • Transitions
2005 21
Christoph Borer Eine halbe Sache back of selection changes back color, only half of the back changes color, eventually all cards change back color
Also published here 2006 58
Doug Edwards Shake It Out! shaking out an Ace from the squared deck
Related to 2006 90
Doug Edwards A Cut Above The Rest weighting the card and location of selection
2006 93
Doug Edwards Short Again stripping card out, deck can be examined
2006 95
Christoph Borer Eine halbe Sache back of selection changes back color, only half of the back changes color, eventually all cards change back color
Also published here 2007 31
Edward Marlo Overhand Cull Shorts Aces cut short, airing deck to let cards fall out
Also published here 2007 25
Trevor Lewis Guilty / Not Guilty cards with faces on one side and letters on the other, one is selected and found, word guilty is spelt, murder theme
2009 85
Patrick Dessi Quid de la carte clé? on various key cards
  • Les cartes redimensionnées
    • La carte courte
    • La carte étroite
    • La carte épaisse
  • Les cartes amputées
    • La carte au pouce
  • Les cartes déformées
    • La carte doublement cornée
2009 91
Boris Wild Blind Discovery card found blindfolded
June 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 6)
Steven Hamilton VIC (Vernon-inspired Countdown) card fairly chosen and replaced, later counted down to
Inspired by 2013 132
Tom Crosbie How to Short a Card
2013 149
Michiaki Kishimoto Four Card Surprise packet is cut and spectator and performer deal cards at the same time, card on top is selection and mates are found as kicker
2013 128
Dr. Stanley Jaks Card Stab deck wrapped in dollar bill, two selections
2014 113
Dr. Stanley Jaks Q. T. divination of card, deck cased, with peek case with hole in corner
Also published here 2014 215
Dr. Stanley Jaks Words of Dr. Jaks word on card is divined
Related to 2014 242
Bob Farmer, Steve Mayhew Bolo Jonah methods for marking the Jonah card
  • Marked Cards
  • Short and Long Cards
  • Snap Crimp (Mayhew)
Related to 2015 30
Karl Fulves Short Con shuffled deck, two cards exchanged (one named by performer with his back turned, one by spectator), cards dealt from bottom and top until stopped (once by spectator and once by performer), they are the two selections
Related to 2015
The Lowdown (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Short Takes notes on short card applications
  • card is removed and substituted with Joker, missing card named after shuffling
  • cutting to a crimp or short card (see also p. 15)
  • shuffling with short cards
Related to 2015
The Lowdown (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Short Cuts color changing back kicker, short double backer
The Lowdown (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Lining Up The Aces spectator cuts Aces into deck, performer finds them again
The Lowdown (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Short Cut cutting to a short card, training
The Lowdown (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Short Cull riffle culling with four short cards over the Aces
The Lowdown (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Shorty's Version mates show up at top of two halves after shuffle and counting to a value twice
The Lowdown (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Shorty intro to short card applications
Errata (Issue 1)
Pepe Lirrojo P.A.D.O.I. two deck routine, open prediction, two cards spelled two, deck in order and selection vanishes
2016 41
David Britland, Billy O'Connor Billy O'Connor's Two Card Discovery
  • Cardopolis
card stabbed in deck by spectator next to two selections, short card
Inspired by July 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 7)
Patrick G. Redford What's The Catch? named card is removed while cards are dribbled on table
2017 144
David Britland Mickey's Aces
  • Cardopolis
Collins Aces, reappearance of Aces in poker deal
Inspired by Oct. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 10)
Dropping Short Card out of Deck dropping short card out of loosely held deck
Related to Oct. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 10)
Ricardo Rodriguez En todas partes... y en alguna selection torn at the end
2021 53
Fränz Alternative Handling slightly different method for the Prodigy Peek routine
2022 29
Will Fern The Sentinel card from deck whispers name of selection and the fact that the spectator is sitting on it
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Feb. 2013
2022 1180
Will Fern The World's Toughest Card Trick challenge location with short card, spectator riffle shuffles
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Feb. 2013
2022 1182
Christoph Borer Only the Half of It back of selection changes back color, only half of the back changes color, eventually all cards change back color
Also published here 2024 10