46 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Traveling / Card(s) to impossible Location / Anything
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Das desertierte und wiedereingefangene Ass four Aces shown and lost in deck by spectator, one Ace disappears and travels to spectator's pocket, Diamond spot card masks as Ace with other pips covered by other Aces
Related to 1896 23
Louis Nikola The Flight Card to Impossible Location At Any Number: Card vanishes from inside an envelope to be found in a deck sealed also in another envelope, at a location named by the spectator
1927 62
Card from Nowhere card to anywhere with duplicate, card vanishes via short card and riffle display
1937 310
Oscar Weigle, John Goodrum The Perfect Card Routine card is forced and vanishes from deck via double facer, duplicate can appear anywhere, employed in three phase routine in which a card turns over, another changes into a selection and the third selection travels into pocket
1937 37
Tony Kardyro Welcome Stranger handkerchief force, card vanishes from deck and appears anywhere else
1948 10
Carl Sten Stenquist's Mexican Money Gimmick
1971 60
Karl Fulves Initial Encounter signed card is really burned in window envelope, reproduced from back of hall, signatures of people are saved
Related to Feb. 1971 399
Gene Castillon Jackpot monte type routine with transformation and money card travels to elsewhere as climax
Mar. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Edward Marlo Surprise signed card travels to anywhere, see also page 81 of Marlo's Plus Package
1981 11
Peter Marshall Mentally-Per thought-of card vanishes from packet to anywhere, double facer
1985 103
Don England Geiger Counter Card forcing Joker-Gaff à la Sellers for two cards
Related to 1985/93 9
Richard Osterlind The Miracle Flying Signed Cards three signed cards to business card case, envelope in wallet, folded in pen
1986/99 32
David Regal The Beeper a beeper locates card which travels folded inside
1987 99
John Scarne Western Union Trick telegram, for real method see "Remote Control" reference
Related to 1989 208
Gary Kurtz Split Disclosure Half the Card travels in Wallet, half in anything
1990 30
Alex Elmsley The Imp of the Inverse card vanishes from pack, was never there, pseudo duplicate
1994 168
Alex Elmsley Incommunicado four cards are selected and produced from different spots, two spectators unknowingly have the same selection
Variations 1994 254
Chuck Fayne The Underexplored Art of Loading loading cards planned or spontaneously
1994 19
Paul Gertner Deck Ping Chien switch in which coin or torn card corner is secretly dropped out of deck
1994 63
John Scarne Remote Control card travels to a spectator at back of room, bogus signature
  • Footnote to History (giving real method for "Western Union Trick")
Related to 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 9)
Roy Johnson Die Karte in Irgendwas intercessor alternative to have matching corner
  • Karte in Rasierapparat
Inspired by
  • "Missing Digit" (Geatan Bloom)
Also published here
  • Unique
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 4 & 5)
John Lenahan, Anthony Owen Signing On The Chairman
Also published here Mar. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 7)
Bob King Impossible Four-Card Location four cards are selected and produced from different spots (two pockets, case, one signed from wallet), two spectators unknowingly have the same selection
Inspired by 1998 21
Ellis Stanyon To Conjure a Card Under a Flowerpot No. 5
1999 113
Helge Thun Um die Ecke gebracht extension of previous routine in which card travels to an impossible location
Also published here 2000 19
Don England The Geiger Gaff
2001 90
Chris Wardle Card in Muffin card chosen and signed, then folded, given to spectator in silk where it vanishes and reappears on cake or somewhere else
2003 13
Jonathan Levit Simply the Best on Annemann's torn corner handling
Also published here Oct. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 10 (The Jinx - 75 Years))
John Lenahan, Anthony Owen, Chuck Fayne The Signed Card In Anything
Also published here 2009 27
Jonathan Levit Simply the Best on Annemann's torn corner handling
Also published here 2009 21
Oliver Meech Torn Centre Switch Card with torn centre disappears, appears threaded on necklace / anywhere else
2010 22
Marked Down pen does not write
Prolix (Issue 10)
Bill Abbott Polenta! playing card to any food, torn corner, half forcing deck
2012 17
Gaëtan Bloom Intercessor Subtlety switching matching corner back in at the end
Also published here Feb. 2013 21
Alexander de Cova Eine Kartenforce für den Salon spectator says stop while performer is removed cards from bottom one by one, glide with corner of force card missing
  • Die Basis-Methode
  • Variante mit abgerissener Ecke (corner of card torn off, rest of card travels into anything)
Aug. 2014 748
Marc Gettmann Double Travel two cards travel into wallet, then into fruit and folded under table via Intercessor corner methodology
Inspired by Mar. 2014
Scrapbook (Issue 8)
Gaëtan Bloom Intercessor Subtlety switching matching corner back in at the end
Also published here 2015 13
Alexander de Cova Eckenforce glide stop force, bottom card is missing one corner, card to lemon or anything application, simulated corner tear
2015 105
Anthony Owen, John Lenahan, Chuck Fayne Signed Card Anywhere
VariationsAlso published here 2017 72
Alexander de Cova Der Postbote sticky Joker method for Western Union Trick
Related to 2018 99
Ben Hart Corner Switch while apparently matching corner to reappeared card, Joshua Jay?
2020 222
Max Malini The Missing Link hiding a card in advance at an earlier visit for later discovery of a torn and vanished card with corner proof, card sewn into spectator's jacket, pieces vanish in newspaper square
Related to
  • "The Missing Link" (Sleight of Hand, Sachs)
2022 237
Nick Diffatte Sealer Boy method for resealing any mylar package like potato chips
2022 129
Helge Thun Um die Ecke gebracht extension of previous routine in which card travels to an impossible location
Also published here 2023 23
Todd Karr Le Cauchemar D'Annemann chosen card vanishes from deck and appears elsewhere
Inspired by
  • "A Day-Time Nightmare" (Theodore Annemann, 1929)
2023 9
Kevin Kapinos Totally Restored: The Completely Restored Torn Corner corner torn off selection, card travels somewhere and after checking the corner it is restored
May 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 5)