329 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Location / Funny Locations
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Magic Star and Cabalistic Pointer six cards in star configuration, an arrow pivots and stops at selections
1889 201
Eine Karte am Geruch erkennen locating a card because of its smell, key card
1896 102
Laurie Ireland The Card and Mousetrap
1931 32
Al Baker Al Baker's Poker Face short card, cards found as they are riffled before the spectators' eyes
Related to 1932
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Al Baker's Pack)
Ralph W. Hull Hull's "Never Miss" Card Trick selection appears at chosen position, repeat with apparent failure and transformation
  • reverse count and packet turnover bluff
  • slip-back deal count
1933 19
T. Page Wright Jumbo Card Revelation cards behind back, brought forward one by one until named number, then selection is taken from behind back as jumbo card
Related toAlso published here 1933 16
T. Page Wright Winkletum two cards chosen, knot appears in handkerchief, handkerchief as puppet finds selections
  • Improved - As the Felicitous Feline (hand doll instead of handkerchief)
Related to 1933 44
A Rising Card Comedy apparently invisible thread makes card move
1934 52
Theodore Annemann The Tune Detective card found by dealing to selected song lyric / beat
Related toAlso published here 1934 31
Theodore Annemann A Trick with the Fan Location card selected from face-up deck is found face-down
Aug. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 11)
W. F. "Rufus" Steele Letter "P" Trick No. 47, card and alphabet card are chosen, Queen produced from under performer's shoe, letter is P and the Queen starts to pee
1935 42
Stewart Judah Spectator's Choice Tantalizer deal with thirty-two cards, two selections by both spectator and performer, spectator choses which one remain after dealing procedure
Related toAlso published here 1937 176
Theodore Annemann The Walk Around Discovery cards distributed on floor and selection located
VariationsAlso published here Feb. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 29)
Theodore Annemann New Finishes for Card Tricks: 1. Card Dropping all cards except selection drops out of performer's hand
1938 223
"Tearing the Pack" Trick pack torn in half, card selected from both half, match and are previous selection
1938 290
L. Vosburgh Lyons Last Chance
Related toAlso published here Mar. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 54)
Vitzliputzli little figure in tube filled with water raises and sinks to divine selection
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 1)
The Obliging Card apparently mistake is made, ambitious phase
1940 322
Circus Card Trick to prepare for twenty-sixth location
1940 398
Stuart Robson Last Touch last card is selection
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 96)
Herb Runge A Thought Ahead Tantalizer
Related to 1940
The Jinx (Issue 102)
Al Baker Poker Face short card, cards found as they are riffled before the spectators' eyes
Related toAlso published here 1941 34
Edward Marlo Divining Hanky handkerchief finds card by bending its corner by itself to identify it
Also published here 1942 18
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Delayed Bombshell message on card "So sorry. We all make mistakes. It's the next card."
1942 10
Clayton Rawson The Cockeyed Cards joker always shows up and is torn up, then shows up again and pieces are now selection
Related toAlso published here 1942 21
Eddie Joseph The Secret Out - Not Quite sucker trick in which you explain the key card but selection ends up next to another card
1942 38
Theodore Annemann The Walk Around Discovery cards distributed on floor and selection located by standing on it
Also published here 1943 3
The "Yankee Doodle" Card singing a tune, card appears at last beat
Related toVariations 1945 120
Dr. Howard B. Kayton Magneto-Box small cards in transparent case, after the box is shaken, the selected card sticks to one side
1945 20
I Nose Yours card sticks to nose
Early Marlo (Issue Marlo's Discoveries)
Divining Hanky animated handkerchief nods above selection
Early Marlo (Issue Marlo's Discoveries)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Heaps as Rusduck, spectator finds his own card, a lot of dealing, Tantalizer
Variations Jan. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 98)
Herb Runge Face Down several times a card is selected and found, spelling, stopped at and with "next card I turn over, will be your card" gag
Sep. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 112)
Bert Allerton Missing Deuce one of four Twos transforms into a selected card
Also published here 1946 53
John Hamilton Heaps again spectator finds his own card, with just eight cards, sort of Tantalizer
Inspired byVariations Dec. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 140)
Billy McComb William's Fantastic Fez performer wears a fez, cuckoo on springs comes out with the selection
1947 17
The Tantalizer twenty-second position and packet dealing
Related toVariations 1948 112
Circus Card Trick "the next card I turn over..."
1948 138
Karrell Fox The Question Is...
Related toVariations 1948 96
Al Leech Ace Elimination
Related to 1949 16
Martin Gardner The Subway Trick four cards are pushed in the deck and three cards emerge from other side, repeated until selection remains
Related to Jan. 1949 505
Martin Gardner Reversed Subway four cards are pushed in the deck and three cards emerge from other side, repeated until selection remains reversed
Related to Feb. 1949 513
Rotating Knife knife and fork as spinning wheel on the table, to find selection
1949 8
The Reluctant Card same as Last Chance
Related to 1949 17
An Alarming Coincidence performer deals through cards, suddenly alarm clock rings right at the selection
1949 62
Harvey P. Graham Gloria Mundi deck is placed in a glass, cards fall out except selection
June 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 205)
Paul Rosini The Card Under the Hand left hand flat on table with spectator's hand onto it, performer wants to find card one-handed with right hand but fails, card appears under left hand
1950 16
Edward Marlo Comedy Classic four cards chosen, performer locates them one by one, the first three are all the Eights of Spades which is tabled face down three times, fourth card is Ace of Spades, tabled cards change to other Aces
1953 21
Tony Kardyro Hot Weather Hand Supreme or I'm Allowed One Mistake "My Favorite Trick"
card is seen to be stuck at back of hand
Inspired by
  • "Hot Weather Handy" (Linking Ring, Hocus Pocus column)
1955 24
Eddie Taytelbaum Surprise Jumbo selected card is shuffled into the deck and cards put in inside jacket pocket, small number is named and on that position performer produces a jumbo card version of the selection
Related toAlso published here
  • in "De Magier"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 1)
Jerry Andrus A Folded Surprise long paper with message appears from between cards
1956 133
Bert Allerton The Missing Deuce one of four Twos transforms into a selected card
Also published here 1958 28
Charlie Dietz The Question Is: Where is Your Card question mark is formed, selection is point, same a Karrell Fox Routine
Related to 1958
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1958)
Bobby Bernard Bookmatch Card Index on burnt match head appears name of selection, index
Related to 1958 4
Al Leech One Among Four
Related to 1959 20
Matt Schulien Card Appears in Hand deck spread face up on table, spectator is looking for his card, when he looks back at the performer he is seen holding the cards in front of him
1959 18
Matt Schulien The Professional Touch spectator finds the wrong card and sits on it, there it changes to the selection
Variations 1959 37
Matt Schulien Find the Five Five is chosen, performer removes a Seven partially out of pocket which is then seen to be torn off to represent a Five
1959 57
Matt Schulien The X-Ray Eyes spectator sits on card, performer peeks into spectator's mouth and names selection
1959 58
Art Irwin The Tricky Bear toy mechanical bear lifts three selections from the deck
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
James Steranko A Question of Time same as "The Question Is..."
Related to 1960 52
Karrell Fox Spotz Four of Hearts selected, Five of Hearts found but one Heart is cut out
1960 10
Karrell Fox Op-Trick-al Illusion Two of Diamonds selected, Ace of Diamonds found, but when held before the eye correctly, two Diamonds are seen, optical illusion
1960 11
Karrell Fox It's a "Scorcher" lit match held under deck to expand selection, instead it comes out with edges burnt
1960 16
Edward Marlo Surprise "Seventh Effect", top and bottom cards shown and lost, one was selection, it appears back on top, sucker
1962 14
Edward Marlo Numbered Tilt "Nineteenth Effect", value of top card used to count to selection, top card is selection, sucker
1962 26
Gerald Kosky Card Gag card is seen attached to wrong card, both add up to value of selection
Also published here July 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 15)
Robert Eagle Repeat Circus Card Trick with duplicate
Dec. 1966 71
Tony "Doc" Shiels Zaggathir finding selection with a miniature skull, clicks jaws to indicate position in pile
May 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 49)
Bruce Cervon Readers performer locates card while wearing suspicious glasses, when spectator wears glasses he sees the marks, but all card are marked with same value
Related to
  • p. 108 for forcing deck idea by Lu Brent
Also published here
June 1967 106
Charlie Miller A Novel Location card selected face-up with fun presentation
Related to
  • p. 133 for related idea by Norman Houghton
Sep. 1967
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Ernesto "Ernest" Pracchia El Monito Sabio card found by cigarette smoking monkey puppet
1967 64
Alan Keith Prelude "Circus Card Trick" to set up key cards
Inspired by 1969 136
Karl Fulves As A Stop Trick comedy presentation, on a card is written when spectator should stop
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue First Supplement)
Floyd Shotts, Frank Novotny Target Shooting, Anyone? easy method for Jumbo Sidekick, gun shot on table and vase falls over, then bullseye change into picture of selection
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Don Nielsen Location Plus coin appears next to selection in deck, comedy presentation ("your card is x cards and a quarter down in the deck")
Related to Nov. 1970 371
Allan Ackerman The Programmed Deck always dealing into two piles and eliminating one pile, last card is named selection, Named Tantalizer
Related toVariations 1970 36
Val Andrews Miracle-Location No. 3, selection apparently found but not shown, gag
1970 (ca.) 4
Val Andrews One Spade Short No. 26
1970 (ca.) 11
Paul Swinford Let's Pretend two phase card location with humorous key card presentation, faro
1971 11
Bruce Cervon Turn Me Over! funny messages on cards
Related to 1971 9
Sam Schwartz Working Against Time egg timer with miniature card on bottom used, card under egg timer change into selection with "the card under the timer" line
Related to Feb. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Ed Thiele He Has It! handkerchief nods on the selection in tabled row, but it's not it, it's in the handkerchief instead, see also p. 410 for comment by Steve Holland, p. 420 for comment by Leslie May
Jan. 1971 396
Tom Batchelor The Card Prayer cards riffle shuffled with side shuffle, selection is stuck between hands in prayer position
1971 25
Downer down-under location from twenty card packet, only odd-colored card in one half
June 1972 528
Roy Walton Twister two six-card packets (one red and one black) on table, spectator moves one over from one packet to the other, located, six red cards change to black
Also published here Sep. 1972
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Stan Blumenthal Jump Up selection is found with 'Mexican Jumping Beans', beans on ribbon spread, one jumps and lands on selection
Magick (Issue 55)
R. M. Jamison You Didn't Notice It? selection is apparently a double facer, gag
1972 61
"Maury" Kains Come "Forth"
1972 63
Baffles Brush Evens and Middles sucker trick, apparently card is among dealt cards
1972 65
Theodore Annemann The Walk Around Discovery cards distributed on floor and selection located
Also published here 1972 93
Clayton Rawson The Cockeyed Cards joker always shows up and is torn up, then shows up again and pieces are now selection
Also published here 1972 100
Edward Marlo Divining Hanky handkerchief finds card by bending its corner by itself to identify it
Also published here 1972 136
L. Vosburgh Lyons Last Chance Tantalizer
Also published here 1972 138
Stuart Robson Last Touch last card is selection
Also published here 1972 138
Theodore Annemann The Tune Detective card found by dealing to selected song lyric / beat
Also published here 1972 140
Theodore Annemann The Clumsy Performer cards fall out of performer's hand until chosen card remains
1972 140
Billy McComb Impromptu Bunny! paper puppet finds card
1972 148
Karl Fulves Short Cut cased deck is cut as gag, selection appears on case
1973 10
Karl Fulves Snap Out one pip snaps out of card and falls off, leaving a hole
1973 38
Gene Finnell Exchange wrong card tabled, down/under deal of packets ends with same wrong card and on table is correct one
1973 54
Roy Walton The Magical Eliminator spectator selects red card, but performer goes on to find it among six black cards, sucker
VariationsAlso published here 1973 5
Eddie Fechter How Do You Want Me To Find Your Card? selection is found again and again in quick fashion, as an out
Also published here 1974 167
George Sands Lucky 13 prime principle force, small packet counted to named number until only one card remains
Related toVariationsAlso published here Aug. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 10)
Francis Carlyle Dots it? same as Fox's "The Question Is..."
Related to 1975 20
Roy Walton Der Magische Eliminator spectator selects red card, but performer goes on to find it among six black cards, sucker
Also published here June 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 4)
The Circus Card Trick sucker, "the next card I turn over..."
1975 15
Gerald Kosky Computerized Deck card remains after multiple anti-faros
Also published here 1975 21
Gerald Kosky "A Good Card Gag" finding two cards which add up to selection
1975 42
Gerald Kosky Card Gag card is seen attached to wrong card, both add up to value of selection
Also published here 1975 43
Jerry Sadowitz Revolving Revelation with sucker element
June 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 10)
A Sporting Proposition No. 2, Circus Card Trick, sucker
Related to 1976 4
Richard Himber Calculator Cards No. 62, selection is "six and three quarters cards" down in deck, it's correct with a card in which a quarter is torn out
1976 94
Karrell Fox Quite a Mouthful fake tongue unrolls from mouth with mini card stuck on it
1976 72
Karrell Fox The Persistent Bunny bunny puppet used in card trick
1976 79
Jay Malbrough Genie's Flashlite card is found with Lazer Beam, beam lights up over selection
1977 30
Gerald Kosky Computer Discovery card remains after multiple anti-faros
Related toAlso published here Aug. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Karl Fulves Mass Transit spectator choses card from black pile, performer finds it from red pile which turns out to be the black pile
1978 56
Die Nächste ist es! next card turned over is the selection, sucker trick
1978 53
Das sinkende Schiff cards are cascaded into hat and all cards are shaken out of the hat, last card that remains is selection
1978 55
Wally Boyce The Piscatorial Peg card is found with a clothes-peg
Feb. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Steve Beam Mathematical Card Trick calculator is used to find position of selection, humorous presentation
Also published here 1979 24
Al Leech Crooked Card card changes to a crooked card
1980 38
Ken Brooke Read "Another" Again ideas with double-stick tape
  • card sticks to bald head
  • Utility
  • Skullocation
  • A Pot
  • Red Tape
Also published here 1980 186
Ken Brooke Another deck openly placed against forehead, selection remains there
Also published here 1980 186
Joe Karson, Ken De Courcy What is "The World's Fastest Card Trick"? comedy routine in which the spectator doesn't remember the card, then doesn't return it, and so on, until finally a wrong card changes into selection
  • The Method
  • The Third Card
Inspired by
  • "The World's Fastest Card Trick", Joe Karson, booklet, ca. 1948
1980 4
Ken De Courcy The Fastest Insured Card Trick comedy routine in which the spectator doesn't remember the card, then doesn't return it, and so on, insurance policy ending
Also published here 1980 43
Paul Harris The Vacuum Cleaner Card Case case stuck to deck
Variations 1981 5
Terri Rogers A Jigsaw Puzzle card puzzle as a revelation, Four of Hearts instead of Five of Hearts
Inspired by 1981
Babel (Issue 2)
Steve Beam Mathematical Card Trick calculator is used to find position of selection, humorous presentation
Also published here 1981 4
John G. Turner Children's Routine for "The Snake Basket"
1981 70
Roy Walton The Magical Eliminator spectator selects red card, but performer goes on to find it among six black cards, sucker
Also published here 1981 116
Roy Walton Twister two six-card packets (one red and one black) on table, spectator moves one over from one packet to the other, located, six red cards change to black
Also published here 1981 223
Craig Keller SPCA sponge ball finds card
Aug. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 8)
Betcha circus card trick
1982 24
Curtis Kam, Chris Kam The VCCC Cleans Up Its Act case stuck to deck, gag routine with case as vacuum cleaner
Inspired by 1982 30
George McAthy, Joe Berg Die halbe Karte Four of Diamonds is selected, deck is riffled and Eight of Diamond appears but it is only half the card to match selection
Also published here
  • in "Genii" vol. 11, Nr. 5. P. 151.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 43 No. 6)
Eugene Burger Seance "glorpy" and "out to lunch"
VariationsAlso published here 1982 93
Jan Heins Splash plastic bird put in "house" build of cards and finds selection
Feb. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 8)
Jerry Sadowitz Prone to Live Dangerously sucker effect in which performer stabs card next to selection which can be seen on face
Related toVariations Mar. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Paul Hallas, Jerry Sadowitz, Theodore Annemann More Dangerous
Inspired by Nov. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Paul Harris Language of the Cards cards divined via layout of Seven of Hearts, Ten of Spades on table with other cards, indifferent card transforms into three selections
1983 15
Meir Yedid Point The Way arrow appears printed on backs of cards and points to selection
Also published here 1983 9
George Sands Lucky 13 No. 32, prime principle force, small packet counted to named number until only one card remains
Also published here 1983 53
Dale Anthony, Eugene Burger Dracula and the Sorority Girls Queen becomes faded, a card appears under a thumb tack on the case
Inspired by
  • "Under Attack" (Dale Anthony)
Also published here
1983 76
Meir Yedid Point the Way arrow appears printed on backs of cards and points to selection
Also published here Nov. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Jerry Sadowitz Prone to Live Dangerously performer places ace of spades next to selection, sucker effect
1984 6
Dick Koornwinder Crazy Canon cannon drawn on paper fires with bang, hole in selected card
1984 4
David Britland Still Counting on back of card is 7up logo, card is found at seventh position from that card
Apr. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 36)
Frederick Braue Bazooka Card Trick writing appears on card that can be seen in red cellophane envelope (1943)
1985 13
Karl Fulves Rupert the Great No. 37, animal cut and folded from envelope finds card
1985 65
Karl Fulves Houdini Hound No. 39, dog made from paper bag like a hand puppet, paper bone changes into selection
1985 69
Pokerface gag in which performer moves obviously at selection as tell
Oct. 1985
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 1)
Paul Swinford Finding the Card named card is left over after sorting procedure with sorting rod
1986 16
Eugene Burger Seance Revisited "glorpy" and "out to lunch"
Inspired byRelated to 1986 145
David Regal The Beeper a beeper locates card which travels folded inside
1987 99
John Riggs Coon 2 spring raccoon routine, impressions and selected card is found
1. The Attack
2. The Signed Cod
3. The Finale
4. The Screaming Assault
5. The Follow Up
6. The Wiggler
7. Leftover Line
1987 267
Jerry Sadowitz Elimination comedy location, all cards eliminated in stages with patter lines except selection
Inspired by 1987 73
Thomas Hierling The Art Card blank card produced, card that matches selection drawn on it, it changes into actual selection
1987 85
Bruce Cervon Readers cards are apparently marked, but all the same
Also published here 1988 223
Steve Beam The Jogger gag revelation of selection, see p. 422 for correction
Related to 1988 379
Karrell Fox "The Nose-Knows"
1988 49
Karrell Fox A Good "Back-Up" some cards have company logo on back, trade show
1988 129
Thomas Hierling Balloondoggy Finds Card
1988 27
Hiroshi Sawa Cry Baby card chosen and lost, performer counts from indicator card to indicator card until a Joker shows up, performer cries and a large transparent tear appears, Joker changes into selection and the indicator cards in the matching values
1988 52
Jerry Sadowitz Broken Hearts four of hearts splits into 4 ace of hearts, pips disappear and reappear on back of selection
1989 52
J. W. Sarles, Karl Fulves Twos Much selection lost, indicator Two-spot turned up, but selection under eight cards, other three Twos under original Two
1989 24
Simon Lovell Crispy Spectator cuts deck, produces pile of potato crisps. Bag of crisps is opened to find selected card.
Inspired by
  • "The Searcher" (Bob Ostin, Magic Mag, vol. 1, no. 3)
1989 21
Karl Fulves Magnetic Fingers spectator cannot lift finger off chosen card
1989 38
Gary Ouellet Quarterback selection has to be divided, performer reveals number with a card and a quarter
Related to 1990 80
Ken Brooke Die Stirnproduktion deck openly placed against forehead, selection remains there
Also published here Oct. 1990
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 4 & 5)
Karl Fulves Procrastination Card Trick performer wants to find card, but other trick with Kings gets in the way
1991 16
Karrell Fox The Vanishing Fifty-One deck put in handkerchief bag, jumbo card of selection taken out, rest vanishes
1991 41
Karrell Fox "Pip-Squeak" chosen card squeaks and is then oiled
1991 45
Meir Yedid Wegweiser arrow appears printed on backs of cards and points to selection
Also published here 1991 19
Rudolf Braunmüller Aufsitzer & Bierwetten collection of bar bets
  • Verschiedene Wetten
    • Die dreifache Gemeinheit (drinking shot glass under hat without touching)
    • Für Trinkfeste (drinking three beers faster than someone else three shot glasses)
    • Beantwortungs-Wetten
    • Münzenwetten
    • Eine Pokerwette (cards taken openly from face-up deck, yet spectator loses)
    • Die nächste Karte, die ich umdrehe, ist Ihre! (Circus Card trick)
  • Zauberer-Wetten (for magicians)
    • Der Center Tear
    • Der Münzenschnipper
    • Mental-Farbwürfel
    • Der Faro-Mischkünstler
June 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 2)
T. Page Wright The Card From The Knee card produced from knee with empty hand, handed over behind leg, as gag location
1991 142
T. Page Wright A Card Climax card lost and performer hold deck behind back, spectator names small number and performer brings cards out one by one, jumbo card of selection at named position
Related toAlso published here 1991 231
T. Page Wright Felix, the Felicitous Feline hand puppet helps in finding a selection and naming another one, comedy routine
Related to 1991 307
Karl Fulves Secret Seven two gaffed weighted dice, one with a seven-value on a side, the other with Heart symbol, are used to humorously locate and divine the forced Seven of Hearts
1991 1
Steve Dusheck Little Big Card card selected from miniature deck, when counted to a named number it is found there as normal sized card
Also published here
  • marketed in 1967
1992 52
Steve Beam Mathematical Card Trick calculator is used to find position of selection, humorous presentation
Related toAlso published here 1993 79
Muneo Yokoi Pointer Deck Arrow suddenly appears printed on the selected card's face, pointing to the index
1993 13
Meir Yedid Point the Way arrow appears printed on backs of cards and points to selection
Also published here 1993 14
Karl Fulves Likely Suspect packet, selection stands always out, three phases, only face-up card, then only black card, then odd-backed
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Deadly Dagger comedy card stab, comb dagger, two handlings
Verbatim (Issue 8)
Jon Racherbaumer Psychic Leap Frog card chosen, a few cards tabled, origami frog from card produced and it locates a card (with Card Hopper parity principle) with funny message, frog unfolded and it is the selection
Inspired by Sep. 1993 15
Eddie Fechter How Do You Want Me To Find Your Card? selection is found again and again in quick fashion, as an out
Also published here 1993 253
Justin Higham The Cutout Card Trick blank card with cut-out letters that spell out selection
1993 29
Sid Fleischman W. C. Fields Does a Card Trick talking with voice on record, revelation of a playing card
Also published here 1993 130
Chad Long Back & Forth written messages on cards ("LOOK IN YOUR POCKET", ...), scavenger hunt
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1994 3
Jackie McClements Pushthru Eliminator card chosen, incomplete faro pushed through a few times to get clues about the color and suit of card, wrong card is determined, still right card shows up reversed in deck
Also published here
  • The Crimp, p. 212
1994 4
Aldo Colombini The Killer noose formed with a rope only tightens when spectator who is holding the selection pulls it
Inspired by
  • Tom Craven effect
1994 57
Bert Allerton The Missing Deuce one of four Twos transforms into a selected card
Also published here Jan./Feb. 1994
The Magic Menu (Vol. 4 No. 21)
Jerry Camaro Rocky Does It! selection sticks on nose of Rocky Raccoon
Nov./Dec. 1994
The Magic Menu (Vol. 5 No. 26)
Philip T. Goldstein Another This two card chosen, one signed on back, both replaced, performer finds first one, then cards dealt face up until a Joker with "Stop" on it shows up, it is the one signed on the back
Inspired by Feb. 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Karrell Fox The Question is... the "point" of a ribbon spread question mark is the chosen card
1995 81
Tom Daugherty The Gypsy Shuffle red and black packet
Jan. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 1)
Chad Long Nervous Condition all cards fly out via Gymnastic Aces except selection
Inspired by 1995 3
John Riggs A Bird of Different Feather bag with cards cut in quarters, performer finds pieces of thought of card
Inspired by
  • Robert Baker's "Birds of a Feather" in "Shared Thoughts"
1995 65
Karl Fulves 6-Card Conceit card location presentation for six card repeat
Related to 1995
Underworld (Issue 2)
Thomas Fraps Walter Wins Again spring animal raccoon finds signed selection, very humorous routine, selection is found with large X on the back as a kicker
1995 6
Chad Long Look Snooker written messages on cards ("LOOK IN YOUR POCKET", ...), scavenger hunt
Also published here Sep. 1995
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Sid Lorraine A Novel Card Discovery miniature card jumps out of deck when riffled, reprinted from Linking Ring, March 1928
Related to 1996 20
Howard Wurst A Small Card, Right? miniature card jumps out of deck when riffled
1996 22
Tom Sellers The Almanac Trick counting down a few numbers (weeks in a year, ...) a card is found
1996 1
Frederick Braue Joker Spell deck with selection in pocket, performer removes five cards, none of which is selection which is joker, on their backs the cards spell JOKER
1996 4
Chester Morris Comedy Cards to Pocket Seven of Spades with bottom two pips cut off, Seven and Five of Spades forced for two-phase routine
1996 4
Frederick Braue Double Transformation quick opener with two selections and the card of the wrong spectator is found and changes back and forth, also with one selection
1996 6
Frederick Braue Scrambled Thoughtwaves spectator thinks of his selection, yet a blank card, then scrambled up card and then card with image of girl show up
Inspired by
  • Clayton Rawson plot
1996 7
Frederick Braue Who, Me? blank card with message by murderer is found between aces in deck, story presentation
Inspired by 1996 9
The Spirit Slates Chinese characters appear on slate as gag, performer "translates" into selection
1996 20
The Random Card character "Charlie Random" on blank card, is next to selection
1996 21
"Senator" Clarke Crandall Pip Pip blank card instead of Four of Spades produced, four single Spade pips removed from pocket
1996 23
Alex Elmsley The Card in the Screen chosen card appears on computer screen
1996 14
J. W. Sarles Magnetic Personality chosen court card clings to magnet
Inspired by
  • "Dippy Magnet" (Harbin)
Related to
1996 74
Jörg Willich Elektrischer Zauberstab card is found with hand-held mixer/blender
Also published here 1996 196
Gerd Winkler Makaber - Makaber performer removes his eye to find the selection, paper is stapled over eye
Also published here 1996 200
Peter Duffie The Backwards Almanac Locate card with long dealing and counting sequence about the deck being a pocket diary
Inspired by 1997 80
Doug Edwards My First Trick Photo appears on face of selection
1997 107
Simon Lovell Bonus Fold Effect spectator cuts and folded selection happens to be where he cuts
1997 78
Ken Brooke Verschiedenes ideas with double-stick tape
  • Die Glatzenproduktion (card sticks to bald head)
  • Hilfsmittel
  • Skullocation
  • Tischpräparation
  • Bandproduktion
Also published here 1997
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 1)
Chris "Doc" Dixon Smell This card is located with the nose, apparently by smelling, perfume bottle is produced as climax
Related to
  • "Nose Card Rise" in Mac King and Mark Levy's "Tricks With Your Head"
1997 18
Chris "Doc" Dixon Close Up Matt spectator finds the wrong card and sits on it, there it changes to the selection
Inspired by 1997 51
Joshua Jay Losing Diamonds Selection (Two of Diamonds) made and lost. Ten of Diamonds shown, given a flick, flurry of red diamonds fly out, leaving the Two of Diamonds
Also published here 1998 53
Dick Koornwinder The Koornwinder Kar car finds card by stopping next to it when pushed
  • The Apparatus Supplied
  • Explanation of the Basic Principle
Related to 1998 4
Dick Koornwinder The Revised Technique for the Koornwinder Kar car finds card by stopping next to it when pushed
1998 13
Peter Duffie The Speckled Humbug spectator selects red card, but performer goes on to find it among ten black cards, sucker
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Abacus magazine
1998 15
Joshua Jay Losing Diamonds Selection (Two of Diamonds) made and lost. Ten of Diamonds shown, given a flick, flurry of red diamonds fly out, leaving the Two of Diamonds
Also published here 1999 87
Joshua Jay Ballistic Band-Aid Band-Aid on finger jumps from finger to finger (thimble-like sequence), finally vanishes and appears stuck on selected card
1999 116
David Regal The Joker Works Overtime Joker finds two selections, in the process changing into a duplicate of each selection
Inspired by 1999 60
David Regal Pasteboard Massacre Magician cuts the deck literally in half to find selection, saws deck in half using a playing card
1999 242
Ellis Stanyon The "Turned-Up" Card No. 28, circus card trick, sucker
  • Supplementary Note (reference given by Karl Fulves)
Related to 1999 17
Jerry Mentzer It Takes A Year Card chosen and lost. Magicians deals the deck, reciting the months of the year, the days of the week and the four seasons of the year. Card is found at the end of the deal, plus four Aces.
1999 25
Don Nielsen Drop Ceiling cards sprung into the air, they drop on the floor, selection is then on head of performer
Discoverie (Issue 1)
Don Alan Worm's Turn worm in basket finds chosen ABC card, snake in a basket
Also published here July 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Eugene Burger Séance "glorpy" and "out to lunch"
Also published here 2000 56
Dale Anthony, Eugene Burger Dracula and the Sorority Girls Queen becomes faded, a card appears under a thumb tack on the case
Inspired by
  • "Under Attack" (Dale Anthony)
Also published here
2000 156
Jörg Willich Electric Wand card is found with hand-held mixer/blender
Also published here 2000 211
Gerd Winkler Bizarre, Bizarre performer removes his eye to find the selection, paper is stapled over eye
Also published here 2000 215
Marty Kane The Christmas Tree Trick based on a pun, spectator selects two threes, rest of the cards are blank
2000 121
Don Alan Stanley hand puppet monkey in basket finds selection
2000 117
Don Alan Worm's Turn worm in basket finds chosen ABC card, snake in a basket
Also published here 2000 125
Edward Marlo, Don Alan Tweaking Marlo's Twee card trick based on a pun, picture with tree and three hearts,
2000 179
Jörg Willich e-magic card dealt onto table, a beep sound is heard and the card at that position is the selection and a bar code sticker has appeared on its face
Aug. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 8)
Pit Hartling The Three Musketeers three spectators choose a card each which are lost, performer finds only one card, it turns out all spectators chose the same one
2000 21
Simon Aronson Divide and Conquer Cards get dealt through, eliminating half the deck each time until two selections remain
Inspired by
  • "One in Fifty-Two Bet" (Lennart Green, Green Magic vol. 3, DVD, 2000)
2001 20
Simon Aronson Euph-oracle (an Alternate Take) Elimination procedure to locate two selections, using Reverse Faros
Inspired by 2001 26
Simon Aronson Alternate Take Combination of UnDo Influence and Euph-oracle procedure
Inspired byVariations 2001 28
Simon Aronson More-or-Less-acle Euphoracle to locate four of a kind
2001 28