238 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Traveling / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Two Drawn Cards, placed in different Boxes, made to Change Places at Command
1889 159
Professor Hoffmann The "Sensation" Card Trick "An Experiment in Thought-reading"
three cards thought of, performer divines writes them on slips of paper, spectators remove their cards and the vanish from "card table" and reappear in deck
1889 231
Card from Changing Card-box to Deck two cards chosen and put in box, apparently named one travels back to deck
1890 123
Der Teufelskopf continuation of description, four cards selected and two borrowed ring put in glass and covered with handkerchief, cards vanish from deck and glass with rings vanishes, cards and rings appear on devil head puppet apparatus
Related to Nov. 1895
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Kunststück à la Cumberland three cards removed by spectators and placed in handkerchief, predicted on three billets in goblet, they travel back into deck, billet index
1896 61
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Das fliegende Kartenhäuschen ohne Bedeckung card house built out of seven chosen card, it vanishes from one tray and reappears on another
1896 203
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Grosses Kartenmanöver Jacks, Queens and Kings travel and transpose with two plates, heavily gaffed
Related to 1896 221
Der Hut als Zielscheibe cards shot onto borrowed hat where they appear
Sep. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Bartholomäus Gebert, Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Ein kleiner Fastnachtscherz oder das Auferstehen einer verbrannten Karte card removed, rest of deck put on glass and covered with handkerchief, card burnt and shot onto glass, card is now upright in glass, it is removed and shrinks and vanishes
Jan. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 5)
The Conjurer's Prediction three thought of cards are divined, then travel from Card Box (prop) to deck
1897 155
Grand Card Maneuvre Jacks on top and Kings on bottom of deck, Queens under plate, Queens vanish and appear on top of deck, Jacks and Kings under second plate, then Queens back under first plate
Related to 1897 160
Der Zauberspiegel card placed on mirror and covered with handkerchief vanishes and reappears in deck, card with mirror back
Apr. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Das wandernde Kartenspiel "Die Kartenschule von Carl Willmann"
deck vanishes and reappears behind arm, then deck travels from sleeve to sleeve, manipulative
June 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Romans Kartenfahne No. 47, three cards vanish from deck and reappear at flag/silk
1899 128
Georg Winter Die wandernden Karten four to eight selections put in envelope and placed in inner pocket, they are then produced from the air, tube from inner pocket to tails pocket on the back
Oct. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Changement eines Kartenhauses No. 2, seven-card card castle vanishes from underneath cover and appears under another cover, then travels back, collapsable castle with rubber bands
1900 63
Ein guter Schuß No. 6, deck placed on glass, covered with handkerchief, selection placed in pistol and shot onto glass, vanishes from pistol and is now upright in glass
1900 70
Die unsichtbare Wanderung No. 8, black Aces and Ace of Diamonds shown, all shuffled in deck, Ace of Diamonds travels to mechanical card case prop, Ace of Hearts poses as Ace of Diamonds between black Aces
Related to 1900 75
Ein Kartenchangement No. 14, cards placed in handkerchief, performer names cards that he apparently identifies by touch, those cards are vanished and reappear in deck
1900 90
Die Karte als Orden No. 17, card placed on tablet, covered with glass dome and handkerchief, card suddenly appears on performer's chest and is no long on tablet, secret layer on bottom of glass dome
1900 99
Arthur Toskana Vae victis! "(Wehe dem Besiegten)"
Kings placed in envelope, Jacks placed under four newspaper pieces, then Jacks are in envelope and Aces under newspaper, Kings found elsewhere
Mar. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Carl Willmann Ein Kartentrick card vanishes from hand and reappears in deck, card index behind chair
Apr. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 4)
A. J. Kartenzauber corner of a card torn off, it restores visually, two selections shuffled back, one of the selections appears in a glass container, punch with paper weight that is sitting on card at one point
May 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 5)
A. J. Die magischen Asse combination in which an Ace is chosen, it changes to another Ace, vanishes and reappears, then a chosen Ace travels into a wooden card case, then all Aces from deck into a pocket
June 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 6)
Louis F. Christianer A variation of a "Good One" variation in which the spots travel to blank card in envelope
Inspired by 1916 11
Louis F. Christianer The Traveling Spots blank paper is folded and put in handkerchief, Six of Hearts changes first to a Three, then Ace, then a blank card, spots are found on folded paper, spots travel back on card in envelope
1916 13
Louis F. Christianer The Card and the Plate card is torn and wrapped in paper napkin and then in a handkerchief which is placed in a glass, plate placed on top of glass, restored card minus a corner is found stuck to bottom of plate
Also published here
  • The Magic Wand
1919 6
Albert Fellows, Stanley Collins The Well of Truth four selections are put in a small wishing well, then covered by handkerchief, the cards travel to the roof of the well
1920 107
Edward Bagshawe Perambulating Pasteboards hat covered with handkerchief, cased deck put in container, it vanishes from there (black shell), cards removed from hat in string, case also in hat
1924 32
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Feingefühl in den Fingerspitzen. No. 13, shuffled deck placed in handkerchief, performer names six card and finds them inside bundle, then six cards vanish and appear back in the deck, duplicates
1926 45
Tom Sellers Named Card and Slates named card vanishes from box and reappears between slates
Related toVariations 1934 13
Dr. Richard Rowe Three Cards and a Bank Note (Bill) three selections & borrowed bill sealed in four envelopes, performer names card and serial number, all vanish and reappear in middle of deck, bill wrapped around the three cards, duplicates
Related to 1940 43
Tom Sellers A Sliding Card Frame die box with card and a frame
1942 6
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Bathing Beauties four Queens, one in hat three in glass of water, the one in hat vanishes, then all from glass, then all back in hat, using step gaff and clear celluloid card
Related to 1942 3
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Card in the Paper Cone selection from pack to paper cone
1942 28
Cards, Envelope, and Hat six cards selected put in envelope, one of them travels into hat
1943 261
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Cards from Pocket to Hand six or seven cards from pocket to empty right hand
1943 9
Jean Hugard The WAACS and the Doughboys hotel story trick, Queens and Jacks in five envelopes change places
Variations June 1943 1
Jean Hugard Cards from the Sleeve cards travel from pocket to hand, reverse up the sleeve
Dec. 1944 91
Jean Hugard The Homing Card marked card vanishes from sealed paper and appears in deck at chosen number
Mar. 1945
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 2 No. 10)
George C. Engel Love at First Sight story trick, card travels
May 1945
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Clayton Rawson 1: Right in Front of Your Nose!
Also published here Feb. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 100)
Murray Fields, Jean Hugard The WACS and the Doughboys climax for Hugard's routine, hotel story trick, Queens and Jacks in five envelopes change places
Inspired by Oct. 1946 259
Harold E. Haber, Jr. The Lazy Man's Miracle five cards are selected and placed inside envelope, names written on pieces of paper and one selected, that card vanishes from envelope and appears somewhere else
Inspired by
  • Louis Nikola's "An Impudent Imposition" in Percy Naldrett's "Further Expert Magic" 1923.
Also published here
Apr. 1947
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Paul Dienst Teufelspost three cards are placed inside three envelopes, three mail boxes with different colors and three balloon with same color are on stage, when envelopes are placed inside mail boxes, balloons with same color pop and cards appear
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 9 No. Sondernummer 3)
Vern Schoneck Sic Transit selected cards visibly appear in beer glass
June 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 205)
Paul Rosini The Card Under the Hand left hand flat on table with spectator's hand onto it, performer wants to find card one-handed with right hand but fails, card appears under left hand
1950 16
Bert Allerton New Papel Blanco blank card is signed, face of a card appears on its back, then blank card vanishes
Nov. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 241)
Edward Marlo Count Cop for Left Hand one of five blue backed Card travells into red deck
1956 16
Clifford Bruce Cheescake Card Trick card travels from one sock to the other
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Jerry Andrus Cards and Cardboards two cards travel to under two cardboard pieces
1956 167
Jerry Andrus The Cards and Magazine three selections travel to under or in magazine
1956 178
Jerry Andrus Unexpected Reverse card vanishes between hands an reappears reversed in deck
Also published here 1957 6
Cliff Green Finale for the Flight of the Blues signed card vanishes from packed and is produced from air (back palm)
1961 111
Jerry Andrus Sleeving As You Fasten The Deck With Rubber Bands with rubber band, with effect in which a card travels from banded deck to between two file cards on the table
Related to 1961 13
P. Howard Lyons P. Howard Lyons Routine selection vanishes from card box and other card appears on its place, selection is found reversed in the deck, is torn and finally restored in the card box
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Don Tanner Visible Flight card vanishes from box and appears in Tanner's Card Frame
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Don Tanner Under Cover miniature card vanishes from a box and appears between two stapled cards in other box
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Jochen Zmeck Das Mene-Tekel-Spiel roughed short/long menetekel and applications
1. card to top
2. card through table
3. divination
4. rising card
5. card to pocket
6. card travels between two slates
7. having multiple cards chosen
1962 21
Arthur Rasper Karo Dame auf Wanderschaft four blank cards in three glasses each, the Queen of Diamonds travels into chosen glass, then around to another glass, partial rough-smooth
1962 25
Erwin Sloan The Rising Card from the Book
Feb. 1964
The New Phoenix (Issue 387)
Paul Curry The Case of the Missing Hat cards with magicians and with hats, story trick
Related toVariations 1965 248
Karl Fulves Method for Madness medium in other room, card cut to in borrowed deck in darkness with flashlight, medium divines card, then has actual card in hand
Related to Feb. 1966 22
Arthur Setterington By Royal Command Three of Diamonds disappears from envelope and appears between to cards, with the pictures of Queen Victoria and the Duke of Wellington
1968 9
Verne Chesbro, Larry West Air Mail four envelopes in card size, one with window, a chosen card is put in it, it travels into one of the other envelopes
Variations 1968 8
Mike Morhman Rapid Transit four aces in envelope, selected one travels from envelope to card case
June 1969 266
Eddie Joseph My Favourite Queen four Queens held in hand, named Queen vanishes and reappears in some location, using mirage holdout
1969 335
Gaston "Gasbor" Borgeaud Une combinaison de tours de cartes card vanish and travels to case with slits
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 6)
Jerry K. Hartman Instant Sandwich black Aces are buried together in middle of deck, red Aces are placed face down to top and bottom, they instantly travel into deck between black Aces
  • Variation: red Aces travel from pocket to middle of deck between black Aces
Related to
  • “Trap and Trade” (Jerry K. Hartman, Card Devilry, 2017, p. 45)
Also published here
1970 20
Fred Lessor Simple Optics selection travels from underneath hat into deck between aces, simplified handling
Inspired byVariations Nov. 1971
Epilogue (Issue 13)
Roger Smith A's to K's four Aces turn to Kings one by one and appear in deck face up
Dec. 1971
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Herb Zarrow Herb's Variant four cards, with selection that travels into deck
Inspired byVariations Sep. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Stewart James Psycho-Dyne dark room, card travels to chosen location
1972 26
Jean Hugard Jean Hugard's Dollar Bill Between Cards Effect No. 649, cryptic but might be related to reference, bill number read off thumb nail
Related to 1972 179
Karl Fulves Margin For Error card from under mat to deck, prediction presentation, also as transposition (see Note 1)
1973 72
Jerry K. Hartman Search Flight Two phases of Collectors: first phase is four Aces find three selections, second phase is three selections placed between Aces vanish and travel to between four Queens in the deck
Inspired byAlso published here 1973 49
Dr. James Hoy Haunted selection appears on other side of the room
Magick (Issue 82)
Jeff Busby Royal Runaway Jack, Queen and King of one suit are in (Himber) wallet, chosen value travels to pocket, then from deck back to wallet, turns over, back to deck
1973 1
John Carney Card Flight selection is found and then vanishes from the hands and appears reversed in the deck, held by the spectator
1973 (ca.) 2
Jerry Andrus Sudden Surprise card vanishes between hands an reappears reversed in deck
Also published here 1974 14
Roger Smith The Progressive Travelors Ace to Four in a row and deck on the right, cards all travel one position to the right, Ace is now a indifferent card, Two is the Ace etc, repeated until all cards end up on top of the deck
Necromancer (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Karl Fulves Time Framed odd-backed joker vanishes and reappears in deck next to selection
Related to 1975 8
Fred Lowe Der Kristallhäftling card vanishes from deck and appears in handkerchief-covered glass
VariationsAlso published here
  • New Pentagram
Feb. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Paul Harris, John C. Wagner X-Press three face-down cards dropped on aces and pressed, the alternate into collectors configuration, then three cards go back in deck and aces on table, collectors packet appears in deck and kings are on table
Inspired by 1976 9
Paul Harris La La's Lu Lu three Aces travel from Ace packet into deck one by one, last Ace travels from deck to other three Aces under spectator's hand
Variations 1976 29
Daryl Martinez Twisted Aces last Ace vanishes and reappears reversed in deck
Related toVariations 1976 66
Dave Walker, Jon Racherbaumer Logical Twist last ace vanishes and reappears reversed in deck
Inspired byAlso published here
  • "Logical Twist" (Sticks & Stones No. 5)
1977 19
Martin Gardner Torn Corners corners from five cards are torn, performer turns corner over which matches selection, then corner travels to rest of the card in spectator's hand
Magick (Issue 172)
Karl Fulves The Gambler's Palm seven blank cards, two signed, cards put in both palms apparently equally, then signed cards are in one hand and other five in the other, thieves and sheep
1977 30
Steve Beam Rapid Transit card appears face-up on the deck (using one handed top palm) vanishes again (face up Tent vanish) and appears face up in the center of the deck
Also published here 1978 25
Richard Kaufman, Cliff Green Blues Caught on a Windy Day three selections are sandwiched between 4 odd-backed cards, they appear one by one in performers emtpy hands
Inspired by 1979 151
Mark Weston Under My Foot card under foot
Mar. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Karl Fulves Theme And Variations card travels from place A to B and back without showing, but some change happened as proof
1979 10
Karl Fulves In Pieces quarter of a card travels
1980 25
Gene Maze Give, Queenie! two red Queens transform into black Queens, two previously selected cards are now the red Queens
1980 54
Peter Duffie "...And the Card Came Back" cards travel and tranform into royal flush
Mar. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Philip Reed Willmarth Biddle-Kardyro Cased mixture between biddle trick and "Card Case"
Inspired by Aug. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 8)
Scotty York Impromptu Card Sequence routine with four Aces, several references to other published Ace routines, ends up with selection on ceiling
1980 6
Scotty York The Card in the Menu Stand one of two selections is signed, one found by cutting to it and placed on menu stand, other found inside menu stand, one duplicate
1980 10
Jeff White Out of the Blue blue backed chosen card vanishes from between two red backed Jacks and appears face up in the deck, then back of selection changes to red and back to blue
1980 23
Danny Korem Riding a Wave card travels from thought of position to other position
Inspired by 1981 19
Don England Another Collectors? Aces start underneath close-up pad
Inspired by 1981 45
Karl Fulves Traveling Sticker spectator sticks sticker on card, vanishes from card and reappears in case, no-touch conditions
Related to 1981 9
Karl Fulves Almost Card To Wallet spectator choses card and puts stamp on it, stamp disappears and travels to spectator's own wallet
Related to 1981 19
Ken Simmons Interlaced Transposition three selections between Kings travel to between Aces, then in repeat the quartets transpose
Variations 1981 25
Ken Simmons Returning to the Scene of the Crime three Jacks cut in deck, last Jack under spectators hand, Aces find Jacks, Jacks vanish and reappear under card under spectator's hand, story presentation
1981 55
Leslie Anderson, Harry Anderson The Shadow Card spectator thinks of a card, card vanishes and appears in sealed envelope
Related to 1981
Magick (Issue 294)
Karl Fulves Rise and Fall two decks in glasses, card is pushed down in one deck and card rises in other deck, red backed card the appears in blue backed deck, posed as problem
1982 35
Stephen Tucker, John Brown, David Britland Full-Circle coin and card vanish and appear on deck
Feb. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Bobby Bernard Blankety Blank pips of selection travel to pocket, deck is blank
May 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 13)
Jerry Sadowitz Born Free two red Fours faced on face of half the deck, half turned over, Fours still on face, then they travel to center, then to other half
July 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 15)
Karl Fulves Illusion Notes effect variations of Illusion Aces without methods, aces travel from envelope to sandwich
1983 4
Karl Fulves Variation blank card in envelope against glass, ace in hand, suddenly envelope travels to hand and ace is inside, against glass only blank card
1983 5
Paul Harris Double Suicide card travels from deck to single card held by spectator
1983 28
Paul Spencer Cycle card and page from a book change places, page found torn on position in the deck that matches page number, Pegasus page
Mar. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 23)
Larry Jennings They Vanish! aces transform into indifferent cards, a moment later appear reversed separated in deck, two methods
Variations Jan./Feb. 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 17 & 18)
Stephen Tucker I Met A Card that Wasn't There with duplicate, card is put back in case and vanishes from there when spectator finds duplicate
Oct. 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 8)
Michael Ammar, Paul Harris Michael's Proposition final phase for a matrix type routine, last card ends up under spectator's hand
Also published here 1984 75
Al Smith Fifty-Percent Solution performer tries to cut four queens, finds three then an ace, then queens are transformed into aces and queens found reversed in deck, in case and in wallet
Inspired by 1984 166
Martin Gardner Wild Aces No. 88, Aces vanish under handkerchief and reappear reversed in deck
1984 134
Stephen Tucker 4 Told card torn in quarters, three pieces appear at different places
Feb. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 34)
Peter Duffie Under Cover two Joker put under two cardboard covers, two selections travel to join them one under each cover, pocket ruse without pockets but cards under covers
1984 29
Reinhard Müller Die Wanderung im Zweivierteltakt two jumbo cards are cut into four pieces each, two are exchanged and travel back
1984 11
Martin Lewis Wrong Again Watson! A Mystery from Old London
1985 84
Frederick Braue FB One-Card Backhand Routine one-card routine with duplicate (1936)
1985 16
Ben Harris Magnetrix three Kings vanish and appear under tabled King
1985 116
Richard Vollmer Lazy Man's Invisible Back & Front Palm Kings are on table, spectator cuts deck into four piles, performer puts Kings on the piles, they all travel invisibly on one pile, top card of each pile is then shown to be an Ace
Variations Sep. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 9)
Jay Sankey Tempus Fugitives three selections jump from four blank cards in collectors-configuration into deck, then back, then blank cards vanish and travel to wallet
1986 91
Eine unglaubliche Kartenwanderung card travels from one envelope to another, Himber wallet
Dec. 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 3 & 4)
Philip T. Goldstein Der Kartencomputer card travels into card box prop
Dec. 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 3 & 4)
Earl Rybolt Noch ein paar Effektideen - 1. card travels into card case apparatus with ribbon going through a hole
Dec. 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 3 & 4)
Reinhard Müller Ass-Wanderung Express center pips of three Aces vanish and appear on fourth Ace, holes remain in other three Aces, jumbo cards
Inspired by
  • "See-Through Aces" (Shigeo Futugawa, MUM 71, 24, Dec. 1981)
1986 10
David Regal A Star is Borne star sticker travels to back of selection
1987 64
David Regal Stack Attack gaining access to a "randomly" chosen card
1987 224
Dai Vernon Driven to the Depths card travels inside faced deck
1988 150
Brother John Hamman Pickpocket two cards placed in case are produced outside case, previous selection travels into case
1989 124
Karl Fulves MacCount four cards, Ace travels from pocket back to packet, featuring count that shows all cards but changes order
Variations 1989 3
Karl Fulves Transmissible white and brown envelopes, signed selection in white envelope, envelopes riffle shuffled, travels to a chosen brown envelope
1989 26
Edward Marlo Delayed Spectator Ace Cutting Kings are on table, spectator cuts deck into four piles, performer puts Kings on the piles, they all travel invisibly on one pile, top card of each pile is then shown to be an Ace
Inspired by Oct. 1989
Inside Out (Issue 7)
Gerd Winkler Wandernde Könige Kings travel under postcard one by one
1989 38
Father Cyprian Mirror Aces
  • Card Vanish From a Glass
card or packet of cards vanishes from wine glass and is found reversed in deck or something else
  • I
  • II (using gaffed card with mirror surface)
  • III (card travels into another glass)
  • IV To change for Aces into a selected card
Inspired by 1989 31
Edward Marlo Seven Card Monte Redux nine ungaffed methods
Inspired by Feb. 1991 1
Edward Marlo, Jay Sankey Break Away jacks placed in wallet appear at different positions, last one transposes with signed selection, Bendix Bombshell
Inspired by Sep. 1991 13
Steven Hamilton Lightning Aces Aces vanish one by one from hand and reappear face-up in center of deck, shown one-by one, deck of double backers
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here Apr. 1991
Profile (Issue 1)
Steven Hamilton Nocturnal Gambler Aces vanish one by one and reappear together reversed in center
Inspired byAlso published here June 1991
Profile (Issue 2)
Jerry K. Hartman Search Flight Two phases of Collectors: first phase is four Aces find three selections, second phase is three selections placed between Aces vanish and travel to between four Queens in the deck
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 250
Wesley James The Siamese Shuffle the shuffle travels from one packet to another
Related to Sep. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 9)
William Goodwin, Philip T. Goldstein Propelled Penetration Plus signed card penetrates booklet several times, then appears inside its pages
Inspired by 1993 3
John Scarne Pocket to Pocket Ace of Spades placed in right jacket pocket and then instantly removed from left back trouser pocket
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
Richard Bartram, Jr. Punch Finish signed selection punched full of holes vanishes and returns in center of deck
1993 19
David Avadon Avadon's Absquatulated Card No. 2, one arm behind back, selection appears in that hand, "Stomach Card Switch"
1993 104
Alexander de Cova, Dai Vernon Seven-Card-Monte card vanishes from packet and reappears on top of pack, three phases
Inspired byAlso published here 1994 151
Barry Wood Practical Jokers selection rubbed on spectator's hand vanishes and appears between jokers under his hand, effect is repeated and first selection transforms into second
1994 957
Steve Beam Out on a Limb selection pushed in with arm is produced on fingertips
Also published here 1994 963
Steve Beam Limb Lead-In card vanishes on knee and appears back on deck
Also published here 1994 965
Alexander de Cova, Dai Vernon Seven Card Monte card vanishes from packet and reappears on top of pack, three phases
Also published here 1994 24
David K. Cooper That's Not The Half Of It! card put between spectator's hands, face becomes blank and in a locked box is found the selection with blank back
Aug. 1994
The Lemniscate (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Allan Ackerman Impromptu Breakaway Jacks put in shirt pocket appear elsewhere, previous selection in pocket
Inspired byAlso published here 1995 20
Joey Gallo, Lennart Green Made to Order cards apparently lost in the deck turn out to be the cards held by performer
1995 1079
Karl Fulves Persistence of Vision four Kings placed on table, card in center of deck remembered, it is then shown on top and his placed to Kings, back on top of deck, vanished from Kings
Variations 1995 31
Steve Beam Limb Lead-in card vanishes on knee and appears back on deck
Also published here 1995 7
Paul Harris Backlash card signed on both sides, spelled to, put in pocket, travels back, one signature changes into performer's name
Variations 1996 29
Michael Ammar, Paul Harris Michael's Proposition final phase for a matrix type routine, last card ends up under spectator's hand
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Close-up Seductions)
Harry Eng, Paul Harris The Cube cube is constructed out of six (folded) cards, one separate card vanishes and reappears as part of the cube
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Misc. Pieces of Paul)
Michael Powers M-Mail signed card is folded and vanishes, found again folded inside cased deck next to second selection
Variations Oct. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 10)
Dominique Duvivier Ghost Kings four Kings shown, card is selected and lost, chosen pair of Kings vanish and sandwich card in the middle of the deck
Variations 1996 131
Harry Riser Five Card Monte card vanishes from packet and reappears in deck, two phases, double facer
Inspired by 1996 168
Peter Duffie Jagged Edge half of a card vanishes and reappears stapled to another signed card
Inspired by 1996 5
Peter Duffie The 25% Solution corner of selection vanishes and appears stapled onto another card
Inspired by 1996 6
Thomas Waldeck Blaues Wunder four Aces appear, then a signed card disappears from among then, Aces turn into blank cards and selection appears again with different colored back
Also published here 1996 178
Gary Rubright A Tribute to Houdini card travels from box into table spread
Feb. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 2)
Wesley James, Harry Lorayne Siamese Shuffle "shuffle" travels from one half to other
  • Method I
  • Method II (twenty-six double backers)
  • Method III (thirteen double backers)
  • Method IV - Cold Deck (deck switch presentation)
  • The Lorayne Approach (deck switch presentation)
Related to 1997 62
Troy Hooser Displ-Ace Aces put on deck, vanish and distribute in deck
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1998 1455
Guy Hollingworth A "One Card" Routine signed Card is repeatedly put in one pocket and extracted from another
Variations 1999 78
Ellis Stanyon Two Cards Pass from One Plate to Another No. 11, four cards on one plate, none of another, two cards travel over, newspaper-backed cards and step gaff
1999 130
Ellis Stanyon The Twelve Ubiquitous Court Cards No. 38, Jacks on top and Kings on bottom of deck, Queens under plate, the quartets travel and transpose around
1999 151
Peter Gröning Quickie spectator's selection is under her hand, performer's selection travels to join under the spectator's hand, repeat
1999 128
Thomas Waldeck Out of the Blue four Aces appear, then a signed card disappears from among then, Aces turn into blank cards and selection appears again with different colored back
Also published here 2000 183
Peter Duffie In the Nick of Time two signed cards sealed in envelope, one burned, it is found with the other card in the other envelope with burnt back
2000 5
Doug Henning The One-Armed Card Man card selected and lost while performer has one hand behind his back, that hand has the card later
Also published here
  • Zombie, Sep. 1965
Apr. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 4)
Paul Curry The Case of the Missing Hat cards with magicians and with hats, story trick
Related toVariations 2001 327
Peter Duffie Piano Biddle six mate pairs separated, they reunite, previously removed Aces travel back to the packets
Inspired by 2001 15
Earl Nelson Double Trouble selection vanishes from amongst the four Jacks and reappears face up in the cased deck
Inspired byAlso published here Oct. 2001
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 2)
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Batman meets his match cards transform, a Queen appears under a tabled Joker, story presentation
2002 185
R. Paul Wilson Thief of Hearts center pip of selection vanishes and appears between two Aces held by spectator
2002 10
Nathan Kranzo Rewrapped cellophane removed from card case, it is vanished and reappears on box
Also published here Nov. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 3)
Al Baker The Houdini Escape card travels from wooden card box into deck, torn corner convincer
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Vol. 29 No. 6, Aug. 1930
2003 629
Al Baker Roterberg Card Box Trick card with torn corner from box to pack
2003 733
Al Baker Simplified Roterberg Card Box Trick
2003 735
Chris Wardle The Time Machine top card put in black card box prop, it vanishes and is back on top
2003 19
Wesley James, Patrick Cook Holdout Holdup "sewt", signed kings placed in sleeve openly, kings then travel to deck, stacked for poker game, change to Aces, Kings in wallet, five methods
2004 133
Dave Campbell Teleportation signed card put in four-card packet of blank cards, it vanishes and appears under tabled jumbo card, repeat, then blank cards change into duplicates of selection
Also published here 2004 229
Vanni Bossi Buttoned 2 card appears on shirt button, reel
2005 6
Bob Ostin The GONE Card Trick small plaques with letters to spell the word 'gone', chosen card packet and appears between plaques
Related to 2005 57
Max Maven Cushion Shot Aces placed in card case prop, they change into three selection, then vanish from box and all seven cards appear in collectors fashion in deck
Feb. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Jack Carpenter There it is! Ace vanishes from table and appears protruding from fan with other three Aces
2006 27
Michael Powers M-Mail signed card is folded and vanishes, found again folded inside cased deck
Inspired by 2006 39
Jack Parker Persistent Offenders Four Kings travel from packet to the deck
Inspired byRelated to 2007 154
Karl Fulves Science Class "Unexplained"
looking through glass of water on upright court card, head turns, with second glass, then card travels in glass, posed as a problem
Prolix (Issue 3)
David Solomon, Don May The Kings' Escape two selections, three piles made, Kings on outer packets covered by spectators's hands, Kings appear on center packet and the selections are under the hands
Inspired by
  • Peter Duffie effect
2007 127
Karl Fulves Leadership "Unexplained"
deck cased except one card, this single card becomes ten cards, then up to whole deck, posed as a problem
Inspired by
  • John Scarne effect in which named number of cards travel to pocket
Prolix (Issue 6)
Tom Stone The Collective Blink Signed Card handling, by-play with Joker that travels from table back into deck
Also published here 2009 9
Tom Stone Card, Deck & Case selection disappears, then deck vanishes, reappears in card case with selection face up, seated
2010 17
Roberto Giobbi Folded Card to Purse Frame card comes out of purse frame
Secret Agenda (Issue Aug 3)
Steve Reynolds One Moment in Time Ace of Spades shown in left hand, then inserted into deck which is spread on the table, it is suddenly seen to be back in the left hand
2010 13
Román García La Carta Escupida torn corner travels between Jokers on the table, then card visibly is restored
2010 15
Tom Stone The Collective Blink Signed Card handling, by-play with Joker that travels from table back into deck
Also published here 2011 180
Richard Himber Touch and Go envelope shown empty, card vanishes from deck, envelope held against light and card seen inside, vanishes again from envelope and is found back in deck
Also published here
  • Genii, May 1964
Nov./Dec. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 11 & 12)
Steven Hamilton Nocturnal Gambler Aces vanish one by one and reappear together reversed in center
Also published here 2013 3
Steven Hamilton Lightning Aces Aces vanish one by one from hand and reappear face-up in center of deck, shown one-by one, deck of double backers
Also published here 2013 72
Alexander de Cova Der Kristallhäftling card vanishes from deck and appears in handkerchief-covered glass
Inspired by Feb. 2013 24
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Direct Message card vanishes from packet, reappears reversed in deck
2014 19
So Sato Warp Wrap deck rubber banded, selection penetrates from center and drops to table, back to center, it vanishes and reappears in wrapped deck in spectator's hands
2016 99
Benjamin Earl Memento card signed on both sides, card jumps around, one signature changes into performer's name
Inspired by 2016 12
Alexander Hansford A Second Phase? three kings distributed in tabled spread, they jump back to remaining king
2016 37
David Britland The Case of the Missing Hats
  • Cardopolis
adding an extra card for cleaner initial display
cards with magicians and with hats, story trick
Inspired by Mar. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 3)
Jason Ladanye Aces Anonymous Aces removed and put in envelope in Himber wallet, performer still receives those Aces in poker game, duplicates, faros
Inspired by 2018 251
Joshua Jay Casual Cassandra card placed on case, card chosen, it turns out to be card that has been removed which has now vanished
Inspired byAlso published here 2019 40
Tom Gagnon Shorty's Holdout two bills with paper clip on them set aside, selection appears in them, loading with ribbon spread
2019 93
Carlos Vaquera Collec-Ace-tion Aces vanish and appear one by one face up in deck, with Collectors a climax
2019 155
Rhys "Morgan" Jones, Robert "West" Tay A Moment of Impossibility card signed and put in case with rest of deck, signature visible through hole in case, deck vanishes and reappears in jar, impossible object
2020 55
Andi Gladwin Ghost four Kings shown, card is selected and lost, chosen pair of Kings vanish and sandwich card in the middle of the deck
Inspired byRelated to
  • "One Less" (Phil Goldstein, New Tops, April 1977)
2020 47
Idan Kaufman Card Across Knee card travels from top of one knee to the other
2020 58
Jack Tighe "Lemon Pie"
  • Dealing With It (John Bannon)
three Aces placed on table, one Ace held in hand, rest of deck scattered onto the three Aces, they are instantly in other hand with the single Ace
Jan. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 1)
Larry Jennings Without Warning! Aces between spectator's hands, top face-down card changes into named face-up Ace which is then missing from spectator's hand
2020 118
Joshua Jay Casual Cassandra card placed on case, card chosen, it turns out to be card that has been removed which has now vanished
Inspired byAlso published here Apr. 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Scott Baird Card from Purse Frame selection travels into purse frame, presented as off-beat prediction
  • odd-backed signed version on p. 501
Nov. 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Earl Nelson Double Trouble selection vanishes from amongst the four Jacks and reappears face up in the cased deck
Also published here 2022 12
Nathan Kranzo Rewrapped cellophane removed from card case, it is vanished and reappears on box
Also published here 2022 137
Dave Forrest Migration spectator places hand on red Aces, black Aces pushed through deck and they change into two selections, black Aces found under spectator's hand
Also published here
  • MAGIC, June 2008
2022 748
Andi Gladwin Vanishing Sandwich card travels from card case to sandwich in the deck
2022 71
Tomás Giammarco Carbon Paper burn marks vanish from one card and appear on back of signed card under spectator's hand
Inspired by
  • "Carbon Paper" (Jay Sankey, Sankey Secret Files No. 1, video)
Oct. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Justin Higham Impromptu Bullseye card chosen, indifferent card placed under smartphone, it changes into card from same value, other cards of same value are produced and selection is found under phone
Inspired by 2023 36
John Guastaferro Changemaker card peeked at, performer gives indifferent card to spectator and places one card under his hand and names selection, card vanishes and the card that the spectator holds is now the selection
2023 97
David Williamson Coolectors collectors phase, then Aces are lost in the deck and reappear around selections, then Aces appears from selections one by one but selections are gone and then reappears between Aces
June 2024
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Wilson Issue)
Allan Ackerman Impromptu Breakaway Jacks put in shirt pocket appear elsewhere, previous selection in pocket
Inspired byAlso published here 2024 65
Jack Carpenter Four Flight deck cut into four piles, Aces change to Kings in the hand and Aces are found on top of the four tabled piles
  • "King Swing" (Jack Carpenter's At the Table Lecture, 2014)
2024 23
Roberto Giobbi Cutting the Aces for Royalty Kings are on table, spectator cuts deck into four piles, performer puts Kings on the piles, they all travel invisibly on one pile, top card of each pile is then shown to be an Ace
Inspired by 2024
Unexpected Agenda (Issue July 16)