186 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Traveling / Card(s) to impossible Location / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
How to make a Card vanish, and finde it againe in a Nut duplicate card is split and printed side slit into nut beforehand, second nut filled with ink as joke when spectator opens it
Related to 1634 19
Voyage d'une carte Card in a box travel to another card in another box
1786 37
Voyage d'une carte expliqué Card in a box travel to another card in another box explained, box with flap
1786 86
Cards to Card Drawer two cards travel into prop
1876 348
A Card found in a Candle two methods (fake or ordinary candle)
1889 189
Die Karte im Pokal glass goblet covered, card vanishes from deck and appears in glass
1896 81
The Lantern of Diogenes card appears in glass lantern, using an acrobatic folding card in lid
Related to 1897 73
The Attached Card selection vanishes and reappears under back of spectator's coat collar
Related toAlso published here 1897 78
The Card and Handkerchief card visibly appears attached to handkerchief
Related to 1897 89
The Card On The Table Edge card appears on rear edge of table, mechanical
1897 115
Francis King Die Karte im Glase card thought of and card chosen and lost, they are the same, it travels into a handkerchief-covered glass
Feb. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Die Karte auf Wanderschaft No. 23, handkerchief held by spectator like a bag, card vanishes from deck and appears in handkerchief
1899 70
Die Karte als Orden No. 17, card placed on tablet, covered with glass dome and handkerchief, card suddenly appears on performer's chest and is no long on tablet, secret layer on bottom of glass dome
1900 99
Carl Willmann Willmann's Tuchhalter holder for silks at back of chair or table with applications, also for cards that travel under a plate
June 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 6)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Das magische Kartentrio three cards appear behind the neck of performer, construction under jacket that pushes three cards up the collar
Jan. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Die drei Kräfte three chosen cards vanish from deck, arrive in pocket, deck vanishes (in topit type space) and appears in pocket, three selections rise one with corner torn off that visible restores, a card is shot with pistol into candle
Also published here 1910 196
Stanley Collins Thought Anticipated and Precipitated one of six cards vanishes and appears at impossible location
1915 58
Oswald Rae New Card an Board two selections appear pinned on board, with drawing pins and handkerchief
1926 1
T. Page Wright Selected card passes between two phonograph records
Related to 1933 15
Bob Hummer A Card in Flight!! card vanishes from deck and reappears at other side of window
Related toAlso published here Nov. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 14)
Glenn G. Gravatt Cards and Slates chosen card appears between two slates, Menetekel Deck
1937 260
Gerald Kosky "Nuts to You" card travels into walnut
Also published here May 1938
The Jinx (Issue 44)
Laurie Ireland The Card in the Sandwich card torn vanishes in box and appears in sandwich, corner fits
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1940)
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Spuds cards to arm pit, selection shrinks and vanishes, miniature card appears in chosen potato
1942 16
Bob Hummer A Card in Flight! card vanishes from deck and reappears at other side of window
1943 25
Sidney Lenz Worth Knowing card appears in locked room
1943 31
Gerald Kosky "Nuts to You" card is selected and matching miniature card found in chosen in walnut
1943 42
The Crystal Casket chosen card travels to glass which was shown empty and is wrapped in handkerchief
Dec. 1943 31
Dr. Kolma, Harlan Tarbell "Snooty Snake" signed or marked card appears at end of spring snake in can
Variations 1945 113
Milbourne Christopher Christmas Conjuring ideas for Christmas themes magic
  • Card in Ball
  • Walnut Wizardry
  • Mistletoe Magic
  • Christmas Card Trick
Related to Dec. 1946 277
Paul Draylin, Mike Bornstein The Impossible Television Frame! card appears in social security card case, wrapped with rubberbands
Dec. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 141)
Jean Hugard A Vested Interest - A Close-Up Version signed card vanishes and appears under performer's vest and shirt
May 1947
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Matt Schulien Colin Kelly's Calling Card as "Mat Schulein, Sr.", deck dropped/sprung onto table, signed selection is found in spectator's glass
Also published here July 1947 337
W. F. "Rufus" Steele A Flower For You three signed cards reappear at end of ribbon tied to flower
1948 69
Lee Noble Click card vanishes and appears in cigarette case
Dec. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 167)
Don Tanner Another Impossible Card Flight light bulb shown empty, wrapped in handkerchief and given to spectator, card travels inside
Mar. 1949 13
Don Tanner The Impossible Flight card travels between two glasses that are opening to opening and sealed with tape
Apr. 1949 8
Don Tanner An Easy Sealed Boards Mystery card travels between two stapled cardboards
June/July 1949 9
Milbourne Christopher The Bend Away card out-jogged from deck is apparently squared and palmed in that process, with applications
  • On Top
  • Card in Coin Purse
  • Card in Pocket
  • Card in Cracker
  • Further Tips
  • Through the Cup
  • Pocket Pass
Sep. 1950 701
Milbourne Christopher A Sure Bet card vanishes and appears in folded bill on table
Sep. 1950 701
Toni Koynini One Pound Revelation pound note between cardboards, name of free selection appears on note, then card itself appears between boards
  • Alternative Routine - With Borrowed Cards
1951 27
Al Baker The Baker Chewing Gum Trick card to borrowed chewing gum
Related toAlso published here 1951 91
Ricki Dunn The Juicy Card selection found in a can which was found in a grapefruit
June 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 258)
Dr. William E. Belanger Pop! invisible card thrown at assistant, shirt rolls up and selection is found pinned on undershirt
May 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 308)
Henry Durkin Nest Egg card travels into nest of boxes, and also shrinks
1957 17
George Coon The Card and Cigarette Case torn and restored card to metal cigarette case, two pieces proof
Variations 1958 18
Die Karte in der Christbaumkugel card to Christmas bauble
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 5)
Matt Schulien The Card in the Sugar corner of card travels into sugar cube packet, finished by plunger rise of chosen card minus the corner
1959 128
Matt Schulien The Card Under the Tablecloth
Variations 1959 134
Matt Schulien "Here Comes Kelly" (The Card in the Glass) deck dropped/sprung onto table, signed selection is found in spectator's glass
Also published here 1959 139
Card in the Soup card is torn and found restored inside can of soup, matching corner
June 1962
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Tommy Evans Santa Claus Card card vanishes and appears inside christmas tree ornament, torn corner
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Roy Johnson The Card and Chewing Gum card to chewing cum
Variations 1970 71
Val Andrews Inside a Rock! No. 24, card to rock with obviously fake rock
1970 (ca.) 10
Val Andrews The Beatnik Card Location No. 25, card to fake beard
1970 (ca.) 10
Ed Thiele He Has It! handkerchief nods on the selection in tabled row, but it's not it, it's in the handkerchief instead, see also p. 410 for comment by Steve Holland, p. 420 for comment by Leslie May
Jan. 1971 396
Roterberg No. 689, selection vanishes and reappears under back of spectator's coat collar, no details
Also published here 1972 187
Steve Spillman Organic Magic corner of card travels into organic wheat germ capsule inside bottle, as a climax drink is poured from bottle
Also published here 1973 ca. 8
Tenkai Ishida Billfold and Cards four Aces of Spades are removed from billfold, they change into Kings and Ace of Space is found in billfold, saliva
Also published here
  • in "Genii".
1974 44
Steve Spillman Organic Magic corner of card travels into organic wheat germ capsule inside bottle, as a climax drink is poured from bottle
Also published here 1974 44
Lawrence Nudelman The Dollar Pill Bottle dollar bill wrapped around pill bottle, card chosen and lost, bill removed and selection is found wrapped around pill bottle, duplicate
1975-1978 ca. 5
Jerry Andrus A Sidewinder Mystery folded file card with rubber band pushed in deck and selection appears therein
1976 31
Roy Johnson That Gum Revisited signed card transposes with inside of chewing gum stick
Inspired by 1977 70
Karl Fulves There Was a Crooked House card house built from three folded cards, selection ends up folded inside
  • Unreal Estate
The Chronicles (Issue 27)
Bob Hummer A Card in Flight! card vanishes from deck and reappears at other side of window
Also published here 1980 1
Ken De Courcy The Voice in the Teapot card chosen and lost, another spectator listens to a teapot and names card, card then found inside teapot
Inspired by
  • Arthur Setterington effect in The Magigram
1980 41
Ken De Courcy The Wander-Combo card chosen and put in envelope, borrowed bill also put in envelope, borrowed finger ring in handkerchief, ring penetrates onto wand, wand broken and bill and card are rolled-up inside
1980 48
Steve Spillman Bare Foot Baffler signed card appears under bare foot of magician
1980 28
Steve Spillman Organic Magic corner of card travels into organic wheat germ capsule inside bottle, as a climax drink is poured from bottle
Also published here 1980 79
Jack Hughes Improved Television Card Frame
  • Flash Television Frame
1981 83
Paul Hallas Card in Calculator duplicate
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Randy Tanner The Super Sick Sack signed card vanishes and appears in stapled airsick bag
1982 47
Bob Chesbro Fortune Cookie rubber saltine cookie shown and placed aside, later it changes into real one with signed folded selection inside
1982 45
Meir Yedid Calculated Miracle card to plastic wallet of pocket calculator
1982 110
Jay Sankey Stick It In You Ear! signed miniature card travels folded into performer's ear
Aug. 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Paul Brignall Padded-Cell signed card found in cardboard of a note pad
May 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 25)
José Carroll The Card-Culator ambitious card, card to number, stop trick, card folded to calculator
Also published here 1983 10
Eugene Burger The Card Under the Tablecloth
Inspired byAlso published here 1983 33
Michael J. Gerhardt Hoover Cards card to toy shop vacuum cleaner, folded
1984 121
"Fast Mike" Lewinski The Simple Killer card in signed envelope changes into ashes and is found in nest of boxes, Himber Wallet, duplicate
1984 32
Stephen Tucker 4 Told card torn in quarters, three pieces appear at different places
Feb. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 34)
Lisa Menna Blotched signed card appears rolled-up inside pen
1985 111
Martin Lewis My Great-Great Grandfather's Card Trick Signed card travels to deck locked in antique wooden case
1985 52
Paul Rosini Rosini Vester card travels to under vest, shown by Charlie Miller (1940)
1985 1
Ben Harris Up In The Smoke pack of cigarette case, lid opens by itself, card rises out of it
1985 81
Ken De Courcy Hammanesque card chosen with Automatic Placement procedure, travels between two paper plates
Inspired by 1985 5
Tony Miller See-Through Prediction signed card to clear plastic bag
Jan. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Steve Bryan Steve Bryan Writes... stand for menu (halter) is produced with business cards, selected card travel between cards, duplicate
Gimmick (Issue 6)
Eine Doppelwanderung two cards travel into picture frame one by one, sand frame
Dec. 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 3 & 4)
Rudolf Braunmüller Weitere Effektideen ideas for the sand frame
Dec. 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 3 & 4)
Mark Sicher A "Clean" Trick card in soap
Feb. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 2)
Theophil "Philius" Weidmann Die Auto-Karte corner of selection is found under selected wheel of his car
Gimmick (Issue 8)
Gary Kurtz Moving to the Inside card travels between two file cards, which are stapled all around
Also published here 1987 13
Peter Wilker Und sie bewegt sich doch first performer's card travels to card box, then spectator's card
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Gary Kurtz Moving to the Inside card travels between two file cards, which are stapled all around
Also published here 1988 17
Gary Kurtz Moving to the Inside card travels between two file cards which are first stapled all around in front of spectators
Also published here 1988 29
Jerry Sadowitz The Last Laugh card to laughing bag with funny presentation
1989 26
Gary Kurtz Moving to the Inside card travels between to file cards, which are stapled all around
Also published here 1989 18
Simon Lovell Crispy Spectator cuts deck, produces pile of potato crisps. Bag of crisps is opened to find selected card.
Inspired by
  • "The Searcher" (Bob Ostin, Magic Mag, vol. 1, no. 3)
1989 21
Roy Johnson Plasticated card with corner torn off appears in sealed laminated case, Intercessor type duplicate
Also published here 1989 25
Alexander de Cova Soap Bubble Card card appears in bursted soap bubble
Also published here 1990 18
Ben Harris Flight of Fancy three empty wine glasses are covered with paper tubes, three signed cards vanish from deck and reappear in those glasses
1990 22
Mike Bornstein "Lucky Buck" selection vanishes from deck and is found in clear plastic case where a bill was previously, duplicate
Related to 1990 30
Mike Bornstein Lucky Buck Number 2 selection vanishes from deck and is found in clear plastic case where a bill was previously, duplicate
Related to 1990 37
José Carroll The Card-Calculator ambitious card, card to number, stop trick, card folded to calculator
Also published here 1991 47
Alexander de Cova Soap Bubble Card card appears in bursted soap bubble
1992 52
Hiroshi Sawa ファクシミリ (Facsimile) Card placed in deck, pulled out from elbow
1993 166
René Lavand A Box of Candy For Your Kindness three signed cards travel to box secured with rubber bands
1993 184
Jerry Camaro The Mouse signed card ends up in mouse made from handkerchief
Mar./Apr. 1993
The Magic Menu (Vol. 3 No. 16)
Yank Hoe Detail of Yank Hoe Trick of Card in Watch Case short note
1994 1226
Karl Fulves Jury Rigged card to cereal box, "cereal killer" patter
Related to 1994 84
Karl Fulves Gambler's Switch Method simplified "Jury Rigged", card to cereal box
Related to 1994 86
Karl Fulves Mitts card to glove
1994 102
Karl Fulves Jonah & Jaws card placed in rubber banded deck vanishes and is brought in from waiter, card shoots away secretly
1994 106
Joe Rindfleisch Between the Sheets signed card in toilet paper, roll of toilet paper has to be unrolled first
1994 994
Roy Johnson Plastifiziert card with corner torn off appears in sealed laminated case, Intercessor type duplicate
Also published here May 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 3)
Christian M. Thurnes Karte in Irgend Etwas using Kong Case
Nov. 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Ray Mertz, Mike Cioppa At the Bar card appears in paper napkin
Mar./Apr. 1995
The Magic Menu (Vol. 5 No. 28)
Jay Sankey Sugar Rush selection appears folded in sugar packet
Also published here Sep./Oct. 1995
The Magic Menu (Vol. 6 No. 31)
Tommy Wonder The Tobacco Exchange two cards to cigarette case, one into cigarette itself
1996 281
Daryl X-tal Backstage ambitious card with card with missing corner, card to pocket and eventually card to plastic pass holder
Also published here 1996 207
Karl Fulves The Bubble Gum Card Trick gum put in mouth, card selected, gum slapped onto spectator's hand, when looked again it is back in its wrapper, chosen card in gum package
1997 159
Helge Thun Double-Bind signed card appears folded in quarters in a box, folded card is wrapped in a rubber band
1998 73
Joshua Jay The Remote Control Ambitious Card routine with remote control presentation, ends with card appearing folded in battery compartment
1999 139
Chris Hannibal The Pringles Act - A Tableside Presentation In Three Parts card under an in Pringles can, then stuff is produced from can
  • Phase One - The Card Under
  • Phase Two - The Card In
  • Phase Three - Chop Chips
Nov./Dec. 1999
The Magic Menu (Vol. 10 No. 56)
Eugene Burger The Card Under the Tablecloth
Inspired byAlso published here 2000 111
Daryl X-tal Backstage ambitious card with card with missing corner, card to pocket and eventually card to plastic pass holder
Also published here 2000 223
Simon Lovell The Incredible Card in Dove Number Two! card with torn-off corner to rubber dove, comedy prop extravaganza
2000 171
J. Tank Accidental Discovery spectator thinks of a place where his selection should appear, performer lets his wish come true
Jan. 2001
Pabular (Vol. 9 No. 5)
Alain Iannone Sewn in Rome card appears sewn to silk lining inside the magician's jacket
Oct. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 10)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser The Three Powers three chosen cards vanish from deck, arrive in pocket, deck vanishes (in topit type space) and appears in pocket, three selections rise one with corner torn off that visible restores, a card is shot with pistol into candle
Also published here 2002 146
Dan Garrett Torn and Re-Born corner torn off card, rest torn in tiny pieces and dropped in envelope, when opened again the card is restored, corner now initialed, rest torn again in pieces and pieces put in purse, when purse is opened it has a folded business card inside with "look in the envelope" where the restored card now is, laminated in plastic, Gaetan Bloom's Intercessor
2002 13
Al Baker The Baker Chewing Gum Trick card to borrowed chewing gum
Related toAlso published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
Jay Sankey Stuck-Up Selected card found stapled between two other previously stapled sandwich cards
Twenty Years Of Magic (Issue Sankadelic Magic)
Ted Lesley, Eckhard Böttcher Light Bulb Spectacular card and other objects travel inside light bulb, card, bill, liquid etc
2003 15
Chris Wardle Card in Muffin card chosen and signed, then folded, given to spectator in silk where it vanishes and reappears on cake or somewhere else
2003 13
Jeff McBride Mint Condition card minus a torn-off corner travels folded into listerine mint case
Also published here July 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 11)
Karl Fulves Air Mail Special two cards secretly shot from deck above spectator's head to confederate à la Paper balls over the head
2004 49
Patrik Kuffs Under The Table card folded to stabilize shaky table, turns out to be later selection
Related to 2004 7
Patrik Kuffs Signed Card Under Table Leg card folded to stabilize shaky table, turns out to be later selection, signed version
Related to 2004 10
Ron Frost Cordially Yours: The Easy Way Produce glass under napkin, glass contains rolled up selection
Variations 2004 73
Jay Sankey Sugar Rush selection appears folded in sugar packet
Also published here 2004 100
Vanni Bossi, Yank Hoe The Card in the Watch corner of card travels in wrist watch
2005 3
Joshua Jay Remote Control Ambitious card ending where card travels to battery compartment of remote control
2005 6
John Bodine Call Me. No Wait, I'll Call You phone rings during location attempt, selection is seen on phone display, card comes out of phone
2005 44
Docc Hilford Caged Love corner from chosen card changes into piece of newspaper, newspaper is bought from wending machine and corner matches, corner of card is found inside and classified ad in newspaper matches spectator
2005 30
Dave Forrest Skinned selected card folded in cigarette paper packet
2005 65
Dominic Twose A Pain In The Neck thought-of card is produced from shirt collar, faro
2007 39
Steve Cohen Dictionary Definition card vanishes from 5-card-packet, reappears in dictionary
2007 314
Curtis Kam Spot, The Wonder Shell card ends up folded inside of sea shell
2007 33
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Deliquesce Classic saltshaker through table trick with napkin wrapped around it, but with selected card ending up in the saltshaker
2008 36
Arie Vilner The Statue of Liberty card travels into bread, torn corner verification
2009 104
Tom Stone Open Cards to Pocket pocket ripped out and placed on table, cards still travel into it
Inspired byAlso published here 2009 2
Tom Stone Disembodied Cards to Pocket pocket is ripped out and put on table, idea
Inspired byAlso published here 2010 172
Oliver Meech Bike Light Card appears rolled up in battery compartment mini torchlight that was previously working (D'lite)
2010 12
Troy Hooser Finessed Card To Box Selected and signed card appears inside cardboard box, audience can take the card out themselves
2010 88
Juan Luis Rubiales Viajes Imposibles faced deck, three cards selected and found face-up at three places in the deck, then they travel one by one to impossible locations (pocket, phone)
Inspired by 2012
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 21)
Salvador Sufrate Carta en la Media signed card travels into sock, with variation
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 22)
John Carney Short and Sweet selection appears folded in sugar packet
2013 9
Alexander de Cova Soap Bubble Card card appears in bursted soap bubble
Also published here 2013 32
Nick Trost The Card Between Cardboards selection appears between two rubber-banded cardboard pieces
Also published here
  • The New Tops, July 1969
2013 855
G Wonder's Surprise (惊爆蛋) Selected card vanishes from deck, appears inside sealed Kinder Surprise egg
Inspired by 2014 15
Alexander de Cova Pringles folded card to Pringles tube
Also published here Mar. 2014 526
Alexander de Cova Haeggis signed card lost in deck, glass covered with tube (ghost tube), silk and rubber bands vanish, tube lifted and folded card traveled into glass with silk over top of glass held with rubber band
Inspired byAlso published here Apr. 2014 564
Alexander de Cova Soap Bubble Card card appears in bursted soap bubble
Also published here Apr. 2014
Scrapbook (Issue 10)
Alexander de Cova Pringles folded card to Pringles tube
Also published here May 2014
Scrapbook (Issue 11)
Karl Fulves Pocket Jacks selection travels inside flexagon wallet, also between sandwich cards in wallet
Folderol (Issue 1)
Alexander de Cova Haeggis signed card lost in deck, glass covered with tube (ghost tube), silk and rubber bands vanish, tube lifted and folded card traveled into glass with silk over top of glass held with rubber band
Inspired byAlso published here 2015 33
Alexander de Cova Pringles folded card to Pringles tube
Also published here 2015 131
Alexander de Cova Soap Bubble Card card appears in bursted soap bubble
Also published here 2015 119
Vanni Bossi Card in the Head card found folded floating on head of someone's beer
2016 31
Vanni Bossi Under a Tack signed card appears thumb tacked to underside of table
2016 106
Vanni Bossi We're Being Followed performed in car during driving, signed card in deck, deck sprung out of window, later card shown at back of car stuck to rear window
Related to 2016 187
Roberto Giobbi Miraculous Magic card transposes with page of dictionary
Hidden Agenda (Issue Dec 21)
Alexander de Cova Karte in Klorolle signed card appears between layers of toilet roll
2016 221
John Guastaferro Centerfold folded paper is shown to contain prediction of card, signed selection appears in paper later
Related to
  • Wired (John Carney, 1991)
  • "Remote Viewing" (Jeff Pierce, The King Has Left the Building...with Amnesia, 2004)
Nov. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 11)
Alexander de Cova Die Erdnase Bibel card travels folded inside small Erdnase bible edition, held by paper clip
2018 127
José Carroll The Cardculator ambitious card, card to number, stop trick, card folded to calculator
Also published here 2019 130
Carlos Sawyer, Jason Ladanye STAT Queen of Hearts is magically pulled inside a syringe, all cards are suddenly blank
Variations Apr. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 4)
Lionel Gallardo Viaje al número card travels in paper napkin dispenser, certain number of napkins above card
  • Qué hacer si quitan alguna servilleta antes de tiempo
  • Versión sin duplicado
2021 137
Lionel Gallardo Viaje de la carta pensada al bolso que se habia dejado en casa una espectadora named card appears inside a bag of spectator, bag is at home
2021 215
Steve Cohen Card Sewn in Jacket Lining recreation of Max Malini's effect
2022 241
Jeff McBride Mint Condition card minus a torn-off corner travels folded into listerine mint case
Also published here 2022 203
Tom Stone Mittens two signed cards appear inside oven mittens that the performer wears during the effect
Also published here 2022 1
Justin Higham Slapped Card Under Mat card under close-up mat at end of Nerve Trick
Related to 2023 37
Roberto Giobbi The Trisa Trick transformation and vanish, then vanished card appears in breadcrumb cleaner, duplicate
Inspired by 2024
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Feb 20)