56 entries in Stone & Rock
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
How to make a stone seeme to vanish out of your hand lapping the stone while asking a question
1634 18
Another another stone vanish via lapping
1634 18
Mangeur de pierre Stone eater
1786 213
Heinrich Collin Der Felsen der Wüste liquid pressed out of pumice stone, performed in gloves with secret rubber tube
Apr. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 4)
Dr. Edward G. Ervin A Sucker Production red brick produced from spectator's clothing
1937 45
Alyett L'empreinte à distance das le plâtre hand imprint appears in plaster, followed by german translation "Die spiritistische Hand im Gips"
Sep. 1948
La Baguette Magique (Issue 23&24)
Logan Wait Pebbles In the Shoe producing rocks or golf balls from shoe
Related to Nov. 1949 605
Brick (1)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
lifting five bricks with one hand
July 1951 815
Brick (2)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
party game, racing while always standing on bricks
July 1951 815
Brick (3)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
breaking brick with hammer, while holding it in hand
July 1951 815
Brick (4)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
breaking brick with bare hands
July 1951 815
Don Alan A Darker Shade of Malini lump of coal appears under fez
Related toVariations 1956 46
Leo Behnke Fortune Stars stone in spectator's hand changes color several times, then wrapped in paper it disappears in a flash, fortune telling presentation
1962 12
Gerald Kosky The Magic Ring ring and three colored stones, variation of two in the hand, one in the pocket, as a climax the ring has three stones set in it
Also published here 1969 283
Val Andrews Inside a Rock! No. 24, card to rock with obviously fake rock
1970 (ca.) 10
Looy Simonoff Earth Shoes Produce large rock from shoe
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1977 102
Tan Hock Chuan Moon Rock Mystery Small rock grows into large rock after light is shone on it
1977 40
John F. Mendoza The Lump of Coal (TLC) lump of coal appears under fez after short coin interlude, then hat is full of pennies
Inspired byVariations 1978 83
Ron Hicks Not Another Copper Silver Transpo multiple phases, using a brick
1978 18
David Roth Stonehenge Coin Assembly rock production climax
Variations 1985 142
Dr. Dan J. Alessini The Black Bag four stones and a crystal
Apr. 1990
Magick (Issue 438)
James E. Sansotera Touch Stones row of gem stones, number is moved to other end, divination of color and reading
Inspired by
  • a routine by Daemon in "New Invocation".
Apr. 1993
Magick (Issue 488)
Jack Yeager Witch's Stone on of four different colored stones is selected, prediction
Aug. 1993
Magick (Issue 493)
Jack Yeager Love Match cards with colors and gem stones, pair selects each and colors match, PATEO
Variations Nov. 1993
Magick (Issue 496)
Steve Dusheck Silence is Golden gold nugget in clear container is shaken, it makes no noice when spectator does it
1994 107
John Riggs Your Good Fortune, Miss! prediction of a gem stone and a tarot card
1995 74
Looy Simonoff Earth Shoes large rock produced from own shoe
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1996 123
Mark Strivings Warm Fuzzies Up Close cards with colors and gem stones, pair selects each and colors match, PATEO
Inspired byVariations 1996 39
Jim Steinmeyer The Perforated Brick
  • Conjuring
brick is covered an pierced with stick, yet unharmed
Inspired by
  • Karl Germain's "Block" effect (The Secrets of Karl Germain)
Jan. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 5)
David Acer Diamonds Are Forever Seven of Diamonds initialed on face of rubber-banded deck (out to lunch), large diamond stone produced from it, changes into Six of Diamonds
1999 56
Andrew Mayne The brick gag gag, using fake brick
2000 35
Titanic Thompson Titanic's Stone Skip bet about skipping flat stones on sand
Charlatan (Issue 3)
Andrew Mayne Sneeze brick produced from napkins, tissue box
2003 12
Andrew Mayne Brick Flight brick vanish under paper and appears inside jacket
2003 14
Todd Karr Crystal Heart quartz stone changes into crystal heart in hand of spectator
2003 303
David Parr Blood From a Stone
2003 366
Robert Cassidy The Seeing Stones opaque milky stone becomes a transparent stone
2003 19
Steven Brehe Token Of Affection cards with colors and gem stones, pair selects each and colors match, PATEO
Inspired by 2004 38
Tom Stone Plot for Wild Coin stone discs change to coins, idea
2007 4
Robert E. Neale Russian Prayer Stones Four stones placed in spectator's hand, becomes five
2008 25
Karl Fulves Great Wall "Unexplained"
stone penetrates into clear plastic bag, posed as a problem
Prolix (Issue 5)
Jim Steinmeyer Sonata for Brick and Glassware
  • Conjuring
brick and glass transpose in paper bags
Inspired by Jan. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 1)
Christian Scherer Die magischen Steine von Stonehenge matrix with stone under two postcards, bigger stone appears as a climax
Inspired byAlso published here 2014 23
Christian Scherer Vanish of a Stone Kaps / Bernard drop vanish
2014 26
Michael Ammar Wiped Clean with a stone
2014 27
Jean Caroly Spider Grip Vanish with a stone
2014 29
Robert E. Neale The Dragon and the Unicorn done with gems and a fairy tale story presentation
  • Alternate Handling
  • Bag Handling
2015 266
Nadia "Lou" Schürmann, Christoph Borer DIe Hexenprobe Kurotsuke effect with stones
2018 131
Ben Hart The Boy Who Cried Diamonds diamond stones produced from eyes
2020 258
Curtis Kam Sticks and Stone cigars from purse, multiplying cigars, large wooden match from purse, purse becomes a stone
Inspired by
  • "Stoned Purse" (Nathan Kranzo)
June 2021
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Patrik Kuffs The Floating Bag (a.k.a. The Facebook Trick) paper bag bounced around between the hands to get a photograph where it looks like it is floating, gag, then brick produced from bag
July 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Steve Cohen, Max Malini Brick From Hat thorough discussion
  • Spinning Coin Option
  • Card Transposition Option
  • The Block of Ice
Inspired by 2022 158
Christian Scherer The Magic Stones of Stonehenge matrix with stone under two postcards, bigger stone appears as a climax
Inspired byAlso published here 2024 77
Christian Scherer Vanish of a Stone Kaps / Bernard drop vanish
2024 81
Michael Ammar Wiped Clean with a stone
2024 82
Jean Caroly Spider Grip Vanish with a stone
2024 84