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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Card Case and Finger Tip case with slit, finger tip with needle
Related to 1938 405
Will De Sieve Two New Locator Cards - Coin Impression "Master Card Control", coin leaves circular impression
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1938 478
Theodore Annemann The Invisible Pull thumb tip at pull, applied to paper restoration, silk/cigarette vanish
Related to 1940
The Jinx (Issue 86)
Mike Bornstein Zombino as Kolma, floating ball, thumb tip with wire and ball
Related to Jan. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 117)
Al Baker The Baker General Utility Hook-up
VariationsAlso published here 1951 11
Edward Marlo Technicolor Prediction spectator turns over one card behind back, reversed card was predicted and has different colored back, several methods
Related to 1962
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Lawrence Nudelman, Steve Dusheck The Hole-y Dollar Bill by Steve Dusheck, Jr. "Larry Nudelman's Version"
eight holes punched in folded Dollar bill, bill is restored
Inspired by 1975-1978 ca. 3
Steve Dusheck Copper-Silver Transposition "Slippery Sam" forerunner, sliding shell
Also published here 1977 30
Steve Dusheck Coin and Cord coin with hole, slit
Also published here 1977 110
Steve Dusheck Dusheck's Color Change featuring unusual steal
Also published here 1978 124
Obie O'Brien USA Happenings on Terry Seabrooke, Abbott's Get Together, Tom Mullica, Paul Gertner, Father Cyprian, Howard Flint, Steve Dusheck
Oct. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Steve Dusheck Waltzing Matilda small silk floats between hands, stretched spring attached to thumb
Also published here 1980 ca. 1
Steve Dusheck By the Handful single penny changes into dime, then bunch of pennies change into dimes
Also published here 1980 ca. 2
Steve Dusheck Coin Cordial one of two coins penetrates plastic glass
Also published here 1980 ca. 3
Steve Dusheck Dollar Punch holes punched in folded Dollar bill, bill is restored
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 ca. 4
Steve Dusheck Coin and Cord coin with hole, slit
Also published here 1980 ca. 5
Steve Dusheck Coin/Card gaff in which a thin coin is attached to a strip at the back of a card
Also published here 1980 ca. 6
Steve Dusheck Half a Buck coin changes to bill (perhaps, effect not clear)
Also published here 1980 ca. 7
Steve Dusheck Riot Rope ropes attached with thin thread
1980 ca. 8
Steve Dusheck Hole Transposition two cards, a hole travels from one card to another in a plastic case
Also published here 1980 ca. 9
Steve Dusheck Holed Up cork pushed halfway through hole in card, moved around
Also published here 1980 ca. 10
Steve Dusheck Monte Zuma two cards, one held behind back, spectator always guesses wrong
Also published here 1980 ca. 11
Steve Dusheck Hole Card - Whole Card two cards transpose in vinyl cases, one of the cards has a hole
Also published here 1980 ca. 12
Steve Dusheck Changing Card Award visibly changing card
Also published here 1980 ca. 13
Steve Dusheck Cornography corner torn off, it visibly restored
Also published here 1980 ca. 14
Steve Dusheck Copper/Silver Transposition "Slippery Sam" forerunner, sliding shell
Also published here 1980 ca. 15
Steve Dusheck Shrinking Fluid coin dropped into shot glass with water, it shrinks
Also published here 1980 ca. 16
Steve Dusheck Dusheck's Dollar cut and restored bill, gaffed bill
Also published here 1980 ca. 17
Steve Dusheck Astro Perception Calendar spectator's birth month used to count to a ESP symbol on a grid, it's predicted
Also published here 1980 ca. 18
Steve Dusheck Waltzing Matilda small silk floats between hands, stretched spring attached to thumb
Also published here 1980 ca. 1
Steve Dusheck Coin and Cord coin with hole, slit
Also published here 1980 ca. 2
Steve Dusheck Coin Cordial one of two coins penetrates plastic glass
Also published here 1980 ca. 3
Steve Dusheck Coin/Card gaff in which a thin coin is attached to a strip at the back of a card
Also published here 1980 ca. 4
Steve Dusheck Surprise jumbo coin production from a few cards, plastic wallet
1980 ca. 5
Steve Dusheck Case of Identity multiple out prediction in wallet
Also published here 1980 ca. 6
Steve Dusheck Great Pretender vanishing a handful of pennies in clear tube
1980 ca. 7
Steve Dusheck By the Handful single penny changes into dime, then bunch of pennies change into dimes
Also published here 1980 ca. 8
Steve Dusheck Half Back penny dropped from bulldog clip visually changes into half dollar
Also published here 1980 ca. 9
Steve Dusheck Dusheck's Dollar cut and restored bill, gaffed bill
Also published here 1980 ca. 10
Steve Dusheck Half a Buck coin changes to bill (perhaps, effect not clear)
Also published here 1980 ca. 11
Steve Dusheck Copper/Silver Transposition "Slippery Sam" forerunner, sliding shell
Also published here 1980 ca. 12
Steve Dusheck E.S. Pen double writing with pen that has small pen hinged to it
Also published here 1980 ca. 13
Steve Dusheck Dollar Punch holes punched in folded Dollar bill, bill is restored
Also published here 1980 ca. 14
Steve Dusheck Pad-I-Add Triks magnetic switch pad
1980 ca. 15
Steve Dusheck Diminishing Deck
1980 ca. 16
Steve Dusheck Foreword "I don't really know Ben Harris. We are not close friends."
1981 4
Ben Harris Washout Wonder routine for Dusheck's props, coin from washer, coin through hole of washer becomes small coin and vanishes
Inspired by
  • "Washout" (Steve Dusheck, marketed item)
1981 26
Steve Dusheck Dollar-Bill Coin Fold
1983 66
Steve Dusheck, Thomas Alan Waters Coin-Nection chosen coin is predicted in a box, another chosen coin vanishes and reappears in box, magnets
1984 90
Steve Dusheck Dusheck's Dollar convincing cut and restored bill
1984 119
Steve Dusheck Reputation Ring performer's ring links with borrowed ring, slit
1984 7
Steve Dusheck Locked Ring borrowed ring reappears at locked chain necklace
1984 8
Steve Dusheck Dusheck's Ring Trick no reel
1984 9
Steve Dusheck Ring Finale performer's ring and spectator's ring put in left pocket, both are linked onto key chain ring in right pocket
1984 11
Steve Dusheck Walkoff ring vanishes after being knotted on rope
1984 40
Steve Dusheck A Routine for Walkoff spectator's ring knotted on rope transposes with performer's, with Himber Ring
1984 41
Steve Dusheck I.O.U. finger ring vanishes, using gaffed ballpoint pen with hook
1984 59
Steve Dusheck Ring-a-Ding-Ding ring pull, paper clip hookup
Also published here
  • M.U.M.
1984 61
Steve Dusheck The Red Diamond diamond on finger ring changes color when tapped with playing card
1984 65
Steve Dusheck Color-Changing Ring finger ring changes into more massiv ring in spectator's hand
1984 66
Steve Dusheck Eggsceptional Eggs borrowed ring into nest of plastic eggs
1984 67
Steve Dusheck Ring into Salt Shaker loaded from bottom
1984 70
Steve Dusheck Ring in Salt different gaffed shaker
1984 71
Jerry Mentzer Commercially Available Effects with Rings brief list
  • Chain Reaction (Steve Dusheck)
  • Ringer (Steve Dusheck)
  • Grind a Ring (B.A.R., England)
  • Ringo (Walt Rollins)
  • Ring Flite (Paul Stone)
  • Rattle Box
1984 80
Steve Dusheck On to the Vest invisible vest under jacket, left side for vanishing and right side for loading
  • Adjustments to the Vest
  • Adjusting the Production Vest
  • Topit adjustments
1985 2
Steve Dusheck A sample Production body loading production with Dusheck Vest, from mouth coil
1985 4
Steve Dusheck Another Production (Or Vanish) using Dusheck Vest, with handkerchief
1985 8
Steve Dusheck Auto-Steal Silk also "Auto-Silk", production item (jumbo coin) on thread, attached to silk through hole
Related toAlso published here 1985 10
Steve Dusheck Close-up Vest using Dusheck Vest to store items for close-up or walk-around, pocket management
1985 12
Steve Dusheck Dusheck's Jumbo Coin Retention Vanish
Also published here 1985 13
Steve Dusheck Jumbo Coin Vanish with topit
Inspired by
  • The Topit Book, Michael Ammar, p. 23
1985 14
Steve Dusheck Some Steve Dusheck Ideas!!
  • 1. producing large items with Auto-Silk
  • 2. half objects for loading, like half bottle, to make load thinner
Related to 1985 15
Steve Dusheck Safety Pin or Knife Switch with topit
1985 16
Steve Dusheck Wine & Dine account of an impromptu performance, torn and restored dollar bill, it then changes and travels into a wine bottle, posed as a problem
Related to
  • Jack Chanin's "Rip-It"
May 1985 19
Steve Dusheck "Chop" four cards with hole in them, one card is pulled out partially and it penetrates finger put through hole of other cards
Also published here Oct. 1985 2
Steve Dusheck Quandary coin changes metal twice (silver, copper, gold), then coin changes into broken pieces
Oct. 1985 13
Steve Dusheck Straw Coin Holder made from straw
Oct. 1985 13
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Neal Lester, Larry White, Steve Dusheck
Aug. 1986
Magick (Issue 376)
Ken Simmons Quick Change half dollar changes into copper coin in presence of Chinese coin, copper/silver/brass
Related to
  • "Wash-Out" (Steve Dusheck)
1990 36
Steve Dusheck Case of Identity multiple out prediction in wallet
Also published here 1991 163
Michael Close Rubik's Dollar Bill bill in folded playing card is penetrated with toothpick
Variations 1991 4
Steve Dusheck Dedication
Steve Dusheck The Beginning
1991 1
Steve Dusheck Obtaining Thumb Tips
1991 2
Steve Dusheck Basic Handling
1991 3
Steve Dusheck Why a Book on Making Thumb Tips?
1991 4
Steve Dusheck Silk Bilk thumb tip as dye tube, nail cut off
Related to
  • Jay Scott Berry's earlier work
1991 5
Steve Dusheck Fireproof Thumb Tip painting inside of thumb tip, metal thumb tip inside plastic one
1991 7
Steve Dusheck Additional Thoughts multiple vanishes with same thumb tip
1991 8
Steve Dusheck Mum's the Word coin to lapel flower
1991 9
Steve Dusheck Subtle Silk to Egg Surprise
1991 11
Steve Dusheck French Fried several sponge french fries vanish
1991 15
Steve Dusheck A Reel Thumb Tip for silk vanish, as sucker gag with second thumb tip, with other suggestions
Related to 1991 21
Steve Dusheck A Looped Thumb Tip for vanishing salt
1991 25
Steve Dusheck Additional Thoughts sugar packet torn open, sugar poured in hand, crumpled paper as well, restored
Related to
  • "Sweet and Low" (Richard Osterlind, Challenge Magic video, 1990)
1991 27
Steve Dusheck The Wallpapered Thumb Tip inside of thumb tip is lined with dollar bill for making silk vanish in rolled bill tube
1991 29
Steve Dusheck A Trip Down the Garden Path silk vanishes
1991 31
Steve Dusheck This Bud's For Me cloth flower suddenly vanishes, with thread
Related to 1991 33
Steve Dusheck Thumb Tip Writer
1991 36
Steve Dusheck Card Prediction jumbo card with 52-on-1, card marked on it, matches selection
1991 37
Steve Dusheck Grocery Prediction gag with line code for product, on the back is actual prediction
1991 37
Steve Dusheck Additional Thoughts mental epic idea
1991 38
Steve Dusheck Twins & Triplets multiple color thumb tip nail writer, used for number prediction
  • Triple Thumb Tip Writer
Related to
  • "Three Track Mind" (Connie Haden)
1991 41
Steve Dusheck Experiments in Thumb Tippery chapter intro
1991 44
Steve Dusheck Experiment No. 1 something appears in empty clear plastic tube, mirror glass principle
1991 44
Steve Dusheck Experiment No. 2 cut-in-half and hinged thumb tip, for silk production
Variations 1991 45
Steve Dusheck Experiment No. 3 hinged thumb tip, insides look like candles, or rolled dollar bill, for clean vanish
1991 47
Steve Dusheck Experiment No. 4 hinged thumb tip and ends or tips
1991 48
Steve Dusheck Experiment No. 5 thumb tack at tip of thumb tip to mark cards or paper
  • bill pierced behind back at certain position
1991 48
Steve Dusheck Experiment No. 6 making an extra large thumb tip out of two tips
1991 50
Steve Dusheck Experiment No. 7 idea for goldfish tail that comes out of a thumb tip
1991 51
Steve Dusheck Experiment No. 8 coin production gimmick
1991 52
Steve Dusheck Experiment No. 9 flower production with spring
1991 53
Steve Dusheck Experiment No. 10 magnet hidden in one-finger Sanada type gimmick
1991 53
Steve Dusheck Experiment No. 11 thumb tube, tip cut off, no application
1991 54
Steve Dusheck Experiment No. 12 clear tube with liquid vanishes, unfinished idea
1991 55
Steve Dusheck Experiment No. 13 needle on end of thumb tip for rising card or floating bill
Related to 1991 56
Steve Dusheck Experiment No. 14 split-hinged thumb tip, no application
1991 57
Steve Dusheck Experiment No. 15 "Thumb Tip with a B.B. in it for a Rattle Bar routine"?!
1991 57
Steve Dusheck Experiment No. 16 dowel in thumb tip winds up thread
1991 58
Steve Dusheck Experiment No. 17 folding coin vanishes
Related to 1991 58
Steve Dusheck Stop the Presses! split-hinged thumb tip for silk appearance
Inspired by 1991 59
Steve Dusheck More Thoughts
1991 61
Steve Dusheck Conclusion - Or Is it?
1991 62
Steve Dusheck French Fried thumb tip
July 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 7)
Steve Dusheck Dedication
Steve Dusheck Introduction
Steve Dusheck Hybrid Coin three stacked coin shown, when turned over one coin has vanishes, half coin stuck to another coin gaff
Variations 1992 1
Steve Dusheck Double Knit Coin coin through leg, special kind of hook coin made with knife, Hookless Hoo Coin
1992 5
Steve Dusheck Eccentric penny shrinks, then changes to dime, edge grip
1992 8
Steve Dusheck Innocent coin balanced on finger, touched with card, it instantly changes
1992 11
Steve Dusheck Migration four coins assemble under one card one by one
1992 14
Steve Dusheck Capital Pennyshment coin appears and reappears under any of three pill caps, monte/cups&balls
1992 17
Steve Dusheck Shrinking Fluid coin dropped into shot glass with water, it shrinks
Also published here 1992 20
Steve Dusheck Inner Sanctum coin changes twice in plastic tube
1992 23
Steve Dusheck Magnetic Chinese Ring Illusion coin vanishes when covered with rings (à la Wisenheimer Coin Trick), reappears, penetrates into plastic card case
1992 27
Steve Dusheck Turnover Penny penny on card turns over, then is found glued onto card
1992 30
Steve Dusheck Coin Cordial one of two coins penetrates plastic glass
Also published here 1992 34
Steve Dusheck Two Timin' Dime coins on paddle change
1992 37
Steve Dusheck 3 Mile Nukel paddle routine with coin
1992 39
Steve Dusheck Concave Con coin looks smaller through lens, then it actually is smaller
1992 42
Steve Dusheck Concentric jumbo coin becomes regular coin and back several times, with edge grip
1992 45
Steve Dusheck Penny Pincher coin in clothespin, it is dropped into other hand where it vanishes
1992 49
Steve Dusheck Bill Fold coin dropped into folded bill vanishes, or changes, gaffed bill with pocket
1992 53
Steve Dusheck The Dusheck Toss half dollar and penny tossed into left hand, chosen coin travels back to right hand, featuring a secret toss from hand to hand as hands are turned over
1992 57
Steve Dusheck Jumbo Coin Retention Vanish
Also published here 1992 61
Steve Dusheck The Dusheck Drop coin balanced on index finger, other hand apparently takes it
1992 64
Steve Dusheck Tumble Vision coin vanishes when covered with glass, can also penetrate, mouth covered with working surface paper
1992 66
Steve Dusheck All at Once four coins through table at once
1992 70
Steve Dusheck Watch This coin travels to pocket, then changes into watch, coin is in watch
1992 72
Steve Dusheck Jumbo Coin Catcher folding/hinged jumbo coin gimmick
1992 74
Steve Dusheck Jumbo Coin Fans "electric deck" with three jumbo coins for production
1992 77
Steve Dusheck Blendo Pennies paddle routine with coins
1992 80
Steve Dusheck Penny Pile pile of pennies changes into a nickel
1992 82
Steve Dusheck Solar Rebate dime appears in empty plastic box
1992 85
Steve Dusheck Auto Silk plastic jumbo coin produced from silk, applications with Dusheck Vest and Fanglassic
Also published here 1992 87
Steve Dusheck Half Back penny dropped from bulldog clip visually changes into half dollar
Also published here 1992 90
Steve Dusheck Gold Rush two coins placed in two plastic cases transpose
1992 95
Steve Dusheck The Klondike Kicker two coins placed in two plastic cases, one travels to the other
1992 97
Steve Dusheck Locked, Chained, and Screwed marked coin travels into sealed plastic coin case
1992 100
Steve Dusheck, James M. Klein Coin Magic Dusheck answers several questions on coin magic
1992 103
Steve Dusheck About the Author
1992 117
Steve Dusheck Dedication
Steve Dusheck Introduction
Steve Dusheck My Rising Cards first blank card, then card with pretty girl, then selection rises
1992 1
Steve Dusheck Phantom Cards five cards shown, two removed from under handkerchief, other vanish
1992 4
Steve Dusheck Premonition Outdone - Outdone spectator stops while performer deals through blue-backed deck, same card is missing in red-backed deck, first selection turns out to have red back
Inspired by
  • "Premonition Outdone" (Stan Lobenstern, 1968)
1992 7
Steve Dusheck Perfect Deck brainwave deck variation with partial rough-smooth
1992 13
Steve Dusheck Double Cut Double Cross two cards cut to in mini decks match prediction card, cards on other side of cut match another prediction card
1992 18
Steve Dusheck Well Healed two cards with holes, one hole restores, silvery disk gaff on one of the cards
1992 21
Steve Dusheck Coin Appearance in Clear Box silvery disk gaff on box to make it appear empty
1992 23
Steve Dusheck HoleCard/Whole Card two cards transpose in vinyl cases, one of the cards has a hole
Also published here 1992 26
Steve Dusheck Solo Flight card rises or jumps out of deck or fan, thin elastic around a single card's corners, somewhat similar to Henry Evans's gaff
1992 31
Steve Dusheck One Card Brainwave spectator reverses a card behind his back, it is the only odd-backed card
Related toVariations 1992 37
Larry Becker Fred spectator reverses a card behind his back, it has Fred written on it
Inspired by 1992 39
Steve Dusheck Cardaver card put in plastic case, center removed and put back, zig zag
1992 40
Steve Dusheck D.L.T. "Double Lift & Tenkai Palm", double turned over and back card stolen into Tenkai Palm
1992 45
Steve Dusheck Turncoat Cards cards turn over with double transformation kicker
Inspired by
  • "Boot Hill" (Eddie Burke)
1992 48
Steve Dusheck Little Big Card card selected from miniature deck, when counted to a named number it is found there as normal sized card
Also published here
  • marketed in 1967
1992 52
Steve Dusheck Mate-A-Card finding the mate of a card under fair conditions in shuffled deck, featuring a card with a mirror surface hidden under a sliding panel on its back
Also published here
  • marketed in 1968
1992 57
Steve Dusheck Cash Card dollar bill changes into selection
1992 61
Steve Dusheck Chop four cards with hole in them, one card is pulled out partially and it penetrates finger put through hole of other cards
Also published here 1992 65
Steve Dusheck Cards and Silks four cards shown and placed upright in slits in board, silk produced from that construction, card with container compartment
1992 68
Steve Dusheck Monte Zuma two cards, one held behind back, spectator always guesses wrong
Inspired by
  • Two Card Monte (DeLand)
Also published here
1992 72
Steve Dusheck Holed Up cork pushed halfway through hole in card, moved around
Inspired by
  • "Hole Collection" (Billy McComb)
Also published here
1992 76
Steve Dusheck Magna Carda torn and restored card for stand-up
1992 80
Steve Dusheck Nail Jail card with hole penetrates a nail
1992 84
Steve Dusheck Kling-On a card balances and sticks to another, coin produced and vanishes again
1992 87
Steve Dusheck Hole Transpo two cards, a hole travels from one card to another in a plastic case
  • Alternate Punch Routine
Also published here 1992 92
Steve Dusheck Spread Em long spread between hands, reel
1992 98
Steve Dusheck Changing Card visibly changing card
Also published here 1992 101
Steve Dusheck On the McCombical Prediction
Variations 1992 103
Steve Dusheck Deck Divider Strip metal strip in middle of deck that allows to spread only one half on either side, for half forcing deck
1992 103
Steve Dusheck Cornography corner torn off, it visibly restored
Also published here 1992 107
Steve Dusheck Mis-Marked performer names cards from back, they are obviously marked, but backs don't match faces
Variations 1992 110
Steve Dusheck Me Three monte, winning card changes and is removed from pocket
1992 113
Steve Dusheck Card Catching gaffed
1992 118
Steve Dusheck Boob Tube card rolled up and put in tube, five nails pushed through at different spots, card pulled out, restored
1992 124
Steve Dusheck The Dusheck Wallet double backed card in wallet
1992 129
Richard Himber, Steve Dusheck Another Force magnet in wallet used to steal selection
1992 132
Steve Dusheck Dusheck's Color Change featuring unusual steal
Also published here 1992 135
Steve Dusheck Cardeen two cards placed face to face, half-size card is produced, switched or vanished from them
1992 139
Steve Dusheck Card Force Box
1992 143
Steve Dusheck, James M. Klein Card Magic interview with Dusheck about card magic
1992 146
Steve Dusheck About the Author
1992 157
Steve Dusheck Colored Writing divination of name and chosen color, using Larry White's Get The Picture envelope
1992 8
Steve Dusheck Playing Cards Get The Picture envelope used with playing cards
1992 87
Steve Dusheck Book Test using Larry White's Get The Picture envelope
1992 88
Steve Dusheck Down the Garden Path apparently without thumb tip
Mar. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 3)
Steve Dusheck Dedication to Jim Hill
Steve Dusheck Introduction
Steve Dusheck Poe Keen Know card selected from Po-Ke-No game cards by throwing coin on it, sticky
1993 1
Steve Dusheck A Glowing Thought three coins in a box, spectator distributes them in pocket and hand, performer knows which coin is where, luminous paint in bottom of box, Free Will
1993 5
Steve Dusheck Color Pen Epic things written in different-colored pens, force with type of coin
1993 7
Steve Dusheck Coin Force different coins shaken and covered with other hand, spectator reaches in and takes force coin
1993 11
Steve Dusheck Chess Chance two-way out for black or white
1993 15
Steve Dusheck Clearly Mental Addition performer and spectator each select an ESP card, they match
Related to
  • "Clearly Mental" (Tony Spina)
1993 18
Steve Dusheck Dynamic Duo two different coins in two plastic boxes, spectator opens one and turns it over with performer's back turned, performer knows which one, sound, can be combined with "I've Got Your Spot" (Lex Zaleta idea)
1993 20
Steve Dusheck Force 58 twenty-eight numbers in a grid, row selected and sum predicted, Tape Measure Force extension
1993 22
Steve Dusheck Bookmark Book Test bookmark inserted in book by spectator to choose page, flap on bookmark
1993 25
Steve Dusheck I.O.U. Paddle date on borrowed coin predicted, switched with a paddle
1993 28
Steve Dusheck Astro Perception Calendar spectator's birth month used to count to a ESP symbol on a grid, it's predicted
Also published here 1993 31
Steve Dusheck E.S. Pen double writing with pen that has small pen hinged to it
Also published here 1993 38
Steve Dusheck Minus One spectator choses ESP card behind performer's back, performer than removes four cards, spectator's completes the set
VariationsAlso published here 1993 42
Steve Dusheck Dr. Rhine's Stones one of three different colored gems chosen and predicted with multiple outs
1993 45
Steve Dusheck Personality Lines Touch with four design cards, no credit
1993 48
Steve Dusheck Stooge Book Prediction
1993 52
Steve Dusheck Four-Way Prediction
1993 53
Steve Dusheck Spike Bending
1993 57
Steve Dusheck I've Got Your Spot six chips of different colors on box, one removed, same one predicted in box
Also published here
  • first marketed in 1969
1993 60
Steve Dusheck Six Easy Pieces one of six puzzle pieces chosen, it's the one missing
1993 64
Steve Dusheck Miami Dice three dice shaken in plastic box, total predicted
1993 66
Steve Dusheck Red Card Prediction with Dice Four and One rolled with dice, spectator can choose 5, 14 or 41 and the card is counted to, it is only red card
1993 68
Steve Dusheck Living Test with only two spectators
1993 70
Steve Dusheck Keytector key on string swings wildly over selected ESP card
1993 73
Steve Dusheck Mental Choice Outdone one of six colors chosen, predicted
1993 76
Steve Dusheck The Know Bill Prize one of four mini-bills chosen, predicted, with small plastic wallet
1993 80
Steve Dusheck Paper Switch with small plastic wallet
1993 80
Steve Dusheck Coinetism three coins on box, one removed, same one predicted in box
Also published here
  • marketed in 1969
1993 85
Steve Dusheck Named Coin Vanish follow-up coin vanish, one coin vanishes under card
1993 87
Steve Dusheck You Can't Lose one of three colors chosen and predicted
1993 88
Steve Dusheck Mini Can Prediction one of four mini soda cans chosen and predicted
1993 91
Steve Dusheck Brainstorm spectator choses a card from one deck, it is reversed in other deck
1993 94
Steve Dusheck Two-Way Out Case three sides blue and three red for Brainwave deck
1993 94
Steve Dusheck Very Dry one of ten numbered discs chosen, it is predicted, writing on back with dry erase marker
Related toAlso published here
  • marketed ca. 1982
1993 96
Steve Dusheck A Moving Experience five cards on a stand, chosen one falls over
1993 99
Steve Dusheck The Acid Test six test tubes, one with acid, performer drinks five of them, the key inserted in final one starts to bubble
1993 102
Steve Dusheck Flasher flash cube flashes by itself
1993 105
Steve Dusheck Shattered glass in plastic bag breaks by itself
1993 107
Steve Dusheck Cornered three of the four Aces written in four corners of a paper, fourth corner is seen torn out and torn-out piece fits and predicts missing Ace, tearing four papers simultaneously for same tear edge
1993 109