45 entries in Wand & Stick / Chinese Sticks
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Pillars of Solomon, and the Magic Bradawl precursors of Chinese Sticks
Related to 1876 330
Carl Willmann Der Zauberstab und seine verschiedenen Präparationen
  • continued explanation of shooting wand
  • Chinese Sticks with wands
May. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Carl Willmann Der Zauberstab und seine verschiedenen Präparationen
  • continuation of Chinese sticks explanation
  • omelette appears in pan via hollow wand with egg mixture
  • gold fish appear in bowl via hollow wand
June 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das Schnur-Mirakel alternative construction method for chinese sticks
1927 124
Lloyd W. Chambers Vanishing Hindu Sticks after Chinese Sticks routine, they are placed in newspaper and vanish
1941 24
R. M. Jamison The Hindu Wands and Cords tip on the Chinese Sticks
Aug. 1944 63
Orville Wayne Meyer, R. M. Jamison The Hindu Wands and Cords on the Chinese Sticks
Sep. 1944 71
Milbourne Christopher Chinese Stick Tip
Jan. 1946 185
Bert Douglas Bamboo Chinese Sticks rhyme patter, outline of routine
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1954)
Walter Wenger Aus der magischen Welt für die magische Welt ideas for tricks for children
1) Fakir-Bambusstäbe (chinese sticks)
2) Kinder Springseil (skipping rope)
3) Geschichte der 4 Kätzchen (four Ace routine with cards and cats)
4) Persiltrick (Softsoap)
Also published here
  • in "Magische Welt"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 4)
Billy McComb Fish Stricks plastic fish at end of the strings, with idea for tassel on fez with reel
1972 139
Alan Shaxon A Move for the 'Chinese Sticks' apparently showing that the strings are connected
Also published here 1972 ca. 6
Peter A. McDonald, Sam Dalal, Edwin Hooper Komische Effekte gags with balloons, "Die laufenden Frankfurter"
Nov. 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Ken Bowell Knopfologie three large buttons are on suit, one dangling, they behave like in Chinese sticks
Mar. 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Die Chinesischen Wettermänner patter
Dec. 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Ein Altes Märchen patter
Dec. 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Len Belcher Schlaue Spinne silks placed inside match boxes and shuffled in a bag, blue on is divined using a spider on a stick (Chinese stick), blue silk vanishes from box and appears with spider
Also published here
  • Len Belcher's "Parlour Games"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 39 No. 4)
Karrell Fox Baffling Blow-Outs party blow-outs used for Chinese Sticks type routine, tube through sleeve
Variations 1979 245
Steve Beam, Phillip Young, Terry Turner Late Show puns with playing cards and gag for chinese wands
Also published here 1979 21
Roy Johnson Chinese Tassels rhyming patter
1979 41
David Britland On the Razzle one stick with three cords
Babel (Issue 1)
The Cords of Cairo similar to chinese stick, blocks stand upright on stand
1982 190
Jean de Merry Le Coin de Jean de Merry: Routine pour les Bambous Chinois chinese sticks routine
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 43 No. 2)
Jean de Merry Le Coin de Jean de Merry: Le "Baton de Prieres" pom pom stick
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 44 No. 2)
Martin Lewis The Inscrutable Sticks Chinese sticks that end with the sticks being dismantled and ending clean
1985 140
Gaëtan Bloom Potty Bicycle Pumps chinese sticks effect with two bicycle pumps
1986 25
Terry Seabrooke The Pipes & Plugs Chinese sticks with pipes and plugs
1986 80
Karl Fulves Rope Problem #2 - Chinese Ropes two ropes, on over each shoulder, when one is pulled, the other moves up à la Chinese Sticks, posed as a problem
1986 12
Richard Kaufman Introduction - A Conversation with Ron Wilson interview, with details on opening tables with the color changing knife, Ultramental, The Chinese Sticks, The Multiplying Bottles
1987 11
Paul Maurer Kartenspiel als Schnurstäbe deck with holes and two threads through them, one is cut then routine is similar to Chinese sticks , inventor unknown, see p. 78 for credits
Related to
  • Niklaus Mayer's "Das Kartenspiel anstelle der Schnurhölzer" in "Magie "1939.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 1)
Tom Marshall A Short Chinese Sticks Routine for Children
Jan. 1988
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Arturo de Ascanio Los Bambues Chinos complete routine
1992 135
The Chinese Sticks
1993 121
Jim Steinmeyer The Tassel Of Abundant Enterprise
  • Conjuring
Chinese Stick/Pom pon stick type effect with one stick and three threads going through it
Jan. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Steve Dusheck Universal Gimmick hook-up for invisible thread that can be attached to clothing, with weight to pull back thread, with applications:
  • rope floats to hand
  • third tassel gag for Chinese sticks
  • rising card with card floating to hand
  • as pull, match or coin vanish
Inspired byVariations
  • "Invisible Thread Retractor" (Steve Dusheck, marketed 1978)
Also published here
  • marketed in 1968
1994 74
Kurt Herfurt Verrückte Pompoms patter for pom-pom stick
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 3-5)
Trevor Lewis Pom-Pom Stick
Inspired by
  • Louis S. Histed's "Papyrus" in "The Magic of Louis S. Histed", p. 55.
2009 120
Tom Stone Chinese Lubricant suggestion for Chinese Sticks
2011 90
Mike Caveney Chinese Pipes Chinese Sticks with pipes that have water faucets at the end, water stream with high pressure comes out of one as finale, Patrick Albanese
2013 201
Christian Scherer Ursache und Wirkung design of locking Chinese Sticks, with routine and presentation
Also published here 2014 394
Alan Shaxon Chinese Sticks apparently showing that the strings are connected
Also published here 2014 116
John Gaughan The Pillars of Solomon
  • The Chamber of Secrets
precursors of Chinese Sticks
Related to Oct. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 10)
Alexander de Cova Chinesische Schnurstäbe Chinese sticks, comments on Fred Kaps's performance
2016 169
Alberto de Figueiredo Pompones a cuatro manos sticks connected then thread is cut a la Benson
2019 73
Christian Scherer Cause and Effect design of locking Chinese Sticks, with routine and presentation
Also published here 2024 418