117 entries in Egg / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To Spin an Egg on End
Also published here 1890 327
Paper from an Egg paper coil
Related toAlso published here 1890 339
Bland A Barber's Pole from an Egg paper spiral "pole", later switched for wooden one
1890 340
Egg Swallowing
Related to 1890 342
Carl Willmann Der Zauberstab und seine verschiedenen Präparationen
  • continuation of Chinese sticks explanation
  • omelette appears in pan via hollow wand with egg mixture
  • gold fish appear in bowl via hollow wand
June 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Otsenré, Carl Willmann Die Verwandlungs-Mechanik unprepared egg, elaborate egg holder
Feb. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Abenteuer eines Eies und Irrfahrten eines Tuches by "E. C. from Munich", longer routine with egg, egg cup, glass, silk and candle
Related to Feb. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Carl Willmann Das Celluloid-Ei fake eggs made from celluloid
Jan. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Carl Willmann Briefkasten answering letters, on producing eggs, spiritism
Mar. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Ei- und Wein-Change wine in glass and covered, egg vanishes, egg noch in glass with wine inside
Related to Mar. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Wunderbare Ei- und Weinwanderung wine in glass and covered, egg vanishes, egg noch in glass with wine inside
Related to June 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Gekocht oder ungekocht No. 42, plate of eggs, different spectators chose eggs and can decide whether they want them cooked or raw
1899 116
Ein indisches Eikunststück putting eggs into eye sockets and they stick, also behind ears
Aug. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 8)
Carl Willmann Kunststücke mit Eiern introduction
Sep. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Ein Ei je nach Wunsch auf der Oberfläche des Wassers schwimmen oder in dasselbe niedersinken zu lassen egg floats on water surface or sinks down as spectators wish
Sep. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Das rotierende Ei rotating an egg on a plate
Sep. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Egg Spinning non-magical science experiment
Also published here 1902 316
The Travelling Egg non-magical science experiment
1902 318
Heinrich Collin Die Goldschmelze auf dem Teller borrowed finger ring wrapped in (flash) paper and put on small plate, vanishes, reappears on egg, flash material dummy with gold leaf
May 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 5)
Phantome Die magischen Eier egg on chair, covered with cup, stooge takes egg out when performer is not looking, it is still there
May 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 5)
The Bottomless Tumbler with basic applications, stealing ball out, removing only part of the bottom so an egg stays within until glass is shaken, cover to allow liquid inside
1903 92
The Egg and Handkerchief Trick (Modern Methods) improvement on artificial eggs
Related to 1903 326
Professor Hoffmann Chapter X - Tricks with Eggs
  • The Celluloid Egg
1903 390
Carl Willmann An Improved Egg-Holder
1903 394
Joseph Michael Hartz The Ribbon-Producing Egg
Related toAlso published here 1903 432
Carl Willmann Willmann's Vogelkäfig egg cracked into hat by "mistake", then bird cage with birds taken out of hat
May 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 5)
Der Eierkuchen im Hut in modernster Ausführung baking an egg cake in hat
Related to Aug. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Der Eierkuchen im Hut in modernster Ausführung second part
Related to Sep. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Tom Sellers A Novel Egg Trick marked egg found amongst other eggs
Also published here 1927 6
Messages in Eggs weird method for getting message in egg
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1936/37)
Laurie Ireland How to Clean Celluloid Eggs
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1937)
An Egg Production Climax egg on cork on tray on glasses, pulling tray out, stunt
1937 75
Knife and Egg Shell knife through egg shell stunt that cannot be duplicated by spectator
1937 95
Prepared Unbreakable Egg
1939 89
An Eggs-traordinary Eggs-planation fake explanation, ends with real egg
Variations 1941 394
Repeat Handkerchief Vanish some credit to Oswald Williams, using pull, final transformation to egg
1941 404
Harry Bertall Pour solidifier des oeufs how to make solid eggs
Apr. 1941 2
U. F. Grant, Danny Morris, Howcani Gaglet Department
  • idea for Al Baker's "Salt Trick" (Morris)
  • idea for cleaning slates, when done with chemical formula (Grant)
  • gag, where two eggs are cracked and one put in pocket, but still three yolks are seen (Howcani)
Inspired by July 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 14)
An Egg Gag when proving that an egg is real, a spectator holds a glass and the egg is cracked open, bottomless glass
Nov. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 48)
Nat. D. Kane Just a Dream baby chicken appears and vanishes, with egg
Also published here May 1944
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Hen Fetsch Practical Suggestions for the Welsh Rarebit Pan
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1945)
Laurie Ireland Betchas collection of bar bets, several reprints of the Phoenix
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1945)
James Upchurch Cold Fire - The Magic Torch fake blow torch, effects with cold fire (bulb of flash light), melting metal, boiling water and more
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1945)
John J. Crimmins Jr. Humpty Dumpty Gets Around story trick for children
1945 225
Professor Hoffmann Hollow Egg Idea
Jan. 1946 184
Harlan Tarbell Comedy Egg Production using Master Hat
1948 206
Abril Lamarque, Leon Maguire Tips on Tricks
  • Confetti Egg (Lamarque)
  • Thumb Tips (Maguire)
Aug. 1948 455
Table Tricks spinning egg on plate, puzzle
Aug. 1949 569
Felix Korim Blown Egg Shell Gag cracking egg with water in it on someone
June/July 1949 15
Don Alan Egg Gag with plastic hen
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1950)
Viktor Graf Bastelkniffe für Magie how to make fake eggs
Also published here
  • in "Aladin"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 4)
Max Malini, Charlie Miller Chicks chicks from Cups & Balls, chicks from eggs
1961 74
Charlie Miller Night Club Routine canary production, glass with drink produced and vanished, egg stuff, snow storm
1961 98
Max Malini The Inertia Trick glasses covered with a tray, on the tray are tubes with eggs, tray is knocked away and eggs fall into glass
Also published here 1962 40
Dr. William E. Belanger You're a Good Egg fake fried egg gag
Apr. 1962
The New Phoenix (Issue 368)
Bill Madsen, Larry Weeks CATnips ideas by Larry Weeks
  • using wet napkins for mentalism
  • shiner
  • false eggs
Jan. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 21)
Joseph M. White CATnips several ideas for bill in soft boiled egg
Mar. 1968
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 71)
Cup And Ball Variation No. 484, routine of using egg cups, egg as final load
1972 135
Vic Perry Eggs-Press for 'Milady' card is selected with a wind-up toy chicken, paper is found in chosen egg with name of spectator and name of card
Magick (Issue 108)
T. Nelson Downs, An Eggs-traordinary Eggs-planation Added ruse by Downs
Inspired by 1975 172
Horace Spencer The Rubber Eggs how to make them, and as an egg vanish
Jan. 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 1)
Eggs - Egg Vases
1982 140
R. C. Buff Some "Eggs-Tra" Ideas several ideas to produce rope from egg
1987 30
Michael Weber Enough! cracking a fake egg as if real
  • egg on fan
  • egg bag finale
Also published here 1990 6
Michael Weber Enough! cracking a fake egg as if real
  • egg on fan
  • egg bag finale
Also published here 1991 8
Diabelli Ds Toggeli as Harry Meier, needles vanish and appear in boiled egg
1991 46
Dan Harlan Deviled Egg spectator's blood travel into egg, spectator is cut with a knife
Sep. 1994
The Minotaur (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Leo Boudreau The Mind's Eye: The Egg and I on Ralph Monserrat's Egg trick, magnet method
Apr. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 10)
Roy Miller, Gary Dudash, Dr. Dan J. Alessini, Greg Edmonds The Great Egg Challenge several versions on how to make a chosen egg boil using mental powers, chosen egg is only hard boiled, various methods, Monserrat effect
June 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 12)
Dean Montalbano Splat! chosen egg is shown to be hard boiled by mental powers, Monserrat effect
Nov. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 5)
Karl Norman Sucker Egg - Easy Method Stodare egg turns into a real egg
1995 69
Joe Scott Inertia eggs balanced on tubes on tray on top of glasses, tray whipped away
1995 117
Gregory Wilson Shell-Shock boiled egg is blown through little hole in shell which stays intact
1996 281
Martin Gardner Somersault Shell
  • Martin Gardner's Corner
half an egg shell is put in water, it turns over as it sink, spectator cannot duplicate this
June 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Martin Gardner Two Stunts With Eggs
  • Martin Gardner's Corner
black egg is silver under water, egg floats in middle of glass, salt in water
Oct. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 2)
Donato Colucci Unprepared Eggs on using raw eggs, and on cracking eggs one-handed
2002 3
The Blown Egg
  • First Method of Preparation
  • Second Method of Preparation
2002 3
Strengthening a Blown Egg
  • First Method (Hugard)
  • Second Method (Ovette)
2002 3
Donato Colucci Wooden Eggs
2002 9
Donato Colucci Plastic Eggs
2002 9
Frank Radtke The Giant Egg giant egg with hole for transformation or loading
2002 10
Donato Colucci Collapsible Eggs intro
2002 11
The Egg sponge egg with skin
2002 11
Donato Colucci Other Imitation Eggs
2002 13
Joseph Michael Hartz Ribbon from Egg
  • First Method (Hartz)
  • Second Method
Also published here 2002 20
The Dove Egg dove appears in broke egg
2002 21
The Egg Clip for body loading
2002 26
The Egg Holder for body loading
  • First Type
  • Second Type
2002 26
The Egg Cup
Related to 2002 29
The Egg Funnel by "Mr. Maynard", beaten egg poured into funnel into borrowed hat or handkerchief
Related to
  • The P&L Book, 1992, p. 145
2002 30
The Bottomless Glass in conjunction with egg that can hold inside or fall through
2002 31
The Egg Carrier for transporting eggs
2002 34
Spinning an Egg on a Plate non-magical science experiment
Also published here 2002 98
Bill Taylor Hard as a Rock egg balanced upright on glass, after comedy vanish sequence egg is shown real, then content poured in newspaper where it vanishes
Also published here
  • Genii, Vol. 28 No. 12, Aug. 1964, p. 454
2002 98
Eggs, Spool, and Glasses - First Method eggs balanced on tubes on tray on top of glasses, tray whipped away
Also published here
  • Howard Thurston, 400 Tricks You Can Do, p. 104
2002 99
John Weiss Eggs, Spool, and Glasses - Second Method eggs balanced on tubes on tray on top of glasses, tray whipped away
Also published here
  • "Eggs, Tray and Glasses" (The Linking Ring, Vol. 34 No. 11, Jan. 1955, p. 73)
2002 99
Eggs, Spool, and Glasses - Third Method eggs balanced on tubes on tray on top of glasses, tray whipped away, two layers
Also published here
  • Jean Hugard, Hugard's Annual of Magic 1937, p. 75
2002 101
Egg to Canary - Second Method: The Japanese Version eggs put into bottle, bottle broken and bird flies out
Also published here
  • "Instantaneous Incubation" (The Magician Monthly, Vol. 10 No. 10, Sept. 1914, p. 157)
2002 229
An Egg Flourish rolling egg between two fingers, as with billiard ball
Also published here
  • "An Egg Move" (Fifty Fakes, p. 13)
2002 245
Hubert Lambert Meet the Odd Ovum egg sucked into bottle
Also published here
  • The Gen, Vol. 15 No. 11, Mar. I960, p. 270
2002 249
Tom Sellers Reading the Mind of an Egg marked egg found amongst other eggs
Also published here 2002 253
Jardine Ellis The Holder of the Egg different-colored eggs distributed in audience, color chosen, spectator is stooge
Also published here
  • Stanley Norton, A Few Jardine Ellis Secrets, 1925, p. 26
2002 254
The Crush-proof Egg egg cannot be crushed between hands
Also published here
  • Martin Gardner in Hugard's Magic Monthly, Vol. X No. 3, Aug. 1952, p. 975
2002 254
Johnnie Geddes Egg Sandwich fried egg taken out of pocket and put between breads, gag
Also published here
  • Abracadabra, Vol. 15 No. 378, May 1953, p. 220
2002 259
Clettis V. Musson Heavy Egg egg tossed off stage and makes loud clank
Also published here
  • Clettis Musson, Situation Comedy for Magicians, 1954, p. 41
2002 259
Lew Biebigheiser With a Grain of Salt silk changes to egg, egg then broken into handkerchief bag, yellow ball taken out as well as egg white in shot glass and shell, all vanishes
Also published here
  • "Magic - with a Grain of Salt" (Hugard's Magic Monthly, Vol. XII No. 5, Oct. 1954, p. 193)
2002 275
Howard Albright The Spooky Egg "yes" and "no" written on egg to answer questions
Also published here
  • Howard Albright, Party Trix à la Carte, p. 10
2002 280
Robertson Keene Egg and Flag tissues burned, flag produced from ashes, changes to egg, egg broken, flag produced from broken egg
Also published here
  • More Novel Notions, p. 44
2002 282
Nat. D. Kane Just a Dream baby chicken appears and vanishes, with egg
Also published here 2002 288
Donato Colucci Source Books bibliography on egg magic
2002 295
Ron Bauer What Kind of Egg to Use?
2003 33
Pete Biro Comedy Egg Juggling egg thrown up and balanced on nose (sticky, credit claim), then egg thrown up with feet and it crashes plate
Aug. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 8)
Patrick Page The Egg Trick bottomless glass is held by spectator, egg is cracked, gag
2011 288
Alexander de Cova Künstliche Eier on getting good fake eggs
2016 191
Kieron Johnson Boiling an Egg with the Power of your Mind borrowed egg boiled in hand, Monserrat effect
2018 75
Ben Hart The Fragility of Life eggs cracked one by one, last one cracks the bowl itself as it is out of steel, plague story presentation, PATEO
Inspired by
  • "Soul Survivor" (Robert E. Neale, Life, Death & Other Card Tricks)
2020 295
Max Malini The Eggs in Glasses glasses covered with a tray, on the tray are tubes with eggs, tray is knocked away and eggs fall into glass
Also published here 2022 406