29 entries in Wood
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To make a shoale of goslings drawe a timber log some geese draw a log of wood, vague, probably thread
1584 192
The Bundle of Firewood hollow bundle
1890 287
The Paper Ribbon and the Barber's Pole long paper coil from hat, then pole (paper, switched for wooden pole by assistant)
1890 300
Bland A Barber's Pole from an Egg paper spiral "pole", later switched for wooden one
1890 340
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Der Großpapa und sein Enkel No. 34, small and large wooden cone penetrate table under cone cover
1899 98
John Willmann Das Archimedes-Brett floating piece of wood in front of performer's body, attachment to sort of belt
Aug. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 8)
Louis F. Christianer The Wandering Block and Flying Silks two cardboard tubes, one closed on both ends, the other filled with solid wood block, silks vanish and are found in tube that had the wood block in it, block is in other tube
1919 3
Frank Lane, U. F. Grant The Lindbergh Kidnap Ladder board with holes and nails, different spectators claim having seen a different number of holes and the nails in different positions
1935 10
Frank Lane, U. F. Grant The Folding Half Dollar a piece of wood transposes with a half dollar
1935 28
A Surgical Operation splinter pulled out by spectator from performer's hand becomes long hair, gag
1937 96
Karl Fulves Parablox paper box used to take props from it, at the end it changes to solid block of wood, posed as problem, see also p. 402 for solution by Bill Taylor
Related to
  • "Boxes or Blocks" (The Magic Wand, June-Sep 1933)
Nov. 1970 374
Jochen Zmeck Der J. Z. Kartenbalken stick of wood with card suits and values, finger are moved together and where they meet the suit and then value are found to match a previous selection
Inspired by
  • version in Magie and "Das große Buch der Magie"
1974 20
George Weisensel Weisensel's Famous Splinter from the Hand as splinter is removed from hand by spectator, it is several inches long
1975 152
Stephen Minch Turn of the Century Tiltings and Tappings balsa wood tear shape under glass dome starts rocking, then screwdriver moves under the jar
1975 43
Al Mann The Falling Block block of wood falls, discussion on different methods
Related to
  • Ed Mellon's MentalWise, Vol. II #12 and Vol. III #1, and George Arrowsmith's idea with playing cards "Arrowsmith's Assorted Myseries", Tom Fitzgerald's "A Block from the Wall of Jericho" in Sam Dalal'
1981 11
Frank Cleaver Block Off block with hole slid in box, fixed with wand, it slides free
Related to 1988
The Chronicles (Issue 34)
Jonathan Cooke Pivot Point as Jonathan C., Stonehenge presentation for John Fedko's Block of Fu Manchoo, wooden block falls
Nov. 1989
Magick (Issue 431)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Color Vibes on of different colored wooden stick is placed inside a plastic pipe, and pipe sealed with caps, color is divined
Dec. 1989
Magick (Issue 432)
Sid Fleischman Five Minutes of Voodoo presentation for block that falls over (shifting weight)
1993 43
Shawn McMaster The Fox Sisters' Table piece of wood falls over by itself and animates out of a glass jar, then it starts to burn for a short while
June 1994
The Lemniscate (Vol. 1 No. 1)
David Berglas Do-It-Yourself one spectator hammers some nails in a piece of wood, a second drills some holes and a third has to saw off a piece, prediction matches
2002 91
P. T. Selbit Mislaid Eggs three cylinders, four eggs put in one of them, solid wooden block in another one, eggs travel into cylinder with wood, wood into third one
Also published here
  • P. T. Selbit, The Magical Entertainer, 1906, p. 36
2002 174
Harry Houdini Cone and Egg hat with plate on table, egg on hat, covered with paper cone, a wooden cone vanishes under handkerchief, under paper cone is now wooden cone, egg produced from elbow, egg-cone sequence, wooden cone reappears in hat
Also published here
  • Harry Houdini, Houdini on Magic, ed. Walter B. Gibson and Morris N. Young, 1953, p. 188
2002 177
Jay Sankey Family Tree half of a pencil changes into wooden branch with twigs
2004 65
Tom Stone Wooden Sign "signed card" with isolated card stapled to piece of wood
Also published here 2009 5
Tom Stone Wooden Sign "signed card" with isolated card stapled to piece of wood
Inspired byAlso published here 2011 178
Ryan Schlutz Fing-Jit-Su spectator breaks small wood with finger, then flicks deck at selection
Related to 2011 51
Mike Pisciotta Proustian Omens stop trick using a falling Telekinetic Pen/Timber as stopping sign
2020 31
Steve Skomp Wood Wonder block of wood is removed from card case, wood changes into deck
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Dec. 2008
2022 812