121 entries in Mental Magic / Effects / Special Powers
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To make one danse naked spectator is made to throw away clothes and dance and stomp, stooge
1584 192
Magische X-Strahlen performer is able to read content of envelope, x-ray patter, alcohol
Mar. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Oswald Rae Selected Smokes cigarettes of different brands are put in a bag, named brands are removed by performer, by touch
1928 18
Tom Sellers The Psychic Tissues feeling colors behind back
1931 10
Theodore Annemann The Color-Tell Billiard Balls several different colored balls, one is placed in a box and held by performer behind back, he divines the color
1931 51
Theodore Annemann Seeing in the Dark reading in the dark
1931 52
Tom Sellers Touch Counters several counters/chips of different colors in bag, initialed one found by performer
1933 14
Martin Sunshine Cigarette Perception cigarette brands are named blindfolded by smell, see page 99 for improvement by Frank N. Dodd
Related to Jan. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 4)
Frank Lane, U. F. Grant The Lindbergh Kidnap Ladder board with holes and nails, different spectators claim having seen a different number of holes and the nails in different positions
1935 10
Brainerd Baker Color Waves five chips with dots of different colors, performer removes named color from pocket without looking
Variations Sep. 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Winston Freer Winston Freer's "Tug-Of-War" Rope
1941 ca. 360
John Mulholland Wrong Way for the Answer spectator memorizes serial number of one of five bills, all five are placed in magician’s pocket and he is able to remove the four bills the spectator is not thinking of
1944 66
John Mulholland A Matter of Luck discs, each showing a different word on them, are mixed and spectator chooses one, they are mixed up in hat, magician can blindly pick out correct one
1944 82
L. Vosburgh Lyons Inhale This! with benzedrine inhaler, spectator drops amount of different colored candies in the inhaler and performer knows how many from each color
Mar. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 122)
Dr. Ben B. Braude Tally Ho! spectator write numbers on a pad, under a handkerchief performer feels the numbers and names the total, see also p. 540
Aug. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 131)
Jay Lillis No T.V. magician turns off television by concentration
May 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 228)
Ormond McGill Distant Magnetic Force spectator has a sensation of coldness on his hand when performer points on his palm
Related to 1951 15
Ormond McGill Animal Magnetic Presentation spectator feels presence and energy of performer
1951 18
Ormond McGill Blood and Pulse Control stopping and starting pulse at will
1951 25
Ormond McGill Black Death pulse in both arms and heart beat stops
1951 27
Nelmar Levitation of a Bar of Iron bar of iron is held by two spectators, it raises and lowers at the performer's fingertips, suggestion
Related to
  • Nelmar's "20 Hypnotic Tricks"
1951 9
Eddie Joseph Individualism borrowed business cards are divined under table
1954 21
Allessandro Color Divination wooden dowels with different colors, colors are divined behind back
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Dr. Spencer Thornton Magnetic Fingers objects stick to the hand
1958 26
Martin Gardner Ein eigenartiger Schnurtrick as "Gardener", string is knotted to a loop and spectator places it on the table and builds a special form, sides are covered with paper so it's unclear which parts are inside the loop and which outside, performer returns and places pins at several places which are all outside the loop
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 3)
Gerry Findler Lucky Bag numbers from one to twelve are put in a bag, named numbers are drawn by performer, egg bag with index
1960 72
Malcolm McCallum Cat's Eyes reading in the dark, method
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
James G. Thompson Jr. Blackout Magic classic one ahead routine, with reading in the dark presentation
Inspired by 1967 46
Joseph Rossnagel Farbfühlen different colored needles, colors are divined with fingertips behind back
Also published here
  • "Magie" July 1968.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 5)
Stuart P. Cramer The Parlor Yogi stopping pulse and blood flow
1969 1
Roy Fromer Reading Through a Brick thing put on hand, covered with brick, information divined
1969 86
Douglas Francis Idento six discs attached to a string, on one is a number written by a spectator, performer detects that one behind his bag by touch only
1969 59
Don Nielsen, Karl Fulves Nor Eyes To See With
  • performer finds red card in black packet behind back
  • circled number on paper is divined behind back
  • set time on watch revealed behind back
fiber optic tube, see also p. 320 for idea by Harold Bester, p. 644 & p. 728 for comments by Syd Bergson & Karl Fulves
Related toVariations Nov. 1969 291
Pavel Das Geheimnisvolle Sehen different-colored needle pins are divined by performer behind back
1971 10
Al Mann Mind Cloud making a cloud disappear
Also published here 1974
Magick (Issue 113)
Uriah Fuller 4. Starting broken watches
1975 28
Uriah Fuller 9. The falling object object falls from the sky
Related to 1975 38
Uriah Fuller A. Stopping cable cars and escalators
1975 39
Uriah Fuller C. Geiger Counter making Geiger counter detect on demand
1975 41
Al Mann To Command the Elements! making clouds disappear, cloud busting
Also published here 1976 5
Olof Jonsson, Al Mann Seeing Through a Brick Wall spectator in other room holds card on a wall, performer in other room divines the card
1976 33
Karl Fulves (4) Raising Hell spectator feels someone choking him, apparently electronics, no details given
Interlocutor (Issue 6)
Karl Fulves Voice From Beyond shattering a glass with recorded noice, posed as a problem
Interlocutor (Issue 14)
Fredric Broder Mind over Matter Hurst / Goergia wonder presentation, arm can be pushed down of spectator
Magick (Issue 163)
Burling Hull Ball of Paper Held by Spectator Bursts into Flame chemical
1976 32
Barrie Richardson The Magnetic Force spectator is unable to pick up a pencil on performer's open hand
Also published here Dec. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Philip T. Goldstein Power Drain magnet loses his force
Also published here 1977 18
Gene Nielsen May the Force Be with You spectator cannot bend performer's arm
Magick (Issue 188)
Bob Paul Memory "Curiosities"
ten cards with words, spectator is able to memorize their order
Variations 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 22)
Kate Shiels Psyche's Revenge medium breaks leg of a table with mind / energy
Magick (Issue 227)
Neal Rider The Power methods to appear supper natural or gifted, knowing names of people, finding lost objects etc
Magick (Issue 230)
Kate Shiels Witch's Plot publicity stunt for one reporter, performer apparently travels long distance very quickly
Variations 1979
Magick (Issue 231)
Elmer Deffenbaugh Direct Dialing publicity stunt for one reporter, performer apparently travels long distance very quickly, different method than Shiels
Inspired by 1979
Magick (Issue 237)
George Kemp The Force manifestation of the force / ghost under handkerchief, impromptu glorpy with spoon
Magick (Issue 239)
Sam Schwartz Hypno-Math No. 8, spectator cannot add two numbers correctly, upside-down numbers
1979 10
Jerry K. Hartman Memorease "Curiosities"
ten cards with letters, spectator is able to memorize their order
Inspired byAlso published here 1980
The Chronicles (Issue 28)
Karl Fulves Colors by Mind Reading No. 2, three different-colored paper pieces, one given to performer behind back, he divines color
1980 2
Tan Hock Chuan Discatorial four different-colored discs, colors divined by performer behind back, then order of four colors predicted
1980 54
Uriah Fuller 2. Stopping and escalator assistant
1980 57
Uriah Fuller 3. Burst in a Geiger Tube luminous watch to produce cracks in Geiger counter
1980 57
Uriah Fuller 6. Compass Needles moving compass needle
1980 59
Uriah Fuller 8. Falling Objects object falls from the sky, assistant, invisible stooge, falling from head
Related to 1980 61
Uriah Fuller 9. Finding Lost Objects
1980 62
Uriah Fuller 13. Fixing a Microphone
1980 67
Jack Kent Tillar Dark Vision color vision with rubik's cube, in box, color is divined
Magick (Issue 288)
Jochen Zmeck Perfektes Farbfühlen four chips with dots of different colors are placed in handkerchief, performer removes named color without looking
Inspired by 1981 13
Al Mann The Seat of the Mighty seeing through a wall and describing the other room
1982 1
Al Mann The Hole in the Wall spectator goes in other room selects a book, performer looks through the wall and divines the selection
1982 2
Al Mann Thot on Titles "The Hole in the Wall" in a strange home
1982 5
Al Mann One Thousand Skulls seeing through the wall theme, spectator in other room draws two miniature skulls from a bag, the skulls are either red or white, four phases
Related to 1982 6
Al Mann Camera Obscura seeing through the wall theme, design duplication, singing blackboard, limited choice
Related to
  • "Singing Blackboard" in Amazing Maurice's "Mentalistrix Encore" 1969
1982 9
Al Mann Fail Safe out for the "Camera Obscura", prepared book
1982 11
Al Mann The Jupiter Effect seeing through a wall, which book is chosen and where opened
Related to 1982 12
Thomas Alan Waters SOREcery blister appears on thought of finger
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Grymwyr)
Frank Shields Star Power coins adhere to fingertips and apparently fall at command of performer
Jan. 1983
Magick (Issue 314)
Delvin Lights Out! as Delvyn, turning out light of street lantern apparently by will power
May 1983
Magick (Issue 319)
Jerry K. Hartman, Karl Fulves Memorease No. 91, spectator can memorize large number, also letters
Also published here 1983 118
Piet Forton Der zauberhafte Farbensinn divination of different colored balls in a bag
1983 8
Thomas Alan Waters Speakay six people write something on a piece of paper, performer thinks of one of the words and claims that one spectator will have the urge to step forward, one does and it is the one who has written the word the performer holds
Related to 1984
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Thynk)
Barrie Richardson Heavy Metal! spectator is not able to lift pencil from performer's palm
Also published here Aug. 1984
Magick (Issue 336)
Thomas Alan Waters Increditable two routines with credit cards
  • Creditouch (by sense of touch, number of card is divined)
  • Creditell (four credit cards put in envelopes and allocated correctly)
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Mystyx)
Barrie Richardson Power of Darkness II marked coin turns over on spectator's palm without him noticing and with his eyes closed
Also published here Jan. 1985
Magick (Issue 344)
Richard Mark Diversion extended arm of spectator can be pushed down at will of performer
Related to Nov. 1985
Magick (Issue 360)
Philip T. Goldstein Power Drain magnet loses his force
Also published here 1989 59
Michael Weber Sight of Hand reading in the dark
1991 110
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Budge! spectator cannot remove deck from case, but performer can, then same with half the deck and a single card
1991 79
Jerry K. Hartman Memorease ten cards with letters, spectator is able to memorize their order
Also published here 1991 496
Charles "Cicardi" Scott Potato Power piercing a straw through raw potato
Related to July 1992
Magick (Issue 475)
Steve Dusheck Shattered glass in plastic bag breaks by itself
1993 107
Roy Miller, Gary Dudash, Dr. Dan J. Alessini, Greg Edmonds The Great Egg Challenge several versions on how to make a chosen egg boil using mental powers, chosen egg is only hard boiled, various methods, Monserrat effect
June 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 12)
Sandy Spillman Something on My Mind: Body Magic various body magic effects
  • Business is Picking Up (1)
  • Glued to the Spot (2)
  • Going Up (3)
  • The Female Samson (4)
  • The Perplexing Pull (5)
  • The Hand on the Head (6)
  • The Mysterious Lift (7)
  • The Chair Lift (8)
Sep. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 3)
Dean Montalbano Splat! chosen egg is shown to be hard boiled by mental powers, Monserrat effect
Nov. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 5)
Karl Fulves Ribbon Revealed No. 26, three different colored ribbons, one given to performer behind back, he divines its color
1995 34
Al Mann To Move a Mountain on how Jasper Maskelyne moved a harbor during WWII, how to move a mountain
1995 7
Barrie Richardson The Psychic Strong Man performer holds two pieces of string or shoe lace, spectators cannot pull them out of performer's hand
Inspired by
  • "The Strong Man's Secret" (Henning Nelms, Magic & Showmanship, p. 14)
Also published here
  • Club 71, Summer 1987
1999 60
Barrie Richardson Pencil Pusher spectator is unable to pick up a pencil on performer's open hand, small thread loop
VariationsAlso published here 1999 71
Barrie Richardson Powers of Darkness II marked coin turns over on spectator's palm without him noticing and with his eyes closed
Inspired by
  • "Powers of Darkness" (Tony Corinda, marketed ca. 1958)
Also published here
1999 74
Bob Still Color View spectators draw pictures on different-colored papers, torn up and tossed in clear plastic bag with more already torn up pieces, four matching pieces of chosen picture taken out by performer
Related to 2000 53
Tony Bartolotta Jigsaw Puzzle clear plastic bag with torn colored paper pieces, three spectators take three paper pieces and write word, number and picture, pieces torn up and mixed with the rest, performer reaches in and locates the right pieces that combine to the spectators's writing
Related to 2001 215
Philip T. Goldstein Electrovoyance
  • The Other Month
various AA batteries are mixed in bag, level of charge from a chosen battery is divined
Inspired by
  • "Free of Charge" (Phil Goldstein, Linking Ring, Sep. 1991)
Mar. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 3)
Barrie Richardson The Human Scale
  • From My Thoughts
spectator grabs handful of coins from container, performer matches the same type and amount of coins
Also published here May 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 5)
Eric Mead Discharge a battery is drained
Also published here Apr. 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 8)
Barrie Richardson The Power of Suggestion: The Heavy Pen
  • From My Thoughts
spectator is unable to pick up a pen on performer's open hand, small thread loop
Inspired by Jan. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 1)
Eric Mead Discharge a battery is drained
Also published here 2003 9
Erik Jan Hanussen Can You Brea Chains?
  • Bending an Iron-Bar
  • Tearing a Deck of Cards
  • Pounding Nails into a Wooden Board
  • Breaking a Chain Linnk
Also published here
  • UHU, Jan. 1926
July 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 7)
Chuck Hickok Routine One: Testing Your Intuition pasteboards with different colors in envelops, colors are divined
2005 115
Barrie Richardson The Human Scale spectator grabs handful of coins from container, performer matches the same type and amount of coins
Inspired by
  • earlier version in Club 71, Winter 2000
Also published here
2005 87
David Berglas Spell-Bound unreadable gibberish on boards, suddenly spectator can read the words
May 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 5)
Oliver Meech Invisible Man Magician claims to be able to see through a spectator and see the card written on a sticker stuck on their back
2009 10
Barrie Richardson Mesmer's Pencil
  • Phase I - The Rise (pencil stands up on hand, small thread loop)
  • Phase II - The Heavy Pencil (spectator cannot lift pencil off the performer's hand)
  • Phase III - The Feather Test (variation of Phase II with feather on top, Chuck Smith idea)
Inspired by 2011 13
Daniele Nigris Portia's Portrait finding a portrait in a chest by asking questions to three spectators that can lie, lie/truth effect, Shakespeare presentation
Inspired by
  • "Ring of Truth" (Banachek)
July 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 7)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Voodoo As I Do couple of receipts with words written on their back are shown, one selected by performer with spelling procedure, bad-luck curse on it is broken by tearing the receipt, spectator repeats and gets "weak" and cannot tear paper in half
Inspired by
  • "Breaking the Bad Luck Streak" (Woody Aragon, unpublished)
June 2012
Real Secrets (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Matt Mello Pulse Rate pulse rate of spectator is predicted
  • Additional Thoughts and Ideas (with two phase routine, predicting the pulse rate twice or something else)
Related toAlso published here 2012 1
Matt Mello Pulse Rate pulse rate of spectator is predicted
  • Additional Thoughts and Ideas (with two phase routine, predicting the pulse rate twice or something else)
Also published here 2013 27
Jim Steinmeyer The Empty Bag three spectators feel different things in a paper bag which is then shown empty
2015 13
Andy (The Jerx) Limitless Ahead One Ahead type of routine, spectator is apparently given heightened senses (hearing, smell etc.), able to guess what magician did
2016 69
Rick Maue Maue's Pen humorous demonstration on controlling the spectator's decision
Also published here
  • Rick Maue, Raw, 2008 & The Road, 2010
2017 89
Juan Pablo Ibañez Triple Tequila three spectators on stage, Honest or Liar, object found, using Body Mentalism principle
Inspired by
  • "Double Tequila"
July 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 7)
Luke Jermay Expertalk: Luke Jermay on the Heated Ring ring apparently heats up, verbal
  • A Hot Ring Flight
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Mar. 2007
2022 602
Landon Stark MentaliTea - A Pendulum With a Purpose tea bag lowered onto spectator's hand, it is hot
Jan. 2024
The Hermit (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Richard Mark Crystal Clear coin is hidden in hand, performer matches decision of spectator, then performer can push down hand of spectator easily or not depending on crystal, multiple phases, with liar/truth teller ending
Related to 35 4