306 entries in Games / Instruction Games
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Jack Vosburgh Pay Day coins distributed to envelopes with mathematical procedure, predicted, see page 746 for correction
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 128)
Jack Vosburgh Pay Day coins distributed to envelopes with mathematical procedure, predicted
Also published here 1944 241
Bob Hummer Instruction Sheet for Improved It's Murder with rotatable disk, spectator selects murder and victim while performer's back is turned, both are divined
Related to 1947 1
Gerald Kosky The Plot's the Thing two plots and routine for murder game
Inspired byAlso published here Dec. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 217)
Bob Hummer Hummers Mathematical 3 Card Monte mathematical three card monte
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1951 1
Bob Hummer Politicians Puzzle 6x6 checkerboard, three checkers put on three D's for Democrats or three R's for Republican, spectator can spell a word with the three checkers, moving them for each letter, back is turned and politicians can be divined
Also published here 1952 (ca.) 1
Bob Hummer Mom and Pop Puzzle six checkers on a checkerboard, mom and pop are spelled several times, when performer turns over last spelled word is divined
Also published here 1952 (ca.) 2
Jack Yates Match Miracle spectator reverses one of four matches and eliminates one by one after given instructions and will end up with the reversed one
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1954 9
Bob Hummer Hummer's Three-object Divination Three objects switched around, spectator then thinks of one and switches the other two, magician can divine thought of object (Mathematical 3 card monte 1951)
Variations 1956 63
Jack Yates Yates' Four-Object Divination three matches facing one way and one match facing the opposite way. After moving matches around, magician correctly can divine which is the reversed match without looking
Inspired byAlso published here 1956 66
Paul Curry In His Cups three different-colored cups and balls, spectator puts balls under cups so that the colors are mis-matched, moves according to instructions are made, now all cups and balls are matched
July 1956
Ibidem (Issue 6)
Mel Stover The Immovable Object ice in glass is moved to other glasses several times, while performer's back is turned, he then eliminates all empty glasses
Related toAlso published here Jan. 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 340)
Bob Hummer, Al Koran Note Under Cups three cups, bill hidden under one and the cups exchanges after a pattern
Inspired by 1958 140
Dr. Spencer Thornton Mental Three Shell Game object under one of three cups
1958 12
Simsalabim, ich drehe eine Karte um seven cards in card stand, spectator turns over several cards and covers one with handkerchief, performer knows which side in front
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 2)
Martin Gardner Ein paar Streichhölzer instruction game with matches, three piles, center pile ends up with named number
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 2)
Jack Yates Vier Gegenstände three matches facing one way and one match facing the opposite way. After moving matches around, magician correctly can divine which is the reversed match without looking
Also published here 1959
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 2)
Martin Gardner Cardless but Glassy Hummer-inspired trick with rows of six glasses, some up some down
Oct. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 18)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Der Block von "Lefcadio" blocks with letters are moved, without looking performer divines amount of moves
Inspired by
  • Dr. Reinhard Rohnstein's "Der Name des Freundes" in Charly Eperny's "Das Rohnsteinbuch 4", 1959
Also published here
1961 69
Al Thatcher Numismatrick! coins on table are turned over one is covered and heads/tails is divined
VariationsAlso published here Oct. 1962
The New Phoenix (Issue 373)
Karl Fulves Hex Squared 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card, see also p. 512 and also p. 550 for ideas by "Eddie" Cowles and Karl Fulves
Related toVariationsAlso published here Nov. 1971 466
Jack Lottey Electronic Cards square layout of nine cards, instruction on tape, based on Martin Gardner routine
Related to 1971
Magick (Issue 30)
Ken De Courcy The Last Match five matches in a row, spectator turns any one end for end, the chosen one is the match left after some instruction game
Inspired by
  • principle in "Hindu Shells" (Eddie Joseph)
1971 21
Norman Murray "The Escapologist" Walters Two Line Divination two rows of matches, some instructions given by performer, performer know amount of remaining matches
1971 25
Gene Nielsen Paracognition nine cards placed in a square on table, ring put on one card and moved according to instructions, prediction of last card
July 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 21)
Robert E. Neale End Game three objects moved according to instructions, outcome predicted
  • History
  • The Children's Game (Rock Paper Scissors)
  • The System
  • A Variation
  • Two Betting Games
  • Addendum
  • The Second Game (with cube/die)
  • The Election Game
Feb. 1973 593
Robert E. Neale The Two Guns square with nine sections, two miniature guns moved according to instructions end up in predicted section
Also published here June 1973 634
Paul Curry A Penny For Your Thoughts after some changes (written directions) the order of four coins and a rolled up bill is named
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1974 83
Stephen Minch Towering Prediction cards are laid out and spectator follows instruction from a tape recorder
Related toAlso published here 1974 31
Robert E. Neale Zwei Pistolen square with nine sections, two miniature guns moved according to instructions end up in predicted section
Also published here Apr. 1974
Intermagic (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Karl Fulves Half Doz. Glasses "Math Trix"
six glasses, some up and down, instructions given
Related to Oct. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 12)
Karl Fulves Things Equal "Math Trix"
match puzzle
Oct. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 12)
Howard A. Adams Adams Geheimnis five ESP cards in a row, five spectators choose one each with performer's back turned according to instructions, all forced, with ESP symbols to numbers 1-5 mnemonic
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Genii, Mar. 1959
Nov. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2)
Gerald Kosky, Jack Vosburgh The Plot's The Thing Instruction game, divination of removed items or murder
  • Plot #1... The Big Robbery
  • Plot #2... It's Murder
Inspired byAlso published here 1975 110
Gerald Kosky Cassette Speaking instruction and divination on cassette
1975 198
Nick Trost Predicting One of Six Cards Matchbook moved from card to card on row of six
VariationsAlso published here 1976 13
Gene Nielsen Menta-Coin coin in one of four cups is moved in steps
Magick (Issue 192)
Gene Nielsen, Bascom Jones Psi-Cup '3' question written on paper and hidden under one of three cups, question is answered and paper located, center tear
Related to 1977
Magick (Issue 194)
Punx Kismet objects are removed, last one is divined, instructions on record
1977 68
Harry Lorayne The Larger the Bill spectator reverses one of four bills and eliminates one by one after given instructions and will end up with the reversed one, with optional serial reading
Inspired by 1977 231
Karl Fulves The Parity Principle four objects used
Inspired by 1977 135
Karl Fulves In Writing three coins on table, chosen coin vanishes and reappears inside sealed envelope, one out of three force with written instructions
1978 1076
Larry Becker Astro Dice using zodiac cards and pair of dice, one die is hidden and number divined, instructions with zodiac cards
1978 25
Larry Becker Duo-Matic based on a Hummer idea, two spectators with four cards, 14 instructions later end up with same card
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, The Linking Ring, Dec., 1967)
1979 211
Roy Johnson Zoo Quest selected animals are divined and predicted, three phases, using lists of animals and instructions to move on them
Variations 1979 11
Nick Trost Test Pattern 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card, using ESP cards
Inspired by 1979 5
Nick Trost E.S. Pattern marker moved on matrix type layout, a match occurs
1979 10
Jochen Zmeck Sie lügen three chips and girls with different hair color on them, three spectators choose them, divined who has which chip with lie detector presentation
Inspired byRelated to 1979 7
Nick Trost Three-Way Prediction using three blank cards with colored stickers
Inspired by 1979 5
Nick Trost Prediction With Six Dice six dice in a row, spectator moves matchbook around and all but one die are eliminated, prediction inside matchbook
1979 14
Karl Fulves Hex Squared 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card
Also published here 1980 44
Sam Schwartz Forced March 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card
Inspired by 1980 54
Sam Schwartz, Karl Fulves The Square Ring 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card, only three instructions
Inspired byAlso published here 1980 55
Bob Hummer, Al Koran Mathematical 3 Card Monte bill under one of three cups, back of performer is turned and after some changes in the order of the cups, performer divines cup with bill
Related toVariations 1980 35
Bob Hummer 3-Card Monte mathematical three card monte
Also published here 1980 59
Bob Hummer, Al Koran 3-Cup Monte bill under one of three cups, back of performer is turned and after some changes in the order of the cups, performer divines cup with bill
1980 60
Karl Fulves Three-Shell Monte three different colored peas
1980 61
Mel Stover The Immovable Object ice in glass is moved to other glasses several times, while performer's back is turned, he then eliminates all empty glasses
Also published here 1980 62
Jack Yates Match Miracle spectator reverses one of four matches and eliminates one by one after given instructions and will end up with the reversed one
Also published here 1980 63
Karl Fulves Power Play instruction game ten card poker deal
1980 63
Sam Schwartz Long Range Telepathy over the phone method for mathematical three-card monte
1980 65
Father Cyprian Time Zoned over the phone method for mathematical three-card monte
Also published here 1980 66
Karl Fulves Shylock card divination over the phone, instruction game
Also published here 1980 67
Karl Fulves Digital Dollars over the phone game, to win highest value bill
Related toVariations 1980 68
Karl Fulves Linear Blackjack game of Blackjack over the phone, performer knows which card to select to win
VariationsAlso published here 1980 69
Karl Fulves Murder in a Matchbox three match boxes, performer's back is turned and a small gun, a bill and a die are put in boxes, performer knows which object is where and what side is on top of the die
1980 69
Bob Hummer Hummer's Mathematical Shell Game with four cups or four shells and two dice
1980 78
Karl Fulves Notes by Karl Fulves notes on Hummer's Mathematical Shell Game
1980 79
Karl Fulves The Old 4-Shell Game different bills under four styrofoam coffee cups
1980 80
Karl Fulves, Martin Gardner Hat or Rabbit No. 15, three cards with hats on one sides and rabbits on other, spectator turns them to instructions with the performer's back turned, in the end all are the same way, also with coins or over phone
Related to 1980 15
Howard A. Adams SYmbloc for cards are arranged on cardboard with four ESP symbols, remaining one is predicted
OICUFESP (Issue 5 - the SON of esp card & mental miracles)
Howard A. Adams Dating ESP dating game presentation, three women on chairs man selects one, prediction of remaining person, based on a Karl Fulves routine
OICUFESP (Issue 5 - the SON of esp card & mental miracles)
Ken De Courcy I've Got it Taped spectator takes five cards and follows down/under deal instructions from tape recorder, last card named by recorded voice
1980 52
Howard A. Adams Tom Dick & Honey three people on stage change positions, blindfolded performer eliminates two people and predicted person remains
OICUFESP (Issue 7 - Matheight Miracles)
Jochen Zmeck Heiratsvermittlung four chips with women on them and two chips with men used for prediction and location trick
  • Die Vorherbestimmte
  • Die Wiedergefundene (Hummer's Mathematical Three Card Monte)
Related to 1981 11
Karl Fulves Digital Diamonds Ace, Two and Jack mixed according to rules over phone
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1982 3
Martin Gardner Locked-Room Mystery No. 29, 3x3 number square, ring moved around to instructions, final position predicted
1983 48
Robert E. Neale The Two Guns No. 30, square with nine sections, two miniature guns moved according to instructions end up in predicted section
Also published here 1983 50
Karl Fulves Shylock's Card No. 27, one of three Kings selected and divined over phone
Inspired byAlso published here 1984 37
Karl Fulves Linear Blackjack No. 30, game of Blackjack over the phone, performer knows which card to select to win
Also published here 1984 41
Karl Fulves Hex Squared No. 65, 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card
Also published here 1984 96
Karl Fulves, Sam Schwartz The Square Ring No. 66, 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card, only three instructions
Also published here 1984 97
Noch ein Telephon-Trick spectator makes two rows of cards on table, cards removed according to instructions until as many remain as the performer has predicted
Jan. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 3 & 4)
Al Thatcher Numismatrick coins on table are turned over one is covered and heads/tails is divined
Related toAlso published here Nov. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 2)
Thomas Alan Waters Trivarication three people put three different objects under cups and exchange them, liar and truth-teller presentation
Inspired by 1985
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Myxtyr)
Jack Yates Monty three spectators exchange three cards, performer reveals which spectator has which card, mental monte
1986 1
Jack Yates Magi instruction from tape, moving and removing four cards until one remains, tape prediction
1986 41
Mike Schwartz Never Miss Card Trick instructions on tape recorded, humorous revelation of card
Nov. 1986
Magick (Issue 380)
Charles "Cicardi" Scott Polish Roulette Hummer's mathematical 3 card monte with three water toy guns
Nov. 1986
Magick (Issue 381)
Stephen Minch Towering Prediction cards are laid out and spectator follows instruction from written scroll
Also published here 1987 27
Karl Fulves Think Tank layout with battlefield weapons, spectator moves around according to rules, final position predicted
Interlocutor (Issue 47)
Karl Fulves Match Mates No. 39, two spectators move three different-colored silks or objects around and matches occur
1988 115
Terri Rogers Hummerous Phoney Telepathy over phone
Inspired byAlso published here 1988 30
Reinhard Müller Die Lügner und das Pendel intro to instruction game with three objects, à la Hummer monte
Magische Blätter (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Reinhard Müller, Jack Vosburgh Die Lügner three spectator take an object each and then switch them, even though only one tells truth, performer locates objects
Magische Blätter (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Peter Wilker Das Pendel three objects placed inside three boxes, instruction game of switching objects using pendulum
Magische Blätter (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Peter Kane Kane's Variant mathematical monte with five objects and without turning back
  • The Basic Principle
Inspired byVariations 1988 ca. 1
Peter Kane The Three Time Loser spectator can apparently win money but never does, using Ace through Five layout
1988 ca. 3
Peter Kane The Great Purse Swindle spectator can apparently win money but never does, using five flat purses and ten cards
1988 ca. 5
Peter Kane The Psychic's Game Show five keys, one selected with Kane's Variant procedure and it's the only one that opens the lock to a prize
  • The Stacked Deck Extra (apparently random cards chosen for selection procedure)
1988 ca. 7
Peter Kane We'll Call You one of five colored cards chosen, medium is phoned and divines color
Variations 1988 ca. 9
Peter Kane An Objective View variation with five random objects
Inspired by 1988 ca. 10
Peter Kane Personalization of Kane's Variant procedure
1988 ca. 10
Peter Kane Inspirational Source
1988 ca. 11
Bob Hummer, Stewart James, Mel Stover, Karl Fulves Immovable Object No. 78, six numbered glasses, coin moved from glass to glass
1989 107
Terri Rogers Hummeristische Tele-Fon-Pathie over phone
Inspired byAlso published here July 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 4 & 5)
Roy Johnson The Crown Affair four objects on table, two-way-out instructions, remaining item predicted, three phases
Inspired byAlso published here 1989 85
Karl Fulves Mathemonte without a key card that must be recognized, prediction "we will pick the same card"
Inspired byRelated to 1991
Swindle Sheet (Issue 4)
Graham Richards A Safe Bet five envelopes, one with question mark, after instructions with performer's back turned only the marked one remains and contains the money
Inspired by Oct. 1993
Profile (Issue 16)
Alan Wakeling The Final Phase: The Color Matrix 5x5 matrix with card of different colors, instructions on tape for elimination process, remaining color predicted
1993 216
Roy Johnson Mit Martini geht's leichter! four objects on table, two-way-out instructions, remaining item predicted, three phases
Also published here May 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 3)
Utz Napierala Mental Beschirmt six numbered umbrella stands, umbrella moved around in stands according to instructions with performer's back turned, final position predicted
Nov. 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Ellison Poland Colors By The Numbers No. 1 six colored chips with numbers turned over by spectator, orientation and number of a hidden chip divined
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1994 64
Ellison Poland Colors By The Numbers No. 2 six colored cards with numbers turned over by spectator and inserted in envelopes, numbers divined
Inspired by 1994 71
Tale of the Tape No. 44, tape recorder gives instructions from cassette to which a card is lost and found
1995 86
Simon Aronson Moves and Removes marker moved on 3x3 layout, final card predicted, with 4x4 "Sixteen Card Version" on p. 30
Related to
  • Martin Gardner Presents (1993), p. 149
1995 19
Simon Aronson Child's Play rock/paper/scissors with small prop versions, with three chips, outcome predicted
Inspired by
  • "My First Trick" (Robert Neale, Tricks of the Imagination, 1991)
1995 31
Theophil "Philius" Weidmann Hellsehen - kinderleicht! three objects on table are arranged and switched with two instructions, three spectators each take one and hold it behind back, all are located
Also published here 1995 5
Theophil "Philius" Weidmann Die Borgia-Party five glasses, one with poison, instruction game
1995 23
Karl Fulves Stock-Market Magic No. 7, three spectator each have the same number of cards, cards are removed and exchanged according to instructions, final number of cards divined and predicted
1995 8
Brian Watson The Grand Master Gambit glass is placed over chess figures, remaining is predicted
Syzygy (Vol. 1 No. 14)
Dave Arch Quintuple five objects in a row on table, the one with personal connection remains after following several instructions
Syzygy (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Al Thatcher Thirty Pieces Of Silver coins on table are turned over one is covered and heads/tails is divined
Also published here Aug. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Paul Harris The Instant Incomplete I.Q. Test (a revised classic) self working effect with business card (one secret double facer) and an instruction sheet
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Secrets of the Astonishing Executive)
Bob Driebeek Ein Pfennig für Ihre Gedanken board with six slots, coins are arranged after instructions
Inspired by 1996 19
Bob Driebeek Clairvoyance? Hummer's mathematical monte variation, coins in matchboxes
1996 57
Gary Ward PSImpathy instruction game with two spectators and five coins, both end up with same coin
Syzygy (Vol. 2 No. 13)
Dave Arch Place Setting instruction game with spoon, knife and fork, divination where each ends up
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Mitsunobu Matsuyama Catch The Terrorist instruction game with map, final destination predicted
Inspired by
  • "The 3-by-3 Matrix" (Martin Gardner, Scientific America, Aug. 1960)
Nov. 1996
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Nick Trost Predicting One of Six Cards moving counter on row of cards
Inspired by
  • "See No Evil - Hear No Evil" (Clyde Cairy & Peter Tappan, The New Tops, 1967)
Also published here
1997 122
Ken De Courcy Personal Possessions instruction game with four objects, objects are returned to correct owners
July 1997 6
Ken De Courcy Heads? Or Tails? divination of heads or tails after instruction game, with fortunetelling fish
Dec. 1997 13
Paul Green This Gift's for You several people on stage hand over gift, it lands in hands of person present is addressed to
Inspired by
  • Tony Griffith's "Penny Move" and "Person Move"
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 18)
Bruce Bernstein Hummer Psychometry three people seal person object in envelopes, they are switched while performer's back is turned, correct allocation
Also published here 1997 34
Karl Fulves The Number Palace
  • "Dot Com - Tricks and stunts with numbers"
instruction game with calculations on roulette betting layout
Inspired byRelated to 1998 289
Jack Avis Nu Way Shell Game props changed to four white cards with colored spots
Inspired by 1998 66
Ken De Courcy The Golden Gamble instruction game with coins
Apr. 1998
Mind & Magic Magazine (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Bob King $100 Dollar Proposition one one of four cardboard pieces the spectator writes "$100", they are eliminated according to instructions, the marked one remains, soft/stiff corner Fillman Principle
1998 5
Karl Fulves 4th Dimensional Chess twelve cards in matrix layout, spectator rotates layout and moves according to instructions, later performer is able to get to same final position
Related to 1999
Underworld (Issue 10)
Karl Fulves The Tesseract red-backed and blue-backed cards in 4x4 layout, spectator places marker on layout and thinks of an Ace, he moves around and finds the Ace
Related to 1999
Underworld (Issue 10)
Karl Fulves Theory Z four-card square with Ace, Four, King and Nine, instruction game, final card predicted
Variations 1999
The Fine Print (Issue 10)
Karl Fulves Informant further comments and credit information on the referenced items, instruction games, Stephen Minch comment on "Remote Control"/"Western Union Trick"
Related to 1999
The Fine Print (Issue 10)
Karl Fulves Die Box Construct
  • "Dot Com - Tricks and stunts with numbers"
five cards, coin moved around on it while the performer turns his back, sucker prediction in which the cards transform for it to become true
Inspired by 1999
The Fine Print (Issue 10)
Karl Fulves Notes and References for a type of instruction/parity games
The Fine Print (Issue 10)
Ellis Stanyon To Discover Names of Three Cards Chosen by Three Different People No. 24, three cards, three spectators each take one and then distribute several counters according to rules, at the end the performer knows who has which card
  • Variation (cards instead of counters)
Related to 1999 71
Ellis Stanyon To Discover the Respective Holders of Three Cards or Objects No. 33, similar to reference
Related to 1999 75
Max Maven The Maximum Dimension interactive trick on a piece of paper, finger must be moved around
Related to Jan. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 1)
Rudolf Braunmüller Hellsehen am Tisch four match boxes with a different coin in each, drawer and coins exchanged according to rules
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 4 & 5)
Karl Fulves Star Trap five containers with personal objects of spectators in star configuration, one canister pocketed by spectator and others moved around according to rules, content of one container divined
2000 105
Jerry Mentzer Nine Way Variant nine cards in square, one chosen via instructions, winner/loser written on other side
Inspired by 2000 129
Paul Curry A Penny for Your Thoughts after some changes (written directions) the order of four coins and a rolled up bill is named
Inspired byAlso published here 2001 164
Karl Fulves Further Reading references
2001 5
Karl Fulves Card Recalled unknown card signed on back found with Hex Squared instructions
2001 8
Karl Fulves Roll The Dice printed dice layout, dice roll selected by instructions on how to move on grid is predicted
2001 11
Karl Fulves Crazy Calendar matrix with months, spectator choses his own
2001 12
Karl Fulves Tric Trac nine coins in square, one chosen, date predicted
Variations 2001 15
Karl Fulves Trac Two coin chosen from matrix with only two instructions
Inspired by 2001 17
Karl Fulves Never Was eighteen coins in pairs in 3x3 square, one pair chosen, one of the coins in this pair vanishes, nickel & dime set
Inspired by 2001 18
Karl Fulves Hollywood Squared names of celebrities on cards in square formation, selection predicted
2001 19
Karl Fulves Portable Roulette 3x5 grid with various numbers, chosen one predicted
Related to 2001 20
Karl Fulves Construct A Hex how to construct a matrix and instructions for the movement on it for Hex Squared
2001 21
Karl Fulves Cell By Cell further strategies on how to construct the matrix
2001 27
Karl Fulves Pictorials visualisation on how the matrix works
2001 31
Karl Fulves Entrapment strategy on how to enlarge the matrix
Related to 2001 32
Karl Fulves Run The Table strategy on how to construct the matrix
2001 33
Karl Fulves Free Will strategy on how to construct the matrix
2001 36
Karl Fulves Restoration four red-backed and 4 blue-backed cards torn in half, one card signed on face and a half kept, card chosen from 3x5 square made from rest, matching half found
2001 40
Karl Fulves Word Game word chosen from matrix layout
2001 44
Karl Fulves Ouija Jr. 3x4 letters, word chosen by moving according to instructions, it's "ring" and the phone rings
2001 47
Karl Fulves Flight Schedule 3x4 matrix with flight times, one selected and predicted (with multiple out)
2001 49
Karl Fulves Outguessed performer and spectator have five cards each, spectator choses another card from grid layout according to rules and can replace one of his or performer's cards with it, still performer has better poker hand
2001 52
Sam Schwartz Sam's 5 x 5 Hex Squared with 5x5 layout
Related to 2001 54
Karl Fulves Symmetry "This section considers some aspects of symmetry in regard to the distribution of reds and blacks in the layout."
2001 58
Karl Fulves Symmetry Too
2001 59
Karl Fulves Symmetry III
2001 60
Karl Fulves Homing Device 4x4 layout with life themed words, two phase routine in which first phase gives idea that any word is possible
2001 63
Karl Fulves Seers 'R Us spectator decides how many instructions there will be, yet final position predicted with clear plastic and permanent X on it
2001 71
Karl Fulves Spellathon 3x4 card layout on table, card selected via instructions and spelled to in rest of deck to find selected card
2001 73
Karl Fulves Bingo Prediction posed as problem
2001 74
Karl Fulves Psychometry 101 twelve envelopes with items, one of them by spectator, envelope selected from 3x4 matrix via instruction contains spectator's item
2001 75
Karl Fulves Why Did The Chicken "Hex Squared can be made suitable for children under age 12."
2001 78
Karl Fulves Hex Minus goal of the square is to prohibit spectator from reaching certain square, 12-card monte in which spectators cannot get to winning card
2001 82
Karl Fulves 4 x 4 x 4 not only red & black, but 4 suits that are used in rules
2001 85
Karl Fulves Gamble Ramble spectator choses cards in layout according to rules, black cards added and red subtracted, total predicted, four-way approach
2001 87
Karl Fulves Percentage Poker performer and spectator draw hole card from face-up deck, then four cards chosen from 4x4 layout, even though spectator goes first he loses
Related to
  • "Swindle & Cheat" (1991)
2001 90
Karl Fulves Night On Elm sixteen envelopes with addresses in 4x4 matrix, one selected according to rules (including diagonal movement), in selected envelope is description of spectator
2001 92
Karl Fulves Remote Sight twelve cards with states
2001 97
Karl Fulves Altered States twelve cards with states, including variation "Altered States II"
2001 102
Karl Fulves State of Mind twelve cards with states
2001 105
Karl Fulves Alice Plays Chess Hex Squared variation in which spectator can rotate board and start on any color
2001 107
Karl Fulves One-Minute Monopoly 4x4 square, see also Sam Schwarz idea on page 113 to lengthen the procedure
2001 110
Karl Fulves Bell Ringer twelve objects arranged in square, spirit bell chosen and it rings
2001 114
Karl Fulves The Lockshire Case cassette tape directing the moves
Related to 2001 117
Karl Fulves Mental Case No. 89, case moved around on five-card row, final card's mate is in case
2001 133
Mel Stover Stover's Game No. 90, eight cards in circle, glass moved around and cards are eliminated, final card predicted
Related to 2001 135
Stewart James Strange Voyage No. 91, seven cards in a row, one is an Ace, spectator moves it to instructions and eliminates cards, Ace remains
2001 137
Martin Gardner, Robert Brethen Mind Matrix No. 92, square layout of nine cards, instruction game with prediction of final card
Related to 2001 138
Karl Fulves, Jack Avis Four-Card Magic No. 93, four face-down cards, an Ace moved on top of them according to instructions, ends up on matching card
2001 140
Karl Fulves Magic Maze No. 94, nine card layout, instruction game to find card
Inspired by
  • trick on David Copperfield special
2001 141
Karl Fulves Revelation by Design No. 95, instruction game with sixteen card layout
2001 143
Karl Fulves Any Named Ace No. 50, red and blue backed cards mixed, sixteen-card square dealt out, spectator moves coin around to instructions and ends up on previously named Ace
2001 116
Karl Fulves Mate In 5 5x5 layout, two spectators move poker chips according to rules, outcome predicted
  • Psychic Sub (variation as Battleship game)
  • Mate Finesse
Inspired by 2001 141
Karl Fulves Second Mate predicting outcome of two players in instruction game, posed as a problem
Related to 2001 143
Eckhard Böttcher Das Geheimnis Neros chip hidden in pill boxes, position divined, multiple phases
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 3-5)
Sam Schwartz Remote Viewing 5x5 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2001
Discoverie (Issue 5)
Jim Steinmeyer Three Card Monte spectator mixed three cards according to instructions, possible over phone, mathematical
2002 25
John J. Beck III, John A. Beck Hex In Color "John A. Beck III"?!, instructions on colored post-its
Inspired by 2002 251
Lewis Jones The full monte Hummer's Mathematical Monte variation with three cards, chosen one named, variation by Jack Avis with three packets
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Monte Bank" (Lewis Jones, The Spring of 52)
2002 63
Reinhard Müller Divination Three by Four object laid out in a matrix, one is selected and divined
Related to
  • Reinhard Müller's "3x3 Square Divination" in "Precursor" LXIII, 1998.
2002 102
Tom Jorgenson Magical Mystical Holiday Card with instructions that lead to a prediction
Nov. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 3)
Karl Fulves 3-Coin Monte three cards and three coins, spectator moves cards around, performer places coins on cards which he thinks match the value of the coins via instructions
Inspired by 2003
Off The Books (Issue 4)
Joe Lantiere The Witchcraft Potential Test 3x3 cards laid out, spectator moves broom around according to instructions
2003 319
Alain Nu Nu-Sense Hummer Monte using ring, watch and key, with prediction
Variations 2003 11
Tom Stone Triball Rites three different-colored balls are switched around under three cups according to instructions, final configuration predicted
Inspired by 2004 1
Theophil "Philius" Weidmann Drei-Gegenstände-Force forcing one of three objects, mathematical
Also published here 2004 102
Bruce Bernstein Remote Driving two phase routine, instruction game where toy card is placed and moved among five envelopes with names of different cities, last city is predicted, then spectator pushes car until it stops, city is predicted again / Koornwinder Kar
Inspired by
  • Al Koran's "The Dream Car"
2004 1
Ben Rayot The Punisher three weapons are depicted on three cards, cards are mixed and performer knows which weapon is where
2004 60
Allan Slaight Perfected Strangers mathematical monte, with Jacks and a Joker, eliminated cards can always be named
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2006 65
Rajneesh Madhok Strangers in the Dark using four cards and the card case, cards are named while being removed
Inspired by 2006 68
Steve Beam Candy From Strangers instruction game using candies, with seven objects
Inspired by 2006 69
Darwin Ortiz Note Under Cup Finale discussion and number reading ending
Inspired by 2006 114
Alexander de Cova The Bavarian Beer Game instruction game with glasses and beer
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2006 11
Docc Hilford T3mp3st "Tempest", question written on billet and hidden on on of three cups, billet is located and performer gives answer to question, Hummer Monte
2006 9
Karl Fulves Slow-Motion Roll spectator turns die according to rules, performer duplicates final orientation
Prolix (Issue 3)
Stewart James Strangers From Two Worlds Five photos, one of them being a celebrity. Spectator mixes them up and place them in a row, magician is able to eliminate all the four random photos
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here
  • New Tops, April 1963
2007 147
Pepe Medina, Manuel Montes Dados Enigmáticos picture with dice and arrows, real die is placed and moved, number is divined, with additional idea by Manuel Montes
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Alexander de Cova Balleydesmond Polka instruction game with glasses and whiskey
Also published here 2007 8
Alexander de Cova Balleydesmond Polka instruction game with glasses and whiskey
Also published here 2007 7
David Lees One from Three three items (cards, photographs) in a row, one chosen, the other two exchanged, performer divines it, mathematical three card monte
  • Basic Presentation
  • One from Three with Cards
  • Using Photographs and Envelopes
2007 46
Val Le-Val Monte Car-Lo mathematical monte with three toy cars and a key
Inspired by 2007 84
Karl Fulves Math Glass three different glasses, turned up or down
Related toVariations 2008
Prolix (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Flip Dice three dice on table, turned over according to instructions, sum on top divined
Inspired by 2008
Prolix (Issue 5)
Sam Schwartz Digital Addition three items switched around according to instructions
Inspired byVariations 2008
Prolix (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Einstein's Shell Game three different colored marbles and cups, items switched around, outcome predicted, instruction game
Inspired by 2008
Prolix (Issue 5)
Allan Slaight Perfected Strangers Jacks face-up on table, spectator places Joker in row and switches it around according to instructions, performer lets him remove only the Jacks with his back turned, with variations
Inspired by
  • "Strangers from Two Worlds" (Stewart James, Tops, Apr. 1963)
Related toAlso published here
2008 106
Alexander de Cova Balleydesmond Polka instruction game with glasses and whiskey
Also published here 2008 4
Bob Hummer, Roberto Giobbi Mental Three Card Monte mathematical three card monte
Inspired by 2008 70
Stephen Minch Apocalypse Later nine cards with persons on them laid out, spectator moves according to instructions, final resting place predicted, credit information on the parity instruction game
Also published here
  • Genii, April 1992
2009 129
Tom Lauten Stepping Stones dominoes with ESP symbols on them, spelling instruction game
Also published here
  • "Choice or Fate" (Sam Dalal, Psychic Dominoes set)
2009 54
Lewis Jones The Return of Mental Monte
Inspired by 2010 132
Karl Fulves On The Rocks three glasses are turned over according to instructions, without looking performer gets all mouth down
Related to 2010
Prolix (Issue 7)
Bill Abbott Casey's Crayons location and color of three crayons divined, Free Will
2010 21
David Britland The Chalice from the Palace
  • Cardopolis
five glasses, one with "poison"
Inspired by
  • "Borgia's Banquet" (Cyril Tomlinson, Abracadabra, Vol. 28, No. 704)
Related to
June 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 6)
Alexander de Cova Balleydesmond Polka instruction game with glasses and whiskey
Also published here 2010 13
Andy Nyman The Heist spectator puts money in an envelope, it is mixed with three more envelopes and all but one are put through a shredder according to instructions, the money envelope remains, performer never touches anything
2010 197
Alexander de Cova Die Ballydesmond Polka instruction game with glasses and whiskey
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2011 9
Karl Fulves Perpetual "In Order"
four cardboard pieces with numbers on both sides are in envelopes, with his back turned the performer orders them in numerical order
Variations 2011
Prolix (Issue 9)
Joe Berg A Mindreader's Dream four boxes with a coin in each, exchanged according to instructions, performer then reveals contents of each box
Variations 2011
Xtra Credit (Issue 9)
Mel Bennett Mel Bennett Notes using four coins with different dates on four cards instead
Inspired by 2011
Xtra Credit (Issue 9)
Karl Fulves Perpetual Notions "Notes on 'Perpetual'"
four cardboard pieces with numbers on both sides are in envelopes, with his back turned the performer orders them in numerical order
  • Tight Circle
  • In Color
  • Picking Numbers
  • Perceptual
  • Using Windows
  • Perpetual Numbers
Inspired by 2011
Xtra Credit (Issue 9)