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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Theodore Annemann Word, Number and Picture Divination medium divines word, number and duplicates a drawing
Related to 1937 13
John J. Crimmins Jr. (reviewer) Pokerism - Quartet - Napology by Jack Yates Apr. 1950
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Jack Yates Foreword close-up mental magic
1954 5
Jack Yates Clip Line newspaper clipping, some lines from top and bottom are cut away and the cross total of the remaining lines leads to a line which is divined
Related to 1954 7
Jack Yates Match Miracle spectator reverses one of four matches and eliminates one by one after given instructions and will end up with the reversed one
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1954 9
Jack Yates Devil's Die spectator thinks of a number between one and six, a die is put under performer's hand and without looking at it the performer shows three sides of the die several times and asks if the selected number is visible, number is eventually divined
Inspired byRelated to 1954 11
Jack Yates Perfected Publicity word from publicity sheet is divined, extended anagram
1954 14
Jack Yates Astral Digit after some easy arithmetics, spectator and performer have the same number written on a slate
1954 17
Jack Yates Merchant Mentalist cards with objects written on it are arranged in a circle, prediction of selection
1954 19
Jack Yates Who's Fooling Whom? gag prediction printed on a promotion card, people can do for their friends
1954 22
Jack Yates Object in Mind divination of one of three objects, mathematical principle
1954 25
Jack Yates Murder Must Foul murder game, with instruction cards for spectators
1954 26
Jack Yates Credits
1954 31
Jack Yates Foreword book on two-person mental effects
1956 5
Jack Yates Three Thoughts Alone cards are written on a sheet, medium divines them
Related to 1956 7
Jack Yates She Has the Number sum divination by medium, with numbers on cards
1956 10
Jack Yates Thoughts Direct medium reads mind of spectator
Related to 1956 13
Jack Yates Designed to Order ESP cards are arranged and medium divines order
1956 16
Jack Yates The Five Cards Problem five cards written on a slate and one is circled, medium divines the card
1956 18
Jack Yates Operator Calling cards with names and telephone numbers, medium divines several numbers
1956 21
Jack Yates Astral Headline medium divines words from newspaper
1956 24
Jack Yates Money and the Medium bill put in one of several envelopes, medium finds correct one
Variations 1956 27
Jack Yates Mental Tuition four people select a card, medium names color of first, suit of second, value of third and complete card of fourth spectator
1956 29
Jack Yates Credits
1956 32
Bob Hummer Hummer's Die Mystery Magician uses dice to divine number thought of by spectator, principle is similar to 21 card trick / Gergonne's Pile Problem. spectator thinks of a number between one and six, a die is put under performer's hand and without looking at it the performer shows three sides of the die several times and asks if the selected number is visible, number is eventually divined
Related to 1956 45
Bob Hummer Hummer's Three-object Divination Three objects switched around, spectator then thinks of one and switches the other two, magician can divine thought of object (Mathematical 3 card monte 1951)
Variations 1956 63
Jack Yates Yates' Four-Object Divination three matches facing one way and one match facing the opposite way. After moving matches around, magician correctly can divine which is the reversed match without looking
Inspired byAlso published here 1956 66
Jack Yates Vier Gegenstände three matches facing one way and one match facing the opposite way. After moving matches around, magician correctly can divine which is the reversed match without looking
Also published here 1959
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 2)
B. B. Koch VIP names written on cardboard strips, medium divines chosen strips, see also p. 264 for suggestion by Jules Conway, see p. 308 for reference
Related to Apr. 1969 250
Paul Curry A Penny For Your Thoughts after some changes (written directions) the order of four coins and a rolled up bill is named
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1974 83
Howard A. Adams Adams Geheimnis five ESP cards in a row, five spectators choose one each with performer's back turned according to instructions, all forced, with ESP symbols to numbers 1-5 mnemonic
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Genii, Mar. 1959
Nov. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2)
Fred Robinson Focus on Walt Lees, Fred Kaps, Ken Brooke, Harry Lorayne, Jack Avis, Rand Magic Circle, Ricky Jay, Derek Dingle, Peter Becker, Cyril Faranoff, Frank Farrow, Jack Yates, Ron McMillan
Jan. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Harry Lorayne The Larger the Bill spectator reverses one of four bills and eliminates one by one after given instructions and will end up with the reversed one, with optional serial reading
Inspired by 1977 231
Jack Yates Jack's Pack stack in which position of every card can be calculated with formula and vice versa ("Reversing the Process")
1978 2
Jack Yates Effect mnemonicosis type effect, card is named and located by various means, "In a way, it becomes rather like Dai Vernon's 'Trick that cannot be explained'"
1978 2
Jack Yates The Number Force card named, numbers jotted down and summed up, card at that position
  • Plus a Marked Deck (card pushed out of marked deck instead of named)
1978 5
Jack Yates, Ken De Courcy Notes by the Editor
  • Keep the Sequence
  • False Shuffles and Cuts
  • With Two People
  • Short Corner
1978 5
Jack Yates Jack's Wallet card is predicted with duplicate from another deck in wallet, free selection switched
1979 3
Jack Yates Wallet Switch
1979 4
Jack Yates Jack's Line-Up up to thirteen spectators on stage, they select a card from a pile, pile shuffled, cards again given back to the right spectators
Variations 1979 6
Jack Yates Small Packet False Shuffle
1979 7
Ken De Courcy Last Card Prediction final card predicted in pocket or wallet, with index or sticky dummy prediction
Inspired by 1979 8
Philip T. Goldstein One Hand Clapping coding system, for zodiac signs or other lists
Inspired by 1980 5
Bob Hummer The Moon Die Mystery number from one to six is thought of, three sides of a die are shown to spectator and he is asked if he sees his number, repeated three times and number is divined, without performer ever looking at the dice
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 15
Jack Yates Match Miracle spectator reverses one of four matches and eliminates one by one after given instructions and will end up with the reversed one
Also published here 1980 63
Jack Yates Introduction
1980 1
Jack Yates Accusation murderer, crime and witnesses selected from lists, all divined, Age Cards principle
Variations 1980 1
Ken De Courcy Accusation - part 2 murderer, crime and witnesses selected from lists, all divined, Age Cards principle
Inspired by 1980 7
Thomas Alan Waters Steals
  • Annemann's steal from a cup
  • Jack Yates' steal from a cup with a paper clip and a magnet
  • Annemann's steal from an envelope with a thumb tip
  • other ideas by T. A. Waters
Related to 1981
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Bob Hummer, Million-Dollar Mystery No. 9, twelve coins on table, spectator can remove some and coins with heads and tales up are divined, blindfolded
Related to 1981 13
Al Mann The Clip Line variation on Albert Spackman's "Clip Line"
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1982 20
Jack Yates Introduction
1986 iii
Jack Yates Monty three spectators exchange three cards, performer reveals which spectator has which card, mental monte
1986 1
Jack Yates Spy Story story trick, paper with sentence (Archer Call Up Base) is folded and cut by spectator, then pieces are dealt in two piles and the selected forms the name of the selected card
1986 5
Jack Yates Choice twelve objects are put in a bag, two spectators select one each, performer divines both, then from all objects are removed and replaced in the bag, the last one was predicted
1986 10
Jack Yates I Yates I Ching / I Ging prediction, with special cards to form the hexagram
Related to 1986 18
Jack Yates Winston prediction in envelope, card touched and put on bottom of ribbon spread
1986 24
Jack Yates P&S System six geometrical signs in envelopes, divination of selected, back turned in selection process, also possible with word groups
1986 28
Jack Yates Magi instruction from tape, moving and removing four cards until one remains, tape prediction
1986 41
Jack Yates Revelation ESP five spectators think of an ESP symbol, divination, cards repeatedly shown to spectator for afirmation
1986 45
Jack Yates Clue six spectators with cards and pens, one of them writes an X on his card behind performers back, those with red cards must speak truth, black must lie, performer finds different colored disc, murder game
Variations 1986 51
Jack Yates Last Words
1986 57
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Clue and Other Mysteries by Jack Yates Mar. 1987
Epoptica (Issue 8)
Philip T. Goldstein Scratch hexagram from "I Ching" build with line cards predicted
Related to 1987 6
David Britland Open and Shut Case with liar/truthteller presentation
Inspired by May 1987
The New Talon (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Bob Hummer, Jack Yates Time Will Tell No. 74, twelve coins on table in circle layout, spectator removes six coins, some head/tail matching
Related to 1989 102
Karl Fulves Witness six spectators with cards and pens, one of them writes an X on his card behind performers back, those with red cards must speak truth, black must lie, performer finds murderer
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1992 78
Peter Duffie Advance Notice two spectators count a packet and remember the cards at that position, positions have been predicted
Inspired by
  • "Thought on a Mentally Selected Card" (Jack Yates, Pentagram, Oct. 1956)
1992 17
Graham Richards A Safe Bet five envelopes, one with question mark, after instructions with performer's back turned only the marked one remains and contains the money
Inspired by Oct. 1993
Profile (Issue 16)
Roy Johnson Tätersuche three cards with "lie" and three with "truth"
  • Die Fünfer-Version
Inspired by 1997
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 3)
Martin Joyal An Overview of Card Systems
  • System Categories
    • Sequential System Characteristics
    • Ordered System Characteristics
  • Overview of Systems
    • The New Deck System
    • The Grouped Value System
    • The Si Stebbins System
    • The Eight Kings System
    • The Stanyon System (Ellis Stanyon)
    • The Joseph System (Eddie Joseph)
    • The Esscee Prearranged Pack (Stanley Collins)
    • The Harding System (Bart Harding)
    • Jack's Pack (Jack Yates)
    • The Cornelius System (John Cornelius)
    • The Osterlind System (Richard Osterlind)
    • The Boudreau Systems (Leo Boudreau)
    • The No Memory Card Stack (Harry Riser)
    • The Lusthaus System (Robert Lusthaus)
    • The Memory-deck (Lewis Jones)
    • The Reymond System (Patrick Reymond)
    • The Wild System (Boris Wild)
    • Richard's Stack (Richard Uhrich)
1997 27
Peps Zoller Above Suspicion card thought of, spectator deal deck into two piles twice, then deals card according to value of his card, blank cards used
Inspired by
  • "Above Suspicion" (Jack Yates)
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 3-5)
Ramón Riobóo Signed Deal small packet spelling discovery
Inspired by
  • Jack Yates' "Miracle Mix-up"
Related to
2006 45
David Britland The Chalice from the Palace
  • Cardopolis
five glasses, one with "poison"
Inspired by
  • "Borgia's Banquet" (Cyril Tomlinson, Abracadabra, Vol. 28, No. 704)
Related to
June 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 6)
Max Maven Nomenclature
  • Lost Horizons
alphabet cards distributed among five spectators, a name from a list is chosen, performer divines the name by knowing which spectators have letters that occur in the name
Inspired by
  • "Choose Your Girl" (Jack Yates, Abra #702, July 1959)
Also published here
  • Linking Ring, April 1992
Apr. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 4)
Steve Beam No-Filler Killer using the principle of Miracle Mix-Up / Remote Control
Inspired by
  • Jack Yates' "Miracle Mix-up" in "Abbott's Anthology of Card Magic Vol. 3"
Also published here
2017 41
Steve Beam No-Filler Killer using the principle of Miracle Mix-Up / Remote Control
Inspired by
  • Jack Yates' "Miracle Mix-up" in "Abbott's Anthology of Card Magic Vol. 3"
Also published here
2018 96