163 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Lie Detector (without spelling)
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Vincent Dalban Something to Work on lie detector effect posed as a problem, spectator deals through cards and lies anytime, performer instantly knows
Variations Jan. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 4)
Charles Nyquist The Solution of "Something to Work on" stacked deck, two chains, solution
Inspired by Feb. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 5)
Stuart Robson The Lie Detective solution
Inspired by Feb. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 5)
Henry Christ Lies! Lies! Lies! corner short or one-way back
Related toVariations 1935
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1935)
Fred Heaman The Lie Detector (A Mental Discovery - Third Method)
1938 229
Henry Christ Lies! Lies! Lies! corner short or one-way back
1943 48
Edward Marlo The Lie Detective
1945 6
George G. Kaplan The Lie Detector
Variations 1948 110
Max Giebe Die Lügenkarte cards are named, spectator lies when selection turns up
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 9 No. Sondernummer 1)
The Lie-Detector Trick Simple card divination with lie detecting premise
1949 27
Frank Garcia, George Schindler The Poker-Face Card Trick No. 77, simple card divination with lie detecting premise
1950 140
Al Baker The Lie Detector marked
Also published here 1951 57
Paul Curry You're a Liar presentational idea
Related toAlso published here Jan. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 246)
Howard A. Adams Tri-Lie three peeked cards
Oct. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 266)
George Pearce The Lie Detector
1955 28
Paul Curry You're A Liar
Also published here 1956 109
Al Leech The Lie Detector
1959 5
Paul Curry Der Lügendedektor presentational idea
Also published here 1959
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 3)
Matt Schulien The Lie Test spectator's finger is moved over spread to locate selection with lie detector presentation
1959 57
Martin Gardner Variable Magnetic Lie Detector lie detector using the Variable Magnetic Executive Tranquilizer
Nov. 1964
The New Phoenix (Issue 393)
Fred Lowe The Truth Machine spirit bell as lie detector, body bell
Related to
  • "Nothing But The Truth" (The Wizard, Sept./Oct. 1950)
Also published here
July 1966 48
Rolf Andra Die Lügenkarte spectator names cards and lies when selection shows up, performer divines card
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 5)
Karl Fulves Example 13 two spectators note cards in a packet, after some questions and shuffling they are on the top, gray code and faro
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Gray Codes)
Karl Fulves Example 14 two spectators note cards in a packet, after some questions and shuffling they are on the top, gray code and faro
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Gray Codes)
Edward Marlo Mental Lie thought-of card, spectator reads cards, performer catches lie, three methods
1969 45
Karl Fulves The Gray Liar questions about selection are asked, at the end top card has text written on it that says when spectator lied and where the selection is, faro, see also Addenda on page 60
Related to 1970
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue First Supplement)
Roy Walton Flip Flop simplified version with reverse faros
Inspired by 1970
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Second Supplement)
John Hamilton Additional Hamilton Ideas as telephone effect with possible lies
Inspired by Aug. 1970
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Robert E. Neale More Lies thought card revealed with eight-card-packet as computer
Related toVariationsAlso published here Winter 1970
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 4th Folio)
James G. Thompson Jr. Lie Detector Variation
1972 139
Jack Vosburgh The Awful Truth
Variations 1972 139
Dr. Jacob Daley Bridge Trick ala Lie Detector No. 587, two cards selected from thirteen-card packets, found with lie detector presentation, details not clear
1972 164
Karl Fulves He Lied two cards
1973 2
Simon Aronson Lie Sleuth several lies detected, missing card in pocket known, interlocking chains
VariationsAlso published here Aug. 1973
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Jerry K. Hartman Truth Detector
Also published here 1973 79
Paul Curry Don't Lie To Me two spectators get half the pack and either lie or say the truth about each card, magician spots all the lies
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1974 47
Karl Fulves, Don Nielson Liars Convention magician blindfolded, three spectators choose cards two exchange cards, magicican knows who and the cards, marked stacked deck
1975 412
Roy Walton Truth & Consequences five cards, lie detector presentation
Also published here Sep. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Harry Lorayne It's Impossible! automatic placement, position of card predicted, or other ideas:
  • Spell a Name
  • Lie Detector
  • Think Stop
Variations 1977 146
John F. Mendoza Routined Poker Mental princess card trick with lie detection presentation
Variations 1978 19
Fred Lowe Die Wahrheitsmaschine spirit bell as lie detector, body bell
Also published here July 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Jerry K. Hartman Mentalias II using interesting force, spectator lies at his card
Also published here Jan. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Alex Elmsley Parity Failure some cards from 5x5 cards layout are turned over according to rules, condition is called out and on one card is lied
Also published here 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 20)
Michael Skinner Das Gedanken-Projektions-Spiel two spectators choose cards hands off, two halves with different sets of Koran type set-up
Also published here 1979
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Mike Skinner Seminarheft)
Edward Marlo, Paul Curry The Joker Reads Minds spectator thinks of card and reads order of shuffled deck, spectator should misread joker as selection, it is divined, six methods
Also published here 1980
The Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
Alex Elmsley, Colin Lewry Pack Of Lies Liar's Matrix, spectator selects card column and reads out their colors, lying on one of them, different methods:
  • Mnemonic Method
  • No Memory
  • And Again
  • Lewry's Lie Detector
Related to 1980 33
Alex Elmsley Tell Me Three Times three cards chosen and called out, on one of them is lied, stack
Also published here 1980 37
Alex Elmsley Parity Failure some cards from 5x5 cards layout are turned over according to rules, condition is called out and on one card is lied
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 38
Charles Hudson Parity Notes
Inspired by 1980 59
Roy Walton Unstacked Parity no stack version
Inspired by 1980 60
Leslie Anderson Liar... spectator selects group of cards and lies at one card
Magick (Issue 275)
Michael Skinner Thought Projection Pack two spectators choose cards hands off, two halves with different sets of Koran type set-up
Also published here 1982 1
Harry Lorayne, Robert E. Neale Voice Print eight cards, programming, binary
Related toVariations 1982 256
Other Uses - Prearranged Decks
  • Lie Detector
  • Think Stop
  • Gossiping Queen (whispering)
1982 34
Michael Powers Programmed Lie Detector computer program, trick performed by spectator with computer only, computer version of Aronson's Lie Sleuth
Inspired by 1983 45
John C. Wagner Australian Lie Detector impromptu
Summer 1984
West Coast Quarterly (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Charles Hudson Smart Deck cards reverse that indicate color, suit, value...
1985 501
Larry Jennings The Lie Detector
  • Lie Detector Variation (impromptu)
1986 115
John C. Wagner Would I Lie to You? seven card packet is programmed to find selection, mates are found as well
Related toVariations 1987 141
Robert E. Neale Der Lügendetektor thought card revealed with eight-card-packet as computer
Also published here 1987
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Roy Walton Truth & Consequences five cards, lie detector presentation
Also published here 1988 5
Jerry K. Hartman Mentalias II using interesting force, spectator lies at his card
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1991 454
Jerry K. Hartman Truth Detector
Also published here 1991 584
Peter Duffie The Ultimate Truth
Also published here 1991 6
Kuniyasu Fujiwara Lie Detector with long narrow clear strip that is folded in various ways so different messages appear on it
1992 79
Richard Vollmer Talk To Me eight card Packet
Inspired by Feb. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 2)
Karl Fulves Witness six spectators with cards and pens, one of them writes an X on his card behind performers back, those with red cards must speak truth, black must lie, performer finds murderer
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1992 78
Sam Schwartz Partner in Crime version of "Witness" in which criminal has a partner
Inspired byRelated to 1992 80
Karl Fulves Witness further comments
Related to 1992 88
Peter Duffie The Ultimate Truth
Related toVariationsAlso published here Feb. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Larry Jennings Face-Up Plunger Lie Detector card shows up reversed at the end of plunger sequence
Inspired by June 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Roy Walton The Waldo Fun Feit Detector
Inspired by July 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Harry Lorayne Quick and Direct
Inspired by Mar. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 3)
Edward Marlo, John C. Wagner Revised Lie Detector down under deal, quartet production, set-up, two variations:
  • For Center Dealers
  • For Side-Stealers
Inspired by 1993
The Olram File (Issue 14)
Jack Avis Eight Bytes Is Enough thought card revealed with eight-card-packet as computer
Inspired byAlso published here 1993 32
Karl Fulves Shocked
  • finger ring moves on table to ESP symbol (no method)
  • car magazine rolled up and car sounds come out of it (no method)
  • joy buzzer as sound generator, lie detector with five cards on plastic tray
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Stephen Tucker The Penultimate Truth
Inspired by Feb. 1993
Profile (Issue 12)
Jack Avis Eight Bites is Enough thought card revealed with eight-card-packet as computer
Inspired byAlso published here Dec. 1993
Profile (Issue 17)
Vicente Canuto El Detector de Mentiras simple version with forced card
1993 154
Alex Elmsley Pack of Lies Liar's Matrix, spectator selects card column and reads out their colors, lying on one of them, different methods:
  • Mnemonic Method
  • Marked Deck Method
  • Unmarked Deck Method
  • Lewry's Platform Presentation
1994 100
Colin Lewry, Alex Elmsley Lewry's Platform Presentation
Inspired by 1994 105
Alex Elmsley Parity Failure some cards from 5x5 cards layout are turned over according to rules, condition is called out and on one card is lied
Also published here 1994 392
Alex Elmsley Tell Me Three Times three cards chosen and called out, on one of them is lied, stack
VariationsAlso published here 1994 396
Simon Aronson Lie Sleuth several lies detected, missing card in pocket known, interlocking chains
Also published here 1994 5
Peter Duffie The Ultimate Truth
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1995 84
Peter Duffie A Pocketful of Lies packet in pocket, cards removed to answer truth or lie
Related to 1995 86
Bernard Rasmussen Alternate Opening for "The Ultimate Truth"
Inspired byVariations 1995 87
Peter Duffie Truth Serum
Inspired by 1995 90
Peter Duffie Four-Knowledge
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1995 102
Peter Duffie Four-Knowledge (Without Seconds)
Related to 1995 107
The Lie Detector
1995 91
Karl Fulves Pack of Lies No. 12, three red and black cards, spectators with red cards tell the truth, performer finds out who hides the Ace of Diamonds
Also published here 1995 20
Grace Ann Morgan Blinded By The Sleight performer blindfolded, spectator selects a card and takes out five cards one of which is the selection, performer hold each up while spectator says "no" to each, selection found
Also published here 1995 16
Tom Daugherty Nervous Ace & Hartman Force
Mar. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 3)
Peter Duffie Lie Stebbins Lie Detector effect with one selection, identity of cards determine if spectator is telling truth/lie (e.g. color, suit, value)
Related to 1997 51
Peter Duffie Lie Stebbins Plus! Lie Detector effect with two selection, identity of cards determine if spectator is telling truth/lie (e.g. spot/court, suit), but has double revelation
Related to 1997 54
Edward Marlo Sired Liar seven card packet is programmed to find selection, mates are found as well
Inspired by Jan. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 5)
Joel Givens Whitewashed rest of cards are blank
Also published here 1998 1368
Karl Fulves Would I Lie To You? three piles, performer selects card from center pile and makes statements, spectator take cards from lie or truth pile, values added, selection arrived at
Related to 1998
Underworld (Issue 9)
David Regal Lies Lie Detector premise for Between Your Palms
Inspired by 1999 108
Another Lie Detector Key card location, but presented as lie detector. Spectator lies when they see their card, magician knows.
1999 15
David Britland Sweet Little Lies lie detector with a selection and four chips with red/black, spot/court and suits on them
2000 4
Paul Curry You're a Liar presentational idea
Inspired byAlso published here 2001 79
Paul Curry Don't Lie to Me two spectators get half the pack and either lie or say the truth about each card, magician spots all the lies
VariationsAlso published here 2001 83
Karl Fulves Would I Lie? No. 43, three piles, card in center one remembered, cards taken from outer two piles in any combination, values added to count down to selection, no-shuffle Gilbreath
2001 97
Harry Lorayne It's Not Easy To Lie card selected from nine-card packet with down/under deal, card from remaining eight cards thought-of, lie detector, original selection used to count down to find it
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2001 9
Harry Lorayne That's The Truth! small packet
Inspired byAlso published here 2001 15
Harry Lorayne It's Not Easy To Lie card selected from nine-card packet with down/under deal, card from remaining eight cards thought-of, lie detector, original selection used to count down to find it
Also published here Nov. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 11)
Darwin Ortiz, John F. Mendoza Liar's Poker princess card trick with lie detection presentation and sucker finale à la Fingerprint Card Trick
Inspired by 2002 26
Al Baker The Lie Detector marked
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
Gary Plants Lie Detector
Inspired by 2004 9
Grace Ann Morgan Blinded By The Sleight performer blindfolded, spectator selects a card and takes out five cards one of which is the selection, performer hold each up while spectator says "no" to each, selection found
Related toAlso published here 2004 26
Grace Ann Morgan Liar! spectator reads off cards and lies at his selection
2004 55
Vincent Dalban, Charles Nyquist, Juan Tamariz The Liar - A Classic
2004 218
Juan Tamariz Answering Computer colors of cards as direction for spectator to lie or tell the truth, cards etc are divined
  • Other Presentations
    • A. The Trip
    • B. The Labyrinth
    • C. Hangman
Related to 2004 220
Giorgio Tarchini Back From Fishing
Inspired by 2006 161
Roberto Giobbi The Lie Detector location among seven cards, spectator lies at selection, card is divined by performer
2006 57
Roberto Giobbi, Richard Vollmer, John C. Wagner Cards Never Lie! seven card packet is programmed to find selection, mates are found as well
Inspired by 2006 93
Dai Vernon You lied! interesting peek
2007 38
Peter Duffie, Robert E. Neale Cal-Q-Lator twelve card set-up
Related to 2007 297
Joshua Jay To Tell The Truth II two cards are removed from (stacked) deck and divined with liar/truthteller presentation
Inspired by 2007 412
Benjamin Earl Lie Detector 1 cards eliminated until selection found
2007 17
Benjamin Earl Lie Detector 2 cards eliminated until selection found, additional thought of card determined
2007 17
Stewart James Vocalculate Lie detector plot, three people select a card each, magician divines each card by detecting lies
Inspired byAlso published here
  • handwritten notes, 1945
2007 62
Joel Givens Whitewashed finding four Nines, rest of cards are blank
Also published here 2007 224
Justin Higham, Kevin Baker The NoBo Lie Detector "No" = Bottom
  • First Version
  • Second Version (Kevin Baker)
  • Third Version (Kevin Baker)
  • Fourth Version (Kevin Baker)
  • Fifth Version
  • Sixth Version
  • Seventh Version
  • Eighth Version (Kevin Baker)
  • Ninth Version
  • Tenth Version (Kevin Baker)
Inspired by
  • Blackstone's Modern Card Tricks, pp. 130-133
Related toVariations
2008 57
Karl Fulves Lie Teller detective story presentation
Prolix (Issue 5)
Benjamin Earl In a Glimpse lie detector and divination
Jan. 2009
Gambit (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Liar For Hire "Unexplained"
single card as lie detector, it changes multiple times to answer lies or truth, posed as a problem
Prolix (Issue 6)
Grace Ann Morgan Reading The Tells card's identity divined by asking some questions
2009 29
Russell J. Hall Tri-Psyche three cards chosen and divined with lie-detector type questions, near-miss on final card
2009 156
Jason Michaels The Cootie Catcher Lie Detector folded origami Paper Fortune Teller is used to reveal selection
2010 23
Lewis Jones Polygram
Related to 2010 145
Ryan Schlutz Sense-sational three selections (one thought of, two chosen) found
2011 29
Steve Beam Internal Control cards biddled into left hand one by one until spectator says stop, then top and bottom slipped off at once, force and control/switch, effect application in which a selection is divined via other cards, all other cards blank or duplicates
Related to 2011 21
Barrie Richardson Pants on Fire two phases
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Club 71, Sep. 2003
2011 229
Paul Curry Don't Lie To Me (Computer) Magician and spectator get half the pack each, and either lie or say the truth about each card, computer can spot all the spectator's lies
Variations 2012 65
Denis Behr, Friedrich Roitzsch Lie Detector red/black lie detected by phone app
Inspired by 2013 12
Michael Weber, Tim Trono "Tell"-a-Phone Poker version of twenty-one card trick over phone with lie detector and poker theme
(Real Secrets Bonus sheet)
Nov. 2013
Real Secrets (Vol. 2 No. 20)
Woody Aragón La Maquina de la Verdad three cards selected and spectator lies while naming cards, lie is detected and name of card too
El Manuscrito (Vol. 7 No. 30)
Harry Lorayne That's The Truth! small packet
Also published here 2015 103
Justin Higham Skype Detector eight cards binary sorting
Related to 2015 24
Justin Higham Limited-Selection NoBo
Inspired by 2015 25
John Michael Wilson 1.5 Card Q&A spectator removes card from spread and lies on its identity, performer divines card and gives short reading
Inspired by
  • "1 Card Q&A" (Docc Hilford & Leonardo Silverio)
2016 29
Peter Duffie Lie To Me card chosen and lost, spectator can lie or tell the truth three times and performer cuts to a card that reveals the truth, selection travels to pocket and three cut-to cards transform into mates of selection
Nov. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 11)
Joseph Barry A Lie Detector Routine featuring a fair control sequence where the spectator cuts to a card and buries his pile
Sep. 2017
Operandi (Issue 3)
Bob Farmer A Card that Lies, a Deck that Tells the Truth OOSOOM type
Variations 2017 92
Michael Weber The Cards Don't Lie "Mike Weber Variation"
Inspired by 2017 98
Harry Lorayne Voice Print eight cards, programming, binary
Inspired by 2017 53
Harry Lorayne It's Not Easy To Lie eight cards, programming, binary
Inspired by 2017 57
Harry Lorayne Cal-Q-Lator with anti-faro programming
Related to 2017 115
Nick Trost The Oracle Lie Speller Oracle and Lie Speller combination, last card after reverse faro procedure is selection and top card after each phase indicates truth or lie, credit information
Inspired by 2017 1459
Giacomo Bigliardi Lies Lie Detection effect, magician detects lies to divine card, has ambigram kicker
Oct. 2018
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer #2))
Xiaobo Zhou 我不是 Mentalist (I'm not a mentalist) Card chosen, spectator reads cards out loud but lies about the selection, magician can tell the lie and divine selection
Related to 2018 34
Harry Lorayne That's The Truth! small packet
Also published here 2018 111
Edward Marlo The Joker Reads Minds spectator thinks of card and reads order of shuffled deck, spectator should misread joker as selection, it is divined
Also published here 2019 41
Harapan Ong, Joshua Jay Plunger Lie Detector Lie detector effect using Plunger Principle
2019 39
Matt Baker Say Anything Lie detector effect, end with magician showing prediction in an envelope of a random word thought of and written down by spectator, prediction is printed letter by letter on cards
Inspired by 2019 101
Patrick G. Redford Never Going To Give You Up Lie detection, followed by identifying the cards held by spectator, then identifying thought of card
Related to
  • "Sy-Fry" (Woody Aragon, Steve Beam's Semi-Automatic Card Tricks)
2019 92
Steve Beam The Randomized Lie Detector face-up/face-down cards to form a number and to find selection
Inspired by 2020 184
Stephen Hobbs Zoomatic II revelation with one suit
Related to
  • "Further Ideas with a Packet of Twelve Cards: 'The Hotel Mystery'" (Juan Tamariz, Verbal Magic, 2005)
Sep. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 9)
Franz Kaslatter Karten Lügen Nie No. 5
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Das Klitzekleine Zauberbuch, 2017, p. 221
2020 7
George McBride Petalies routine with twelve court cards
2022 71