216 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Super-Senses / Memory / Naming missing card(s)
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Neueste Methode, Karte zu erraten Stebbins type stack with 32 cards
1896 92
Der Gedächtniskünstler card taken out, spectator reads off remaining cards, performer names missing card, clocking mod 10 but with only thirty-two cards
Variations 1896 100
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Applications for Edge-Marked Deck also "Magisches Kartenspiel"
locating named card in squared deck and bringing it to top or bottom, identifying removed card
Inspired by July 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Das magische Kartenspiel fully edge-marked deck, divining missing card or reversed card
Related to June 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 6)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Das Riesengedächtnis card removed and rest of deck read off for performer who then names the missing card, then number named and performer names card at that position, clocking for both value and suit mod 10 (for thirty-two cards), also clocking with fifty-two cards without mod
Inspired byRelated to Mar. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Das Riesengedächtnis second part of explanation, card at any position named by memorising four cards and bringing the closest one to named position by pass
Related to Apr. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Charles T. Jordan The Rolling-off-a-Log Detection No. 6, card removed is found out, unusual presentation with card rolled to tube, card counting with only one suit
VariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 28
Charles T. Jordan The Mysterious Detective three spectators pocket cards, performer names them, stack that can be riffle shuffled once
Also published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Charles T. Jordan The Assistance Card Trick follow up to last trick, card is selected and put in pocket, performer goes through the cards once and knows the missing one, clocking mod 13
Also published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Charles T. Jordan The Pair Detection spectator removes a pair from a packet, performer finds out which cards, card counting, Parallel Principle precursor
Related toAlso published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
William Larsen, T. Page Wright A Dark Test light out, in dark two spectators pocket cards from one half each, performer names both
1928 12
Joe Berg Super Detection any four-of-a-kind removed, performer riffles through the cards and names missing quartet, subconscious
1930 16
Victor Farelli The Marvellous Discovery card removed from pack while performer is not looking, yet he quickly finds two cards that denote the selection by value and suit without looking at the faces
  • First Method
  • Second Method ("Shades")
  • Third Method (Difference in Design)
Related to 1931 12
Eric F. Impey The Amazing Memory removed cards are divined, basic Stay Stack use
1931 5
A Startling Experiment naming missing card
1935 19
Charles T. Jordan The Pair Detection spectator removes a pair from a packet, performer finds out which cards, card counting, Parallel Principle precursor
Also published here 1937 198
Charles T. Jordan Mysterious Detective three spectators pocket cards, performer names them, stack that can be riffle shuffled once
Also published here 1937 207
Charles T. Jordan The Missing Pair old new deck order (picture cards together, all others from Ace to Ten) deck dealt into four piles, spectator removes a value pair from any pile which is divined by performer
VariationsAlso published here 1937 226
Theodore Annemann Amazing Memory naming missing card, stacked deck
1937 235
Val Evans Multeffect Cards long-short paired deck used for a routine of eighteen different effects
Related toVariations 1937
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1936/37)
H. Adrian Smith A Unique Mental Problem missing cards are named, real memory
Variations 1938 906
Audley Walsh Gnome Madness spectator pockets any card he likes while spreading through them, this one is found
Apr. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 55)
Theodore Annemann A Mental Headache card counting, two columns suit and value

Related toVariations 1939 18
Verne Chesbro Mentelimination naming missing card(s), three methods
The Jinx (Issue 103)
Al Baker A Miracle of Memory using real memory, about thirteen cards are removed
VariationsAlso published here 1941 104
Hans "Severus" Ernst Mnemotechnik oder Hellsehen? naming missing card, clocking and marked deck, 36 cards, followed by french translation "Mnemotechnique ou bien clairvoyance?"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Ribbon Spread card is hidden, spectator and performer remove a card each from the face up deck, when all cards are removed the missing card is named, unorthodox clocking, as Rusduck
Related toVariationsAlso published here Feb. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 77)
Paul Curry The Whispering Jokers card is removed, all card named and removed one named instead of joker, selection is named
Related toVariations Aug. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 131)
Tan Hock Chuan R. & S. Memory Supreme gaffed method
Inspired by 1948 9
Martin Gardner Simplified Mnemonics spectator removes various cards with different values, performer going through the deck once and names missing values
  • Variation
Related to Nov. 1948 485
Charles T. Jordan The Memory Test No. 24, Spectator removes card from previously "memorized" packet of twenty-six cards, performer able to tell which card was removed
Related toVariations 1950 46
Russell "Rusduck" Duck, Chester "Dr. DeMille" Miller Ribbon Spread No. 126, card is hidden, spectator and performer remove a card each from the face up deck, when all cards are removed the missing card is named, unorthodox clocking, as Rusduck
Also published here 1950 243
Si Stebbins Si Stebbins' Master Tricks No. 133, multi-phase routine using Stebbins.
1950 257
Edward Marlo It's a Dilly missing card in borrowed deck is named, card is palmed out of borrowed deck
Variations 1953 75
Ken Beale Half a Headache card removed from half the deck is divined, then with other half, cards laid out on table in pattern that does card counting, also suit, parallel principle
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here Aug. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 2)
Charles T. Jordan, Martin Gardner Jordan's Method Charles Jordan's method for clocking a deck (can be used to clock for four removed cards), with a tip from Martin Gardner to use the feet or fingers to help keep track of the suits
Inspired byRelated to 1956 11
Edward Marlo Calculating Removed Card from memorized deck, card removed and eight faros shuffled in total
Related to Dec. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 15)
Edward Marlo Rough/Smooth Memorized Deck pairs, deck can be shuffled, any removed card can be identified by other card of the pair, also as set-up for brainwave deck
Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Charlie Miller, Dai Vernon Variation of Stanyon's Limit Card reconstructing a trick by Vernon described by Stanyon, two cards removed are divined with other cards
1961 32
Robert A. Nelson Mental Card Elimination one card is removed, 51 cards are shown once to spectator and he names missing card, method for value and suit
1961 12
Jochen Zmeck Medium partial rough-smooth, red and black alternate, then force blocks, three phases:
  • 1. spectator says if top card is red or black, he is always right
  • 2. spectator names position of a given card, the card is at that position
  • 3. performer put unknown card in pocket, spectator divines it
Related to 1962 18
Tan Hock Chuan, Jochen Zmeck Das Meister-Spiel deck shuffled, when card is removed the performer instantly knows it, rough-smooth pairs in Si Stebbins or other arrangement, also for clean removal of three cards from deck out-of-hand, number force for book test
Also published here 1967 10
Paul Swinford Inventory instantly naming missing card, stay stack
1971 25
Verne Chesbro Mentelimination missing card is named
1972 28
Paul Maurer, Edward Marlo Ihr Auftritt Herr Magier borrowed deck, performer says that a card is missing and names it after quickly fanning through it
Inspired by 1972
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 5)
Al Baker Al Baker's Card Memory No. 640, using real memory, thirteen cards are removed
Also published here 1972 178
Simon Aronson Lie Sleuth several lies detected, missing card in pocket known, interlocking chains
VariationsAlso published here Aug. 1973
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Charles T. Jordan The Missing Pair old new deck order (picture cards together, all others from Ace to Ten) deck dealt into four piles, spectator removes a value pair from any pile which is divined by performer
Also published here 1973 1
Jerry K. Hartman Mentalias Use of signed card to divine thought-of card
Inspired byRelated to 1973 64
Roger Smith How to Memoize the Whole Deck in an Instant naming position of selection, when deck is riffled in front of eyes, apparently memorizing the order
Jan. 1973
Necromancer (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Paul Curry The Missing Thought spectator sits on a card, looks at all the other cards, magician checks all the cards he receives on a pad, except the chosen one
1974 71
Charles T. Jordan The Pair Detection spectator removes a pair from a packet, performer finds out which cards, card counting, Parallel Principle precursor
Also published here 1975 36
Charles T. Jordan Quadruple Concentration four cards chosen, one of each suit, performer goes through deck and names the cards, clocking system with suits
VariationsAlso published here 1975 56
T. Nelson Downs An Improvement by T. Nelson Downs clocking system with suits and modulo
Inspired byAlso published here 1975 56
Charles T. Jordan The Rolling-off-a-Log Detection card removed is found out, unusual presentation with card rolled to tube, card counting with only one suit
Also published here 1975 129
Charles T. Jordan The Missing Pair old new deck order (picture cards together, all others from Ace to Ten) deck dealt into four piles, spectator removes a value pair from any pile which is divined by performer
Also published here 1975 155
Charles T. Jordan Mysterious Detective three spectators pocket cards, performer names them, stack that can be riffle shuffled once
Also published here 1975 158
Charles T. Jordan The Assistance Card Trick follow up to last trick, card is selected and put in pocket, performer goes through the cards once and knows the missing one, clocking mod 13
Also published here 1975 238
Simon Lovell Riffle Two
Mar. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 7)
Karl Fulves The Rundown spectator removes card and performer divines it, basic clocking application
1979 25
Karl Fulves Expanded Sum clocking & faro
1979 35
Karl Fulves Blocking With The Faro spectator removes card from shuffled deck, partial clocking, dated to 1960
1979 41
Burton S. Sperber Mind Scam two thirds of the deck are shown, performer memorizes the cards and names cards in the third packet
Related to 1979
Magick (Issue 231)
Charles Hopkins The 220 Count counting all the pips, sum up to 220 (ignore picture cards), with variations (Rusduck)
Related toAlso published here 1979 14
L. De Bevere Mnemodexterity routine with ABC cards or twenty-six design cards
  • missing card named
  • sequence of cards held by three spectators recited
  • position of any card named
  • deck cut at any letter called for
  • spelling to letters
Related to
  • "Pseudo Memory Act" (Tom Rigby, Magigram, Vol. 10 No. 3)
  • "Any card called for" (Louis Histed, The Magic of Louis S. Histed, 1947, p. 35)
1979 1
Karl Fulves Name-O-Quint spectator pockets any card, then any three cards, performer adds fourth card, those are read to medium in any order who then names pocketed card
1980 31
Nathan Stark Mem-O-Rex! shuffled deck, spectator removes a card unseen, performer goes through the cards and names missing card
Magick (Issue 267)
Val Evans, Juan Tamariz Superjuan (La Carta Que Falta) Efecto N°6, one or more cards are removed from shuffled deck and divined by performer
Variations 1980 31
Al Smith Stebbinside unknown card pocketed by spectator, another card is sandwiched via faro, it's the mate
Inspired by
  • "Si Stebbins Hits The Trail" (Al Smith, Abra)
1980 3
John Cornelius, Frank Garcia The Memory Expert Outdone finding missing card with card counting
1982 22
To Tell The Card Drawn from Kunard's "Book of Card Tricks" (1888), mod 13
1982 3
To Name a Card Drawn from a Piquet Pack from Kunard's "Book of Card Tricks" (1888), mod 10
1982 3
Karl Fulves Indexed Poker spectator removes any straight flush, performer names it after looking through deck
1982 4
Karl Fulves Digital Version spectator removes any straight flush, performer names it after looking through deck, optional edge-mark helps
1982 5
Charles Hopkins Hopkin's 220 System any number card thought-of
Related to 1982 8
Karl Fulves Time Sharing strategy to buy time for head work in card counting
Inspired by 1982 9
Karl Fulves 3-Handed Clock strategy to buy time for head work in card counting by playing a made-up three-handed game
1982 11
J. W. Sarles, John Scarne An Amazing Memory card removed from half a deck is divined
  • Not The Method
  • How It's Done
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1982 16
Karl Fulves Three Packet Memory card removed from a third of the deck is named
1982 22
Ken Beale Half a Headache card removed from half the deck is divined, then with other half, cards laid out on table in pattern that does card counting, also suit, parallel principle
Also published here 1982 27
Satya Ranjan Roy Novel Memory Trick with Cards non-mod card counting with negative numbers, for value and suit simultaneously, reprinted from Stanyon's, with "Notes by Karl Fulves"
Related to
  • "27. Another Method" (Stanyon's Magic, Vol. 13 No. 4, Jan. 1913, p. 30)
1982 40
Karl Fulves SRR + Stebbins missing card named by looking only through half the shuffled deck
1982 41
Karl Fulves Indian Poker spectator removes any card and a four-of-a-kind from shuffled deck, performer removes mate of first card, renamed "Roy-al Poker" in 2005 edition
1982 44
Karl Fulves Fake Counting non-clocking method with riffle shuffled stack to name a freely removed card
Related to 1982 46
Edward Marlo, Stephen Tucker It just don't add up? not really by Marlo?!, on casting out tens clocking, with pre-show application
Aug. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 16)
Curtis Kam Out any number card thought of is divined
1982 21
Terry LaGerould Super Scam naming missing card with nice convincer
Feb. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Karl Fulves Trackinback old new deck order (picture cards together, all others from Ace to Ten) deck dealt into four piles, spectator removes a value pair from any pile which is divined by performer, riffle shuffle connection
Inspired byAlso published here 1983 3
Karl Fulves Psychic Card Reading No. 95, nine cards given to spectator, he does a layout, removes a card and adds up the rest, performer with his back turned names the missing card
1983 127
Michael Powers Programmed Lie Detector computer program, trick performed by spectator with computer only, computer version of Aronson's Lie Sleuth
Inspired by 1983 45
Bascom Jones Ein Kartenlegen spectator removes three cards, divined after a layout of the rest of the deck, mechanical card counting
Jan. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 3 & 4)
Philip T. Goldstein The Mockingbird missing card divined, part of the "Birds of Prey" locations, Palindromic Rosary Stack
1986 1
Bob Farmer 220 Count Location Simplified
Related toAlso published here 1987/1988 16
Dai Vernon What's-the-Value Solitaire
Related toVariations 1989 215
Brother John Hamman Three Guesses unseen card placed aside, spectator chooses three wrong cards, performer names card and three cards change to mates
1989 72
Philip T. Goldstein ESPresso removed ESP card divined with other cards, binary sorting
1989 1
William Larsen, T. Page Wright The L. W. Super-Detection spectator removes card from anywhere, performer removes two cards that stand for value and suit of selection, also with two cards or with spectator locating the cards in his pocket
1991 196
Charles T. Jordan The Missing Pair No. 40, old new deck order (picture cards together, all others from Ace to Ten) deck dealt into four piles, spectator removes a value pair from any pile which is divined by performer
Also published here 1992 46
Karl Fulves "Missing Pair" Notes No. 41, old new deck order (picture cards together, all others from Ace to Ten) deck dealt into four piles, spectator removes a value pair from any pile which is divined by performer, riffle shuffle connection
Inspired byAlso published here 1992 47
Charles T. Jordan Quadruple Concentration No. 42, four cards chosen, one of each suit, performer goes through deck and names the cards, clocking system with suits, with Downs modulo addition
Also published here 1992 49
Charles T. Jordan The Rolling-Off-a-log Detection No. 96, card removed is found out, unusual presentation with card rolled to tube, card counting with only one suit
Also published here 1992 121
Karl Fulves "Rolling-Off-a-log Detection" Notes No. 97, card removed is found out, different method without card counting
Inspired by 1992 122
Charles T. Jordan The Mysterious Detective No. 132, three spectators pocket cards, performer names them, stack that can be riffle shuffled once
Also published here 1992 164
Charles T. Jordan The Pair Detection No. 195, spectator removes a pair from a packet, performer finds out which cards, card counting, Parallel Principle precursor
Also published here 1992 233
The Devil's Deck edge marked deck, freely removed cards are named
Also published here
  • "A Mystic Discovery" (1927 Tarbell System of Magic, p. 20-24)
1993 140
Bob King Seeing is Believing performer blindfolded for full routine
Phase I: a card pocketed and another selected
Phase II: selection found at named small number
Phase III: two more cards divined, using 52-on-One and 3-1/2 gag cards
Phase IV: four Aces dealt in poker round
Phase V: pocketed card named
1993 22
Steve Dusheck Edgy edge-marked deck, using case with one side missing
1993 113
Meir Yedid Odd-Even Location one fair riffle shuffle, three cards removed from deck while performer's back is turned, after looking through the deck, the performer names the cards
Inspired by
  • "Scan Location" (Mark Mitton)
1994 31
Simon Aronson Lie Sleuth several lies detected, missing card in pocket known, interlocking chains
Also published here 1994 5
Philip T. Goldstein The Mockingbird missing card divined, part of the "Birds of Prey" locations
1995 2
Karl Fulves Super Count No. 13, clocking with only ten cards
1995 22
Karl Fulves Mind Mirror No. 15, card from a third is removed after performer memorized the pile, he names missing card, key card placement after riffle shuffle
1995 25
Hervé Pigny Rain man card is removed and with a quick look through the cards named by the performer
Also published here 1995 113
Philip T. Goldstein The Mockingbird missing card divined, part of the "Birds of Prey" locations
1996 3
Ray Grismer Gambler's Recall removed cards are divined, memory presentation
Syzygy (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Philip T. Goldstein The Mockingbird missing card divined, part of the "Birds of Prey" location
1997 5
Frederick Braue Three Card Mindread three spectators remove cards from deck, performer divines them
Related to 1997 17
Pit Hartling Triathlon three card challenge location, sophisticated
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1998 24
Philip T. Goldstein The Mockingbird missing card divined, part of the "Birds of Prey" location, in english and french
1998 3
Jas Jakutsch Super Card Memory - With a Kick ("SCAM"- With a Kick) eight people take a card and put them in their pocket, all missing cards are named and assigned to the right person, belly strippers
1999 4
Ellis Stanyon To Discover Card Removed from Pack of Fifty-two No. 20, casting out thirteen
1999 68
Ellis Stanyon To Discover One of Two Cards Removed from Fifty-two No. 22, two cards removed, clocked, one card named by spectator, other one then known by performer
1999 70
Ellis Stanyon Naming the Card Secretly Placed in a Pocket No. 18
1999 91
Ellis Stanyon Special Arrangement of Whist Pack and Tricks with Same No. 6, similar to Stebbins
(a) To Discover the Top Card
(b) To Discover a Card Removed from Either of Two Portions
(c) To Discover the Bottom Card from Either Half of the Pack
(d) Reading the Whole Pack
(e) To Name Either or All of Four Cards Dealt in a Row
(f) To Discover a Card Freely Selected
1999 104
Chuck Smith, Michael Skinner Mighty Memory third of deck stacked, multiple phases
2000 19
Paul Curry The Truth-Telling Joker card is removed, all card named and removed one named instead of joker, selection is named
Related to 2001 81
David Malek Diamonds Are A Magician's Best Friends spectator removes card, magician looks through deck and names it, clocking only one suit
2001 10
Harry Lorayne Epitome Location, Junior packet with value zero removed, spectator pockets one card, deck combined, performer looks through and removes three-of-a-kind that matches, handling variations
2001 443
Harry Lorayne What A M-E-S! "Memory Estimation Sleight-of-hand"
shuffled deck, card removed (force), divined after dealing deck into four piles, one of each value in each pile, memory demonstrations, all four-of-a-kinds together, faro
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2001 631
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Double take unknown card removed, another card chosen and placed aside, second card divined by turning over some cards in the deck of same suit, value, ... then the three mates of removed card turn over
Related to 2002 71
Al Baker A Miracle of Memory using real memory, about thirteen cards are removed
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
Karl Fulves How Dice Know card chosen, two dice thrown, selection found, then unknown card pocketed, dice divine it, Riffle Shuffle Control, partial clocking
Off The Books (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Missing x Two twelve court cards removed, two of them put aside unknown, performer looks at other ten, one card placed back, performer divines the missing one
Related to 2003
Off The Books (Issue 6)
Jamie Badman Mr. Memory Man missing card named by looking through the rest, then three mates found face down, they're the wrong cards but change into the right ones
Inspired byRelated to 2003 113
Chris Wardle A Further "CW Mene-Tekel" Variation Plus Ideas For Its Use kind of "Multeffect Cards" type deck with various effects
Related to 2003 23
Hideo Kato Kato Count method to track the suits with thumb on face of deck
Also published here Jan. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 5)
Karl Fulves Still Missing spectator riffle shuffles deck, deals about twelve cards in a pile and removes one, performer divines card by looking at remainder of pile
2004 29
Grace Ann Morgan The Ultimate Weapon two decks, two spectators select one from each, performer apparently memorises the decks, names position of selections in other decks, then another removed card named
Inspired by 2004 10
Karl Fulves The Count Of Cards two cards are pocketed from packet, performer names them, presentation about simple card counting system for blackjack
Related to 2004
Charlatan (Issue 8)
Karl Fulves Blockhead card removed from a secretly pre-clocked block is divined
Related to 2005 16
Karl Fulves Outcast card moved from one third of deck into another is found with (apparently) memory work, clocking and partial red-black separation
Inspired by 2005 28
Karl Fulves, Ken Beale Ten-Hour Day card chosen in clock-layout with mathematical method, second card removed from rest of deck, both cards are divined
Inspired by 2005 40
Karl Fulves Fake Counting non-clocking method with riffle shuffled stack to name a freely removed card, expanded text from 1982 edition includes a (corner) short card that stay next to a card during riffle shuffles
Related to 2005 58
Karl Fulves Apex Note another full deck stack method to find out which card is missing from half a deck
2005 63
Karl Fulves Kid Stuff finding missing card in small packet, for practicing
Related to 2005 5
Charles T. Jordan, Karl Fulves Reckoning With Jordan commented reprint of "The Pair Detection", spectator removes a pair from a packet, performer finds out which cards, Parallel Principle
Related to 2005 10
Karl Fulves Displaceable U deck cut in half, both halves shuffled, spectator removes some cards of named suit and places them in box, another one from other half under box, last one is named
Related to 2005 11
Karl Fulves Fractional Counts clocking used with only a known section in middle of deck
Related to 2005 21
Karl Fulves Third Degree two thirds are clocked, one, two or three selections can be removed or returned to different section and found
2005 24
Karl Fulves Suit Solution in Clocking card removed, performer removes four-of-a-kind of same value but originally removed card vanishes as it cannot be there
2005 25
Karl Fulves From Concentrate clocking only one color or other property
2005 26
Karl Fulves Thot By Proxy spectator removed queen and any card from same suit, they're divined
2005 35
Karl Fulves Line of Sight edge marks on twelve cards combined with card counting
2005 38
Karl Fulves Light Fingered two cards removed from upper and lower half of deck after riffle shuffles, performer looks through deck and names both
2005 40
Karl Fulves Unique Sums set-up so that two cards removed from a certain part still produce unique clocking value
2005 42
Karl Fulves Lettra Set two missing cards found with clocking and faro-shuffled set-up
2005 43
Karl Fulves Clockwork deck cut, cut in half and any card removed, performer looks through this pile and names card
  • The System
  • First case
  • Second Case
  • Third Case
2005 47
Karl Fulves Royal Flush Clock spectator removes any Royal Flush card, performer quickly goes through deck and removes card from same Royal Flush
2005 70
Karl Fulves Double Card Count two cards removed, still found with card counting
2005 72
Karl Fulves Counter Intelligence clocking location with partially divided deck
2005 33
Michael Powers Punch Drunk any card pocketed by spectator under fair conditions, performer deals through deck and says he'll stop at mate, cell phone rings and person at other end names selection, 50% Punched Deck (every other card)
  • Cell Phone Finish
  • Alternate Finish (1)
  • Alternate Finish (2)
  • Alternate Finish (3)
Related to 2006 98
Michael Powers Code 5 five cards removed from deck, one hidden, assistant is shown other four cards and names fifth one, repeat in which a card is cased and divined
Inspired by 2006 119
Michael Powers Tri-EASY-Thon card selected, thought of and removed, all divined
  • Impromptu Method (clocking)
Inspired by 2006 171
Mark Aspiazu Mission IMPossible Pseudo-memory routine, name missing card, using "The Imp Stack"
2007 36
Karl Fulves Scales of Justice card pocketed from twelve-card straight is divined
2007 32
Karl Fulves Not About Counting twelve court cards, one or two removed, performer divines them
2007 47
Karl Fulves Missing Link card removed from twelve-card packet is divined
Related to 2007 51
Max Maven Minus Arcana spectator removes card from Tarot deck, cards milked to get to center card, done again, three cards used to identify missing card
Inspired by Nov. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 11)
Shiv Duggal Frequency card peeked at, deck shuffled by spectator, performer goes through card and names position of selection
  • Phase 2 (two cards moved from one half to other is found)
  • Phase 3 (three cards are removed, performer names them after looking through deck)
deck secretly ends up separated in suits
Inspired by 2008 61
Nick Trost Mental Fingertips spectator cuts off pile and pockets it, then pockets a card as well, performer finds two cards in his pocket that match the number of cut-off pile, then mate
Also published here
  • marketed in 1964
2009 345
Patrick Dessi La mémorisation
2009 44
Steve Beam Storage Capacity two missing cards are named, stack and interlocking chain principle
2010 49
Steve Beam Tricycle three missing cards are named as memory demonstration, stack and interlocking chain principle
2010 52
Karl Fulves Scot's Key ca. twenty cards from shuffled deck removed, spectator exchanges one with Joker and puts unknown card aside, performer deals packet face-down into four piles into suits and names removed cards
Xtra Credit (Issue 5)
Román García Memorable deck is shuffled by spectator, one card removed, deck is memorized and every card named including missing card
2010 99
Roberto Giobbi Cardstalt Plus one card is removed, performer deals through deck once and names missing card
2010 49
Harry Lorayne Less of a M-E-S! "Memory Estimation Sleight-of-hand"
shuffled deck, card removed (force), divined after dealing deck into four piles, one of each value in each pile, memory demonstrations, with non-faro ending
Inspired byAlso published here Dec. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 12)
Darwin Ortiz Double Tap two cards pocketed by spectator while back is turned, divined instantly, memorized or Si Stebbins type stack
Inspired by
  • "Eliminator" (Adrian Sullivan, marketed effect)
2012 241
Jason Ladanye Bringing Down the House missing card named, four naturals after spectators-shuffle procedure
Variations 2013 201
Justin Higham Pseudo Memorisation Plus spectator shuffles once, card forced, its identity divined and then matching three-of-a-kind found, two cards preset on each half (mini-Gilbreath)
Related to 2013 15
Mental Elimination determine which four-of-a-kind is missing from deck
2014 102
Patrick G. Redford Mental Elimination + Covert Grouping concept to get spectator to name the only card missing from deck, based on Mental Elimination concept and careful wording
2014 109
Harry Lorayne Less Of A M-E-S! "Memory Estimation Sleight-of-hand"
shuffled deck, card removed (force), divined after dealing deck into four piles, one of each value in each pile, memory demonstrations, with non-faro ending
Related toAlso published here 2015 64
Karl Fulves Short Takes notes on short card applications
  • card is removed and substituted with Joker, missing card named after shuffling
  • cutting to a crimp or short card (see also p. 15)
  • shuffling with short cards
Related to 2015
The Lowdown (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Note 2 one of nine cards removed, performer names it
The Lowdown (Issue 1)
Michael Weber The Card Problem fairly removed card named by phoned person, strict conditions, posed as problem
Feb. 2016
Operandi (Issue 1)
Chris Rawlins Pseudo three phase memory demonstration, first red black, then suits, then naming missing card
Also published here 2016 (ca.) 1
Pit Hartling Memory Maven card removed and peeked at in shuffled deck, performer looks through cards and names missing card as well as position of second selection
Inspired by
  • Max Maven effect
Winter 2017
Quarterly (Issue 5)
Pit Hartling, Denis Behr Memory Maven Variation method variation of Pit Hartling's effect
Inspired by Winter 2017
Quarterly (Issue 5)
Bob Farmer 220 Count Location Simplified
Also published here 2017 83
Chris Rawlins A Bonus (Pseudo Memory) three phase memory demonstration, first red black, then suits, then naming missing card
Also published here 2017 63
Patrick G. Redford An Impressive Clocking Demonstration Chinese Shuffle Stacking to Si Stebbins in process, several phases
2017 39
Asi Wind Stripper Ploy find out which card is missing with stripper deck
Related to 2018 116
Denis Behr Photographic Memory
  • First Phase - Move-a-Card
  • Second Phase - The Missing Card
  • Third Phase - Half the Deck (spectator takes phone picture of order, after shuffling the order the performer can still recite it correctly)
Inspired by 2018 59
Matt Baker Card College
  • First phase: magician can accurately estimate the number of cards in a packet cut off by spectator
  • Second phase: magician can accurately estimate the number of cards in a packet cut off by spectator and hidden in pocket, after cards have been shuffled
  • Third phase: magician can name every card in a packet previously placed inside the card box, unseen
Inspired by
  • "Blind Estimation" (Luis Otero, Cartificios, DVD)
2019 21
Matt Baker S.O.L. card selected by spectator under very stringent conditions, magician is still able to divine its identity, x-ray case
2019 233
Alberto de Figueiredo Memorización de la baraja card is removed and placed inside spectator's pocket, then packet cut and shuffled, performer memorizes packet and knows colors, repeated with suit and eventually entire deck, missing card is named as a climax
  • Primera fase: Los colores
  • Segunda fase: Los Palos
  • Tercera Fase: Todas las cartas
  • Encore: falta una carta
2019 297
Steve Forte Total Recall Scanning shuffled deck, spectator cuts off about a quarter, rest dealt through two at a time, then all missing values named, not easy
  • TRS
  • the system
2020 1037
Your Moment of Zen naming value missing four-of-a-kind after riffling through the deck
2020 61
Greg Chapman One Card Missing (Version 2) spectator removes any card, after a few faros the performer looks through the cards and names missing card
Inspired by
  • "One Card Missing" (Greg Chapman, Details of Deception, 2017)
2020 49
Ryan Schlutz No Weigh! unknown card pocketed, performer know number of cut-off cards, repeat, values of cards are divined via weighing, then number of pips in a packet (Hummer) and missing card
Inspired by 2021 29
John Graham Square Deal list of hundred card tricks, one chosen and performed (handful of missing cards found by looking at remaining fifty-one cards), then magic square with numerical position of that trick in the list
Inspired by
  • "The Brain Shows Off" (Harry Anderson, Tipping the Hat, 2011)
Related to
2021 231
Eugene Burger Clocking the Deck and an Unnamed Effect spectator removes any number card, performer finds mate
2021 125
Greg Chapman Three Packet Displacement cutting procedure to remove a card which can be identified by performer
Variations 2021 55
Scott Baird The Gambler, The Magician, and The Psychic two cards chosen, one removed, all found, using One and a Half Way Deck
Inspired byRelated to May 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Francisco Mousinho Shereshevsky Approach ten cards taken from shuffled deck and distributed amongst spectators, rest apparently clocked and missing cards divined, positions of a three-of-a-kind matching the last card is named as climax
2022 85
Hideo Kato Kato Count method to track the suits with thumb on face of deck
Also published here 2022 157
Hervé Pigny Rain Man card is removed and with a quick look through the cards named by the performer
Also published here 2022 629
Michael Weber Divination Effect spectator cuts deck into three piles and pockets top card of any pile while the performer is not looking, performer names card
2023 6
John Guastaferro The Other Mates spectator pockets a card from a poker hand (high card force), performer divines it and the spectator finds its mates by spelling trick title
Inspired by
  • "All Three Kings" (John Guastaferro, Hand Off My Notes, 2015)
2023 71
John Michael Wilson A Solitary Effect No. IV, esoteric knowing of the suit after Vernon's Solitaire, follow up with removing a four-of-a-kind with the riffle-guessing of the value done by spectator
Inspired by 2024 7
Roberto Giobbi A Trick with the Card-Case Glimpse spectator removes a card and cases the deck, performer names it
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Dec. 31)
Joshua Jay The Curious Incident card removed from the deck, rest the deck apparently memorized and all values recited, the removed card is named
  • The Curious Incident with the Particle System
2024 114
Joshua Jay Triple Pocket three spectators cut off a packet to the table and pocket the next card, all three are divined
Inspired by 2024 205
Joshua Jay Moe’s Memorized Move-a-Card a removed card is named by looking a rest (no card is moved)
2024 234
Joshua Jay Self-Starter spectator removes any card from spread and pockets it, the spectator cuts three packets from deck that match color, suit and value of pocketed card
Inspired by
  • "Triple Play" (Simon Aronson, MUM, March 2012)
2024 12