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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Sam Leo Horowitz The Twenty-Five Card Trick twenty-five duplicates
Related toVariations 1938 142
Edward Marlo No Palm Aces to Pocket featuring bottom placement at coat edge move, lapel load
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1941 10
U. F. Grant Slow Motion Bill Transposition
Related toVariations 1943 109
Bill Simon Sympathetic Control spectator cut deck in three piles, one queen is put in each pile, last queen is on the table, when that queen is turned over, the other queens turn over too
Variations 1952 39
Edward Marlo Traveling Card three packets
Variations 1953 93
Alex Elmsley Late Night Location spectator cuts off a pile, remembers bottom card and shuffles, packet returned and deck faro shuffled, selection found, stay stack with duplicates
Related toVariationsAlso published here Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
Matt Schulien The Corner in the Glass deck set on top of glass, torn-off corner of card appears in glass
Related toVariations 1959 130
Harry Lorayne Out of this Universe some red and black sorting comes out despite real shuffles, not really OOTW effect
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1962 80
Dai Vernon Vernon's Aces Aces separated in four piles, brought together to top via faro
Related toVariations 1962 162
Jack Ketch Torn and Restored Bill Ideas with scotch
Related to Jan. 1965
The New Phoenix (Issue 394)
Allan Ackerman The Spectator Refuses to Cut to the Four Aces
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1970 7
John Hamilton Eyes of the Gods two spectators with half the deck each chose a card, spectators deal through deck and performer announces first card, second card spelled to
Related toVariationsAlso published here Aug. 1970 351
Allan Ackerman Ackerman Varies Kelly
Related toVariations 1971 15
The Electro-Static Cigarette improvement of blowing thing
Related to 1972 173
"Magic" Christian Stelzel Surprising Jokers four jokers change backs, then deck
Variations 1972 68
Simon Aronson Lie Sleuth several lies detected, missing card in pocket known, interlocking chains
VariationsAlso published here Aug. 1973
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Edward G. Brown The Twelve Card Thought Transition
Variations 1973 39
Martin A. Nash Vernash's Aces faros and Free Cut Principle, see p. 443 for additional crediting
Related toVariations 1975 70
Edward Marlo Cased-In Disappearance lapping from case, see also page 10 of 21st Century Card Magic
Variations 1975
Hierophant (Issue 7 Resurrection Issue)
Dai Vernon Vernon Utility Move card vanishes from small packet, reappears reversed in middle of deck, card stolen from out-jogged packet on top underneath top card
Related to 1976 24
Bruce Cervon Fast Flush royal flush production, pivot revelation, five methods
  • Fast Flush Finish
Variations 1976 45
Peter Kane The Blushing Jokers four blue-backed jokers, turn red one by one, then blue again, red/blue double backer
Variations 1976
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Edward Marlo More Miracle Card Changes different variations (including tabled)
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1977 149
Maro Nash An Incomplete Masterpiece IF Control, Penelope's Principle, see p. 447 for additional crediting
Related toVariations 1977 216
Paul Harris Grasshopper card vanishes between two Kings, travels to between another two Kings
Variations 1977 23
Allan Ackerman Card Case Collectors faro, no contact
Related toVariations 1978 17
Allan Ackerman Variance Variant with transformation kicker
Related toVariations 1978 90
Simon Aronson Histed Heisted matrix card divination, last card predicted
Inspired by
  • "The Miracle Divination" (Louis Histed, The Magic of Louis S. Histed)
Related toVariationsAlso published here
1978 104
Allan Hayden Jumbo Coin Jumbo coin to jumbo coin
Variations June 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Richard Kaufman, Jon Racherbaumer Swivelleroo Plus flourish cut around swivel action, credit information
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1979 28
Karl Fulves Riffle Shuffle Control card selected from incomplete riffle shuffle controlled to twenty-six from top
Related to 1979 7
Christopher Morgan Computer Card Trick with introduction by Karl Fulves
computer program with which any selected card can be divined, program guesses color, suit, etc. correctly
VariationsAlso published here
  • "Computer Card Trick" (Christopher Morgan, On Computing, Fall 1979)
Interlocutor (Issue 34)
Paul Harris, Tayari Casel Twilight coins are produced with a small mirror, four coins, mirror in small envelope, five phases
VariationsAlso published here 1979 1
Norman Houghton Trinity three cards alike
Related toVariations Sep. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Edward Marlo Bluff Sandwich bluff pass force, dribble finesse
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980
Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
Chris Hampton The Dream Boat Dazzler final coin through table into glass with both hands over table and spectator holds glass
Variations 1980 51
Steve Skomp The Shrinking Deck credit correction on page 612, additional credit and sources to Sheldon Waldman and Walt Rollins
Related to Sep. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Michael Powers Four Card Monte
Variations Nov. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Geoffrey Latta Collecting the Vanishing Aces Aces vanish one by one from top of deck, then they are shown to have collected four selections
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1981 45
Allan Ackerman Short All-Backs Routine Quick 3-Way
Related toVariations 1981 7
Don England Phase 51 deck vanish to pocket
Variations 1981 15
Paul Harris The Bizarre Vanish card visually vanishes while spectator holds it
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1981 81
Jerry Sadowitz The Whisperers four Jacks "whisper" three selections and transpose with them
Related toVariations 1982 8
Martin A. Nash Fast Stack one shuffle and some cutting
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1982 74
Don England Open Travelers Plus Aces to Kings transformation as kicker
Inspired byVariations 1982 415
Philip T. Goldstein Ascension transformation kicker
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1982 473
Derek Dingle Switch on Elmsley
Inspired byVariations 1983 48
Ray Mertz International Reverse Matrix
Variations Dec. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Richard Kaufman (reviewer) Powerful Magic by Michael Powers (written by Michael Powers) Aug. 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Bill Kalush Rubber Ringer finger ring on rubber band
Related toVariationsAlso published here Sep. 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 13)
Brother John Hamman The Signed Card
Related toVariationsAlso published here Oct. 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Michael Powers Mike's Dwarf
Related toVariations 1983 37
Steve Biller Mr. Biller's Wild Ride twisting with transformation kicker and cards to case, pockets, under spectator
Variations 1983 40
Paul Harris Extra Special Close-Up Kinda Guy Bonus Effect combination of "Shrunken Twilight" and "Mike's Dwarf"
Inspired by 1983 88
Michael Powers Forward
Michael Powers Deduce is Wild four Twos put in case, three cards signed and put on table, one Two removed and it changes into each selection one by one, then selections transpose with remaining three Twos in case
1983 1
Michael Powers The amBIGuous Card card chosen, miniature selection jumps out of deck, grows and shrinks again
Inspired byAlso published here 1983 7
Michael Powers Counter-Intuitive Transpo Matching the Cards meets Reset in a weird effect combination
1983 11
Michael Powers Four-Tune Hunter named four-of-a-kind produced
1983 16
Michael Powers Half-Pass Stabbing Force deck starts reversed under top card
1983 16
Michael Powers Blank Monte monte with three blank cards and Jack of Hearts, all change to Aces at the end
Inspired by 1983 19
Michael Powers Spectator Becomes Magician two selections, spectator touches card in spread, selections shown on both sides of it
1983 25
Michael Powers Color Ambitious ambitious card with color changing back kicker
1983 27
Chuck King Slide-Under Double Lift Substitute slide-under switch action with alignment move type action to get a card underneath a single on top of the deck
Related to 1983 31
Michael Powers Thought Photography two blank cards are signed on the back, their faces become two previous selections
1983 33
Michael Powers The Off Color Vanish Bizarre Twist and Vanish
Inspired by 1983 38
Michael Powers Quadratic Aces three cards selected, then slow-motion Ace Assembly, then the other three packets are shown to consist of four-of-a-kinds corresponding to selections
1983 41
Michael Powers Programmed Lie Detector computer program, trick performed by spectator with computer only, computer version of Aronson's Lie Sleuth
Inspired by 1983 45
Michael Powers International Reverse Matrix Plus
Inspired by 1983 59
Michael Powers Flourish Coin Production coin produced, coin roll, a second coin produced
1983 64
Gary Kurtz Fusion two half-dollars transform into dollar
Inspired byVariations 1983 66
Michael Powers Fusion Plus two quarters become a half-dollar, repeat, then two half-dollars transform into dollar, lapping
Inspired byVariations 1983 67
Michael Powers, Jay Sankey Fusion Plus Standing two quarters become a half-dollar, repeat, then two half-dollars transform into dollar, no-lap version
Inspired by 1983 69
Michael Powers The Shrinking Dime dime changes into miniature dime on close-up pad
1983 72
Michael Powers The Convertible Case miniature card case grows into normal case, deck put inside
1983 74
Michael Powers The Power Case Arrco case has holes, gaffed case which can simulate that something is in it or not with sliding card section
  • Applications (see next entries)
1983 77
Michael Powers The Vanishing Deck using Power Case
Inspired by 1983 82
Michael Powers Color Changing Deck using Power Case
1983 83
Michael Powers Signed Card Appears in card case, using Power Case
  • Variation
Variations 1983 84
Michael Powers A Thought getting the spectator to sign on a different card than he thinks, low spot card, using Power Case
1983 85
Simon Aronson Simon Aronson's Idea signed card appears in card case, using Power Case
Inspired by 1983 85
Michael Powers Packman cigarette pack transforms into cased deck of cards
1983 90
Michael Powers The Ultimate Color Changing Card Case
  • Overview
  • Tools
  • The Construction
  • Afterthoughts (credit information)
  • The Color Change
Variations 1983 94
Edward Marlo The Marlo Handling
Inspired by 1983 104
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Powerful Magic by Michael Powers Jan. 1984
Epoptica (Issue 5)
Dave Walker Holy-Holey moving hole, with red and blue back cards
Inspired by
  • Michael Powers' "Holy Terror"
1984 67
Richard Kaufman Vacilation card becomes miniature card and normal again several times while it is flicked
Variations 1985 43
Larry Jennings The Hook hanging coins version
Variations 1986 40
Robert D. Michaels, David Ben, Michael Close, Bob Farmer, Michael Weber Invisible Triumph rough smooth, for credit information see reference
Related to May 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 5)
Juan Tamariz Blown Away "Neither Blind Nor Silly"
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here July 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 7)
Ken Simmons Additions to a Change unload into center
Inspired byRelated to 1987 38
Ken Simmons Audacious Transposition card isolated from deck transposes with card in deck
Related toVariations 1987 43
Darwin Ortiz The Dream Card odd-backed "signed card" type effect, card to wallet
Related toVariations 1988 81
Dai Vernon Faro Slough Off
Related to 1988 128
Edward Marlo Undiscovered Possibilities - 1st Effect stripper deck, missing card is named, memorized stack
Related to 1988 182
Wyman Jones, Paul Harris Galaxy only two piles, three methods
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1988
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 9-12 Paul Harris: The Act)
Gary Ouellet, Michael Powers Touch Three Cards two cards are selected and lost in the deck, a third card is turned over and the chosen cards found next to it
1990 142
Michael Powers Introduction
1990 iii
Michael Powers Evolution four Kings change to all backs to four Two of Clubs to the four Aces with patter about the history of cards
Inspired byVariations 1990 1
Michael Powers Quick Four Way Count variation of Quick 3-Way to show a packet of apparentely four (really five) cards as all the same
Inspired by 1990 2
Michael Powers The Nightmare Card odd-backed version of the Dream Card Plot where the card apparently stays on the table in full sight, red/blue double backer
Inspired by 1990 5
Michael Powers Bonus Plot variation of Brother John Hamman's Signed Card where the card is odd backed
Inspired by 1990 8
Michael Powers Flushing Out the Queens royal flush production, pivot revelation
Inspired by 1990 9
Michael Powers The AT&T Trick "ambitious-twist-transpo"
Ace to Four set aside, ambitious sequence with selection which is left outjogged, twisting routine, last card transposes with outjogged selection
1990 13
Michael Powers Squeezing the Jacks twisting routine with four Jacks, they change into Aces, Jacks are found in different places
Inspired by 1990 16
Michael Powers Whether Forecast spectator deals into two piles and stops anywhere, sum of top cards predicted, each pile dealt into two piles, top cards are Aces, Aces change into Royal Flush, re-deal principle
1990 21
Michael Powers Incredible Coincidence card freely chosen, prediction card in pocket is same card, optionally odd-backed, red/blue double backer
1990 23
Michael Powers Merlin's Answer four Twos shown, they change into four black Twos, then into Kings, Twos shown in deck sandwiching a selection
Inspired by
  • "Metamorphosies" (Jacob Taub, CardTreats)
1990 28
Michael Powers Trinity Two-as-Four Sequence
Inspired by 1990 29
Michael Powers CARDial Infraction one shuffle and cutting, second phase with Marlo/Gardner kicker
Inspired by 1990 32
Michael Powers Unexpected Visitor selection travels from one sandwich to another
  • The Pure Version (no extra card)
  • Bonus Effect (card travels back to original sandwich)
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1990 35
Michael Powers Misplace Your Bets performer cuts to four-of-a-kind one by one, spectator cuts small packet onto each card, top cards shown to be same four-of-a-kind, bottom cards changed to Twos or something else, two effect variations
Inspired by 1990 40
Richard Kaufman, Michael Powers Swivelleroo Plus Variation flourish cut to produce a card, preparing a double turnover ("Long Distance Double")
Also published here 1990 41
Michael Powers C.C.C.P. "Card Case Collectors Plus", cased collectors, then deck in case and three selections travel from Aces between Jacks in center of deck
Inspired by 1990 45
Michael Powers Secret Interlace Move for Collectors, Biddle interlacing
1990 45
Michael Powers King T.U.T. "Totally Unbelievable Transpo", card isolated from deck transposes with sandwiched card in center of deck, signed
Related to 1990 51
Edward Marlo, Michael Powers More Miracle Card Changes with unload under top card of deck
Related to 1990 52
Michael Powers Varying Variance Variant small packet ambitious card with four Kings and a Two, as a kicker the cards change to four Twos and a King
Inspired by 1990 54
Michael Powers Photo Surrealism four blank faced cards change one by one into the first selection, then all at once into the second selection
1990 57
Michael Powers The Fly a signed selection sandwiched between two black queens travels between the two red queens altough both pairs are secured by rubber bands, with color changing back kicker
Related toVariations 1990 60
Michael Powers FOURclosure spectator selects Queen of Hearts but magician finds Queen of Spades, then changes it to Queen of Diamonds, then Clubs and finally Hearts
1990 63
Michael Powers Blowing Away the Aces Aces vanish one by one, then are seen to have collected three selection in center of deck
Inspired by 1990 65
Michael Powers Industrial Strength Aces slow-motion assembly, then Aces vanish an reappear on packets à la Jennings Revelation
1990 67
Michael Powers Incomplete Four Way four card location, using Riffle Shuffle Control with Incomplete Faro Condition
Variations 1990 74
Michael Powers Unexpected Development performer cuts to four blank cards, they print to the Aces
1990 78
Michael Powers Tornado Card straw through (business) card
1990 82
Michael Powers A CASE of Indigestion three cards vanish between cannibal cards and are eventually found in case
Variations 1990 87
Michael Powers Case Load from Deck
1990 89
Michael Powers The Invisible Aces Aces vanish one by one, reappear, change to Kings
1990 91
Michael Powers The Impossible Travellers combination of McDonald Aces and Open Travellers, three double facers
Also published here 1990 95
Michael Powers Extension disassembly add-on
1990 99
Michael Powers Phantom of The OPERAtion Jacks placed in case, three selections are placed in the case as well, cards taken out and they have interlaced, selections vanish, selections found face-up in deck at different positions
1990 102
Michael Powers Casing Less Cards unloading cards on deck and placing less into case than it appears
1990 102
Michael Powers Rising Mistake wrong card rises up, a moment later it's changed into the selection
Variations 1990 107
Michael Powers Schrodinger's Dream signed card penetrates through table twice, down and up
1990 110
Michael Powers The Trap Door Card card with business information and trapdoor printed on it used for card-through-table, blank side of trapdoor card becomes signed selection
1990 115
Michael Powers No Palm Corner in the Glass two handlings
Inspired by 1990 119
Michael Powers Mexican Assembly strange combination of assembly, four-of-a-kind location, transformation, quick coincidence
1990 124
Michael Powers The Alchemists' Dream
1990 127
Michael Powers China Syndrome card repeatedly penetrates table, also into spectator's hands, then coin penetrates into spectator's hands, multiple handlings
Inspired by 1990 130
Michael Powers Fusion/Fission two quarters fuse to half dollar, then are broken into quarters again
1990 134
Michael Powers Twisted Reverse Matrix Hopping Half set, double shell
1990 136
Michael Powers Ultra Fast Coins Across four coins, being two ahead twice
1990 140
Michael Powers Jumbo Finale half dollar grows to jumbo coin, changes back via tabled change with lapping
Inspired by 1990 142
Michael Powers Bonus Effect small card to normal card
1990 144
Michael Powers Twilight Zone coin and mirror, coin also bent and straightened with mirror
Inspired by 1990 146
Michael Powers International Matrix Reverse
Variations 1990 151
Michael Powers My Cup Runneth Over with two mini cups, empty cream containers, they are filled again as climax
1990 155
Michael Powers Toothpick Into Straw toothpick travels into straw which is still wrapped
1990 159
Michael Powers Jelly Roll coin travels into breakfast jelly container, clear shell
Inspired by 1990 161
Michael Powers Palmless Card to Pocket
  • Appendix A
with bottom placement
Inspired by 1990 169
Michael Powers Appendix B intro
1990 171
Michael Powers The Secret Double alternative to alignment move
1990 171
Edward Marlo Biddling Brown in the Round
Inspired byVariations 1990 71
Shigeo Takagi Devilishly Direct
Related to 1990 11
Michael Austin (reviewer) Top Secret Stuff by Michael Powers June 1991
Opus (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Michael Powers Introduction
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Top Secret Stuff by Michael Powers Jan./Feb. 1991
The Magic Menu (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Holey Terror II by Michael Powers Mar./Apr. 1991
The Magic Menu (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Michael Weber (reviewer) Mike Powers Top Secret Close-Up by Michael Powers Dec. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Michael Powers Introduction
1992 2
Michael Powers The Impossible Travellers McDonald Aces & Open Travelers combo
Also published here 1992 15
Michael Powers Extension disassembly add-on
1992 19
Michael Powers Pun pen up the nose
Sep. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Michael Weber (reviewer) Holey Terror III by Michael Powers June 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Allan Ackerman The Small Packet All Backs featuring Ackerman's "Quick Four Way"
Inspired byVariations 1994 122
Philip T. Goldstein Positive Negative invisible coin and is flipped into the air, coin and heads/tails is predicted
Related toVariations 1994
Syzygy (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Diminishing Returns by Michael Powers Nov./Dec. 1994
The Magic Menu (Vol. 5 No. 26)
Stephen Hobbs (reviewer) Diminishing Returns by Michael Powers Oct. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Michael Powers Dull/Bright Gaff idea to do the effect with two copper coins
Dec. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 12)
Mac King (reviewer) VIP: Very Impossible Penetration by Michael Powers
reviewed together with Mac King
Dec. 1995
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Michael Powers M-Mail signed card is folded and vanishes, found again folded inside cased deck next to second selection
Variations Oct. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 10)
Michael Close (reviewer) Flicker by Michael Powers
reviewed together with Mac King
Related to Mar. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 7)
Michael Powers, Michael Close Reality or Fantasy
  • Letters
Related to May 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 9)
Michael Powers Abbott's Magic Get Together
Oct. 1996
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Nick Trost Aces From Nowhere two methods
Variations 1997 70
Peter Duffie Hellraiser II elevator effect with Ace to Four of Hearts and two Jokers
Inspired byVariations 1997 163
Alex Elmsley Power Poker ten cards, spectator chooses five from pairs that are tabled, he receives a full house and the performer a royal flush
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1997 2
David Solomon Steinmeyer's Nine Card Problem with Seven Cards
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Remote Control" (Jim Steinmeyer, The New Invocation #43, Feb. 1988)
1997 19
Michael Powers Abbott's Close-Up Convention
May 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 9)
Michael Powers Abbott's Magic Get-Together
Oct. 1997
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Pit Hartling Triathlon three card challenge location, sophisticated
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1998 24
Alex Elmsley Card Coding by Permutation coding a card by arrangement of four or five other cards
  • Reversible Counting
  • Four-Card Coding
  • A Hole in Four (The Second Gap)
  • Camel Poker
Variations Winter 1998 161
Michael Powers Motor City Close Up Conference
Jan. 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 5)
Guy Hollingworth Three Cards Under a Box last in box
Inspired byVariations 1999 143
Jack Carpenter Blind Lemon Aces Aces lost in deck and produced from right hand ("not this hand, the other hand")
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1999 10
Michael Powers Fechter's Finger Flicking Frolic 1999
July 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 7)
Michael Powers I.T.H. Triumph in the hands
Also published here Dec. 1999
Onyx (Issue 9)
Michael Powers Progressive Matrix using three coins glued on edges (E Pluribus Unum)
Also published here June 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Michael Powers Abbott's Close-Up Convention
June 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Tom Frame The Return of the Fly selection travels from one half to another, both halves are secured by rubber bands, with color changing back kicker
Inspired by Oct. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 2)
Ken Simmons Single-Deck Holey Terror traveling hole effect
Inspired by
  • Michael Powers' "Holy Terror"
1999 18
Simon Aronson The Invisible Card freely named card vanishes, then reappears reversed in deck
VariationsAlso published here 2001 175
Michael Powers, Ron Bauer The Powers' Payoff "Presentation Three", bill changes into "Inverted Dollar" with center upside down
Inspired by
  • "Inverted Dollar" (Mike Powers, Close-Up Variety Pack)
2001 18
Aaron Fisher Search and Destroy sleightless
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2002 104
Darwin Ortiz Cannibal Holocaust
Inspired by 2002 126
Aaron Fisher Four-Card Revelation
VariationsAlso published here Dec. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 12)
Gary Plants Match Me do as i do with mates, four Aces finale
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 2004 22
Michael Powers Introduction
2006 11
Michael Powers Open Travelers Transpo Redux Kings put aside, Open Travelers with Aces, one Ace travels from Kings packet to other Aces, quartets transpose
Inspired byAlso published here 2006 17
Michael Powers Impossible Collectors Queens tabled, later spectator places deck onto Queens and cuts the deck for Collectors revelation
2006 21
Michael Powers I.T.H. Triumph in the hands
VariationsAlso published here 2006 24
Michael Powers Red Rover
Inspired by 2006 27
Michael Powers Ace to Face Aces to Kings transformation climax
2006 30
Michael Powers Expert Cards to Pocket two signed cards, multiple phases, deck vanish phase, card to wallet climax with transposition
Inspired by 2006 33
Michael Powers M-Mail signed card is folded and vanishes, found again folded inside cased deck
Inspired by 2006 39
Michael Powers Sawing A Lady Queen in card case with slit through it, card is pushed through case and Queen
Inspired by
  • Ben Harris idea in Magic Manuscript
2006 42
Michael Powers Maxi Switch black Kings transpose, then they change to red Kings, then to Aces
2006 46
Michael Powers Open Prediction 999 prediction named
  • Variations (named card and memorized deck)
2006 49
Michael Powers Psychic Birthday Predictor selection matches card written on spectator's birthday in birthday calendar, card also predicted in envelope
Also published here
  • Channel One No. 10
2006 52
Michael Powers Impromptu Terror traveling hole effect
  • Phase 2: One Hole Jumps to Another Card
  • Phase 3: The Holes Are Brought Back Together
Inspired by
  • "Holey Terror" (Michael Powers, marketed item, 1983)
2006 56
Michael Powers Natural Poker Power spectator gets Royal Flush
  • Alternate Ending
  • Alternate Ending II
Inspired by 2006 63
Michael Powers Peel Switch two cards peeled off packed into left hand, one switched for bottom card
2006 64
Joshua Jay, Michael Powers, Joel Givens Twist on Simon twisting with four Queens, then three spectators get a packet with a Queen each and it turns over in their hands, optional back color change
Inspired by 2006 67
Michael Powers The amBIGuous Card card chosen, miniature selection jumps out of deck, grows and shrinks again
Also published here 2006 70
Michael Powers Best of All Worlds
Inspired by 2006 73
Michael Powers Hoochie Coochie Aces Aces lost into four piles, then found again
Inspired byRelated to 2006 77
Peter Gröning, Michael Powers Signed Sealed and Delivered unknown card signed on back, sandwiched with red Jacks and put in card case, another card is signed on face, cased card turns out to be signed on both sides later
  • Signed, Sealed and Delivered the Easy Way
Inspired by 2006 80
Michael Powers The Secret Double slide-under switch action with alignment move type action to get a card underneath a single on top of the deck
Related to 2006 81
Michael Powers Virus transformation routine with four red spot cards and the Kings, transformation to Aces as climax
Inspired byRelated to 2006 85
Michael Powers Reverse Faro Coincidence two spectators cut to cards and replace the cuts while back is turned, black Jacks are removed and they find both selections, faro
  • Ending 1
  • Ending 2
  • Ending 3
Inspired by
  • "The PM Principle" (Michael Powers, 1990 booklet)
Related toVariations
2006 88
Michael Powers Punch Intro on punched cards and the punch deal, credit information
  • Punching Cards
  • Non-Punched Method
2006 92
Michael Powers PM Plus two spectators cut to cards and replace the cuts, performer deals through cards and finds selections without seeing faces
  • Naming the First Selection
  • Naming the Second Selection
  • Non-Memorized Deck Procedure
  • Non-Stacked Methods
Inspired by
  • "The PM Principle" (Michael Powers, 1990 booklet)
2006 94
Michael Powers Punch Drunk any card pocketed by spectator under fair conditions, performer deals through deck and says he'll stop at mate, cell phone rings and person at other end names selection, 50% Punched Deck (every other card)
  • Cell Phone Finish
  • Alternate Finish (1)
  • Alternate Finish (2)
  • Alternate Finish (3)
Related to 2006 98
Michael Powers Punch for Two two fair selections found, 50% Punched Deck
Inspired by 2006 103
Michael Powers Numerical Analysis selection ends up at total of cut-off packet after mixing procedure, Penelope
  • Alternate Presentations (An Open Prediction, A Closed Prediction)
Variations 2006 106
Michael Powers Hide and Seek selection fairly lost, faro
Inspired by
  • "The Cardician is In!" (Doug Canning, Card Capers)
Related to
2006 108
Michael Powers Heisting Histed Heisted twenty-five duplicates
  • Non Gaffed Ideas
  • Heavily Gaffed Methods (jumbo cards)
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2006 112
Michael Powers Sunken Treasure spectator cuts to a card and replaces his packet in center of rest, card located
2006 116
Michael Powers Code 5 five cards removed from deck, one hidden, assistant is shown other four cards and names fifth one, repeat in which a card is cased and divined
Inspired by 2006 119
Michael Powers Coding for your Partner area on pad, silent code
2006 121
Michael Powers The 7 Card 21 Card Trick
  • Telephone Method
Inspired by 2006 125
Michael Powers Total Freedom five selections found after CATO and mixing procedure
2006 128
Michael Powers Cut and Run ideas of placement principle
  • Simple COincidence
  • Faro 53
  • Use of a Special Key Card
  • Non Faro Method
  • Another Approach
Inspired byRelated to 2006 131
Michael Powers Animazement stick figure animates on back of deck and draws X on selection, deck shown normal before and after except a single card with the figure on its back
Inspired by
  • "Animator" (David Harkey)
2006 136
Michael Powers Back to Back card signed on face, it is shown to have a blank back, another selection signed on back is shown to have blank face, cards fuse to normal card with both signatures
2006 144
Michael Powers The Mystery Card blank cards get some business logo
Inspired by
  • "Gypsy Curse" (Peter Kane)
2006 147
Michael Powers Red Shift four blue-backed jokers, turn red one by one, then whole deck is red-backed, red/blue double backer
Inspired by 2006 152
Michael Powers Subtle Princess performer and spectator each select a card from a five-card packet, performer finds spectator's card and vice versa
Inspired by
  • "People's Princess" (Jon Racherbaumer, GeMiNi online board)
2006 155
Michael Powers Invisible Triumph selection turns over in other deck then Triumph with original deck, rough smooth & cheek to cheek combination
Related to 2006 159
Michael Powers Double Decker Sandwich Bluff Sandwich, selection tabled, repeat with transposition with tabled first selection, duplicate
Inspired by 2006 161
Michael Powers Finders Keepers named progressive sandwich
Inspired byVariations 2006 165
Michael Powers The Money Game card signed and lost, seven envelopes with money, lie detector and answers are spelled with envelopes, remaining envelope contains selection
Variations 2006 168
Michael Powers Tri-EASY-Thon card selected, thought of and removed, all divined
  • Impromptu Method (clocking)
Inspired by 2006 171
Michael Powers, Ron Jaxon, Antony Gerard Flipped Out
  • Spectator's Coin Across
  • Spectator's Coin Through the Table
2006 176
Michael Powers Ten To One with visible transformation on spectator's hand, magnetic shell
2006 179
Michael Powers Tarnex copper/silver coin with heavily tarnished and shiny side
2006 181
Michael Powers Matrix Reverse Surprise reverse matrix with four half dollars, change into different coins as finale
2006 182
Michael Powers Expanding Expenditure coin tossed on mat grows to jumbo coin, vanishes and reappears
2006 187
Michael Powers Twice Told Tails one quarter in each hand, they change place as gag, then one shown double-headed and one double-tailed
2006 190