311 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Transformation / Single Card / Back
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
T. Page Wright Blow Transformation spectator blows on card, face now blank and pips are on back
1933 17
Tom Bowyer Publicity Trick back of business card with playing card back changes color
May 1935
The Jinx (Issue 8)
Dr. Jacob Daley Use for Score Card changes into regular card
May 1936
The Jinx (Issue 20)
Reversed Color Surprise card reverses and changes back color, sticky card
1937 110
Diachylon Super Color Change card found with think stop procedure, back changes, sticky card
Variations 1937 110
Frank Lane Double Backed Card Routine back of selection changes, ambitious card phase, count-down phase, card reverses, double index gaff and double backer
1937 118
Dai Vernon Chameleon Backs two odd-backed cards, back color transposes, red-blue double backer
1937 125
Jess Kelly The Sympathetic Card blue backed card changes to red when rubbed on red deck, red-blue double backer
1937 129
A Color Change back of chosen card changes, short card
1937 311
William H. McCaffrey Color Changing Backs two decks with different colors, various selections change colors of backs and back
1938 295
Clayton Rawson The Card from Hell selection turns over and becomes different back color
July 1938
The Jinx (Issue 46)
Martin Gardner For the Man in Uniform back of selection changes to picture of uniformed man, performed for soldier
1942 27
Stewart James The "All Clear" Card Transformation card and its position remembered, deck cut and card at same position removed, first selection is found odd-backed and reversed at same position as the second selection has spots
1944 6
Bob Spencer Back to Back red/blue double backer
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1945)
Jean Hugard Insulted! back of chosen card changes to odd card and back to normal
Variations Mar. 1948
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Al Leech An Ambitious Card Climax
1949 25
Al Leech A Quick Opener
1949 29
U. F. Grant How I Found Your Card selection's back color changes
May 1949 12
H. K. Becker Super Fillip back of card changes
Inspired by Nov. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 242)
Stewart James The All Clear Card Transformation selection is found reversed and with different back at position indicated by card chosen by performer, cross sum force
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 13 No. 3)
Everett Lyda Color Change Illusion With Cards back of selection changes, then changes back
1956 8
Bill Hendricks Backward Color Change gag, back changes
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1958)
John Gannaway Personalized Multipurpose Envelope Cards one of three cards transforms into other card with different back, special envelope cards handling
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Cliff Green Carduplication card peeked at, five cards including selection removed, selection vanishes, odd-backed duplicate from pocket, changes back to match deck
1961 154
Paul Marcus Almost a Miracle Three of spades sandwiched between two other cards turns into a Three with black spotted hearts and different colored back
Nov. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 363)
Tony Kardyro "I Said Red But......." back of spectator's card changes color
1966 4
Earl Harvey Jr. Back 'n Blue - Version of the Color Changing Card card found with think stop procedure, back changes, sticky card
Inspired by Feb. 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 46)
Gestempelt! card freely selected, stamp put on back, a seal mark appears on it
1967 10
Larry Jennings The Turncoat ace of spades vanishes, turns over, changes back, ... in small packet
1969 44
John A. M. Howie Brainwave Bet odd-backed unkown card inserted in deck, spectator names correct card, clean-up anti-climax follows, red-blue double backer
July 1969
Epilogue (Issue 6)
Karl Fulves As A Force card is selected and shuffled in deck, spectator should now also remember card next to his selection which is forced and can have different back
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue First Supplement)
Marvin Johnson Blue Dice two numbers generated with dice, two spectators select cards and remove cards according to their numbers, both spectators selected the same card and it has different colored back
Inspired byRelated to Dec. 1970 387
Milton Kort Off Color Ace Deuce Trey Ace to Three removed, chosen value changes into selection, selection then changes back color
1970 13
Milton Kort Off Color Three Card Monte at the end the money card changes back color as kicker
1970 19
Milton Kort The Ace In The Case three card packet placed in case, shaken, taken out and center Ace turned over, repeat, color-changing back kicker of Ace
1970 23
Milton Kort Off Color Prediction card chosen (cannot be explained like), it is predicted on a piece of paper, paper changes color, then back of card as well
1970 49
Juan Tamariz, Ramon Varela Sinfonía en color four phases
1970 90
Juan Tamariz ¿Es Azul? ¿Es Roja? ... Es Sorpresa backs of red backed card and blue backed card change places, then they change into two different colors
1970 101
Gene Nielsen Jokeresque back of Joker changes color, humorous presentation
Apr. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Allan Ackerman Axing the Aces backs of Aces change color
1971 24
Charles Hudson A Horse of a Different Color card changes back in sandwich
Fall-Spring 1971
The Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Mike Rogers Still Avid color changing back kicker
Feb. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Peter Alexis Strange reversed Ace of Spades ends up next to selection, then changes back color
Inspired by Aug. 1971
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 10)
Derek Dingle The DD Color-Changing Aces
Related to 1971 18
Roger Smith Mental Reverse IV selection has odd-backed back as kicker, with four variations
Related toAlso published here Dec. 1971
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. Bonus Extra)
Tom Batchelor Strangers in Our Midst four cards with different rainbow backs produced from deck, they are all duplicates of selection, variations:
  • Smuggler's Deck
  • In the Midst of Strangers
1971 43
Derek Dingle Visual Reverse and Color Change inspired by Trost's version (originally from his lecture notes)
Inspired by 1971 ca. 4
Frank Everhart Chicago Opener
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1972 13
Walter Rollins, Jerry Mentzer Unexpected Surprise four of five cards vanish, with odd-backed card variation
Related to 1972 31
Karl Fulves Computer cards spelled out, the deck is always wrong, color-changing back kicker
Inspired by Nov. 1972 570
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Chango Supreme No. 180, changing back of a card twice
1972 44
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Double Cross No. 188, wrong card found, first back of card is changed, then face is changed into selection, then back changes back to original color
Variations 1972 45
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Another Double Cross No. 189, back color of several cards changed one by one, they change back to original color
Inspired by 1972 46
Coloratura Wrinkle No. 479, extra phase with back-change of Joker
1972 133
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Coincidence No. 591, card chosen in one deck is reversed in other, then cards transpose between two decks and backs change again
1972 165
Karl Fulves Turncoat front and back changes on top of deck
1973 86
Karl Fulves Chromatic Aces Ace is cut to and back changes
1973 87
Chicago Style variation of Chicago Opener
1973 15
Frank Everhart Chicago Opener
Also published here 1973 3
Jerry Mentzer Odd Color Four and One basically Hamman's Mystic Nine with five cards, color changing back kicker of selection
Inspired by
  • Nick Trost's "Four and One Trick" (Linking Ring, July 1957)
1974 136
Martin A. Nash Ear Full of Cider three cards, different backs jump around
1975 111
Kevin Fox We'll Ring You after the deck is removed from the case a die is tipped out, a coin appears under a card,the back of the card changes color, then the die and the coin vanish
May 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Ed Eckl Madness With the Ascanio Spread several presentations, one with special "drag" card
  • A Xmas Calculator
  • Alice Blue Gown
Related to Sep. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Karl Fulves No-Gaff Wild Card top few cards of deck change into duplicates, those then into royal flush, wild card changes back color
1975 19
Karl Fulves Half In blue backed card sandwiched between red cards changes to red, as application of using a half card
1975 137
Karl Fulves Tunnel Space tunnel turnover between two other cards, color changing back kicker
Inspired by
  • "The Vanishing Lady" (Harry Franke, Hugard's Magic Monthly)
1975 152
Karl Fulves Switching Backs chosen card changes back color
1975 214
Roy Walton Warpaint selection changes into same card as previously signed card, signed card then changes back color
Also published here 1975 13
Roger Smith Mental Reverse IV selection has odd-backed back as kicker, with four variations
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1975 1
Russell T. Barnhart Cut Force with Red Back Card No. 2, spectator cuts at his selection, palmed card added, color-changing back kicker
1975 50
Russell T. Barnhart Color Change and Return No. 8, back of selection changes color and back
1975 61
Ken Krenzel, Derek Dingle, Matt Corin Visual Reverse and Color Change tunnel effect, card reverses, back changes color and eventually whole deck changes color, misspelled "Matt Coran"
Related toVariations 1975 (ca.) 5
Doug Alker, George Blake Double Monte with extra card, second variation with color changing back kicker
Aug. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Paul Harris The Bizarre Twist! card perpendicular between two other cards turns visually over, color changing back kicker ("The Bizarre Routine")
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1976 73
José de la Torre The Simple Jumping Back three cards, one has an odd-colored back, then the odd-backed card is another card, back vanishes and more
Related to 1976 7
José de la Torre The Master Jumping Back three cards, one has an odd-colored back, then the odd-backed card is another card, back vanishes and more, version with more sleights
  • A Better Finale
  • Another Finale (David Lederman)
  • Patter
Related to 1976 23
Karl Fulves Celestial Navigation red-backed and boxed card is selected from blue deck
Related to 1977 237
Karl Fulves Dragon's Curse prediction, reverse, back change
1977 245
Gene Maze Experiment #2 four cards, four predictions change back color
1977 251
Karl Fulves Further Solution see "Experiment #2"
1977 252
Karl Fulves Black on Blue spectator shuffles small packets, all change to black, four change back color
1977 255
Karl Fulves Color Cubed front and back change
1977 273
Gene Maze Illusion Only red-backed card turns blue and back red again
1977 340
Juan Tamariz La Carta Magica blank blue card changes face and back to match selection, face changes into picture of performer
1977 76
Ken Krenzel Turn Blue
Variations 1978 70
Ken Krenzel Caught Red-Handed "Magic Bullet" with color changing back kicker
Variations 1978 82
Ken Krenzel Force-Eps Royal Marriages with four aces back change kicker
1978 174
Brother John Hamman The Two Card Trick
Related toVariations Mar. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Philip T. Goldstein Remembrance of Cards Past short ambitious card sequence, back of card changes
Nov. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Richard Kaufman Colorise back changes visibly
1978 20
Kevin Davie Signachange signed card turns over and changes color of the back
Apr. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Karl Fulves Final Phase I at end of transposition sequence both cards change back color
1978 34
Karl Fulves Final Phase II at end of transposition sequence both cards change back color
1978 35
Karl Fulves Radio Cards at end of transposition sequence one card changes back color, then the backs transpose
1978 37
Karl Fulves Card Problem named card on top of deck changes back color and back, posed as problem
Interlocutor (Issue 22)
John F. Mendoza All Gone card selected and returned, performer names it, it turns over and is odd-backed, rest blank, with variation
Inspired by
  • "Triple Chance"
Related to
  • "Paleface Pasteboards"
1978 42
Edward Marlo, Baltazar Fuentes Flexible Visual Change sandwiched card changes visibly, back changes also, sliding method, two methods
1979 84
Jean-Jacques Sanvert Color Sandwich color changing back of sandwiched card, using Trevor Lewis' Twist Switch several times
Variations Sep. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Karl Fulves Redexpress signed card changes back color, backs transpose
1979 8
Tony Binarelli LIPS back of chosen card changes color and kiss appears on front
Also published here
  • "Latin Lover Opener" (Tony Binarelli, Playmagic, 1976)
1979 1
Roy Walton Through the Centuries Of Time
Also published here Sep. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 9)
Philip T. Goldstein Simple Thornton back changes as a kicker
Dec. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Wes Emberg, Allan Ackerman, Edward Marlo Overkill
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 73
Michael Ammar Bluefield Debute selection transforms blue, red mate in card case
Also published here 1980 19
Ken De Courcy The Very Personal Card Discovery completely out of hand, spectator chooses a card and loses it, spreads deck, one card has his initials and it's the selection
1980 24
Roger Smith Oddly Unexpected odd-backed duplicate of selection is found at cut-off point, value of selection is used to count down and find actual selection
1980 5
Jeff White Out of the Blue blue backed chosen card vanishes from between two red backed Jacks and appears face up in the deck, then back of selection changes to red and back to blue
1980 23
Danny Korem Color Changing Eidetic Sandwich card in tabled sandwich changes visibly, then back changes
1981 63
Karl Fulves Joker Thot joker is cut face down into the deck and changes into named card, also back changes
1981 46
Philip T. Goldstein Quasimodo three jokers and one normal card are mixed, monte type premise, normal card's back changes red and then blue again with comedic presentation, red/blue double backer
Variations 1981 3
Ken Simmons Technicolor Playing Against Odds spectator selects right card from odd-backed 5-card packet to complete blackjack hand, then this card changes back color to match
1981 53
Jack McMillen Shade Work apparently deck is marked, three cards are named without turning over, then mark is shown to be different colored back
1981 2
Philip T. Goldstein Tinted Glass with five cards, selection's back changes color
Dec. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Horace E. Bennett Instant Reverse card reverses several times, then it changes back color
1981 67
Steve Beam You're Joking deck spread face down, performer removes the two Jokers from face-down spread, message appears on back of Jokers
Inspired by
  • "You're Joking" (Steve Beam, Diary of a Deranged Deck)
1981 3
Roy Walton Warpaint selection changes into same card as previously signed card, signed card then changes back color
Also published here 1981 156
Derek Dingle New Double Color-Changing Aces
Related to 1982 76
Derek Dingle Pegas Aces
1982 86
Derek Dingle Colour Changing Any Card Speller peeked card is spelled to - different back
1982 104
Philip T. Goldstein Con-Sequence credit information, color changing back kicker
Inspired byAlso published here 1982 1
Dave Robertson The Back is Gone cards vanish and 'Gone' written on back of selection
Related toVariationsAlso published here Nov. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 19)
Jerry Sadowitz Rowan's Double face card becomes duplicate of selection, then back of selection changes
Related to 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #2 (Xmas))
Jon Racherbaumer Surprise Blue Intruder any named card turns blue, two selections are found on both sides of it, using index in lap, faro
Inspired by
  • "Blue Intruder" (Nelson Hahne)
Related to
1983 78
Stephen Tucker Eureka monte in the hands , ending in Bizarre Twist
Inspired by 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. Special #3)
Karl Fulves Color Changing Back Problem outjogged sandwiched card visibly changed back color, posed as a problem
1983 37
Michael Powers Color Ambitious ambitious card with color changing back kicker
1983 27
Michael Powers The Off Color Vanish Bizarre Twist and Vanish
Inspired by 1983 38
Philip T. Goldstein, Stephen Tucker Muster odd-backed blank card becomes (open) red-blue double backer, simplified version of Stephen Tucker's "You Must Be Psychic" (Cardiac-Arrest)
Summer 1984
West Coast Quarterly (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Philip T. Goldstein, Stephen Tucker Packet Muster packet version of Stephen Tucker's "You Must Be Psychic" (Cardiac-Arrest)
Summer 1984
West Coast Quarterly (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Lou Gallo Im-Packed disguised Christ Force, selection changes back color
1985 196
Stephen Minch Main Attraction any named card turns blue, two selections are found on both sides of it
Inspired by 1985 462
Tom Mullica Two-Card Trick, Revisited two red backed cards change to blue, then back
Inspired by 1985 516
Rolland Hamblen Cards that Change Color red and blue deck, named card removed from one and two cards from other deck, backs of named card with one of the others transpose
1985 7
Lawrence Frame The Swahili Prediction Card travels to wallet, strange symbol (apparntly a prediction in Swahili) appears on back of card
1986 14
Michael Rubinstein Chicago Opener Topp(it)et with cards to pocket (through topit tunnel) climax
Inspired by May 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 2)
David Regal Half and Half signed card is torn, ONE half changes color
1987 125
David Regal Catch of the Day using Forton-Pop-Out, color changing back kicker
1987 160
David Regal Illusion Jacks Jacks change back two times
1987 194
David Regal Subliminal Attraction touched cards, back change
1987 273
John M. Bauman, Tony Binarelli Painted Lips kiss appears on back of selection, free selection
Nov. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 11)
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Mr. Stickman stickman drawn on paper, it vanishes from there and appears on back of selection
Inspired byVariations 1987 57
Jerry Sadowitz Return of the Burglar four cards chosen, they're all shown as selections, then the four cards change into Aces and selection is back in deck with odd back
Inspired by 1987 50
Thomas Hierling C.C. Ambitious Card "color changing ambitious card", ambitious card changes back color as finale
1987 19
Christoph Borer Eine halbe Sache back of selection changes back color, only half of the back changes color, eventually all cards change back color
Also published here 1988 14
Edward Marlo A Multiple Effect two spectators think of a number and card at that position, they all have the same card, the numbers are divined and the card is odd-backed, three methods
Inspired by
  • "Controlled Thoughts" (Sydney Lawrence, Ten Self-Working Master Effects)
Related toVariationsAlso published here
1988 178
Roy Walton Through The Centuries Of Time
Also published here 1988 65
Doug Edwards How about This?!
Nov. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 11)
Nick Pudar Blues in the Night two back change
Dec. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 12)
Brother John Hamman The Two-Card Trick
Related to 1989 24
Karl Fulves Kid Trix some blue-backed cards torn in half, card selected and signed from red deck, two blue-blacked halves restored and turned over - it is the spectator's signed card
1989 44
Christoph Borer Eine Halbe Sache back of selection changes back color, only half of the back changes color, eventually all cards change back color
Also published here 1989 28
Juan Tamariz The Talisman card changes under challenge conditions, several variations
1989/91 131
Juan Tamariz The Magic Card back and front of a card change multiple times, gaffed
1989/91 233
Gary Kurtz Artistic License modern art theme, yellow and blue sections on a card morph to green
Variations 1990 65
Mike Bornstein Color me Blue
Jan. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 1)
Philip T. Goldstein Con-Sequence color changing back kicker
Inspired byAlso published here 1990 106
Michael Ammar Bluefield Debut selection transforms blue, red mate in card case
Also published here 1991 149
Michael Ammar Double Color Change wrong card changes in selection and back color
1991 254
David Regal Changing Places
Aug. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 8)
Bob King Mini Ambush
Aug. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 8)
Christoph Borer Eine Halbe Sache back of selection changes back color, only half of the back changes color, eventually all cards change back color
Also published here 1991 20
David Harkey Simply Divine divining rod symbol drawn on card case cellophane transfers to card, then from card to card down until it is on back of selection
1991 48
David Harkey Power Emanations divining rod symbol drawn on card case cellophane transfers to card, then from card to card down until it is on back of selection, variation of previous trick with more writing on the cellophane
1991 54
Roger Crosthwaite The FAB Change Sequence Two-For-One Top Change followed by stroke change, application effect in which back of card changes visibly when stroked
  • Variation 1
  • Variation 2: Somersault Change
  • Variation 3: All-Over Change
Inspired byRelated to Feb. 1991
Technomagic (Issue 8)
Kuniyasu Fujiwara The Card Machine
1992 67
Alexander de Cova Hangman Plus stick figure on cardboard vanishes and appears on back of signed selection
Inspired byAlso published here 1992 108
Amrik Sandhu ATFUS and a Stranger mental reverse type effect with color-changing back kicker
Dec. 1992
Profile (Issue 11)
Barry Govan Snappy Card Giveaway playing card changes to card with message on front and back
Nov./Dec. 1992
The Magic Menu (Vol. 3 No. 14)
Karl Fulves Likely Suspect packet, selection stands always out, three phases, only face-up card, then only black card, then odd-backed
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
Dave Campbell Reversomatic card reverses five times, color-changing back kicker
Inspired byAlso published here June 1993
Profile (Issue 14)
Jerry Mentzer Signed Selection Changes Color back changes visually using following color change
  • Alternate Version
1993 120
Dennis Carroll The Birthday Card back of chosen card changes to happy birthday message
Sep./Oct. 1993
The Magic Menu (Vol. 4 No. 19)
Gerard Parkin What would have Happened?
Nov. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 11)
Karl Fulves Blue Moon blackjacks chosen despite random cuts and then counting to twenty-sixth card, spectator's blackjack changes back color
1994 25
Karl Fulves In Captivity signed card trapped by odd-backed sandwich cards, then the sandwich cards have regular back and selection an odd back
1994 47
Robert E. Neale (E)VIL(E) four cards with letters e,v,i,l are put down to form different words, one back changes color
1994 952
Aldo Colombini Open Prediction dealing stopped at two cards, they are pushed reversed in deck, then are shown to match open prediction, then they change back color
1994 89
William Goodwin Odd Color Sandwich odd-backed sandwich cards used to find selection, then situation reverses and selection is the only odd-backed card
Nov. 1994
The Lemniscate (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Tom Mullica Back And Blue
Inspired by June 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 6)
David Regal The Wrong Ones!
Sep. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 9)
David Regal Still The Wrong Ones!
Sep. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 9)
Marvin Leventhal Bizarre Transposition card found in different colored deck, Bizarre Twist variation
Inspired by Sep. 1995
The Minotaur (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Arthur Carter Chemical Reaction No. 52, one of seven cards chosen, its back changes color
1995 104
David Acer Flying Colors deck changes color except selection, another selection signed, it changes back color
1995 95
Dave Robertson Die verschwundene Rückseite cards vanish and 'Gone' written on back of selection
Also published here 1995
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 3)
Thomas Waldeck Pentium Card 52 routine with computer presentation, signed card attached to floppy disk, deck sorted at the end
Also published here 1995 107
Thomas Fraps Walter Wins Again spring animal raccoon finds signed selection, very humorous routine, selection is found with large X on the back as a kicker
1995 6
Aldo Colombini One, Two, Three four cards removed, one of them is the selection, they are folded in half and torn, the selection restores and changes back color
Inspired by
  • Stephen Tucker effect
Related toAlso published here
  • Linking Ring
1995 31
Paul Harris The Bizarre Routine "The Bizarre Twist" with color changing back kicker of card
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue Paul Harris Reveals some of his most Int...)
Allan Ackerman, Edward Marlo, Wes Emberg Overkill
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Fantasies 1 & 2)
Paul Gordon Emergency Deam Card to pocket with color changing back
Apr. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 4)
Steve Rogers, Paul Cummins Blushing Ambition color changing back kicker
Aug. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 8)
Michael Close A Trick for O'Brien prediction with one-way deck kicker ("You will not pick the Joker"), back of selection changes
1996 21
Michael Kaminskas Case Closed blue backed ambitious card, then signed card is found in red deck which is in new deck order and card's back changes to red too
1996 43
Frederick Braue Joker Spell deck with selection in pocket, performer removes five cards, none of which is selection which is joker, on their backs the cards spell JOKER
1996 4
James Swain Boxed B'Wave Twisting phases with Queens, named Queen then travels to case, finally turns over and changes back color
1996 32
Christian Knudsen Tablehopper's Holy P.O.D. flap gaff, color changing back kicker
Also published here 1996 101
Thomas Waldeck Blaues Wunder four Aces appear, then a signed card disappears from among then, Aces turn into blank cards and selection appears again with different colored back
Also published here 1996 178
Walter Rollins Technicolor Torn Card card signed on face, one quarter torn off, rest torn in pieces and put in case, card restored, corner has odd back
Variations Jan. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 5)
Mike Rogers Rogers Method card signed on face, one quarter torn off, rest torn in pieces and put in case, card restored, corner has odd back
Inspired by Jan. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 5)
Mark Jenest The Classic Farce spectator keeps picking the Two of Clubs, duplicates of it are on the table, one is signed, its back changes color and rest of deck shown normal
Aug. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Larry Jennings The Transmutated Cards three cards
Related to 1997 114
Peter Duffie Double Ender Chicago Opener type of effect with "thought of" cards
1997 32
Doug Edwards The Stunning, Jumping, Jack Selected Jack of Hearts pops out of the deck, then is found in the deck sandwiched between two black twos, then back changes color
Inspired by
  • "The Trained Card" (Joe Berg, The Joe Berg Book)
Also published here
1997 143
Ariel Frailich If I Were a Real Magician... selection turns over and its back changes color
Inspired by
  • early Edward Marlo effect
1997 52
Milton Kort Vernon's Variant Variant Similar effect to Vernon's Variant, but with color changing back as a kicker ending (first published in Swami, Vol. I, Issue 2, Feb 1972)
Inspired by 1999 43
Milton Kort The Off-color Twenty-one-Card Trick twenty-one card trick with a color changing back ending, done as a magician gag/fooler
1999 49
Joshua Jay Written Favorite Transposition between performer and spectator's named favourite cards - then "Your Favourite Card" words appear on the back on spectator's card
Also published here 1999 89
David Acer Color Scheme sandwiched card visibly changes back color, then back to normal, red/blue double backer and red/red double backer
1999 132
Tom Craven Hummer - Odd Back Basic Hummer, but selected card is reversed and also odd-backed
Also published here 1999 41
Peter Gröning Blushing Marjasin back color changes visually when pushed through deck sideways
Dec. 1999
Onyx (Issue 9)
Tom Frame The Return of the Fly selection travels from one half to another, both halves are secured by rubber bands, with color changing back kicker
Inspired by Oct. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 2)
Chuck Smith Switch-A-Roo Monte short monte sequence with color changing back kicker
2000 6
Christian Knudsen Tablehopper's Holy P.O.D. flap gaff, color changing back kicker
Inspired byAlso published here 2000 98
Thomas Waldeck Out of the Blue four Aces appear, then a signed card disappears from among then, Aces turn into blank cards and selection appears again with different colored back
Also published here 2000 183
Thomas Waldeck Pentium Card 52 routine with computer presentation, signed card attached to floppy disk, deck sorted at the end
Also published here 2000 195
Tom Craven Hummer - Odd Back selection also has odd back
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, Linking Ring)
Also published here
2000 70
Simon Lovell The Namer back of signed card changes to another back with "Your Signature" written on it
2000 23
David Regal Compounding a Lie nine card problem
  • Handling No. 1: Red-handed (odd-backed)
  • Handling No. 2: Nothing But the Truth (other cards blank)
Also published here July 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 7)
Mark Mason, Andrew Normansell It's In My Pocket signed card to pocket routine, it changes back color at the end
2000 14
Sean-Dylan Riedweg Catch and Kiss kiss print appears on face of selection and back changes to red
  • Alternate Ending
June 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 10)
Barry Price Eidetified kind of visual Chicago Opener routine, odd-backed card is shown to be selection, then changes to second selection, back changes as well
2000 41
Val Le-Val "X" Marks the Spot handkerchief with cross on it, the cross appears on back of selected card, then travels back to handkerchief, heat sensitive
Inspired by
  • "Mark of the Pirate" (Joe Gattis, marketed)
2000 29
Karl Fulves Popgun odd-backed joker in deck, selection pops out next to joker, backs transpose
2001 34
Bluebeard No. 28, King of Clubs becomes odd-colored back
2001 43
Eugen Höbel, Herbert von Heldt Mehr als nur ein Kartentrick freely named card changes back color
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 3-5)
David Regal The Color of Science red joker turns blue kings red
2002 83
David Regal A Subtle Hue three blue cards turn one at a time red
2002 90
David Regal Three...Two...One with color change kicker
2002 97
David Regal Compounding A Lie nine cards from deck
  • Version One - Red-handed (odd-backed)
  • Version Two - Nothing but the Truth (other cards blank)
Also published here 2002 12
David Regal Face it, you've changed gaffed, hands-off
2002 222
Wayne Dobson Stunning! spectator's selection changes back color at the end (suggested by Jerry Sadowitz)
Inspired by
  • U. F. Grant's marketed version
2002 15
Jim Sisti Torn With A Twist selection is torn and appears restored reversed in the deck with matching corner, then back of card and corner changes as a kicker
Inspired by Autumn 2002
The Magic Menu (Vol. 11 No. 64)
Karl Fulves Bite Size vampire card travels next to selection which then has a hole (bite) and is odd-backed
2003 22
Tony Bartolotta Joker Jump two Jokers apparently transpose (gag), then a big One and Two appears on their backs
2003 304
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Traveling Queen four red red-backed spot cards, four black blue-backed cards and Queen of Spades, transposition
2003 50
Gábor G. Szabó Joker Blue and the Red Queens multip-phase routine, ambitious card with joker, joker travels from himber wallet to deck and transposes with other card in box
2003 19
Zenneth Kok EZ Triumph selection changes back color as kicker
Inspired by Mar. 2003
Ego (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Chris Wardle Mental Erasure card signed on back, the signature vanishes
2003 15
Carl Mercurio Litmus Test spectator chooses a King from a blue-backed deck, while dealing face-down through the deck three cards visibly change to red-backed cards, they are the missing Kings and selected King is now also red-backed, Second Deal as color change
2003 15
Al Leech A Hot Card Trick chicago opener
VariationsAlso published here
  • marketed 1950
2004 10
Karl Fulves Seven Sees spectator removes seven cards and signs one, they're inserted in rubber banded deck, selection pops out and has odd back
2004 25
Max Maven Over Easier Small packet Triumph with nine cards - selection shown to have different colored back
Inspired by 2004 29
Wesley James The Moon is Made of Blue Cheese "alpha", face-up/face-down packet, selection vanishes, reappears face up and odd-backed
Inspired by
  • "Where has it gone?" (Hideo Kato, Genii Vol. 34 No. 1, Sept. 1970)
2004 237
Wesley James Blushing Leaper "beta", thought-of card has odd back
Inspired by 2004 418
Dave Campbell Reverso-matic card reverses five times, color-changing back kicker
Also published here 2004 327
Ron Frost Colorful Cut Magician cuts to four of a kind, then shows that the selected card has an odd back
Inspired by 2004 48
Ron Frost Dirty, Down and Double Some weird matching routine with three pairs, back changes color, finds selection
2004 116
Jay Sankey Touch of Evil signed card travels from packet to packet, has burnt back then
Inspired by 2004 106
Jay Sankey The Blues red-backed deck changes into blue with help of a blue stone, red/blue double backer
2004 160