Creators | Title | Comments & References | Year | Source | Page | AA | Categories | |
T. Page Wright | Blow Transformation | 1933 | ||||||
Tom Bowyer | Publicity Trick | May 1935 |
The Jinx
(Issue 8)
Dr. Jacob Daley | Use for Score Card | May 1936 |
The Jinx
(Issue 20)
Reversed Color Surprise | 1937 | |||||||
Diachylon Super Color Change | 1937 | |||||||
Frank Lane | Double Backed Card Routine | 1937 | ||||||
Dai Vernon | Chameleon Backs | 1937 | ||||||
Jess Kelly | The Sympathetic Card | 1937 | ||||||
A Color Change | 1937 | |||||||
William H. McCaffrey | Color Changing Backs | 1938 | ||||||
Clayton Rawson | The Card from Hell | July 1938 |
The Jinx
(Issue 46)
Martin Gardner | For the Man in Uniform | 1942 | ||||||
Stewart James | The "All Clear" Card Transformation | 1944 | ||||||
Bob Spencer | Back to Back | 1945 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1945)
Jean Hugard | Insulted! | Mar. 1948 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 5 No. 10)
Al Leech | An Ambitious Card Climax | 1949 | ||||||
Al Leech | A Quick Opener | 1949 | ||||||
U. F. Grant | How I Found Your Card | May 1949 |
Grant's Inner Circle Magazine
(Vol. 1 No. 8)
H. K. Becker | Super Fillip | Nov. 1951 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 242)
Stewart James | The All Clear Card Transformation | 1952 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 13 No. 3)
Everett Lyda | Color Change Illusion With Cards | 1956 | ||||||
Bill Hendricks | Backward Color Change | 1958 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1958)
John Gannaway | Personalized Multipurpose Envelope Cards | 1959 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1959)
Cliff Green | Carduplication | 1961 | ||||||
Paul Marcus | Almost a Miracle | Nov. 1961 |
The New Phoenix
(Issue 363)
Tony Kardyro | "I Said Red But......." | 1966 | ||||||
Earl Harvey Jr. | Back 'n Blue - Version of the Color Changing Card | Feb. 1966 |
The New Jinx
(Vol. 4 No. 46)
Gestempelt! | 1967 | |||||||
Larry Jennings | The Turncoat | 1969 | ||||||
John A. M. Howie | Brainwave Bet | July 1969 |
(Issue 6)
Karl Fulves | As A Force | 1970 |
Faro & Riffle Technique
(Issue First Supplement)
Marvin Johnson | Blue Dice | Dec. 1970 |
The Pallbearers Review
(Vol. 6 No. 2)
Milton Kort | Off Color Ace Deuce Trey | 1970 | ||||||
Milton Kort | Off Color Three Card Monte | 1970 | ||||||
Milton Kort | The Ace In The Case | 1970 | ||||||
Milton Kort | Off Color Prediction | 1970 | ||||||
Juan Tamariz, Ramon Varela | Sinfonía en color | 1970 | ||||||
Juan Tamariz | ¿Es Azul? ¿Es Roja? ... Es Sorpresa | 1970 | ||||||
Gene Nielsen | Jokeresque | Apr. 1970 |
(Vol. 1 No. 7)
Allan Ackerman | Axing the Aces | 1971 | ||||||
Charles Hudson | A Horse of a Different Color | Fall-Spring 1971 |
The Hierophant
(Issue 5-6)
Mike Rogers | Still Avid | Feb. 1971 |
Kabbala — Volume 1
(Vol. 1 No. 2)
Peter Alexis | Strange | Aug. 1971 |
The Pallbearers Review
(Vol. 6 No. 10)
Derek Dingle | The DD Color-Changing Aces | 1971 | ||||||
Roger Smith | Mental Reverse IV | Dec. 1971 |
(Vol. 1 No. Bonus Extra)
Tom Batchelor | Strangers in Our Midst | 1971 | ||||||
Derek Dingle | Visual Reverse and Color Change | 1971 ca. | ||||||
Frank Everhart | Chicago Opener | 1972 | ||||||
Walter Rollins, Jerry Mentzer | Unexpected Surprise | 1972 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Computer | Nov. 1972 |
The Pallbearers Review
(Vol. 8 No. 1)
Dr. Jacob Daley | Daley's Chango Supreme | 1972 | ||||||
Dr. Jacob Daley | Daley's Double Cross | 1972 | ||||||
Dr. Jacob Daley | Daley's Another Double Cross | 1972 | ||||||
Coloratura Wrinkle | 1972 | |||||||
Sam Leo Horowitz | Horowitz's Coincidence | 1972 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Turncoat | 1973 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Chromatic Aces | 1973 | ||||||
Chicago Style | 1973 | |||||||
Frank Everhart | Chicago Opener | 1973 | ||||||
Jerry Mentzer | Odd Color Four and One | 1974 | ||||||
Martin A. Nash | Ear Full of Cider | 1975 | ||||||
Kevin Fox | We'll Ring You | May 1975 |
(Vol. 1 No. 9)
Ed Eckl | Madness With the Ascanio Spread | Sep. 1975 |
(Vol. 2 No. 1)
Karl Fulves | No-Gaff Wild Card | 1975 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Half In | 1975 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Tunnel Space | 1975 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Switching Backs | 1975 | ||||||
Roy Walton | Warpaint | 1975 | ||||||
Roger Smith | Mental Reverse IV | 1975 | ||||||
Russell T. Barnhart | Cut Force with Red Back Card | 1975 | ||||||
Russell T. Barnhart | Color Change and Return | 1975 | ||||||
Ken Krenzel, Derek Dingle, Matt Corin | Visual Reverse and Color Change | 1975 (ca.) | ||||||
Doug Alker, George Blake | Double Monte | Aug. 1976 |
(Vol. 2 No. 12)
Paul Harris | The Bizarre Twist! | 1976 | ||||||
José de la Torre | The Simple Jumping Back | 1976 | ||||||
José de la Torre | The Master Jumping Back | 1976 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Celestial Navigation | 1977 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Dragon's Curse | 1977 | ||||||
Gene Maze | Experiment #2 | 1977 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Further Solution | 1977 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Black on Blue | 1977 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Color Cubed | 1977 | ||||||
Gene Maze | Illusion Only | 1977 | ||||||
Juan Tamariz | La Carta Magica | 1977 | ||||||
Ken Krenzel | Turn Blue | 1978 | ||||||
Ken Krenzel | Caught Red-Handed | 1978 | ||||||
Ken Krenzel | Force-Eps Royal Marriages | 1978 | ||||||
Brother John Hamman | The Two Card Trick | Mar. 1978 |
(Vol. 1 No. 3)
Philip T. Goldstein | Remembrance of Cards Past | Nov. 1978 |
(Vol. 1 No. 11)
Richard Kaufman | Colorise | 1978 | ||||||
Kevin Davie | Signachange | Apr. 1978 |
(Vol. 4 No. 8)
Karl Fulves | Final Phase I | 1978 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Final Phase II | 1978 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Radio Cards | 1978 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Card Problem | 1978 |
(Issue 22)
John F. Mendoza | All Gone | 1978 | ||||||
Edward Marlo, Baltazar Fuentes | Flexible Visual Change | 1979 | ||||||
Jean-Jacques Sanvert | Color Sandwich | Sep. 1979 |
(Vol. 2 No. 9)
Karl Fulves | Redexpress | 1979 | ||||||
Tony Binarelli | LIPS | 1979 | ||||||
Roy Walton | Through the Centuries Of Time | Sep. 1980 |
(Vol. 6 No. 9)
Philip T. Goldstein | Simple Thornton | Dec. 1980 |
(Vol. 6 No. 12)
Wes Emberg, Allan Ackerman, Edward Marlo | Overkill | 1980 | ||||||
Michael Ammar | Bluefield Debute | 1980 | ||||||
Ken De Courcy | The Very Personal Card Discovery | 1980 | ||||||
Roger Smith | Oddly Unexpected | 1980 | ||||||
Jeff White | Out of the Blue | 1980 | ||||||
Danny Korem | Color Changing Eidetic Sandwich | 1981 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Joker Thot | 1981 | ||||||
Philip T. Goldstein | Quasimodo | 1981 | ||||||
Ken Simmons | Technicolor Playing Against Odds | 1981 | ||||||
Jack McMillen | Shade Work | 1981 | ||||||
Philip T. Goldstein | Tinted Glass | Dec. 1981 |
(Vol. 1 No. 8)
Horace E. Bennett | Instant Reverse | 1981 | ||||||
Steve Beam | You're Joking | 1981 | ||||||
Roy Walton | Warpaint | 1981 | ||||||
Derek Dingle | New Double Color-Changing Aces | 1982 | ||||||
Derek Dingle | Pegas Aces | 1982 | ||||||
Derek Dingle | Colour Changing Any Card Speller | 1982 | ||||||
Philip T. Goldstein | Con-Sequence | 1982 | ||||||
Dave Robertson | The Back is Gone | Nov. 1982 |
(Vol. 2 No. 19)
Jerry Sadowitz | Rowan's Double | 1982 |
(Vol. 2 No. Special #2 (Xmas))
Jon Racherbaumer | Surprise Blue Intruder | 1983 | ||||||
Stephen Tucker | Eureka | 1983 |
(Vol. 3 No. Special #3)
Karl Fulves | Color Changing Back Problem | 1983 | ||||||
Michael Powers | Color Ambitious | 1983 | ||||||
Michael Powers | The Off Color Vanish | 1983 | ||||||
Philip T. Goldstein, Stephen Tucker | Muster | Summer 1984 |
West Coast Quarterly
(Vol. 1 No. 2)
Philip T. Goldstein, Stephen Tucker | Packet Muster | Summer 1984 |
West Coast Quarterly
(Vol. 1 No. 2)
Lou Gallo | Im-Packed | 1985 | ||||||
Stephen Minch | Main Attraction | 1985 | ||||||
Tom Mullica | Two-Card Trick, Revisited | 1985 | ||||||
Rolland Hamblen | Cards that Change Color | 1985 |
The Fred Braue Notebooks
(Issue 2)
Lawrence Frame | The Swahili Prediction | 1986 | ||||||
Michael Rubinstein | Chicago Opener Topp(it)et | May 1986 |
(Vol. 12 No. 2)
David Regal | Half and Half | 1987 | ||||||
David Regal | Catch of the Day | 1987 | ||||||
David Regal | Illusion Jacks | 1987 | ||||||
David Regal | Subliminal Attraction | 1987 | ||||||
John M. Bauman, Tony Binarelli | Painted Lips | Nov. 1987 |
(Vol. 10 No. 11)
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders | Mr. Stickman | 1987 | ||||||
Jerry Sadowitz | Return of the Burglar | 1987 | ||||||
Thomas Hierling | C.C. Ambitious Card | 1987 | ||||||
Christoph Borer | Eine halbe Sache | 1988 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | A Multiple Effect | 1988 | ||||||
Roy Walton | Through The Centuries Of Time | 1988 | ||||||
Doug Edwards | How about This?! | Nov. 1989 |
(Vol. 12 No. 11)
Nick Pudar | Blues in the Night | Dec. 1989 |
(Vol. 12 No. 12)
Brother John Hamman | The Two-Card Trick | 1989 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Kid Trix | 1989 | ||||||
Christoph Borer | Eine Halbe Sache | 1989 | ||||||
Juan Tamariz | The Talisman | 1989/91 | ||||||
Juan Tamariz | The Magic Card | 1989/91 | ||||||
Gary Kurtz | Artistic License | 1990 | ||||||
Mike Bornstein | Color me Blue | Jan. 1990 |
(Vol. 13 No. 1)
Philip T. Goldstein | Con-Sequence | 1990 | ||||||
Michael Ammar | Bluefield Debut | 1991 | ||||||
Michael Ammar | Double Color Change | 1991 | ||||||
David Regal | Changing Places | Aug. 1991 |
(Vol. 14 No. 8)
Bob King | Mini Ambush | Aug. 1991 |
(Vol. 14 No. 8)
Christoph Borer | Eine Halbe Sache | 1991 | ||||||
David Harkey | Simply Divine | 1991 | ||||||
David Harkey | Power Emanations | 1991 | ||||||
Roger Crosthwaite | The FAB Change Sequence | Feb. 1991 |
(Issue 8)
Kuniyasu Fujiwara | The Card Machine | 1992 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Hangman Plus | 1992 | ||||||
Amrik Sandhu | ATFUS and a Stranger | Dec. 1992 |
(Issue 11)
Barry Govan | Snappy Card Giveaway | Nov./Dec. 1992 |
The Magic Menu
(Vol. 3 No. 14)
Karl Fulves | Likely Suspect | 1993 |
(Issue 1)
Dave Campbell | Reversomatic | June 1993 |
(Issue 14)
Jerry Mentzer | Signed Selection Changes Color | 1993 | ||||||
Dennis Carroll | The Birthday Card | Sep./Oct. 1993 |
The Magic Menu
(Vol. 4 No. 19)
Gerard Parkin | What would have Happened? | Nov. 1994 |
(Vol. 17 No. 11)
Karl Fulves | Blue Moon | 1994 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | In Captivity | 1994 | ||||||
Robert E. Neale | (E)VIL(E) | 1994 |
The Trapdoor — Volume Three
(Issue 52)
Aldo Colombini | Open Prediction | 1994 | ||||||
William Goodwin | Odd Color Sandwich | Nov. 1994 |
The Lemniscate
(Vol. 1 No. 6)
Tom Mullica | Back And Blue | June 1995 |
(Vol. 18 No. 6)
David Regal | The Wrong Ones! | Sep. 1995 |
(Vol. 18 No. 9)
David Regal | Still The Wrong Ones! | Sep. 1995 |
(Vol. 18 No. 9)
Marvin Leventhal | Bizarre Transposition | Sep. 1995 |
The Minotaur
(Vol. 7 No. 3)
Arthur Carter | Chemical Reaction | 1995 | ||||||
David Acer | Flying Colors | 1995 | ||||||
Dave Robertson | Die verschwundene Rückseite | 1995 |
(Vol. 19 No. 3)
Thomas Waldeck | Pentium Card 52 | 1995 | ||||||
Thomas Fraps | Walter Wins Again | 1995 | ||||||
Aldo Colombini | One, Two, Three | 1995 | ||||||
Paul Harris | The Bizarre Routine | 1996 |
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1
(Issue Paul Harris Reveals some of his most Int...)
Allan Ackerman, Edward Marlo, Wes Emberg | Overkill | 1996 |
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2
(Issue Close-up Fantasies 1 & 2)
Paul Gordon | Emergency Deam Card | Apr. 1996 |
(Vol. 19 No. 4)
Steve Rogers, Paul Cummins | Blushing Ambition | Aug. 1996 |
(Vol. 19 No. 8)
Michael Close | A Trick for O'Brien | 1996 | ||||||
Michael Kaminskas | Case Closed | 1996 | ||||||
Frederick Braue | Joker Spell | 1996 |
The Fred Braue Notebooks
(Issue 7)
James Swain | Boxed B'Wave | 1996 | ||||||
Christian Knudsen | Tablehopper's Holy P.O.D. | 1996 | ||||||
Thomas Waldeck | Blaues Wunder | 1996 | ||||||
Walter Rollins | Technicolor Torn Card | Jan. 1996 |
(Vol. 5 No. 5)
Mike Rogers | Rogers Method | Jan. 1996 |
(Vol. 5 No. 5)
Mark Jenest | The Classic Farce | Aug. 1996 |
(Vol. 5 No. 12)
Larry Jennings | The Transmutated Cards | 1997 | ||||||
Peter Duffie | Double Ender | 1997 | ||||||
Doug Edwards | The Stunning, Jumping, Jack | 1997 | ||||||
Ariel Frailich | If I Were a Real Magician... | 1997 | ||||||
Milton Kort | Vernon's Variant Variant | 1999 | ||||||
Milton Kort | The Off-color Twenty-one-Card Trick | 1999 | ||||||
Joshua Jay | Written Favorite | 1999 | ||||||
David Acer | Color Scheme | 1999 | ||||||
Tom Craven | Hummer - Odd Back | 1999 | ||||||
Peter Gröning | Blushing Marjasin | Dec. 1999 |
(Issue 9)
Tom Frame | The Return of the Fly | Oct. 1999 |
(Vol. 9 No. 2)
Chuck Smith | Switch-A-Roo Monte | 2000 | ||||||
Christian Knudsen | Tablehopper's Holy P.O.D. | 2000 | ||||||
Thomas Waldeck | Out of the Blue | 2000 | ||||||
Thomas Waldeck | Pentium Card 52 | 2000 | ||||||
Tom Craven | Hummer - Odd Back | 2000 | ||||||
Simon Lovell | The Namer | 2000 | ||||||
David Regal | Compounding a Lie | July 2000 |
(Vol. 63 No. 7)
Mark Mason, Andrew Normansell | It's In My Pocket | 2000 | ||||||
Sean-Dylan Riedweg | Catch and Kiss | June 2000 |
(Vol. 9 No. 10)
Barry Price | Eidetified | 2000 | ||||||
Val Le-Val | "X" Marks the Spot | 2000 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Popgun | 2001 | ||||||
Bluebeard | 2001 | |||||||
Eugen Höbel, Herbert von Heldt | Mehr als nur ein Kartentrick | 2001 |
(Vol. 24 No. 3-5)
David Regal | The Color of Science | 2002 | ||||||
David Regal | A Subtle Hue | 2002 | ||||||
David Regal | Three...Two...One | 2002 | ||||||
David Regal | Compounding A Lie | 2002 | ||||||
David Regal | Face it, you've changed | 2002 | ||||||
Wayne Dobson | Stunning! | 2002 | ||||||
Jim Sisti | Torn With A Twist | Autumn 2002 |
The Magic Menu
(Vol. 11 No. 64)
Karl Fulves | Bite Size | 2003 | ||||||
Tony Bartolotta | Joker Jump | 2003 |
Latter Day Secrets
(Issue 8)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson | Traveling Queen | 2003 | ||||||
Gábor G. Szabó | Joker Blue and the Red Queens | 2003 | ||||||
Zenneth Kok | EZ Triumph | Mar. 2003 |
(Vol. 2 No. 14)
Chris Wardle | Mental Erasure | 2003 | ||||||
Carl Mercurio | Litmus Test | 2003 | ||||||
Al Leech | A Hot Card Trick | 2004 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Seven Sees | 2004 | ||||||
Max Maven | Over Easier | 2004 | ||||||
Wesley James | The Moon is Made of Blue Cheese | 2004 | ||||||
Wesley James | Blushing Leaper | 2004 | ||||||
Dave Campbell | Reverso-matic | 2004 | ||||||
Ron Frost | Colorful Cut | 2004 | ||||||
Ron Frost | Dirty, Down and Double | 2004 | ||||||
Jay Sankey | Touch of Evil | 2004 | ||||||
Jay Sankey | The Blues | 2004 |