243 entries in Wallet
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
James F. Herpick Safety Wallet wallet gag, noise like opening a safe
Oct. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 114)
Milbourne Christopher It's a Gift card to spectator's wallet, only in special occasions possible
Dec. 1947 376
Joseph Vyleta Knock Out Prediction prediction of boxing match, wallet and envelopes
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
Don Tanner Potent Seeds! No. 16, spring flowers spurt out of wallet
1958 ca. 5
Dr. F. W. van Klaveren New Multipurpose Card Exchange Folder Jacobs Ladder type wallet, variation called The New Exchange Folder, construction details and ideas
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Edward Marlo About your present Wallet on the wallet that came with the manuscript
1961 31
Dr. Stanley Jaks Die Brieftasche zum Hellsehtrick prediction of a card in envelope in wallet, magnetic wallet
Related to 1961 78
Dr. Stanley Jaks Jaks Brieftaschentrick wallet, impression device, carbon paper
1961 121
Ken De Courcy Wallet Card (business) card or prediction produced from borrowed wallet, stuck with wax under table
1967 12
Ken De Courcy Two-Way Wallet business card is printed on blank initialed card inside Supreme Two-Way Wallet (Himber?), or name appears on bill
1967 13
Ken De Courcy The Ghost Wallet using Ghost Wallet prop to print business cards
1967 15
Gerald Kosky Jokers Wild! five hands are dealt and performer removes five Jokers from wallet, everybody can swap a card with a joker, performer ends up with winning hand, Himber wallet
Inspired byRelated to May 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Gerald Kosky On My Mind card ends up at impossible location, Himber wallet
Inspired by 1973
Magick (Issue 87)
Jeff Busby Royal Runaway Jack, Queen and King of one suit are in (Himber) wallet, chosen value travels to pocket, then from deck back to wallet, turns over, back to deck
1973 1
Jeff Busby The Action Switch choreography to turn over Himber Wallet
1973 2
Anthony Raven The Eye of the Raven! prediction in envelope, card stolen from deck, magnetic
Variations 1974
Magick (Issue 109)
Felix Snipes Eylet prediction in envelope, card stolen from deck, impromptu version of Raven's trick
Inspired by 1974
Magick (Issue 114)
Steve Spillman Check Book Chicanery wallet with check book, bill appears, changes into concert ticket, vanish and appear again, Himber Wallet
1974 6
Gene Nielsen NuAge Prediction mailed before, Himber wallet
Magick (Issue 131)
John A. Novak Notice to Call a Window prediction in wallet, post office presentation
Magick (Issue 131)
Gerald Kosky Joker's Wild! five hands are dealt and performer removes five Jokers from wallet, everybody can swap a card with a joker, performer ends up with winning hand, Himber wallet
Related to 1975 86
Gerald Kosky The Lucky Key using a Himber wallet
1975 227
Harvey Rosenthal The Wallet Subtlety bill removed from wallet, then coin produced from bill, way to get coin under bill
Variations 1976
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #1)
Alex Elmsley Flight of the Psycards three signed cards to wallet, magnetic himber wallet, no palming version
1976 4
Al Mann The Devastators three selected cards are predicted, duplicates in wallet, magnetic himber
1976 11
Al Mann The Invaders two decks, three selected cards are predicted, duplicates in wallet, magnetic himber
1976 12
Karl Fulves Card To Wallet cased deck in one pocket, then wallet removed but loose cards are in upper pocket, in case is the wallet with selection, posed as problem
Interlocutor (Issue 12)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Four-Oh! prediction of single card, one of seven, Himber wallet
Magick (Issue 145)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Bank Night four envelopes, with Himber Wallet
Magick (Issue 150)
Chip Cotton Sixty Seconds... into the Past Q&A with one person, Himber Wallet
Magick (Issue 161)
Eric Mason N.C.R. prediction of someone's wishes written on an Invoice, envelope & wallet
Sep. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Philip T. Goldstein, Jeff Busby Cued Reading cards with different colors are arranged, prediction of positions, in envelopes
Magick (Issue 182)
Carl Herron Switch-Case Himber-type switch case, magnetic
Magick (Issue 184)
Coe Norton Omega Wallet signed selection placed in wallet on table, travels to rubber banded pocket notebook
1978 1
Karl Fulves French Moroccan Wallet where to obtain it
Related to 1978
Interlocutor (Issue 16)
Richard Lyn Psi-Card prediction with symbol cards, Himber wallet
Magick (Issue 197)
Orville Wayne Meyer The PR Device design for peek wallet
Inspired by 1978
Magick (Issue 204)
Philip T. Goldstein Mister Lucky prediction in envelope, three different-colored chips, two chosen by spectators, Himber wallet
Magick (Issue 220)
Charles "Cicardi" Scott Challenge of Chance design prediction, probability method
Related to
  • Phil Smith's "Real Deal" in "Mitox" p. 79.
Magick (Issue 244)
Al Schneider Al-Himber Wallet paper to money with Himber Wallet
1980 118
Rick Johnsson "Rip-Off" spectator knows which one of three key chain type coin purses has been opened
Aug. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 8)
Tom Gagnon Educated Dollar Bill bill crawls underneath wallet in tent configuration, then under ashtray and back
  • The Bill and Wallet
  • Gaining Slack In The Thread
  • Himber Plus Cardini
  • The Bill and the Ashtray
  • Notes by Karl Fulves
Inspired by 1980
The Chronicles (Issue 27)
Joe Weisbecker Mystic Medallion which hand effect, with written prediction in Himber wallet
Magick (Issue 253)
Robert Priest Orobas Factor before the show spectator buys a magazine and seals a bill in an envelope, magazine test and serial number reading, himber wallet
Magick (Issue 265)
Karroll Priest Psi-Disk prediction of named color, with optical illusion disc and himber wallet
Magick (Issue 267)
David Ashton, Nikko Psychich Synergy one Dollar bills and one hundred Dollar bill in envelopes, with himber wallet, as game show
Magick (Issue 271)
Jeff Busby Larry Jennings' Card-in-Envelope Wallet credit information, bashing of Barry Price wallet, loading tips, envelope tips, self-sealing envelope vs. tear
1980 1
Steve Dusheck Case of Identity multiple out prediction in wallet
Also published here 1980 ca. 6
Al Mann Foreword on flip-over wallets
Al Mann The Wallets Himber's, Al Koran's Wallet, The Bombshell Wallet
1981 1
Al Mann Technique handling a flip-over wallet, the turn-over move
1981 1
Al Mann, Sam Schwartz The Secret Thrust loading, cards, billets or envelopes into a wallet, morse thoughts on flip-over wallets
1981 3
Al Mann Page One with an Al Koran Wallet
1981 9
Al Mann The Coins from the Pocket spectator puts money in an envelope and seals it, then the performer hands him an envelope with the same amount of coins and of the same denomination, Bombshell Wallet
1981 11
Al Mann Life from Space named bugs appear in envelopes, Bombshell Wallet
1981 13
Al Mann The Name in the Vault prediction in wallet, Bombshell Wallet
1981 14
Al Mann One Message one of five envelopes is selected and it's the only one containing a message, the number of the envelope is also predicted, Himber Wallet
Variations 1981 15
Al Mann Unknown Forces selection matches prediction card in sealed envelope in Wallet
1981 16
Al Mann The Noesis of Nyx card in envelope in wallet, with Al Koran Wallet
1981 19
Al Mann One Hundred Clams signed bill is burned and appears restored in an envelope, Al Koran Wallet
1981 21
Al Mann Instant Mindreading Al Koran Wallet as a peek wallet
1981 22
Al Mann The Mounds of Ashtoreth two decks, spectator selects five cards and signs two, performer duplicates everything with the other deck, Al Koran Wallet
1981 23
Al Mann, T. Page Wright, William Larsen The Royal Album torn and restored card, corner as a reference, Al Koran Wallet
Related to
  • Sphinx Vol.27 #9, 1928
1981 26
Mike Caveney Purse Switch
1981 16
George Moore The Midas Touch performer has pile of bills, prediction of serial number of chosen bill
Magick (Issue 281)
Al Mann Mind Lock! finger rings locked on padlock, envelopes one containing key, prediction of correct envelope, himber wallet
Magick (Issue 292)
Neil Somerville PSI-Brations X spectator divines special ticket, prediction in envelope, himber wallet
Magick (Issue 299)
Pat Conway The ???? in Wallet gag production of rubber spider from wallet
Also published here Feb. 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Thomas Alan Waters Tetrance prediction in envelope in wallet
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Deckalogue)
Thomas Alan Waters Flipout prepared Himber Wallet for prediction and as a peek wallet
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Octasm)
Al Mann Confidentially Yours secretary-wallet as impression device, to force one of three books
1982 11
Al Mann The 16-Digit Effect add-a-number pad in secretary-wallet, signed paper
1982 12
Al Mann Instant Mindreading secretary-wallet as a peek wallet
1982 12
Jean de Merry Le Coin de Jean de Merry: Un portefeuille a échange construction details for switching wallet, design à laJacob's Ladder
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 43 No. 4&5)
Al Mann The Alborak using Himber Wallet
1982 20
Stephen Tucker Mizzing Link linking cards, examinable with matching centers, himber wallet
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. Special #3)
Stephen Tucker Under Wraps card to spectator's pocket, folded inside a bill, with wallet and bills
Also published here Sep. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 29)
Gene Nielsen Hommage Au Dr. Jaks peek wallet, business cards
Nov. 1983
Magick (Issue 325)
Father Cyprian Card in Wallet - Props description of setup for trick "The Big Little Signed Card in the Wallet Scam"
Related to 1983 19
"Fast Mike" Lewinski The Simple Killer card in signed envelope changes into ashes and is found in nest of boxes, Himber Wallet, duplicate
1984 32
Al Mann Psi-Pad using wallet and perforated billets
July 1984
Magick (Issue 334)
Dennis Marks Secret of Trivial Pursuit one Trivial Pursuit card is selected, sealed in envelope and placed inside a wallet, performer answers all the questions, Himber wallet
Sep. 1984
Magick (Issue 338)
Leo Kostka Dark Eyes prediction of initials and age on folded slip, inside Himber Wallet, post-it
Dec. 1984
Magick (Issue 343)
Stephen Minch Étoile D'Éventualité sealed prediction in wallet, two cards that match two selections, first card is stopped at and second selected by throwing a die, Himber wallet
Related toAlso published here 1984 25
Robert Cassidy Clue Outdone using Clue cards and the Jaks Wallet, revealing criminal, weapon and location
1984 50
Robert Cassidy Pocket Writing with LePaul on pocket writing, combined with the LePaul Wallet
1984 54
Harry Anderson Contrary Himber locking himber wallet idea
1985 70
Philip T. Goldstein Paper Chase
Jan. 1985
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 9)
Robert E. Neale Neale's Shortchange Wallet No. 70, wallet folded from paper, can be used to switch something
Also published here 1985 121
Robert E. Neale Short Change Wallet wallet folded from paper, can be used to switch something, optional slit à la Bendix Bombshell Wallet
VariationsAlso published here 1985 2
Karl Fulves Wallethots further ideas for Neale's wallet, easier way to construct it
Inspired by 1985 8
Michael Rubinstein Visitenkarten-Produktion business card production with plastic wallet
May 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 2)
Rudolf Braunmüller Die Himberbrieftasche basic information for Himber wallet before some routines
Dec. 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 3 & 4)
Der Brieftaschen-Wendeblock Himber wallet as add-a-number pad
Dec. 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 3 & 4)
Karl Fulves Billfold through Handkerchief wallet penetrates handkerchief but content is left behind
1987 33
Michael Pizzolla Synchronicity III three prediction cards shown in wallet, then three cards taken out of face-down spread, they match, wallet with magnet, two alternativ presentations
Related to
  • "Thought Control" (Richard Himber)
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Stephen Minch Étoile D'Éventualité spectator deals cards face up and stops, that card removed, die rolled and to that number counted to from stopped spot, both cards predicted, Himber Wallet
Also published here 1987 22
Pat Conway The Yuk in Wallet gag production of rubber spider from wallet
Also published here 1987 154
Paul Maurer Das Wettrennen im Weltraum napkin rockets are labelled and set on fire, prediction of which rocket was higher in the air, Himber Wallet
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Gene "Phantini" Grant The H/W Schism multiple-out using Himber wallet
June 1988
Magick (Issue 406)
Keith Charnley Chop Wallet Chop Cup style routine with coin and wallet - final production of ten pound note under the wallet
Also published here 1989 65
Billflip No. 29, coaster flip flourish at table edge with wallet
1989 40
Ken Simmons A Wallet Routine routine with ambitious card, transposition with one card in wallet, card to wallet, Bendix Bombshell, two duplicates
1990 3
Ken Simmons Simmon's Wallet Combination Routine blank papers change into checks one at a time, then several, then into money bills, using Himber Wallet
1990 8
Paul Hallas Second Message one of five envelopes is selected and it's the only one containing a message, the number of the envelope is also predicted
Inspired by 1990 28
Karl Fulves Short Change Wallet Z-fold wallet with money clip, short-change routine
Related to 1990
Cheat Sheet (Issue 3)
Steve Dusheck Case of Identity multiple out prediction in wallet
Also published here 1991 163
Dick Steiner Word Perfect envelope with prediction of formed word, using scrabble pieces, Himber wallet
Feb. 1991
Magick (Issue 452)
Dan Tong Store Bought prediction of chosen product from list and total of bill, Himber wallet
Inspired by
  • Ned Rutledge's "Minding the Store"
Nov. 1991
Magick (Issue 464)
Jim Sisti Low-Budget Spirit Photos blank card changes to selection, Himber Wallet
Nov./Dec. 1991
The Magic Menu (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Davey Marlin-Jones Dr. Jak's Wallet-Handling ideas with the Jaks Wallet
  • Dr. Jaks and a Friendly Force
  • Dr. Jaks and Perfect Time
1991 44
James Swain New Wave Prediction four selections match four predictions with odd back design from wallet, rainbow deck
Variations 1992 87
Al Koran Miracle Wallet Five Star Prediction, edited reprint of "Ken Brooke's instructions" from 1982
  • Another Handling (sixteen cards distributed on table, one chosen, predicted in wallet)
Oct. 1992
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Anthony Lindan See Through Switch as Anthony Linden, wallet to switch a card when removed
1992 784
Gary Kurtz The Bold Load signed card or spectator's business card is placed in one pocket, then instantly taken out of wallet in other pocket
Related toAlso published here 1992 33
Jerry Mentzer Credit Card to Wallet - Version One palming
1992 26
Jerry Mentzer Credit Card to Wallet - Version Two Himber Wallet
1992 29
Jerry Mentzer Credit Card to Wallet - Version Three
1992 35
The Lapel Ruse no-palm method to get a credit card into the wallet, using Bottom Placement
1992 36
Billy McComb, Roy Roth Billy McComb's Routine for Roy Roth's "Fastest Wallet in the West" (of Wales) credit card to wallet
1992 39
Bev Bergeron Credit Card to Wallet from stack of credit cards to wallet
1992 65
Larry Becker Digitellus numbers written on a business card and added up along some given instructions, total of ten numbers is divined before numbers are added by spectator, peek wallet
1992 47
Larry Becker Casino Royale prediction of a chosen casino, amount of money one wagers and outcome of Blackjack game, poker chips with names of casinos and Himber Wallet, comments on pre-show in the introduction (but not used in the effect)
1992 153
Jon Racherbaumer Dip Notes: More Background On the Le Paul Wallet credit discussion
Dec. 1992
Swipe (Issue 7)
Dennis Marks Tips and Techniques on Ray Piatt's "Piatt's Peek" and Caper Case, peek wallet
Sep. 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 3)
Docc Hilford Mento-Casino prediction of chosen Casino chip, total of roll of dice and selected cards, Himber wallet
Dec. 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 6)
Paul Gertner Photocopy photocopy of palm shown, card vanishes and travels into photocopy (Himber Wallet) and on this the card appeared as well
Variations 1994 149
Alexander de Cova Etwas zur Himber-Brieftasche
  • Das Umdrehen der Brieftasche
  • Grundsätzliches zur Brieftasche
  • Noch etwas wichtges
  • Das Setting
Also published here Nov. 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Alexander de Cova Ideen zur Himber-Brieftasche
  • Das Umdrehen der Brieftasche
  • Grundsätzliches zur Brieftasche
  • Noch etwas wichtges
  • Das Setting
Also published here 1994 8
Al Mann Hallucination card in wallet changes to thought of card, hallucination presentation, Diplo-Mental Pouch
Apr. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 10)
Karrell Fox The Unfaked Card To Wallet signed card into ungaffed, rubber-banded wallet
1995 51
David Malek The Yellow Kid all backs with four cards and gambling demonstration, Himber wallet
Inspired by 1995 19
Gary Kurtz The Bold Load signed card or spectator's business card is placed in one pocket, then instantly taken out of wallet in other pocket
Also published here 1995 25
Dominique Duvivier Duvivier Omnibus Wallet Combination of Balducci (Kaps) Wallet and Himber Wallet, with other features. Routine described: Selected card and credit card placed in different wallet compartments, they change places. Card is then replaced in deck and travels to wallet, followed by three other mates traveling to wallet
Related to 1996 61
Bob King Dual Flight featuring "Solution Wallet" (Himber/Bombshell)
1996 14
Bob King Secret Turnover of Himber Wallet
1996 15
Alain Nu Double Delight drawing on business card and Dollar bill are placed inside Bendix Bombshell wallet, drawing and serial number are divined
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Paul Green Option Call prediction of one card, Himber wallet, see p. 204 for piece of credit
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Wesley James Count-Revertable Aces Aces removed from deck, one travels to Himber wallet, repeat, then there are five Aces and one is put in wallet, repeat, red Aces remain, transpose with black Aces in wallet
Inspired byAlso published here 1997 83
Richard Bartram, Jr. Mullica Peek with Mullica Wallet
1997 141
Pasqual Perrino Psychic Jeopardy bills from the audience used to build a number, numbers from serial number used and added, prediction of total, Himber Wallet
Syzygy (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Alexander de Cova Tektron-X reading method for billet in wallet
Inspired by 1998 145
Harry Lorayne Handling the Himber Wallet how to flip it and other things
1998 xv
Harry Lorayne Instant Money bill and paper checks change in Himber wallet, multiple phases
1998 7
Harry Lorayne Bill-Fooled Bet prediction and card placed in Himber Wallet for switch
1998 12
Harry Lorayne Money Talks two $1 and one $5 bills put in envelopes that are mixed, performer divines which is which and the serial number of one bill, switch with Himber Wallet
1998 15
Harry Lorayne Check It Out blank check gets filled out by itself, then changes into bill, both in a Himber wallet
1998 25
Doug Edwards Cut And Restored Ribbon cut in Himber Wallet
1998 43
Doug Edwards Emergency Wallet making an impromptu Himber wallet out of credit card application paperwork
1998 55
Scott Wells Second Impression photocopy of palm shown, card vanishes and travels into photocopy (Himber Wallet) and on this the card appeared as well
Inspired by 1998 71
Harry Lorayne Choice And Chance two-card prediction with Himber wallet
Related to 1998 76
Stephen Minch School of Eventuality sealed prediction in wallet, two cards that match two selections, first card is stopped at and second selected by throwing a die, Himber wallet
Also published here 1998 82
Doug Edwards Angle Fold putting a folded bill in center compartment of Himber wallet for both sides
1998 92
Harry Lorayne Six-Way Out with Himber Wallet
1998 123
Wesley James Count-Revertable Aces Aces removed from deck, one travels to Himber wallet, repeat, then there are five Aces and one is put in wallet, repeat, red Aces remain, transpose with black Aces in wallet
Also published here 1998 143
Harry Lorayne Better Than A Clipboard using Himber wallet to get information from spectator
1998 154
Harry Lorayne For A Really Free Choice having eight or twelve outs in Himber wallet
1998 182
Harry Lorayne Slitsville loading card into Himber wallet from underneath
1998 196
Steve Bedwell Flexible Credit borrowed credit card broken in envelope, reproduced from wallet
1998 ca. 1
Jas Jakutsch "IOU" AKA "The Serpent" spectator jots down any amount and performer divines it by placing the exact amount of money from his wallet and purse on the table, then he shows, that he did not have more money, so he predicted the amount beforehand
1999 25
David Acer Heavy Credit credit card placed on closed wallet, it vanishes and reappears inside wallet in its slot
1999 155
Wesley James, Derek Dingle The Speed Load "A Wallet Load Technique"
2000 16
Ron Bauer Xerox Money blank paper changes into money in wallet in multiple phases
2000 2
Simon Lovell, Keith Charnley Chop Wallet Chop Cup style routine with coin and wallet - final production of ten pound note under the wallet
Also published here 2000 163
David Acer Packs a Wallet!
  • Confessions of a Road Warrior
Rubberband wrapped around wallet vanishes, appears around a credit card inside the wallet
Inspired byAlso published here June 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 6)
Lee Woodside Voodoo Lou prediction of which part of voodoo doll is pierced, with Himber wallet
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 4)
John Cornelius The Card Indexes in wallet
2001 164
Jon Racherbaumer Doppelgänger photocopy of palm shown, card vanishes and travels into photocopy (Himber Wallet) and on this the card appeared as well
  • Magic Christian ideas
Inspired by Aug. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 8)
Gábor G. Szabó Joker Blue and the Red Queens multip-phase routine, ambitious card with joker, joker travels from himber wallet to deck and transposes with other card in box
2003 19
Robert Cassidy A Remote Peek city and name are written on card an card placed inside a Jaks wallet, information is divined
2003 9
Robert Cassidy The Invisible Mirror versatile gaffed wallet for billet reading and more
2003 1
Michel Huot, David Acer Photo Finish Photograph of magician holding a Joker becomes magician holding selected card
2004 172
David Acer Packs a Wallet! Rubberband wrapped around wallet vanishes, appears around a credit card inside the wallet
Inspired byAlso published here 2004 275
Wesley James, Derek Dingle The Speed Load - A Wallet Loading Technique
2004 188
Dr. Stanley Jaks Peek Wallet hole in back
2004 18
Adrian "Ramblar" Guerra Card to Wallet card placed inside wallet turns out to be selection, Himber wallet
2004 149
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Karte oder Geld chosen playing card transposed with bill, two plastic wallets used
2004 31
Paolo Cavalli, Massimo Tira Chairvelopes three people chose one of four different colored chairs, then they chose one of four envelopes, remaining envelope has money inside and predicts remaining chair, prediction of chair which is chosen by only woman is found on label on a rose
Related to 2004 4
Bob Ostin The Poor Man's Fire Wallet self-made fire wallet
2005 44
Jack Avis Jack Avis Ideas - 1. paper wallet for switching, Hindu Paper Coin Vanish Set
2006 73
Steve Silverman To Catch a Thief envelope and Fifty dollar bill are in himber wallet, borrowed signed bill changes into Fifty, Fifty is missing from wallet, signed bill in envelope
2006 228
Jamie Badman Bring Your Wallet to the Curry Night Variation of Friday Night Curry, but with wallet secret preparation
Inspired by 2007 43
Alain Nu Bibliomantic Spectator writes a word down on business card and kept in wallet, then randomly stops magician's finger on a word in a book, the two words are divined and shown to are related to each other
2008 21
Richard F. McKinney The Sprit Message writing appears on paper in Himber wallet precursor
Related toAlso published here
  • The Sphinx, Oct. 1925
Prolix (Issue 5)
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Love Laughs King burnt and found restored in Himber wallet precursor z-fold, torn corner dodge
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Nov. 1928
Prolix (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves The Flip Wallet two cardboards with ribbons, Jacob's ladder style, construction and several application, two-panel flexagon
Related to 2008
Prolix (Issue 5)
Rich Aviles DIY Firewallet
2010 75
Roberto Giobbi The Versatile Wallet wallet as conserved pocket space, what to store
Secret Agenda (Issue Aug 20)
Arnold Liebertz, Roberto Giobbi Any Wallet a Himber Wallet
Secret Agenda (Issue Sep 5)
Karl Fulves The Z-Fold "simple flexing"
handling a z-fold or Himber wallet turnover
Xtra Credit (Issue 8)
Karl Fulves Zwindle card changes into right card in z-fold wallet, red/blue double backer
Xtra Credit (Issue 8)
Karl Fulves Z-Switch "one of many"
switching a card with z-fold/himber wallet
Xtra Credit (Issue 8)
Karl Fulves Z Character handling a z-fold wallet, selection torn in half and one half in wallet, another card torn, two halves vanished, half in wallet matches other half
Xtra Credit (Issue 8)
Karl Fulves Evolution "fictional history"
on z-fold vs. Himber (flexagon) wallet
Xtra Credit (Issue 8)
Karl Fulves Z-Flex "z-fold to flexagon"
on z-fold vs. Himber (flexagon) wallet
Related to 2010
Xtra Credit (Issue 8)
David Acer Travel Visa
  • Part One: Credit Card to Wallet
  • Part Two: Credit Card to Pocket
Oct. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 10)
Darwin Ortiz Himber Wallet Switch switching packet of cards
2012 272
Roberto Giobbi Fake Insertion into Wallet
2012 246
Charles Reynolds Jacks Hip Pocket Peek Wallet "Jaks"
2012 23
Alexander de Cova Der schnellste Ring in Kuvert der Welt quick loading method for envelope, wallet, or other things, involving lapping via Revolve Vanish and apparent removal from inside pocket
Also published here Oct. 2012 14
Gabi Pareras Dama Inquieta (versión con carta de doble cara) la dama inquieta, with Himber wallet
  • A Modo de Prólogo (Joaquin Matas)
  • Introducción
  • Primera Fase
  • Segunda Fase
  • Tercera Fase
Inspired by 2012 175
Darwin Ortiz, Jason Ladanye Himber Wallet Move changing compartments
2013 35
Doug Edwards A Mysterious Case vinyl card packet opens by itself
2013 146
Scotty York My Handling of the Himber or Z-Wallet
Mar. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 3)
Alexander de Cova Die Lupe ring to envelope, leather nail care set instead of classic loading wallet
Also published here June 2013 23
Alexander de Cova Wallet & Envelope Handling window wallet used for loading
Also published here Dec. 2013 408
Alexander de Cova Through the Loupe ring to envelope, leather nail care set instead of classic loading wallet
Also published here Dec. 2013
Scrapbook (Issue 1)
Hiroyuki Sakai The Volunteer Swindler five Dollar bill with slit is folded so it looks like two bills, when opened up bill has transformed to ten Dollar bill and other bills is back in wallet
2013 23
Hiroyuki Sakai Inner Inertia cards loaded on deck using a wallet, prediction
2013 48
Dr. Stanley Jaks His Cup of Tea tea leaves reading with wallet, Q&A, magnetic
Related toAlso published here
  • "His Cup of Tea" in "M.U.M" November, 1973
  • "His Cup of Tea" in Ed Mellon's "Mental-Wise"
2014 156
Dr. Stanley Jaks Private Reading Plus peek wallet
Variations 2014 207
Colin McLeod Noted with four bills removed from a wallet, odd bill is found as well as the different scenarios the spectators are thinking of
Inspired by
  • Stephen Tucker's "Visa Cabaret"
  • "Kurotsuke" (Max Maven, VideoMind 1, 1997)
2014 108
Michael Murray The Circle of Truth thought of word is found on business card in performer's wallet
2014 130
Michael Murray My Bookless Booktest prediction written on billet inside wallet
2014 199
Simon Aronson Mental and Physical Uses Time Warp Wallet. Magician correctly predicts thought of card and locates selected card
2014 257
Alexander de Cova Wallet & Envelope Handling window wallet used for loading
Also published here 2014 23
Steve Beam Blankety Blank Blank (both sides) deck used to create a playing card. That card is removed from the pocket and it appears (prints) in the deck.
2015 225
Woody Aragón, Bob Farmer Aragon Attractor
  • Woody's Effect
  • Vernet
  • Wallet
Related to 2015 31
Karl Fulves Raison d'Entre using pocket flexagon as regular wallet made from different material
Folderol (Issue 1)
Alexander de Cova Eine lupenreine Sache ring to envelope, leather nail care set instead of classic loading wallet
Also published here 2015 38
Alexander de Cova Der schnellste Ring in Kuvert quick loading method for envelope, wallet, or other things, involving lapping via Revolve Vanish and apparent removal from inside pocket
Also published here 2015 58
Alexander de Cova Wallet & Envelope Handling window wallet used for loading
Also published here 2015 188
Roberto Giobbi Innocent Card Switching Wallet transparent plastic wallet
Hidden Agenda (Issue June 6)
Roberto Giobbi Prediction at Risk card from red-backed deck matches card from blue-backed deck, also predicted in envelope, Himber wallet
Inspired by 2016 156
Dr. Stanley Jaks Jaks Wallet
2016 8
Alexander de Cova Ein Tipp zur Himber Wallet on handling the switch with the Himber Wallet
2016 195
Alexander de Cova Mullica Wallet Handling
  • Der Schlitz der kleineren Brieftasche
2016 227
Alexander de Cova Notfall Himber-Brieftasche impromptu Himber wallet made from post cards
2016 190
Paul Vigil The Premonition card predicted in wallet
2017 221
Bob Farmer 4-Way Outs
  • Envelope
  • Wallets
2017 36
Anthony Owen Brainwash named card has large X on the back, same card is found in performer's wallet
2017 38
Bob Farmer 8-Way Outs
  • Pockets
  • Wallets
2018 11
Ryan Schlutz Before the Thought eight to ten cards selected from table wash, highest card thought of, predicted in envelope
  • Marking the Deck
  • Reveal Using Wallet
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2018 17
Ignacio López Destino cards are eliminated, remaining one was predicted, Himber Wallet
2018 63
Alberto de Figueiredo Back in Time back in time presentation, card in wallet vanishes and is selected by spectator, then it is signed vanishes from deck and appears back in wallet, Himber
2018 197
Ryan Schlutz Before the Thought eight to ten cards selected from table wash, highest card thought of, predicted in envelope
  • Marking the Deck
  • Reveal Using Wallet
Also published here 2020 89
Nancy Colwell Dav's Transpo Magician and spectator's ID card change places - spectator's ID changes into magician's ID, then spectator's ID is found in magician's wallet.

Includes two methods: one for inside coat pocket, one without coat
Inspired by 2021 10
Nathan Kranzo Fire Wallet Opener Gag
2021 52
Anders Moden Impromptu Mullica Wallet card found between bills and credit cards removed from regular wallet
VariationsAlso published here
  • MAGIC, June 2006
2022 506
Anson Chen Thought Crime prediction of chosen object and of any named word, second prediction in wallet on table
2023 84
David Regal Cop Wallet wallet design with large hole for load from cop position
June 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 6)
Roberto Giobbi Polyvalent Wallet wallet with many tricks in them
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Apr 23)
Jamy Ian Swiss About the Mullica Wallet
Jan. 2025
Genii (Vol. 88 No. 1)