33 entries in Cards / Sleights / Cloths and Cards / Apparently putting Cards in Pocket
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Stanley Collins Pretended Pocket Placement card placed in pocket and palmed out again
1925 10
Robert A. Nelson Simulated Card to Pocket stealing card back, palm
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1948)
Edward Marlo Card from Pocket ideas/"Search" Technique
Related to 1956 52
Charles T. Jordan Card Apparently Placed in Pocket
Also published here 1975 33
Fake Pocket Insertion copped out again
1979 91
Peter Duffie right trouser pocket classic palm
1982 22
Edward Marlo Fake Inside Pocket Insertion card apparently placed in inside pocket, classic palmed in same hand
Facsimile (Issue 1)
Edward Marlo Fake Inside Pocket Insertion card apparently placed in inside pocket, classic palmed in same hand
1984 339
Philip T. Goldstein Simulated Placement of Card in Pocket left outside pocket, stolen back to deck
1984 96
Karl Fulves Fake Pocket Placement palmed out again, spectator's inside pocket
1987 5
Larry Jennings Lapel Steal card apparently placed in inside pocket is stolen back to deck
1988 40
Philip T. Goldstein Simulated Placement of Card in Pocket left outside pocket, stolen back to deck
1989 12
Juan Tamariz Inside Pocket to Lap apparently placing cards in inside pocket but lapping them
1989/91 163
Gary Kurtz Inside Jacket back on pack
1990 56
Edward Marlo Simulated Pocketing
1990 23
Gary Kurtz The Bold Load signed card or spectator's business card is placed in one pocket, then instantly taken out of wallet in other pocket
Also published here 1992 33
Charles T. Jordan Card Apparently Placed in Pocket
Also published here 1992 201
Palming Card Out Again palmed out again
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
Gary Kurtz The Bold Load signed card or spectator's business card is placed in one pocket, then instantly taken out of wallet in other pocket
Also published here 1995 25
Baltazar Fuentes The Fake Take top card apparently taken into right-hand end grip (and here put in pocket)
1996 2
Edward Marlo "Search" Technique
1997 105
Guy Hollingworth Outer left Pocket gambler's cop or Bent Cop
1999 67
Guy Hollingworth Outer right Pocket lateral Palm
1999 67
Simulated Pocket Placement copped out again
2002 37
Wesley James From Jacket to Lap packet secretly paper clipped, apparently put in sleeve, then dropped to lap
2004 137
Román García Topit Card Transfer card put in side jacket pocket is placed back on top of deck through topit path
2010 26
Pocket Palm
2015 4
Denis Behr Fake Back-Pocket Placement
2016 163
Inside Pocket Steal Back card apparently placed in inside pocket, stolen back onto packet in other hand
July 2019
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. Spring Equinox (Special Preview))
Inside Pocket Steal Back card apparently placed in inside pocket, stolen back onto packet in other hand
May 2020
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. 1 Part 1 (Spring #2))
Jean-Pierre Vallarino False pocket placement left hand’s card is apparently placed into inner jacket pocket, really placed into right hand that is holding lapel
2022 250
Guy Hollingworth Bent Cop Fake Pocket Placement card apparently placed in pocket
2023 40
Scott Robinson Fake Back Pocket Placement apparently placing a card in the back pocket and copping it out again
June 2024
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Wilson Issue)