154 entries in Cards / Sleights / Ditching Cards / Lapping
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Knee Hold Out
1946 112
Edward Marlo Lapping a Short Card
1953 15
Jerry Andrus Disappearance from a Handkerchief lapping, card to pocket
Related to 1956 129
Jerry Andrus Rolling Change through-the-fist type action with double, one card lapped
1957 6
Brother John Hamman Drop Lapping
1958 21
Jerry Andrus Misdirection Lap as a card is placed to the side during deal
Related to 1964 5
Simple Lap card thumbed off
1965 10
Harry Lorayne Scoop Up Lapping
1965 19
Harry Lorayne Toss-In Lap
1965 40
Edward Marlo, Carmen D'Amico Propelled Lapping
Related toVariationsAlso published here June 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 38)
Tony Slydini Palm-Off and Lapping card palmed off in Tenkai type palm, then lapped from there
1966 49
Edward Marlo Misdirection Lap as joker is set aside during count down
Related to 1968 105
Juan Tamariz, Ramon Varela Ditching cards
1970 28
Ron Wilson The Vanishing Deck
Also published here June 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 14)
Harry Lorayne Lapping a Card after card is displayed in spread
Also published here 1971 43
Derek Dingle Lapping bottom cards of a packet
July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 1))
Bob Stencel The Ditch
Dec. 1972 578
Karl Fulves Simplex Cop lapping from riffle shuffle
Related to 1973 36
Karl Fulves Imp Cop card lapped from riffle shuffle or put in a position where it is held at a corner at the table edge
Variations 1973 40
Karl Fulves Gravity Cop lapping during riffle shuffle
1973 43
Karl Fulves Propelled Cop lapping during riffle shuffle
1973 43
Karl Fulves The Fake Insertion card is apparently inserted in tabled deck but lapped or held against table edge
1973 60
Cop Lap
1973 24
Harry Lorayne The Double-Cut Lap
1973 28
Harry Lorayne The Ribbon-Spread Palm with lapping option
1973 76
Russell T. Barnhart Riffle Square Up Lap
1973 108
Russell T. Barnhart Card Case Escape card is lapped as deck is displayed and placed into case, Center Table Steal
1973 110
Harry Lorayne Two Rubber-Band Ideas (that I don't know what to do with!) magically (?) removing a card from a banded deck & lapping move as rubber band is removed
1973 144
Karl Fulves, Jerry Andrus Lapping Sandwich Cards sandwich cards are lapped, similar to Andrus Tunnel Vanish
1973 26
Gerald Kosky The Bold One single card prediction on paper
Magick (Issue 85)
Jerry Andrus Tunnel Vanish
1973 (ca.) 2
Edward Marlo Propelled Lapping
1974 106
Karl Fulves Uni-Voice selected card is clipped on a board, where performer noted prediction, they match
1974 15
Harry Lorayne The Peek Lap directly after spectator's peek
Also published here 1975 37
Gene Maze Lap Packet Switch
1975 107
Harry Lorayne TCAA #5, The Second packet switch, also as lapping
Inspired by 1975 124
Ken Krenzel Case Lap card beneath case is lapped
Epilogue (Issue Special No 2)
Karl Fulves Misdirection Lapping bottom card of left hand double lapped as right hand turns over tabled card
1975 3
Karl Fulves Deal Cop top card apparently dealt to table and turned over, really palmed in Tenkai palm (with optional lapping) and second card dealt
1975 53
Tony Slydini, Karl Fulves Table Edge Turnover Switch with lapping
1975 192
Karl Fulves Moisture Steal card sticks to back of hand
1975 198
Francis Carlyle Carlyle's Cold Deck Switch
1975 117
Russell T. Barnhart The Master Palm position and comments, lapping from Master Palm
1975 13
Edward Marlo Lapping Moves while cutting the deck
1976 313
Jerry Andrus Card to Pocket seated, with handkerchief
Related to 1976 34
Jerry Andrus Switch Back from a small packet
1976 53
Jerry Andrus Multiple Switch Back
1976 53
Jerry Andrus Spanish Vanish from a fan
1976 53
Jerry Andrus Spanish Vanish Version 2
1976 53
Jerry Andrus Spanish Vanish Version 3
1976 53
Jerry Andrus Secret Spread from a spreaded group
Related to 1976 53
Jerry Andrus After Count Switch Back
1976 54
Jerry Andrus Vanishing Shuffle riffle shuffle lap
1976 56
Edward Marlo Marlo Bottom Placement with final lapping
1977 202
Harvey Rosenthal The Lapping Technique after Outjogged Placement in Tenkai
1977 170
Gene Maze Air Drop lapping
1977 203
Gene Maze Second Deal Switch no real second deal, lapping
1977 210
Gene Maze Lap From Count as packet is counted
1977 213
Gene Maze The Subtraction Move from packet
1977 227
Gene Maze A Lap Move from small packet
1977 231
Gene Maze The Snap Lap Switch
1977 233
Frank Hathaway, Martin A. Nash The Hathaway Change lapping
1977 186
For Magicians Only table edge switch to clean up after Wild Card Routine
1977 40
Edward Marlo, Carmen D'Amico Propelled Lapping
Also published here 1977 19
Allan Ackerman Ackerman's Automatic Lap lapping a piece of card during linking cards effect
Also published here 1977 16
Ron Wilson The Vanishing Deck
Also published here 1978 8
Pablo Domenèch Lapping a Card while fanning a small group of cards
Also published here 1978 119
Stephen Minch, Harry Lorayne Spread Lapping from tabled spread
1979 376
Edward Marlo Small Packet Lap lapping from a small packet
1979 20
Edward Marlo The Marlo Actions kind of reverse of Slydini's "Imp Pass"
1979 261
Edward Marlo Marlo Kick Switch for one or multiple cards, lapping
Related to 1979 268
Edward Marlo Visual Retention Switch one or multiple cards, lapping, see also page 371
1979 271
Edward Marlo Monte Switchout to switch out the money card for an x-card, lapping
1979 275
Bruce Ikefugi Lightning Stab Change indifferent card is stabbed in deck face up and at that moment changes into selection, lapping
Related to Aug. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Richard Kaufman The W.S. Card Switch lapping
1979 41
Richard Kaufman Packet Switch lapping
1979 42
Richard Kaufman Cover Switch packet beneath top card is switched, lapping
1979 44
Richard Kaufman Packet Swing Lap Move
1979 134
Nick Pudar Snap-Turn Lapping as two cards are snapped over, one is lapped
Apr. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Gerald Deutsch Lapping simply lapping top cards
May 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Harry Lorayne Snap Lap bottom cards
Also published here 1980 24
Karl Fulves Incomplete Notes application of Daley's Incomplete Side Steal
Related to 1981 18
Gene Varré Lapping Bottom of Double
Oct. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Fred Kaps Card Switch while turning card over
1981 45
Stephen Tucker Half & Half half of selection ends in pocket, then it is restored again
Inspired by Aug. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Juan Tamariz 7. Descarga al Regazo con Ayuda del TPC
Also published here 1981 22
Juan Tamariz Tamariz Change described with lapping
Also published here 1981 41
Derek Dingle Lapping bottom cards of a packet
1982 6
Derek Dingle Standard Lapping Technique
1982 181
Ron Wilson, Derek Dingle, Edward Marlo Vanishing Deck Sequence
1982 183
Edward Marlo The Snap Lap lapping a half card from the deck
1982 78
Edward Marlo, Carmen D'Amico Au Courant Card Switch using lap
Also published here 1982 106
Hippie Torrales Side-End Illusion lapping multiple cards from center
June 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 6)
Harry Lorayne Snap Lap bottom cards
Also published here 1982 376
Harry Lorayne HaLo For Four multiple card lap, cutting action
Also published here 1982 378
Edward Marlo New-Approach Propelled Lapping also as a switch
1983 182
Edward Marlo Direct Lapping Move top cards
1983 188
Edward Marlo Screened Propelled Lapping
1983 197
Edward Marlo Fake Propelled Lapping card is apparently (!) lapped
Also published here 1983 201
Edward Marlo Longitudinal Palm Switch lapping
1984 281
Edward Marlo Thumb Lapping
1984 308
Jean-Jacques Sanvert Switch and Deck Vanish lapping technique as a packet switch or "aces are put in deck and deck vanishes leaving only aces behind"-effect
Oct. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 10)
Harvey Rosenthal Table Top Transpo
1984 100
Harry Lorayne HaLo Cut Cop here to first cop then lap the card
1985 115
Gerald Deutsch Top Card Lap as some tabled cards are scooped up
1985 553
Tony Slydini, Gerald Deutsch Timing Principle Lap
1985 555
Edward Marlo Screening Action Lapping
1985 556
Geoffrey Latta The Isolated Switch Tenkai Palm steal of front card of a double, also with immediate lapping
Dec. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 12)
David Regal The Cardboard Magician lapping
1987 174
Lapping from Center
June 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 6)
Milton Tropp Tropp's Cop lapping method
Related to 1987 12
Ron Wilson A Vanishing Deck from case, case is torn
Also published here 1987 72
Steve Beam Squeezers 52-on-1 card transforms into a complete deck
1989 540
Juan Tamariz Lapping with the TPC
Also published here 1989/91 34
Juan Tamariz 2. Lapping switching out three cards from 4 and lapping them
Inspired by 1989/91 76
Juan Tamariz Tamariz Change described with lapping
Also published here 1989/91 138
Juan Tamariz Inside Pocket to Lap apparently placing cards in inside pocket but lapping them
1989/91 163
Harry Lorayne Spread Lap while breaking spread
1990 188
Edward Marlo Lapping Cards from Center two methods
July 1991 2
Jon Racherbaumer Lapping card placed between two card cases
1992 xxxii
Ernest Earick Swivel Steal Lapping one handed
1993 71
Juan Tamariz Lapping With The TPC
1994 10
Aldo Colombini Swivel Cut Lap
1994 105
Peter Duffie Spin Cut Lapping
1995 262
Peter Duffie Toss-In Lap Switch card is switched/lapped as it is tossed through deck
Related to 1995 264
Joe Rindfleisch Thumbthing as a transformation
May 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 5)
Harry Lorayne Only Aces Left - Right? lapping
Oct. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 10)
Lennart Green Half Deck Lapping
Spring 1996 62
Allan Ackerman Ackerman's Automatic Lap lapping a piece of card during linking cards effect
Also published here 1996 71
Gene Maze A Switch in Time lapping
Nov. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 11)
Harry Lorayne Spread Lap
Dec. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 12)
Pablo Domenèch Lapping a Card while fanning a small group of cards
Also published here 1996 18
Richard Rechsteiner Sucker Monte Opening one card transforms
Aug. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 8)
Ken Krenzel Slip-Lap Change top card is lapped
1997 56
Simon Lovell Sitting Deck Vanish oker changes to selected card, deck vanishes from case
Also published here 1997 94
Ariel Frailich Imp Cop Handling card lapped from riffle shuffle
Inspired by 1997 38
Harry Lorayne The Lap Control
Also published here 2000 965
Harry Lorayne Scoop Up Lapping
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5)
Dan Buck, Dave Buck "Is this your Card" wrong card tabled face down, it later is shown to be selection, lapping top card of tabled double
Related to 2001 14
Tony Giorgio Palm Shift Lap starts like Diagonal Palm Shift, card is lapped
May 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 5)
Ron Frost Ditch Three: Lapping Lizards! It Works! Lapping card while cutting
2004 72
Doug Edwards Faro Lap lapping card while cascading cards after faro shuffle
2006 30
Harry Lorayne The Peek Lap directly after spectator's peek
Also published here Jan. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 1)
Fred Kaps The Kaps Lapping Move
2008 370
Arie Vilner The Squeeze Control insertion from the side with deck in end grip (Simon Control), then card is stolen or lapped
  • Version 1 - One Handed SC
  • Version 2 - Two Handed SC
  • Version 3 - Using the Longitudinal Palm (holding pen as cover)
Inspired by 2009 77
Jean-Claude Pagès, Lapping Elmsley no credit but similar to reference
Related to 2010
Secret Agenda (Issue May 6)
Woody Aragón Convex Control with Lapping lap four aces after Convex Control
2011 70
Dani DaOrtiz Packet Lap
Mar. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 3)
Gabi Pareras Lapping Technique while counting cards from hand to hand
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 19)
Jesús Etcheverry La maldición de la gitana variation of Fred Kaps Wild Card, seated
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 20)
Tom Stone False Transfer & Lapping Vanish
Also published here July 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 7)
Tom Stone False Transfer & Lapping Vanish
Also published here 2014 28
Edward Marlo Fake Propelled Lapping
Also published here 2019
Output (Issue 4)
Edward Marlo, Carmen D'Amico Au Courant Card Switch using lap
Also published here 2020
Output (Issue 12)