119 entries in Cards / Sleights / Color Change / Tabled
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Visible Transformation as deck is dropped on table, air pressure turnover
1897 43
Edward Marlo Out of Your Hands top card of tabled deck transforms
1957 16
Edward Marlo Rise-Rise-Rise card from center rises to top visible, tabled, two methods (Tenkai and Flat Palm)
Variations 1957 23
Edward Marlo, Carmen D'Amico The Circular Change as hand is waved over single tabled card
VariationsAlso published here 1961 33
Edward Marlo For the Informed card on deck is shown singly before and after transformation, three methods (tabled and ala Erdnase/Houdini Change)
Also published here Mar. 1968
Epilogue (Issue 2)
Edward Marlo Visual Retention Change
  • Technique of the Visual Retention Change
  • The Visual Change
  • The Multiple Visual Retention Change
Related toVariationsAlso published here Fall-Spring 1971
Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Edward Marlo, Mike Rogers Coin Kick & Card Change coin lapping vanish or card transformation
Related to Sep. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Edward Marlo Eidetic Change see credit notes on page 67
Related toAlso published here Sep. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Jon Racherbaumer Veiled Tosheroon coin on deck
Inspired by Dec. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 12)
John Cornelius Flicker
Also published here Nov. 1974
Epilogue (Issue 22)
Rick Johnsson The Kick Change card on table is covered with both hands
Related to 1976 15
Martin A. Nash The Flip Switch mid-air-change, from pack to table
Related to 1977 184
Edward Marlo Side-Jogged Ribbon Spread Change reversed card inserted and side-jogged, ribbon-spread hide-out as transformation
1977 7
Steve Beam Quick Change card on table is covered with a fan and transforms
Inspired by
  • Mathew Corin's "Novel Card Discovery" in "Genii" May, 1972.
VariationsAlso published here
1978 15
Tommy Dowd A New Card Change brief
Related to 1978 31
Martin A. Nash Impossible Double Card-Change only set-up is explained, Ciruclar - Eidetic - combo
1979 310
Martin A. Nash Second Look as top card is trown to table
1979 411
Edward Marlo Rise-Rise-Rise Cop
1979 37
Richard Kaufman, Bob Driebeek Mackintosh get-into for Tosheroon
1979 101
Steve Beam, Dennis Slice Spare Change card face up in ribbon spread, spread is turned over and reversed card removed, change into selection
1979 26
Jon Racherbaumer Eidetic Change Variation in foreword, sandwiched card changes
Geoffrey Latta Eidetic Change Variation in foreword, coin is placed on tabled double
Edward Marlo An Optical Illusion selection appears and vanishes on tabled deck, using card clip
1980 106
Edward Marlo Single (?) Card Change card on table, using card clip
Variations 1980 107
Edward Marlo Ungaffed Tosheroon card changes under coin, on tabled deck
1980 110
An Instant Flip-Over Change card is flicked onto some cards on table and changes visually
Related toVariationsAlso published here Feb. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 2)
John Cornelius Flicker as card is flicked to table
Also published here Feb. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 2)
John Cornelius Flicker Change double onto table with several cards there
1980 72
John Cornelius Meta-More eidetic type, dated to 1973
Inspired byVariations 1980
The Chronicles (Issue 27)
Karl Fulves Meta Metal tabled card with coin on top changes, tosheroon, two handlings
Inspired by 1980
The Chronicles (Issue 27)
Steve Beam Drop Change face up card is dropped on face down pile and changes to other card
Also published here 1980 52
Don England Snaparoon face card of tabled and rubber-banded deck changes, tosheroon
Variations 1981 12
Edward Marlo Rise Rise Rise
1981 14
Steve Beam Visine Change 2 tabled card wiped with one-handed fans, presentation with bottle of Visine
Inspired byAlso published here 1981 6
Steve Beam Drop Change face up card is dropped on face down pile and changes to other card
Also published here 1981 14
Edward Marlo A Change For The Better flicker type, bottom deal
Inspired byRelated to 1982 14
Edward Marlo A Still Better Way flicker type, greek deal
Related to 1982 16
Edward Marlo The Double Eidetic Change
1982 31
Edward Marlo Eidetic Aces visual appearance at once in leader packet
1982 185
Herb Zarrow Flicker Again
Inspired byVariations Dec. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Tom Mullica The Future Spread tabled card changes visibly as spread is scooped up, see also Eidetic Change
Related toVariations 1982 59
Steve Beam Drop Change as card is thrown on tabled pile of cards
Also published here 1982 11
Steve Beam Visine Change 2 tabled card wiped with one-handed fans, presentation with bottle of Visine
Also published here 1982 37
Jean-Jacques Sanvert, Steve Beam Incredible Table Change no-lapping, similar to Eidetic Change, four handlings (also as visible sandwich change), credit correction see page 888
Mar. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Paul Harris Bee Bop #1 card is slapped on deck with card case and changes
1983 12
Tom Mullica The Future Spread tabled card changes visibly as spread is scooped up, see also Eidetic Change
1984 120
Edward Marlo Visual Retention Change
1984 101
Snap Turnover on table, turning over several cards at once
1984 16
Steve Rogers Flip Out card shoots from tabled deck, also as transformation
Apr. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 4)
Edward Marlo Table Palm
1985 46
Edward Marlo Snap Card Changes tabled card or double in hand changes with a snap of the right fingers, two methods
1985 393
Edward Marlo Rise-Rise-Rise Cop
1985 33
Don England, Jon Racherbaumer The Multiple Eidetic Change gaffed
1985/93 37
Edward Marlo The Eidetic Slide tabled card changes as deck is spread in front of it, transposition application, see also page 19
1986 16
Edward Marlo Eidetic Change Choroagraphy routine with selection, table edge work, "choreography"
Related to 1986 21
Ken Simmons M.V.R.C. - The Easy Way
Inspired by 1986 38
William Goodwin Flicker Again Variation with triple, as visual split
Inspired by 1986 1
Karl Fulves Visible Spread Color Change deck spread face-down on table, card waved over spread and spread visibly changes back color, or single card turns over or changes in middle of spread, posed as a problem
1987 80
Edward Marlo Flat Palm Steal tabled deck
1988 51
Edward Marlo Card Clip Color Change step 25, deck tabled
1988 290
Tom Gagnon The Blink Shrink with miniature card
Inspired by 1988 391
Steve Beam The Drop Change card dropped on pile changes into selection
Also published here 1988 414
Edward Marlo, Steve Beam Visual Retention Change for splitting cards, with finesse that cards split when landing on the table
1988 416
Karl Fulves Spinoff a Six spins on table and changes to a Five, posed as problem
Interlocutor (Issue 50)
John Cornelius Flicker as card is flicked to table
Also published here 1988 28
Eugene Burger Colour Change lapping
1989 23
Justin Higham Retention of Vision Bottom Change using one-handed bottom deal, also face-up
Oct. 1989
Inside Out (Issue 7)
Edward Marlo Visual Retention Change
1990 45
Edward Marlo, Dan Fleshman Tabled Rear Palm Color Change
1990 30
Edward Marlo Tabled Flat-Palm Steal
1991 219
Flick Change card is flicked onto some cards on table and changes visually, here credited to John Cornelius (?)
1991 50
Tom Mullica The Future Spread tabled card changes visibly as spread is scooped up, see also Eidetic Change
1991 168
David Neighbors D. N. Card Clip Idea card changes as it is tabled, double remains on table, starts with triple, card clip
  • The Basic Idea
Inspired byVariations 1992 4
David Neighbors A Double Change Effect card changes twice, starts with triple, different ideas for second change
Inspired by 1992 5
Edward Marlo Bar Spin card spins on table and transforms, either face down or visibly face up
The Olram File (Issue 15)
Richard Bartram, Jr. Eidetic Change Variation double outjogged in center of the deck
Also published here 1993 18
Richard Bartram, Jr. The Valdemar Change card on table changes into other card when slid beneath hand
1993 46
Ellison Poland A Gambler's Switch as hand is waved over single tabled card, transposition application
Inspired by 1994 87
Dan Tong Color Change or Transformation application of Pad Vanish
1994 148
Joe Rindfleisch Thumbthing as a transformation
May 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 5)
Steve Beam Quick Change with two fans
Also published here 1995 200
Edward Marlo Eidetic Change
1995 115
Jerry K. Hartman Free Fall Change single face-up card on top of deck visibly changes into another as it is slapped onto table by right fingers or other object that right hand holds, see handling tip on p. 38 at end of “Choice Change” description
1995 38
Jack Carpenter The One-for-One Change card visibly changes when move through two piles of deck
1997 53
Ken Krenzel Tabled Clip Change
1997 49
Richard Bartram, Jr. Twice Removed reversed card in spread changes when spread is flipped over
1997 155
Ellis Stanyon The Revolution Change No. 2, back-to-back double turns over via air pressure turnover
1999 19
Ellis Stanyon A Lightning Change No. 7, card tossed on table visually transposes with card in hand
1999 128
Simon Lovell Business Card Flash! blank card tabled, coin on top, flash paper on coin, ignited and card visibly prints, pull into lap, also with playing card
Also published here
  • video "The Office Animal"
2000 139
Edward Marlo Eidetic Change
Also published here 2000 43
John Cornelius Flicker as card is flicked to table
Also published here 2001 27
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Amend top card of tabled double stolen off
2001 23
Edward Marlo Visual Retention Change dropping card on table
2002 15
R. Paul Wilson Tabled Fan-2-C fan is lying on table
Inspired by 2004 23
An Instant Flip-Over Change
Also published here 2005 30
Jean-Jacques Sanvert Tabled Fan-Eidetic Change without lapping
Jan. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 1)
Edward Marlo The Eye-Candy Change face up retention change, credit information
Also published here Aug. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Edward Marlo, Carmen D'Amico Circular Change as hand is waved over single tabled card
Also published here Aug. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Gene Taylor The Diving Board Change variation in which the card is snapped onto table
Inspired by Aug. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Edward Marlo For the Informed card on deck is shown singly before and after transformation, three methods (tabled and ala Erdnase/Houdini Change)
Also published here 2007 159
Matt Corin The Matt Corin Transformation
Also published here 2008 223
Arturo de Ascanio A Single Transformation while card is placed on the table
2008 330
Fred Robinson Tabled Colour Change
2009 164
David Jade When They Were Kings Aces placed face-up at different positions in tabled face-down spread, cards gathered and re-spread, Aces have changed to Kings
Related to Sep. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 9)
Dan Buck, Dave Buck The GOAT Change Changed
Inspired by
  • "GOAT Change" (Andthensome, 2008)
Oct. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 10)
Edward Marlo The Drop Switch Visual Retention Change
Related to 2012 10
Matt Corin A Novel Card Discovery Eidetic Change
Also published here
  • Genii, May 1972
Nov./Dec. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 11 & 12)
Tomas Medina The Wing Street Change face-up card in tabled ribbon spread changed during ribbon spread turnover
2013 70
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Naap Change
2014 31
Scoop Up Change
2014 51
Harapan Ong Cull-our Change face-up card dropped from middle of spread to table, visual change
2014 114
Pit Hartling, David Jade Ribbon Spread Hide-Out Transformation
Related to 2016 155
Vanni Bossi A Golden Change card held on corner tossed onto table transforms visually
2016 71
Allen Tan Ribbon Spread Color Change card reversed in deck, deck ribbon spread, then flipped over and back, the card has changed
Inspired by
  • "Interpretation of a Dream" (Ed Marlo, Sticks & Stones No. 5, May 1977)
  • "Ribbon Spread Switch Out" (Stephen Hobbs, Technical Toolbox, 2014)
July 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 7)
Jeremiah Zuo Rolling Change
  • Left-Handed (Jeff Prace)
pen rolled over tabled card and it changes
Dec. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 12)
Matt Corin Matt Corin's transformation
Also published here 2020 184
Bert Fenn Bar Spin Revealment
  • Exhumations (Jon Racherbaumer)
card spins face up on smooth surface and changes, from 1949 notebook
June 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 6)
David Regal Packet Flip-Over Change packet is dropped onto some cards on table and changes visually
Related to Feb. 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 2)
An Instant Flip-Over Change brief
Also published here 2024 103