124 entries in Coin / Sleights / Lapping / as a Vanish
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To make a groat or a testor to sinke through a table, and to vanish out of a handkercher verie strangelie coin vanishes from handkerchief with dummy coin inside and penetrates table and falls into glass held underneath
Related to 1584 185
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Durch den Tisch fallende Münzen coin through table, lapping
1930 17
Eddie Joseph The Cross Leg Vanish coin "lapped" between legs, without table
1942 15
Scoop Lapping basic technique explained as a vanish, scoop-lapping coin off table and pretending to place into other hand, much detail about naturalness, three tricks using the move
  • I. Coin vanishes and appears under/in object
  • II. T&R napkin
  • III. One object transformed into another
1944 35
John Mulholland I. Coin Vanish and Reappearance coin vanishes and reappears under a saltshaker, ashtray, in a sugar bowl or someone’s pocket, uses extra coin, see p. 43 for standing alternative
1944 40
Dai Vernon One of Four
Related to 1946
Stars of Magic (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Ross Bertram Rubdown
VariationsAlso published here 1951
Stars of Magic (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Eddie Joseph A Rapid Vanish with handkerchief
1954 5
Edward Marlo Further Ideas on the Paperfold ideas "Flip Move Coin Fold", complete vanish ideas
1957 10
Tony Slydini Revolve Vanish
1966 31
Tony Slydini One Coin Routine many phases, featuring lapping vanishes, retrievals, hand penetration
  • Slydini "Touches"
VariationsAlso published here 1966 35
Roger Klause Coins For Connoisseurs four coins through table
Related to 1967 190
Roger Klause Coin Lapping From a Stack
1967 190
Roger Klause Coin Lapping While Counting
1967 191
Dai Vernon One of Four without credit
Related to 1968 3
Heel Lap from closed fist
1968 4
Horace E. Bennett The Change Purse two half dollars travel into a purse
1969 145
Horace E. Bennett Coin Exchange five english pennies in an okito box transpose with four half dollars, hollowed stack, version of Jimmy Ray's "Okito Coin Box Routine" from "Between the Acts"
1969 149
Rubaway Vanish to glass, coin rubbed on table vanishes
1969 81
Kirk Stiles Walla Walla cent travels to other coins into spectator's hand
Magick (Issue 4)
Blake Edward Maxam Jumbo Vanish coin vanish under Jumbo card, lapping technique
Magick (Issue 8)
Pat Lakey Spinning Coin Vanish coin spun on the table is picked up and vanishes
Mar. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Mike Rogers Lapping Move item "parked" on table
Mar. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Edward Marlo, Derek Dingle Rub-Back Move variation
1971 39
Edward Marlo, Ross Bertram, Jules DeBarros Rubdown with Glass
Inspired byRelated to
  • Ed Marlo's Routine in "Genii" Vol 32. No.4, 1967
1971 54
Roger Smith Brush-Go coin vanish from Okito Box, using salt shaker, seated
Dec. 1971
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Edward Marlo, Mike Rogers Coin Kick & Card Change coin lapping vanish or card transformation
Related to Sep. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Jerry Andrus A Coin Move coin held openly between thumb and first finger, other fingers straighten to cover it, coin lapped or dropped in other hand
1973 34
John Cornelius S=C2 silver coin placed in hand, two copper coins come out, ends clean
Also published here May 1974 733
Al Schneider Slide-off Lapping Sequence
1975 53
Karl Fulves Behind Arm Lapping coins slid from hand to table, then swiped into lap with arm
July 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 9)
Scotty York Coin Through Table with Lapping
1975 49
Horace E. Bennett First Coin lapping while picking coins up and throwing them into the other hand
1975 32
Third Coin while picking coins cup with both hands
1975 33
Karl Fulves Fadeaway coin on table covered with playing card, coin vanishes
  • Fade-Away I
  • Fade Away III
  • Fade Away IV
  • Fade Away V
Variations 1976
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #5)
Tony Slydini Fade Away II coin on table covered with playing card, coin vanishes
Inspired by 1976
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #5)
Tony Slydini Psychology - Too Good to Be True coin vanish with lapping, psychology, too-perfect theory
1976 20
Tony Slydini The Revolve vanish using lap
  • Details of The Revolve
  • Checkpoints
1976 41
Tony Slydini One Coin Routine eleven phases, featuring lapping vanishes, retrievals, hand penetration
Related toAlso published here 1976 70
John Carney The Impossible Coin Vanish lapping
Inspired by 1976 16
Jean Faré Cased In Disappearance - Minus One Deck vanishes except for selection
Inspired by 1977 19
Coin Lapping one from several from fist
1977 186
Pick-Up Lapping coin apparently picked up
1977 188
Martino Roll Away
June 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Pickup Lap
1978 13
Ron Hicks One Handed Slide Lap lap or sleeve
1978 24
Ron Hicks Two Handed Slide Lap coin on table is briefly covered and vanishes
1978 26
Tony Slydini Remote Lapping coin lapped with coin forward on table and not near edge
1979 49
Al Schneider Lapping general remarks on lapping, "Rest Lap"
1980 35
Tony Slydini Revolve Vanish
1980 83
Gary Ouellet The Crossover Lap
Related to 1980 14
Haruhito Hirata The Hirata Master Move coin is brought down on table and vanishes
Related toVariations 1980 20
Steve Spillman Clap Vanish clapping two jumbo coins together, one is lapped
Related to 1980 7
Meir Yedid The Almost Perfect Coin Vanish screened lapping, concept credited to Imam
VariationsAlso published here Aug. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Tony Slydini Table Tilt Vanish
1981 172
Tony Slydini Revolve Vanish
1981 181
Mark Levy Erase a Way Eraser Vanish
1981 209
Edward Marlo Rub Back Coin Vanish
Babel (Issue 2)
Horace E. Bennett, Scotty York The Third Coin third phase for coins thru table, based on the revolve vanish
Related to 1981 8
David Britland Thru coin is brought down on table and vanishes, with variation by Stephen Tucker as a transformation
Inspired by 1981
The Talon (Issue 7)
Tony Slydini Revolve Vanish very brief
1982 59
Tony Slydini Revolve Vanish brief
Related to 1982 59
Stephen Tucker Silver Shadows three coins vanish one by one, reappear and vanish again, hanging coins presentation
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Eraser-Head coin vanish with aid of eraser, then eraser vanishes as well
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Stephen Tucker Table through Coin
June 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Meir Yedid Meir Yedid's Almost Perfect Vanish screened lapping
Also published here 1982 18
Michael Rubinstein A Large Coin Vanish at a Table covered with two playing cards
1982 22
Michael Rubinstein Multi Coin Lapping Made Easy four coins one at a time without noice
1982 109
Salomon Cohn "What Happened?" vanish exploiting moisture of hand, then lapping
July 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 7)
Howard Cohen, Marty Martin Instant 2-Coin Vanish lapping
Dec. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 12)
Stephen Tucker The Trick That Needs No Patter: The Coins Do All The Talking! copper to silver, with sucker climax
1984 173
Edward Marlo Rub-Back Move rubbing coin on table, vanish, lapping
1985 182
David Roth Lapping a Coin From the Closed Fist
  • Tap Lap
  • Closed Revolve Vanish
1985 16
Joaquín Navajas Moneda a través de un Vaso coin through bottom of glass
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1985 7
Joaquín Navajas Aplicaciones para el Pase "La Catapulta" using the Catapult for sleeving, lapping and the Topit
1. Enmangue
2. Descarga en el Regazo
3. Descarga al "Topit"
Also published here 1985 57
Dai Vernon One of Four without credit
Related to 1985 61
Heel Lap from closed fist
1985 63
Michael Rubinstein S.T.C. Lapping Technique "Silent Two-Coin" lapping
Mar. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Edward Marlo Rub Back Coin Vanish
1987 82
Gary Ouellet There & Back Coin Change using the lap
Also published here May 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 5)
Christoph Borer Spare in der Zeit.... bill transforms into coin, then a mini piggy bank appears from which a lot of coins are produced
Also published here 1988 13
John Cornelius A Silly Trick several coins vanish without sound
1988 5
Patrick Page The Vanish vanish of coin or object with purse frame
1988 18
Tom Craven Heads or Tails? coin is scooped up with a card and put in other hand, transformation / switch
Feb. 1989
The Minotaur (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Ross Bertram, J. W. Sarles Rub a Dub No. 21, coin rubbed through table, backwards movement during rubbing, with Bertram patter and Sarles idea of using two coins of which only one penetrates
1989 31
Gary Ouellet The Infidel Change coin changes while dropped into other hand, lapping
Jan. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 1)
Gary Kurtz Relentless
  • 1.) Four Silver Dollars from the Purse Frame
  • 2.) The Penny
  • 3.) Returning the Penny to the Purse Frame
  • 4.) Double Transposition in Spectator's Hand
  • 5.) Returning the Penny to the Purse Frame (Again)
  • 6.) Interlude
  • 7.) Coins Through the Table
  • 8.) The Bag on the Purse and Four More Coins
  • 9.) The Penny Returns
  • 10.) The Classic Hang Ping Chien Coins Across
  • 11.) The Finale: Returning to the Beginning
1990 1
Gary Kurtz Vanishing a Coin in a Purse Frame
1990 5
Gary Ouellet The Toss Change
Also published here 1990 133
Gary Ouellet The Silverdust Vanish using the Crossover Lap
1990 135
Gary Ouellet The Gossamer Dissolve multiple coin vanish
1990 199
Gary Ouellet Sound Effect click pass using the lap
1990 338
Michael Powers Jumbo Finale half dollar grows to jumbo coin, changes back via tabled change with lapping
Inspired by 1990 142
Gary Kurtz Relentless - Part One
  • 1. Introducing the Purse Frame
  • 2. Producing the First Two Dollars
  • 3. Producing the Second Two Dollars
  • 4. Producing the Penny
  • 5. Replacing the Penny into the Purse Frame
  • 6. The Double Transposition
  • 7. Replacing the Penny in the Purse Frame (Again)
Related to 1991 2
Gary Kurtz The Simulated Pick-up with immediate lapping
1991 9
Meir Yedid Fast Perfektes Münzverschwinden screened lapping, concept credited to Imam
Also published here 1991 28
Gary Kurtz Example: A Coin Vanish lapping with fake back-and-forth tossing
Related to 1992 13
Meir Yedid Almost Perfect Vanish screened lapping, concept credited to Imam
Also published here 1993 9
Paul Gertner K.I.X. coin kicked into lap under cover of both hands
  • The Vanish
  • The Change
Inspired by 1994 38
Paul Gertner Tips on Lapping
1994 41
Paul Gertner, Ron Slanina The M.C.A. Vanish and Change "Multiple Coin Audible", lapping with sound
1994 69
Gary Kurtz Relentless - Part One
  • Arriving at the Table
  • 1. Introducing the Purse Frame
  • 2. Producing the First Two Dollars
  • 3. Producing the Second Two Dollars
  • 4. Producing the Penny
  • 5. Replacing the Penny into the Purse Frame
  • 6. The Double Transposition
  • 7. Replacing the Penny in the Purse Frame (Again)
1995 ca. 2
Gary Kurtz The Simulated Pick-up with immediate lapping
1995 ca. 7
Troy Hooser Dis-Purse three coins pushed through purse frame, one by one they disappear
1998 1460
Edward Marlo Rub-Back Vanish
1999 145
T. Nelson French Kick coin taken from hand, actually lapped, also with cookie which is shot into mouth
Discoverie (Issue 2)
John Cornelius Meta-Fusion silver coin placed in hand, two copper coins come out, ends clean
Also published here 2001 111
Bob King Rubbed the Wrong Way coin on table vanishes, and travels to other hand
Inspired by 2005 29
Joaquín Navajas Coin Through the Glass coin through bottom of glass
Related to 2005 (ca.) 3
Christoph Borer Spare in der Zeit bill transforms into coin, then a mini piggy bank appears from which a lot of coins are produced
Also published here 2006 42
Lennart Green Falso depósito (al regazo)
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Tom Stone Dump Vanish to ditch multiple coins silently
Also published here 2009 36
Miguel Ángel Gea Descarga al regazo desde Okito lapping from okito box
2009 249
Tom Stone Magnetic Multiple Vanish to ditch multiple coins silently
Also published here 2011 24
Edward Marlo Rub Vanish coin rubbed on table, vanishes
Also published here
  • "An Amazing Coin Penetration Through A Solid Topped Table" (Ed Marlo, Genii, MAGICANA, Dec 1967)
2013 27
Alexander de Cova Lapping-Servante cloth back to keep on legs between the knees
  • Wie man die Servante in Position bringt
  • Das Prinzip der Servante
  • Das Lappen mehrerer Münzen
  • Clean-up
2015 224
Giancarlo Scalia Desaparición de la Ultima Moneda coin vanish, seated
2019 5
Joaquín Navajas Moneda a través de un vaso coin through bottom of glass
Inspired byAlso published here 2019 13
Joaquín Navajas Aplicaciones para el pase de La catapulta using The Catapult for sleeving, lapping and the Topit
1. Enmangue
2. Descarga en el regazo
3. Descarga al "Topit"
Also published here 2019 60
Joaquín Navajas Catapulta múltiple al regazo catapult move to lap several coins
2019 139
Lorenz Schär Clap-Lap two coins slapped together, one vanishes, also to switch coins with other objects, basically the same move as Steve Spill's Clap Vanish, see reference
Related to 2019 145
Ross Bertram Rubdown
Also published here 2020 176
Gary Ouellet Crossover Lap
2021 124
Covered Lapping multiple coins under cover of crossed arm, silent
Apr. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 4)