84 entries in Coin / Sleights / Vanish / Single Coin Vanishes / Stealing Coin out of Hand
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Pass 9 (The "Jerk-Back" Palm) coin touches left palm and secretly jumps back in other hand
Related toVariations 1890 139
Harry Valcarte Top Notch Vanish
1933 27
Harry Valcarte Spectre Vanish
1933 27
Harry Valcarte The Startler Vanish coin stolen into back palm of other hand
1933 28
Harry Valcarte Natural Drop coin is dropped into other hand
1933 29
Harry Valcarte The Super Lift
1933 34
Harry Valcarte The Laets Steal
1933 35
Eddie Joseph The Hurdle Vanish coin on left fingertips, right hand hits hand and coin jumps on left palm, hand closes and coin vanishes
1942 7
Eddie Joseph The Pulsation Vanish left hand closes, coin secretly at end of fingers, dragged out with right hand towards wrist
1942 8
Eddie Joseph The Backer Vanish coin secretly tossed back to other hand as body moves back
1942 9
Eddie Joseph The Elbow Grease Vanish as coin is rubbed against elbow, it is secretly tossed in other hand which then leaves it behind collar
1942 18
William D. Forest A Coin Vanish
Related to Aug. 1945 145
Coin Steal heel clip steal
Aug. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 157)
The Bounce Vanish from one to five coins, coins bounce back into tossing hand, optional sleeving
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1948 52
Arthur H. Buckley The Steal coins in hand, one stolen from heel of hand with other hand, done five times in a row
Related toVariations 1948 84
Cardini The Steal coins in hand, one stolen from heel of hand with other hand, done five times in a row
Related to 1948 92
Harry Lorayne "Jerk-Back" Palm Improved coin touches left palm and secretly jumps into sleeve
Inspired byRelated to Aug. 1949 571
Bill Simon Coin Vanish
Apr. 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Bill Simon Gone steal to other hand, with reference to produce a coin from spectator's ear
Variations 1952 32
Eddie Joseph Heads or Tails? while doing heads or tails, coin disappears
1952 2
The Vanish
1952 51
Jerry Andrus Coin Vanish and Return coin stolen out of left fist and loaded back in
1957 7
Jerry Andrus Roll, Up Your Sleeve coin rolls into sleeve on table
1957 8
Jerry Andrus Manipulative Vanish
1957 8
Jerry Andrus Coin Steal from heel clip, two handlings
1964 2
Eddie Joseph The Back Hand Smack coin tossed up and then slapped on back of left hand as for a coin toss, vanishes there
1969 109
David Roth An Amazing Coin Vanish coin dropped into other hand
1972 267
David Roth Another Amazing Coin Vanish coin stolen, then put on back of hand
Related to 1972 269
Jerry Andrus A Coin Move coin held openly between thumb and first finger, other fingers straighten to cover it, coin lapped or dropped in other hand
1973 34
Joel Moskowitz Gypsy Coin coin vanishes and reappears in hand
Oct. 1974 811
Patrick Page Another Coin Vanish coin drops, after being picked up it vanishes
1974 22
Harvey Rosenthal Misdirection Vanish sleeving from closed hand
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 9-10 (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #1)
Karl Fulves Fulves Coin Steal "Loads/Palms/Steals"
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 9-10 (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #3)
Harvey Rosenthal The 1955 Routine hand steal
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 9-10 (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #3)
Changeover Palm I
1978 150
Changeover Palm II
1978 151
Hand Steal steal with second and third finger
1979 11
Jerry Andrus Coin Steal
1980 7
Clip Steal
1982 82
Ross Bertram B.U.D. Bertram Utility Drop, coin dropped Wand Spin type
1983 36
Eric DeCamps Coin Vanish stolen out of fist when brushing a card over hand
1985 7
Larry Jennings The Heel Steal
1986 89
Larry Jennings The Wave Vanish heel clip handling
1986 174
David Regal Mental Attitude coin secretly drops into other hand, angly for one spectator
Aug. 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 8)
Procedures for the Vanish of the Coin several methods including lapping, false transfer, cuff, sleeving, ...
1988 25
Shigeo Takagi Coin Vanish with Card coin stolen out of hand under card
Also published here 1990 62
Heel Clip Steal
1991 260
David Harkey Hand Ditch Vanish dropping item into other hand, like lapping without lap
1991 89
David Harkey Flyby Principle coin secretly dropped into other hand during gesture
1991 239
Heel Clip Steal
Magic Man Examiner (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Hiroyuki Sakai The Vanish Which Elevates Tenkai coin put in hand, other hand waves over it, hand shown empty, transfer from Tenkai pinch to fourth finger to other hand
Also published here Apr. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Shigeo Takagi Coin Vanish with Card coin stolen out of hand under card
Also published here Dec. 1993
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Push Steal coin is pushed in fist and stolen back
1994 284
Jerry Mentzer Coin Vanish - Handwash Sequence
1994 174
Harry Riser Crossed-Hands Vanish using rear thumb clip
1996 183
Pablo Domenèch Un Juego con una Moneda coin vanishes and appears again
1996 133
Doug Conn Four-Bits Bounce Bit half dollar tossed in hand, it changed into two quarters
Inspired by May 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 9)
Milton Kort, Dave Hertzberg In-the-Well Steal Handling
Related toAlso published here
  • Magic & Spells Quarterly, vol. 1, no. 4, 1972
1999 184
Michael Rubinstein Retention Open-Palm Steal coin starts out on palm and is stolen with other hand during closing
Also published here Apr. 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 8)
Bounce Vanish coin bounces back into tossing hand
Also published here Oct. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 2)
Thomas Fraps Deep BackClip Heel Steal
Aug. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 8)
Aaron Fisher De Manche Dissolve coin vanish with De Manche palm
June 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 10)
Steve Beam Pocket Change coin put in hand, pencil pushed through hand, coin gone, ditch into breast pocket
June 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 10)
Shigeo Takagi Coin Vanish with Card card stolen out of hand when fist is stroked with card
July 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 11)
Wrist Grab Transfer
July 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 11)
Thumb Palm Steal of stack
2006 36
Miguel Ángel Gea Falso depósito psicológico con robo
2009 158
Miguel Ángel Gea Un concepto técnico - El enmangue de la moneda que no desaparece (o la desaparición de la moneda que no se enmanga) technical concept for coin vanish, coin in each hand, one is vanished
2009 174
Howard Schwarzman Coin Vanish
Also published here
  • Genii, Mar. 1968
Nov./Dec. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 11 & 12)
Tony Clark The TC Pivot Vanish coin apparently crushed, secretly drops in other hand, jumbo coin
2013 13
Alexander de Cova Bill Simons Münzenverschwinden coin put in one hand, a small coin placed on fist, coin inside hand vanishes
Inspired by
  • Bill Simon coin vanish in The Gen
Also published here
June 2014 650
Kainoa Harbottle The Push-Through Steal coins placed in left hand, stolen to right hand into curl palm
Inspired by Nov. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 11)
Alexander de Cova Bill Simon Vanish coin put in one hand, a small coin placed on fist, coin inside hand vanishes
Inspired by
  • Bill Simon coin vanish in The Gen
Also published here
2015 199
Bill Simon, Benjamin Earl Gone Steal Handling
Inspired by 2016 23
Geoffrey Latta Double Feint Vanish mimicking a Ramsay steal
2017 299
Hand-to-hand transfer coins from left heel grip to right thumb palm
2018 113
Giancarlo Scalia Desaparición de la Ultima Moneda coin vanish, seated
2019 5
Danny Goldsmith The Autumn Vanish coin openly dropped on right fingers, stolen/dropped back
May 2020
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. 1 Part 1 (Spring #2))
John Carney, John Ramsay Steal Vanish
2020 195
Michael Rubinstein The R.O.P.S. Move - Retention Open Palm Steal coin starts out on palm and is stolen with other hand during closing
Also published here 2020 3
Michael Rubinstein Pointing Heel-Clip Steal
Inspired by 2020 179
John Carney, John Ramsay Stack Steal
2021 18
Wrist Transfer Steal
Feb. 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Michael Rubinstein Drop Transfer coin dropped from hand to hand lapping-style in choreographed movement
Sep. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 9)