297 entries in Coin / Sleights / Palming / Palm Positions
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Of conveiance of monie classic palm
Related to 1584 184
Feats by conveyance of money classic palm, very brief
Related to 1634 45
Classic Palming of Coins
1876 146
Friedrich Wilhelm Frikell Frikell Thumb Palm
1876 149
Front Palm Clip
1876 152
Mentioning Palm Positions brief, "coin by its edges between two of the fingers, or between the thumb and the side of the hand" & finger palm
1876 153
Finger Palm brief
1889 192
Classic Palm brief
1889 192
Pass 10 simple finger palm transfer
1890 140
Pass 11 (The "finger" palm) clip palm between first and second finger
1890 140
Classic Palm
Mar. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster practicing the classic pass
Apr. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Das Changieren false transfer, multiple methods with different props
1899 139
Arthur "Dr. Avon" Kollmann Ein Münzenchangement back thumb palm
Related to Dec. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 12)
T. Nelson Downs I. Wie Downs palmiert classic palm on edge
Mar. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 3)
T. Nelson Downs IV. Eskamotage einer Münze zwischen Daumen und Zeigefinger back thumb palm and recovery
Related to Apr. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 4)
To Palm a Coin classic palm with tips and covers
1902 141
Finger Clip, Thumb Clip
1902 147
Friedrich Wilhelm Frikell Frikell Thumb Palm
1902 154
Classic Palm and Production
1903 130
Finger Palm
Dec. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 5 No. 1)
T. Nelson Downs The Wrist Palm coin pressed in palm-down hand, spectator cannot feel it
1909 245
T. Nelson Downs Downs Palm
1909 250
Downs Palm
1920 13
T. Page Wright Coin move dime changes to half, edge work
1933 20
Martin Chapender Chapender's Method of Palming edge palm
1935 46
The Front Finger Clip
1935 63
The Back Finger Clip two methods
1935 64
The Back Thumb Palm
1935 64
The Front Thumb Palm Downs Palm
1935 65
The Front Edge Palm
1935 66
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Coins from Nowhere up to five coins produced singly, featuring an edge grip
1937 24
Flat Thumb Palm kind of "Downs Palm"
Sep. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 60)
Coin Penetration through bottom of bucket, using back-palm, brief
1940 ca. 125
1 - Front Flat Palm classic palm
1941 64
2 - Pressure Palm
1941 64
3 - Front Edge Palm
1941 64
4 - Front Thumb Palm
1941 65
5 - Back Thumb Palm
1941 65
6 - Invisible Thumb Palm actually so-called Downs Palm
1941 65
7 - Finger Palm
1941 65
8 - Curled Finger Tip Palm
Also published here 1941 65
9 - Front Finger Palm
1941 66
10 - Back Finger Palm
1941 66
11 - Front Finger Clip
1941 66
13 - Closed Finger Palm
1941 66
1 - Finger Tip Clip
1941 67
2 - Two Finger Balance
1941 67
Laurie Ireland The Thumb Crotch Palm "Information on the pick up of several coins"
1942 29
Eddie Joseph Low Finger Palm on using the third and fourth fingers
1942 25
Eddie Joseph The Balance Pass coin balanced on thumb, hand turns over and coin goes into back thumb palm
Related to 1942 31
Eddie Joseph Producing Coins Singly from Finger-Palm low finger palm
1942 33
Eddie Joseph The Flat-Palm Pass higher classic palm for a flat hand
1942 35
Eddie Joseph The Super-Subtle Secret Introduction secretly loading a coin inside a match box, from clip position
1942 49
Harry Bernstein Dollar and Dime dollar changes to dime and back, clean looking, edge work
1943 147
Thumb Grip coin from a group gripped with thumb, not classic thumb palm
1943 15
Coin Sleight - A Novel Finger Grip purse palm and its use by Charles Morritt
Mar. 1944
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Charles Morritt Purse Palm
Related to 1946
Stars of Magic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
The Rear of Thumb Palm with back and front sequence
Related to
  • Vol. 1 No. 1 of Ellis Stanyon's "Magic" (Oct. 1900)
1948 53
T. Nelson Downs Downs' Palm two methods to produce single coins from stack in Downs palm
1948 61
Cardini Wrist Palm coin held at wrist with flesh of arm and hand
1948 92
Arthur H. Buckley Front Thumb Palm coin apparently tossed in hat, reproduced
1948 109
Ross Bertram Moisture Palm
Stars of Magic (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Francis Carlyle Palm to Palm with cigarette, purse palm
June 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 230)
Joseph K. Schmidt Schmidt Thumb Palm Joseph K. Schmidt? unclear, thumb palm
Sep. 1951 835
The Classic Palm
1952 1
The Edge Palm
1952 2
The Thumb Palm
1952 3
T. Nelson Downs The Downs Palm
1952 3
The Finger Palm
1952 4
The Front Finger Hold
1952 5
The Back Palm from back to front
1952 5
The Back finger Clip
1952 7
J. B. Bobo, T. Nelson Downs The Back Thumb Palm three methods to transfer the coin into the palm (Downs, Bobo, Bobo)
1952 8
John Braun Much from Little nickel to penny and half dollar, edge grip
Variations 1952 80
Stanley Collins Morritt's Purse Trick purse palm
Variations 1952 334
T. Nelson Downs Downs Palm
1953 86
Charles Morritt Morrit Finger Grip also known as Purse Palm
1963 46
J. B. Bobo Tools of the Trade tips on (classic) palming
1966 354
John Benzais Something Extra - The Benzais Grip
1967 20
Dave Mishel Mishel Thumb Palm perpendicular thumb palm
1969 139
Purse Palm
1970 7
John Cornelius Gotcha! - Invisible Downs Palm coin position that allows to display hand more freely, as magician's gag
May 1974 735
Patrick Page The Classic Palm
1974 6
Patrick Page The Thumb Palm brief
1974 8
Patrick Page The Finger Palm
1974 10
Patrick Page The Back Palm brief
1974 11
Patrick Page The Front Palm brief
1974 12
Jerry Mentzer Inflation Cent penny grows to dollar-sized penny, edge grip
Inspired by 1975 11
Horace E. Bennett Bennett's Front Pinch Coin Sleight
1975 114
Downs or Thumb Palm
1975 209
Downs Palm
1975 253
Larry Jennings Purse Palm Toss Vanish
1976 4
Edge Grip with rolled bill tube between fingers
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #1)
Harvey Rosenthal Coin sticks to Hand with credit information
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #1)
Jack Miller Jack Miller Palm "Loads/Palms/Steals"
finger palm, Ramsay subtlety
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #3)
The Classic Palm
1976 32
The Finger Palm
1976 33
The Front Palm
1976 33
The Back Palm
1976 33
The Thumb Palm
1976 34
The Back Clip
1976 34
T. Nelson Downs The Nelson Downs Palm
1976 34
The Back and Front Palm
1976 35
1976 92
Classic Palm
1976 92
1976 92
Larry Jennings Drobina Palm for small coins
1977 1
Harry Lorayne The Finger Palm position and simple false transfer
1977 158
Classic Palm brief
1977 274
Edge Grip
June 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Purse Palm rubbing on spectator's palm subtlety
Sep. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 9)
The Finger Palm with five exercises
1978 23
Shigeo Futagawa Finger clip
1978 39
The Thumb Palm with four exercises
1978 67
The Classic Palm with four exercises
1978 111
T. Nelson Downs The T. Nelson Downs Palm with four exercises
1978 142
Ross Bertram Behind Thumb Position back of thumb moistened if necessary
1978 20
T. Nelson Downs Oblique Palm edge classic palm
1978 54
Bobby Bernard Palming a Coin
1978 6
Bobby Bernard Thumb Grip classic palm version
1978 8
Bobby Bernard Stretch Palm classic palm version
1978 9
Bobby Bernard Crease Palm edge palm, with false transfer
1978 10
Martin Gardner First Finger Grip
1978 1142
Finger Palm
1978 118
Classic Palm
1978 118
Thumb Palm
1978 118
Back Thumb Palm
1978 118
Front Finger Clip
1978 119
Finger Squeeze purse palm
1978 119
John Ramsay The Ramsay Palm
Mar. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Edge Grip
Aug. 1980
Intermagic (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Downs Palm Production
Nov. 1980
Intermagic (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Purse Palm
Feb. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Harry Riser Rear Thumb Clip
Arcane (Issue 6)
Fingertip Rest Position
1981 7
David Roth Edge Grip Technique
1981 12
Curl Palm
1981 13
David Roth Curl Palm
1981 13
David Roth Edge Grip Recovery
1981 16
Deep Back Clip
1981 22
Ross Bertram Thumb Base Slide
1981 52
The Classic Palm
1981 17
Finger Palm three different positions
1981 21
T. Nelson Downs Downs Palm general remarks
1981 23
The Upper Downs Palm
1981 23
Ron MacMillan Placing a Single Coin in the Upper Downs Palm
1981 23
The Lower Downs Palm also known as "Oblique Palm"
1981 29
The Rear of Thumb Palm back thumb palm
1981 63
Purse Palm
1981 18
Edge Grip
1981 24
Jimmy Wilson Jimmy Wilson's Coin Vanish and Reproduction using the J.W. grip / Jimmy Wilson Palm
1981 17
Purse Palm
1981 44
Purse Palm rubbing on spectator's palm subtlety
1982 11
Geoffrey Latta G.P. Bottom Steal bottom coin of a pile is stolen in Goshman Pinch of other hand
Sep. 1982 5
Harvey Rosenthal Harvey Rosenthal Palm same as Jimmy Wilson Palm
1982 75
A. R. Mousley 12 - 10 = 6? two coins put in hand, one removed then six other coins appear, uses Down's Palm
Apr. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 12)
John Ramsay The Ramsay Palm
1982 37
Michael Rubinstein Changeover to the Angle Palm (A Modified Thumb Palm) from back clip to a thumb grip, one-handed, also Lamont Grip or modified Drobina Grip, "Chanin Grip" according to Jeff Busby's review
1982 5
Michael Rubinstein Multi Coin Vanish false transfer, quiet angle palm of several coins
Variations 1982 7
Purse Palm
June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Charles Morritt Purse Palm brief
1983 6
Purse Palm
1983 39
Ben Harris Koin Seel Way to conceal coin in hand, variation of Down's Palm
1983 49
Piet Forton Die Palmagen brief explanation of thumb, classic and finger palm
1983 10
David Williamson Edge Grip Handling
1984 17
David Williamson Edge Grip Handling
1984 14
Peter Samelson Mimetic Slo-Mo Show'n Vanish slow-motion coin vanish and reproduction, using back thumb clip
Variations 1984 45
Purse Palm Morritt Palm
1985 128
Edge Grip
1985 450
David Roth Curl Palm
1985 88
Deep Backclip
1985 102
Thumb Palm & Breast Pocket Ditch
1985 121
Danny Korem Edge Display OK sign, hand looks empty
1985 10
Edge Classic Palm Position
1985 66
Albert Goshman Vanish of 10 Coins credit information, ten coins vanished one at a time in one hand
1985 129
Albert Goshman Clink Pass
1985 138
Karl Fulves Phantom Downs sleights with card and coin, involving Downs palm and theory of "phantom moves"
1985 28
Karl Fulves Zip Clip getting into rear thumb palm, using a playing card
1985 76
Charles Morritt Purse Palm
1986 78
Yoshihiko Mutobe Open Display hiding one coin while displaying another coin
1986 92
Yoshihiko Mutobe The Mutobe Palm alternative to classic palm
1986 96
John V. Hope The Rollover Thumb Palm
Aug. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 8)
David Roth Classic Palm Finesse tips
Sep. 1986
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Fred Kaps, T. Nelson Downs On the Downs Palm using smooth coins
1986 5
Fred Kaps Palming Coins on palming and a false transfer (Jack Chanin Drop Vanish)
1986 11
Yoshihiko Mutobe Mutobe Palm
1988 85
Mike Gallo Complete Coin Dis/Appearance Wilson "forefinger grip"
Jan. 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 1)
Edge Grip
Mar. 1988
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Michael Ammar The Natural Lay of the Hand essay on hand position while palming
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 7 & 8 Arcane)
Dai Vernon Two Techniques with the Purse Palm
1989 135
Edge Grip Display
1989 2
Bill Wisch Easy as 1, 2, 3 No. 79, learning classic palm and false transfer, rhythm
1989 109
David Roth Curl Palm
1990 67
Front Edge Grip
1990 98
Egde Grip
1991 106
Ross Bertram Moisture Palm
1991 159
Roger Klause Heel-Clip Position how to get into it
1991 150
Dan Strange Purse Palm change shell picked off of coin on back of spectator's hand into Purse Palm
1991 6
Chris Kenner Upright Thumb Grip against base of fingers, hand appears empty
Variations 1992 65
Charles Morritt Purse Palm how to get into
June 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 6)
Ken Brooke Finger-Palm Tip
Jan. 1993
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Friedrich Wilhelm Frikell Frikell-Style Thumb Palm
1994 284
Charles Morritt Purse Palm "Morritt Grip"
1994 35
Edge Palm multiple coins
1994 82
Karl Fulves Flying Clipper dime in hands, hands shown empty, a quarter appears along with the dime, then a half dollar, clip palming
Rigmarole (Issue 6)
James G. Thompson Jr., Clip Joint coin clip in flesh fold at base of hand, hand looks empty
Rigmarole (Issue 7)
Delayed Downs Palm
1994 161
Frank Drobina Drobina Palm
Sep. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Thumb Crotch Palm
1994 12
T. Nelson Downs Oblique Palm edge classic palm
1995 17
Classic Palm multiple coins, palm and release
1995 36
R. Paul Wilson Titian Grip/Palm edge grip variation
Related to 1995 17
Jimmy Wilson J. W. Palm without proper credit
1995 82
Geoffrey Latta Curl Palm
Labyrinth (Issue 5)
Harry Riser On the Low Finger Palm
1996 43
Jimmy Wilson J.W. Palm
1998 1393
Bobby Bernard The Flat Palm
1998 16
Baltazar Fuentes Baltazar's Edge Grip Vanish
1999 38
Edge Grip Display
2000 18
L'Homme Masqué The L'Homme Masqué Coin Palm and Production of Several Coins Downs Palm production from stack in Downs palm
Also published here
  • La Prestidigitation sans Appareils, Gaultier, 1914
July 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 7)
Aaron Fisher De Manche Dissolve coin vanish with De Manche palm
June 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 10)
Apollo Robbins Apollo Palm modified Purse Palm
Nov./Dec. 2002
The Penumbra (Issue 4)
Jimmy Wilson Wilson Concealment forefinger grip, see credit discussion in Issue 6, p. 1
Nov./Dec. 2002
The Penumbra (Issue 4)
The Edge Palm with stack
2002 110
T. Nelson Downs, John Carney Downs Palm and Production
2002 113
Reed McClintock Scotch and Soda for Real Transpositions and vanishes of American half dollar and Mexican centavo.
Inspired byRelated to 2002 1
David Roth, Geoffrey Latta Curl Palm Variation
2002 20
R. Paul Wilson Titian Palm
2002 22
Apollo Robbins Apollopalm modified purse palm, e.g. when adjusting glasses
Also published here Feb. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 6)
Al Baker Finger Palming Multiple Coins of different sizes, purse palm
2003 609
Duc Nhien J.W. Grip Vanish
June 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 6)
Shoot Ogawa The Fork Lift palm position between two fingers
Dec. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 12)
Purse Palm rubbing on spectator's palm subtlety
2004 16
John Ramsay Finger Palm third finger grip
2006 11
High Finger Palm
2006 12
Lower Finger Palm
2006 12
Thumb Palm
2006 13
Classic Palm
2006 13
Vanish and Reproduction with JW Grip
Feb. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Ken Krenzel Direct Back Thumb Palm Placement
Apr. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 4)
Nicholas Bengtson Coin Ditches & Concealments palm positions
  • Classic Palm
  • Thumb Grip
  • Ramsey (Ramsay)
  • Tenki (Tenkai Pinch)
2007 9
R. Paul Wilson The Titian Drop from edge grip variation into glass, open look
Inspired byRelated to 2007 ca. 4
Curtis Kam Classic Palm discussion, practice techniques
2008 15
Curtis Kam Finger Palm comments, on accessing top and bottom of a stack
2008 37
John Ramsay Ramsay Palm cross between classic and thumb palm
Nov. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 11)
Luis Piedrahita El Empalme del Aberroncho finger palm variation, similar to edge grip
Also published here 2009
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Geoffrey Latta Nowhere Palm finger palm to third finger curl palm, multiple coins
Also published here 2009 34
Curled Finger Tip Palm
Also published here 2009 279
Geoffrey Latta Nowhere Palm finger palm to third finger curl palm, multiple coins
Also published here 2011 21