44 entries in Coin / Sleights / Hiding Coins - Display
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
A Useful Move opening coat to hide coin, secret transfer
1935 29
Acquitment for Front Edge Palm hand wash
1935 67
Eddie Joseph The Slide Exchange quarter hidden behind half dollar, coin dropped into spectator's pocket, switched for quarter
Related to 1942 27
Eddie Joseph Double Coin Pick Up coin picked up from palm, second coin secretly aligned with it, double lift with coins
1942 89
Milton Kort Hand Wash Sequence Show hands empty while hiding a coin
1962 29
Tenkai Ishida Coin And Playing Card how to hide a coin behind a playing card
1978 171
Bill Voss Casual Display showing hand empty and hiding coin
May 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Michael Ammar Wiped Clean showing both hands empty while hiding a coin
Related toVariationsAlso published here July 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 7)
David Roth Feint Like the threefly kickback
1981 39
Harry Milliken Open Display large coin covers small coin
1982 54
Fred Kaps The Kaps Subtlety
Related to 1985 18
David Roth Edge Grip Display
1985 80
Joaquín Navajas Wiped Clean Vanish
Inspired byAlso published here 1985 47
Salomon Cohn Watch the Coin! coin hide-out on back of hand
Aug. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 8)
Ben Harris, Larry Jennings Three-as-Two Display
1988 87
Edge Grip Display
1989 2
Dr. Edward G. Ervin One from Two No. 4, two coins clearly shown, one placed in pocket, it comes back, featuring three-coin arrangement that can be shown from both sides as two coins, also for six-as-three coins
Variations 1989 5
Dai Vernon Covered Deep Back Clip display
1991 84
James Chartier Complete Coin Vanish - and Back coin balanced on finger is grabbed by other hand, balanced on upright back of hand
Oct. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 10)
Karl Fulves Flying Clipper dime in hands, hands shown empty, a quarter appears along with the dime, then a half dollar, clip palming
Rigmarole (Issue 6)
John Riggs Scissor Swap coin and ring, travel to same hand
1995 69
Allan Ackerman Coin Spread Cull
1997 6
Baltazar Fuentes Mime Display coin moves from edge grip to Ramsay Subtlety
2000 16
R. Paul Wilson Mickey Mouse Move transfer coins from hand to hand while hiding another coin
2001 11
Steve Blencoe Untitled Display Display that hides one or more coins.
Related to 2002 7
R. Paul Wilson Mickey Mouse Move vanish a coin from hand to hand while holding other coins, with wrong credit to Geoffrey Latta
2002 10
R. Paul Wilson Mickey Mouse Coin Move transfer coins from hand to hand while hiding another coin
2002 21
R. Paul Wilson Mickey Mouse Move transfer coins from hand to hand while hiding another coin, with wrong credit to Geoffrey Latta
2004 3
Gary Kurtz Sliding Behind the Fan
Related to 2004 1
Under Hand Hide-Out coin balanced on finger under other hand
Oct. 2007
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Luis Piedrahita Hiding Coin Dispay in hand, among others
2011 163
Michael Ammar Wiped Clean with a stone
2014 27
Ignacio López Coin Display four coins as three, fanned
2018 86
Coin Hiding Display three as two
2019 4
Joaquín Navajas Wiped Clean Vanish
Inspired byAlso published here 2019 51
Michael Ammar, Joaquín Navajas Variante del pase Wiped Clean showing both hands empty while hiding a coin
Inspired by 2019 120
Michael Rubinstein Purse-Palm Subtlety hiding coin in purse palm while showing other coins
Related to
  • "Front Finger Hideout" (Curtis Kam)
Also published here
  • Coinvention Lecture Notes, 2003
2020 62
Michael Rubinstein The Stealth-Palm Display Position
2020 75
Curtis Kam Three as Two Display Sequence fan of two with hidden coin behind is transferred from hand to hand and turned over
May 2021
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Ponta the Smith Undercover Spread coin spread on fingers with extra coin hidden underneath, one-handed get-into
May 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Giacomo Bertini Little-Finger Subtlety
Also published here
  • MAGIC, June 2007
2022 626
Ponta the Smith Undercover Spread coin spread on fingers with extra coin hidden underneath, one-handed get-into
2022 21
Ponta the Smith Undercover Spread coin spread on fingers with extra coin hidden underneath, one-handed get-into
2022 58
Michael Ammar Wiped Clean with a stone
2024 82